Review On The Impacts of Waste Disposal Sites in The Philippines

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Review on the Impacts of Waste Disposal Sites in the Philippines

Article · March 2017

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Van Ryan Kristopher R Galarpe

University of the Philippines


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Sci.Int.(Lahore),29(1),379-385, 2017 ISSN 1013-5316;CODEN: SINTE 8 379


Van Ryan Kristopher R. Galarpe1,
Department of Physics, College of Science and Mathematics, University of Science and Technology of Southern Philippines
C.M. Recto Avenue, Lapasan, Cagayan de Oro, 9000 Philippines

For correspondence E-mail: [email protected]
ABSTRACT: The Republic Act (RA) 9003-Ecological Solid Waste Management (ESWM) Act of 2000 of the Philippines
provides the mandate and framework for solid waste management in the country. The implementation however on the local
government units reflects the lack of institutional arrangements for waste management. This has been reflected through the
utilization of unregulated dumpsites and landfills exhaustively although other alternatives can be considered. Primary reasons
were drawn from inadequate technical and financial resources, lack of political will, unwillingness of stakeholders, and
minimal local awareness. Consequently, there is absence of comprehensive monitoring scheme of dumpsites and landfills
operation in the country. Present studies reviewed in this paper evidenced the threat that disposal sites may pose to the
environment from potential leaching of hazardous chemicals due to dumped wastes. Exposure of communities to health risks is
also reviewed in this paper. Present review also highlights the opportunities drawn by adjacent community through
employment (scavenging) from the disposal sites. While these disposal sites may attract locals or informal settlers due to
perceived opportunities, they are similarly exposed to health risk. Overall, this review also summarizes key points to propose a
mechanism to improve the solid waste disposal system to meet the policies of RA 9003.

Keywords: disposal sites, Republic Act (RA) 9003, landfill, dumpsites

1. INTRODUCTION establishing future SWM strategies. This paper highlights the

Rapid urbanization of developing countries coupled with concern by trying to synthesize the environmental ill effects,
population growth resulted to uncontrolled generation of potential health risks, and economic opportunities brought by
uncharacterized solid wastes (SW) elsewhere [1, 2, 3, 4]. In landfills and dumpsites in the country. The review covers
the case of the Philippines, waste generation rate progressed published studies covering the year 2000 to present.
from 10.6 million tonnes in 2012 to a projected doubling rate
by 2025 [5], consequently increasing the need for more 2. MATERIALS AND METHODS
disposal facilities. Disposal facilities commonly landfills and 2.1 Framework
dumpsites are convenient options owing to accessibility, This paper reviews the impacts of waste disposal sites in the
inexpensiveness, and potentiality for methane gas recovery Philippines. Emphases were given to the impacts it may bring
[6, 7] although other alternatives are available (e.g recycling to the environment, public health, and economic opportunity
and composting). However, the prevalent use of landfills and of the adjacent community. Primarily these key areas were
dumpsites in the case of the Philippines is reflective of the evaluated to extrapolate an overall condition of disposal sites
gaps for solid waste management (SWM) implementation direct effect to communities. Figure 1 presents the conceptual
under the Republic Act 9003 (RA 9003)-Ecological Solid framework of the study. Environmental impacts of disposal
Waste Management Act of 2000. This is attributed to te high sites were reviewed as a basis to recommend for either
cost of management and lack of enabling agencies [4], closure of disposal sites as per mandate of RA 9003 or for
hindering SWM. rehabilitation. Public health was also discussed in this review
Disposal sites must have appropriate control for leachate, to draw findings of the health risks disposal sites may bring
landfill gas, and a lined pit [8] to ensure safe operations [9]. to communities. Present literature does not show a strong
On site monitoring, however, revealed incomplete leachate association between disposal sites to acquiring diseases,
and gas handling [10] and a need to rehabilitate the disposal however, few studies found prevalence of certain diseases
site facilities. This is a major concern for countries like the [23, 29, 30, 31, 32] common among adjacent communities.
Philippines whose major option for SW disposal is through Economic opportunities were also evaluated to potentially
landfills and dumpsites. The possibility of environmental recommend livelihood option among household adjacent to
contamination and human exposure to leachate and other disposal site if the closure will be considered. These areas
contaminants from the disposal sites are inevitable. Previous were seen as vital features to establish available data on the
studies revealed contamination of groundwater [8, 11, 12, 13, environmental ill effects, public health risks, and economic
14, 15, 16, 17], contamination of soil [18], human health risks opportunities of present disposal practices (landfills and
[19, 20, 21, 22, 23], and risk exposure of other organisms [24, dumpsites) may bring and to potentially recommend a shift
25, 26]. While established literature elsewhere exhaustively towards sustainable SWM practices.
summarized the potential hazards brought by disposal sites, 2.2 Description of reviewed disposal sites
however, few studies focused in the case of the Philippines. The disposal sites reviewed in this paper are summarized in
It is seen vital to address SWM by integrating the informal Table 1. These were chosen based on available published
sector [27] and establishing institutional arrangements [28] to studies about disposal sites in the Philippines. Overall, about
mitigate the dependence on disposal sites. Similarly, a need twenty one landfills, open dumpsites, and controlled
to present the current status of SWM and disposal sites in the dumpsites served as reviewed sites in this paper.
country is timely to extrapolate recommendations for
380 ISSN 1013-5316;CODEN: SINTE 8 Sci.Int.(Lahore),29(1),379-385, 2017
slight decline on the total number of open dumpsite from 806
on 2008 to 523 on 2014. Regions 7, 1, and 5 had the most
number of dumpsites while NCR, ARMM, and 4B ranked the
Sanitary landfill is another disposal site in the country. The
total number however is less as compared to open dumpsites.
The overall number of landfills increased from 2008 to 2014
(refer to Figure 3) with Regions 1, 3 and 4A ranking highest
as of 2014 [36]. However, sanitary landfills gradually with
poor maintenance and regulation are presently converted into
open dumpsite like the case of Cebu City Sanitary Landfill
[20] (see Figure 4). This is of primary concern given the
economic growth in the metropolitan

Table (2) Projected solid waste generation per day (ton) [35]
Fig (1) Conceptual Framework of the Study
Region 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
Table (1) Overview of disposal sites reviewed in this paper
1 1709.17 1739.54 1769.90 1800.27 1830.64
Disposal Location Description Number 2 1100.64 1120.19 1139.75 1159.31 1178.86
Site of Studies 3 3631.99 3696.52 3761.05 3825.58 3890.12
Cebu City Cebu City, 15.41 ha 7 4a 4145.52 4219.18 4292.83 4366.49 4440.15
Sanitary Region 7 450 tons of 4b 909.43 925.59 941.74 957.90 974.06
Landfill waste/day [20]
5 1878.74 1912.12 1945.50 1978.88 2012.26
Umapad Mandaue City, 5 ha 1 6 2700.14 2748.11 2796.09 2844.06 2892.04
dumpsite Region 7 195 tons of
waste/day [33] 7 2605.68 2651.97 2698.27 2744.57 2790.86
8 1479.47 1505.75 1532.04 1558.33 1584.61
Lapu-lapu Lapu-lapu No data 1
City City, Region 7 9 1391.95 1416.68 1441.41 1466.15 1490.88
dumpsite 10 1693.94 1724.03 1754.13 1784.23 1814.32
Bais City Negros No data 1
landfill Oriental 11 1818.05 1850.35 1882.65 1914.95 1947.26
12 1348.20 1372.15 1396.10 1420.06 1444.01
Bayawan Negros No data 1
City Oriental 13 884.69 900.41 916.13 931.85 947.57
landfill CAR 620.64 631.67 642.70 653.72 664.75
Zayas Cagayan de 13 ha [34] 3
landfill Oro Region 10 NCR 8601.60 8754.43 8907.26 9060.09 9212.92
Payatas Quezon City, 13 ha 5 ARMM 907.64 923.76 939.89 956.02 972.14
dumpsite NCR
Smokey Manila, NCR Operated for 40 1 TOTAL 37427.46 38092.46 38757.46 39422.46 40087.46
Mountain years and was
closed in 1995
Rodriguez Rodriguez, No data 1
dumpsite Rizal, NCR


3.1 Current status of disposal sites
The waste generation of the Philippines over the last four
years increased (Table 2). Metropolitan cities in key Regions
(3, 4a, 6, 7 and NCR) had high SW generation as evidence of
growing economy, population growth, and changing lifestyle
[1]. In return the need of goods and services increased,
consequently producing more waste streams at the latter.
The RA 9003 prohibits establishment and operation of open
dumpsites [36]. The present state, however reveals
continuous use evidenced in the third quarter report of 2011 Fig (2) Number of dumpsites still existing from 2008 to 2014 [36]
with the Philippines having a total of 640 open dumpsites and
38 landfills [20, 36]. Figure 2 presents the total number of
dumpsites in the Philippines. The overall trend showed a

Sci.Int.(Lahore),29(1),379-385, 2017 ISSN 1013-5316;CODEN: SINTE 8 381
Table (3) Water quality adjacent to waste disposal sites in the
Dumpsite/ Location Findings Reference
Landfill studies
Cebu City Region 7 TDS [16]
Sanitary Cebu City Total coliform
Landfill Total Cd and Pb were [17]
beyond the standard
Payatas NCR, Total coliform [15]
dumpsite Quezon exceeded the
City standard
high levels of TDS, [40]
TSS and total
coliform and low pH
Fig (3) Number of operating sanitary landfills and sanitary Rodriguez NCR Sporadic [41]
landfills under construction from 2008 to 2014 [36] Landfill Rodriguez contamination of
, Rizal isotopes from
Zayas Region 10 pH, sulphate, [34]
landfill Cagayan chloride, and nitrates
de Oro were within the
Bais landfill Negros Total coliform [39]
Oriental exceeded the
Bayawan standard
fandfill Pb 0.022-0.057 ppm
a b

Table 4 presents the summary of review on soil, plants and

toxicity studies adjacent to disposal sites. Studies on soils in
disposal sites revealed a higher concentration of mercury
(Hg) [42, 43] as compared to world median level (0.05 ppm).
No direct study however associates directly Hg in soil to
affect human health. A note similarly on TSP study in
Payatas dumpsite revealed presence of Pb and Cd [44].
Prolong exposure of human to air particulate matter may
c d
result to health ill effects. Lastly, studies on both plants [45,
Fig (4) Cebu City Sanitary Landfill a) MRF acts as reservoir for 46] and animals [47] exhibited potential toxicity. Analysis of
excess waste from the landfill site; b) uncontained leachate corn’s roots, leaves, and seeds in the latter closed Smokey
pools; c) medical wastes dumped in the landfill; and d) Mountain showed high levels of Pb as compared to World
scavengers exposed to medical wastes [20] Health Organization/Food and Agriculture Organization
(WHO/FAO) [46]. Laboratory analysis using leachate from
3.2 Environmental Impacts of waste disposal sites Cebu City Sanitary landfill exhibited toxicological response
The impacts of waste disposal sites to the environment had of tilapia fingerlings leading to mortality [47].
been explored ranging from ill effects to water, soil, plants,
and scavenging animals [8, 11-18, 24, 25, 26]. This section Table (4) Summary of other environmental quality adjacent to
reviews the case of the Philippines disposal sites (refer to waste disposal sites in the Philippines
Table 3 and 4).Overall, most water quality parameters on Dumpsite/l Location Findings Referenc
studied tube and deep wells were within the standard set andfill e studies
except for coliform and total dissolved solids (TDS).
Underserviced communities in disposal sites utilized deep Soil
wells for domestic purposes [20, 36, 37], consequently Cebu City Region 7 Hg in soil (0.238 [42]
Sanitary Cebu City ppm)
increasing susceptibility to water borne illnesses.
Landfill higher than the
In the case of Cebu City Sanitary Landfill high levels of total world median
lead (Pb) and cadmium (Cd) were determined [16, 17]. This (0.05 ppm)
was in agreement of the findings in Bais City and Bayawan Zayas Region 10 Highest recorded [43]
City landfills with high levels of Pb [38]. Although present landfill Cagayan de level of Hg was
result may not conclusively summarize the overall status Oro 0.164 ppm
owing to lack of studies, it is however clear that there is
potential migration of landfill contaminant to groundwater Air & particulate matter
(see Table 3). Bais landfill Negros Carbon dioxide [39]
Bayawan Oriental concentration 390-
landfill 397 ppm
382 ISSN 1013-5316;CODEN: SINTE 8 Sci.Int.(Lahore),29(1),379-385, 2017
Payatas NCR, Quezon Pb and Cd found [44] 3.4 Economic opportunities
dumpsite City in total suspended Despite the poor environmental condition adjacent to disposal
particulate (TSP) sites, informal settlers flocked these areas owing to perceived
fraction opportunities. This is the case in most disposal sites since
Toxicity studies scavenging provides sustainable livelihood among those who
Cebu City Region 7 Increased [47]
cannot secure employment in the formal urban market [51].
Sanitary Cebu City concentration (%
landfill v/v) kills The informal sectors which included scavengers residing near
Oreochromis the sites are key players in SWM implementation. Economic
niloticus dependence to disposal sites [52] exists owing to perceived
Muntingia [45] employment and resources [20, 33, 52, 53] (see Table 6).
calabura and The highest income recorded was in Payatas dumpsite [52]
Tridax and the lowest recorded income was in Zayas landfill [38].
procumbens It is evident however that stable monthly income can be
exhibited effective generated from a site near to MRF like the case of Lapu-lapu
uptake of Hg
City dumpsite [37]. Distinctly, the implementation of RA
Smokey NCR Pb in roots (4.811 [46]
9003 affected the income of scavengers in Umapad dumpsite
Mountain, ppm), leaves
Manila (0.555 ppm), and [33]. Overall, average income of households in dumpsites
seeds (0.676 ppm) ranged from Php 3,000 –Php 12,000 which was still below
in Zea mays (corn) the poverty line (refer to Table 7).
were beyond the
WHO/FAO Table (6) Summary of economic opportunities of adjacent
standard communities to disposal sites
Disposal Findings Reference
3.3 Public health site/location studies
Table 5 presents the summary of results for the health Cebu City Scavenging ranked highest [20]
Sanitary as the form of
responses among community adjacent to disposal sites.
Landfill, Cebu employment.
Prevalent diseases were gastrointestinal, upper respiratory Umapad About 300-400 [33]
and skin diseases [15, 20, 33, 45, 47, 48]. Potentially, the use dumpsite, households primarily
of contaminated tube and deep well’s [15, 17, 39, 40] may Mandaue City, relied on the dumpsite to
likely be attributed to cause gastrointestinal diseases. The Cebu earn a living (scavenging)
occurrence of respiratory diseases among neighbouring Lapu-lapu city About 14% of households [37]
population to waste disposal site was relevant [29]. Present dumpsite, Cebu were scavengers and 43%
review is in agreement with past studies on prevalence of were MRF workers.
respiratory symptoms among municipal solid waste workers
Payatas Economic dependency on [52]
[30] and waste-picking children [49] which can be attributed dumpsite, garbage through
to potential high levels of particulate matter. Overall, the Quezon City scavenging, vending, and
underserviced and poor environmental condition impacts the operating junkshop
health of slums [50] and increasing vulnerabilities to Zayas landfill, 84% of respondents were [38]
diseases. Cagayan de Oro self- employed including
Table (5) Summary of health responses from community City scavengers.
adjacent to disposal sites Table (7) Average income of adjacent community to disposal
Disposal Site and Findings Reference sites
Location studies Disposal Average income Reference
site/location studies
Cebu City Sanitary Gastrointestinal [20] Cebu City Sanitary Php 4,044.26/monthly [20]
Landfill, Cebu, upper respiratory Landfill, Cebu
Region 7 skin diseases [45] Umapad dumpsite, Php [33]
dengue Mandaue City, 146.08-387.82/daily
Umapad dumpsite, Upper respiratory and skin [33] Cebu
Mandaue City, diseases Lapu-lapu city Php 7,780.00/ monthly [37]
Region 7 dumpsite, Cebu
Lapu-lapu City Gastrointestinal [47]
Payatas dumpsite, Php131.00-421.14/ daily [52]
dumpsite, Region 7 and upper respiratory
Quezon City
health response
Zayas landfill, Dengue cases [38] Zayas landfill, Php3,001-5,000/monthly [38]
Cagayan de Oro Cagayan de Oro
Region 10 City
Payatas dumpsite, Prevalence of diarrhoea [15, 48]
Quezon City and water borne illnesses 3.5 Future trends for SWM
To ensure a better environment, SWM strategies must
entirely enforce the mandate of RA 9003. This may include
closure of the latter dumpsites, establishment of a well-
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