Impulse and Step Response
Impulse and Step Response
Impulse and Step Response
In this laboratory, you will investigate basic system behavior by determining the
impulse and step response of a simple RC circuit. You will also determine the
time constant of the circuit and determine its rise time, two common figures of
merit (FOMs) for circuit building blocks.
1. Design an experiment by choosing circuit component values and
waveform details to investigate the impulse and step response.
2. Measure the impulse response of the circuit and determine the time
constant, validating your theoretical calculations.
3. Measure the step response of the circuit and determine the rise time,
validating your theoretical calculations.
As we introduce the study of systems, it will be good to keep the discussion well
grounded in the circuit theory you have spent so much of your energy learning.
An important problem in modern high speed digital and wideband analog
systems is the response limitations of basic circuit elements, for example in high
speed integrated circuits. As simple as it may seem, the lowly RC lowpass filter
accurately models many of the systems for which speed problems are so severe.
V1 + C1
The first FOM is the system time constant. Many simple systems display a
characteristic exponential decay in their response. Since the form of the
response is known, the only data important to characterize a specific system is
the numerical value of its time constant. Figure 2 shows a typical impulse
response for the RC filter of Figure 1. The characteristic exponential decay is
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ECE 300 Lab 7
just as we remember from class. The time constant of the circuit is defined as
the time it takes for the response to decay to 1/e times its initial value. Since the
functional form of the response is exp(-t/RC), the time constant of the circuit can
easily be shown to be simply RC.
= time constant
The second FOM is characterizes the response of the system to a step change in
input. The response of the circuit of Figure 1 to an applied unit step input is
shown in Figure 3. The rise time most typically used as a FOM is the “10-90%
risetime”, which is simply the amount of time necessary for the output to rise from
10% to 90% of its final value. This measurement in shown in Figure 3 as the
time difference between the times t 10 and t90. These values can easily be
determined given the step response of the system.
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