Dj09 Rules Web
Dj09 Rules Web
Dj09 Rules Web
Plot Cards
a number of other ways in which the overlord may gain threat tokens:
After hero players choose their classes at the start of a campaign, the • At the end of each quest, the overlord receives one threat token. If the
overlord may choose one Plot deck. He will use his chosen deck for the overlord wins the quest, he receives one additional threat token.
duration of the campaign. After the overlord chooses his Plot deck, he takes • During the Spend Experience Points step of any Campaign phase, the
the basic card (the Plot card with no purchase cost) and places it faceup overlord may spend any number of his experience points to gain three
in his play area. Then, he takes all remaining Plot cards that have the same threat tokens for each experience point he spends.
deck name and places them facedown in his play area. He may look at his
facedown Plot cards at any time. • Each time the overlord plays a Rumor card featuring a quest, he gains
one threat token. Rumor cards and applicable rules are included in
Plot cards are upgrades the overlord player may purchase throughout the some Descent: Journeys in the Dark Second Edition expansions.
course of a campaign. They provide the overlord with special abilities that Each time the overlord gains one threat token, he takes one token from the
are available to him when the card is faceup in his play area. Plot cards threat and fortune supply and places it in his play area with the threat side
are different from Overlord cards; the overlord does not add them to his faceup. Each threat token the overlord gains during a campaign remains in
Overlord deck, and he purchases them in a different way. his play area until he spends it. Between quests, the overlord player records
the amount of unspent threat tokens in the Campaign log. He may spend
Important: The overlord player can only use Plot and Agent cards when
this threat at a future point during the campaign.
playing a campaign.