Astm E562-19
Astm E562-19
Astm E562-19
for the
Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.
This test method may be used to determine the volume fraction of constituents in an opaque
specimen using a polished, planar cross section by the manual point count procedure. The same
measurements can be achieved using image analysis per Practice E1245.
standard. No other units of measurement are included in this 3.1 Definitions—For definitions of terms used in this
standard. practice, see Terminology E7.
1.4 This standard does not purport to address all of the 3.2 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the 3.2.1 point count—the total number of points in a test grid
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro- that fall within the microstructural feature of interest, or on the
priate safety, health, and environmental practices and deter- feature boundary; for the latter, each test point on the boundary
mine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use. is one half a point.
1.5 This international standard was developed in accor- 3.2.2 point fraction—the ratio, usually expressed as a
dance with internationally recognized principles on standard- percentage, of the point count of the phase or constituent of
ization established in the Decision on Principles for the interest on the two-dimensional image of an opaque specimen
Development of International Standards, Guides and Recom- to the number of grid points, which is averaged over n fields to
mendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical produce an unbiased estimate of the volume fraction of the
Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee. phase or constituent.
2. Referenced Documents 3.2.3 stereology—the methods developed to obtain informa-
2.1 ASTM Standards:2 tion about the three-dimensional characteristics of microstruc-
E3 Guide for Preparation of Metallographic Specimens tures based upon measurements made on two-dimensional
sections through a solid material or their projection on a
This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee E04 on
Metallography and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee E04.14 on Quanti- 3.2.4 test grid—a transparent sheet or eyepiece reticle with
tative Metallography. a regular pattern of lines or crosses that is superimposed over
Current edition approved Aug. 15, 2019. Published September 2019. Originally
approved in 1976. Last previous edition approved in 2011 as E562 –11. DOI:
the microstructural image for counting microstructural features
10.1520/E0562-19E01. of interest.
For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, or
3.2.5 volume fraction—the total volume of a phase or
contact ASTM Customer Service at [email protected]. For Annual Book of ASTM
Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on constituent per unit volume of specimen, generally expressed
the ASTM website. as a percentage.
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States
14 2.160 28 2.052
15 2.145 29 2.048 dimensional sections can be prepared and observed.
16 2.131 30 2.045
17 2.120 40 2.020 5.4 A condensed step-by-step guide for using the method is
18 2.110 60 2.000
` 1.960
given in Annex A1.
6. Apparatus
3.3 Symbols: 6.1 Test Grid, consisting of a specified number of equally
spaced points formed by the intersection of very thin lines. Two
PT = total number of points in the test grid. common types of grids (circular or square array) are shown in
Pi = point count on the ith field. Fig. 1.
PP (i) = P i 31005 percentage of grid points, in the 6.1.1 The test grid can be in the form of a transparent sheet
P T that is superimposed upon the viewing screen for the measure-
constituent observed on the ith field. ment.
n = number of fields counted. 6.1.2 Eyepiece Reticle, may be used to superimpose a test
P̄p = 1 n P i 5 arithmetic average of P (i). grid upon the image.
( p~ !
n i51 p
s = estimate of the standard deviation (σ) (see (Eq 3) 6.2 Light Microscope, or other suitable device with a
in Section 10). viewing screen at least 100 mm × 125 mm, preferably with
95 % CI = 95 % confidence interval graduated x and y stage translation controls, should be used to
56ts/ = n; see Note 1. image the microstructure.
t = a multiplier related to the number of fields
examined and used in conjunction with the stan- 6.3 Scanning Electron Microscope, may also be used to
dard deviation of the measurements to determine image the microstructure; however, relief due to polishing or
the 95% CI. heavy etching must be minimized or bias will be introduced as
VV = volume fraction of the constituent or phase ex- a result of deviation from a true two-dimensional section
pressed as a percentage (see (Eq 5) in Section through the microstructure.
10). 6.4 Micrographs, of properly prepared opaque specimens,
% RA = % relative accuracy, a measure of the statistical taken with any suitable imaging device, may be used provided
precision = (95 % CI ⁄P̄p ) × 100. the fields are selected without bias and in sufficient quantity to
NOTE 1—Table 1 gives the appropriate multiplying factors (t) for any properly sample the microstructure.
number of fields measured. 6.4.1 The applicable point counting grid shall only be
4. Summary of Test Method applied once to each micrograph. Point counting measurements
should be completed on different fields of view and, therefore,
4.1 A clear plastic test grid or eyepiece reticle with a regular different micrographs. Repeated point count measurements on
array of test points is superimposed over the image, or a an individual micrograph is not allowed.
projection of the image, produced by a light microscope, 6.4.2 The magnification of the micrograph should be as high
scanning electron microscope, or micrograph, and the number as needed to adequately resolve the microstructure without
of test points falling within the phase or constituent of interest resulting in adjacent grid points overlaying a single constituent
are counted and divided by the total number of grid points feature.
yielding a point fraction, usually expressed as a percentage, for
that field. The average point fraction for n measured fields 7. Sample Selection
gives an estimate of the volume fraction of the constituent. This
7.1 Samples selected for measurement of the phase or
method is applicable only to bulk opaque planar sections
constituent should be representative of the general
viewed with reflected light or electrons.
microstructure, or of the microstructure at a specified location
5. Significance and Use within a lot, heat, or part.
5.1 This test method is based upon the stereological prin- 7.2 A description of the sample locations should be included
ciple that a grid with a number of regularly arrayed points, as a part of the results.
when systematically placed over an image of a two-
dimensional section through the microstructure, can provide, 3
The boldface numbers in parentheses refer to the list of references at the end of
after a representative number of placements on different fields, this standard.
8. Sample Preparation
8.1 The two-dimensional sections should be prepared using
standard metallographic, ceramographic, or other polishing
procedures, such as described in Methods E3.
8.2 Smearing or other distortions of the phases or constitu-
ents during preparation of the section or sections should be
minimized because they tend to introduce an unknown bias
into the statistical volume fraction estimate.
8.3 Etching of the sections, as described in Test Methods
Circular Grid E407, should be as shallow (that is, light) as possible because
deviations from a planar two-dimensional section will cause a
bias toward over estimation of the volume fraction.
8.4 Stain- or coloring-type etchants are preferable to those
that cause attack of one or more of the constituents or phases.
8.5 Description of the etchant and etching procedure should
be included in the report.
8.6 If etching is used to provide contrast or distinguishabil-
ity of constituents then the volume fraction estimates should be
obtained as a function of etching time to check the significance
of any bias introduced.
9. Procedure
9.1 Principle:
9.1.1 An array of points formed by a grid of lines or curves
is superimposed upon a magnified image (that is, a field of
view) of a metallographic specimen.
9.1.2 The number of points falling within the microstruc-
tural constituent of interest is counted and averaged for a
selected number of fields.
Square Grid
9.1.3 This average number of points expressed as a percent-
NOTE 1—The entire 24 points can be used, or the outer 16, or the inner age of the total number of points in the array (PT ) is an
8 points. unbiased statistical estimation of the volume percent of the
FIG. 1 Examples of Possible Grid Configurations That Can Be microstructural constituent of interest.
Utilized 9.1.4 A condensed step-by-step description of the procedure
is provided in Annex A1.
9.2 Grid Selection:
7.3 Any orientation of the prepared section (that is, whether 9.2.1 The grid should consist of equally spaced points
longitudinal or transverse) can be used. However, it should be formed by the intersection of fine lines. Diagrams of two
recorded since it may have an effect upon the precision possible grids, one with a circular pattern and one with a square
obtained. pattern, which are recommended for use, are shown in Fig. 1.
7.4 If the sample microstructure contains gradients or inho- 9.2.2 Determine the number of points (that is, the grid size,
mogeneities (for example, banding) then the section should PT ) from a visual estimate of the area fraction occupied by the
contain or show the gradient or inhomogeneity. constituent of interest. Table 2 provides guidelines for this
NOTE 1—The given values in the table above are based on the formula:
n. S 4
E 2 3P T
1002V v
E = 0.01 × % RA, and
VV = is expressed in %.
--``,,,,,`,`,,`,,,``,,,`,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- The user may choose to employ a 100 point grid 9.4.5 The values of PP(i) are used to calculate P̄p and
over the entire range of volume fractions. The use of 100–point standard deviation, s.
grid facilitates easy volume percent calculations. the use of
9.5 Selection of the Number of Fields:
only one overlay or eyepiece reticle for all volume percent
determinations may save both time and money. 9.5.1 The number of fields or images to measure depends on For constituents present in amount of less than 2%, the desired degree of precision for the measurement. Table 3
a 400–point grid may be used. gives a guide to the number of fields or images to be counted
9.2.3 Superimpose the grid, in the form of a transparency, as a function of PT , the selected relative accuracy (statistical
upon a ground glass screen on which the section image is precision), and the magnitude of the volume fraction.
projected. 9.6 Selection of the Array of Fields:
9.2.4 A grid in the form of an eyepiece reticle may also be 9.6.1 Use a uniformly spaced array of fields to obtain the
used. estimated value, Pp , and the estimated standard deviation, s.
9.2.5 If the constituent areas form a regular or periodic
9.6.2 If gradients or inhomogeneities are present, then a
pattern on the section image, avoid the use of a grid having a
uniform spacing of fields may introduce a bias into the
similar pattern.
estimate. If another method of field selection is used, for
9.3 Magnification Selection: example, random, then describe it in the report.
9.3.1 Select the magnification so that it is as high as needed 9.6.3 When the microstructure shows a certain periodicity
to clearly resolve the microstructure without causing adjacent of distribution of the constituent or phase being measured, any
grid points to fall over the same constituent feature. coincidence of the points of the grid and the structure must be
9.3.2 As a guideline, choose a magnification that gives an avoided. This can be achieved by using either a circular grid or
average constituent size that is approximately one half of the a square grid placed at an angle to the microstructural
grid spacing. periodicity.
9.3.3 As the magnification is increased, the field area
decreases, and the field-to-field variability increases, thus 9.7 Grid Positioning Over Fields—Make grid positioning of
requiring a greater number of fields to obtain the same degree each field without viewing the microstructure to eliminate any
of measurement precision. possibility of operator bias. This can be accomplished by
moving the x and y stage mechanism a fixed amount while
9.4 Counting:
shifting to the next field without looking at the microstructure.
9.4.1 Count and record for each field the number of points
falling on the constituent of interest. 9.8 Improving Measurement Precision—It is recommended
9.4.2 Count any points falling on the constituent boundary that the user attempt to sample more of the microstructure
as one half. either by multiple specimens or by completely repeating the
9.4.3 In order to minimize bias, any point that is doubtful as metallographic preparation on the same sample when the
to whether it is inside or outside of the constituent boundary precision for a single set of data is not acceptable (see Section
should be counted as one half. 11).
( @P
p ~ i ! 2 P̄ p #
G 1/2
(3) 11.6 Where the 95 % CI do not overlap for the different sets,
then a statistically significant difference between samples or
s sections may be present. In this case, more rigorous statistical
95 % CI 5 t 3 (4)
=n significance tests should be considered.
10.2 The volume percentage estimate is given as: 12. Report
V v 5 P̄ p 695 % CI (5) 12.1 Report the following information:
10.3 An estimate of the % relative accuracy associated with 12.1.1 Raw data; note when n > 30, the reporting of raw
the estimate can be obtained as: data is optional, however, the raw data shall be available for
review when requested,
95 % CI
% RA 5 3 100 (6) 12.1.2 Estimated volume % (P̄p ) 6 95 % CI,
P̄ p 12.1.3 Standard deviation,
12.1.4 % relative accuracy (calculated value, not one esti-
10.3.1 Estimates for the number of fields required to obtain
mated from Table 2),
a % relative accuracy of 10, 20, or 33 % with different volume
12.1.5 Number of fields per metallographic section,
percentages and grid sizes are provided in Table 3. These
12.1.6 Number of sections,
values were calculated under the assumption that the features
12.1.7 Sample description and preparation, including
have a random distribution upon the metallographic section.
etchant, if used,
10.4 The % relative accuracy reported should always be 12.1.8 Section orientation,
calculated from the sample data and should not be taken from 12.1.9 Magnification,
Table 3. 12.1.10 Grid description,
12.1.11 Field array description and spacing, and
11. Improving the Volume Fraction Estimate 12.1.12 List of volume % estimates for each metallographic
11.1 If additional fields are measured to reduce the % section 6 95 % CI.
relative accuracy, then the following rule gives an excellent
accuracy of the volume fraction estimate. Guidelines are given 14.9 If a greater degree of precision and relative accuracy is
in 7.4, 9.2.5, 9.6.2, 9.6.3, 11.5 and 11.6. required, follow the guidelines in Section 11.
14.3 The quality of the sample preparation can influence 14.10 Results from a round-robin interlaboratory program
precision and accuracy of the volume fraction estimate. Guide- (5), where three micrographs with different constituent volume
lines are given in Section 8. fractions were point counted using two different grids (25 and
14.4 The point density of the grid used to make the volume 100 points) by 33 different operators, were analyzed4 in
fraction estimate can influence the efficiency, precision and accordance with Practice E691 to develop repeatability and
relative accuracy of the volume fraction estimate. Guidelines reproducibility standard deviations and 95 % confidence limits
are given in 9.2. (see Table 4). For the same number of random grid placements
14.5 The magnification employed in the point count can (10) on each micrograph, the repeatability and reproducibility
influence precision and relative accuracy. Guidelines are given standard deviations and 95 % confidence intervals increased
in 9.3. with increasing P̄p for measurements with the 25 point test grid
14.6 The counting of grid points at a constituent boundary, but were essentially constant for the 100 point test grid. Note
particularly when doubt exists as to their exact location, that the interlaboratory % relative accuracies (which are much
presents an opportunity for bias in the estimate of the volume poorer than those for the individual operators) improve as P̄p
fraction. Guidelines are given in 9.4.2, and 9.4.3. increases and as the grid point density (PT ) increases. The 100
point grid, with four times the number of grid points, decreased
14.7 The number of fields measured, the method of field
selection and their spacing will influence the precision and the relative accuracies by about 21 to 51 % as P̄p increased
relative accuracy of the volume fraction estimate. Guidelines (Micrographs A to C).
are given in 9.5, and 9.6.
14.8 The precision of a given measurement of the volume
fraction is determined by calculation of the standard deviation,
95 % confidence interval, and % relative accuracy as described
in Section 10.
(Mandatory Information)
A1.2 Using Table 2, select grid size, PT . A1.5 Using Table 3, obtain an estimate of the number of
A1.3 Superimpose the grid upon the microscope viewing fields, n, required to obtain the desired degree of precision.
screen and select magnification such that the size of the NOTE A1.1—A minimum of 30 fields must be measured in order to
features of interest are approximately one half of the spacing calculate the 95 % confidence interval using the equation given in A1.12.
between grid points. A1.6 Determine the spacing between fields that will form a
A1.4 Select a statistical precision, (% RA) for example, 10, systematic (equally spaced) array covering a majority of the
20, or 33 %, desired for the measurement. Note that the % RA sample area without overlap.
is defined as follows:
p ~ i ! 2 P̄ p #
G 1/2
A1.9 Calculate the average % of points per field, P̄p , and its ts
95 % CI 5
standard deviation, s. =n
(1) DeHoff, R. T., and Rhines, F. N., eds., Quantitative Microscopy, (4) Hilliard, J. E., and Cahn, J. W., “An Evaluation of Procedures in
McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York, NY, 1968. Quantitative Metallography for Volume-Fraction Analysis,” Transac-
(2) Underwood, E. E., Quantitative Stereology, Addison-Wesley Publish- tions AIME, Vol 221, 1961, pp. 344–352.
ing Co., Reading, MA, 1970. (5) Abrams, H., “Practical Applications of Quantitative Metallography,”
(3) Howard, R. T., and Cohen, M., “Quantitative Metallography by Stereology and Quantitative Metallography, ASTM STP 504, ASTM,
Point-Counting and Lineal Analysis,” Transactions AIME, Vol 172, Philadelphia, PA, 1972, pp. 138–182.
1947, pp. 413–426.
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and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the
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This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
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