Vegetables and Fruits Unit: WWW -
Vegetables and Fruits Unit: WWW -
Vegetables and Fruits Unit: WWW -
Unit 3
3.1 Composition of vegetables and associated with fruit, sugars are an important
fruits component of flavour in vegetables such as
Vegetables contain a high amount of carrots, sweet corn and peas.
water. They also contain carbohydrates, Dietary fibre compounds like cellulose,
dietary fibre, protein, vitamins and other lignin, pectins and other substances are also
nutrients that are important for human found in vegetables and fruits. Dietary fibre
health. in vegetables and fruits have several health
Lettuce, cucumbers and leafy vegetables benefits like lowering blood sugar and
contain about 95% water, therefore only 5% of cholesterol levels.
their mass is dry matter. Hard vegetables like
3.2 Classification of Vegetables
carrot and pumpkin have around 12-15% dry
Vegetables are classified according to
the part of the plant consumed, colour of
Carbohydrates are the main component the vegetable or according to the nutritive
of vegetables and fruit represent more than value.
90% of their dry matter. Carbohydrates are
present as starch, sugars and dietary fibre. 3.3 Nutritive value of vegetables
Starch is mainly found in root vegetables, Roots and tubers like carrots, potatoes
such as potatoes and sweet potatoes. and sweet potatoes contain a large
amount of starch (carbohydrates),
The main sugars that are present in
hence they contribute to energy
vegetables and fruits are glucose, sucrose
value of the food.
and fructose. Although more usually
DO YOU KNOW...? Visit a local market and indicate how you
will purchase any five vegetables and fruits
Spinach is the leaf, cauliflower is the flower
and cucumber is the fruit of different
plants are edible and have medicinal value.
3.6.2 Classification of fruits
Fruits can be classified as:
» Make a chart to show the availability
of seasonal fruits in your area. Berries: Strawberries, gooseberries,
blackberries, raspberries, blueberries,
3.6 Fruits Citrus fruits: Sweet limes, oranges,
Fruits are formed from flowers and tangerines, sour oranges, lime, lemon, grape
they are the ripened ovary or ovaries of a fruit.
flowering plant together with the adjacent Drupes: Apricot, sweet cherry, peach,
tissues. Most fruits are fleshy and pulpy plums
or juicy and are pleasantly sweet and have
Grapes: Green grapes, black grapes,
a distinct appealing flavour when ripe.
seedless grapes
Fruits provide several health benefits and
eating the recommended amount of fruit Melons: Musk melon, water melon
every day can reduce the risk of chronic Pomes: Apples, pears
diseases. Tropical and Subtropical fruits:
3.6.1 Nutritive value of fruits Gooseberry, avacado, banana, dates, guava,
Fruits contain high amount of moisture jack fruit, mango, jambu fruit, papaya,
hence they are highly perishable. They are passion fruit, pineapple, pomegranate,
also good sources of fibre. Apples, pears, sapota, Seetha phal (custard apple).
cherries, grapes and citrus fruits contain 3.7 Pigments in vegetables and fruits
flavonoids which act as antioxidants. Vegetables and fruits are appealing
Fruits particularly citrus varieties because of their bright and variable colours
and guava are a good source of vitamin which are due to pigments present in the
C. Gooseberry is the richest source of plastids of plant cells. The chief pigments
vitamin C. of vegetables and fruits can be classified as
Yellow fruits like mango and papaya water soluble and fat soluble.
contain β carotene. Banana is a good source
of carbohydrate and energy. Fruits are a poor Fat soluble/ Water soluble/
source of protein and fat with the exception Lipophilic pigments Lipophobic
of avocado. pigments
Plant Pigments
Photosynthetic Protective
Pigments Pigments
Xanthophyll Carotenes
Chlorophyll A Chlorophyll B
(yellow) (orange)
Most important, do not use a rusty
knife or any other iron metals because
a day
iron will increase the rate of reaction
Eating a good variety of fruit and
vegetables is an important element Summary
of healthy eating. The World Health Vegetables and fruitsegetables and
Organisation (WHO) advises that we fruits are essential for balanced diet
eat a minimum of 400g of fruit and veg and good health.
every day, equating to five portions. Th
ey not only add colour and variety
This recommended daily amount is to the diet but also provide significant
thought to help reduce risk of serious amounts of vitamins, minerals and
carbohydrates including roughage
health conditions including stroke, heart
disease, obesity and type 2 diabetes.
When purchasing, select fresh
The 5 a day message looks to
vegetables and fruits which are firm,
encourage people to enjoy a variety of
crisp, bright in colour with no visible
different vegetables and fruits as part bruises or signs of decay and wilting.
of a healthy balanced diet.
While cooking vegetables water-
soluble nutrients like thiamine,
riboflavin, nicotinic acid, pantothenic
3.9.1 Measures to prevent enzymatic acid, pyridoxine, folic acid and
browning vitamin C may be dissolved in the
There are ways to prevent fruits and cooking water and the nutrients may
vegetable from getting oxidized with the be lost. Hence care must be taken to
following methods. adopt proper cooking techniques to
Squeeze lime juice on fruits such
prevent loss of nutrients.
as banana, apples, avocado, pears Vegetables and fruits are appealing
and vegetables like potatoes, sweet because of their bright and variable
potatoes to prevent oxidative colours which are due to pigments
browning. The juice of other citrus present in the plastids of plant cells.
fruits such as oranges and grape
The chief pigments of vegetables and
fruits can also be used.
fruits are cholorophyll, anthocyanis,
Soak the cut fruits or vegetables in
anthoxanthins and carotenoids
plain water which helps to slow down The cut surface of certain vegetables
the oxidation process. and fruits turn brown or dark due to
Blanching fruits or vegetables also
enzymatic browning which can be
prevents browning. prevented by blanching or by using
Wrapping in a cling wrap tightly is
lemon juice.
also a good way to prevent browning.
51 Vegetables and Fruits
Terms Meaning
Cling wrap A thin plastic film typically used for sealing food items in containers to
keep them fresh over a longer period of time.
Pectin Pectin is a soluble gelatinous polysaccharide which is present in ripe
fruits and is used as a setting agent in jams and jellies.
Antioxidants An antioxidant is a substance, such as vitamin E, vitamin C, or beta-carotene,
thought to protect body cells from the damaging effects of oxidation
Phytonutrients Phytonutrients are natural compounds found in plant foods such
as vegetables, fruit, whole grain products and legumes. These plant
compounds have beneficial effects working with other essential nutrients
to promote good health
Brassica Any plant belonging to the genus Brassica, of the mustard family,
vegetables including many economically important vegetables, as cabbage, kale,
broccoli, cauliflower, turnip, and mustard
Dietary fibre This is the result of a continous process based on cell changes, affecting
tissue or organs,
Blanching This refers to a cooking technique in which food is briefly immersed in
boiling water. Blanching brings out the colour in vegetables and helps to
maintain their nutritional value, which can be lost with overcooking.
Flavanoids A large group of water-soluble plant pigments that are beneficial
to health. Flavonoids are polyphenols and have antioxidant, anti-
inflammatory, and antiviral properties.
Satiety Satiety is a state of being completely full, more commonly used to
describe someone who has eaten enough.
Questions c) fat
Part- A d) minerals
Choose the correct answer (1 mark) 2. The pigment
1. Green leafy vegetables are excellent present in beet root
sources of ___________. is ___________.
a) protein a) betalin
b) vitamin b) allin
Vegetables and Fruits 52
1. Scan the QR code from your mobile. ‘Food Science’ page will open with two
2. You can select either fruits or vegetables. When we touch fruits or vegetables,
the name of the fruits or vegetables will appear on the screen.
3. Touch any fruits or vegetables it will open with all the health benefits of that
particular fruits or vegetables.
To go inside the app directly you can either use QR code or the given
Vegetables and Fruits 54