Mohamed Abdul Kader V Public Prosecutor
Mohamed Abdul Kader V Public Prosecutor
Mohamed Abdul Kader V Public Prosecutor
Held: as no force was in fact used the appellant could not be convicted of using criminal force
Section 349 defines what is force and criminal force is defined in s 350. the illustration thereto
shows that some application of force to the other party is required to amount to using criminal
force. Assault however requires no contact with the body and s 351 says any gesture or preparation
which causes the other person to apprehend that he who makes that gesture or preparation is about
to use criminal force is assault.
In this particular case, there is the so-called, movement of the appellant’s hand which was at
that time holding a chopper followed by the words “if you go in, I will hammer you”. What
ever that may be, certainly it did not constitute use of criminal force. It could perhaps come
under section 503 of the Penal Code. “ whoever threatens another with any injury to his
person, reputation, or property, or to the person or reputation of any one in whom that
person is interested, with intent to cause alarm to that person, or to cause that person to do
any act which he is not legally bound to do, or to omit to do any act which that person is
legally entitled to do, as the means of avoiding the execution of such treat, commit criminal
intimidation” And If That gesture followed by the words could amount to criminal
The charge is that the appellant used criminal force to public servant to prevent him from
discharging his duty.
Therefore, after formal identification of the identity by Tan, appellant should have allowed
and not prevented Tan in law a public servant from the execution of his duty as such public
Learned judge, find no evidence that Tan was prevented. It was interference of Tan from the
words, that he would be prevented from doing so, and he did not try to enter the rear of the
Learned judge find that the accused had been fairly co-operative with defendant too the
extent of producing IC to defendant that he was not likely any exercise of authority of
defendant if he was minded to do se.
Court allow the appeal and quash the conviction. Fine need to be refunded to the appellant
of had been paid.