F. Y. B. C. A. Semester 1 101 Communication Skills: Veer Narmad South Gujarat University - Surat
F. Y. B. C. A. Semester 1 101 Communication Skills: Veer Narmad South Gujarat University - Surat
F. Y. B. C. A. Semester 1 101 Communication Skills: Veer Narmad South Gujarat University - Surat
F. Y. B. C. A. Semester 1
Effective From: June-2012
1. Introduction
1.1. Spoken and conversation for Greetings, Requests, Invitation, Permission, Thanks etc.
1.2. Basic Sentence patterns
1.3. Agreement between Subject and Verb
1.4. Basic rule of Composition
1.5. Paragraph Development
1.6. Vocabulary Development
1.7. Model Auxiliary
1.8. Active and Passive voice
1.9. Conjunction and prepositions
2. Writing Skills
2.1. Guidelines for effective writing
2.2. Writing style of application
2.3. Personal Resume
2.4. Business letter and Memo including Requests, Complains, asking quotation etc.
2.5. Technical Report writing
Reference Books:
F. Y. B. C. A. Semester 1
Effective From: June-2012
1. Set Theory
1.1. Introduction
1.2. Representation
1.3. Operation and its properties
1.4. Venn Diagram
1.5. Cartesian product and graph
2. Functions
2.1. Definition
2.2. Types – Domain and Range
2.3. Construction and functions
Reference Books:
F. Y. B. C. A. Semester 1
Effective From: June-2012
1. Introduction
1.1. History of Development
1.2. Types of Computers
1.3. Microcomputers, Notebook computers, Palmtops, PDA
1.4. Hardware & Software
1.5. Cartesian product and graph
3. Number Systems
3.1. Various number systems ( Binary, Octal, Hex, Decimal )
3.2. Conversion among various number systems
3.3. Binary and Hex arithmetic
3.4. Parity Scheme
3.5. Character code: EBCIDIC, ASCII, UNICODE
4. Memory
4.1. Memory organization
4.2. Addressing Modes
4.3. Memory types: RAM, ROM, FLASH, PROM, EPROM, EEPROM
4.4. Concepts of virtual memory, Cache memory
5. Storage Devices
5.1. Floppy Disks: structure, reading/writing, formatting
5.2. Hard disk and its architecture
5.4. Back up Devices
6. I/O Devices
6.1. Printers: Line printer, DOT matrix, Laser, Inkjet
6.2. Plotters: Scanners, OCR, OMR
6.3. Keyboard, Mouse
6.4. Other Devices: Joysticks, Touch pads, pens etc.
6.5. Monitors (CRT Flat Screen LCD )
Reference Books:
F. Y. B. C. A. Semester 1
Effective From: June-2012
8. Concepts Of Arrays
8.1. One Dimensional Arrays
8.2. Sorting using one Dimensional Array
8.3. Concept of Two Dimensional Array
8.4. Arithmetic operation on two dimensional array
Reference Books:
F. Y. B. C. A. Semester 1
Effective From: June-2012
1. Introduction
1.1. Concept of Windows, Icon, Menu
1.2. Desktop
1.3. Creating Folders and Shortcuts
1.4. Finding Files & Folders
1.5. Creating, Copying, Moving and Deleting files
1.6. Windows Explorer
1.7. Basic DOS Commands
3. Spreadsheet package
3.1. Concept of worksheet
3.2. Working & Editing in Workbooks
3.3. Creating Formats & Links
3.4. Protecting and Hiding data
3.5. Built in Functions
3.6. Formatting a Worksheet & Creating graphics objects
3.7. Creating Charts (Graphics), Formatting and analyzing data
3.8. Organizing Data in a List (Data Management)
3.9. Sharing & Importing Data
3.10. Printing
3.11. Macros
4. Presentation Package
4.1. Creating and Editing Slides
4.2. Creating and Editing objects in the slide
4.3. Animation and Running Slide Show
4.4. Creating and Running Slide Show
4.5. Templates
4.6. Interface with other packages
5. Internet
5.1. Concepts
5.2. Working
5.3. Mailing & surfing tools
Reference Books:
F. Y. B. C. A. Semester 1
Effective From: June-2012
All Students have to carry out practical work in Subjects - 104 & 105
F. Y. B. C. A. Semester 1
Effective From: June-2012
F. Y. B. C. A. Semester 2
Effective From: June-2012
2. Accounting Concepts
3. Accounting Equation & Transaction Analysis
3.1. Introduction to Assets, Liabilities, Equities
3.2. Concepts of Transaction Analysis
3.3. Classification of Accounts (Real Account, Personal Account, Nominal Account)
4. Concepts of Book-Keeping
4.1. Introduction of Single Entry System and its advantages/disadvantages
4.2. Introduction of Double Entry System and its advantages
4.3. Types of Business Transaction
4.3.1. Cash Transaction
4.3.2. Credit Transaction
4.3.3. Barter Transaction
4.4. Concepts of important Terminologies: Opening Stock, Closing Stock, Goods, Inventory,
Assets, Liabilities, Capital, Debit, Debtors, Creditors, Income, Expenses, Loss, Profit,
Credit, Debit.
Reference Books:
F. Y. B. C. A. Semester 2
Effective From: June-2012
1. Introduction to Organization
1.1. What makes an organization
1.2. Structure of organization
1.3. What is Management
1.4. Scope of Management
3. Attitude
3.1. Meaning of Attitudes
3.2. Characteristics of Attitudes
4. Motivation
4.1. What is motivation?
4.2. Nature and Characteristics of Motivation
4.3. Importance & Benefits of Motivation
5. Leadership
5.1. What is Leadership?
5.2. Characteristics of Leadership
5.3. Leadership Styles
5.4. Leadership Skills (Technical Skills, Human Skills, Conceptual Skills. Personal Skills)
Reference Books:
1. Management & Organization Development – By Ahmed Abod Rachna Prakashan, New Delhi
2. Organization Behaviour – By Aplewhite Philip, Prentice hall
3. Management & Organization Development – By Argyris Chris, McGraw Hill
4. Human Behaviour at work – By Davis Keeth, Tata McGraw Hill
5. Organization Behaviour – By L.M. Prasad.
F. Y. B. C. A. Semester 2
Effective From: June-2012
4. Device Management
4.1. Device Management Function
4.2. Device Characteristics
4.3. Disk space Management
4.4. Allocation and Disk Scheduling Methods
Reference Books:
1. Operating System Concepts – James Peterson – McGraw Hill
2. Inside IBM PC – Peter Norton - PHI
3. Advanced MSDOS - Ray Duncon – McGraw Hill
4. Operating System – Stallings - PHI
F. Y. B. C. A. Semester 2
Effective From: June-2012
6. Built in Functions
6.1. Mathematical Functions
6.2. String Functions
6.3. Conversion Functions
7. Arrays
8. Introduction to pointer
8.1. Address and value operators
8.2. Pointer Arithmetic
Reference Books:
F. Y. B. C. A. Semester 2
Effective From: June-2012
3. Microsoft Access
3.1. Working with databases & tables
3.2. Managing Constraints & Relationships
3.3. Using SQL Queries
Reference Books:
F. Y. B. C. A. Semester 2
Effective From: June-2012
All Students have to carry out practical work in Subjects - 204 & 205
F. Y. B. C. A. Semester 2
Effective From: June-2012