RRL3 Baptismal

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We are now living in the world of modernization wherein every aspect of our lives is now
technologically advanced. Our generation is now dubbed as the “Information Era” wherein every
piece of information is essential in the sense that a single mistake would cause a lot of trouble.

As one of the developing and progressing country, Philippines now is trying to innovate in
terms of technology for us not to be left by the trends in Information and Communications
Technology (ICT). From manual procedures, we try to automate our transactions. One good
instance is the Civil Registry System of the National Statistics Office which involves the
computerization of the civil registry operations of NSO. NSO-CRS is a centralized information
system designed to collect, store and manage civil registry documents (CRDs) and the specimen
signature of all city and municipal registrars including all CRS authorized signatories, using the
imaging technology.

As we can perceive, every establishments are also leveling up their awareness in

technologies. The supermarkets, malls, grocery stores, offices, gasoline stations, restaurants,
hotels, lodges, banks, offices and even the smallest business enterprise uses computerized
programs to fasten their transactions specially in transactions which involves documents, files,
records and money.

The inspiration behind the conceptualization of this study is the perceived transaction in
the Serbilis Center at the National Statistics Office in the province. The idea is that if they can have
that kind of transaction why not apply to the churches for them to experience this new trend of
technology considering that churches are not exempted from progress. One more inspiration is that
the curiosity that bugs the mind of the researcher on how the NSO employee can download the
certificate without using the internet.
It is for this reasons that the researcher have sought of conducting a study for the benefits
of the church and its members entitled “CENTRALIZED BAPTISMAL CERTIFICATION RECORD
OF BAYOMBONG”. Although churches have separate legislation from the government, they still
are entitled to sustain progress not only spiritually but technologically as well. The researcher has
chosen to propose the study to the Catholic parishioners of the Diocese of Bayombong, because
according to researches that the researcher has made, aside from the fact that the researcher is
located in the research locale, the diocese consists of numbers of churches which has numerous

Figure 1. The Input-Process-Output (IPO) Diagram


- Gather data/information of -Analyze the manual record - Implementation of the
new applicant availing management of the existing “Centralized Baptismal
baptismal certification System used in the Certification and Record
transactions Management System for
-Upload duplicates of the
baptismal certificates - Identify the problem Catholic Churches of
the Diocese of
-enter information of the - Conceptualize an alternative Bayombong”
officiating priest and parish solution
- Develop and establish the
-enter amount of payments Centralized Baptismal
Certification and Record
Management System for
Catholic Churches

The research entitled “Centralized Baptismal Certification and Record
Management System for Catholic Churches of the Diocese of Bayombong” has a framework which
is included in the discussion as basis for developing the system. The concept of the researcher on
the study was stated below:
The researcher has identified that the Catholic churches is not yet technologically
equipped, thus the process for their record management is too slow. When a person is trying to
acquire a baptismal certificate for her children from the parish secretary, he/she needs to fill in the
necessary information required by the form. For issuance of certification, the parish secretary type
in the information on the readymade form using the typewriter. Certain improvements and changes
shall be made when the system is implemented. The authorized personnel or the parish secretary
will gather the information from the availee of the baptismal certificate. Same procedure will be
applied for the second time availee of the certification. All records and informations will be kept in
the database. The old records will be uploaded also in the system for the benefit of the members
who did not reach the implementation of the system.
Research has been made by the researcher and went to three Catholic churches (St.
Louis Beltran Parish of Solano, St. Jerome Parish of Bagabag and St. Dominic Parish of
Bayombong) in the province to gather some important information. After some interview with
regards to their transactions and data was enough, the researcher analyzed the existing system
which is the manual procedure, identify and analyze the problem and come up with solutions which
will suit the needs of the applicant getting a baptismal certificate and to have a fast, reliable
computerized and centralized record management system software for the benefit of the Catholic
When the study is realized, a centralized baptismal certification and record management
system will be developed and will be installed to every Catholic Churches in the Philippines.
If there are some errors, bugs, or modifications with the implemented system, then the
researchers have to evaluate, change or to modify the system for a better or best result/outcome of
the project.
The main problem which the researcher has found is that whenever a person needs his/
her baptismal certificate, he/she will need to go to her parish to avail the needed document. The
question is that “What if the person is based on Quirino and his/her parish is located on
Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya? Will she spend money going to the proximity just to avail the files?”
That would be problem to be solved and one more problem is that they have no definite records for
the availee. They still used the typewriter in typing their information and that they still have to
repeat inputting the records and put them to drawers and cabinets for filing so when a person will
come to avail they would dig those files in the cabinets most especially when the records is dated
way back many century, decade and years ago.
The researcher has also found out that these employees in the parish hall are not
technically equipped and has a minimal knowledge on operating the computer. Some problems
have been identified regarding their process of manual record management. Below are the specific
problems identified by the researcher that she attempts to solve:
1. How can the parishioners adopt the changes from the manual to a computerize way of
managing their records?
2. How fast will they understand the system if they are not aware of this technologies?
3. Does the system benefits the church and its congregation?
4. Will the proposed system help the church and its members to have a better transaction
and source of information?
5. How reliable is the system in terms of generating reports, certifications and uploading
of old records?
6. How secured is the system from hackers and other evil-hearted who attempts to
corrupt the system?
7. How does the system cope up with the changes of the technologies?
The study is only intended for the benefits of Catholic churches in the Diocese of
Bayombong. The primary user of the system will be the church/parish secretary covered by the
diocese (Province of Nueva Vizcaya and Quirino). The system will only cover inputting, searching,
updating, downloading, generating and printing records. Security within the system and database is
also incorporated. The software will run only with Windows platform (e.g. Windows XP, Windows
Vista, and Windows7).
The study is limited only for the school year 2010 because it is only the allotted time for the
researcher to finish the document of the study.


TO THE COMMUNITY - The study entitled “Centralized Baptismal Certification and Record
Management System for Catholic Churches of the Diocese of Bayombong” is significant to the
persons who are in need of baptismal certificate, but his/her place of baptism is away from the
locality. He/she can avail of those pertinent documents without going to their original parish in
which they received the Sacrament of Baptism because of its centralization. For instance, when a
person is baptized at Aglipay, Quirino and is working at Nueva Vizcaya, he/she can now avail of
his/her baptismal certificate at the nearest parish wherein there is an installed system.

TO THE CHURCH - The study will benefit the church in terms of accuracy, reliability, efficiency,
fast and centralized issuance of baptismal certificates. It can also be a great help in their record
management. Instead of searching for so many folders and cabinets, they will be equipped with
technology which is the computerized record management with information system where they only
search the name of the person and at the wink of an eye the record will appear and will be printed.

TO THE PARISH SECRETARY - It will be a great help for him/her to search for old files and
generate records at a timely manner.
TO THE RESEARCHER - Through this study, the skills, talents and expertise of the researcher in
computer programming and writing a research paper will be developed.

TO THE FUTURE RESEARCHERS - The study entitled “Centralized Baptismal Certification and
Record Management System for Catholic Churches” will be a great help to the future researchers
who have the same topic and scope of study as it will become their reference.


The following terms stated below are defined according to its concept and how it is used in the
1. APPLICATION – a computer program designed for a specific task or use
2. BAPTISMAL – A religious sacrament marked by the symbolic application of water to the head
or immersion of the body into water and resulting in admission of the recipient into the
community of Christians.
3. CENTRALIZED – To bring under a single, central authority
4. CERTIFICATION – The state of being certified
5. CLIENT – The client is the user's machine, which contains the user interface
6. DATABASE – Application use to store data and manipulate data, the application maybe as
simple that provides from the files only and that cannot be programmed, ir it may have
capability of privacy databases test all programmable and relational
7. Data Flow Diagram – is the graphical representation of the flow of data through an information
8. FLOWCHART – A schematic representation of a sequence of operations, as in a
manufacturing process or computer program.
9. HARDWARE – Computer machinery and equipment, including memory, cabling, power
supply, peripheral devices, and circuit boards
10. Hierarchy – a body of clergy organized into successive ranks or grades with each level
subordinate to the one above

This chapter includes the review of literature and studies from local and foreign sources,
which are related to the study. The discussions are organized by sections as follows:


Computer systems and communication technologies are making a strong and influential
presence in the different fields of the lives of people. The cornerstone of a functional information
system represents the electronic records management system. Due to a very sensitive nature of
information, such systems are faced with a number of stringent requirements, like security and
confidentiality of persons’ related data, different media type’s management, diversity of data that
need to be processed etc. At present software systems are closed with little or no operability
between them and the information are locked in a variety of different incompatible databases. As
the result of these facts, it is very hard for the developers to provide the solution for an integrated
record computing environment, which would considerably improve the quality of record
management in general. This presents the framework for a functional Record management system
that meets these demands, but also follows the initiative taken by the Next Generation Network
(NGN) approach, which includes user mobility, service transparency and common communication
platform for transferring and serving different types of information, services and media. Integration
and development of information and communication systems in different field represents a
challenging task. Various implementations have proven the usability of such systems, which all
have the same starting point – to improve manual transactions. Caused by the rapid development
in the computer science, communication technologies and especially by the growth of the Internet,
centralize record management has become possible in every aspect of its’ essence. Distance in no
longer a factor, and it is feasible to provide every person with high quality informations,
independent of their current location.( Concepts for integrated electronic records management
system MiroslavKonar, Sven Lonaric, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, Zagreb,
Croatia , Source: http:/www.engr-comp.edu.ph/concepts_ERM.htm)
Discussing records management from an RIM perspective is becoming common as much
of the literature in the field now approaches the subject from this aspect. However, writing on
records management from the IT perspective is likely to be more common in the near future as the
creation of electronic records becomes more pervasive.

It is difficult to define or determine the scope of information science as it brings together

many different intellectual disciplines (Olsgaard, 1989: 8). The nature of the discipline is such that it
is changing, enriching and developing itself. However, the discipline is accepted as an empirical
science, observing phenomena associated with various processes such as information generation,
transmission, transformation, compression, storage and retrieval with the ultimate purpose of
gaining a better understanding of the nature of information (Zunde, 1985: 35).

In quoting Borko (1968), Vakkari and Cronin (1992: 9-10) spelt out that information science
is: “a discipline that investigates the properties and behavior of information, the forces governing
the flow of information, and the means of processing information for optimum accessibility and
usability. It is concerned with that body of knowledge relating to the origination, collection,
organization, storage, retrieval, interpretation, transmission, transformation, and utilization of
information ... It has both a pure science component, which inquires into the subject without
regard to its application, and an applied science component, which develops services and

Borko’s definition was later expanded and simplified by Vakkari and Cronin (1992: 11) who
define information science as “a field devoted to scientific inquiry and professional practice
addressing the problems of effective communication of knowledge and knowledge records among
humans in the context of social, institutional and/or individual use or need for information.”

The definition accorded to information science is closely related to the wide meaning of
information itself. Information has been described as a commodity which generates economic
value; as energy that can be transmitted by, or embedded in, ordinary forms of energy; as
communication that involves exchange of data or transferring of data; as facts that serve as
evidence; as data that needs to be processed; and as knowledge that implies a state of
understanding beyond awareness (Debons, Horne, and Cronenweth, 1988: 2-3).
The concerns of information science are many, but for this study, it is the discipline which
emphasizes the need to develop scientific principles governing the storage and retrieval of
information. Information specialists regard the organization and storage for retrieval of information
as the most familiar area of information science (Olsgaard, 1989)

Information system develops procedures and principles to be applied in practice alongside

its aim to further what is known and utilize the flow of information in order to improve the living and
working environment. Information retrieval has been one of the foci of information science.
Information needs a system to be effectively stored and retrieved. Information retrieval systems
involve matching the information needs of users with items that resolve those needs (Turner, 1987:
This includes supplying users with documents and providing access to information via technology.
Information retrieval systems include a population of documents; selection and acquisition;
conceptual analysis; translation (by mean of description and indexing); document storage; and
users. Selection and acquisition is crucial, for without the relevant information in the systems, all
else fails (Turner, 1987: 4). The elements of acquiring current and relevant information in a fast and
efficient manner are vital in the information retrieval process.

The description and indexing subsystems in information retrieval involves the process of
identifying what an item is about or what it is trying to say and then describing it in a way which will
match the search requirements of the user. The subsystem will require vocabularies or lists of
indexing terms, or classification schemes, as well as systems that will allow the users to describe
precisely the subject content of an item in a consistent manner.

The principles discussed above are adopted by records management in its seeking to
enhance the access and use of records. It is in this context that principles and techniques
developed in information science which have been widely accepted by library science, are
applicable to records management. These procedures have been adopted in an empirical way,
since records management does not limit itself to its traditional activities. Within this framework,
records are not, in the first place, created for posterity (as might have been perceived in the past),
but are utilized in helping to achieve a better decision-making process. Thus the adoption of
information record management techniques and principles enhances the
comprehension/understanding of the benefits of records management as it improves access to
A record can be either a tangible object or digital information: for example, birth
certificates, medical x-rays, office documents, databases, application data, and e-mail. Records
management is primarily concerned with the evidence of an organization's activities, and is usually
applied according to the value of the records rather than their physical format.

As of 2005, records management has increased interest among corporations due to new
compliance regulations and statutes. While government, legal, and healthcare entities have a
strong historical records management discipline, general record-keeping of corporate records has
been poorly standardized and implemented. In addition, scandals such as the Enron/Andersen
scandal, and more recently records-related mishaps at Morgan Stanley, have renewed interest in
corporate records compliance, retention period requirements, litigation preparedness, and related
issues. Statutes such as the US Sarbanes-Oxley Act have created new concerns among corporate
"compliance officers" that result in more standardization of records management practices within
an organization. Most of the 90s has seen discussions between records managers and IT
managers, and the emphasis has expanded to include the legal aspects, as it is now focused on
compliance and risk.

Privacy, data protection, and identity theft have become issues of interest for records
managers. The role of the records manager to aid in the protection of an organization's records has
often grown to include attention to these concerns. The need to ensure that certain information
about individuals is not retained has brought greater focus to records retention schedules and
records destruction.

The most significant issue is implementing the required changes to individual and
corporate culture to derive the benefits to internal and external stakeholders. Records management
is often seen as an unnecessary or low priority administrative task that can be performed at the
lowest levels within an organization. Publicized events have demonstrated that records
management is in fact the responsibility of all individuals within an organization and the corporate
An issue that has been very controversial among records managers has been the
uncritical adoption of Electronic Document and Records Management Systems (EDRMS). One well
known RM thinker, Steve Bailey, has stated: "As far as the average user is concerned, the EDRMS
is something they didn’t want, don’t like and can’t use. As such, its no wonder that so few users
accept them – as one person once said to me “making me use an EDRMS is like asking a plasterer
to use a hammer”!

An Electronic Document and Records Management System (EDRM) is a computer

program (or set of programs) used to track and store records. The term is distinguished from
imaging and document management systems that specialize in paper capture and document
management respectively. ERM systems commonly provide specialized security and auditing
functionality tailored to the needs of records managers.

The National Archives and Records Administration (NARA)has endorsed the U.S.
Department of Defense standard 5015.2 as an "adequate and appropriate basis for addressing the
basic challenges of managing records in the automated environment that increasingly
characterizes the creation and use of records."[7][8] Records Management Vendors can be certified
as compliant with the DoD 5015.2-STD after verification from the Joint Interoperability Test
Command which builds test case procedures, writes detailed and summary final reports on 5015.2-
certified products, and performs on-site inspection of software.

The National Archives in the UK has published two sets of functional requirements to
promote the development of the electronic records management software market (1999 and 2002). ]
It ran a program to evaluate products against the 2002 requirements. While these requirements
were initially formulated in collaboration with central government, they have been taken up with
enthusiasm by many parts of the wider public sector in the UK and in other parts of the world. The
testing program has now closed; The National Archives is no longer accepting applications for
testing. The National Archives 2002 requirements remain current.

The European Commission has published "MoReq," the Model Requirements for
Electronic Records and Document Management in 2001.] Although not a formal standard, it is
widely regarded and referred to as a standard. This was funded by the Commission’s IDA program,
and was developed at the instigation of the DLM Forum. A major update of MoReq, known as
MoReq2, was published in February 2008.[17] This too was initiated by the DLM Forum and funded
by the European Commission, on this occasion by its IDABC program (the successor to IDA). ] A
software testing framework and an XML schema accompany MoReq2; a software compliance
testing regime was agreed at the DLM Forum conference in Toulouse in December 2008.

The National Archives of Australia (NAA) published the Functional Specifications for
Electronic Records Management Systems Software (ERMS)], and the associated Guidelines for
Implementing the Functional Specifications for Electronic Records Management Systems Software,
as exposure drafts in February 2006.



The foreign system is similar to the proposed system in the sense that they are integrated,
centralized, and purposely focused in managing private and important records referred to as
electronic document. Both systems are particular with the imaging and document management
systems that specialize in paper capture and document management respectively. These systems
commonly provide specialized security and auditing functionality tailored to the needs of the record


Both systems may have similarities however; they also have its differences. The foreign
system is web-based while the proposed system is application-based.

National Statistics Office (Civil Registry System) or the NSO-CRS involves the
computerization of the civil registry operations of NSO. NSO-CRS is designed to collect, store and
manage civil registry documents (CRDs) and the specimen signature of all city and municipal
registrars including all CRS authorized signatories, using the imaging technology.

Census Serbilis Centers are the virtual offices of NSO in different regions and provinces.
These CenSCs can accept and process requests for copies of birth, marriage and death
certificates regardless of whenever the event was registered.

A big step towards improving the delivery of services to the Filipinos and increasing the
efficiency of the administration towards e-governance, the Civil Registry System – Information
Technology Project (CRS-ITP) is a joint undertaking between the National Statistics Office (NSO)
and Unisys Public Sector Services Corporation (UPSSC). The US$65M project is under a Build-
Transfer-Operate (BTO) scheme which will last for twelve years. The multi-phase CRS-ITP
involves the automation of the document copy issuance, authentication, and certification of civil
registry documents; the conversion of over 120M civil registry documents into digital format; the
establishment of CRS outlets nationwide; the building of a wide area network infrastructure for the
communication requirements of the CRS outlets; the development of application and support
systems that will run the CRS, and the redesign of business processes to support the CRS.

The NSO-CRS project is a 12-year, multi-phase computerization project. Using imaging

technology, the project is designed to collect, store and manage civil registry documents, and the
specimen signatures of all the city and municipal registrars, including all CRS authorized

Way back in 1995, NSO had already foreseen the increase in the demand for its services.
NSO also realized that in order to respond to that future need and accomplish its vision of
improving the quality of life of the Filipinos through the generation of vital statistics critical to the
implementation of development policies and programs, computerization must be undertaken to
improve the civil registry system and the organization’s computing capabilities. In early 2000, the
demand for the issuance, authentication, and certification of civil registry documents has already
increased to an average of 10,000 to 12,000 requests daily. This situation is compounded by the
burgeoning volume of civil registry documents that must be handled by NSO, and of statistical
reports required from its office by different government institutions for their development programs.

With this project, NSO and Unisys envision enhanced public service delivery through
expeditious processing of requests, shorter lines at the application and payment counters, and
improved facilities for the convenience of the public. After full system implementation, NSO
customers will be experiencing "while-you-wait" processing of requests and the nationwide service
capability that will provide them the convenience of applying at the nearest CRS outlet. It will also
alleviate the plight of applicants from the provinces who have to travel to Manila for their document
copy issuance/authentication/certification requests. It will prove to be much cheaper for applicants
in the future since their requests can be processed at the nearest CRS outlet.

Converted civil registry documents are those that have undergone the process of scanning,
indexing and transformation into digital format through imaging technology. Once loaded in the
database, document retrieval is made faster and more efficient, which emboldened the NSO to
promise "while-you-wait" processing.

The CRS-ITP is also aimed at minimizing cases of falsification and fabrication of civil
registry documents, as well as eradicating the fixers who take advantage of the public. Moreover,
the CRS-ITP will be able to address NSO’s vital statistics production backlog because of the
enhancement of NSO’s computing resources and capabilities. Information from these statistics are
used for administrative planning for such undertakings as education, social welfare, and health
programs, housing programs, and other development programs.

Unisys is committed in providing a modern and effective computing platform to address the
needs of NSO, and in helping the organization change to be a more successful arm of the
government in moving the country forward.


The Civil Register System (CRS) is similar to the Centralized Baptismal Certification and
Record Management System through its goals. The goal of the National Statistics Office (NSO) is
to automate their transactions through the CRS particularly in issuing authenticated birth, marriage
and burial certificates. Likewise, the proposed Centralized Baptismal Certification and Record
Management System for the Diocese of Bayombong possess the same goal in automating the
baptismal records of the Catholic devotees. Both are application based and is working through a
client-server situation.


The only difference is that CRS is purposely made for birth, marriage and burial certificates
while the proposed system is for baptismal certificate and record management of the necessary
files on every church.

The combined studies of the foreign and local literature helped the researcher in
formulating an idea to use the centralized civil registry system of the National Statistics Office
combined with the record management information standards of the foreign studies. The figure
below shows how the combined studies will be utilized in the proposed system.

Server Application


Management Imaging
Standards Technology

The System Development Cycle

This method is used to illustrate the beginning up to the ending in composing the proposed
system. This can be seen in Chapter 3: Research and Procedures.

This section describes the steps and procedures that were followed in order to accomplish
the project. The study was conducted as follows:

The researcher acquired the descriptive-interpretative-theoretical types of research

utilizing interviews, observations, theories and concepts that were later interpreted for the analysis
of the study. This method was done in order to determine the flow of transaction in the proposed
company and in conceptualizing an alternative solution to the determined problem. Comments and
criticisms will be the deciding factor of the researcher for the improvisation of the study.


The study is designed to cover the transactions of the Roman Catholic churches with
regards to their issuance of baptismal certificates and other pertinent records and for their record
management. The study was conceptualized to improve the existing system of the proposed
company/church particularly in their manual issuing of certificate of baptism and generating reports
in the church.

In this study, the researcher conducted a survey and interview method to determine the
flow of transactions efficiently and accurately. An alternative solution was found and that is to
transpose their existing manual system to the proposed computerize system. The researcher
proposed a design to the client (parish secretary) and explained the differences that will be made
when the system will be implemented. The results of the proposition were used by the researcher,
the system designer itself, in creating modules and database that will be integrated in the system.
The researcher also surfed for similar systems in the internet as basis for the construction of the
designs and schemes and also considered the client requirement in translating their manual
system. The process of reviewing the system requirement was done repeatedly to ensure that the
requirement basis is met and that the client will be satisfied in the proposed system.


developed at Aldersgate College and will be implemented at the Parish Halls of the respective
Catholic churches in the Diocese of Bayombong.


The study mainly focuses on the job of the parish secretary especially in issuing baptismal
certificate. Personnel information, parish priest and church information is also incorporated.


In identifying the problems of the study, requirements of the system and basis for creating
documentation, the researcher made use of an interview with the propose company personnel. The
researcher was also given a chance to observe the transactions at the church.


In this section the researcher studied the existing system to establish its weak and strong
points. The information acquired from this study gave the basis for the design of the new system. A
number of steps, procedures and tools were employed as shown below:

Interviews - The researcher conducted face-to-face interviews with the corresponding personnel.
Catechists, parish secretaries, priests and catholic devotees and other person who were baptized
in the Catholic churches were interviewed to fully understand their experiences. Also an interview
guide with open ended questions was prepared and administered to the respondents so as to
enable them give their views freely. This technique was chosen because:

1. It permits clarification of questions

2. It has high response rate than written questionnaires
3. It is suitable for use with both literate and illiterates
4. It gets full range and depth of information
5. It develops relationship with client
Observation - This technique was used to gather accurate information about how the system
actually operates, particularly about processes. This involved the researcher to systematically
watch and record the behaviors and characteristics of operations and processes in the parish hall
for issuing baptismal certificate. Although the method was time consuming, it had a number of
advantages, which include:

• It gives more detailed and context related information

• It permits the collection of information on facts not mentioned in the interview

• It permits tests of the reliability of the responses to the questionnaires

• It view operations of a program as they are actually occurring

• It can adapt to events as they occur

Document Review - A thorough review of the documents used in the church such as the forms
and certificates was made with the intent to study how things are done and discover areas where
improvement is necessary. A number of documents were reviewed including information gathered
in issuing certificates, payments, filing the duplicate copies and also records of the employees,
priests, and sacristans of the church. This method was used because of its advantages, which

1. It is inexpensive because the data is already there

2. It permits examination of trends over the past

3. Doesn’t interrupt program or client’s routine in program

4. There are few biases about the information


Determining the Problems of Existing System

Considering the previous section, there are many problems associated with the existing
manual system, they include the following:

1. It is evident that there is a lot of duplication in recording personal information.

2. There is a problem of storage of these registers and forms

3. Information retrieval from these sources is not easy because there are a lot people who are
baptized in that particular church.

4. Some records might get lost or misplaced. This is a problem in decision making as there is
inadequate information.

5. The availee has to wait for a long time as church workers are looking for their records.

Software Development

In the developing the model software, a brainstorming, researching and reviewing of the
requirements needed in the system was done. At the initial phase of the development, the desired
outcome, system requirement and specifications was defined based from the gathered
informations. These requirements were utilized in the conceptualization of the design for the
software. After all the requirements are gathered a design must be conceptualized. The researcher
then, started to create forms and modules appropriate to the requirements of the proposed system.
A design for the database was also incorporated for the retrieval and restoration of the informations
that will be stored in the system. After the design, coding and debugging was done. The source
codes were obtained and designed using the VB.net language for programming. The researcher
has also done reviewing of the codes to point possible errors which may occur. It was later
debugged when there were found errors.After the design and coding of the proposed software, it
was later compiled and tested through functionality testing. Each modules and forms were tried
and tested to find if it meets the requirement of the system and to see how it relates to the other
functions of the system. A return to the design conceptualization phase was done when a particular
module failed to function accordingly based on the requirements.
Identify the System

Design the Software

Develop the

Implement and Evaluate
the System

Analysis of Data

Figure 2. Phases in Conducting the Study

Identifying Requirements
and Specifications

Design Conceptualization

Programming and

Functional Testing of the
Forms and Modules


Testing of

Formal Testing and


Figure 3. Software Development Process

System Implementation

System implementation was achieved using MySQL for database design. Microsoft Visual
BASIC.Net scripting language was used to develop the codes that link up the system interfaces

Program and System Testing

System testing is the process of testing the modules and its functionality. Determining the
functional requirement and non-functional requirement is important to see if the developer’s view of
the system commensurate with the clients written requirements. It is also to see whether the
system is accepted and ready for installation testing and if the clients are satisfied with the output.

Deliver the System

When the system is already finished with her documentation and developing the system
then the developer/researcher is now able to deliver the system to the main server of the system
which is at the St. Dominic Cathedral for their own benefit.,


The researcher allotted a 5 consecutive year for the maintenance of the system because
upon delivery there may be some risks and problems in operating the system. Although the all the
personnel will be oriented and trained with regards to the functionality of the system there will still
be risks.



The existing system was found to be completely manual, i.e. person’s record is captured
by writing the necessary information at a printed form. After which, the parish secretary will type the
written information in the allotted form for certificate of baptism through a typewriter. Same
procedure is given to the second time availee of the baptismal documents. For the employees,
such as the catechist, sacristans and officiating priest, a bio-data is issued and will be filled by the
respective personnel of the church and will be kept in the filing cabinet for filing purposes.

All the persons duplicate certificates and information are collected and kept with the
records department of the church particularly at the parish hall. Filing and organization of the
records are done in the records department. Payments, summaries and reports are also generated

The flowchart located at the appendix A was made to interpret more of their manual and
existing transactions.


On the question “How can the parishioners adopt the changes from the manual to a
computerize way of managing their records?”, it is evident that the parishioners have little
knowledge to the computer technology. It is very important to get users of the system fully involved
such that the problem of change management does not arise. Trainings and orientation of the
system is proposed in order to update and renew their knowledge on the technology. The
parishioners, who will use the system therefore, were approached during the study and were asked
what they expected of the proposed system and the following were the findings:

1. A system that is easy to learn and use

2. A system that improves on the efficiency of information storage and retrieval

3. A system that is fast in producing/generating results which will be ready at the
point of time therefore reducing on waiting time and increasing on time to attend
the applicants of the documents.

4. A system that has an element of error validation, i.e. one that prompts the user
on entering unusual command or data format inconsistent with the database.

5. A system that provides attractive interfaces with easy navigation through the

6. A system that is faster, flexible and convenient.

7. A system that stores data and produces reports timely and accurately

8. A system that restricts access to information to only authorized personnel

9. A system that is safe and secured most especially from the hackers.

On the problem of reliability of the proposed system in terms of generating reports,

certifications and uploading of old records, a functional requirement was required to capture the
intended behavior of the system and the desired outcomes of the respondents. This behavior may
be expressed as services, tasks or functions the system is required to perform. Therefore the
proposed system is able to:

1. Capture the person information, store it and make it available at the time of

2. Present the users with a real-time display of the number of records in a


3. Allow the sharing of the data by the users

4. Generate reports accurately and timely

5. Search and display person information details

On the problem of coping with the changes of the technologies, a non-functional
requirements are established which specify criteria that can be used to judge the operation of a
technology. This is contrasted with functional requirements that specify specific behavior or
functions. The technology must exhibit software quality attributes, such as accuracy, performance,
cost, security and modifiability plus usability, i.e. easy to use for the intended users to cope up the
with the standards of the desired software. Thus the proposed system does the following:

1. The system has high performance and reliability level. The mean time
between failures, mean time to repair, and accuracy are very high.
2. The system has user-friendly interfaces. This ensures the ease with which the
system can be learned or used. The system can allow users to install and
operate it with little or no training.
3. Handles growing amounts of work in a graceful manner as can be readily
enlarged i.e.the ease with which the system can be modified to handle a large
increase in users,workload or transactions.
4. The system prevents unauthorized access to the system with user
authentication vialog-on system.


On the problem of security and functionality, the system was designed on Microsoft
windows platform, using Apache server, MySQL for database design and Microsoft Visual
BASIC.NET 2008 scripting language. It is application-based and therefore can be installed on a
computer (server) on a Local Area Network (LAN) or Wide Area Network (WAN) depending on the
environment being used. Once the application is installed, any authenticated user can access it
from any work station by using hypertext protocol, server name, and port number. For example, the
system is located at the address http://localhost/home.php. The system is composed of two
sections; the database server and the graphic user interface (GUI).

The following are the main modules/forms and their brief descriptions which are
functioning in the system:

Log-in form – This form prompts user to input their username and password before going to the
main form. This is done so to prevent unauthorized persons in accessing personal
and confidential files stores in the system.

Main Form - This form is considered the work area or the transaction area of the user. This
mainly consists of functions that are required for the transactions of the users such
as printing baptismal certificate; generating receipts; uploading certificates and

Integrated Web Browser – The system is also capable of providing internet web browser as the
developer integrated a module of which can surf the internet while the Information
System is running along.


This chapter discusses the work carried out in this project. It examines how the objectives
of the project were achieved at the course of the study. The summary of findings, conclusions and
recommendations are discussed.

The purpose of the study was to build a centralized baptismal certification and records
management system to replace the existing manual system. The case study was centralizing
baptismal certification and records management system wherein no one goes to the place of
baptism just to acquire the needed baptismal certificate. To achieve the objectives of study, the
existing systems was studied and analyzed, by comparing the strong and weak points of the
system. Involved persons such as the catechist, parish secretaries and employees were
interviewed, documents reviewed and observation techniques were employed. Existing literature
was also analyzed. Implementation was done using VB.net scripting language for the user
interfaces and MYSQL for database design. The system has enabled Apache web server to effect
the connections between the databases and the application. The new system is therefore able to
do capturing of personal / bio data is done once as opposed to the manual system where the
person baptismal information would be recorded at every time he will avail of the certification. This
avoids duplication and saves time. Retrieval of information from the database is very quick as one
searches on the screen compared to the old system which involved paper files which were
vulnerable to displacement and damage. Authentication of the users with the access control facility
to prevent unauthorized users from accessing the data. The system has also the capability of
validating the entries by prompting the user whenever a wrong command is entered to avoid
unnecessary errors that can distort information. It can also update the database whenever new
information is entered. Reports are generated quickly and correctly, unlike in the old system where
information would be scattered.
Basing on the findings and analysis, centralization of issuing baptismal certificate and
installing a record management system is a venture worth to invest in. Once taken seriously and
embraced, there are a lot of benefits that can be realized therein. Both the church and the
community will benefit from it. For example persons availing certificate will no longer wait for long
hours to be certified or to make a certification waiting for the priest’s signature or the record itself
that would be spent looking for information would be saved.

Clerical errors that were resulting to availing of baptismal certificate will be minimized.
Records which were stored in the records center will now be stored electronically and will be safer.
Therefore there will be the right information at the point of care. Periodic reports which are
generated with the help of a computer are more accurate and quick. Therefore with the introduction
of computerization, the problem of late reporting and errors in the reports will be no more.

It is important to note that this system is based on a local area network or wide area
network. This facilitates the sharing of data in different places. This helps personnel access the
data at their locality instead of returning from their place of baptism looking for information which is
time consuming and money wasting.

The researcher further recommends a more comprehensive study to exploit the full
benefits of the new technology in this field of records management. This may unveil more gaps and
improve the system more than this study could ever do. The Roman Catholic Churches on the
Diocese of Bayombong should adopt and computerize their records management systems by
providing the necessary funds for such projects. Given the current power situation in every place,
the system would be useless if such measures are not put in place to avert power problem. The
researcher therefore recommends that a standby generator be considered such that when power
goes wrong, the system will not stop working.

Training for the parish workers with minimum computer skills is paramount. It was found
out that almost workers at the churches are computer illiterate as perceived using typewriter due to
lack of technologies such as computers. Without these skills system implementation it will be
difficult for them to adopt the system. Therefore it is recommended that a training program be
made a priority.

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