Product Name: Reassure - Product Uin: Maxhlip21060V012021
Product Name: Reassure - Product Uin: Maxhlip21060V012021
Product Name: Reassure - Product Uin: Maxhlip21060V012021
Thank you for choosing Max Bupa as your preferred health insurance partner. At Max Bupa, we put your health first and are committed to provide
you access to the very best of healthcare, backed by the highest standards of service.
Please find enclosed your Max Bupa Policy kit which will help you understand your policy in detail and give you more information on how to access
our services easily. Your Policy kit includes the following:
• Personalized Health Card: To access our wide range of hospitals for cashless hospitalization.
• Insurance Certificate: Confirming your specific policy details like date of commencement, persons covered and specific conditions related to
your plan.
• Premium Receipt: Receipt issued for the premium paid by you.
• Policy Terms and Conditions: For a clear understanding of policy coverages and exclusions.
• Proposal Form: This is a copy of the proposal form as per the information provided by you. Do inform us immediately in case there is any change
in the details mentioned therein.
• Annexure of Policyholder Servicing Turnaround Times as prescribed by Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority (IRDA)
Do visit us online at to view and download our updated list of network hospitals in your city, download claim forms and for other
useful information. You can register with us online using your policy number, date of birth & email id and access your policy details. In case of any
further assistance, call us at 1860-500-8888 (customer helpline number) or email us at [email protected].
We request you to read your policy terms and conditions carefully so that you are fully aware of your policy benefits. For benefits related to section
80D, please consult your tax advisor.
Assuring you of our best services and wishing you and your loved ones good health always.
Yours Sincerely,
Providing copy of the proposal – from the date of acceptance of risk 30 Days
Post Policy issue service requests – from the date of receipt of service
10 Days
Proposal refund in case of cancellation – from the date of decision of
15 Days
the proposal
Request for policy cancellation with free-look period– from the date of
15 Days
receipt of service request
From the date of receipt of last necessary document (no investigation) 30 Days
From the date of receipt of last necessary document (with investigation) 45 Days
*Turnaround time will start from the date of receipt of complete documents at Max Bupa Health Insurance Company Ltd.
FLAT NO ¿ 105 DHANASHRI PARK SOCIETY , JAGTAP PATIL Policy Expiry Date and Time To 07/04/2022 23:59
NAGAR NANDED GAON, Plan Opted Family Floater
PUNE, Policy Period 1 Year
MAHARASHTRA - 411041 Premium payment mode* Monthly
Payment Due Date#** 8th of every Month
Details of Electronic Insurance Account (eIA)
**For months, which doesn't have specified date, last date of the respective month
eIA Number None should be considered as premium due date.
Insurance Repository Name None
Cover Details
Name of the Insured Person(s) Base Sum Sum Insured Booster Benefit Sum Insured (Base Sum Personal Accident
Insured (in Safeguard (in Rs.) accrued (in Rs.) Insured + Booster opted
Rs.) Benefit + Sum Insured
Safeguard) (in Rs.)
Nominee Details
Intermediary Details
Max Bupa Health Insurance Company Limited Logix Infotech Park , Plot no D-5, Sector 59, Noida, Gautam Budh Nagar, Uttar Pradesh
Particulars Details
Name of the Insured Person (s) Age (in Years) Insured DOB Gender Relationship Pre-existing Disease* Personal
Waiting Period#
Mrs. Bhagyashri Chaudhari 30 25/12/1990 Female Applicant None None
(* -Pre existing Disease as disclosed by You / Insured Person or discovered by us during medical underwriting)
(# -Please refer clause 5.4 of the Policy terms &conditions)
Pursuant to Notification no 13/2020- Central Tax and Notification no 14/2020- Central Tax both dated 21st March 2020 read with rule 54 (2) of
CGST Rules 2017, the provisions of E Invoicing & QR code are not applicable to an Insurance company, hence E Invoice number and QR code has not
been printed on this document. GST under RCM: NIL
GSTI No.: 09AAFCM7916H1Z6 SAC Code / Type of Service : 997133 / General Insurance Services
Max Bupa State Code: 9 Customer State Code / Customer GSTI No.: 27 /NA
Policy issuing office: Delhi, Consolidated Stamp Duty deposited as per the order of Government of National Capital Territory of Delhi.
We acknowledge the receipt of payment towards the premium of the following health insurance policy:
Product Name ReAssure Plan Opted Family Floater Base Sum Insured 5,00,000
Till the current installment period you may get tax benefits up to Rs. 879.00, subject to maximum permissible limits applicable under Income
Tax Act 1961 as modified from time to time. Fore more details, kindly consult your tax advisor. In the event of non-relization of premium, tax
benefits cannot be obtained against this premium receipt.
For your eligibility and deductions, please refer to provisions of Income Tax Act 1961 as modified and consult your tax consultant.
GSTI No.: 09AAFCM7916H1Z6 SAC Code / Type of Service : 997133 / General Insurance Services
Max Bupa State Code: 9 Customer State Code / Customer GSTI No.: 27 /NA
Optional Coverage:
• Personal Accident coverage against accident death, permanent total and partial disability 4.1
(for insured aged 18 years & above on individual basis)
• Hospital Cash benefit is paid as per the plan chosen for a maximum for 30 days per insured 4.2
person per policy year, provided that the Insured Person should have been Hospitalized for
a minimum period of 48 hours continuously and In-patient Care Hospitalization should have
been paid by Us.
• Safeguard – 4.3
- Claim safeguard: Non-payable items paid up to Sum Insured
- Booster Benefit safeguard: No impact on Booster Benefit if claim in a policy year is less
than Rs. 50,000
- Sum Insured safeguard: CPI linked increase in Base Sum Insured
Disclaimer: Max Bupa Health Insurance Company Limited, IRDAI Registration No. 145. ‘Max’, Max logo, ‘Bupa’ and Heartbeat logo are registered trademarks of their respective owners and
are being used by Max Bupa Health Insurance Company Limited under license. CIN No. U66000DL2008PLC182918. Registered Office: C-98, Lajpat Nagar 1, Delhi-110024. Website: www.
maxbupa. com, Fax: 011-30902010, Customer Helpline No.: 1860 500 8888. Insurance is the subject matter of solicitation. Please read sales brochure carefully before concluding a sale.
4. Optional Benefits All claims for any applicable optional benefits under the Policy must be
The following optional benefits shall apply under the Policy only if it is made in accordance with the process defined under Section 7 (Claim
specified in the Policy Schedule. Optional benefits can be selected by Process & Requirements).
You only at the time of issuance of the First Policy or at Renewal, unless
specified otherwise, on payment of the corresponding additional 4.1 Personal Accident Cover
premium. What is covered:
If the Insured Person covered under this optional benefit dies or
The optional benefits ‘Personal Accident Cover’ and ‘Hospital Cash’ will sustains any Injury resulting solely and directly from an Accident
be payable (only on Reimbursement basis) if the conditions mentioned occurring during the Policy Period at any location worldwide, and
in the below sections are contracted or sustained by the Insured while the Policy is in force, We will provide the benefits described
Person covered under these optional benefits during the Policy Period. below.
The applicable optional benefits will be payable subject to the terms, a. Accident Death (AD)
conditions and exclusions of this Policy and subject always to any sub- What is covered:
limits for the optional benefit as specified in Your Policy Schedule. If the Injury due to Accident solely and directly results in the Insured
Person’s death within 365 days from the occurrence of the Accident,
4.2 Hospital Cash b. Booster Benefit Safeguard: Cumulative Bonus under Section 3.12
What is covered: (Booster Benefit) will not be impacted or reduced at Renewal if
If We have accepted an Inpatient Care Hospitalization claim under any one claim or multiple claims admissible in the previous Policy
Section 3.1 (In-patient Care), We will pay the Hospital Cash amount Year does not exceed the overall amount of Rs. 50,000.
specified in the Policy Schedule up to a maximum 30 days of c. Sum Insured Safeguard: The Base Sum Insured will be increased
Hospitalization during the Policy Year for the Insured Person for each on Cumulative Basis at each Policy Year on the basis of inflation
continuous period of 24 hours of Hospitalization from the first day of rate in previous year. Inflation rate would be computed as the
Hospitalization. average Consumer Price index (CPI) of the entire calendar year
published by the Central Statistical Organisation (CSO).
Conditions - The above coverage is subject to fulfilment of following
conditions: Conditions - The coverage under ‘Sum Insured Safeguard’ is subject to
a. The Insured Person has been admitted in a Hospital for a minimum fulfilment of following conditions:
period of 48 hours continuously. a. The % increase will be applicable only on Base Sum Insured under
the Policy and not on Booster Benefit or any other benefit which
4.3 Safeguard leads to increase in Sum Insured.
What is covered: b. Consumer Price index (CPI) is a measure of inflation, changes
a. Claim Safeguard: If We have accepted a Hospitalization claim in the CPI are used to assess price changes associated with the
under Section 3, then the items which are not payable as per cost of living. It is a measure that examines the weighted average
List I – ‘Expenses not covered’ under Annexure II related to that of prices of a basket of consumer goods and services, such as
particular claim will become payable. transportation, food and medical care. It is calculated by taking
6.16 Charges related to a Hospital stay not expressly mentioned 6.31 Mental retardation which is a condition of arrested or
as being covered. This will include charges for RMO charges , incomplete development of mind of a person, specially characterized
surcharges and service charges levied by the Hospital. by subnormality of intelligence.
6.17 Circumcision: 6.32 Artificial life maintenance for the Insured Person who has
Circumcision unless necessary for the treatment of a disease or been declared brain dead or in vegetative state as demonstrated by:
necessitated by an Accident. a. Deep coma and unresponsiveness to all forms of stimulation; or
b. Absent pupillary light reaction; or
6.18 Conflict & Disaster: c. Absent oculovestibular and corneal reflexes; or
Treatment for any Injury or Illness resulting directly or indirectly from d. Complete apnea.
nuclear, radiological emissions, war or war like situations (whether war
is declared or not), rebellion (act of armed resistance to an established 6.33 If as per any or all of the medical references herein below
government or leader), acts of terrorism. containing guidelines and protocols for evidence based medicines,
the Hospitalization for treatment under claim is not necessary or the
6.19 External Congenital Anomaly: stay at the Hospital is found unduly long:
Screening, counseling or treatment related to external Congenital a. Medical text books,
Anomaly. b. Standard treatment guidelines as stated in clinical establishment
act of Government of India,
6.20 Dental/oral treatment: c. World Health Organisation (WHO) protocols,
Treatment, procedures and preventive, diagnostic, restorative, d. Published guidelines by healthcare providers,
cosmetic services related to disease, disorder and conditions related e. Guidelines set by medical societies like cardiological society of
to natural teeth and gingiva except if required by an Insured Person India, neurological society of India etc.
while Hospitalized due to an Accident.
6.34 Permanent Exclusions for Personal Accident Cover
6.21 Hormone Replacement Therapy: We shall not be liable to make any payment under any benefits under
Treatment for any condition / illness which requires hormone Section 4.1 (Personal Accident Cover) if the claim is attributable to, or
replacement therapy. based on, or arises out of, or is directly or indirectly connected to any
of the following:
6.22 Multifocal Lens and ambulatory devices such as walkers, a. Suicide or self inflicted Injury, whether the Insured Person is
crutches, splints, stockings of any kind and also any medical medically sane or insane.
equipment which is subsequently used at home. b. Treatment for any Injury or Illness resulting directly or indirectly
from nuclear, radiological emissions, war or war like situations
6.23 Sexually transmitted Infections & diseases (other than HIV (whether war is declared or not), rebellion (act of armed resistance
/ AIDS): Screening, prevention and treatment for sexually related to an established government or leader), acts of terrorism.
infection or disease (other than HIV / AIDS). c. Service in the armed forces, or any police organization, of
any country at war or at peace or service in any force of an
6.24 Sleep disorders: international body or participation in any of the naval, military or
Treatment for any conditions related to disturbance of normal sleep air force operation during peace time.
patterns or behaviors. d. Any change of profession after inception of the Policy or any
Renewal which results in the enhancement of Our risk, if not
6.25 Any treatment or medical services received outside the accepted and endorsed by Us on the Policy Schedule.
geographical limits of India. e. Committing an assault, a criminal offence or any breach of law
with criminal intent.
6.26 Any expenses incurred on OPD treatment. f. Taking or absorbing, accidentally or otherwise, any intoxicating
liquor, drug, narcotic, medicine, sedative or poison, except as
6.27 Unrecognized Physician or Hospital: prescribed by a Medical Practitioner other than the Policyholder
a. Treatment or Medical Advice provided by a Medical Practitioner or an Insured Person.
not recognized by the Medical Council of India or by Central g. Participation in aviation/marine activities (including crew) other
Council of Indian Medicine or by Central council of Homeopathy. than as a passenger in an aircraft/water craft that is authorized
b. Treatment provided by anyone with the same residence as by the relevant regulations to carry such passengers between
an Insured Person or who is a member of the Insured Person’s established airports or ports.
immediate family or relatives. h. Engaging in or taking part in professional/adventure sports
8.17 Notices Insured person may also approach the grievance cell at any of the
Any notice, direction or instruction given under this Policy shall be in company’s branches with the details of grievance.
writing and delivered by hand, post, or facsimile to:
If Insured person is not satisfied with the redressal of grievance
a. You/the Insured Person at the address specified in the Policy through one of the above methods, Insured Person may contact the
Schedule or at the changed address of which We must receive grievance officer at:
written notice.
b. Us at the following address: Grievance Redressal Officer
Max Bupa Health Insurance Company Limited Max Bupa Health Insurance Company Limited
2nd Floor, Plot No D-5, Sec-59, Noida, 2nd Floor, Plot No D-5, Sec-59, Noida,
Gautam Buddh Nagar, Uttar Pradesh – 201301 Gautam Buddh Nagar, Uttar Pradesh – 201301
Fax No.: 011-3090-2010 Email: [email protected] or [email protected]
c. No insurance agents, brokers or other person/entity is authorized
to receive any notice on Our behalf. For details of grievance officer, kindly refer the link https://www.
d. In addition, We may send You/the Insured Person other
information through electronic and telecommunications means
with respect to Your Policy from time to time.
If Insured person is not satisfied with the redressal of grievance through
8.18 Alteration to the Policy
This Policy constitutes the complete contract of insurance. Any change above methods, the Insured Person may also approach the office of
in the Policy will only be evidenced by a written endorsement signed Insurance Ombudsman of the respective area/region for redressal of
and stamped by Us. No one except Us can within the permission of the grievance at the addresses given in Annexure III.
IRDAI change or vary this Policy.
Grievance may also be lodged at IRDAI Integrated Grievance
8.19 Zonal pricing Management System -
For the purpose of calculating premium, the country has been divided
into the following 2 zones: 8.23 Assignment
a. Zone 1: Delhi NCR, Mumbai (including Navi Mumbai and Thane), The Policy can be assigned subject to applicable laws.
Kolkata and Gujarat StateDelhi NCR includes Delhi, Baghpat,
Bulandshahr, Gautam Buddh Nagar, Ghaziabad, Hapur, Meerut, 8.24 Claim settlement (Provision for Penal interest
Muzaffarnagar, Shamli, Charkhi Dadri, Faridabad, Gurugram, I. The Company shall settle or reject a claim, as the case may be,
Jhajjar, Jind, Karnal, Mahendragarh, Nuh, Palwal, Panipat, Rewari, within 30 days from the date of receipt of last necessary document.
Rohtak and Sonipat II. ln the case of delay in the payment of a claim, the Company
b. Zone 2: Rest of India shall be liable to pay interest to the policyholder from the date
of receipt of last necessary document to the date of payment of
8.20 Possibility of Revision of Terms of the Policy Including the claim at a rate 2% above the bank rate.
Premium Rates III. However, where the circumstances of a claim warrant an
The Company, with prior approval of IRDAI, may revise or modify the investigation in the opinion of the Company, it shall initiate and
terms of the Policy including the premium rates. The Insured Person complete such investigation at the earliest, in any case not later
shall be notified three months before the changes are effected. than 30 days from the date of receipt of last necessary document-
lnsured person having multiple policies shall also have the right to 8.31 Premium Payment in Installments
prefer claims under this policy for the amounts disallowed under any lf the insured person has opted for Payment of Premium on an
other policy / policies even if the sum insured is not exhausted. Then instalment basis i.e. Half Yearly, Quarterly or Monthly, as mentioned in
the insurer shall independently settle the claim subject to the terms the policy Schedule/Certificate of insurance, the following Conditions
and conditions of this policy. shall apply (notwithstanding any terms contrary elsewhere in the
lf the amount to be claimed exceeds the sum insured under a single i. Grace Period of 30 days in case of single premium policies,
policy, the insured person shall have the right to choose insurer from and a period of 15 days in case of other than single premium
whom he/she wants to claim the balance amount. policies, would be given to pay the instalment premium due
for the policy.
Where an insured person has policies from more than one insurer to ii. During such grace period, coverage will not be available from
cover the same risk on indemnity basis, the insured person shall only the due date of instalment premium till the date of receipt of
be indemnified the treatment costs in accordance with the terms and premium by Company.
conditions of the chosen policy iii. The insured person will get the accrued continuity benefit in
respect of the “Waiting Periods”, “Specific Waiting Periods” in
8.27 Migration the event of payment of premium within the stipulated grace
The Insured Person will have the option to migrate the Policy to other Period.
health insurance products / plans offered by the Company policy by
iv. No interest will be charged lf the instalment premium is not
applying for migration of the policy 30 days before the premium due
paid on due date
date of his / her existing Policy as per extant guidelines on Migration.
v. ln case of instalment premium due not received within the
If such person is presently covered and has been continuously covered
grace period, the policy will get cancelled.
without any lapses under any health insurance product / plan offered
by the Company, the proposed insured person will get the accrued vi. ln the event of a claim, all subsequent premium instalments
continuity benefits in waiting periods as per extant guidelines on shall immediately become due and payable.
migration. The company has the right to recover and deduct all the pending
installments from the claim amount due under the policy.
For Detailed Guidelines on migration, kindly refer the link 9. Defined Terms
aspx?page=PageNo3987&flag=1 The terms listed below in Section 9 and used elsewhere in the Policy in
Initial Capitals shall have the meaning set out against them in Section 9.
9.6 Base Sum Insured means the amount stated in the Policy 9.13 Cumulative Bonus means any increase or addition in the Sum
Schedule. Insured granted by the insurer without an associated increase in
9.7 Bone Marrow Transplant is the actual undergoing of a transplant
of human bone marrow using haematopoietic stem cells. The 9.14 Day Care Center means any institution established for Day Care
undergoing of a transplant has to be confirmed by a specialist medical Treatment of Illness and/or Injuries or a medical set-up with a Hospital
practitioner. The following will be excluded: and which has been registered with the local authorities, wherever
a. Other stem-cell transplants applicable, and is under the supervision of a registered and qualified
b. Where only islets of langerhans are transplanted Medical Practitioner AND must comply with all minimum criterion as
9.8 Break in Policy means the period of gap that occurs at the end a. has Qualified Nursing staff under its employment;
of the existing policy term, when the premium due for renewal on a b. has qualified Medical Practitioner(s) in charge;has a fully
given policy is not paid on or before the premium renewal date or equipped operation theatre of its own where Surgical Procedures
within 30 days thereof. are carried out;
c. maintains daily records of patients and will make these accessible
9.9 Cancer means a malignant tumor characterized by the to the insurance company’s authorized personnel.
uncontrolled growth and spread of malignant cells with invasion
and destruction of normal tissues. This diagnosis must be supported 9.15 Day Care Treatment refers to medical treatment, and/or
by histological evidence of malignancy. The term cancer includes Surgical Procedure which is:
leukemia, lymphoma and sarcoma. a. undertaken under General or Local Anaesthesia in a Hospital/
The following are excluded: Day Care Center in less than 24 hrs because of technological
advancement, and
9.24 Hospital means any institution established for Inpatient Care 9.33 IRDAI means the Insurance Regulatory and Development
and Day Care Treatment of Illness and / or Injuries and which has been Authority of India.
registered as a Hospital with the local authorities under the Clinical
9.34 Insured Event means any event specifically mentioned as
Establishments (Registration and Regulation) Act, 2010 or under the
covered under this Policy.
enactments specified under the Schedule of Section 56(1) of the said
Act OR complies with all minimum criteria as under:
a. has Qualified Nursing staff under its employment round the clock; 9.35 Insured Person means person(s) named as insured persons in
b. has at least 10 Inpatient beds in towns having a population of less the Policy Schedule.
than 10,00,000 and at least 15 Inpatient beds in all other places;
c. has qualified Medical Practitioner(s) in charge round the clock; 9.36 Intensive Care Unit means an identified section, ward or wing
d. has a fully equipped operation theatre of its own where Surgical of a Hospital which is under the constant supervision of a dedicated
Procedures are carried out; Medical Practitioner(s), and which is specially equipped for the
9.37 Maternity Expense shall include: 9.48 Policy means these terms and conditions, the Policy Schedule
a. Medical Treatment Expenses traceable to childbirth (including (as amended from time to time), Your statements in the Proposal and
complicated deliveries and caesarean sections incurred during the Information Summary Sheet and any endorsements attached by
Hospitalization); Us to the Policy from time to time.
b. Expenses towards lawful medical termination of pregnancy during
the Policy Period. 9.49 Policy Period is the period between the inception date and the
expiry date of the Policy as specified in the Policy Schedule or the date
9.38 Medical Advice means any consultation or advice from a of cancellation of this Policy, whichever is earlier.
Medical Practitioner including the issuance of any prescription or
follow-up prescription. 9.50 Policy Year means the period of one year commencing on
the date of commencement specified in the Policy Schedule or any
9.39 Medical Expenses means those expenses that an Insured Person anniversary thereof.
has necessarily and actually incurred for medical treatment on account
of Illness or Accident on the advice of a Medical Practitioner, as long as 9.51 Pre-existing Disease means any condition, ailment, injury or
these are no more than would have been payable if the Insured Person disease
had not been insured and no more than other Hospitals or doctors in a. That is/are diagnosed by a physician within 48 months prior
the same locality would have charged for the same medical treatment. to the effective date of the policy issued by the insurer or its
reinstatement or
9.40 Medical Practitioner means a person who holds a valid b. For which medical advice or treatment was recommended by, or
registration from the Medical Council of any State or Medical Council received from, a physician within 48 months prior to the effective
of India or Council for Indian Medicine or for Homeopathy set up by the date of the policy issued by the insurer or its reinstatement.
Government of India or a State Government and is thereby entitled to
practice medicine within its jurisdiction; and is acting within the scope 9.52 Pre-hospitalization Medical Expenses means medical
and jurisdiction of his licence. expenses incurred during pre-defined number of days preceding the
hospitalization of the Insured Person, provided that:
9.41 Medical Record means the collection of information as a. Such Medical Expenses are incurred for the same condition for
submitted in claim documentation concerning a Insured Person’s which the Insured Person’s Hospitalization was required, and
Illness or Injury that is created and maintained in the regular course of b. The Inpatient Hospitalization claim for such Hospitalization is
management, made by Medical Practitioners who have knowledge of admissible by the Insurance Company.
the acts, events, opinions or diagnoses relating to the Insured Person’s
Illness or Injury, and made at or around the time indicated in the 9.53 Post-hospitalization Medical Expenses means medical expenses
documentation. incurred during pre-defined number of days immediately after the
Insured Person is discharged from the Hospital, provided that:
9.42 Medically Necessary Treatment means any treatment, tests, a. Such Medical Expenses are for the same condition for which the
medication, or stay in Hospital or part of a stay in Hospital which: Insured Person’s Hospitalization was required, and
a. is required for the medical management of the Illness or Injury b. The Inpatient Hospitalization claim for such Hospitalization is
suffered by the insured; admissible by the Insurance Company.
b. must not exceed the level of care necessary to provide safe,
adequate and appropriate medical care in scope, duration, or 9.54 Policy Schedule means a certificate issued by Us, and, if more
intensity; than one, then the latest in time. The Policy Schedule contains details
c. must have been prescribed by a Medical Practitioner; of the Policyholder, Insured Persons, the Sum Insured and other
d. must conform to the professional standards widely accepted in relevant details related to the coverage.
international medical practice or by the medical community in
India. 9.55 Portability means the right accorded to an individual health
insurance policyholders (including all members under family cover), to
9.43 Migration means the right accorded to health insurance transfer the credit gained for pre-existing conditions and time bound
policyholders (including all members under family cover and members exclusions, from one insurer to another insurer.
of group health insurance policy), to transfer the credit gained for pre-
existing conditions and time bound exclusions, with the same insurer. 9.56 Qualified Nurse means a person who holds a valid registration
from the Nursing Council of India or the Nursing Council of any state
9.44 Network Provider means Hospital enlisted by an insurer, TPA or in India.
jointly by an insurer and TPA to provide medical services to an insured
by a Cashless Facility. 9.57 Reasonable and Customary Charges means the charges for
9.45 Non-Network means any Hospital, Day Care Center or other services or supplies, which are the standard charges for the specific
provider that is not part of the network. provider and consistent with the prevailing charges in the geographical
area for identical or similar services, taking into account the nature of
9.46 Notification of Claim means the process of intimating a the Illness / Injury involved.
claim to the insurer or TPA through any of the recognized modes of
9.60 Room Rent means the amount charged by a Hospital towards 9.64 Surgery or Surgical Procedure means manual and / or operative
Room and Boarding expenses and shall include the associated medical procedure (s) required for treatment of an Illness or Injury, correction
expenses. of deformities and defects, diagnosis and cure of diseases, relief from
suffering or prolongation of life, performed in a Hospital or Day Care
9.61 Service Provider means any person, organization, institution Centre by a Medical Practitioner.
that has been empanelled with Us to provide services specified under
the benefits to the Insured Person. 9.65 Unproven/Experimental treatment means the treatment
including drug experimental therapy which is not based on established
9.62 Standby Services are services of another Medical Practitioner medical practice in India, is treatment experimental or unproven.
requested by treating Medical Practitioner and involving prolonged
attendance without direct (face-to-face) patient contact or 9.66 Waiting Period means a time-bound exclusion period related
involvement. to condition(s) specified in the Policy Schedule or the Policy which
shall be served before a claim related to such condition(s) becomes
9.63 Sum Insured: admissible.
In case of Individual Policy, Sum Insured means the total of the Base Sum
Insured, Booster Benefit, and Sum Insured Safeguard (if applicable) for 9.67 We/Our/Us means Max Bupa Health Insurance Company
that Insured Person. Our maximum, total and cumulative liability for Limited.
all claims during the Policy Year in respect of the Insured Person will be
Sum Insured and amount provided under ReAssure benefit. 9.68 You/Your/Policyholder means the person named in the Policy
Schedule who has concluded this Policy with Us.
Disclaimer: Max Bupa Health Insurance Company Limited, IRDAI Registration No. 145. ‘Max’, Max logo, ‘Bupa’ and Heartbeat logo are registered trademarks of their respective owners and
are being used by Max Bupa Health Insurance Company Limited under license. CIN No. U66000DL2008PLC182918. Registered Office: C-98, Lajpat Nagar 1, Delhi-110024. Website: www.
maxbupa. com, Fax: 011-30902010, Customer Helpline No.: 1860 500 8888. Insurance is the subject matter of solicitation. Please read sales brochure carefully before concluding a sale.
Second Medical Opinion Once for any condition for which hospitalization is triggered
Live healthy benefit Discount on renewal premium basis number of steps taken
Optional benefits
Up to 5 Lac base sum insured: 1,000/day
Hospital Cash 7.5 Lacs to 15 Lacs base sum insured: 2,000/day
Above 15 Lacs base sum insured: 4,000/day
Personal Accident cover (for insured aged 18 years & Personal Accident cover will be equal to 5 times of Base Sum Insured; subject to
above on individual basis) maximum of Rs. 100 Lacs
a. Claim Safeguard: Non-payable items paid up to Sum Insured
b. Booster Benefit Safeguard: No impact on Booster benefit if claim in a policy year is
less than Rs. 50,000
c. Sum Insured Safeguard: CPI linked increase in Base Sum Insured
1. Proposer Details:
Yes I wish to receive my policy related information and updates over WhatsApp on my mobile number.
I have read, understood and accepted all Terms and Condition & hereby authorize Max Bupa Health Insurance or any of its Agents and/or third
Yes party(ies)/ affiliates to contact me via SMS/Email/Phone/WhatsApp/Facebook or any other modes on my registered phone number over-riding my
'DND' registration to make welcome calls/SMS, Service calls/SMS or any other commercial Communication
Bank Details:
Bank Name Account Type
Branch City
Account Number IFSC Code
Please select Insurance Repository Name (you have opened your account with)
I do not have existing e-Insurance account and I am interested in creating a new e-Insurance account
(Please submit electronic insurance account opening form (eIA form) along with relevant documents).
Payment of renewal premium of your health insurance Policy can be made every year through continuing your existing Automated clearing House (ACH) /
Standing instructions (SI) with the Company. Under this option, your Policy can be renewed promptly, but subject to you completing all additional requirements
of information and documentation as may be required by the Company.
If you have opted for the ACH/SI renewal option and policy is renewed using the same, a discount of 2.5% will be applicable on the renewal premium.
Mobile number 8600828290 Date of Birth 25/12/1990 Please tick if not Indian Indian
Applicant 1
Mobile number 8600828290 Date of Birth 16/05/2017 Please tick if not Indian Indian
Applicant 2
*Avail a discount of 5% on the premium. Medical Practitioner means a person who holds a valid registration from the Medical Council of any State Or Medical
Council of India or Council for Indian Medicine or for Homeopathy set up by the Government of India or State Government and is Thereby entitled to practice
medicine within its jurisdiction; and is acting within the scope and jurisdiction of his licence.
Notes: 1. if the relationship of Applicant 1 with Proposer is employee, then the relationship of other Applicants are with Applicant 1.
2. For Live Healthy benefit, eligible Insured Persons will be: a. All members expect son / daughter under a Family Floater policy
b. Any member of age atleast 18 years under an Individual policy
3. Coverage selection
Base Coverage
Policy type: Family Floater
Optional Coverage:
1. Hospital Cash : Rs 1,000 per day (for Sum Insured up to Rs. 5 Lacs), Rs Yes
2,000 per day for Sum Insured Rs. 7.5 Lacs to Rs. 15 Lacs) & Rs 4,000 per
day (for Sum Insured above Rs. 15 Lacs)
2. Safeguard No
Applicant Number
1 2 3 4 5 6
3. Please tick if opting for 'Personal Accident cover' (The option is available 0 0
only to Applicants of age 18 years or above)
In the event of the death of the Proposer, any payment due under the Policy shall become payable to the Nominee named below. The receipt of the such
payment by the Nominee would constitute discharge of the Company's liability under the Policy.
Nominee Name Date of Birth Relationship Address and contact details of Appointee Name (if nominee is less than
with the Proposer Nominee 18 year of age)
IMPORTANT: Please ensure that all the questions in this section are answered truthfully and completely as the information You provide here will form basis
of underwriting by Max Bupa. Please note any incomplete, incorrect, partially correct information may affect your medical claim and/or coverage.
i. Other than common cold, flu, infections, minor injury or other minor ailments; has the Applicant No No
ever been diagnosed with any disease and / or hospitalized for more than 5 days and / or
undergone / advised to undergo any surgical procedures and / or taken any medication/ had any
symptoms for more than 14 days? Medication is including but not limited to inhalers, Injections,
oral drugs and external medical applications on body parts.
ii. Has the Applicant ever had adverse findings to any diagnostic tests or investigations related to No No
Thyroid Profile, Lipid Profile, Treadmill test, Angiography, Echocardiography, Endoscopy,
Ultrasound, CT Scan, MRI, Biopsy and FNAC?
iii. Does the Applicants have diabetes or pre-diabetes or has he/she EVER had high blood sugar? No No
v. Has the Applicant ever been diagnosed or treated for any genetic / hereditary disorders or HIV / No No
vi. Has the Applicant ever been diagnosed or treated for any mental/ psychiatric disorders? No No
vii. Has any proposal for life, health, hospital daily cash or critical illness insurance on the life of the No No
Applicant ever been declined, postponed, loaded or subjected to any special conditions such as
exclusions by any insurance company?
SECTION B: (Please fill this section only if the applicant Applicant Number
smokes or consumes tobacco / gutkha / pan masala or alcohol)
1 2 3 4 5 6
SECTION C: For questions marked Yes (Y) in Section A, please specify following information:
Applicant Details of symptom(s) or investigation(s) or diagnosis or procedure / Medication Dosage Current status (e.g. Treating doctor's Documents
Name surgery undergone (s) Complete / partial name & contact attached
If Diabetes If High blood pressure Any Other Onset date recovery or details (Yes / No)
HbA1c Level BP Level Details (DD/MM/YYYY) ongoing treatment)
Anvit No
Would you like to protect environment and help save paper by authorizing the Company to send all your Policy and service related communication to the
email ID as mentioned here in the application form ? Yes