Lesson 6 - Whole Numbers6

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Date :
Duration : 60 minutes
Class : 6
Topic : 1. Whole Numbers
Learning Area : Basic operations with numbers up to seven digits.
Learning Objective : Add, subtract, multiply and divide numbers involving
numbers up to seven digits.
Learning Outcomes : 1. Add any two to five numbers to 9 999 999.
2. Subtract:
a. one number from a bigger number less than
10 000 000.
b. successively from a bigger number less
than 10 000 000.
Activities : Adding any two to five whole numbers.
Subtracting one whole number from a bigger whole
Subtracting successively from a bigger whole number.
Thinking Skills : Adding, subtracting
Moral Values : Hardworking, attentiveness.
Resources : Textbook, writing board, exercise book.
Vocabulary : Standard written method, vertical form, plus, sum, add,
subtract, take away, minus, difference.
Reflections : ______________________________________________



Set Induction

1 Hello! Good morning. Pupils greet the teacher.

How are you today?
Mental / Oral Stage

2 Today we are going to learn how to Teacher tells the pupils.

add and subtract whole numbers up to
seven digits.
Pupils volunteer to answer.
Do you know what addition is?
Pupils volunteer to draw
Who can show me the symbol of the symbol on the board.
addition on the board? (+)
Pupils volunteer to answer.
Do you know what subtraction is?
Well done.
Pupils volunteer to draw
Who can show me the symbol of the symbol on the board.
subtraction on the board? (−)
Demonstration Stage

3 OK, class. Let me show you how to Pupils listen and look at
add whole numbers up to seven digits the board.
in standard written method or also
known as the vertical form.

Example : Teacher writes question on

21 107 + 438 + 663 654 = _____ the board.

So... How do we add these numbers?

Ok. Class! First make sure each Teacher shows on the board
number that you write in the standard step by step.
written or vertical form method is in Millions Thousands Normal
(M) (T) (N)
the correct place values. H T O H T O H T O
2 1 1 0 7
4 3 8
+ 6 6 3 6 5 4
6 8 5 1 9 9
After that, add the numbers from left
to right according to the place value.

4 Now, I want you to take out your Pupils take out their
exercise book to try out these three exercise book.
Teacher writes questions
Examples: on the board.
1) 3 170 500 + 725 300 + 961 800 = ___
2) 228 000 + 1 882 000 + 1 492 400 +
2 283 = _____
3) 890 002 + 56 733+ 398 + 1 680 +
Pupils do their work.
59 379 = ___
Teacher guides when
You will be given 10 minutes to
Teacher writes answers on
complete the questions.
the board.

Time’s up. Now I want you to check

Pupils check own answers.
you’re your answers with the one I am
going to write on the board.
1) 4 857 600 2) 3 604 683
3) 1 008 192

5 OK, class. I’ll show you how to Pupils listen and look at
subtract whole numbers up to seven the board.
digits in standard written method or
the vertical form.

Example :
Take away 1 245 739 from 3 908 364
Before that, what take away is? Teacher writes question on
the board.
Right, to take away also means minus Pupils respond.
or subtract. Teacher explains.

Ok. Class! To take away or subtract,

first make sure each number that you Teacher shows on the board
write in the standard written or vertical step by step.
Millions Thousands Normal
form method is in the correct place
(M) (T) (N)
values. H T O H T O H T O
3 9 0 8 3 6 4
- 1 2 4 5 7 3 9
2 6 6 2 6 2 5

After that, minus or take away the

numbers from left to right according to
the place value.
6 Next, I am going to teach you how to Teacher explains.
subtract whole numbers successively.
Example: Teacher writes question on
573 921 – 212 986 – 89 015 = ___ the board.

First subtract the second number that Teacher shows on the board
is 212 986 from the first number step by step.
573 921. Remember make sure each Millions Thousands Normal
(M) (T) (N)
number that you write in the vertical H T O H T O H T O
5 7 3 9 2 1
form is in the correct place values. - 2 1 2 9 8 6
3 6 0 9 3 5
- 8 9 0 1 5
Then subtract from right to left. 2 7 1 9 2 0

After that, minus the third number 89

015 from the difference that is 360
935. The final answer is 271 920.
Development Stages

7 Now, I want you to take out your Pupils take out their
exercise book to try out these two exercise book.
Teacher writes questions
Examples: on the board.
1) 189 024 – 43 214 = _____
2) 7 214 809 – 3 426 199 – 80 754 =
_____ Pupils do their work.
You will be given 10 minutes to Teacher guides when
complete the work. necessary.

Have you finished? Let’s check your Teacher writes answers on

answers with the one I am going to the board.
write on the board. Pupils check own answers
1) 145 810 2) 3 707 856

7 That is all for today.

Here are the exercises you need to
complete at home. Look at page 19 in Pupils take note.
your Textbook. Do question 1, 2, 6
and 7 in your exercise book. Then in
page 22 do question 1, 2 and 3.

Remember to do your homework. See

you tomorrow. Pupils thank the teacher.


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