Features: 60/40 Watts CW 0.7Ghz-18Ghz
Features: 60/40 Watts CW 0.7Ghz-18Ghz
Features: 60/40 Watts CW 0.7Ghz-18Ghz
The Model 60/40S1G18B is a portable, self- This model is designed to have low spurious
60/40S1G18B contained, air-cooled, dual-band, broadband, signals, exhibit very good linearity, and is ex-
completely solid-state amplifier designed for tremely load tolerant which enables it to be used
60/40 Watts CW applications where instantaneous bandwidth, in many RF applications such as: RF susceptibility
high gain and linearity are required. testing, antenna/component testing, and com-
0.7GHz–18GHz munication technology testing. It can be used as
This model is equipped with a Digital Control
a test instrument covering multiple frequency
Panel (DCP) which provides both local and re-
bands and are suitable for a variety of commu-
mote control of the amplifier. The digital display
nication technologies such as CDMA, W-CDMA,
on the front panel indicates control status and
reports of internal amplifier status. All amplifier
control functions and status indications are avail- The export classification for this equipment is
able remotely in GPIB/IEEE-488 format, RS-232 3A001. These commodities, technology or soft-
hardwire and fiber optic, USB, and Ethernet. ware are controlled for export in accordance
with the U.S. Export Administration Regulations.
Diversion contrary to U.S. law is prohibited.
Model Configurations
Specifications, General
0 dBm IEEE-488: 24 pin female
RS-232: 9 pin subminiature D (female)
INPUT IMPEDANCE: 50 ohms, VSWR 2.5:1 maximum
RS-232 (Fiber-optic): Type ST
OUTPUT IMPEDANCE: 50 ohms, nominal USB 2.0: Type B
Ethernet: RJ-45
MISMATCH TOLERANCE: 100% of rated power with-
out foldback. Will operate without damage or oscilla- SAFETY INTERLOCK: 15 pin subminiature D
tion with any magnitude and phase of source and load
COOLING: Forced air (internal self-contained liquid)
impedance. See Application Note #27.
SIZE (W x H x D)
AR RF/Microwave MODULATION CAPABILITY: Will faithfully reproduce
w/cabinet: 50.3 x 34 x 62.2 cm; 19.8 x 13.4 x 24.5 in
Instrumentation AM, FM, or pulse modulation appearing on the input
w/o cabinet: 48.3 x 31.2 x 62.2 cm; 19.0 x 12.3 x
160 School House Rd signal.
24.5 in
Souderton, PA 18964
SPURIOUS: Minus 73 dBc typical
215-723-8181 WEIGHT:
CONNECTORS: w/cabinet: 52.2 kg; 115 lbs
For an applications engi- See Model Configurations; RF In/Out are on the w/o cabinet: 40.1 kg; 90 lbs
neer call:800.933.8181 same panel
Specifications Page 2
To order AR Products, call 215.723.8181. For an applications engineer call:800.933.8181. Direct to Service call: 215.723.0275 or
email: [email protected] For Faxing Orders:866.859.0582 (Orders Only Please) [email protected]
Approved for public release by AR RF/Microwave Instrumentation 051818