Configuring Resilient Ethernet Protocol: Information About Configuring REP

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Configuring Resilient Ethernet Protocol

Information About Configuring REP

Resilient Ethernet Protocol (REP) is a Cisco proprietary protocol that provides an alternative to Spanning Tree Protocol
(STP) to control network loops, handle link failures, and improve convergence time. REP controls a group of ports
connected in a segment, ensures that the segment does not create any bridging loops, and responds to link failures
within the segment. REP provides a basis for constructing more complex networks and supports VLAN load balancing.

One REP segment is a chain of ports connected to each other and configured with a segment ID. Each segment consists
of standard (non-edge) segment ports and two user-configured edge ports. A switch can have no more than two ports
that belong to the same segment, and each segment port can have only one external neighbor. A segment can go
through a shared medium, but on any link only two ports can belong to the same segment. REP is supported only on
Layer 2 trunk interfaces.

Figure 52 on page 383 shows an example of a segment consisting of six ports spread across four switches. Ports E1
and E2 are configured as edge ports. When all ports are operational (as in the segment on the left), a single port is
blocked, shown by the diagonal line. When there is a failure in the network, as shown in the diagram on the right, the
blocked port returns to the forwarding state to minimize network disruption.

Figure 52 REP Open Segments

E1 Edge port

Blocked port

Link failure

E1 E2 E1 E2

The segment shown in Figure 52 on page 383 is an open segment; there is no connectivity between the two edge ports.
The REP segment cannot cause a bridging loop and it is safe to connect the segment edges to any network. All hosts
connected to switches inside the segment have two possible connections to the rest of the network through the edge
ports, but only one connection is accessible at any time. If a failure causes a host to be unable to access its usual
gateway, REP unblocks all ports to ensure that connectivity is available through the other gateway.

The segment shown in Figure 53 on page 384, with both edge ports located on the same switch, is a ring segment. In
this configuration, there is connectivity between the edge ports through the segment. With this configuration, you can
create a redundant connection between any two switches in the segment.

Cisco Systems, Inc.

Configuring Resilient Ethernet Protocol

Information About Configuring REP

Figure 53 REP Ring Segment

E1 E2

REP segments have these characteristics:

 If all ports in the segment are operational, one port (referred to as the alternate port) is in the blocked state for each
VLAN. If VLAN load balancing is configured, two ports in the segment control the blocked state of VLANs.

 If one or more ports in a segment is not operational, causing a link failure, all ports forward traffic on all VLANs to
ensure connectivity.

 In case of a link failure, the alternate ports are unblocked as quickly as possible. When the failed link comes back
up, a logically blocked port per VLAN is selected with minimal disruption to the network.

You can construct almost any type of network based on REP segments. REP also supports VLAN load-balancing,
controlled by the primary edge port but occurring at any port in the segment.

In access ring topologies, the neighboring switch might not support REP, as shown in Figure 54 on page 384. In this case,
you can configure the non-REP facing ports (E1 and E2) as edge no-neighbor ports. These ports inherit all properties of
edge ports, and you can configure them the same as any edge port, including configuring them to send STP or REP
topology change notices to the aggregation switch. In this case the STP topology change notice (TCN) that is sent is a
multiple spanning-tree (MST) STP message.

Figure 54 Edge No-Neighbor Ports

REP not

E1 and E2 are configured

as edge no-neighbor ports

REP ports

REP has these limitations:

 You must configure each segment port; an incorrect configuration can cause forwarding loops in the networks.

Configuring Resilient Ethernet Protocol

Information About Configuring REP

 REP can manage only a single failed port within the segment; multiple port failures within the REP segment cause
loss of network connectivity.

 You should configure REP only in networks with redundancy. Configuring REP in a network without redundancy
causes loss of connectivity.

Link Integrity
REP does not use an end-to-end polling mechanism between edge ports to verify link integrity. It implements local link
failure detection. The REP Link Status Layer (LSL) detects its REP-aware neighbor and establishes connectivity within
the segment. All VLANs are blocked on an interface until it detects the neighbor. After the neighbor is identified, REP
determines which neighbor port should become the alternate port and which ports should forward traffic.

Each port in a segment has a unique port ID. The port ID format is similar to that used by the spanning tree algorithm: a
port number (unique on the bridge), associated to a MAC address (unique in the network). When a segment port is
coming up, its LSL starts sending packets that include the segment ID and the port ID. The port is declared as operational
after it performs a three-way handshake with a neighbor in the same segment.

A segment port does not become operational if:

 No neighbor has the same segment ID.

 More than one neighbor has the same segment ID.

 The neighbor does not acknowledge the local port as a peer.

Each port creates an adjacency with its immediate neighbor. Once the neighbor adjacencies are created, the ports
negotiate to determine one blocked port for the segment, the alternate port. All other ports become unblocked. By
default, REP packets are sent to a BPDU class MAC address. The packets can also be sent to the Cisco multicast address,
which is used only to send blocked port advertisement (BPA) messages when there is a failure in the segment. The
packets are dropped by devices not running REP.

Fast Convergence
Because REP runs on a physical link basis and not a per-VLAN basis, only one hello message is required for all VLANs,
reducing the load on the protocol. We recommend that you create VLANs consistently on all switches in a given segment
and configure the same allowed VLANs on the REP trunk ports. To avoid the delay introduced by relaying messages in
software, REP also allows some packets to be flooded to a regular multicast address. These messages operate at the
hardware flood layer (HFL) and are flooded to the whole network, not just the REP segment. Switches that do not belong
to the segment treat them as data traffic. You can control flooding of these messages by configuring a dedicated
administrative VLAN for the whole domain.

The estimated convergence recovery time on fiber interfaces is less than 200 ms for the local segment with 200 VLANs
configured. Convergence for VLAN load balancing is 300 ms or less.

VLAN Load Balancing

One edge port in the REP segment acts as the primary edge port; the other as the secondary edge port. It is the primary
edge port that always participates in VLAN load balancing in the segment. REP VLAN balancing is achieved by blocking
some VLANs at a configured alternate port and all other VLANs at the primary edge port. When you configure VLAN load
balancing, you can specify the alternate port in one of three ways:

 By entering the port ID of the interface. To identify the port ID of a port in the segment, enter the show interface rep
detail interface configuration command for the port.

Configuring Resilient Ethernet Protocol

Information About Configuring REP

 By entering the neighbor offset number of a port in the segment, which identifies the downstream neighbor port of
an edge port. The neighbor offset number range is –256 to +256; a value of 0 is invalid. The primary edge port has
an offset number of 1; positive numbers above 1 identify downstream neighbors of the primary edge port. Negative
numbers indicate the secondary edge port (offset number -1) and its downstream neighbors.

Note: You configure offset numbers on the primary edge port by identifying a port’s downstream position from the
primary (or secondary) edge port. You would never enter an offset value of 1 because that is the offset number of
the primary edge port itself.

Figure 55 on page 386 shows neighbor offset numbers for a segment where E1 is the primary edge port and E2 is
the secondary edge port. The red numbers inside the ring are numbers offset from the primary edge port; the black
numbers outside of the ring show the offset numbers from the secondary edge port. Note that you can identify all
ports (except the primary edge port) by either a positive offset number (downstream position from the primary edge
port) or a negative offset number (downstream position from the secondary edge port). If E2 became the primary
edge port, its offset number would then be 1 and E1 would be -1.

 By entering the preferred keyword to select the port that you previously configured as the preferred alternate port
with the rep segment segment-id preferred interface configuration command.

Figure 55 Neighbor Offset Numbers in a Segment

E1 = Primary edge port
E1 E2 E2 = Secondary edge port
-9 2 1 10 -2
9 Offset numbers from the primary edge port
Offset numbers from the secondary edge
port (negative numbers)

-8 3 8 -3

4 7
-7 5


When the REP segment is complete, all VLANs are blocked. When you configure VLAN load balancing, you must also
configure triggers in one of two ways:

 Manually trigger VLAN load balancing at any time by entering the rep preempt segment segment-id privileged EXEC
command on the switch that has the primary edge port.

 Configure a preempt delay time by entering the rep preempt delay seconds interface configuration command. After
a link failure and recovery, VLAN load balancing begins after the configured preemption time period elapses. Note
that the delay timer restarts if another port fails before the time has elapsed.

Note: When VLAN load balancing is configured, it does not start working until triggered by either manual intervention or
a link failure and recovery.

When VLAN load balancing is triggered, the primary edge port sends out a message to alert all interfaces in the segment
about the preemption. When the secondary port receives the message, it is reflected into the network to notify the
alternate port to block the set of VLANs specified in the message and to notify the primary edge port to block the
remaining VLANs.

You can also configure a particular port in the segment to block all VLANs. Only the primary edge port initiates VLAN load
balancing, which is not possible if the segment is not terminated by an edge port on each end. The primary edge port
determines the local VLAN load balancing configuration.

Configuring Resilient Ethernet Protocol

REP Segments

Reconfigure the primary edge port to reconfigure load balancing. When you change the load balancing configuration, the
primary edge port again waits for the rep preempt segment command or for the configured preempt delay period after
a port failure and recovery before executing the new configuration. If you change an edge port to a regular segment port,
the existing VLAN load balancing status does not change. Configuring a new edge port might cause a new topology

Spanning Tree Interaction

REP does not interact with STP or with the FlexLink feature, but can coexist with both. A port that belongs to a segment
is removed from spanning tree control and STP BPDUs are not accepted or sent from segment ports. Therefore, STP
cannot run on a segment.

To migrate from an STP ring configuration to REP segment configuration, begin by configuring a single port in the ring
as part of the segment and continue by configuring contiguous ports to minimize the number of segments. Each segment
always contains a blocked port, so multiple segments means multiple blocked ports and a potential loss of connectivity.
When the segment has been configured in both directions up to the location of the edge ports, you then configure the
edge ports.

REP Ports
Ports in REP segments are Failed, Open, or Alternate.

 A port configured as a regular segment port starts as a failed port.

 After the neighbor adjacencies are determined, the port transitions to alternate port state, blocking all VLANs on the
interface. Blocked port negotiations occur and when the segment settles, one blocked port remains in the alternate
role and all other ports become open ports.

 When a failure occurs in a link, all ports move to the failed state. When the alternate port receives the failure
notification, it changes to the open state, forwarding all VLANs.

A regular segment port converted to an edge port, or an edge port converted to a regular segment port, does not always
result in a topology change. If you convert an edge port into a regular segment port, VLAN load balancing is not
implemented unless it has been configured. For VLAN load balancing, you must configure two edge ports in the segment.

A segment port that is reconfigured as a spanning tree port restarts according the spanning tree configuration. By default,
this is a designated blocking port. If PortFast is configured or if STP is disabled, the port goes into the forwarding state.

REP Segments
A segment is a collection of ports connected one to the other in a chain and configured with a segment ID. To configure
REP segments, you configure the REP administrative VLAN (or use the default VLAN 1) and then add the ports to the
segment using interface configuration mode. You should configure two edge ports in the segment, with one of them the
primary edge port and the other by default the secondary edge port. A segment has only one primary edge port. If you
configure two ports in a segment as the primary edge port, for example, ports on different switches, the REP selects one
of them to serve as the segment primary edge port. You can also optionally configure where to send segment topology
change notices (STCNs) and VLAN load balancing.

Default REP Configuration

REP is disabled on all interfaces. When enabled, the interface is a regular segment port unless it is configured as an edge

When REP is enabled, the sending of segment topology change notices (STCNs) is disabled, all VLANs are blocked, and
the administrative VLAN is VLAN 1.

Configuring Resilient Ethernet Protocol

REP Segments

When VLAN load balancing is enabled, the default is manual preemption with the delay timer disabled. If VLAN load
balancing is not configured, the default after manual preemption is to block all VLANs at the primary edge port.

REP Configuration Guidelines

Follow these guidelines when configuring REP:

 We recommend that you begin by configuring one port and then configure the contiguous ports to minimize the
number of segments and the number of blocked ports.

 If more than two ports in a segment fail when no external neighbors are configured, one port changes to a forwarding
state for the data path to help maintain connectivity during configuration. In the show rep interface privileged EXEC
command output, the Port Role for this port shows as Fail Logical Open; the Port Role for the other failed port shows
as Fail No Ext Neighbor. When the external neighbors for the failed ports are configured, the ports go through the
alternate port state transitions and eventually go to an open state or remain as the alternate port, based on the
alternate port election mechanism.

 REP ports must be Layer 2 trunk ports.

 Be careful when configuring REP through a Telnet connection. Because REP blocks all VLANs until another REP
interface sends a message to unblock it, you might lose connectivity to the switch if you enable REP in a Telnet
session that accesses the switch through the same interface.

 You cannot run REP and STP or REP and Flex Links on the same segment or interface.

 If you connect an STP network to the REP segment, be sure that the connection is at the segment edge. An STP
connection that is not at the edge could cause a bridging loop because STP does not run on REP segments. All STP
BPDUs are dropped at REP interfaces.

 You must configure all trunk ports in the segment with the same set of allowed VLANs, or a misconfiguration occurs.

 REP ports follow these rules:

— There is no limit to the number of REP ports on a switch; however, only two ports on a switch can belong to the
same REP segment.

— If only one port on a switch is configured in a segment, the port should be an edge port.

— If two ports on a switch belong to the same segment, they must be both edge ports, both regular segment ports,
or one regular port and one edge no-neighbor port. An edge port and regular segment port on a switch cannot
belong to the same segment.

— If two ports on a switch belong to the same segment and one is configured as an edge port and one as a regular
segment port (a misconfiguration), the edge port is treated as a regular segment port.

 REP interfaces come up in a blocked state and remains in a blocked state until notified that it is safe to unblock. You
need to be aware of this to avoid sudden connection losses.

 REP sends all LSL PDUs in untagged frames on the native VLAN. The BPA message sent to the Cisco multicast
address is sent on the administration VLAN, which is VLAN 1 by default.

 You can configure how long a REP interface remains up without receiving a hello from a neighbor. You can use the
rep lsl-age-timer value interface configuration command to set the time from 120 ms to 10000 ms. The LSL hello
timer is then set to the age-timer value divided by 3. In normal operation, three LSL hellos are sent before the age
timer on the peer switch expires and checks for hello messages.

— In Cisco IOS Release 12.2(52)SE, the LSL age-timer range changed from 3000 to 10000 ms in 500-ms
increments to 120 to 10000 ms in 40-ms increments. If the REP neighbor device is not running Cisco IOS release
12.2(52)SE or later, do not configure a timer value less than 3000 ms. Configuring a value less than 3000 ms
causes the port to shut down because the neighbor switch does not respond within the requested time period.

Configuring Resilient Ethernet Protocol

How to Configure REP

— EtherChannel port channel interfaces do not support LSL age-timer values less than 1000 ms. If you try to
configure a value less than 1000 ms on a port channel, you receive an error message and the command is

 When configuring the REP LSL age timer, make sure that both ends of the link have the same time value configured.
Configuring different values on ports at each end of the link results in a REP link flap.

 REP ports cannot be configured as one of these port types:

— SPAN destination port

— Tunnel port

— Access port

 REP is supported on EtherChannels, but not on an individual port that belongs to an EtherChannel.

 There is a maximum of 64 REP segments per switch.

REP Administrative VLAN

To avoid the delay introduced by relaying messages in software for link-failure or VLAN-blocking notification during load
balancing, REP floods packets at the hardware flood layer (HFL) to a regular multicast address. These messages are
flooded to the whole network, not just the REP segment. You can control flooding of these messages by configuring an
administrative VLAN for the whole domain.

Follow these guidelines when configuring the REP administrative VLAN:

 If you do not configure an administrative VLAN, the default is VLAN 1.

 There can be only one administrative VLAN on a switch and on a segment. However, this is not enforced by software.

 The administrative VLAN cannot be the RSPAN VLAN.

How to Configure REP

Configuring the REP Administrative VLAN

Command Purpose
1. configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
2. rep admin vlan vlan-id Specifies the administrative VLAN. The range is 2 to
4096. The default is VLAN 1. To set the admin VLAN to 1,
enter the no rep admin vlan global configuration
3. end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.

Configuring REP Interfaces

Before You Begin
For REP operation, you need to enable it on each segment interface and identify the segment ID. This step is required
and must be done before other REP configuration. You must also configure a primary and secondary edge port on each
segment. All other steps are optional.

Configuring Resilient Ethernet Protocol

How to Configure REP

Command Purpose
1. configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
2. interface interface-id Specifies the interface, and enters interface configuration mode. The
interface can be a physical Layer 2 interface or a port channel
(logical interface). The port-channel range is 1 to 10.
3. switchport mode trunk Configures the interface as a Layer 2 trunk port.
4. rep segment segment-id [edge Enables REP on the interface, and identifies a segment number. The
[no-neighbor] [primary]] [preferred] segment ID range is from 1 to 1024. These optional keywords are

Note: You must configure two edge ports, including one primary
edge port for each segment.

 edge—Configures the port as an edge port. Entering edge

without the primary keyword configures the port as the
secondary edge port. Each segment has only two edge ports.

 (Optional) primary— Configures the port as the primary edge

port, the port on which you can configure VLAN load balancing.

 (Optional) no-neighbor—Configures a port with no external REP

neighbors as an edge port. The port inherits all properties of
edge ports, and you can configure them the same as any edge

Note: Although each segment can have only one primary edge port,
if you configure edge ports on two different switches and enter the
primary keyword on both switches, the configuration is allowed.
However, REP selects only one of these ports as the segment
primary edge port. You can identify the primary edge port for a
segment by entering the show rep topology privileged EXEC

 (Optional) preferred—Indicates that the port is the preferred

alternate port or the preferred port for VLAN load balancing.

Note: Configuring a port as preferred does not guarantee that it

becomes the alternate port; it merely gives it a slight edge among
equal contenders. The alternate port is usually a previously failed
5. rep stcn {interface interface-id | segment (Optional) Configures the edge port to send segment topology
id-list | stp} change notices (STCNs).

 interface interface-id—Designates a physical interface or port

channel to receive STCNs.

 segment id-list—Identifies one or more segments to receive

STCNs. The range is 1 to 1024.

 stp—Sends STCNs to STP networks.

Configuring Resilient Ethernet Protocol

How to Configure REP

Command Purpose
6. rep block port {id port-id | neighbor_offset | (Optional) Configures VLAN load balancing on the primary edge port,
preferred} vlan {vlan-list | all} identify the REP alternate port in one of three ways, and configure the
VLANs to be blocked on the alternate port.

 id port-id—Identifies the alternate port by port ID. The port ID is

automatically generated for each port in the segment. You can
view interface port IDs by entering the show interface
interface-id rep [detail] privileged EXEC command.

 neighbor_offset number—Identifies the alternate port as a

downstream neighbor from an edge port. The range is from
–256 to 256, with negative numbers indicating the downstream
neighbor from the secondary edge port. A value of 0 is invalid.
Enters -1 to identify the secondary edge port as the alternate
port. See Figure 55 on page 386 for an example of neighbor
offset numbering.

Note: Because you enter this command at the primary edge port
(offset number 1), you would never enter an offset value of 1 to
identify an alternate port.

 preferred—Selects the regular segment port previously

identified as the preferred alternate port for VLAN load

 vlan vlan-list—Blocks one VLAN or a range of VLANs.

 vlan all—Blocks all VLANs.

Note: Enter this command only on the REP primary edge port.
7. rep preempt delay seconds (Optional) You must enter this command and configure a preempt
time delay if you want VLAN load balancing to automatically trigger
after a link failure and recovery. The time delay range is 15 to 300
seconds. The default is manual preemption with no time delay.

Note: Enter this command only on the REP primary edge port.
8. rep lsl-age-timer value (Optional) Configures a time (in milliseconds) for which the REP
interface remains up without receiving a hello from a neighbor.

The range is from 120 to 10000 ms in 40-ms increments. The default

is 5000 ms (5 seconds).

Note: If the neighbor device is not running Cisco IOS Release

12.2(52)SE or later, it only accepts values from 3000 to 10000 ms in
500-ms intervals. EtherChannel port channel interfaces do not
support LSL age-timer values less than 1000 ms.
9. end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.

Configuring Resilient Ethernet Protocol

Monitoring and Maintaining REP

Setting Manual Preemption for VLAN Load Balancing

Before You Begin
If you do not enter the rep preempt delay seconds interface configuration command on the primary edge port to
configure a preemption time delay, the default is to manually trigger VLAN load balancing on the segment. Be sure that
all other segment configuration has been completed before manually preempting VLAN load balancing. When you enter
the rep preempt segment segment-id command, a confirmation message appears before the command is executed
because preemption can cause network disruption.

Command Purpose
1. rep preempt segment segment-id Manually triggers VLAN load balancing on the segment.

You will need to confirm the command before it is executed.

2. show rep topology Displays REP topology information.

Configuring SNMP Traps for REP

You can configure the switch to send REP-specific traps to notify the SNMP server of link operational status changes and
port role changes.

Command Purpose
1. configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
2. snmp mib rep trap-rate value Enables the switch to send REP traps, and sets the number of
traps sent per second. The range is from 0 to 1000. The default
is 0 (no limit imposed; a trap is sent at every occurrence).
3. end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.

Monitoring and Maintaining REP

Command Purpose
show interface [interface-id] rep [detail] Displays REP configuration and status for an interface or for all
show rep topology [segment segment_id] [archive] Displays REP topology information for a segment or for all
[detail] segments, including the primary and secondary edge ports in
the segment.
copy running-config startup config Saves your entries in the switch startup configuration file.

Configuration Examples for Configuring REP

Configuring the Administrative VLAN: Example

This example shows how to configure the administrative VLAN as VLAN 100 and verify the configuration by entering the
show interface rep detail command on one of the REP interfaces:

Switch# configure terminal

Switch (conf)# rep admin vlan 100
Switch (conf-if)# end
Switch# show interface GigabitEthernet1/17 rep detail

Configuring Resilient Ethernet Protocol

Configuration Examples for Configuring REP

GigabitEthernet1/17 REP enabled

Segment-id: 2 (Edge)
PortID: 00010019E7144680
Preferred flag: No
Operational Link Status: TWO_WAY
Current Key: 0002001121A2D5800E4D
Port Role: Open
Blocked Vlan: <empty>
Admin-vlan: 100
Preempt Delay Timer: disabled
LSL Ageout Timer: 5000 ms
Configured Load-balancing Block Port: none
Configured Load-balancing Block VLAN: none
STCN Propagate to: none
LSL PDU rx: 3322, tx: 1722
HFL PDU rx: 32, tx: 5
BPA TLV rx: 16849, tx: 508
BPA (STCN, LSL) TLV rx: 0, tx: 0
BPA (STCN, HFL) TLV rx: 0, tx: 0
EPA-ELECTION TLV rx: 118, tx: 118
EPA-COMMAND TLV rx: 0, tx: 0
EPA-INFO TLV rx: 4214, tx: 4190

Configuring a Primary Edge Port: Examples

This example shows how to configure an interface as the primary edge port for segment 1, to send STCNs to segments
2 through 5, and to configure the alternate port as the port with port ID 0009001818D68700 to block all VLANs after a
preemption delay of 60 seconds after a segment port failure and recovery. The interface is configured to remain up for
6000 milliseconds without receiving a hello from a neighbor.

Switch# configure terminal

Switch (conf)# interface GigabitEthernet1/17
Switch (conf-if)# rep segment 1 edge primary
Switch (conf-if)# rep stcn segment 2-5
Switch (conf-if)# rep block port 0009001818D68700 vlan all
Switch (conf-if)# rep preempt delay 60
Switch (conf-if)# rep lsl-age-timer 6000
Switch (conf-if)# end

This example shows how to configure an interface as the primary edge port when the interface has no external REP

Switch# configure terminal

Switch (conf)# interface GigabitEthernet1/17
Switch (conf-if)# rep segment 1 edge no-neighbor primary
Switch (conf-if)# rep stcn segment 2-5
Switch (conf-if)# rep block port 0009001818D68700 vlan all
Switch (conf-if)# rep preempt delay 60
Switch (conf-if)# rep lsl-age-timer 6000

Configuring VLAN Blocking: Example

This example shows how to configure the VLAN blocking configuration shown in Figure 56 on page 394. The alternate
port is the neighbor with neighbor offset number 4. After manual preemption, VLANs 100 to 200 are blocked at this port,
and all other VLANs are blocked at the primary edge port E1 (Gigabit Ethernet port 1/0/1).

Switch# configure terminal

Switch (conf)# interface GigabitEthernet1/17
Switch (conf-if)# rep segment 1 edge primary
Switch (conf-if)# rep block port 4 vlan 100-200

Configuring Resilient Ethernet Protocol

Additional References

Switch (conf-if)# end

Figure 56 Example of VLAN Blocking

Primary edge port E1
blocks all VLANs except E1 E2
VLANs 100-200

Alternate port (offset 4)
blocks VLANs 100-200

Additional References
The following sections provide references related to switch administration:

Related Documents
Related Topic Document Title
Cisco IOS basic commands Cisco IOS Configuration Fundamentals Command Reference

Standards Title
No new or modified standards are supported by this —
feature, and support for existing standards has not
been modified by this feature.

MIBs MIBs Link
— To locate and download MIBs using Cisco IOS XR software, use the
Cisco MIB Locator found at the following URL and choose a platform
under the Cisco Access Products menu:

RFCs Title
No new or modified RFCs are supported by this —
feature, and support for existing RFCs has not been
modified by this feature.


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