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Hodder Education: Numbers To 100 Unit 1

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Unit 1 Numbers to 100

Prior learning and experience

Learners will have experienced counting to 10 and 20 forwards and backwards, recognising common
representations of numbers to 10. They should be able to use ten frames to represent numbers to 20
and read and write numbers to 20.

Objectives overview

Learning objectives Objective LB page WB page TG page

Count objects from 0 to 100. 2Nc.01 6–7; 4–5; 24–26;
8–9; 5–6; 26–28;
10–11 6–7 28–30

Recognise the number of objects presented in unfamiliar 2Nc.02 6–7; 4–5; 24–26;
patterns up to 10, without counting. 10–11 6–7 28–30
Estimate the number of objects or people (up to 100). 2Nc.03 6–7; 4–5; 24–26;
10–11 6–7 28–30
Recite, read and write number names and whole 2Ni.01 8–9; 5–6; 26–28;
numbers (from 0 to 100). 10–11 6–7 28–30
These learning objectives are reproduced from the Cambridge Primary Mathematics curriculum framework (0096) from 2020.
This Cambridge International copyright material is reproduced under licence and remains the intellectual property of
Cambridge Assessment International Education.

Cross-curricular link LB page TG page

English 7 (Practise) 25

Art and Design 7 (Try this) 25

TWM focus

The Thinking and Working Mathematically (TWM) focus for this unit is ‘conjecturing’. Learners have many
opportunities to estimate numbers of objects and then count to confirm.


• Can learners count accurately to 20?

• Can learners sort numbers into the correct order, given in words or numerals?


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Unit 1 Numbers to 100

Reading and writing numbers to 20

Learner’s Book Learning Outcomes
pages 6–7
• Say how many objects there are in a small group up to 10,
Workbook pages 4–5 without counting.
• Make a good estimate of the number of objects in a group.
Maths tools: digit cards
0 to 9, counters, cubes • Count, saying the numbers in order to 100.
Online resources: Explore image, Template 1: 100 grid, Template 3: Number lines 0 to 20,
Template 4: Number lines 0 to 100, Template 6: Number tracks 0 to 20, Template 7: Ten frames,
My Maths Bilingual Dictionary – Numbers to 100, Answers

Maths words: count, twenty, estimate

Starter activity suggestions
• Look at the Explore activity on page 6 of the Learner’s Book. If possible, also show a front-of-class version

of the Explore image (available in boost-learning.com). Talk about the different names for what can be
seen: stars, rockets and comets (or shooting stars). First, ask if there are many stars or just a few in the
picture. Discuss how the stars are in groups and whether you need to count how many are in each group.
Can learners see a group of 3 stars without counting? Do the patterns help? Ask learners to estimate how
many stars are in each group, then count to check.
• Now discuss the rockets. Is it easier or more difficult to estimate these because they are spread out?
• Talk about whether learners ever see stars in the sky at night and how many stars there are in the sky.
Discuss the difference between very large numbers and smaller numbers that we can see, estimate and
count more easily.

Activity notes

Page 6: Learn
• Remind learners of their work in Stage 1. Ask what they remember about the number frames they can
see. Ask why they are called ten frames, and how they can help us to see numbers.

• First, ask learners to fill a ten frame using counters or cubes. Provide copies of Template 7: Ten frames (in
the online resources in boost-learning.com), for support. Encourage learners to fill the frame one
row of 5 at a time, so that they can see the numbers grow as the frame fills. Say to learners that if we are
organised with the patterns, then we will be able to see the numbers clearly without needing to count

every time.
• Show a ten frame (again provide learners with Template 7: Ten frames) with a row of 5 and 1 more,
making 6 in total. Discuss how this helps us to see the number 6, because it is 5 and 1 more. Then show

12, and question learners about how it helps us to see 12 as 10 and 2 more.
• Ask learners to create 9 using cubes or counters, and then to create 19. What facts about the numbers
do these representations help us to see? Can learners see 9 as 1 less than 10? What about 19?
• Provide learners with copies of Template 3: Number lines 0 to 20 and Template 6: Number tracks 0 to 20
(available in the online resources in boost-learning.com). Count from 1 to 20. Practise the number names.
Model how to write the numerals correctly.


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Unit 1 Numbers to 100

Page 7: Practise
1 Encourage learners to recognise the relationship between 1 and 11, 5 and 15 and then how easily they
can make and see 10 and 20. Focus on how the visual patterns help us to see how the numbers are made.
2 Use a number line or number track to support learners with the number names. You could provide
learners with copies of Template 3: Number lines 0 to 20 and Template 6: Number tracks 0 to 20
(available in the online resources in boost-learning.com). Rehearse the counting pattern from 1 to 10 and
from 10 to 20. Show how to begin the count from any number, rather than always starting from 1 or 0.
3 Ask learners to make an estimate, and not to worry if they are not exactly correct. Estimates help us
and we can improve over time. It is not a problem if we are slightly wrong. Model making small errors in
estimates and how to think about them. For example, you could say, Hmm. My estimate was much too
small. I will try to decide if there are more than 10 or not.
• This activity provides an opportunity for a cross-curricular link to English. Ask learners to write the words

on the page that are in bold in alphabetical order using each first letter (the words are given in the Maths
words box on page 6 of the Learner’s Book): count, estimate and twenty. If necessary, revise alphabetical

• Refer learners to the Mathematical dictionary starting on page 196 of the Learner’s Book and ask them
to locate these maths words and point to them. Ensure that all learners can locate the words. Go through

the meaning of these words with learners. Encourage learners to do this each time they see Maths words
on the page.
• For second-language learners, print out the ESL dictionary (available in boost-learning.com) for each
theme. Spend some time showing learners how to locate words and show them where to write first-
language equivalents with help from their family, other caregivers or friends.

Page 7: Try this

This activity provides an opportunity for a cross-curricular link to Art and Design as learners make pictures.
Prompt learners to make simple patterns with the groups of stars they draw. Challenge them to make sure
they keep the total number of stars to within 20, by keeping a running total or a tally. Prompt learners to
think about which patterns are easier to estimate and which are more difficult.
Page 7: Let’s talk

In pairs, learners swap their space pictures and estimate the number of stars. They then count the groups
of stars together out loud. Ask: How close are the estimates to the answers? Did you know if the estimates
were going to be more or less than the actual answer?

Further activities
• Ask learners to complete Workbook pages 4 and 5. Note that question 4 engages learners in the

TWM skill of ‘characterising’. All answers are available in the online resources in boost-learning.com.
• Provide learners with copies of Template 1: 100 grid (in boost-learning.com) and encourage learners to
try using counters or cubes to create different patterns to estimate and count. Learners could play games
where they make a pattern, for example, for a count of 3, then cover it up. A partner then has to say how

many they estimate there are, before being shown the pattern and counting to check their estimate.

Assessment ideas
Show a number greater than 10 on two ten frames. Ask learners to estimate the number and justify
their reasoning. Can learners explain that it must be a number from 11 to 20?


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Unit 1 Numbers to 100

Success criteria

While completing the activities, assess and record learners.

Learners can use the structure of ten frames to recognise numbers.
Learners can make reasonable estimates and give justifications such as, I knew it was less than 10, so
I chose a small number.
Learners can say the number names and read the numerals accurately.


• Use a visual display of a number line or 100 grid, so learners can refer to the counting sequence to

support their understanding of numbers and number names. Provide learners with Template 1: 100 grid
and Template 4: Number lines 0 to 100 (in boost-learning.com) to use.
• Challenge more confident learners to explore the patterns of numbers hidden inside other numbers,

when shown as a visual pattern. For example, can they see the number 19 hidden inside the number 20?

Reading and writing numbers to 100

Learner’s Book
pages 8–9 Learning Outcomes

Workbook pages 5–6 • Read numbers up to 100.

• Write numbers to 100.
Maths tools: digit cards
0 to 9, counters, cubes

Online resources: Explore image, Template 1: 100 grid, Number flashcards from 1 to 100,
ESL Worksheet 1: Numbers to 100, My Maths Bilingual Dictionary – Numbers to 100, Answers

Maths words: hundred, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, numeral


Starter activity suggestions

• Look at the Explore activity on page 8 of the Learner’s Book. If possible, also show a front-of-class version

of the Explore image (available in boost-learning.com). Begin by asking learners if they have ever seen a
number grid like this before. Learners may recognise grids like this from board games or calendars (or the
previous section, if they took part in the Further activities or Differentiation activities).

• Say that sometimes a 100 grid is called a 100 square. This is when it has been made so that it looks like
a square. Have learners heard of the number 100 before? Show the number 100 written in numerals and
challenge learners to find it on the grid.
• Talk about the number patterns that are on the grid. Challenge learners to find every block that contains
a ‘3’. Do they notice a pattern? Now ask them to look for patterns of other numbers.
• Ask learners to find any numbers they know. For example, they might find the number ‘30’ and say,
That’s my Dad’s age; or find their house/apartment number, or other numbers that are meaningful to
them. Learners use the TWM skill of ‘conjecturing’ in this activity.
• Display a large 100 grid and practise counting together. Listen for patterns of the count as it increases.
The 100 grid can be used regularly to reinforce this skill. You could also provide learners with copies of
Template 1: 100 grid (in boost-learning.com) for support.


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Unit 1 Numbers to 100

Activity notes

Page 8: Learn
• With the class, look at the column of numbers on the 100 grid in Explore that counts in tens. Prompt
learners to notice that there is a zero in place of the ones for each number.
• Talk about how this shows us that these are made of full tens. Rehearse the counting pattern together.
• Discuss the difficulty in hearing the difference between ‘30’ and ‘13’, ‘40’ and ‘14’, and so on. Practise
saying the ending of each number clearly. Make sure that learners know this is a common difficulty for
all learners when they first come across these numbers. Agree to help each other as a class by carefully
saying these numbers. It may be useful to have a class poster or sign for the difference between the
numbers. For example, clapping your hands at the end of the word to show you mean one of the tens

numbers. Model writing the number words and the words in numerals.
• Practise counting from 20 to 29 and look at the pattern of numbers. Listen to the counting pattern

together. Talk about how to use what learners know already about counting up to 10.
• Model how to write the numbers, by first writing the tens digit, then the ones digit. Ask learners to
practise writing the numbers in a row.
• Display the number words for the numbers 21 to 30, then ask learners to write the number words for

31 to 40.
• Refer back to a 100 grid and practise counting across different rows. As a class, count from 1 to 100 and
listen to the patterns that you can use to count. This should become a regular practice activity, and it can
help to have a 100 grid permanently displayed in class.
Page 9: Practise
1 Learners should point to each number as they count. Challenge learners to hide a number under a
counter and count along, remembering to say the hidden numbers. Can they count with some or all of

the numbers hidden?

2 Refer back to rows of a 100 grid, to support this pattern. Remind learners where to look to find the
number words displayed in class.
3 Prompt learners to look for places where the patterns seem to be wrong. Encourage them to count out

loud and to follow the numbers with their finger, so that they can notice where their counting and the
numbers do not match. In this question, learners need to use the TWM skill of 'characterising' to look at
and listen for patterns. This is related to their work in the Explore activity and prompts an understanding
of number patterns.

Page 9: Try this

Learners use the TWM skill of ‘specialising’ in this activity. Challenge learners to find all of the different
numbers and list them in words and numerals. Can they convince you that they have found all the possible
numbers? Ask: How have you recorded all of your numbers? How can you show that you have found all the

different possibilities? Encourage learners to be systematic. It may help to use digit cards to support their
investigation. The possible two-digit numbers are in the answers in boost-learning.com.
Page 9: Let’s talk

Prompt learners to try hiding patterns of numbers, for example, hide 5 numbers in a row or 5 numbers in a
vertical line. What number patterns help with working out the missing numbers?

Further activities
• Ask learners to complete Workbook pages 5 and 6. All answers are available in the online resources in
• Hand out copies of ESL Worksheet 1: Numbers to 100 (available in boost-learning.com) and ask
ESL learners to complete it. Encourage English first-language learners to work with the ESL learners for
support. ESL learners should also use the My Maths Bilingual Dictionary: Numbers to 100 (in
boost-learning.com) for extra support.


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Unit 1 Numbers to 100

• Play games where you count and deliberately miss a number. Learners must listen carefully and say
which number you missed. Learners will need regular practice in counting up to 100 and noticing errors
such as numbers left out or digits swapped. Encourage this as a regular game.
• Learners can count in pairs or in a group. One person says a number, then the next, then the next, and so
on. Keep going and see if the pair or group can reach 100.

Assessment ideas
• Give learners a list of numbers written as words. Ask them to identify the numbers on a 100 grid.
Hand out copies of Template 1: 100 grid (in boost-learning.com) for learners to use.
• Play Guess my number. Say that you are thinking of a number somewhere on a 100 grid (again
provide copies of Template 1: 100 grid in boost-learning.com).
Say that it has a ‘9’ in it. Can learners guess your number systematically?

Success criteria

While completing the activities, assess and record learners.

Learners can count, saying the numbers in order to 100.
Learners can write numbers to 100.

• To support less confident learners, keep a 100 grid displayed in class. Display the number words ‘twenty’,
‘thirty’, ‘forty’, and on, next to the grid.
• You could pair less confident learners with a confident peer and ask them to use counters to hide
numbers on the 100 square and ask their less confident partner to say the number out loud, prompting
them if necessary.

• You could also challenge learners to short games such as: You have 90 seconds to write all the numbers
you can find with a ‘5’ in them. Then discuss as a class what patterns learners could find.

Estimating and counting to 100

Learner’s Book
Learning Outcomes

pages 10–11

Workbook pages 6–7 • Make a good estimate of the number of objects in a group.
• Count, saying the numbers in order to 100.

Maths tools: counters, • Count up to 100 objects.

Online resources: Explore image, Template 1: 100 grid, Worksheet 1: Numbers to 100,
My Maths Bilingual Dictionary – Numbers to 100, Answers

Starter activity suggestions

• Look at the Explore activity on page 10 of the Learner’s Book. If possible, also show a front-of-class
version of the Explore image (available in boost-learning.com). Talk about learners’ first impressions of
the number of marbles. Ask: Would 7 be a good estimate? Why not? Is it as many as 100?


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Unit 1 Numbers to 100

• Explain that estimating a larger number takes practice and experience of recognising numbers in different
patterns. It is very rare to get an estimate exactly right when there are more than 10 objects to count.
• Ask learners to look at David’s counting pattern. Ask: What is the mistake and why has he made it? It is
a common error, especially when counting larger numbers. Another common mistake is to lose count or
forget which object you started on. Ask: How can you make sure you do not count a marble twice?
• Practise counting with counters or cubes. Some people use a strategy of starting at the top and working
to the bottom, or from one side to the other. Some people move the objects aside or into a container as
they count one by one. Try different strategies as a class and agree which ones are most accurate. Talk
about good strategies for counting when you cannot move the objects, such as in the picture of marbles.

Activity notes

Page 10: Learn

• Agree on a strategy for counting the paperclips, based on the discussions in the Explore activity.
First, record estimates and then ask learners to count individually or in pairs.
• It is likely that the class will have different answers, as it can be tricky not to miss a number or count a
paperclip twice. Prompt learners to try counting two or three times and to use different strategies.

As a class, discuss the best strategies and then agree on a way to count together.
• Refer to a 100 grid to help support the counting. You could use Template 1: 100 grid (in boost-learning.com).
Half of the learners should count the paperclips out loud and half should follow on the 100 grid to make sure
that they do not miss any numbers while counting.
• Model how to use a 100 grid to pause the counting and then begin again from a given number, rather
than having to start back from 1 every time.
Pages 10–11: Practise
1 This may be easier to manage as a whole class, with small groups counting on while modelling the
count on a 100 grid. Prompt learners to count carefully and to track their counting using a counter or
their finger.
2 Prompt mathematical thinking by asking learners to estimate whether the number seems close to 100,

close to 10 or somewhere in between. Learners must use a strategy to estimate and then count the
counters. They engage in the TWM skill of ‘conjecturing’.
Page 11: Try this
This is an opportunity for learners to be inventive and to demonstrate their understanding of the number

system up to 100. Encourage them to be playful with how they place the numbers in patterns and to play
games, such as moving a small object on their grid as if playing a board game.
Page 11: Let’s talk
Play this as a group game or challenge. Encourage learners to support each other and to discuss the

reasons for their estimates. The important aspect is to improve their estimation skills over time, not to get
the exact or correct answer each time.

Further activities
• Ask learners to complete Workbook pages 6 and 7. Note that in question 4, learners will engage in the
TWM skills of ‘specialising’ and ‘characterising’. All answers are available in the online resources in
• As a class, count all the different Physical Education equipment or stationery you have. Display the results
on a quantity poster, such as: tennis balls – 35, cones – 41.
• Provide learners with Worksheet 1: Numbers to 100 (in the online resources in boost-learning.com). First,
encourage learners to notice and discuss the different ways the numbers have been arranged in the grids.
Then challenge them to count out loud and follow the patterns with their fingers. They could move a
counter or object along the numbers in order, like moving on a track in a board game.


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Unit 1 Numbers to 100

Assessment ideas
• Ask learners to count out 34 paperclips or 47 counters. Notice how they count and whether they can
continue counting if paused. For example, when they reach 25, stop them. Remind them that they
have just counted out 25; and then ask them to continue from there.
• For assessment of the whole unit, encourage learners to complete:
– first the Quiz questions on Learner’s Book page 12
– then the Self-check page on Workbook page 8.

Success criteria

While completing the activities, assess and record learners.
Learners can give reasons for their estimates, rather than simply make a guess.

Learners can count confidently across tens.
Learners can count up to 100, and back to 0 successfully.

Learners can use a strategy such as sorting or grouping into 10s to ensure that their counting is

Give learners their own 100 grid to keep and refer to when counting. Provide copies of Template 1: 100 grid
(in boost-learning.com). Allow learners to use counters or cubes to check their counting. Give learners plenty

of time to rehearse counting patterns across the 100 grid. Challenge more confident learners to develop
their counting skills, forwards and backwards.


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Unit 2 Addition and subtraction

Prior learning and experience

Learners will have experienced counting on a number line to add to 20. They are able to use counters
to add and subtract amounts up to 20. They can add a pair of numbers by putting the larger number
first and counting on. Learners know addition facts to 10, using the symbols + and = and the doubles of
numbers up to double 10.

Objectives overview

Learning objectives Objective LB page WB page TG page

Understand and explain the relationship between 2Ni.02 13–14; 9; 32–33;
addition and subtraction. 15–17 10 34–35
Recognise complements of 20 and complements of 2Ni.03

15–17; 10; 34–35;
multiples of 10 (up to 100). 17–18 10–11 35–37
Estimate, add and subtract whole numbers with up to 2Ni.04 19–21; 11–12; 37–40;
two digits (no regrouping of ones or tens). 22–23; 12–13; 40–42;
du 24–26 13 42–43
These learning objectives are reproduced from the Cambridge Primary Mathematics curriculum framework (0096) from 2020.
This Cambridge International copyright material is reproduced under licence and remains the intellectual property of
Cambridge Assessment International Education.

Cross-curricular link LB page TG page

English 13 (Learn) 33

TWM focus

The Thinking and Working Mathematically (TWM) skills focus in this unit is ‘convincing’. Learners are
encouraged to explain their methods for adding and subtracting. They are reminded to use the inverse to
check their calculations.

• Give learners numbers from 0 to 10. Can they use their fingers to show the number that goes with it to
total 10?

• Write some of the pairs used as additions on the board, for example, 4 + 6 and 7 + 3. Can learners check
that the totals are 10 by adding on from the larger number each time?


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Unit 2 Addition and subtraction

The relationship between addition and subtraction

Learner’s Book
pages 13–14 Learning Outcome
Workbook page 9 • Use models to show the inverse relationship between
addition and subtraction.

Maths tools: cubes, counters, spinners

Online resources: Explore image, My Maths Bilingual Dictionary – Addition and subtraction,

Maths words: inverse; also: total, add, subtract

Starter activity suggestions
• In this activity, learners use the TWM skills of ‘generalising’ and ‘conjecturing’.
• Look at the Explore activity on page 13 of the Learner’s Book. If possible, also show a front-of-class

version of the Explore image (available in boost-learning.com). Talk about the number of children at the
lemonade stall and how many more are waiting to buy lemonade. Ask: How many cups of lemonade are
sitting on the counter? How many more cups are needed so that all the children in the picture can have
some lemonade?
• Count together and talk about what we know about the addition fact 5 and 3.
• Ask learners to show the number of children at the stall with cubes. Explain that the 3 children join the
line at the stall. Ask: What number fact are we using this time to find the total number of children?
Talk about why the addition fact is the same.
• Ask learners to represent what happens when the first 3 children in the line buy their lemonade and
leave. Ask: What do you notice? Draw out from learners that the number of children left in the line is
5 again – the same number that we started with. When we add 3 and take three away 3 again, we are

left with our starting number.

Activity notes

Page 13: Learn

• Look at the way the first number line matches the 3 children joining the line of 5 at the stall.
Ask: Where can you see the 5 children at the stall? What represents the 3 extra children joining
the line? Match this with the cube representations learners used previously and show this physically using

a line of learners in the classroom.

• Talk about the addition sentence 5 + 3 = 8. This shows what happened at the lemonade stall. Agree that
it matches the addition fact they used.

• Ask learners to explain what part of the story the second number line represents. Ask: Why do you think
that a subtraction fact has been used this time?
• Talk about why subtracting 3 ‘undoes’ adding 3, introducing the term, inverse.
• Say, We start with 5, we add 3 to make 8 and then we take 3 away again. We are left with our starting
number, 5. Ask: What will happen when we subtract 3 from 8 first and then add 3?
• Ask: Can we ‘undo’ a subtraction using addition? Practise adding and subtracting the same amount, and
vice versa, using cubes to model. Draw out the related addition and subtraction sentences each time.


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Unit 2 Addition and subtraction

• This activity offers an opportunity for a cross-curricular link to English. Ask learners to point out
connectives such as when and because. Demonstrate how to use these connectives and others, such as
but and if. For example, when we add 4 to 2, we end on 6. If we subtract 7 from 10, we end on 3.
• Ask learners to write more examples using because, for example: When we add and subtract 4, we go
back to the start because …
Page 14: Practise
1 Ask learners to use cubes to physically add and then subtract, or vice versa, to demonstrate the concept
of the inverse as ‘undoing’. Encourage them to use the stem sentences, We start with … to help explain
what happens each time.
2 Check that learners understand how the inverse addition and subtraction wheels work by first discussing
the example (2, 3 and 5) together (2 + 3 = 5 and 5 – 3 = 2).

• In pairs, learners select different sets of number facts from the Practise activity. Use the example, 4, 2 and
6 and check to see if two additions and two subtractions can be made each time (4 + 2 = 6, 2 + 4 = 6,

6 – 2 = 4, 6 – 4 = 2).
• Learners engage in the TWM skills of ‘specialising’ and ‘convincing’ as they prove their ideas to a partner.
• Extend their thinking by giving learners an example such as 3, 3 and 6. Will there be four different

number sentences this time? Why?
Page 14: Let’s talk
This activity requires learners to use the TWM skill of ‘specialising’ as they come up with an example to suit
the set of related facts. They talk about the different examples they have each chosen, using the TWM skill
of ‘convincing’ each other that their set is correct. Challenge learners to think about how many different
sets of related facts can be made for ‘9’ using whole numbers. Ask: Will there be more or less for 8? Why?
Further activities
Ask learners to complete Workbook page 9. All answers are available in the online resources in

Assessment ideas
Play a ‘caterpillar’ game together. First, spin a spinner to find how many learners to have in the
caterpillar, for example, 4. This number of learners line up. Then spin the spinner again to find how many

more learners need to join the line at the back of the caterpillar, for example, 2. Shout out the addition
together, 4 add 2 equals 6. The rule is that the caterpillar must always have the same number of learners
in it after each go. Ask: How many learners must leave the front of the caterpillar, so it stays the same
length? (2) Shout out the subtraction together, for example, 6 take away 2 leaves 4. The caterpillar

moves along so the next number of learners can join the line after the spinner has been spun. After a few
goes, start a new caterpillar, for example, spin a 3, so there are now two caterpillars of different lengths.
Continue by including more caterpillars but making sure there are still enough learners to add each time.

Success criteria

While completing the activities, assess and record learners.

Learners can explain what changes and what stays the same as they add and subtract the same
Learners can show the inverse by ‘undoing’ an addition or subtraction using cubes as support.
Learners can use the stem sentence to model what happens each time.
Learners can use the inverse to help create a set of related addition and subtraction facts.


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Unit 2 Addition and subtraction

Addition facts for 10 and related subtraction facts

Learner’s Book
pages 15–17 Learning Outcome
Workbook page 10 • Use complements of 10 to show the
related addition and subtraction facts.
Maths tools: digit cards 0 to 9, cubes, counters,
beads, buttons or shells, spinner, cloth or cup, spinner

Online resources: Explore image, Template 7: Ten frames, My Maths Bilingual Dictionary –
Addition and subtraction, Answers

Maths words: total, amount, complement; also: addition facts, subtraction facts

Starter activity suggestions
• Look at the Explore activity on page 15 of the Learner’s Book. If possible, also show a front-of-class
version of the Explore image (available in boost-learning.com). Ask: What numbers are the children

holding? Which numbers can we add together to make a total of ten?
• Record learners’ answers as number sentences, for example, 1 + 9 = 10.
• Ask learners how to make sure they have included all the possible ways. Discuss working in a pattern,
for example, 0 + 10 = 10, 1 + 9 = 10, 2 + 8 = 10
• Give each learner a digit card from 0 to 9. Ask learners to find a partner so their numbers total 10.
Explain that they are making addition facts for 10 or ‘complements of 10’.
• Let learners work in pairs to find all the different ways to make 10. Give learners 10 items (such as cubes,

counters, buttons or shells). Ask them how many different ways they can break them up into two groups.
Give learners support if they need it.

Activity notes

Page 15: Learn

• Look at the first ten frame. Ask: What does it show us? How many of one colour? How many of the other?

How do you know that the total is 10 without counting?

• Ask: What do you notice about the second ten frame? What changes and what stays the same? Agree
that we can still see 10 made up of 6 and 4, but this time the 4 has been subtracted to show that there
are 6 left. Ask: What does this remind you of? Talk about the previous activities using the inverse.

• Establish that the whole each time is 10 and the parts are 6 and 4. We can use this to help write addition
and subtraction sentences.
• Ask learners to explain how the number line shows both adding 4 and subtracting 4, pointing out the
relevance of 6, 4 and 10 each time. Ask: What are the two complements of 10 here?

Page 16: Practise

1 Learners build on the Learn activity by finding addition and subtraction facts to match other ten frames.
They should use addition facts they know for 10 to help find the related subtraction fact. Ask learners to
identify the whole and the parts each time. Look for learners who make a connection between 5 + 5 and
double 5, and 10 – 5 and half of 10.
2 Learners should make a connection between the ten frame as two rows of 5 and their fingers on each
hand. Part b provides less scaffolding to find both the addition and subtraction fact. Challenge learners
to find the other related facts, for example: If I know that 7 + 3 = 10 and 10 – 3 = 7, what else do I know?
3 Learners elicit number facts from the picture of the group of flowers with a total of 10. Encourage them
to identify the whole and the part.


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Unit 2 Addition and subtraction

Page 17: Try this

Learners engage in the TWM skill of ‘specialising’ as they find all the possible complements of 10.
Encourage them to work systematically to make sure that they find all possible combinations. Learners will
be ‘conjecturing’ if they ask questions like, Will there be more pairs that total 10, than total 9?
Page 17: Let’s talk
Learners engage in the TWM skill of ‘convincing’ as they prove to others how addition facts that they know
can help them to solve subtraction problems, for example, I know that 7 + 3 = 10 so 10 – 3 must leave 7.
Listen for learners using the language of ‘complements’ as well as addition facts for 10. Give them access
to counters, cubes, beads, buttons or shells to help demonstrate as required. Encourage them to use the ten
frames as a way to justify their thinking.

Further activities

Ask learners to complete Workbook page 10. All answers are available in the online resources in


Assessment ideas

• Place 10 counters on the table. Hide some counters under a cloth or a cup turned upside down. Ask
learners how many counters are hidden and how many are left. Learners then write a number sentence.
• Use a spinner. Learners must give the complement of 10 each time. Ask: How many different pairs
can they make?

Success criteria

While completing the activities, assess and record learners.

Learners can regroup a 10 into two groups in different ways.
Learners can say the complement to 10 for any number from 0 to 10.

Learners can use complements of 10 to solve a range of problems.

Learners can give the addition facts and related subtraction facts.

Pairs that total 20


Learner’s Book
pages 17–18 Learning Outcome
• Identify complements of 20 from sets of numbers.

Workbook pages 10–11

Maths tools: cubes, counters, digit cards 1 to 19

Online resources: Explore image, Template 3: Number lines 0 to 20,

My Maths Bilingual Dictionary – Addition and subtraction, Answers

Starter activity suggestions

• Quickly rehearse pairs that total 10 by holding up a number of fingers and learners say the complement
of 10.


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Unit 2 Addition and subtraction

• Look at the Explore activity on page 17 of the Learner’s Book. If possible, also show a front-of-class
version of the Explore image (available in boost-learning.com). Talk about the different numbers that can
be seen in the picture. Ask: What do you notice about the numbers on the pots? And on the packs? Draw
out from learners that the numbers on the pots are all the same. Talk about the problem. Ask: What can
we use to help us find pairs that total 20? What numbers shall we start with?
• Use the number line and practise counting on from the larger numbers, for example, We start on 15.
How many more to reach 20? Or ask learners to make a group of 15 counters and decide how many more
to make 20. Say, 15 and 5 equals 20. What do you notice about the ones part of each number? And for
17 + 3? Draw out that the ones numbers each time are complements of 10.
• Ask learners to match other pairs of 20 in the same way. Can they say the complement of 10 that helps

Activity notes

Page 18: Learn
• Refer back to the way learners thought about complements of 10 in the Explore activity.
• Ask them to use these ideas to help make sense of the cube towers shown. Ask: Where can you see the

complements of 10? What else can you see? (an extra 10 in the second tower)
• Agree that the addition pair 6 + 4 is the same each time but the extra 10 makes the addition 16 + 4.
Ask: Where can you see the extra 10 in the answer? Draw out that it is part of 20, along with the other
10 made by adding 6 + 4.
• Focus on the relationship between complements of 10 and 20, drawing out from learners that as 20 is
10 more than 10, then one of the numbers in the pair must also be made 10 bigger to total 20.
• Talk about other pairs that total 10 and 20 in the same way, for example, 3 and 7; 13 and 7.
Page 18: Practise
1 Learners work with part-part-whole diagrams to show complements of 20. The numbers all relate back to
the examples in the Explore activity but are now represented in a different way.
2 In these examples, the number sentences are arranged in pairs so that related facts are explicit.

Give learners access to cubes or counters or provide them with copies of Template 3: Number lines 0 to 20
(in boost-learning.com) to help them find missing values. Can they explain any patterns they see?
Page 18: Let's talk
Learners engage in the TWM skills of ‘critiquing’ and ‘improving' to apply understanding of the

relationship between pairs that total 10 and 20 to help guide others with decision-making. Ask: How would
you explain your rules to a partner and convince them that they work?

Further activities

• Ask learners to complete Workbook pages 10 and 11. All answers are in boost-learning.com.
• Ask learners to work with a partner so that each holds up 10 fingers. Say a number between 1 and 10 for

one learner to show. Can they work together to find how many fingers are still down? Do they recognise
the 10 each time on the partner’s hands so they can use complements of 10 to help them?

Assessment ideas
• Place 20 counters on the table. Hide some counters under a cloth or a cup turned upside down. Ask
learners how many counters are hidden and how many are left. Learners then write a number sentence.
• Give each learner a digit card from 1 to 19. Ask learners to find a partner so their numbers total 20.
• Ask learners to come up with rules to help each other find complements of 20. They should test out
their rules with others and improve them if necessary.


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Unit 2 Addition and subtraction

Success criteria

While completing the activities, assess and record learners.

Learners can regroup a 20 into two groups in different ways.
Learners can explain the relationship between complements of 10 and complements of 20.
Learners can say the complement to 20 for any number from 0 to 20.
Learners can use complements of 20 to solve a range of problems.
Learners can give the addition facts and related subtraction facts.


• Provide learners with some word problems where they need to use complements of 20 to solve them, for
example, there are 7 geese and some swans on a pond. There are 20 birds in total. How many swans?

• Put learners into groups and challenge them to come up with their own word problems of complements
of 10 and 20. They can swap these with another group to solve the problem as a number sentence and
discuss what strategies they used the find the answer.
Addition and subtraction with numbers to 20

Learner’s Book Learning Outcomes

pages 19–21

Workbook pages 11–12

• Add two numbers that total up to 20.
• Take away an amount from a number up to 20.

Maths tools: cubes, board • Estimate simple calculations to check the answers.
games, spinner, counters
Online resources: Explore image, Number flashcards 1 to 20, Template 3: Number lines 0 to 20,

Worksheet 2: Addition and subtraction with numbers to 20, My Maths Bilingual Dictionary –
Addition and subtraction, Answers

Maths words: part-part-whole model, regroup; also: estimate, addition, subtraction, complement,

tens boundary, more, less

Starter activity suggestions


• Look at the Explore activity on page 19 of the Learner’s Book. If possible, also show a front-of-class
version of the Explore image (available in boost-learning.com). Talk about the number of stones that the
children are playing with in the picture. Ask: How many stones have not been turned over? Do we need to
count them or can we use something else to help us?
• Draw out from learners that as there are 20 stones, then 4 and ‘something’ are a complement of 20, so
there must be 16 stones unturned.
• Talk about the game that the children are playing and what Zara and Jack each do with the numbers
they have on their stones. Look at the problems posed.
• Discuss the role of estimating to give an idea of the number of items or the size of an answer after a
calculation. Talk about any other estimating they have done recently at home or at school.


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Unit 2 Addition and subtraction

• Ask: What do we know that can help us make decisions about who will make a number that is more
than 10? Draw out that we know that 9 + 1 is 10 so 9 + 4 must be more than 10. We also know that
10 + 5 = 15, so 9 + 4 must be less than 15, as both numbers are less than 10 and 5.
• Talk about complements of 20 to help make decisions about Jack’s subtraction, for example, I know that
15 + 5 = 20 so 20 – 5 must be 15.
• Discuss other pairs of numbers that each child can pick. Look at using addition and subtraction facts to
help calculate, along with adding a one-digit number to 10, for example, if Zara turns over a ‘10’ stone
and then a stone with a ‘ones’ digit. Also, pairs of numbers for Jack, such as 16 – 6 and 18 – 8, looking at
a difference of 10.
• To participate in active learning, learners would benefit from playing the game themselves in pairs.
Provide them with copies of Worksheet 2: Addition and subtraction with numbers to 20 (in
boost-learning.com). They will need counters to cover each stone instead of turning it over.

Or, you could suggest that they cut out each stone carefully. Then they can turn over the stones.

Activity notes

Page 19: Learn

• Look at the number line in the Learn activity. Talk about how we know that the number line matches
Zara’s first turn on the game. Ask: Where can you still see the 4 that Zara added?
• Discuss the benefits of adding 4 in this way rather than adding in jumps of one. Ask: Why do you think
the first jump is to 10 and not to 11? What is Zara using that helps her?
• Draw out the use of addition pairs that total 10 and then simply adding a one-digit number to 10. Ask
learners to break a stick of four cubes to show how Zara regrouped the 4 to cross the tens boundary.
• Now look at the part-part-whole model. Explain to learners that a part-part-whole model is a diagram to
show how the whole has been broken up into parts. Can learners match this to the jumps on the number
line? Can they explain how the 4 is shown as two parts and how 1 pairs up with 9 to total 10? Use cubes
to practise breaking up other one-digit numbers in different ways.
Page 20: Practise

1 Encourage learners to look for patterns and use what they know about addition number facts within 10,
for example, 1 + 4 = 5 so 11 + 4 is 10 more, 15. They should use part-part-whole models or the number
line to show how they make a 10 each time. Also look for any patterns within the first three additions.
Can learners explain why 12 + 5 is one more than 12 + 4? Talk about near doubles and the example that

Viti gives. Can learners spot any other near doubles, for example, 8 + 7 is a bit more than 7 + 7 or double
7? Draw out that 8 + 7 can be found as 7 + 7 + 1.
2 Learners use cubes to make the two addends each time. Encourage them to talk about how a 10 can be
made, for example, for 6 and 5, regroup (break up) the 5 into a 4 and 1. Use the 4 with the 6 to make a

10 and then add 1 more. Ask: What is the answer to 9 + 5? How do you know? What patterns do you see?
3 Learners apply understanding of regrouping to cross the tens boundary to word problems. Encourage
them to identify the complement of 10 each time.

Page 20: Try this

Learners use the TWM skills of ‘specialising’, ‘generalising’ and ‘convincing’ as they use reasoning to make
decisions and explain their thinking. They should not calculate but instead draw on any facts they know,
for example, I know that 10 + 5 = 15 so 8 + 5 must be less than 15 because 8 is less than 10. The additions
that are greater than 15 are: 9 + 8, 16 + 4, 3 + 13, 6 + 10.
Page 21: Learn
• Look at the number line. Talk about how we know that the number line matches Jack’s second turn on
the game. Ask: Where can you still see the 6 that Jack subtracted?
• Discuss the benefits of subtracting 6 in this way rather than subtracting in jumps of one. Ask: Why do you
think the first jump is to 10 and not to 9? What is Jack using that helps him?


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Unit 2 Addition and subtraction

• Draw out that the first part that he subtracts is the same as the ones part of the larger number, i.e.
14 – 4 to reach 10. He can then use complements of 10 to help him subtract 2 from 10. Ask learners
to break a stick of six cubes to show how Jack regrouped the 6 to cross the tens boundary.
• Draw the part-part-whole model on the board.
Can learners match this to the jumps on the number line? 6
Draw out that the 6 is regrouped into 4 and 2
because Jack knows that 14 take away 4 is 10. 14 – 4 – 2 = 8
• Practise ‘targeting’ 10 with other numbers, for example, 15,
what do I subtract to reach 10? How do you know?
Page 21: Practise
1 Encourage learners to use what they know about subtraction facts within 10, for example, 9 – 7 = 2,
so 19 – 7 is 12 because 19 is 10 more. Also, for 20 – 7, look for those using complements of 20 to help

make decisions. Challenge learners to think about estimates. Ask: Will answers be more or less than 10?
Look for any patterns within each set of calculations. Can learners explain why 18 – 7 is 1 less than

19 – 7? Can they use what they know about double 7 to help work out 14 – = 7?
2 Learners apply understanding of regrouping to cross the tens boundary to a word problem. Encourage
them to sketch number lines to support thinking. Or, you could provide them with copies of Template

3: Number lines 0 to 20 (in boost-learning.com). Look for those who compare 17 – 12 and 16 – 12,
reasoning that 17 – 12 must be one more rather than calculating.
Page 21: Try this
Learners engage in the TWM skills of ‘critiquing’ and ‘improving’ as they explore Jack’s statement.
Encourage them to talk about examples in the Practise activity where they did or did not need to break up
the smaller number. They should move towards using the TWM skill of ‘generalising’ that if the number
of ones to be subtracted is less than or equal to the ones part of the larger number, then no regrouping is
required. Challenge learners to think about a mathematical idea or question they can come up with to help

think about smaller numbers that do need to be regrouped, for example, Will I need to break up a number
if the smaller number is larger than the ones digit in the larger number?

Further activities

Ask learners to complete Workbook pages 11 and 12. All answers are available in the online resources in

Assessment ideas

• Play a ‘stones’ game like Zara and Jack with number flashcards 1 to 20. Players take it in turns and
decide whether to add or subtract. Keep finding totals to 20 or less.

• Learners play board games that require them to add or subtract 1 to 6 as determined by a spinner.

Success criteria

While completing the activities, assess and record learners.

Learners can make use of addition and subtraction facts to help them calculate.
Learners can regroup a number into two parts and explain the choice they have made.
Learners can use complements of 10 to aid both addition and subtraction calculations that cross the
tens boundary.
Learners can target a 10 using subtraction, for example, know that 16 – 6 = 10 and 13 – 3 = 10.


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Unit 2 Addition and subtraction

• During the ‘stones’ game as part of an assessment activity, challenge learners to estimate any additions
that will total more than 20.
• Use cubes to support making a 10 for addition or targeting a 10 for subtraction.
• Practise regrouping by breaking up one-digit numbers in different ways.

Adding small numbers

Learner’s Book
pages 22–23 Learning Outcomes

Workbook pages 12–13 • Use mental strategies to add small numbers.
• Estimate simple calculations to check the answers.
Maths tools: cubes

Online resources: Explore image, Template 7: Ten frames, Number flashcards 1 to 10,
My Maths Bilingual Dictionary – Addition and subtraction, Answers

Starter activity suggestions

• Look at the Explore activity on page 22 of the Learner’s Book. If possible, also show a front-of-class
version of the Explore image (available in boost-learning.com). Ask: How many numbered balloons does
each seller have? How many altogether? Think about doubling 7 as a strategy to find the total.
• Talk about the total that Zara would like. Ask: Should she pick 8 and 7? Why not? Learners should work
together to find pairs of balloons that Zara could have with a total less than 15. Look for those that make
use of found solutions to generate new ones, for example, 6 + 8 = 14 so 6 + 7 must also be possible as

this will be less than 14.

• Next, talk about the two balloons that David could pick. Ask: Can we use what we know about Zara’s
balloons to help us make decisions about David’s? Can we classify pairs of balloons into those that have

a total that is less than 15 and those that have a total that is more than 15?
• Move on to think about three balloons that the children can have each time. Ask: How can we use what
we know to make decisions? For example, 6 + 8 was a solution for Zara, can we make the 6 using two
different balloons so there are three in total, for example, 3 + 3 + 8.

• Explore adding three numbers in different ways, for example, largest first or seeing if a 10 can be made.

Activity notes

Page 22: Learn

• Revise pairs that make 10. Call out different numbers and ask learners to respond with the pair that
totals 10. Build up speed so that learners’ responses quicken. Play further matching games, for example,
show a number flashcard and learners respond with the pair that totals 10.
• Look together at the ten frames. Ask learners to make the same three numbers 8, 2 and 6 with sticks of
cubes. Ask: Can you make a 10 in the picture? Can you make a 10 with your cubes? (8 + 2) What number
is left? What does 10 and 6 make?
• Give further examples for learners to practise. Provide pairs with Template 7: Ten frames (in


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Unit 2 Addition and subtraction

• Write each string of three numbers so that learners have to identify the pair that makes 10 visually, by
identifying the digits. Ask: Is there a pair that makes 10 that you can use to help? What number is left?
What is the total? Build up to learners being able to explain their workings: __ and __ makes 10.
10 and __ makes, so the answer is __.
• Look at the next example. Learners should make the numbers with sticks of cubes and place them in the
order presented. Ask: Can you make a 10 with your cubes? What is different this time?
• Talk about why we can add in any order, using this to support adding the first and last number in the
calculation to make a 10.
• Finally look at doubles, rehearsing them together up to double 10. Draw out from learners that making a
10 or using doubles are good strategies to add small numbers quickly.
Page 23: Practise

1 Learners should use cubes to model the groups of 10 and find the answers.
2 Encourage learners to look for a 10 first before adding. Remind them that using doubles is a useful

strategy. Talk about estimates, using reasoning to help make decisions. Ask learners to explain why the
answers to 8 + 1 + 9 and 9 + 8 + 1 will be the same (all additions and same numbers, just a different
3 Learners add three small numbers to solve a word problem in the context of length.

Page 23: Try this
Learners apply understanding of adding in any order to rewrite addition sentences to show the numbers they
will add first. Ask them to convince a partner that they have chosen the most useful order to add them in.
Ask: What strategies did you use to reorder the addition sentences?

Page 23: Let’s talk

Learners reason about the ways to solve the additions when a 10 cannot be made straight away. Look for
learners who engage in the TWM skill of ‘conjecturing’ to make conjectures such as, Can I make a 10 in

a different way? or Can I add a pair of numbers that then helps me make a 10 with the third number?
If learners do not suggest these mathematical ideas, prompt them to do so by asking further questions,
for example, What number goes with 7 to make 10? Can we make 3 in a different way?

Further activities
Ask learners to complete Workbook pages 12 and 13. Note that question 2 engages learners in the
TWM skills of ‘conjecturing’ and ‘convincing’. All answers are available in the online resources in


Assessment ideas
• The first learner makes an addition using separate ten frames or lines of cubes. Each addition should

be three numbers where two of the numbers add to 10. The second learner then demonstrates how
to find the answer by finding the pair that makes 10 and adding the third number.
• Ask learners to line up or sit in groups of 3, 4, 6 or 7. Choose two of the groups, for example, 3 and 6.

Ask: Which third group should join them so we can make a 10? How many children are there in total?
Also, think about doubles, for example, choose the two groups, 3 and 6, and ask: Which third group
can join in so we can use doubles to help find the total?


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Unit 2 Addition and subtraction

Success criteria

While completing the activities, assess and record learners.

Learners can recognise that if they add numbers in any order, they will get the same answer.
Learners can add more than two numbers together by looking for pairs that make 10.
Learners can add two or more numbers together by identifying doubles to help them.

Adding multiples of 10

Learner’s Book
pages 24–26 Learning Outcome
Workbook page 13 • Add pairs of multiples of 10 up to 100.

Maths tools: cubes, 10c coins
Online resources: Explore image, Template 1: 100 grid,
My Maths Bilingual Dictionary – Addition and subtraction, Answers

Maths words: multiple of 10, equal; also: addition facts, total, ones, tens, more, less

Starter activity suggestions

• Look at the Explore activity on page 24. If possible, also show a front-of-class version of the Explore

image (available in boost-learning.com). Ask learners to talk about any patterns they see. Ask: How many
rows of circles are there in the first pattern? How many rows of triangles are there? The second pattern is
a little different. What is the same and what is different about it? Draw out that both patterns have 100
shapes in total that are arranged in rows of 10. There are 10 rows of 10 shapes in each pattern.

• Learners need to engage in the TWM skill of ‘conjecturing’. Challenge them to think about the next
square in the pattern. Ask: How many rows of circles and how many rows of triangles will it have?
How many shapes altogether?
• Count in tens up to 100. Then count the rows of shapes in each pattern in tens, for example, for the

circles in the first pattern: 10, 20, 30, 40, 50. Ask: How many rows of 10 circles are there in this pattern?
How many circles in total? Challenge learners to think about how many triangles there must be if there
are 100 shapes in total. Draw out that five rows of 10 triangles is also 50, so 50 and 50 equals 100.
• Talk about the second pattern in the same way, counting the circles of 10, 20, 30, 40 and then the

triangles as 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60. Ask learners to think about other objects they can count in tens.
• For support, you could provide learners with Template 1: 100 grid (in boost-learning.com).

Activity notes

Page 24: Learn

• Talk about the multiples of 10 that were discussed in the Explore activity. Establish that a number that
can be counted in tens is called a multiple of 10. What other multiples of 10 can learners say? Do they
know any that are bigger than 100?


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Unit 2 Addition and subtraction

• Look at the pictures of the ones and tens in the Learner’s Book. Talk about the similarities and
differences. Do the learners notice that the number of ones and the number of tens to be added
each time is the same? Do they notice that the number of ones or tens in the answer is also the same?
Ask them to think about how they can use this relationship to help them add multiples of 10.
• Use single cubes and sticks of 10 to practise adding pairs of numbers, talking about the relationship
between the number of ones and tens each time.
Pages 25–26: Practise
1 Learners build on the patterns used in the Explore activity to add a number of tens. They must write the
number of tens in total for the circles and triangles each time, for example, 7 tens + 3 tens = 10 tens, and
then write them as numbers using their place value, for example, 70 + 30 = 100.
2 In this activity, learners make the connection between the number of ones and the same number of tens.
They identify the number fact used each time, recognising different addition facts for eight. Encourage

learners to explain why the total will be less than 100. Can they think of another pair of tens numbers
that total 80?

3 Learners solve the three sets of additions using multiples of 10. Encourage them to look for any patterns
that might make calculating easier, for example, do they notice that 30 + 40 and 40 + 30 will result in the
same total because the numbers are just in a different order?

4 Learners solve a word problem using multiples of 10. Can they identify 70 as the whole, 20 as one of
the parts, so the missing part is 50? Reinforce this with the use of a bar model:
70 du
50 20
Page 26: Try this
In this activity learners engage in the TWM skill of ‘classifying’ as they sort calculations by their totals.
Encourage learners to draw on addition facts they know or estimating to help them make decisions.

Further activities
Ask learners to complete Workbook page 13. All answers are available in the online resources in


Assessment ideas
• Give each learner up to ten 10c coins and ask them to divide them into two piles. Can they write the

matching addition sentence? Can they say the addition fact to 10 that can help them?
• Count in tens up to a different number each time and ask: how many more to make…? For example,
count in tens up to 40 and ask: how many more to make 70?

• For assessment of the whole unit, encourage learners to complete:

– first the Quiz questions on Learner’s Book page 27
– then the Self-check page on Workbook page 14.

Success criteria

While completing the activities, assess and record learners.

Learners can count in tens up to 100.
Learners can count on in tens from a multiple of 10 up to 100 (or up to a multiple of 10) and say how
much they have added.
Learners can use addition facts to 10 (including pairs that total 10), to help them add multiples of 10,
explaining the relationship each time.


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