KFLC Program 2014
KFLC Program 2014
KFLC Program 2014
67th Annual
~Thank You~
Dear KFLC Participant,
Welcome to the 67th Annual KFLC! We are glad that you will be
joining us this year. This conference was made possible by the
imagination and hard work of many people who have volunteered
their time, energy and insight. Please thank these people when you
see them around during the next few days.
We would also like to thank Noah Adler and Nijad Zakharia for
website and on-line abstract administration. Mark Lauersdorf’s
technical guidance is instrumental to conference preparation, and we
are grateful for his expertise. We appreciate the contributions of
Ashley Casteel and UKIT, who graciously provide us with technical
support throughout the conference. We would also like to thank
Melinda Plymale for all of her hard work with our many catering
needs. Finally, many thanks to Bond Jacobs at the Lexington
Convention and Visitors Bureau, our speakers, organizers, chairs,
participants and dedicated volunteers.
Joshua Martin
Event Coordinator
[email protected]
Table of Contents
Table of Contents ...........................................................................4
2014 Executive Committee.............................................................5
Plenary Keynote Lecture ...............................................................6
Conference Highlights ..................................................................7
Arabic and Islamic Studies ..........................................................10
East Asian Studies .......................................................................12
French and Francophone Studies ...............................................15
German-Austrian-Swiss ...............................................................23
Hispanic Linguistics ....................................................................28
Italian Studies ...............................................................................36
Luso-Afro-Brazilian Studies ........................................................39
Neo-Latin Studies ........................................................................41
Russian and Slavic Studies ..........................................................44
Second Language Acquisition .....................................................45
Spanish American Studies ...........................................................50
Spanish Peninsular Studies ..........................................................64
Translation Studies .......................................................................95
Sponsors ........................................................................................97
My Schedule ................................................................................110
Notes ...........................................................................................111
2014 Executive Committee
Arabic and Islamic Studies Ihsan Bagby
[email protected]
Liang Luo
[email protected]
Conference Highlights
12:00 p.m. General Lunch - Student Center Patio
3:30 p.m. Plenary Address: Arabic and Islamic Studies
Title: Building on Difference: Detroit’s First Mosques 1914-
Sally Howell, University of Michigan-Dearborn
Old Student Center, 359
Arabic and Islamic Studies
Friday Morning
April 11, 2014 - 9:00am to 12:00pm
9:00 Oral Error Correction Methods in Arabic Language Classes and the
Students’ Preferred Error Correcton Method and Timing
Maher Alkhateeb, University of Northern Kentucky
9:30 Distance Learning and Teaching Foreign Languages
Soufien Jarray, Purdue University
10:00 New Approaches to Teaching Arabic and Distance Learning
Ghadir Zannoun, Reem Al-Ali and Maher Alkhateeb
10:30 Coffee Break
Friday Afternoon
April 12, 2014 – 1:30pm to 4:30pm
Arabic and Islamic Studies
Saturday Morning
April 12, 2014 - 9:00am to 12:00pm
Saturday Afternoon
April 12, 2014 - 1:00pm to 5:00pm
East Asian Studies
Friday Morning
April 11, 2014 - 8:30am to 11:30am
11:45 The Paradox of Female Agency: 'Fair Ophelia' in Victorian and East
Asian Visual Cultures
Alexa Huang, George Washington University
East Asian Studies
Friday Afternoon
April 11, 2014 – 1:30pm to 4:30pm
Saturday Morning
April 12, 2014 – 8:30am to 11:00am
Saturday Afternoon
April 12, 2014 – 12:00pm to 5:00pm
French and Francophone Studies
Thursday Morning
April 10, 2014 – 9:00am to 12:00pm
French and Francophone Studies
French and Francophone Studies
Thursday Afternoon
April 10, 2014 – 2:00pm to 5:00pm
French and Francophone Studies
French and Francophone Studies
Friday Morning
April 11, 2014 – 9:00am to 12:00pm
French and Francophone Studies
Friday Afternoon
April 11, 2014 – 2:00pm to 4:30pm
Saturday Morning
April 12, 2014 – 9:00am to 12:00pm
Commonwealth House, First Floor Conference Room
Organized and chaired by: Katharine Jensen, Louisiana State University
French and Francophone Studies
Commonwealth House, 201
Organized by: Leon Sachs, University of Kentucky
Chaired by: Christian Taylor Honican, University of Kentucky
Saturday Afternoon
April 12, 2014 – 2:00pm to 5:00pm
French and Francophone Studies
Thursday Afternoon
April 10, 2014 – 2:00pm to 5:00pm
Friday Morning
April 11, 2014 – 9:00am to 12:00pm
Max Kade House, Library
Organized and chaired by: Nels Jeff Rogers, University of Kentucky; Ted Fiedler,
University of Kentucky
Chaired by: Nels Jeff Rogers, University of Kentucky
Friday Afternoon
April 11, 2014 – 12:00pm to 4:30pm
12:00 The Poetics of Waste and Wastefulness: Fatih Akin’s Film Garbage
in the Garden Eden
Sabine Wilke, University of Washington
Max Kade House, Library
Friday, April 11, 2014 - 2:00pm to 4:30pm
Organized by: Nels Jeff Rogers, Ted Fiedler, University of Kentucky
Chaired by: Ted Fiedler, University of Kentucky
Saturday Morning
April 12, 2014 – 9:00am to 12:00pm
9:00 From Sophie von La Roche to Caroline Pichler: Gender and the
Heuristics of Literary Canonization around 1800
Margaretmary Daley, Case Western Reserve University
9:30 Ladies’ Choice? Men in Love in Works by Caroline Auguste Fischer
and Therese Huber
Viktoria Harms, University of Alabama
10:00 Gender Equivocation in Charlotte von Stein’s Die zwey Emilien
Rebecca Steele, University of Wyoming
10:30 Coffee Break
11:00 The Power of the Courts in the Grimms’ Fairy Tales
Mary A. Bricker, Southern Illinois University; Benjamin Bricker, Southern
Illinois University
11:30 Regional Identity and the Concept of H eimat in Ernst Moritz
Arndt's Märchen
Heide Amante Crawford, University of Georgia
9:00 “Zur Bühne hätte ich gehen sollen”: Fräulein Else ’s Theatricality
Veronika Jeltsch, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale
9:30 Mothers in the Weimar Republic: Vanishing Role Models in Irmgard
Keun’s Novels Gilgi-eine von uns and Das kunstseidene Mädchen
Julia Silvia Feldhaus, Saint Anselm College
10:00 The Homosexual Body in Exile
Juliane Szlosze, University of Illinois, Urbana
10:30 Coffee Break
Saturday Afternoon
April 12, 2014 – 2:00pm to 5:00pm
2:30 Jagd und Joch, Frau und Pferd: Emotional and Psychological
Human-Animal Connections in Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach’s
Sarah Hillenbrand Varela, Washington University in St. Louis
3:00 “Vaterland” and “Mannesschwert”? Depictions of a German
Bourgeois Ideal of Masculinity in Paul Heyse's Er soll dein H err
sein and Das Glück von Rothenburg
Faruk Pasic, Washington University in St. Louis
3:30 Coffee Break
4:00 Staging Nature Poetry: Goethe’s “Heidenröslein” and “Die
Metamorphose der Pflanzen” in Zacharias Werner’s Wanda, Königin
der Sarmaten
Amy Emm, The Citadel
4:30 Karl Emil Franzos Meets Georg Büchner: The Transformative (but
not Revolutionary) Power of Literature
Leo W. Riegert Jr., Kenyon College
Hispanic Linguistics
Thursday Morning
April 10, 2014 – 9:00am to 12:00pm
Hispanic Linguistics
Hispanic Linguistics
Thursday Afternoon
April 10, 2014 – 1:30pm to 6:00pm
Hispanic Linguistics
2:00 The Spanish Past Participle: A Closer Look at Its Morphology and
David Brian Roby, University of Pikeville
2:30 Tener + Past Participle: The Early Stages of Its Evolution into the
Meagan M. Day, University of Florida; Sarah Zahler, Indiana University
3:00 Licensing Variable Structures in Spanish: The Case of Prepositional
Objects in Coordination
Jordan M. Garrett, Indiana University
3:30 Coffee Break
Hispanic Linguistics
Friday Morning
April 11, 2014 – 9:00am to 12:00pm
Hispanic Linguistics
Friday Afternoon
April 11, 2014 – 1:30pm to 4:30pm
Saturday Morning
April 12, 2014 – 9:00am to 12:00pm
Hispanic Linguistics
Italian Studies
Thursday Afternoon
April 10, 2014 – 2:00pm to 5:00pm
Friday Morning
April 11, 2014 – 9:00am to 12:00pm
Italian Studies
Friday Afternoon
April 11, 2014 – 2:00pm to 4:30pm
Saturday Morning
April 10, 2014 – 2:00pm to 5:00pm
Italian Studies
Saturday Afternoon
April 12, 2014 – 2:00pm to 5:00pm
Bingham Davis House, Conference Room
Organized and chaired by: Matteo Benassi, University of Kentucky
Luso-Afro-Brazilian Studies
Friday Morning
April 11, 2014 – 9:00am to 12:00pm
Friday Afternoon
April 11, 2014 – 12:00pm to 1:45pm
Luso-Afro-Brazilian Studies
Saturday Morning
April 12, 2014 – 9:00am to 12:00pm
Neo-Latin Studies
Thursday Morning
April 10, 2014 - 9:00am to 12:00pm
Thursday Afternoon
April 10, 2014 - 2:00pm to 5:00pm
Friday Morning
April 11, 2014 - 9:00am to 12:00pm
Friday Afternoon
April 11, 2014 - 2:00pm to 4:30pm
Saturday Morning
April 12, 2014 - 9:30am to 12:00pm
Russian and Slavic Studies
Friday Morning
April 11, 2014 – 9:00am to 12:00pm
Friday Afternoon
April 11, 2014 – 12:00pm to 2:00pm
Thursday Afternoon
April 10, 2014 – 2:00pm to 6:00pm
Second Language Acqiusition
Friday Morning
April 11, 2014 – 9:30am to 12:00pm
Second Language Acqiusition
Friday Afternoon
April 11, 2014 – 1:30pm to 4:30pm
Patterson Office Tower, 18th Floor, H
Organized by: Alan Victor Brown, University of Kentucky
Chaired by: Francis Bailey, University of Kentucky
Second Language Acqiusition
Saturday Morning
April 12, 2014 – 9:00am to 12:00pm
Second Language Acqiusition
Saturday Afternoon
April 12, 2014 – 2:00pm to 5:00pm
Patterson Office Tower, 18th Floor, H
Organized by: Brenna Reinhart Byrd, University of Kentucky
Chaired by: Edward Hill Strohmeier, University of Kentucky
Spanish American Studies
Thursday Morning
April 10, 2014 – 9:00am to 12:00pm
Spanish American Studies
Old Student Center, 251
Organized by: José María Persánch, University of Kentucky
Chaired by: Karina A. Morales-Gálvez, University of Kentucky
Spanish American Studies
Old Student Center, 307
Organized and chaired by: Georgie Medina, University of Kentucky
Spanish American Studies
Thursday Afternoon
April 10, 2014 – 2:00pm to 5:00pm
Patterson Office Tower, 1145
Organized by: Georgie Medina, University of Kentucky
Chaired by: Grace Martin, University of Kentucky
Spanish American Studies
Spanish American Studies
Spanish American Studies
Friday Morning
April 11, 2014 – 8:00am to 12:00pm
Spanish American Studies
Old Student Center, 117
Organized by: Georgie Medina, University of Kentucky
Chaired by: Ruth Brown, University of Kentucky
Patterson Office Tower, 1143
Organized and chaired by: Georgie Medina, University of Kentucky
9:00 El lenguaje como actante en las literatura finisecular del siglo XX:
Explorando la narrativa de los novísimos
Elizabeth Amaya, Millikin University
9:30 Naturaleza y vida humana en los cuentos de Juan Bosch: “El río y su
enemigo” y “El mal tiempo”
Efthimia Pandis Pavlakis, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
10:00 En diciembre llegaban las brisas : Un análisis de sus espacialidades
físicas e imaginarias
Sandra Lorena Alzate, Muskingum University
10:30 Coffee Break
Spanish American Studies
Friday Afternoon
April 11, 2014 – 12:00pm to 4:30pm
Spanish American Studies
Spanish American Studies
Saturday Morning
April 12, 2014 – 9:00am to 12:00pm
Spanish American Studies
Old Student Center, 117
Organized by: José María Persánch, University of Kentucky
Chaired by: Grace Martin, University of Kentucky
Spanish American Studies
Saturday Afternoon
April 12, 2014 – 2:00pm to 5:00pm
Old Student Center, 307
Organized by: Georgie Medina, University of Kentucky
Chaired by: Joshua Dale Martin, University of Kentucky
Old Student Center, 251
Organized by: Georgie Medina, University of Kentucky
Chaired by: Daniel Anderson, University of Kentucky
2:00 Memory, Story and History in La muerte de Artemio Cruz and Las
batallas en el desierto
Mark Richard Couture, Western Carolina University
2:30 Peregrinación en México: Los cuentos de Juan Rulfo
Daniel Runnels, University of Louisville
3:00 La nación como palimpsesto en La utopía de María de Marcela del
Ela Molina Morelock, University of the Cumberlands
3:30 Coffee Break
4:00 La mirada desde el centro: El letrado y la nación mexicana en Los
corruptores (2013) de Jorge Zepeda Patterson
Alberto Fonseca, North Central College
4:30 Hijos de Mamá Carlota: Historical Trauma and the Construction of
National Identity in Fernando del Paso’sNoticias del imperio
Kyle James Matthews, SUNY-Geneseo
Spanish American Studies
Spanish Peninsular Studies
Thursday Morning
April 10, 2014 – 9:00am to 12:00pm
Spanish Peninsular Studies
9:30 Humor sorpresa en Los objetos nos llaman , de Juan José Millás
María Sergia Steen, University of Colorado at Colorado Springs
10:00 The Fixed Image in Pilar Pedraza's Días de perros
Kay Pritchett, University of Arkansas
10:30 Coffee Break
11:00 El secreto del silencio en Tiempo de arena de Inma Chacón
Esther Sánchez-Couto, University of North Texas
11:30 La presencia del Quijote en Las aventuras del capitán Alatriste
Katie Ginsbach, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Spanish Peninsular Studies
Spanish Peninsular Studies
Spanish Peninsular Studies
Spanish Peninsular Studies
9:30 Situated Writing and Life Writing Texts: Located Subjects, Post-War
Dawn Smith-Sherwood, Indiana University of Pennsylvania
10:00 Social Problems, Social Realities in Montero’s Works
Victoria L. Ketz, Iona College
10:30 Coffee Break
11:00 Unwriting Spain: Global Pimping and Subjectivity in Juan
Bonilla’s Los príncipes nubios
Lennie Marie Amores, Marian University
11:30 Situated Writing and Nomadic Poetics: Ritos de jaima (2012) by
Limam Boisha
Debra Faszer-McMahon, Seton Hill University
Spanish Peninsular Studies
Thursday Afternoon
April 10, 2014 – 2:00pm to 5:00pm
Spanish Peninsular Studies
Spanish Peninsular Studies
2:00 Getting Away with Wife Murder: Article 438 in the Press and Popular
Leslie Maxwell Kaiura, University of Alabama in Huntsville
2:30 Female Masculinity and Surrogate Pleasure in Spanish Sicaliptic
Itziar Rodríguez de Rivera, Cornell University
3:00 Heterosexual "Pocket-Porn" or Sapphic Ars Amatoria?: A Perverse
Reading of Carlos Santafé's Se limpia a domicilio
Allison Santos-Martin, University of Kentucky
3:30 Coffee Break
4:00 Repetition, Reproduction, and Resurrection in the Prologues to
Álvaro Retana’s Works in La Novela de H oy
Jeffrey Zamostny, University of West Georgia
4:30 Celebridad femenina y modelo de mujer en Tras la pantalla : Galería
de artistas cinematográficos (1920-1922)
Patricia Barrera Velasco, Complutense University of Madrid
Spanish Peninsular Studies
Spanish Peninsular Studies
Old Student Center, 119
Organized and chaired by: Aníbal A. Biglieri, University of Kentucky
Spanish Peninsular Studies
Old Student Center, 113
Organized and chaired by: Moisés R. Castillo, University of Kentucky
Friday Morning
April 11, 2014 – 9:00am to 12:00pm
Spanish Peninsular Studies
9:00 Lo difícil de ser un ángel del hogar: Una apuesta en la velada de San
Juan de Natividad de Rojas
Gabrielle Miller, University of Virginia
9:30 La ilustración, el romanticismo y el tema de la virtud en el
drama Leoncia de Gertrudis Gómez de Avellaneda
Alexander Selimov, University of Delaware
10:00 Freedom & the Soul within the Mechano-Materialist System: The
Bergsonian Presence in Pardo Bazán’s Naturalistic Fictions
Michael A. Gómez, College of Charleston
10:30 Coffee Break
Spanish Peninsular Studies
Spanish Peninsular Studies
Spanish Peninsular Studies
Spanish Peninsular Studies
Friday Afternoon
April 11, 2014 – 12:00pm to 4:30pm
Spanish Peninsular Studies
1:30 Writing the Self, Rewriting the Nation: Gender and Nation in Najat
El Hachmi’s Jo també soc catalana
Stephanie A. Mueller, Union College
2:00 Opera, Orality, and Becoming Catalan in Montserrat Roig’s L’òpera
Melissa J. McCarron, The University of Chicago
2:30 Covert Catalan Nationalism in the African Novels of Liberata
Kathleen Honora Connolly, Western Oregon University
3:00 Coffee Break
3:30 “Doble o tercera o cuarta periferia”: Escritoras en castellano en
Cataluña, Euskadi y Galicia
Pilar Martínez-Quiroga, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
4:00 The Construction of Catalan National Identity through Historical
Narrative in Alfred Bosch’s 1714 and Albert Sánchez Piñol’sVictus
Carmen Rossell, Georgia State University
Spanish Peninsular Studies
Spanish Peninsular Studies
1:30 Sketching the Future Furiously: Graphic Design and Space from
the Movida On
Malcolm Alan Compitello, University of Arizona
2:00 Heroin, la Movida , and the Spanish "Lost" Generation
Francisco Fernández de Alba, Wheaton College, MA
2:30 La calle Libertad, la libertad de la calle: Toward a Cultural Archive
of la Movida
Juan Pablo Wert Ortega, Universidad de Castilla La Mancha
3:00 Coffee Break
3:30 La Movida as Spectacle and Heritage: Museums and the Mapping of
the Past
William J. Nichols, Georgia State University
4:00 La Removida: The Metamorphosis of Memory and la Movida in
Recent Documentary Films
Marcela T. Garcés, Siena College
Spanish Peninsular Studies
Spanish Peninsular Studies
Spanish Peninsular Studies
Saturday Morning
April 12, 2014 – 9:00am to 12:00pm
Spanish Peninsular Studies
Old Student Center, 309
Organized by: Moisés R. Castillo, University of Kentucky
Chaired by: Bradley Nelson, Concordia University
9:30 With Friends Like This Who Needs Enemies? Reading and
Interpretation of the Quixotic Narrative
Theresa McBreen, Middle Tennessee State University
10:00 Cervantes' Phantasmagoric Fiction: On the Use of the Terms
"Fantasma" and "Fantasía" in Don Quijote
Eli Cohen, Oberlin College
10:30 Coffee Break
11:00 Alonso Quijano: A Manifold Quijada or Quesada
Alejandra Carolina Zavala-Gómez, Southern Illinois University Carbondale
11:30 A Narratological Analysis of Don Quixote and the ‘Good Books'
Liesder Mayea, University of Redlands
Spanish Peninsular Studies
Old Student Center, 111
Organized and chaired by: David Colbert-Goicoa, Sewaneee: The University of the
Spanish Peninsular Studies
Spanish Peninsular Studies
Spanish Peninsular Studies
Saturday Afternoon
April 12, 2014 – 12:00pm to 5:00pm
2:30 Personality Theory and the Inquisitorial Trial of Fray Luis de León
J. Michael Fulton, Oral Roberts University
3:00 Literatura sulfúrea: Gunpowder as Moral, Theological, Philosophical,
and Esthetic Trope in the Spanish Golden Age
Anthony R. Smith, University of Wisconsin-Madison
3:30 Coffee Break
Spanish Peninsular Studies
Spanish Peninsular Studies
2:30 El engaño como reflejo del Barroco en Don Álvaro o la fuerza del
sino del Duque de Rivas
Ana Luna Hoyas, Baylor University
3:00 Mesonero Romanos: Regreso al estilo barroco
Ben Taylor Moss, Baylor University
3:30 Coffee Break
4:00 Cómo el engaño expone el desengaño en “El mundo todo es
máscaras. Todo el año es Carnaval” de Mariano José de Larra
Stephanie Alexandra Nix Vaughan, Baylor University
4:30 De lo imaginario a lo real: El desencanto en las rimas de Gustavo
Adolfo Bécquer
Gabriela Gutiérrez, Baylor University
2:30 "A Eugenia Domingo del Arco": Poetry, Music, and Mysticism
in Niebla
Linda B. Bartlett, Furman University
3:00 Niebla and Romanticism’s Legacy in Spain
Christine Blackshaw Naberhaus, Mount Saint Mary's University
3:30 Coffee Break
4:00 “Ni novela ni nivola”: Metafiction in Niebla and Los invisibles
Maria Rippon, Furman University
4:30 Huellas de Montaigne en Niebla de Unamuno
Brian James Cope, The College of Wooster
Spanish Peninsular Studies
2:00 “¿Qué he hecho yo para que todo lo que hago sea tan sucio?”:
Victims and Perpetrators in Animalario’sUrtain
Katherine Stafford, Lafayette College
2:30 La representación del etarra en el proceso de paz vasco
Edurne Portela, Lehigh University
3:00 Historicizing Violence: The Republican Victim as Perpetrator in
Andrés Trapiello's Ayer no más
Sebastiaan Faber, Oberlin College
3:30 Coffee Break
4:00 La última victoria del franquismo: El oikos como patria, el despot
como padre
Ana Luengo, University of Washington
4:30 Final Remarks
Jorge Marí, North Carolina State University
Translation Studies
Saturday Morning
April 12, 2014 – 9:00am to 12:00pm
Old Student Center, 359
Organized and chaired by: Sadia Zoubir-Shaw, University of Kentucky
Translation Studies
Saturday Afternoon
April 12, 2014 – 2:00pm to 5:00pm
Old Student Center, 359
Organized and chaired by: Sadia Zoubir-Shaw, University of Kentucky
Bartlett, Linda B. ...............................93
Basile, Paola .......................................36
Acajabón, Lily M. ............................. 54 Bauer, Sarah E. ..................................74
Acuna-Zumbado, Eduardo ............ 60 Beard, David ......................................45
Agostinelli, Christina ....................... 45 Beaubien, Christina Marie ...............70
Al-Ali, Reem ..................................... 11 Becerril, María Elena ........................86
Al-Natour, Manal M. ....................... 11 Becker, Shannon ...............................45
Al Thowaini, Assma ........................ 49 Benassi, Matteo ........................... 37,38
Al Thowaini, Bathainaah M. .......... 11 Begenchev, Mike ...............................49
Alcón-Soler, Eva .............................. 49 Berlin, Henry .....................................86
Alkhateeb, Maher ........................ 10,10 Betancur, Bryan .................................78
Allert, Beate I. ................................... 24 Bezerra, Kátia C. ...................... 5,39,40
Alonso-Marks, Emilia ................ 33,49 Bieder, Maryellen ........................ 69,82
Álvarez-Blanco, Palmar.............. 61,88 Bigelow, Camille Renee ...................65
Alzate, Sandra Lorena ..................... 57 Biglieri, Aníbal A.................... 64,74,77
Amaya, Elizabeth ............................. 57 Bird, David W. ..................................65
Ambrose, Steven .............................. 15 Blaauw, Cameron ..............................42
Amend, Tracie ............................. 49,89 Bliss, Greta .........................................18
Amores, Lennie Marie ..................... 69 Bloomfield, Elisabeth Marie ...........21
Anderson, Daniel ........................ 58,62 Bly, Peter Anthony ...........................89
Annunziato, Sarah E. ...................... 37 Bordera-Amerigo, María José .........72
Arbaiza, Diana .................................. 51 Bort Caballero, María Luz ...............86
Arce, Jose Patricio ............................ 59 Bottaro, Mayra...................................51
Aroeste, Sarah ..................................... 7 Boyer, Barbara ...................................16
Arroyo Malagón, Silvia .................... 86 Bricker, Benjamin .............................26
Aviles-Diz, Jorge .............................. 89 Bricker, Mary A. ................................26
Brocato, Linde M. .............................84
B Brockman, Beatrix M. ......................24
Backes, Heidi .................................... 92 Brown, Alan ......................... 5,45,47,49
Baertschi, Annette M. ...................... 41 Brown, Earl ........................................29
Bagby, Ihsan .............................. 5,10,11 Brown, Jarrod ....................................54
Bailey, Francis ................................... 47 Brown, Ruth ......................................57
Baixauli Olmos, Lluís ...................... 95 Bryant, Stacy ......................................28
Baker, Gary Lee ................................ 24 Buchanan, Rhonda Lee....................63
Balabarca, Lisette ............................. 75 Buckenmeyer, Alicia .........................53
Ballesteros, Irene Mele .................... 84 Buckner, Timothy .............................65
Bamford, Heather ............................ 84 Burgos, Félix Manuel .......................47
Bañuelos-Montes, José F. ............... 60 Busic, Jason ........................................77
Barnes, Julia C................................... 66 Butler, Beth Ann ...............................66
Barr, Bradley ..................................... 23 Butler, Justin ......................................90
Barrera Velasco, Patricia ................. 72 Butler, Krissie Hannah ....................59
Barrile, Matthew James ................... 85 Byrd, Andrew ...................................6,9
Byrd, Brenna Reinhart..... 23,45,48,49 Crawford, Heide Amante ................26
Crowner, Carolyn..............................74
Cruz Armenta, Claudia ....................72
Cuesta, Luis Francisco .....................77
Cáceres, Alejandro ........................... 54 Cummings, Gerardo T. ....................81
Caña Jiménez, María del Carmen Cuza, Alejandro .................................48
.................................................. 55,71
Cano, Geraldine ............................... 40
Canteli Vigón, Marcos ..................... 54 D'Anselmi, Luca A. ..........................43
Carberry, Alison D........................... 91 Daley, Margaretmary ........................26
Carpenter, Marisa ............................. 28 Dalla Torre, Elena ............................22
Carrillo, Germán D. ......................... 60 Day, Meagan M. ................................31
Carrocio, Macarena .......................... 33 De Bellis, Carla ..................................36
Cass, Jeremy L. ................................. 53 Del Mastro, Mark P. ................... 58,80
Castillo, David R. ............................. 80 Delano, Cristina ................................92
Castillo, Moisés R. ..68,75,78,80,87,91 Delgado Costa, Pepo.......................... 7
Caudill, Tamara Bentley .................. 17 Dennistoun Bryant, Peter James ....43
Cerezo, Alicia ............................... 84,94 Denton, Tyler ....................................42
Cerkey, John E. ................................ 62 Denzel, Valentina Irena ...................15
Chamorro, Alberto .......................... 58 Devitt, McKew William ...................84
Chang, Dongshin ............................. 13 Di Paolo, Osvaldo ............................70
Charles, Aline .................................... 19 Díaz Collazos, Ana María................30
Charles, Marie Line Jude................. 19 Diaz de Leon, Mayilu .......................96
Chaves, Carolina ............................... 33 Dickey, Eric Lee................................83
Chávez, Daniel............................... 7,56 Dietz, Michelle ..................................23
Chen, Liana ....................................... 13 DiFilippo, Emily Jeanne ..................85
Chiquillo, Raquel Patricia ............... 54 Dillon, John B. ..................................41
Chisholm, David .............................. 24 Dimeo, David ....................................11
Christiansen, Hope .......................... 17 Divine, Susan Marie ................... 76,90
Claudel, Ophelia ............................... 17 Dixon, Paul .................................. 39,40
Cohen, Eli.......................................... 87 Donovan, Mary Kate .......................70
Colbert-Goicoa, David.................... 88 Doran, Melissa ..................................53
Collins, Hannah L. ........................... 46 Dorca, Toni .......................................89
Colón-Rodríguez, Larisa Maite ...... 61 Doroga, Jason ....................................32
Colucci, Dalila................................... 38 Downey, Heather Lyn......................79
Comfort, Kathy ................................ 16 Doyle, Kathleen Anne .....................85
Compitello, Malcolm Alan ............. 83 Dupuis, Thomas ...............................22
Connolly, Kathleen Honora ........... 81 Dutra, Paulo.......................................40
Cope, Brian James ............................ 93 Dworkin, Steven Norman ...............28
Coullaut Cordero, Jaime ................. 11
Coulson, Frank T. ............................ 42
Couti, Jacqueline ....................16,18,19 Elazar, Gideon ..................................13
Couture, Mark Richard ................... 62 Eldredge, Ginette Alomar ...............74
Cowling, Erin Alice ......................... 78 Elias, Vanessa ....................................29
Elorrieta, Jabier................................. 47 Furs, Liudmila Alekseevna ..............44
Elsayed, Hanan ................................. 19 Futamura, Caroline Wakaba ...........21
Elson, Mark J. ................................... 28
Emm, Amy ........................................ 27
Ems-Bléneau, Virginie Annie ........ 16 Gabiola, Irune del Río......................92
Enkin, Elizabeth Bella ..................... 48 Gale, Beth ..........................................18
Espejo-Saavedra, Ramón ................ 67 Gamboa, Patricia María ...................85
Garcés, Marcela T. ............................83
García, Adrián M. .............................57
Faber, Sebastiaan ...... 7,58,61,79,88,94 Garcia, Diana Isabel .........................21
Faitaninho, Adel R. .......................... 91 García-Fernández, Antón................68
Fakhri, Ahmed .................................. 11 García Loaeza, Pablo .......................63
Faszer-McMahon, Debra ................ 69 García-Olano, Ramiro .....................87
Feldhaus, Julia Silvia ........................ 27 García Revuelta, Aída ......................64
Félix-Brasdefer, J. César.......... 7,31,46 García-Torres, Puli ...........................33
Fernández de Alba, Francisco ....... 83 Garr, Melissa ......................................68
Fernández-Díaz, David-Felix ......... 89 Garrett, Jordan M. ............................31
Fernández-Rubiera, Francisco ....... 34 Garrison, Laura Kathleen ................36
Ferrari, Chiara ................................... 36 Gavioli, Nicola ..................................40
Ferreira, César................................... 60 George, Angela..................................35
Ferrer, Olga Sendra.......................... 65 Gibbons, Megan E. ..........................78
Fichtel, Lauren .................................. 19 Gierach, Amanda Rose ....................90
Fiedler, Ted .................................. 24,25 Gill, Carolyn Nolan ..........................49
Filosofova, Tatiana ....................... 5,44 Ginsbach, Katie ................................65
Finley, Sarah ...................................... 79 Godsland, Shelley .............................70
Fisher, Roger S. ................................ 42 Goff, Jennifer A. ...............................26
Fitz, Earl E. .................................... 8,39 Golán, Antonio .................................76
Fiumara, Francesco.......................... 37 Gold, Hazel .................................. 73,89
Fiuza, Felipe ...................................... 68 Goldblatt, Noah Dylan ....................26
Flores-Silva, Dolores .................... 8,73 Goldstein, Beth L. ............................13
Fonfría-Perera, Daniel..................... 77 Golsan, Katie .....................................18
Fonseca, Alberto .............................. 62 Gómez, Gilberto ...............................52
Fonseca, Elizabeth A....................... 74 Gómez, Michael A............................76
Francis, Alexander L........................ 45 Gómez-Cambronero, David M......78
Francis, David ................................... 56 González, Ester G. ...........................60
Francomano, Emily C. ............... 84,86 González, Javier F. ...........................51
Franz, Thomas R.............................. 73 González, Mirla Andrea...................94
Frederick, Patricia E. ....................... 16 González-Contreras, Melissa ..........56
Friis, Ronald J. .................................. 60 Gould, Christa S................................57
Frohlich, Johannes ........................... 23 Gover, Carla Paulette .......................45
Frost, Melissa J. ................................ 56 Grant, Jason C. ..................................17
Fueger, Kathleen M. ................... 74,75 Grassmann, Elizabeth ......................50
Fuentes, Víctor ................................. 81 Gratchev, Slav N...............................68
Fulton, J. Michael ............................. 91 Gregori, Eduardo..............................87
Greppi, Teresa M. ............................ 64 I
Grzelczak, Agata Maria .............. 44,70
Ibarra, Venancio René .....................56
Guadalupe, Olga............................... 90
Ibrahim, Sulaiman Algamawi ..........11
Guardiola, María Luisa .................... 82
Icleanu, Constantin Cristian............65
Guarino, Maria ................................... 8
Iglesias, Yolanda ...............................74
Gummersheimer, Courtney M. ..... 49
Imperiale, Louis ................................64
Gutiérrez, César................................ 32
Ingram, Rebecca ...............................85
Gutiérrez, Gabriela .......................... 93
Inoue, Masamichi................ 5,12,13,14
Gutiérrez-Rivas, Carolina ............... 34
Ioannou, Vasileios ............................91
Gyulamiryan, Tatevik ...................... 68
Irigoyen-García, Javier .....................75
H Ismail, Riham A.M............................11
Hackney, Melanie ............................. 20 J
Hadour, Taoues ................................ 47
Janca-Aji, Joyce .................................21
Hakobyan, Liana .............................. 70
Jarray, Soufien ...................................10
Hall, Jonathan ................................... 42
Jean, Michael......................................42
Hall, Jordan Allen ............................ 96
Jeltsch, Veronika ...............................27
Harms, Viktoria ................................ 26
Jensen, Katharine ........................ 20,21
Harnett, Daniel ................................. 68
Jerez-Farrán, Carlos ..........................81
Harney, Michael Paul ...................... 74
Jiménez-Justiniano, José ..................54
Harris, Jason ...................................... 42
Johannes, Daniela .............................63
Harrison, Lucia Guzzi ..................... 37
Johnson, Roberta Lee ......................69
Hawes, Stephen Bryant ................... 49
Johnston, Marina Della Putta .........36
He, Jianjun ......................................... 12
Jolley, Jason ........................................60
Hennebohl, Sarah Maria ................. 26
Jordan, Whitaker ...............................78
Hernández-Baptista, Gonzalo .. 75,90
Jorge, David .......................................83
Herrero-Senés, Juan ......................... 87
Juge, Matthew L. ...............................30
Herzog, Hillary ............................ 26,27
Hess, Erika ........................................ 17 K
Hiegemann, Mike ............................. 24
Höbusch, Harald ........................... 5,27 Kaiura, Leslie Maxwell .....................72
Hoff, Mark ........................................ 34 Kandt, Benjamin ...............................13
Hogue, Alex ...................................... 23 Katz, Joshua......................................6,9
Hollis, Nikki Kaltenbach ................ 17 Ketz, Victoria L.................................69
Honican, Christian Taylor .............. 21 Khelouz, Nacer .................................19
Howe, Alexis ..................................... 52 Kim, Hong Seok ...............................14
Howell, Sally................................... 9,10 King, Jeremy ......................................33
Hoyas, Ana Luna.............................. 93 King, Nathan O. ...............................54
Huaman, Ricardo ............................. 68 Kirven, Lee ........................................50
Huang, Alexa ................................. 8,12 Klos, K. ..............................................43
Huguet-Jerez, Marimar.................... 83 Knijff, Jan-Piet ..................................42
Human, Julie .................................. 5,17 Knight, Alrick ....................................92
Hutcheson, Gregory S..................... 77 Knutson, David.................................70
Hwangpo, Cecilia ............................. 62 Kononenko, Natalie ..................... 8,44
Konstantinova, Iana .........................59
Kontulainen, Erika........................... 26 M
Korcheck, Kathy .............................. 83
MacDonald, Lunden Eschelle ........74
Korfhagen, David ............................ 30
Maddox, John .............................. 39,40
Kouti, Maria ...................................... 33
Maggs, Danielle .................................48
Kozey, Christopher.......................... 81
Mahoney, Peter J...............................91
Krauel, Javier .................................... 86
Malakaj, Ervin ...................................23
Kwon, Donna L. .............................. 14
Malin, Mark R....................................74
L Maouelainin, Safiya ...........................75
Maranda, Thomas ....................... 21,22
Landry, Travis ................................... 75
Marazka, Ibrahim ..............................24
Larco, Ioana Raluca ...................... 5,36
Marí, Jorge..........................................94
Larson, Kajsa C. ............................... 83
Mariani, Annachiara .........................38
Larson, Susan ..... 5,61,65,76,77,78,81,
Marquart, Sharon ..............................22
Márquez, Melanie L ..........................73
Lawyer, Kelly .................................... 42
Martella, Gianna M. ..........................62
Lee, Edward ...................................... 44
Martin, Joshua ......................... 3, 59,62
Lehtinen, Jenni María ...................... 50
Martin, Grace .............................. 53,61
Leichman, Jeffrey ............................. 20
Martín Gómez, Antonio ..................48
Leite, Leni Ribeiro ........................... 43
Martínez, David J. .............................77
Levchenko, Ekaterina...................... 13
Martínez-Quiroga, Pilar ...................81
Lewis, Anne-Marie ........................... 43
Martínez-Sotelo, Guillermo ............46
Li, Tonglu .......................................... 14
Masala, Francesco ....... 29,31,33,34,35
Lieberman, Amos J. ......................... 77
Mason, Rebecca M. ..........................80
Liimatta-Baroncini, Katja Merja .... 36
Matthews, Kyle James ......................62
Lin, Zhichun ..................................... 14
Matus-Mendoza, Maria de la Luz ..29
Lindholm, Elena ............................... 73
Mayea, Liesder ...................................87
Lira, Cristiane Barbosa de............... 39
McBreen, Theresa .............................87
Liso, Susana P. .................................. 67
McCarron, Melissa J. ........................81
Lizarazo, Tania ................................. 57
McCleese, Nichole Lynn .................15
Lledó-Guillem, Vicente ................... 33
McGrath, Sean ..................................42
Loa, Sijefredo .................................... 34
Mecheneau, Sarah Nolwenn ...........15
Lokaj, Rodney John ......................... 43
Medina, Georgie ..... 5,52,53,54,57,58,
López, Humberto J. .................... 55,71
López, Ignacio Javier ....................... 78
Mehr, Nathan ....................................46
López Abad, Vicente Marcos ........ 63
Mendoza-Farías, Roberto ................59
López Sánchez, Ana ........................ 47
Merced, Leslie Anne.........................82
López-Soriano, María Jesús ............ 66
Miller, Edward ...................................50
Losch, Simon .................................... 25
Miller, Gabriela..................................76
Louis, Anja ........................................ 69
Miller, Lauren Elizabeth ............ 47,48
Love, Nathan LeRoy ....................... 17
Miller, Stephen ..................................89
Loyola, Beatríz G. ............................ 50
Minkova, Milena ......................... 42,43
Luengo, Ana ...................................... 94
Mirti, Francesca .................................37
Luo, Liang ........................... 5,12,13,14
Monsalve, María Cristina .................70
Lynch, Andrew ................................. 34
Montenegro, María ...........................59
Montero, Ana Isabel ........................ 84 Ostrom, Katherine ...........................63
Montas, Lucía María ................... 73,86 Osuña-Montáñez, Rafael .................70
Morales-Galvéz, Karina A. ........ 51,63 Owens, Patrick M. ............................41
Morelock, Ela Molina ...................... 62 Oxford, Jeffrey ..................................70
Moreno-Chuquen, Liz ..................... 64
Morillo, José Luis ............................. 77
Morris, Lucy Damaris...................... 55 Paden, Jeremy ....................................63
Moss, Ben Taylor ............................. 93 Palma, Alejandro ...............................56
Mu, Aili .............................................. 13 Palmer, Cynthia Lee .........................55
Muccini, Francesca .......................... 37 Pascual y Cabo, Diego .....................48
Mueller, Marc James ........................ 95 Pasic, Faruk ........................................27
Mueller, Stephanie A. ...................... 81 Pastén B., José Agustín ....................87
Mulryan, Sandra Jane ....................... 49 Patten, Jared P. ..................................85
Muñoz, Willy Oscar ......................... 51 Paula, Leonora S. ........................ 55,71
Pavlakis, Efthimia Pandis ................57
Pavlish, James Vincent .....................38
Naberhaus, Christine Blackshaw ... 93 Payán Martin, Juan Jesús .................92
Nalbone, Lisa .................................... 82 Paz, Yanira .. 5,7,28,29,30,31,32,33,34
Nally, Ginger Carby ......................... 95 Paz Moreno, María ............................. 7
Namorato, Luciana .......................... 40 Peart, Silvia M....................................47
Nappo, Daniel John......................... 62 Pelaz-Escribano, Natalia..................72
Nelson, Bradley ........................... 80,87 Pellet, Stephanie Helene ..................49
Nelson, Scott Ernest ....................... 38 Pereira-Muro, Carmen .....................73
Neustadt, Robert .............................. 52 Pereira-Zazo, Óscar.................... 61,88
New, April JeNé ............................... 91 Pérez, Elkin Javier ............................92
Nichols, William J. ...................... 79,83 Pérez, Oscar A. .................................94
Niemeier, Kristie Bulleit ................. 75 Pérez Villanueva, Sonia....................88
Nix Vaughan, Stephanie ................. 93 Perry, Anthony J. ..............................86
Nogueira, Soraya Calheiros ............ 40 Persánch, José María .. 51,54,61,72,80
Norris, Lola Orellano ...................... 96 Peszat, Regina L. ...............................21
Novella, Nuria .................................. 86 Pettigrew, Jason Lee .........................53
Pierre, Lodz .......................................21
Pinto-Bailey, Cristina........................39
O'Neil Joseph D. ....................23,26,27 Piqueres Gilabert, Rosa Maria ........34
O'Neil, Megan..................................... 3 Poncelet, Dominique Andree .........21
O'Toole, Leslie ................................. 58 Portela, Edurne .................................94
Ohanna, Natalio ............................... 75 Pouille, Adrien ...................................16
Olivar, Jordi....................................... 67 Pra, Denis Rémi ................................81
Olmedo, Nadina ............................... 92 Pritchett, Kay .....................................65
Operé, Fernando ................................ 7 Prundeanu, Andreea Mica ...............15
Ortegón, Oswaldo ...................... 54,57 Pucci, Suzanne R......................... 20,37
Ortíz, Arturo ..................................... 51
Ortiz, José Ramón ........................... 88
Osborne, Elizabeth .......................... 52 Qaqish, Omar ....................................96
Quinlan, Susan Canty ...................... 39 Saen de Casas, Carmen ....................51
Quiros, Daniel ............................. 55,71 Saggini, Francesca .................... 8,20,37
Salazár, Hilda Y. ................................51
Salgado-Robles, Francisco ..............35
Ramírez, Alicia Verónica ................ 56 Sánchez, Javier...................................66
Rayarikar, Aditi ................................. 25 Sánchez-Couto, Esther ....................65
Rector, Amanda K. .......................... 64 Sánchez-Hernández, E. Ariadna ....49
Redekopp, Julie E. ........................... 59 Sánchez Vizcaino, Elena Flys .........45
Reynolds, Lauren Kathleen ............ 61 Sanders, Scott M. ..............................19
Reynolds-Ramos, Leisha Jo ............ 46 Santos-Martin, Allison ............... 69,72
Richards, Kevin A. ........................... 25 Sanz, Israel .........................................32
Rico-Ferrer, José .............................. 68 Sasaki, Tomoyuki ..............................12
Ridley, Alison Jane ........................... 89 Sausville, Rebecca .............................42
Riegert Jr., Leo W. ........................... 27 Savo, Anita .........................................86
Rincon, Miguel Angel ...................... 29 Scheu, Ashley King ..........................21
Rini, Joel ........................... 28, 30,32,33 Schirmacher, Sandrine .....................16
Ringer-Hilfinger, Kathryn .............. 35 Schumm, Sandra J.............................90
Rippon, Maria ................................... 93 Sedeño-Guillén, Kevin............... 63,67
Rivas, Javier ....................................... 33 Segovia, Mariana Roxana.................73
Rivera-Díaz, Coral ........................... 54 Selimov, Alexander ...........................76
Rivera Garza, Cristina ....................... 7 Selmer, Alyssa Robyn .......................80
Rivera Vargas, Adriana ............... 56,76 Serrano, Carmen A. ..........................55
Roby, David Brian ........................... 31 Shahan, John Stobie .........................23
Rockelmann, Joseph D. .................. 24 Sharp, Michelle M. ................. 69,73,85
Rodríguez, Maidelin ......................... 66 Shaver, Brittany .................................23
Rodríguez, Mónica ...................... 95,96 Shiflett, Stephanie .............................17
Rodríguez Cadena, María de los Shoji, Shinichi ....................................48
Ángeles ......................................... 56 Sierakowski, Aleksander ..................95
Rodríguez de Rivera, Itziar ............. 72 Silva, Fabricio ....................................52
Rodríguez Pereira, Víctor ............... 64 Silverman, Renee M. ........................78
Rogers, Nels Jeff ......................... 24,25 Simón Alegre, Ana Isabel ................85
Roldán, Astrid ................................... 63 Simonchyk, Ala .................................44
Roman, Emilie .................................. 16 Smith, Alyssa .....................................16
Rossell, Carmen ................................ 81 Smith, Anthony R. ............................91
Rouhi, Leyla ...................................... 88 Smith, Jennifer Lynn ........................82
Rubio, Christian A. .......................... 90 Smith, Michelle..................................49
Rueda, Ana ........................ 67,73,75,76 Smith-Sherwood, Dawn ..................69
Ruiz-Tresgallo, Silvia ....................... 87 Sol, Antoinette Marie .......................20
Runnels, Daniel ................................ 62 Solarte, Ruth Nelly ...........................57
Rutler, Tracy LeAnne ...................... 19 Song, H. Rosi ............................... 79,83
Soria, Mar ...........................................92
S Soufas, Christopher ..........................68
Saavedra Autry, Evelyn ................... 52 Souto, Ismael .....................................85
Sachs, Leon .............................16,17,21 Springer, Carl .....................................42
Stachura, Anne Marie ...................... 56 U
Stafford, Katherine .......................... 94
Ugarte, Michael .................................63
Starčević, Elizabeth .......................... 69
Urzúa-Montoya, Miriam ..................55
Stebbins, Amy Carolyn ................... 24
Steele, Rebecca ................................. 26 V
Steen, María Sergia ........................... 65
Stolova, Natalya I. ............................ 28 Valecce, Anastasia .............................44
Stone, Susanna .................................. 92 VanWieren, Rachel ...........................58
Stoyanova, Mariana .......................... 45 Varela, Sarah Hillenbrand ...............27
Strohmeier, Edward Hill ................. 49 Vela, Alejandra ..................................40
Su, Gang ............................................ 13 Velázquez-Mendoza, Omar ............32
Suárez Ontaneda, Juan Andrés ...... 64 Venkatesh, Vinodh ..................... 55,71
Sudenis, Teresa Regina .................... 25 Vergara, Reyna E. .............................59
Summers, Kirk .................................. 41 Vidaud, Martin ..................................54
Svanadze, Tsira ................................. 16 Vilaseca, Stephen Luis .....................76
Swier, Patricia L. ............................... 53 Villa, Laura .........................................33
Symeonidis, Haralambos ........... 29,34 Villalba, Manuel J. .............................86
Szczepanski, Sarah ........................... 49 Villamia, Luis .....................................65
Szlosze, Juliane ................................. 27 Vizoso, Pedro José ...........................94
Vozel, François-Nicolas ..................19
Taccheri, Umberto ........................... 38
Tayyara, Abed ................................... 11 Waldbaum, Roberta Kaye ...............36
Tejedo, Fernando ............................. 30 Walker, Lesley H. ..............................20
Téllez-Espiga, Enrique .................... 65 Ward, Michael T. ..............................75
Tenorio, Lucero................................ 60 Weiler, Christina Maria ....................24
Thielmann, Cristiana Mora ............. 36 Weir, Héctor Enrique ......................52
Thomas, Anthony ............................ 42 Wellman, Sara ....................................19
Thomas, Emily J............................... 84 Wells, Matthew V. ............................12
Thomas, George Antony ................ 63 Wenz, Steven .....................................40
Tillack, Peter ..................................... 12 Werbeck, Kai-Uwe ...........................24
Tobar, Carolina................................. 54 Wert Ortega, Juan Pablo .................83
Todescan, Juliana ............................. 61 Whitt, Hannah ..................................... 8
Tolliver, Joyce ................................... 64 Wild, Matt .................................... 78,89
Torrens Álvarez, María Jesús ......... 32 Wilke, Sabine ................................. 8,25
Torres, Lis M. ................................... 30
Torres, Steven Luis ..................... 61,88 Willem, Linda Mae ...........................89
Tovar, C. Patricia ............................. 55 Williams, Rachel ................................95
Trevathan, John H. .......................... 90 Wimperis, Tedd.................................41
Triplette, Stacey ................................ 86 Wines, Rebecca .................................22
Troester, Joshua Tyler ..................... 50 Wireback, Kenneth J. .......................30
Tunberg, Jennifer ............... 5,41,42,43 Woeltz, Adam ....................................13
Tunberg, Terence Owen ............ 42,43 Wood, Allen G. .................................21
Tuten, Donald .................. 28,30,32,33 Woods, Adrianne ..............................73
Worley, Linda Kraus .................. 26,27
Xiao, Hui Faye .................................. 14 Zahler, Sarah ......................................31
Xiaoliang, Qi ..................................... 13 Zamostny, Jeffrey ....................... 72,84
Zannoun, Ghadir ........................ 10,11
Zavala-Gómez, Alejandra ...............87
Yang, Ming ........................................ 14 Zecchi, Barbara .................................94
Yatsugafu, Rubia .............................. 39 Zegarra, Chrystian ............................60
Yin, Yanfei ........................................ 14 Ziegler, Robert ..................................17
Youngdahl, Scott D. ........................ 80 Zoubir-Shaw, Sadia .............. 3,5,95,96
Younger, Emily Ann ....................... 66
KFLC 2014 Conference Map
Student Center Floor Plan