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Unit 3

Vegetables and fruits are nature’s be familiar with the


marvellous gift to the humankind. Vegetables composition and
and fruits are very important commodities nutritive value of
in our daily diet. They are life-enhancing Vegetables and fruits
medicines packed with vitamins, minerals, u
Ø the
antioxidants and many phytonutrients causes and ways to prevent browning
(Plant-derived micronutrients). Vegetables in vegetables and fruits
and fruits are available throughout the year
know how to conserve nutrients

and they can be consumed fresh and eaten
while cooking vegetables
raw. They are an absolute feast to our sight
because of their colour and have a unique understand of the importance of

nutrient profile that helps the human body eating vegetables and fruits every day
to be fit, rejuvenate, and free of diseases. learn exciting ways to add more

vegetables and fruits to their daily diet
In this lesson, the students will be able
to: All vegetables and fruits are plants or
recognise and classify the various
 parts of plants that are used as food. Different
types of vegetables and fruits. parts of plants are eaten consumed.

Vegetables and fruits

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3.1 Composition of vegetables and associated with fruit, sugars are an important
fruits component of flavour in vegetables such as
Vegetables contain a high amount of carrots, sweet corn and peas.
water. They also contain carbohydrates, Dietary fibre compounds like cellulose,
dietary fibre, protein, vitamins and other lignin, pectins and other substances are also
nutrients that are important for human found in vegetables and fruits. Dietary fibre
health. in vegetables and fruits have several health
Lettuce, cucumbers and leafy vegetables benefits like lowering blood sugar and
contain about 95% water, therefore only 5% of cholesterol levels.
their mass is dry matter. Hard vegetables like
3.2 Classification of Vegetables
carrot and pumpkin have around 12-15% dry
Vegetables are classified according to
the part of the plant consumed, colour of
Carbohydrates are the main component the vegetable or according to the nutritive
of vegetables and fruit represent more than value.
90% of their dry matter. Carbohydrates are
present as starch, sugars and dietary fibre. 3.3 Nutritive value of vegetables
Starch is mainly found in root vegetables, Roots and tubers like carrots, potatoes

such as potatoes and sweet potatoes. and sweet potatoes contain a large
amount of starch (carbohydrates),
The main sugars that are present in
hence they contribute to energy
vegetables and fruits are glucose, sucrose
value of the food.
and fructose. Although more usually

Table 3.1 Classification of vegetables based on parts of plants consumed

Parts of plants Examples
Roots Carrot, beet root, radish, turnip, colocasia
Tubers Potatoes, sweet potatoes, tapioca
Bulb Onion, garlic, leeks
Leaves Cabbage, lettuce, spinach, amaranth, fenugreek leaves, coriander leaves,
mint leaves, greens
Flowers Plantain flower, cauliflower, broccoli
Fruits Tomatoes, brinjal, lady’s finger, pumpkin, cucumber, gourds
(ash gourd, bottle gourd), capsicum, drumstick, plantain
Legumes (pods Peas, beans, chowli, broad beans, French beans, double beans, Bengal
and seeds) gram tender, red gram tender.
Stems Plantain stem, ginger, amaranth stem, celery stem, lotus stem and grens

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Fig 3.1: Origin of vegetables from different plant parts

Carrots contain a large amount of

 Green leafy vegetables also contain

Beta carotene (Vitamin A). Potatoes vitamin-C eg., Agathi, drumstick
and sweet potatoes are rich in leaves and coriander leaves.
Vitamin B6, Vitamin C, Potassium Green leafy vegetables are rich in

and Iron. iron. Eg., Mint leaves, drumstick
Green leafy vegetables are good
 leaves, paruppukeerai.
sources of phosphorus, calcium Agathi, colocasia leaves, drumstick

and iron. They are excellent in leaves and fenugreek leaves
carotene are also good antioxidants contribute to calcium in our diet.
(Vitamin A).
Greens are good sources of

Greens are good sources of vitamin-B
 fibre which help in preventing
particularly riboflavin and folic acid. degenerative diseases.
But drying and withering reduce
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B eans and peas are high in fibre.

 free from flowers, insects, mud and spots
Fiber increases stool bulk and or holes in the leaves.
prevents constipation. While selecting roots and tubers ensure
B eans, peas, and lentils are also
 that they are heavy, firm, free from sprouts,
rich sources of some vitamins heavy in relation to size, with shallow eyes
and minerals, such as folate, iron, and without green discolouration.
potassium and magnesium. Folate At the peak of season, each vegetable
and iron are important for preventing and fruit has the highest nutrient content,
anaemia, as well as maintaining flavour and is available at a reasonable
normal metabolic functions. price. It is therefore, advisable to buy
Potassium and magnesium are vegetables and fruits which are in season,
important for muscle and nerve as the quality is high and the price is low.

DO YOU KNOW...? Visit a local market and indicate how you
will purchase any five vegetables and fruits
Spinach is the leaf, cauliflower is the flower
and cucumber is the fruit of different
plants are edible and have medicinal value.

3.4 Purchase of vegetables and fruits 3.5 Vegetable Cookery

Most fresh vegetables and fruits retain Vegetables are cooked to improve
their freshness for a short time under the colour, flavour and texture by
ideal conditions of storage. They belong which overall palatability is improved.
to the category of perishables (green leafy Digestibility is also improved. The fibre
vegetables) and semi perishables (garlic, becomes softened, starch gets gelatinised
onion, roots and tubers) In general and protein gets coagulated. Cooking
freshness, uniformity of size, colour, vegetables adds variety to the diet. Cooking
degree of ripeness and being free from also destroys micro-organisms.
defects are the qualities most sought after While cooking vegetables, water-
while purchasing vegetables and fruits. soluble nutrients like thiamine, riboflavin,
When purchasing, select fresh nicotinic acid, pantothenic acid,
vegetables which are firm, crisp, bright in pyridoxine, folic acid and vitamin C may
colour with no visible bruises or signs of be dissolved in the cooking water and the
decay and wilting. nutrients may be lost.
Select clean leafy vegetables which are 3.5.1 Methods to reduce loss of
fresh,tender, crisp, brightly coloured and nutrient while cooking vegetables

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Table 3.2 Methods to reduce loss of nutrient while cooking vegetables.s

Action Reason
Cut the vegetable into bigger pieces. Exposure of the vitamins to water is less.
Cut the vegetables and use it immediately. Vitamin C is lost on exposure to air.
Soaking or washing time should be reduced. Enough time is not given for the water
Wash the vegetable with the skin and later soluble nutrients to get dissolved in water.
should be peeled and cut.
Vegetables should be cooked in minimum Water soluble nutrients are lost in the
amount of water. Any liquid remaining after cooking liquid.
cooking the vegetable should be used in a
gravy or soup.
Cook vegetables wherever possible with the Leaching of vitamins into the water would
skin. be less.
Cook the vegetables by steaming and No additional water is added.
pressure cooking.
Do not add sodium bicarbonate while Nutrients are destroyed in an alkaline
cooking medium.
Cook for a minimum time, using a tight Prolonged heating increases vitamin loss.
fitting lid.
Green leafy vegetables should be washed Water soluble nutrients are lost if the the
well and then cut. vegetables are washed after cutting them
Greens should be cooked in open pans. Greens when cooked in closed pans lose the
natural green colour.

3.5.2 Role of vegetables in cookery

Vegetables are used universally in all recipes. They are used
in curries, salads and in sambar
as garnishing agents eg. shredded carrot and coriander leaves
Ø as stuffing in samosa and parathas
Ø as thickening agents in gravies and soups
in chutneys (onion) and pickles (tomato, onion)
Ø as part of recipes like pulao, avial and non-vegetarian dishes
as preserved foods like vathal in the dehydrated form.

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3.6.2 Classification of fruits
Fruits can be classified as:
» Make a chart to show the availability
of seasonal fruits in your area. Berries: Strawberries, gooseberries,
blackberries, raspberries, blueberries,
3.6 Fruits Citrus fruits: Sweet limes, oranges,
Fruits are formed from flowers and tangerines, sour oranges, lime, lemon, grape
they are the ripened ovary or ovaries of a fruit.
flowering plant together with the adjacent Drupes: Apricot, sweet cherry, peach,
tissues. Most fruits are fleshy and pulpy plums
or juicy and are pleasantly sweet and have
Grapes: Green grapes, black grapes,
a distinct appealing flavour when ripe.
seedless grapes
Fruits provide several health benefits and
eating the recommended amount of fruit Melons: Musk melon, water melon
every day can reduce the risk of chronic Pomes: Apples, pears
diseases. Tropical and Subtropical fruits:
3.6.1 Nutritive value of fruits Gooseberry, avacado, banana, dates, guava,
Fruits contain high amount of moisture jack fruit, mango, jambu fruit, papaya,
hence they are highly perishable. They are passion fruit, pineapple, pomegranate,
also good sources of fibre. Apples, pears, sapota, Seetha phal (custard apple).
cherries, grapes and citrus fruits contain 3.7 Pigments in vegetables and fruits
flavonoids which act as antioxidants. Vegetables and fruits are appealing
Fruits particularly citrus varieties because of their bright and variable colours
and guava are a good source of vitamin which are due to pigments present in the
C. Gooseberry is the richest source of plastids of plant cells. The chief pigments
vitamin C. of vegetables and fruits can be classified as
Yellow fruits like mango and papaya water soluble and fat soluble.
contain β carotene. Banana is a good source
of carbohydrate and energy. Fruits are a poor Fat soluble/ Water soluble/
source of protein and fat with the exception Lipophilic pigments Lipophobic
of avocado. pigments

Fruits also contain fibre and Chlorophy II Anthocyanin (red/

minerals such as sodium, potassium and blue/purple)
magnesium. They are not a good source Carotenoids (red, Flavones&
of calcium. Dry fruits and Seetha phal and orange and yellow) flavanols
(custard apple) contribute appreciable (yellow) Flavanals
amounts of iron. etc.

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Plant Pigments

Photosynthetic Protective
Pigments Pigments

Chlorophylls Carotenoids Anthocyanins

(green) (yellow/orange) (red/purple/blue)

Xanthophyll Carotenes
Chlorophyll A Chlorophyll B
(yellow) (orange)

Fig 3.2: Classification of pigments in vegetables and fruits

nature. They are divided into three groups

viz. carotenes present in carrot, green leafy
Cut pictures of vegetables and fruits
vegetables and other fruits, lycopenes
from magazines and stick them on paper
present in tomatoes and xanthophylls
plates and highlight the nutrients present
present in yellow fruits.
in each fruit and vegetable
Pigments that contain the phenolic
group include anthocyanin, anthoxanthin,
leuco anthoxanthin, catechin,quinones and
Chlorophyll is the green pigment of leafy
betalins. The first four groups are collectively
vegetables and other green coloured vegetables
known as “Flavanoids”.
like capsicum, beans, peas and chillies. It is
mostly insoluble in water. Two cholorophylls Anthocyanin
have been isolated. Cholorophyll-a is intense They are a group of reddish water-
blue green in colour and cholorophyll- b is soluble pigments occurring in many
dull yellow green in colour. vegetables and fruits. Cherries, red apples,
pomegranates have their colour appeal due
to anthocyanins.
Carotenoids are the yellow, orange,
red fat soluble pigments distributed in
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Anthoxanthins white potatoes, white beans, lima

They are colourless white to yellow beans, cooked greens, carrot juice,
pigments that give colour to cauliflower, prune juice regulates blood pressure.
onions, spinach or other leafy vegetables. In Vitamin A keeps eyes and skin healthy

green leafy vegetables the colour is masked and helps to protect against infections.
by chlorophyll. Excellent fruit and vegetable sources
3.8 Medicinal benefits of vegetables of vitamin A are sweet potatoes,
and fruits pumpkin, carrots, spinach, turnip
Vegetables and fruits are an important greens, mustard greens, kale, collard
component of our daily diet as man cannot greens, winter squash, cantaloupe and
live on cereals alone. Vegetables and fruits are red peppers.
essential for balanced diet and good health. Vitamin C helps to heal cuts and

They not only add colour and variety to the wounds, keeps teeth and gums
diet but also provide significant amounts healthy. Excellent fruit and vegetable
of vitamins, minerals and carbohydrates sources of vitamin C are red and green
including roughage (fibre). Vegetables and peppers, kiwi, strawberries, sweet
fruits also possess medicinal values. potatoes, kale, cantaloupe, broccoli,
The following list highlights some key pineapple, Brussels sprouts, oranges
nutritional benefits of vegetables and fruits: and mangoes.

Vegetables and fruits are rich in

 Vegetables and fruits (with the

fibre. Fibre gives satiety and thereby exception of olives, avocados, and
decreases food intake. coconut) are naturally low in fat.
Substituting vegetables and fruits
Fibre is good for the heart and

for higher calorie foods should be a
intestines. It helps in regulating bowel
part of any weight loss program and
movement and helps to maintain a
healthy diet.
healthy digestive system and lowers
the risk of bowel cancer. Every fruit and vegetable offers

different nutrients, tastes and textures.
It reduces blood cholesterol levels

For the best overall nutrition we have
and thereby helps in the prevention
to choose a variety of vegetables and
of cardio vascular diseases and lowers
the risk of stroke.
Folate in spinach, beans, melons and
 3.8.1 Tips to increase the amount of
orange prevents neural tube problem vegetables and fruits in your diet
at birth. Keep cleaned vegetables and fruits

in the refrigerator so they are easy to
Potassium in fruit and vegetable

grab as a quick snack
sources like sweet potatoes, tomato
paste, tomato puree, beet greens, A
dd vegetables to curries, stews and
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Drink 100% fruit juice instead of


fruit-flavoured drinks which contain
Make a healthy raw snack with vegetables
added sugar.
and fruits
Have fruit for dessert.

Keep a bowl of apples, bananas and/or

3.9 Browning in vegetables and fruits
oranges on the table for quick grabbing
You might have seen apples, pears,
Choose a salad made with a variety
 potatoes and brinjal that turn brown in
of vegetables and fruits instead of color when peeled or cut open. Have you
junk foods like French fries. ever thought about it? What is the reason
While baking cakes use raisins, dates
 behind this color change? That's because
or prunes. This helps to increase fibre. of a naturally occurring process called
Add lettuce, onions, capsicum and/
or tomatoes to sandwiches. Enzymatic browning is an oxidative
Enjoy fruit smoothies or milk shakes
 reaction responsible for browning in
for breakfast or snacks. vegetables and fruits. When the skin of
vegetables and fruits are either cut or
Pack fresh or dried fruit for quick

broken, cell wall gets ruptured and an
snacks to school.
enzyme called polyphenol oxidase is
released and reacts with the oxygen in the
air. As a result vegetables and fruits turn
Consider one type of fruit. Compare brown or dark leading to changes in flavour
quality and price of fruit available in and nutritional values.
a) Small greengrocery shop,
b) Supermarket, c) Wholesale market

3.8.2 Role of fruits in cookery

Raw, whole or cut fruits can be served
as an appetiser, as a salad or for dessert.
Fruits can be served in the form of
juices or milk shakes.
Apples are served as stewed apples.
Fresh fruits can be preserved as jams,
marmalades, preserves and dried
Fig 3.4: Browning on cut surface of apple

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Most important, do not use a rusty

knife or any other iron metals because
a day
iron will increase the rate of reaction
Eating a good variety of fruit and
vegetables is an important element Summary
of healthy eating. The World Health Vegetables and fruitsegetables and

Organisation (WHO) advises that we fruits are essential for balanced diet
eat a minimum of 400g of fruit and veg and good health.
every day, equating to five portions. Th
 ey not only add colour and variety
This recommended daily amount is to the diet but also provide significant
thought to help reduce risk of serious amounts of vitamins, minerals and
carbohydrates including roughage
health conditions including stroke, heart
disease, obesity and type 2 diabetes.
When purchasing, select fresh

The 5 a day message looks to
vegetables and fruits which are firm,
encourage people to enjoy a variety of
crisp, bright in colour with no visible
different vegetables and fruits as part bruises or signs of decay and wilting.
of a healthy balanced diet.
While cooking vegetables water-

soluble nutrients like thiamine,
riboflavin, nicotinic acid, pantothenic
3.9.1 Measures to prevent enzymatic acid, pyridoxine, folic acid and
browning vitamin C may be dissolved in the
There are ways to prevent fruits and cooking water and the nutrients may
vegetable from getting oxidized with the be lost. Hence care must be taken to
following methods. adopt proper cooking techniques to
Squeeze lime juice on fruits such
 prevent loss of nutrients.
as banana, apples, avocado, pears Vegetables and fruits are appealing

and vegetables like potatoes, sweet because of their bright and variable
potatoes to prevent oxidative colours which are due to pigments
browning. The juice of other citrus present in the plastids of plant cells.
fruits such as oranges and grape
The chief pigments of vegetables and

fruits can also be used.
fruits are cholorophyll, anthocyanis,
Soak the cut fruits or vegetables in
 anthoxanthins and carotenoids
plain water which helps to slow down The cut surface of certain vegetables

the oxidation process. and fruits turn brown or dark due to
Blanching fruits or vegetables also
 enzymatic browning which can be
prevents browning. prevented by blanching or by using
Wrapping in a cling wrap tightly is
 lemon juice.
also a good way to prevent browning.
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Eating a variety of vegetables and

 healthy eating and helps to reduce the
fruits is an important element of risk of heart diseases and diabetes.

Terms Meaning
Cling wrap A thin plastic film typically used for sealing food items in containers to
keep them fresh over a longer period of time.
Pectin Pectin is a soluble gelatinous polysaccharide which is present in ripe
fruits and is used as a setting agent in jams and jellies.
Antioxidants An antioxidant is a substance, such as vitamin E, vitamin C, or beta-carotene,
thought to protect body cells from the damaging effects of oxidation
Phytonutrients Phytonutrients are natural compounds found in plant foods such
as vegetables, fruit, whole grain products and legumes. These plant
compounds have beneficial effects working with other essential nutrients
to promote good health
Brassica Any plant belonging to the genus Brassica, of the mustard family,
vegetables including many economically important vegetables, as cabbage, kale,
broccoli, cauliflower, turnip, and mustard
Dietary fibre This is the result of a continous process based on cell changes, affecting
tissue or organs,
Blanching This refers to a cooking technique in which food is briefly immersed in
boiling water. Blanching brings out the colour in vegetables and helps to
maintain their nutritional value, which can be lost with overcooking.
Flavanoids A large group of water-soluble plant pigments that are beneficial
to health. Flavonoids are polyphenols and have antioxidant, anti-
inflammatory, and antiviral properties.
Satiety Satiety is a state of being completely full, more commonly used to
describe someone who has eaten enough.

Questions c) fat
Part- A d) minerals
Choose the correct answer (1 mark) 2. The pigment
1. Green leafy vegetables are excellent present in beet root
sources of ___________. is ___________.
a) protein a) betalin
b) vitamin b) allin
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c) curcumin 4. Give two examples for drupes and

d) carotenoids berries.

3. The enzyme responsible for browning 5. Explian the carbohydrate composition

is ____________. of vegetables and fruits.

a) polyphenol oxidase Part - C

Answer in brief (3 marks)
b) thiaminase
1. How should greens be cooked to
c) oxygenase prevent loss of colour and nutrients?
d) protein 2. List any two selection criteria while
4. Sweet lime and oranges are examples purchasing vegetables and fruits.
of ________ fruits. 3. List the role of vegetables in cookery.
a) allium 4. How are fruits classified?
b) cruciferae 5. Explain the nutritive value of green
c) citrus leafy vegetables.
d) curcumin Part - D
Answer in detailed (5 marks)
5. Guavas and amla are good sources of
1. Classify vegetables based on part of
plant consumed, giving one suitable
a) vitamin D example for each.
b) riboflavin 2. Briefly explain the nutritive value of
c) vitamin C vegetables and fruits.
d) vitamin A 3. Suggest some tips to increase the
6. The pigment present in tomatoes is consumption of vegetables and fruits
in the diet?
a) lycopene
4. Classify the pigments present in
b) anthoxanthin
vegetables and fruits. Write a short
c) anthocyanin note on each pigment.
d) thaiaminase 5. What are the nutritional benefits of
Part - B eating vegetables and fruits?
Write short answer (2 marks) 6. What happens when cut vegetables
1. Give examples of vegetables and fruits and fruits are exposed to air? Explain
that are good sources of vitamin A the ways in which you can prevent
and C this.
2. List any two health benefits of fibre in 7. Explain how losses of nutrients can be
vegetables and fruits. prevented while cooking vegetables.
3. What are anthocyanins?
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Fruits and Vegetables play very important

role in the building and functioning of our
This app helps to find the nutrition facts
in 100gms of fruits or vegetables (Total 28
fruits and 50 vegetables are given in this

1. Scan the QR code from your mobile. ‘Food Science’ page will open with two
2. You can select either fruits or vegetables. When we touch fruits or vegetables,
the name of the fruits or vegetables will appear on the screen.
3. Touch any fruits or vegetables it will open with all the health benefits of that
particular fruits or vegetables.

To go inside the app directly you can either use QR code or the given
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