What We Believe: About God
What We Believe: About God
What We Believe: About God
About God
We believe there is one divine being who has existed eternally. He exists and reveals Himself to man in three distinct,
equally divine persons - Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. At the beginning of time, God created the entire universe and
all its creatures. He continues to exercise His supreme power to sustain His creation. Throughout history, He has
expressed His desire to be our God and to have a personal, eternal relationship with us.
About Jesus
We believe that Jesus is the eternal divine Son of God. He chose voluntarily to be made in human likeness and was
conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of a virgin. Although He lived a sinless life, He allowed Himself to be executed
by crucifixion. However, as prophesied, He rose from the dead three days after His execution.
About Man
God created mankind to live in relationship with Him. However, the first man and woman were deceived by Satan.
They rebelled and chose to be wrongfully independent from God. We all fail to please God and are open to Satan’s
deception. Our failure to please God, unless a relationship is re-established with Him, results in condemnation under
God’s judgment and would cause us to spend eternity in hell. Furthermore, there is nothing we can do on our own
to re-establish our relationship with God.