Learning Outline Technology and Livelihood Education 9 Learning Package S.Y. 2021 - 2022 Course Description
Learning Outline Technology and Livelihood Education 9 Learning Package S.Y. 2021 - 2022 Course Description
Learning Outline Technology and Livelihood Education 9 Learning Package S.Y. 2021 - 2022 Course Description
This subject on Technology and Livelihood Education 9 is offered to grade nine (9) Junior High School of Fatima
College of Camiguin, Inc. Lumad, Poblacion, Mambajao, Camiguin for this school year.
It is of this reason that this book was primarily prepared by the authors to keep the students and TLE teachers in
the secondary education abreast with the changing times that bring along the need to update and improve Technology
and Livelihood Education because of the steady growth and increasing technological sophistication in the year of
If we maintain a positive attitude towards this subject, Learning will be fun and hopefully, in real life situation,
problems will be easier with the applications of attitudes that we learned in this subject.
At the end of the study student learners are led to:
1. Develop critical thinking, self-reliance, independence, culture sensitivity and entrepreneurship in the students by
enhancing their skills on the different uses of technology and application of life skills.
2. Reinforce the work skill training and value orientation of the third year students. It exposes the learner to a variety
of experiences which are meaningful and relevant to his development.
1 Management in Food Service 1 3hrs
2 Sanitation and Safety in Food Service 2 3hrs
3 Purchasing, Receiving, and Storing Food Supplies 3 3hrs
4 Principles of Design and Layout 4-5 6 hrs
5 Styles of Table Service 6-8 9 hrs
6 The Menu 9-10 6 hrs
7 Laundry Process, Materials, Supplies, Equipment, and Tools 11 3 hrs
8 Laundry Basics 12 3 hrs
9 Laundry as a Business 13 3 hrs
10 Basic Design Concepts 14-15 6 hrs
11 Interior Designing 16 3 hrs
12 Landscape Gardening Concepts and Principles 17-18 6 hrs
13 Planning a Landscape Garden 19-20 6 hrs
Inventory of Sewing Tools and Equipment
14 Modern Machineries and Equipment for Garment Construction 21-22 6 hrs
Safety Rules in the Operation of Sewing Machines
15 Project Plan for Pillow Case 23 3 hrs
16 Taking the Essential Body Measurements 24 3 hrs
19 Drafting the Pillow Case 25 3 hrs
20 Assembling the Pillow Case 26-27 6 hrs
Ready-to-Wear Garments Size Designation and Body Measurements 9 hrs
21 28-30
Ready-to-Wear Garments Product Labeling and Costing
23 Basics of Home Care Nursing 31 3 hrs
24 Caring for the Patient at Home 32-33 6 hrs
25 Caring for a Sick Child 34 3 hrs
26 Caring for a Sick Elder 35 3 hrs
27 Taking Body Temperature and Pulse 36 3 hrs
For each Quarter, please take note of the components for grading
30% - Written Outputs including module (quiz, written activity, summative exam)
70% - Assessment Output (oral participation, projects, performance task)
(This is based on the grading system provided by the Department of Education for the new normal set – up of learning)
INSTRUCTIONS: Please follow the time frame of your performance task, activities, projects, and other subject
requirements submission. All the performance task, projects, as well as time frame of works, will be included in the
Learning kit.
First Quarter
1. You are a young graduate in business management and employed in one of the well known restaurants. You are asked
by the food manager to present a clear flow of operation of the business and effective management tools to a batch of
young applicants. You are challenged to come up with a clear diagram of operation and correct management tools for easy
understanding of the applicants. Your presentation should follow the following standards: clear, correct, creative, and
1. 1 You are a graduating student taking up Hotel and Restaurant Management at College of St. Anthony in Laguna. Your
professor asked you to come up with an online demonstration of table service: Russian table service/ French table service/
American table service to be presented to a group of grade 8 students from public schools for an upcoming workshop. The
demonstration should follow the correct set up, correct styles of table service, and creative presentation of the output.
Second Quarter
2.It is almost the end of the school year and you, an upcoming college freshman, wanted to earn extra money to
help your parents pay for your tuition for the next school year. You have enough space in your backyard where
you can start a home laundry business. Your parents are both managing a business and you are task to perform
laundering through Hand washing in order your parents believes in you to handle the business. The presentation
is well correct following the process in laundry. (Video presentation)
Criteria 5 4 3
SOAKING Soaks garment in water Some parts of the garment Only a small portion of
Soak garment in are not soaked in water the garment is wet
RUBBING SOAP Rub soap all over the Rub soap all over the Slightly use correct hand
Apply soap over the garment using correct garment position in applying soap
garment hand position
WASHING *Scrubs the whole * Rubs half of the garment * Rubs a portion of the
Use proper hand garment in between fists in between fists garment only
position and scrub *Uses correct hand * Slightly uses correct hand * Does not use correct
garment properly position position in scrubbing hand position in scrubbing
in scrubbing
SQUEEZING * Folds the garment * Folds the garment once * Scrunches the garment
Fold garment before twice before squeezing before squeezing in between fists without
properly squeezing * Twists the garment * Twists the garment folding it properly
thoroughly to squeeze slightly to squeeze * Does not squeeze
garment properly
RINSING * Rinse the garment in * Slightly rinse the garment * Does not rinse the
Rinse the garment in water thoroughly in water garment thoroughly
clean water and * Water is not dripping * The garment is slightly * Garment is still dripping
squeezes it from the garment after dripping with water after with water after squeezing
thoroughly squeezing squeezing
2.2 You are an interior and exterior designer of a relatively unknown startup company. In order to advertise your
company to the community, you thought of offering your services through home decorating. With all your knowledge
on principles of design, interior design and landscaping, you started by making varied sample designs for the different
rooms in a house and landscaping styles by showing it off to the family, friends, and neighbors with the purpose of
attracting prospective clients. Designs for the following rooms will be presented: master's bed room, living room,
dining room, and kitchen. Styles for the landscape garden will depend upon your choice of styles. Tour designs'
attractiveness will be evaluated based on your application of the principles of design, appropriateness of the design of
the room and lawns, originality, and overall costs.
3. You are an aspiring dressmaker. You have a complete set of sewing tools and equipment to be able to sew
and earn extra income for the family. For an upcoming fiesta, your barangay officials asked you to demonstrate
the step-by-step procedure in constructing pillow case in order to familiarize themselves in making pillow case
for their visitors. Your output will be evaluated using this scoring rubric.
Criteria 5 4 3 2 20
Correct selection, Sewing materials, Sewing materials, Sewing materials, Sewing materials,
preparation, and tools, and tools, and tools, and tools, and
use of sewing equipment were equipment were equipment were equipment were
materials, tools, and correctly selected, correctly selected, correctly selected, never correctly
equipment prepared, and prepared, and prepared, and used selected,
used all the time used most of the sometimes prepared, and
time used all the time
Systematic Application of Application of Application of Application of
application of procedure in procedure in procedure in procedure in
procedure in sewing was sewing was sewing was sewing was never
sewing systematic all the systematic most systematic systematic
time of the time sometimes
Observation of Safety rules in Safety rules in Safety rules in Safety rules in
safety rules in sewing were sewing were sewing were sewing were
sewing observed all the observed most of observed never observed
time the time sometimes
Punctuality in Work was Work was Work was Work was
submission submitted in submitted on time submitted close to submitted beyond
advance the given time the given time
4. The school is spearheading a medical mission in one of your school’s adopted communities. You are tasked
to prepare a talk for the children to learn about proper care of the body and proper handwashing. You need to
start collecting information about the topic assigned to you. You are required to submit an outline of your
presentation together with the posters that you will be using during your talk. The poster must be attractive and
easy to understand. It must also show the proper ways of cleaning the body and proper handwashing. Your
output will be evaluated based on the presentation of ideas, design, and workmanship of the product.
Safety reminders: be careful. Always exercise appropriate safety precautions and utilize appropriate safety
procedures and equipment while working on the performance task such as wearing of personal protective
equipment and practice proper handwashing.
Criteria 5 4 3 2 Score
Presentation of All images and All images and 50% of images and Images and works
ideas words used are words used are words needs was used do not relate
related to the related to the topic considered to the topic
topic and make it and most make it
easier to easier to
understand understand
Design Uses appropriate Uses appropriate Uses appropriate Uses in
TLE9 – FCC, INC. – S.Y. 2021 – 2022
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size and size and interesting size and shapes but appropriate size
interesting shapes and the arrangement of and/or shape;
shapes; well- arranged with items is not very appears little
arranged; care some items; attractive attention was
has been taken to pictures do not given to
balance the appear balance designing
Workmanship Shows Shows attention to Shows some Shows very
considerable production; is attention to poorly; is not
attention to attractive and production; attractive and
production; is neatly done acceptably distinctly messy
attractive and attractive through it
neatly done may be a bit messy