ASTR 3160: Astrophysics: Stellar Modeling
ASTR 3160: Astrophysics: Stellar Modeling
ASTR 3160: Astrophysics: Stellar Modeling
Stellar Modeling
For this assignment, you will need the program StatStar, which can down-
loaded from your text’s companion website
1. Download the code for this assignment. You will need a computer run-
ning Windows XP or use the computers in SL 220 (open a Terminal
and type “statstar”). Linux users: Compile from the code! C++ and For-
tran95 available!
2. Use StatStar to create valid zero-age main sequence (ZAMS) models
for the following stars. You can use the masses and temperatures be-
low, and Figure 1 can help you determine the luminosity, but these will
just be starting points. You will need to try a few values of the luminos-
ity to find a valid model. A valid model means no negative values for
pressure, density and temperature, as well as realistic values for lumi-
nosity and radius. Doing this in a systematic way will save you a lot of
time (I’ll demonstrate how to do this in class). For each model, use X =
0.7 for the mass fraction of hydrogen, Y = 0.292 for the mass fraction
of helium, and 0.008 for the mass fraction of metals.
0.50 2287.70
0.75 3788.50
1.00 5402.00
2.00 10,952.60
10.00 27,933.00
15.00 32,873.30
4. For two of your models (the highest mass and the lowest mass), gen-
erate a plot of temperature vs. radius and a plot of pressure vs. radius.
5. Using the output from StatStar for each model (the data saved in
ZAMSmodel.txt), determine the region of the star undergoing nuclear
fusion. For example, you can assume that the inner 10% of the 1.0
solar mass star is undergoing fusion. Find the percent of each star
that has that same or higher temperature and pressure.
6. Using the luminosities and masses from your models, estimate the life-
time of each star, assuming that 0.7% of the region where nuclear fu-
sion occurs is converted from mass into energy.
To hand in:
1. A table listing your model parameters (Mass, Teff, and Luminosity) as
well as the results of your models (core pressure, core temperature,
core density, and radius). It should look something like this:
Mass (solar Teff (K) L (solar units) Core Pressure Core Temp (K) Core Density Radius (solar
masses) (Pa) (kg/m3) units)
2. Plots of temperature vs. radius and pressure vs. radius for two of your
models. (EC: do all of your models, +10 points if well presented!)
3. An estimate of the region undergoing fusion and each star’s estimated
lifetime (for all stars).
4. A discussion of your results. In particular, how do your results com-
pare to your understanding of the H-R diagram and the main se-
quence? What are the main differences between low mass and high
mass stars?