55-Title Page and Abstracts-110-1-10-20220610
55-Title Page and Abstracts-110-1-10-20220610
55-Title Page and Abstracts-110-1-10-20220610
Landfill siting is an extremely complex task, mainly because of the process and strict regulations engrossed. This
study determined suitability of Lagos State landfill sites by combining geographic information system (GIS) and multi-
criteria decision-making method (MCDM) known as analytic hierarchy process (AHP). Global Positioning System
(GPS) receiver was used to acquire x, y coordinates of the existing landfills. These were interpolated on the
administrative map of the study area to show their spatial pattern. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) landfill
site selection criteria were afterward used to identify set standards and requirements for optimum landfill site. Landsat
7 ETM+2012 was utilized to analyze various land uses around the existing landfills in the study area while ASTER
DEM was used to assess the elevation of the study site. The imageries were enhanced and geo-referenced for correct
locational identity. Landsat imagery was however, classified into different land uses using supervised classification
algorithm. The extracted spatial data were prepared in ArcMap 10.5, processed with AHP weighting/ranking
operation and finally produced a suitability map, which was labeled as highly suitable, moderately suitable, less
suitable and unsuitable. The results revealed that landfills in Lagos State were no longer suitable in their existing
locations. Besides, only 0.001% of the total land area of the study area was identified as highly suitable, 0.119% as
moderately suitable and 99.4% unsuitable for landfill site. In conclusion, the study generated a synthesis of knowledge
valuable for the planners and stakeholders in the management of urban waste.
L’emplacement des décharges est une tâche extrêmement complexe, principalement en raison du processus et des
réglementations strictes absorbées. Cette étude a déterminé la pertinence des sites d’enfouissement de l’État de Lagos
en combinant un système d’information géographique (SIG) et une méthode de prise de décision multicritère (MCDM)
connue sous le nom de processus de hiérarchie analytique (AHP). Le récepteur du système de positionnement global
(GPS) a été utilisé pour acquérir les coordonnées x, y des sites d’enfouissement existants. Ceux-ci ont été interpolés
sur la carte administrative de la zone d’étude pour montrer leur modèle spatial. Les critères de sélection des sites
d’enfouissement de l’Agence de protection de l’environnement (EPA) ont ensuite été utilisés pour déterminer les
normes et les exigences relatives à un site d’enfouissement optimal. Landsat 7 ETM+2012 a été utilisé pour analyser
diverses utilisations des terres autour des sites d’enfouissement existants dans la zone d’étude, tandis qu’ASTER DEM
a été utilisé pour évaluer l’élévation du site d’étude. Les images ont été améliorées et géoréférencées pour une identité
de localisation correcte. L’imagerie Landsat a toutefois été classée en différentes utilisations des terres à l’aide d’un
algorithme de classification supervisé. Les données spatiales extraites ont été préparées dans ArcMap 10.5, traitées
avec une opération de pondération/classement AHP et ont finalement produit une carte d’adéquation, qui a été
étiquetée comme très appropriée, modérément appropriée, moins appropriée et inappropriée. Les résultats ont révélé
que les décharges de l’État de Lagos ne convenaient plus à leurs emplacements existants. En outre, seulement 0,001
% de la superficie totale de la zone d’étude a été identifiée comme hautement appropriée, 0,119 % comme modérément
appropriée et 99,4 % impropre au site d’enfouissement. En conclusion, l’étude a généré une synthèse des
connaissances précieuses pour les planificateurs et les parties prenantes de la gestion des déchets urbains.
Mots-clés : Processus de hiérarchie analytique (AHP); Systèmes d’information géographique (SIG); le choix des
sites d’enfouissement; Lagos; Nigéria.
Website: www. https://afrigistjournals.com/index.php/jgst
Email: [email protected]
1. Introduction released during decomposition of municipal
Landfill has been recognized as the cheapest solid waste (Egun, et al., 2016).
form of final disposal of municipal solid Siting landfill is an extremely complex task
waste. It is the oldest form and most common mainly because of the identification and
method of waste treatment and disposal in so selection process, which involves many
many places around the world. Three types of factors and strict regulations. In general,
landfills are normally used for solid waste economic, environmental and social criteria
disposal; these include open dumps, secured are required in the first phase of evaluation.
or sanitary landfills and controlled landfills Economic criteria (distance to roads, slope,
(Egun, Iniaghe, and Evbayiro, (2016). Open etc.) must be considered in siting of landfills,
dumps are where there are no standards for which include the costs in relation with the
refuse dumping (Gouveia and Prado, 2010). development and operation of the site (Erkut
They are locations where illegally dumped, and Moran, 1991). Environmental criteria
abandoned piles of garbage and debris are left (distance to surface waters, dam, lake, etc)
in large quantities. are also very important due to the fact that the
Secured or Sanitary landfills are carefully landfill may affect the ecology of the vicinity
engineered depression in the ground (or built (Kontos, Komilis, and Halvadakis, 2003).
on top of the ground, resembling a football Furthermore, social/physical criteria
stadium) consisting of a bottom liner, a (distance to residential, commercial,
leachate collection system, a cover, and the industrial areas, etc.), should be considered
natural hydrogeologic setting. The aim is to important factors since “Not in my backyard”
avoid any hydraulic (water-related) (NIMBY) or “Not in anyone’s backyard”
connection between the wastes and the (NIABY) syndromes are creating
surrounding environment, particularly tremendous pressure on the decision makers
groundwater (Environmental Research dealing with landfill site selection (LSS)
Foundation, 2011). Controlled landfills on (Chang et al., 2008).
the other hand are non-engineered disposal For proper identification and selection of
sites at which wastes are deposited in appropriate sites for landfills, careful and
accordance with minimum prescribed systematic procedures need to be adopted and
standards of site operation. Typically, followed. This is because wrong siting of
controlled landfills have minimal site landfill may result in environmental
infrastructure, with improved operational and degradation and oftentimes, public
management procedures. The site is opposition. Literature is replete on the
generally identified on the basis of land adverse environmental impacts, public health
availability and convenience and is already problems, socio-economic challenges and
being used as an open dump; and not on the increased public opposition of uncontrolled
basis of technical, environmental or financial municipal solid waste landfills (Bagchi,
criteria. Also, there is typically little 1994; WHO, 2000; Aatamila, et al., 2010;
provision for the management of pollutants Ayub and Khan, 2011; Alanbari, et al., 2014;
Egun, Evbayiro and Ukeko 2015, Guler and
Website: www. https://afrigistjournals.com/index.php/jgst
Email: [email protected]
Journal of Geospatial Science and Technology 3 (1): 36‐56, 2022
Geospatial Analysis of Lagos State Landfill Site Suitability... Adeoye and Okeleke (2022)
2002; Nikolakaki, 2004; Haaren and and waterways, which constitute about 22%,
Fthenakis, 2011; Chabuk et al., 2017, Shah, or 787 sq. km of the state total landmass. The
et al., 2019). GIS is therefore, an important vegetation types are swamp forest of the
tool because it not only reduces time and cost coastal belt and dry lowland rain forest.
of the site selection, it also provides a digital According to 2006 census figure, Lagos State
data storage for long term management and population was 17.5 million people, with a
planning. growth rate of 3.2%. Lagos State has an
estimated population of over 21 million
2. Study area people. The State is essentially a Yoruba
Three principal landfills in Lagos State were speaking State (Lagos Bureau of Statistics,
selected for the study, viz; Olusosun, Solous 2011).
I & II and Abule-Egba landfills. They were
formerly located at the outskirt of the city.
But as a result of urbanization process, they
become unfit for the environment because of
the threat they pose to the immediate
environment. Lagos is in southwestern
Nigeria, lies between longitudes 2042´ and
4021´East of Greenwich and latitudes 6022´
and 6041´ North of Equator. The southern
boundary, a length of 180 km along Atlantic
coastline, is bounded in the north and east by
Ogun State (Figure 1) (Lagos Bureau of
Statistics, 2011).
Lagos State is characterized by a tropical Figure 1: Lagos State map showing LGAs
climate, with two climatic seasons, namely;
the dry (November-March) and wet (April- 3. Materials and Method
October). The state, however, experiences The study relied on both primary and
predominantly southwesterly wind and sea secondary source data. The primary data
breezes all year round. The average emanated from a handheld Global
maximum temperature in Lagos between Positioning System (GPS) receiver used to
2001 and 2010 was 31°C (Anthony and acquire X, Y coordinates of the existing
Kehinde, 2014). Four soil groups are landfills in the study area. The coordinates
identifiable in the state, viz; juvenile soils on were subsequently interpolated on the
recent windborne sands, juvenile soils on administrative map of the study area to show
fluvio-marine alluvium (mangrove swamp), the spatial pattern of the existing landfills in
mineral and/or organic hydromorphic soils the study area. The boundary of the landfills
and red ferrallitic soils on loose sandy was digitized and mapped out. The secondary
sediments. Geologically, the study area lies data used include Environmental Protection
within the Nigerian part of the extensive Agency (EPA) landfill site selection criteria
Dahomey Basin. The drainage system of the (Table 1), Landsat 7 ETM+ of 2012, ASTER
state is characterized by a maze of lagoons
Journal of Geospatial Science and Technology 3 (1): 36‐56, 2022
DEM and administrative map of the study Table 1: Factor Criteria Formulated from EPA
area. Landfill Manual 2006
Criteria Least Moderat Highly
While the EPA data were used to identify the suitable ely suitable
set standards and requirements that must be suitable
satisfied in determining the optimum site for Distance to 160-480m 480- >960m
water body 960m
a landfill, Landsat imagery was used to Slope 00-50 50-100 100-150
generate and analyze various land uses Distance to 100- 1000- >2000m
around the existing landfills. ASTER DEM road 1000m 2000m
Distance to 300-500m 500- >800m
data were used to assess the elevation of the residential 800m
study site. The spot height of the terrain was area
extracted and the slope calculated in ArcMap Soil Alluvial Alisols Nitisols
Geology Sandstone, Migmati Charnock/Gr
10.5. The slope of terrain is an important unconsolid te- anite
factor that is useful in evaluating Landfill Site ated Gneiss
sandstone/ complex
Selection (LSS). The information derived gravel,
from the slope analysis helped in identifying Quartzite
the locations within the study area that have
the required slope gradient that satisfies the 4. Results and Discussion
EPA LSS standards. The negative impacts of landfills such as
The imageries were enhanced and geo- obnoxious odours, polluted underground
referenced to give them correct locational water, endemic disease etc., on sensitive
identity. Landsat imagery was classified into landuses are felt within 250 meters radius of
different land uses using supervised any landfill site. Such impacts are capable of
classification algorithm. The different land posing health risks to the residents of the
uses identified include built-up area, area, obstructing social and economic
waterbody, bare soils and shrubs. These activities and inviting epidemics to the area.
extracted spatial data served as individual To avoid these impacts around the land uses,
layer in the ArcMap environment as authority must ensure that the landfills satisfy
determined by the Environmental Protection the criteria for siting it. The three landfills
Agency (EPA)landfill site selection criteria. selected for the study include Olusosun,
The data layers created from the criteria were Solous I & II and Abule-Egba landfills. They
subjected to the Analytic Hierarchy Process were tested against EPA criteria to ascertain
(AHP)weighting/ranking operation and the their conformity to the regulation for siting
GIS spatial analysis operation was used to landfill.
produce a suitability map. The AHP
developed by Saaty (1980a) is a technique for
analyzing and supporting decisions in which
multiple and competing objectives are
involved and multiple alternatives are
available. The method is based on three
principles, viz; decomposition, comparative
judgment and synthesis of priorities.
Geospatial Analysis of Lagos State Landfill Site Suitability... Adeoye and Okeleke (2022)
4.1 Analysis of EPA Landfill Conformity specified that for any landfill to be suitable
of Olusosun Landfill such must not be found around the residential
Olusosun landfill is situated in-between area but this was not the case of Olusosun
Ojota-Ikorodu Road, and adjacent Lagos- landfill. There were three communities found
Ibadan express way at the outskirt of Lagos around Olusosun landfill, these include Ketu,
State. The level of conformity of the landfill Ojota and Alapere. The study discovered that
to the EPA landfill site selection criteria is while Ketu was 690.85m away from the site,
shown in Table 2. As regards the road Alapere was 940.90m away when Ojota was
conformity, Ikorodu Road seems closest to it less than 600m away. The critical
with a distance of 103.74m while Lagos- examination of EPA criteria revealed that the
Ibadan express way measured184.58m from location of Olusosun landfill is no longer fit
the site. Kudirat Abiola Road though farther for the environment.
away from the site (281m), did not also As regards the slope criteria, the site has a
satisfy the locational criterion of landfill site. lowest slope gradient of 0.20 and highest
It therefore, implies that Olusosun landfill did slope gradient of 1.40, which did not satisfy
not satisfy road distance criteria. the criterion of 100-150slope recommended
The field measurement from Olusosun for suitable landfill site. The underlying soil
landfill site to nearby water body shows that type of Olusosun was Nitisols, which
the landfill partially satisfied the distance fulfilled the suitability criterion. This was
criteria to water body. For instance, the discovered when Olusosun landfill map was
nearby canal southeast of the site measured overlaid on the soil map of Lagos state,
840.12m, which could be said to have making it the only feature that fulfilled site
moderately satisfied the criterion. The canal suitability criterion for landfill. The
located southwest of the landfill seemed geological formation underlying Olusosun
farther away but the measurement reveals landfill is coastal plain sand as against
that it was only 941.65m away, which did not Charnock /Granite, which was recommended
make it to be highly suitable site (Table 2). for highly suitable landfill site. This was
The EPA suitability gauge put the landfill realized after overlaying the landfill on the
suitability location of water body at 960m geological map of Lagos State and became
above, which implies that Olusosun landfill obvious that it was not a suitable landfill site
did not also satisfy water body criteria. (Table 2).
The study further discovered that
urbanization has caught up with Olusosun
landfill and the site is no longer suitable
because of large number of offices,
commercial centres, religious, educational
centres and residential areas surrounded it.
Observation made during the field survey
revealed continuous rising of smokes of burnt
refuse and obnoxious odours to the sky and
surrounding areas. The EPA requirement
Journal of Geospatial Science and Technology 3 (1): 36‐56, 2022
Geospatial Analysis of Lagos State Landfill Site Suitability... Adeoye and Okeleke (2022)
4.5 Soil types around Olusosun landfill to EPA standard, a highly suitable landfill
The soil type on which Olusosun landfill was location must be above 960m away from any
sited is Nitisols, which is the recommended water body. The implication thus, is that
soil type suitable for landfill. Among the Solous I and II landfills were not suitable for
EPA criteria set for the suitable location for the environment.
landfill, it was the only criterion fulfilled by The location of Solous landfills was at the
Olusosun landfill. As shown in Figure 5, it outskirt of Lagos city as at the time it was
became obvious that the soil type around the created. But urbanization caught up with it
landfill is Nitisols though there were some and the landfills now share boundary with
other soil types. both residential and commercial areas.
Observation made during the field survey
revealed that the residents of the area have
adapted with the obnoxious environment as
they carried out their normal businesses
without any complaints.
The highest gradient of Solous landfills was
0.40 and the lowest 0.080, which made it
unsuitable location based on EPA
requirement. The soil map of Lagos State was
superimposed on Solous landfill to determine
the soil type on which it was sited. Suitable
soils (Nitisols) recommended by EPA criteria
was the soil on which it was sited, which was
Figure 5: Soil types around Olusosun landfill the only feature met the requirement of EPA.
The underlying rock of Solous landfill was
4.6 Analysis of EPA Landfill Conformity determined by overlaid geological map of
of Solous I & II Landfill Lagos State on the landfill. Coastal plain sand
The second landfill considered in the study is was realized, which is not suitable for a
Solous I and II, located in the heart of Igando landfill site.
community, along Isheri-Olofin road at the
outskirt of Lagos State. Various
measurements were carried out to determine
the level of its suitability in relation to EPA
landfill conformity criteria. In Table 3, the
distance of the site to Igando main road
measured 24.16mand from Isheri-Olofin
road, it was 20.29m to the site. This shows
that Solous I & II were no longer suitable for
that location.
The closest water body to Solous landfills
was 530.41m away, which made it to be
moderately suitable location. But according
Geospatial Analysis of Lagos State Landfill Site Suitability... Adeoye and Okeleke (2022)
Table 3: Solous I and II Landfill Conformity Check Geology Quartzite The Not Suitable
Layer EPA criteria Field Conformity/suitab (Least geological
measureme ility status suitable) formation of
nts Migmatite- Solous
Distance 100m - 1000m Solous Not Suitable Gneiss landfill is
from (Least landfill is complex coastal plain
Road Suitable) 24.16m from (Moderately sand, this
1000m - Igando road suitable) was realized
2000m and 20.29m Charnock/Gra after
(Moderately from nite (Highly overlaying
Suitable) IsheriOlofin suitable) the landfill
> 2000m road. on the
(Highly geological
Suitable) map of
Distance 160m - 480m Solous Moderately Suitable Lagos State
from (Least landfill is and this is
Water Suitable) 530.41m not suitable
body 480m - 960m from the for a landfill
(Moderately closest water site.
Suitable) body.
> 960m
4.7: Land use surrounding Solous I and II
Suitable) landfill
Distance 300m - 500m Urbanization Not Suitable
to (Least has caught
The evidence that Solous I and II landfills
Residenti Suitable) up with the were no longer suitable in the present
al Area 500m - 800m location of
(Moderately Solous
location was determined by buffering
Suitable) landfill, it is operation of GIS. As shown in Figure 6, the
> 800m in the heart
(Highly of Igando,
closest land use/cover to the landfills was
Suitable) sharing built up area, which comprises of residential
areas, markets, commercial and worship
residential centres respectively. The buffering operation
shows that the built-up areas were found
buildings on within 200m radius distance to the landfills,
both sides.
Slope 00 - 50 (Least The highest Not Suitable
which makes it an unsuitable site. The main
Suitable) slope road in front of the landfill was less than 30m
50 - 100 gradient of
(Moderately Solous
while the inlet behind it was found between
Suitable) landfill is 400 and 600m buffer. With all indications,
100 - 150 0.40 and the
(Highly lowest 0.080
Solous I and II landfills were no longer fit for
Suitable) which does that environment because of proximity to
not satisfy
the EPA
sensitive land uses/covers.
Soil Alluvial (Least Soil type on Suitable
suitable) which
Alisols Solous
(Moderately landfill
suitable) situated is
Nitisols Nitisols
(Highly which
suitable) happens to
be highly
suitable for a
landfill site.
Journal of Geospatial Science and Technology 3 (1): 36‐56, 2022
Geospatial Analysis of Lagos State Landfill Site Suitability... Adeoye and Okeleke (2022)
Journal of Geospatial Science and Technology 3 (1): 36‐56, 2022
4.15: Soil map of Abule-Egba Landfill Table 5: AHP pairwise comparison scale
Nitisols is the soil type highly suitable for a Intensity of Definition
landfill according to EPA requirement. As importance
Shown in Figure 13, the general soil type 1 Equal importance
under Abule-Egba landfill is Nitisols. 2 Equal to moderately
3 Moderate importance
4 Moderate to strong
5 Strong importance
6 Strong to very strong
7 Very strong
8 Very to extremely
strong importance
9 Extreme importance
Source: Saaty, 1980a
Figure 13: Soil map of Abule-Egba landfill
Table 6: Comparison matrix of physical and socio-
4.16 Criteria Weights economic criteria
Criteria weight can be defined as a value Landfill
Site Economic
assigned to an evaluation criterion which Selection
weight or
weight value
indicates its importance relative to other Physical
criteria under consideration. The procedure Criterion 1 1 0.5
by which the weights were produced follows Economic
the logic developed by Saaty (1980a; 1980b) Criterion 1 1 0.5
under the Analytical Hierarchy Process Source: Saaty, 1980a
(AHP). Weight rates were given based on
pairwise comparison of factors as shown in 4.17 Criteria Analysis
(Table 5). These pairwise comparisons were The decision tree developed for the landfill
then analyzed to produce weights that sum to site selection problem in Lagos State is such
1 (Table 6). that criteria were prepared as input digital
map layers including land use, geology, soil,
roads, residential area, water body, and slope
types. The comparison matrix indicating the
relative importance of the criterion in the
columns compared to the criterion in the rows
is shown in Table 7and Table 8. Foreach
comparison it was decided which of the two
criteria was most important, and then
assigned score was given to show how much
more important it was.
Geospatial Analysis of Lagos State Landfill Site Suitability... Adeoye and Okeleke (2022)
Table 7: Comparison matrix of physical sub criteria Table 9: Final Weights assigned to physical and
Physical Water
Relative socio-economic sub criteria
Slope Soil Geology Importance Criterion Physical Criteria Socio-Economic Criteria
Criterion body
Weight Criterion 0.5 0.5
Slope 1 1/2 1/2 1/2 0.195 Sub Slope Soil Waterbody Geology Road Residential Land
Soil 2 1 1/2 1 0.138 criterion network area use
Weight 0.195 0.138 0.555 0.112 0.163 0.54 0.297
Waterbody 2 2 1 2 0.555 Final 0.0975 0.069 0.2775 0.056 0.0815 0.27 0.1485
Geology 1/2 1/2 1/2 1 0.112
Journal of Geospatial Science and Technology 3 (1): 36‐56, 2022
hectares, was suitable for landfill site representation further proved that there is no
selection whereas, 99.4%, constituting area in Lagos state suitable for landfill site
361,219 hectares were not suitable for selection due to urban growth across the
landfill site. The remaining land surface of State. According to Ogunrinola and
Lagos State was either moderately suitable Adepegba, (2012); Olusina and Shyllon,
(0.119%) or less suitable (0.44%). The (2014); Olanibi and Adebayo, (2022), the
Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) for the increasing growth of cities has implications
determination of the relative importance for municipal waste management among
weights of factors revealed the true picture of other social services required in the urban
suitable landfill location of Lagos State communities. Since urbanization has brought
considering the physical development all its attendant problems especially waste
over the State. For instance, scarcely can an management problem, implementation of
extensive land area be found without a environmental policies and adoption of waste
physical development and/or a proposed site reduction and reuse in our urban centres will
for a project in Lagos State. Besides, an go a long to guarantee safe environment.
extensive area of Lagoon, canal, water body
and swamp areas put limitation to the 5. Conclusion
locations that could have been suitable for This study utilized EPA landfill site
landfill site selection. In any urban centre, suitability criteria to explore the status of
inappropriate landfill sites can become a three principal landfill sites in Lagos State. It
problem to the municipal area. As expressed also determined appropriate sites for Lagos
by Iwugo, (1986); Jerie and Zulu, (2017); State landfill by combining geographic
Senkiio, et al., (2022), landfilling activities in information system (GIS) and a multi-criteria
a wrong location usually impact negatively decision-making method (MCDM) known as
on not only groundwater quality, but also analytic hierarchy process (AHP) for the
induce negative health implications on the determination of the relative importance
repository communities like the incidence of weights of factors (criteria). It therefore,
malaria, typhoid and diarrhoea, and becomes evident in the study that the
respiratory diseases such as, cough and locations of the existing landfills in the study
catarrh. Therefore, proper planning for land area had outlived their relevance, that is, no
use and deciding on the appropriate areas for longer suitable in their areas. This is because
waste disposal/landfill facilities demand places considered as outskirt of the city when
spatial analysis and sound judgment. they were created has become centre of
In addition to the AHP relative importance human activities. This implies that none of
weights values, which revealed the the landfills satisfied environmental
percentage land area of Lagos State suitable protection agency criteria recommended for
for landfill site selection, the study further landfill site. Again, the AHP for the
analyzed the weight output values in ArcGIS determination of the relative importance
Spatial Analyst using weight overlay weights of factors (criteria) revealed only
analyses to produce suitable landfill site map 0.001% of the total land area in Lagos State
of Lagos State. The visual/graphical as appropriate site for landfill whereas,
Journal of Geospatial Science and Technology 3 (1): 36‐56, 2022
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landfill site. With these discoveries, it in India: A review, Journal of Chemical
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becomes necessary for the residence of Lagos 270-279. ISSN No: 0975-7384,
State to adopt waste reduction policy to CODEN(USA): JCPRC5, Available on
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monitoring of landfills, 2nd Edition,
unchecked. In addition, the authority of John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York.
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or reuse system to generate money for the site suitability analysis: The analytic
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Management, 6, 685-693.
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of the urban local bodies. Thus, appropriate Knutsson, S., & Pusch, R. (2017).
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