Teacher's Notes - Reading File 7: Learning Objectives in This Lesson

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Teacher’s notes | Reading file 7

Learning objectives in this lesson 5 Treat this as a whole class activity. Get the students to
work in pairs and match the two parts of the collocation.
Skimming for general meaning. Intensive reading for Focus on the collocations as they appear in the text. Drill
detailed information. Personalizing the content. Solving for pronunciation.
anagrams to complete sentences. Finding collocations in
the text. Answers
1 g  2 d  3 h  4 i  5 j  6 b  7 a  8 e  
9 c  10 f
1 Lead into the topic perhaps by picking up on a story in the
news about a company that has sacked workers because
they have outsourced production. Check that students 6 Ask students to look at the text again and find three words
understand outsourcing. Get students to work in pairs to that would be useful in their line of work. Get them to discuss
discuss the questions then take whole class feedback. their answers with their partner, giving reasons why.

2 Run through the questions then give students four 7 Allow students two or three minutes if necessary to discuss
minutes to read the text quickly. in pairs or small groups the meaning of the phrases. Then
ask each group what they think the phrases mean.
1 Outsourcing has become a necessity because labour Answers
costs have become so high in developed economies that 1 lean = thin / without fat; mean = aggressive. In other
companies are no longer able to price their products words efficient.
competitively. They have to find ways of cutting costs. 2 survive and prosper = not only carry on in business, but
2 The article suggests using the services of a specialist to grow and become wealthy.
8 Get the students to discuss their answers in groups.
3 Give students five minutes to read the text again and
Suggested answers
make notes. Get the students to discuss their answers in
1 Students’ opinions will depend on whether they think
pairs or groups before whole class feedback.
that workers’ jobs in the home market should be
Answers protected at all cost, or the profitability of the company
1 Because outsourcing has been successful. Not only has is the key factor.
it helped the company to remain competitive but it has 2 Students may mention the following: companies have an
been able to create further jobs in the UK in different obligation to their employees because they have provided
domains. the labour that has helped the company in the past. It
2 They felt angry and Dyson was criticized for exporting is disloyal to sack people when times are hard. Other
jobs. students may mention the obligation that a firm has to its
3 Jobs have been created in non-manufacturing roles. shareholders, who have risked their capital by investing in
4 They should have contacts across a wide range of the firm. It can be argued that an owner should be able
sectors so that they can deal with every aspect of the to do what he likes with his own business.
company’s needs. 3 Logically if more and more jobs are outsourced people
5 To keep an eye on production and quality levels. will have nothing to do and will not be able to consume.
6 They should check that they have ISO9001 certification. 4 The longer-term dangers are the loss of technology,
7 Long runs, i.e. where large numbers of the same thing overseas’ countries copying and improving on the
are being produced where it doesn’t matter if the technology and components they have been asked
supply chain is long; for example all the way from China to produce, allowing them to jump ahead and gain a
or Thailand. competitive advantage. The workforce of the mother
8 When time is important and they need to provide a company becomes deskilled and no longer knows how
quick response. to perform certain tasks.

4 Treat this as a whole class activity. 9 Set up the debate by dividing the class into two groups.
Allow each group 10–15 minutes to formulate their
Answers argument and put together a two minute speech. Then
1 components 3
feasible each group selects a spokesperson to deliver the speech.
2 assemble 4 sample Each team gets two minutes to deliver their speeches,
after which the debate is opened up to the floor for more
comments and questions.

© Oxford University Press 2017 Business Result Second edition Upper-intermediate

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