Dche Fyp Manual Cp515y - 2019-2020

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Diploma in Chemical Engineering (DCHE)

Final Year Project (FYP) Manual

CP515YZ Project

Table of Contents
1. Time Frame / Schedule ................................................................................................. 3
2. Introduction ................................................................................................................. 5
3. Objectives .................................................................................................................... 5
4. Project Supervision ...................................................................................................... 5
5. Project Logbook .......................................................................................................... 8
6. Project Report .............................................................................................................. 8
7. Project presentation ................................................................................................... 10
8. Assessment ................................................................................................................ 11
9. Nomination of Distinction Award ............................................................................. 11
APPENDIX I .................................................................................................................... 12

1. Time Frame / Schedule

1.1 Time Frame / Schedule AY 2019/2020 (For 3A01, 02, 03 and 04)
Time Frame Week # Activities
Vacation 8-12 Apr Week 0 Project Ideation and submission for vetting
Semester 1
Term 1 15 Apr – 3 May Week 1 Finalise project title, scope and objective
7 weeks 2019
Week 1-3 Complete Blackboard Assignments 1 to 4
Week 3 Submission of logbook to Supervisor
3 May 2019, 1pm
6 May – 24 May Week 4-6 Prepare and submit purchase request
through supervisors
Prepare and submit Risk Assessment via
27 May – 31 May Week 7 MST

Vacation 3 Jun – 21 Jun Week 8 - 10 Continue with project work

3 weeks
Term 2 24 Jun – 16 Aug Week 11 - 18 Continue with project work
8 weeks Report Writing
Sem Exam 19 Aug– 30 Aug Week 19 - 20 Submit Project report via Blackboard before
2 weeks 30 August 2019, 11:59pm
Submit Project Log book to Supervisor
before 30 August 2019, 5pm
Vacation 31 Aug – 13 Oct Week 21 Project Presentation on 4 Sept 2019 (TBC)
6 weeks Clear work bench

1.2 Time Frame / Schedule AY 2019/2020 (For 3A21, 22, 23)

16 Sept –11 Oct Week 23 Project Ideation, submission for vetting

Vacation Week 24 Finalise project title, scope and objective
4 weeks Week 25-26 Prepare and submit Risk Assessment via
Semester 2

Term 3 14 Oct – 18 Oct Week 1 (27) Submission of logbook to Supervisor

8 weeks 3 May 2019, 1pm
Prepare and submit purchase request
through supervisors
Prepare and submit Risk Assessment via
14 Oct – 29 Nov Week 1 – 7 Continue with project work
(27 to 33)
2 Dec – 6 Dec Week 8(34) MST
Vacation 7 Dec – 3 Jan 20 Week9–12 Continue with project work
4 weeks (35 to 38)
Term 4 6 Jan– 21 Feb 20 Week 13-17 Continue with project work
7 weeks (39 to 43) Report Writing
Week 18 (44) Submit Project report via Blackboard before
14 February 2020, 11:59pm
Submit Project Log book to Supervisor
before 14 February 2020, 5pm
Week 19 (45) Project Presentation on 19 Feb 2020 (TBC)
Clear work bench
Sem Exam 24 Feb– 6 Mar Week 21 - 22
2 weeks

2. Introduction
All DCHE third year students are registered for the final year project (FYP) module
CP515YZ Project. Eligible students, approved by CMT chairman, may also take this
module. This module covers both semesters of the third year. The FYP provides you with
an opportunity to apply the knowledge and skills that you have gained throughout your
studies and to acquire a variety of new techniques in the challenging area of research. This
module is student-centred; you must be committed. Each project group may consist of three
or four students, depending on cohort size.

3. Objectives
This period of work serves as practical training for research and development, similar to
that in the industry. You learn the importance of independent work planning, independent
learning and effective teamwork. You also develop problem-solving skills and
communication skills in the process.

4. Project Supervision
You will consult with your respective supervisor. Your group will work under the
supervisor's guidance to meet the project objectives. Once you have been assigned the
project, you will need to meet your supervisor and discuss tasks to be done. You will need
to review these specifications with your supervisor as you progress through your project.
During your first meeting, arrange for a regular time, e.g, every two weeks. You should be
punctual for your appointments, as your supervisor has many other duties.

1. Lab supervision

Inform students to work in assigned primary lab. Students must inform TSO when working
in the lab. Students are required to be familiar with equipment to be used in consultation
with supervisor/TSO before beginning work. Inform supervisor of changes and
requirements; supervisor to inform LIC or TSO.
2. Lab safety

Check that students have declared in the safety database before starting lab work.
Brief students thoroughly on hazardous materials, MSDS and proper waste disposal.
Remind students to be responsible, alert and safety-conscious.
3. Literature Search

Helpful to provide some background reading or past project report.

Advice on relevant published material from library, internet, etc.
Direct to ELISER library resource "Citation Guide - Cite it Right!", avoid plagiarism
Below is the link to the library Project Advisory Service.
4. Expectations

Discuss outcomes of project.

Reiterate time commitment, positive attitude and good teamwork.
Establish regular meeting contact.
5. Project time frame

Discuss time frame for each stage.

If your progress or contribution is unsatisfactory, your supervisor can issue a warning letter.

Singapore Polytechnic
School of Chemical & Life Sciences

First Warning Letter


To: Name:
Admission Number:


Re: Unsatisfactory contribution

Module: Project CP515YZ

Please be informed that you have been absent from review meeting and/or project work on
several occasions for _______ weeks.

Please be reminded that students who do not make sufficient contribution to the project are
liable to fail the module.

I will monitor your performance in the project work closely for the rest of the semester.

Signature of supervisor

cc: Director, School of Chemical & Life Sciences: Adrian Yeo (Dr)
Course manager: Katerina Yang (Ms)
Project co-ordinator: Ting Kok Eng (Mr)
Class Tutor:
Parent/Guardian of student:

5. Project Logbook
There is no standard logbook for the DCHE FYP due to vast difference in the project genre.
Each project group is however expected to record your project activities periodically using
an appropriate format that is endorsed by the project supervisor. You can record
preliminary data (e.g. experiment procedures, problems encountered, raw data/results etc.)
in the logbook and sign. Your logbook will be used by your supervisor for project
discussion with you. You have to obtain your project supervisor’s signature in the logbook
after your discussion.

6. Project Report

Students must upload onto BB the softcopy of the full report before the stipulated time. For
industry/research collaboration project and projects with co-supervisors, it is courteous to give the
co-supervisor/industry representative a hardcopy of the report. Project group will bear the
responsibility of compiling the reports, including the supply of paper, printing, binding, etc. A soft
copy of the final report will be submitted to the SP Library for archiving (unless deemed
confidential). Note: Late submissions will be penalised.

The report must be type-written in a double or 1.5 line spacing format in font size 12 points for
general text. Long quotations and captions may be in single spacing format. All writing should be
presented in "third person" and in past tense. Use headings and sub-headings and divide the report
into sections as appropriate.

Each page is numbered. Except for the title page, page number must be placed on each page of the
report centred at the footer. Preliminary pages are numbered consecutively in lowercase Roman
numerals. The text and references, including appendices, are numbered consecutively using Arabic
numerals with “1” on the first page of the text.

In the event that only a hard copy of the report is required due to confidentiality issues, only good
quality white paper, A4 size (210mm x 297mm), 80 g/m2 minimum, must be used. The report must
be properly bound in a black ring binder. The following page margins are observed to allow for
binding: left page margin 36 mm and 25 mm (or more) for the other margins.

Guidelines for report format
I Preliminary pages
TITLE PAGE The title page must include the official project title and your
name as it appears in the School’s record. Title page is not
numbered, but is counted as “i”.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS A brief statement of appreciation or recognition for project
supervisor and those who gave special assistance should be
ABSTRACT This is a short summary of the content of the report, not to
exceed 300 words. It should contain the main objectives of the
project, a brief description of methods and summary of
important results and significant conclusion. You should avoid
reference to other sections in the report.
TABLE OF CONTENTS The headings of sections and parts are listed and must be worded
as they appear in the body of the report.
LIST OF TABLES / The List of Tables and List of Figures contain exactly the same
LIST OF FIGURES / numbers and captions as they appear in the text and in the
GLOSSARY (optional)
II Text
INTRODUCTION This part should provide a brief summary of background and
relevant concepts, the scope and objectives of the project and the
rationale for making this study. The first page of the text is
numbered with Arabic numeral “1”.
LITERATURE REVIEW This section reviews previous publications relevant to the project
and evaluates research work in terms of techniques and finding.
You must not plagiarise or misrepresent the works of others -
cite proper references.
MATERIALS & METHODS Subheadings may be used and write in past tense. You may
briefly explain the scientific procedure and describe raw
materials, subjects or special equipments used. Enough details
should be provided for replication, e.g., operation conditions,
source (manufacturer, location) of raw materials, etc. You
should describe the steps taken in the experiments, quantify
when possible. You could order procedures chronologically or
by type of procedure.
RESULTS You can describe your observations and main results in text, with
the support of calculations, statistical analysis, tables, figures,
drawings and photographs. All figures, tables and photographs
should have caption in single line spacing. They should be
placed in the text as soon after they are cited as is convenient.

DISCUSSION In this section, you may describe patterns, principles and
relationships that your results show; provide interpretation of
results and relate to expectations and previously published work,
discuss possible reasons for expected or unexpected results and
consider practical applications and theoretical implications of
results. You should cite proper references where appropriate.
You should avoid speculations that cannot be tested.
CONCLUSION You should conclude on the comments made on your finding.
The points should be brief and concise.
RECOMMENDATIONS You could offer realistic suggestions for improvements,
additional research to resolve contradictions or explain
exceptions, new lines of study, etc.
REFERENCES You should adopt a standardised acceptable form of referencing
– refer to ELISER “Citation Guide” - Cite it Right!
APPENDIX Raw data from experiments or calculations may be placed here
and should be with caption. Materials that are not absolutely
needed in the main text can be placed here. You should not place
copies of journal articles or complete technical instruction
manual here.

7. Project presentation
Each project group will present to a panel of lecturers. The panel will collectively assess individual
students from each group and distinction nomination will also be made. Distinction nomination is
on an individual basis instead of on the group basis. The supervisor shall grade the students with
inputs from the Panel as reference.

Students must check the schedule for their presentation, when it is available. The PowerPoint
presentation by the whole group must not exceed 15 minutes. You should avoid the use of
excessive, irrelevant animation in a scientific presentation that distracts the audience. A Question-
and-Answer (Q&A) session of about 10-15 minutes will follow. Questions from the panel may be
directed to an individual member or open to the whole group.

8. Assessment
The marksheet for the assessment is attached below

9. Nomination of Distinction Award

This is no separate presentation for the award of the distinction grade. After the project presentation
session for all the groups, a decision will be made by the Project Panel, whether to award the
Distinction grade to individual student.


Diploma in Chemical Engineering

Project Title
Project Code

A Report
Submitted by

Student’s Name Admission No

Student’s Name Admission No
Student’s Name Admission No

In partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Diploma in Chemical


February 2020

Project Supervisor:
Project Co-supervisor (if any)


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