Ruelco Quick Exhaust
Ruelco Quick Exhaust
Ruelco Quick Exhaust
MODEL 1801
MANUAL # OMP - 1801 - 03 - 99
• Pliers to remove the spool assembly
The Ruelco ‘RQ-2’ is a high pressure from the body.
quick exhaust valve used to operate • Suitable adjustable wrench for
large hydraulic pistons by quickly unthreading the seat.
venting cylinder hydraulic pressure
through the bleed port for fast action. 1) To replace O-rings on the spool
Loss of upstream hydraulic pressure assembly (Item 7), the valve has to
moves the spool assembly, resulting in be completely disassembled.
rapid exhaust of cylinder pressure.
Resupply of upstream pressure moves 2) Unthread the cap (Item 1).
the spool assembly; resulting in
resealing of the bleed port and thereby 3) Use the pliers to pull the spool
reopening the cylinder. assembly (Item 7) out.
Proper pipe thread sealant should be 1) Remove the seals from the spool
used on any pipe fittings threaded into assembly and the body seal from the
the valve ports. If stainless steel fittings cap.
are used, a sealant that will prevent
galling is required. 2) Using an appropriate safety solvent,
clean all parts.
4) Examine the valve body for any
damage such as burrs, nicks, etc. 8) Lubricate the shaft O-rings and
Replace if damaged. install on the spool assembly along
with the teflon back-ups (Item 10).
5) Examine the ball (Item 5) and seat
(Item 11) and replace if worn-out. 9) Lightly lubricate the bores in the
valve body (Item 8).
6) Replacement seals from a Ruelco
product repair kit are required for 10) Lubricate the seat O-ring (Item 3)
proper valve performance. It is and install on the seat (Item 11).
recommended that all seals be
lubricated before and after 11) Push the spring (Item 6) inside the
installation with a high quality spool (Item 7) and thread the seat
silicon base grease. (Item 11) along with the ball
(Item 5) onto the spool.
7) Lubricate the body seal (Item 2) and
install on the cap (Item 1). 12) Push the spool-assembly (Item 7)
inside the valve body (Item 8).