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109 Page

and Fruits

Vegetables are the succulent portion of garden plants used for
food. This definition will include fruits and indeed some vegetables
are fruits. Fruits which are used in the main portion of the meal are
designated as vegetable.
The culinary way of distinguishing vegetables from fruits is by
virtue of use: vegetables are served with meals as viands or salads,
while fruits are usually eaten as appetizer, as dessert or out of hand.
Fruits are the fleshy, juicy products of plants that are seed containing.


STEMS – might the water ways of the plant. Their main function
is carrying the soluble nutrients from one portion of the plant to
LEAVES – the manufacturing portion of the plant. They are
best sources of riboflavin.
ROOTS and FLOWERS – these vegetables are not high in
energy value. But they are important in account of their pleasing
flavor the minerals and vitamin content.

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SEEDS – are leguminous plants form an important group of

important fresh vegetables. All these group are higher in protein than
other fresh vegetables.


Vegetables are classified according to parts of plant used,
chemical composition, and nutritive value.

According to Parts of Plant Used

1. Roots are underground parts of plants. (Examples: beets,
2. Tubers are short, thickened, fleshy parts of an underground
stem such as Jerusalem artichokes, patatas or potatoes.
3. Bulbs are underground buds that send down roots and are
made up of a very short stem covered with layers. Included in
this group are chives, garlic, leeks, onions and shallots.
4. Seeds are parts from which a new plant will grow. They are
referred to as pulses or legumes and include beans, corn ad
5. Stems and shoots are stalks supporting leaves, flowers, or
fruits. These include celery, asparagus.
6. Leaves include alugbati or malaban night shade, dahoon ng
ampalaya or bitter melon leaves, cabbage, mustasa or mustard.
7. Fruits include ampalaya or bitter melon, upo or bottle gourd,
sayote or chayote, pepino or cucumber, eggplant, okra, patola,
tomatoes, squash, sweet pepper.
8. Flowers are exemplified by cauliflower, squash flower or
Sesban flower.

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According to Chemical Composition

 Carbohydrate-rich – such as seeds, roots, and tubers.
 Protein-rich – include seeds such as legumes and pulses.
Includes mung beans and soy beans.
 Fat-rich – such as nuts, olives, and avocado
 High moisture content – such as kabuti or mushrooms,
tomatoes, celery, cauliflower, radish, cabbage.

Descriptions of Each Type of Fruit
 Aggregate fruit – This type consists of many tiny seed-bearing
fruits combined in a single mass which develops from the many
ovaries of a single flower.
 Berry – Each of these fruits is derived from a single ovary and
may contain one or more seeds.
 Drupe – In this case the single-seeded stone fruit develops
entirely from a single ovary. Drupes are stonefruits like cherry,
plum, peach, nectarine, apricot and prune.
 False berry – These many seeded fruits result from the fusion
of an ovary and a receptacle.
 Hesperidium – The citrus fruits are the most common
examples of this type of fruit which develops from a compound
ovary into a many seeded, multi-sectioned fruit enclosed in
tough, oily skin.
 Multiple fruit – The ovaries and receptacles from multiple
flowers on a common base develop into these fruits.

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Nutrients in Vegetables
• Like fruits, vegetables are made up of a mixture of water and
• Vegetables with a
– High water content are crisp, juicy and succulent.
• Ex. Flowers, Stems, Fruits, Leaves
» Tomatoes, Celery, Cucumbers, Broccoli,
– High carbohydrate content are starchy.
• Ex. Roots, Tubers, Seeds, Bulbs
» Potatoes, Lima Beans, Corn, Squash
• Vitamins
– Chlorophyll - green substance of plant cells that gives
their green color.
– Vitamin A - eyes
• Leafy green and deep yellow vegetables contain
carotene which converts to Vitamin A
– Vitamin C -
• Most vegetables contain vitamin C - broccoli,
peppers, tomatoes, cabbage
– Vitamin B
• Lima beans and peas
• Minerals
– Calcium
– Iron
• Carbohydrates
– Cellulose, starch and sugar
• Proteins
– Incomplete protein - dried beans and peas

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– Linked with lowering the risk of cancer & heart disease
• Canned
• more water, cooked at processing time
• liquid can be drained before cooking to reduce
sodium levels
• Frozen
• label information is your guide
• Dried
• soak beans, peas, legumes before cooking
• Fresh
• more nutritious,
• look for crisp, firm, bright color, absence of bruises


Flavor is a composite of taste, odor, and sight and even sound.
Sugar is the best known flavoring substances in fruits.

The compound then that may contribute to flavor in fruits and

vegetables are:
Sugars. As a fruit ripens its sugar content increases. The
superior flavors of freshly harvested vegetables are partly due to their
glutamic acid content.
Acids. Acids are round in all fruits and vegetables contribute to
their characteristic flavor. The kind of acid varies with the variety and
stage of maturity of the fruit. As the fruit ripens, acidity generally

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Sulfur Compounds
These compounds give unique characteristics to the onion and
cabbage family.

Tannins or phenolic compounds

The mapakla (astringent or puckery) flavor of some fruits has
been attributed to some of the phenolic compounds or tannins and
has more of the element of touch than taste. Tannins are phenolic
compounds with several hydroxyl groups.

Onslaw (1920) showed that enzymatic darkening of plant tissue
is due to the presence of dihydroxy-phenol derivatives such as
cathecol, protocathecuic acid and caffeic acid.
The enzymes responsible for the enzymatic browning have
been given different names. The name oxygenase is no longer used,
instead phenolase, polyphenol oxidase is applied. Those involve in
enzymatic browning include tyrosinase, cathecolase, laccase and
The second group of oxidative enzymes found in practically all
plant tissues includes peroxidase, catalase, and cytochromes have
been found now to take part in enzymatic browning.


Non enzymatic browning among fruits may be a result of any of
the three general types of reactions:
1. Nitrogenous compounds and sugars
2. Organic acids and sugars
3. Nitrogenous compounds and organic acids

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The distinct mechanisms are now known to be involved in the

non-enzymatic browning of food and food products:
1. the Maillard reaction
2. the ascorbic acid mechanism
3. the active aldehyde theory


Grading of fruits and vegetables is extremely important for both
the farmer and the consumer. It makes buying and selling much
easier and more beneficial for both parties. It gives the farmer the
incentive to improve his crop and it provides the consumer the quality
he wants for each particular produce.

Selection of Vegetables
1. Buy vegetables which are in season.
2. Choose vegetables which are crisp and bright in color with
no signs of decay.
3. Fresh vegetables cannot be stored for a very long time.
4. Blanching before storage is often a good way of extending
the usable life of vegetables.

Preparation of Vegetables
1. Vegetable should be washed very carefully in a detergent
solution then rinsed well under cool, running water especially if
they are to be eaten raw.
2. All vegetables should be thoroughly inspected for blemishes,
decayed parts and worms. These should be removed.
3. Vegetables should be cut according to the dish requirements.

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4. When paring, pare as thinly as posiible to minimize wastage.

5. Vegetable should be prepared just before cooking.
6. Vegetable taste best when they are cooked tender crisp.
7. Finally, vegetables should be served as soon as they are
8. To ensure food safety, vegetables that will not require cooking
should be prepared using a separate board chopping board
from those used for uncooked foods.

Ways of Cooking Vegetable

1. Boil
2. Fry in either shallow fat or in deep fat
3. French
4. Broil
5. Braise
6. Steam
7. Pressure cook
8. Oven-steam or bake
9. Bake
10. Stir fry or saute

Qualities of cooked vegetables

• Properly cooked veggies
– Colorful
– Flavorful
– Tender-crisp texture
• Overcooked or improperly cooked veggies
– May suffer undesirable changes in color, texture, & flavor
– They may lose many of their nutrients

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Salad and
Salad Dressings

Many have wondered were the word salad came from
“SALAD” originated from the Latin word “Sal” which means salt.
Orginally, the term salad designated or dish prepared from simple
salad dressing with oil and seasoning. This might be called the true
salad. But as the term used today the salad may be describe as any
food or mixture of food with garnish with green salad vegetable and
serve with tart dressing. Salad is a term used for a dish made of
salad plants or greens along or in combination with other food plus a

SALAD DRESSING – is an emulsion in which one liquid is

suspended in another two liquids being immiscible with each other.
EMULSION – is a mixture of two immiscible liquids.


While properly made, salad contribute in appetite appeal to a
meal. They should not be looked upon as mere accessories. They
are good appetizer and aids to digestion. Light salad are valuable
sources of minerals and vitamins. Heavy salad may contribute
considerable portion of energy as well as other nutrients and may

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furnished most of the essentials for a light meal such as lunch or


Light Salad
Light salad are contribution of flavor fruits and vegetables
simple dressed with French dressing. These salads are for their
appetizing quality. Their function is to stimulate the appetite rather
than to satisfy the appetite.

Heavy Salad
Heavy salad as their base are food, fruits, cooked vegetables or
meat, cheese, eggs and nuts. Some crisp vegetables material should
be added. The dressing may be heavier than that of light salad, as
mayonnaise, a cream dressing, or cooked salad dressing.

1. Base – it is the so called underliner or bedding and
something that hold the mixture.
2. Body – the major parts of the salad are called body.
3. Dressing – it gives flavor and richness to the mixture.
4. Garnish – a food used to decorate another food.

1. Appetizer Salads – served as the first course of the meal
and is intended only to what the appetite.
2. Accompaniment Salads – designed to go with the entrée.
The accompaniment salad complements the other being

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3. Entrée Salads – the central theme of the meal is served in

large portion.
4. Dessert Salads – the main ingredients of the dessert salad
in canned, frozen or fresh fruit. This is usually served as a
refreshing finale to a heavy meal.

1. Mayonnaise – is the emulsified semi-solid food.
2. French Dressing – a separable liquid food on the
3. Cooked Dressing – may be of the custard type in which all
thickening is accomplished with egg yolk or whole egg.

A. According to Ingredients

Fruit salads. A fruit salad may contain one or a combination of

fruit plus a dressing. The simplest fruit salad is made up a mixture of
fruits or a can of fruit cocktail with a dressing made of evaporated or
condensed milk, whipped cream, cream or cottage cheese.
Fruit gelatins is a fruit salad varations where the fruit mixture is
molded with gelatin or a vegetable gel usually gulaman.
Vegetable salads. Almost all vegetables can be made into
salads. There are leaf based vegetable salads, legume-based, grain-
based, etc.
High protein salads. These are usually salads with a
combination of vegetables and protein foods such as shrimps, fish,
meat, cheese or egg.

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B. According to Place in the Meal

As appetizer. Ideally, an appetizer salad is light. It must whet
rather than satisfy the appetite. A light tossed salad of greens with
French dressing is recommended.
As accessory to the main dish. Salads are most often served
as accessory to the main dish or entrée. A main dish which is
relatively light would need a hearty accompanying salad while a
heavy dinner is usually complemented with a light salad.
As main dish. Salads used for this purpose are usually heavy.
Salads used as main dish have a satiety value higher than other
salads. Potato salads with chicken or ham, Nicoise salad, fresh salad,
various grain salads are examples of this kind of salad.
As dessert. Fruit salads or fruit gelatins are Filipino classic
desserts served in parties as well as family meals.

The typical salad components are:
Salad Greens – had usually lettuce but other green leaves. A fruit
shell is also used in case of fruit salads. The following is the listing of
salad green used in common salad preparations:
 Boston Lettuce
 Cabbage
 Cress
 Spinach
Body of Salad (Main Ingredient) – can be a mixture of vegetable,
fruit, cooked meat, poultry or fish.
Toppings – can be cheese, sesame seeds, croutons, chopped
herbs, toasted garlic, toasted nuts, whipped cream, mousse.

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Dressings – this is used to lubricate and add an accent to the salad.

It should not be overpowering to mask the flavor of the main
ingredient. Salad dressing is an emulsion in which one liquid is
suspended in another, the two liquids being immiscible with each
other. They contain acid, fat, seasonings, and sometimes other


It is the most versatile of all dressings. You can alter this
dressing by the addition of one ingredient, in fact most of the popular
dressings today only rooted from the classic vinaigrette. The most
important rule in preparing vinaigrette is to dissolve the salt in vinegar
first and then add the oil. Blending all ingredients at once will always
end up oily.

French Dressing
It is popular on tossed salads. According the definition given by
the Food, Drug and Cosmetics Act of the FDA, French dressing is
the separable liquid food or the emulsified viscous fluid food prepared
from edible vegetable oil (oil content not less than 35% by weight),
specified acidifying agent and optional seasonings. The vinegar may
be wine vinegar, pineapple vinegar or other types of vinegar with a
pleasing flavor. Lime or lemon juice may also be used as acidifying
agents. The oil, on the other hand, may be olive, peanut, corn,
soybean or cotton seed.

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Emulsified Dressing
Mayonnaise consists of salad or wintered oil, vinegar or lemon
juice, egg yolk or whole egg and seasonings such as salt, sugar and
By legal definition established by the Food, Drug and
Cosmetics Act, mayonnaise is the emulsified semi-solid food
prepared from edible vegetable oil, vinegar and/or lemon juice or
citric acid, egg yolk or whole egg and one or more optional
ingredients. It must have an oil content of not less than 65 precent. It
must have egg which acts as the emulsifying agent, causing
permanent emulsion.

Bearnaise and Hollandaise are emulsified butter sauces.

Instead of using oil, butter is used. Egg yolk is also the emulsifying
agent. Hollandaise is flavored with lemon juice while béarnaise is
flavored with vinegar, shallot and tarragon. This kind of sauce has a
great tendency to separate. Both these sauces served warm.

Salsa is a Mexican cold sauce made from tomatoes flavored with
cilantro, chilies and onions.
Filipino Salad Dressings. The Filipino salad can be any of the
Sawsawan are types of Filipino salad dressings. The simplest
of these is patis and kalamansi or soy sauce and kalamansi.
Bagoong with onion and tomatoes with or without ginger is another of
te most versatile that can go with any steamed or boiled vegetable.

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Uncooked salad dressing
1. Simple mixture of bacon fat acid and seasoning
2. French dressing – are temporarily oil and acid any
desired seasoning
3. Permanent emulsion – cream dressing
a. Thick, sour creams and seasoning
b. Thick, sweet creams and seasoning

Cooked salad dressing

This dressing consists of liquid thickened with egg or
starch or both to hold the fat in suspension. The usual
seasoning are used when dressing are made commercially they
must be levels dressing.
1. True custard basis (both starch and eggs are used)
2. Cheap custard basis (both starch and egg are used)
These are the most usual way of making dressing.


Proper care and storage of all the materials is the first step in
preparation. The care needed will be vary with the fresh salad
greens, cooked vegetables, fruits, meats, poultry or fish and the

1. Salad greens should be care for as soon as they reach the kitchen.
They should be was thoroughly and place in porcelain or in salad pan
with lid. They should be no water in pan except that left clinging to the
leaves after washing, draining, and shaking well.

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2. Other vegetables should be washed well and place lettuce and

other greens where they will be in perfect readiness for quick
preparation of salad.
3. Meat, poultry and fish are highly perishable and should be kept in
the coldest part of the refrigerator even after they have been cooked.
4. Salad should be chilled in the refrigerator. They should not be


Arrangement and pattern are important. Garnish plays the
same rule in salad that the color accent contrast in salad with edible
garnishes. Green or ripe olives, nuts, and cherishes are appreciate in
fruit salad. For poultry, fish, meats salad you can use watercress,
green and sweet red pepper, stuffed and plain olives, pimientos,
green herbs, carrots cucumber, celery, curls onion ring.

If there is a room in the refrigerator, the salad should be chilled

before serving. Salad may be accomplished by crackers, toast,
sandwiches, cheese balls, small rolls or tiny buttered biscuits.

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Sandwiches a filling or spread combined with bread creates a
sandwich. Sandwiches are the most popular lunch food in the United
States. Their popularity as a breakfast food is increasing, due the
ease at which they’re eaten.


1. The bread is the basic ingredient of any sandwich. Use

the freshest bread available; day-old bread can be used
for toasting without loss of quality.
2. The spread has 3 functions: to prevent the bread from
soaking up the filling; to add flavor; and to add
moistness. Butter and mayonnaise are the most
commonly used spreads.
3. The filling provides the main flavor of the sandwich, and
the choices are nearly unlimited. Meat, fish, poultry,
cheese, eggs and salads (tuna, chicken, egg) are all
common protein fillings.


I. Open-faced sandwiches

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An open-faced sandwich can be hot or cold, and is made from

a single slice of bread on the bottom.

II. Tea sandwiches

A tea sandwich is a small cold sandwich, usually served on bread

or toast with the crusts removed. They are most commonly cut into
shapes, and garnished attractively.

 Choosing the bread

The loaves of sliced white breads are called pullman loaves.

The interior part of the loaf is called the crumb; the darker exterior is
called the crust. The crusty Kaiser roll resembles a 5-petal flower.
Hard or soft rolls/buns can be cut lengthwise for sandwiches. The
term baguette (bă-gĕt') refers to the long shape of a bread also
known as French bread. The ‘crumb’ is soft; the crust is crispy. The
loaf is long in length, and may have slits in the top to allow the crumb
to expand during baking.

Whole wheat bread is made with the bran, endosperm, and

germ of the wheat kernel. The bread is more nutritious, moister,
heavier or denser. Multi-grain breads may include grains such as
oats, rye, wheat, barley, etc.

Vienna bread is similar to French bread, but uses steam in the

baking process for a moister ‘crumb’.

A croissant is a buttery flaky pastry, named for its distinctive

crescent shape. It is also sometimes called a crescent or crescent

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Rye bread is a type of bread made with various percentages of

flour and rye grain. It can be light or dark in color, depending on the
type of flour used and the addition of coloring agents.

Sourdough refers to the process of leavening bread by

capturing wild yeasts in a dough or batter, as opposed to using a
domestic yeast.

Ciabatta is an Italian white bread that is somewhat elongated,

broad and flattish and, like a slipper, may be sunken in the middle of
the loaf. It is often used for panini sandwiches.

Focaccia is a flat oven-baked Italian bread, which may be

topped with herbs onion, cheese, olive oil, vegetables, or other
ingredients. Focaccia is often used as a base for pizza or as
sandwich bread.

A flatbread is a simple bread made from flattened dough like

pita or pocket pitas OR without a leavening agent such as the tortilla.


The two most popular hot sandwiches in America are the

hamburger and hotdog.

A Monte Cristo sandwich features turkey or chicken with ham

and Swiss cheese on bread. It is dipped in beaten egg and deep-
fried, and often served with a sweet berry sauce or dusted with
confectioners sugar.

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A cheese or tuna ‘Frenchee’ is dipped in egg and then some

combination of flour and bread, cracker, potato chip, or cornflake
crumbs. It is then deep-fried.

The Hot Beef Sandwich consists of stacked, hot, roast beef on

white bread, served alongside mashed potatoes, and smothered in

A French Dip sandwich is roast beef served on a roll, and

served with some of the natural juices.

The panini sandwich originated in Italy, and is made in a

sandwich press that leaves characteristic parallel lines on the outside
of the bread.

The taco is served on a hard or soft corn or flour tortilla, or

other soft flat bread, and is filled with a spicy ground beef, tomato,
onion, lettuce, and cheese.


The traditional cucumber sandwich is composed of paper-

thin slices of cucumber placed between two thin slices of lightly
buttered bread. The crust would be removed for a tea sandwich.

The peanut butter and jelly sandwich (PB&J) can be served

open-faced or between two slices of bread. It is called a peanut
butter and jam sandwich in Canada and Australia.

A Caprese sandwich is made from tomato, basil, and fresh

mozzarella cheese. It is named after the Italian island of Capri. The

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red, white, and green colors are supposed to resemble the colors of
the Italian flag.


All sandwiches except hot dogs and hamburgers, should be cut

before serving. A large, multi-decker or very thick sandwich should
be cut into thirds or quarter with each section held in place with a

1. Display the cut edges of the sandwich, rather than the crust
edges. The ingredients are more easily seen, looking good and

2. The direction you cut the sandwich can improve presentation. A

square sandwich cut diagonally is more attractive than one cut

3. If bread is allowed to become less fresh or dried out, it is

referred to as ‘stale bread’. Moisture-proof wrappings, such as
plastic, are best. Refrigerating bread prolongs its shelf life, but
encourages staleness. Bread can be stored in the freezer.

4. When packing sandwiches in sack lunches or for picnics, it may

be preferable to pack the spreads or fillings separately, for
assembly at the last minute. This could prevent the bread from
becoming soggy. Some sandwich ingredients are potentially
hazardous food, and must be handled according to correct time
and temperature guidelines.

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A snack is a small service of food and generally eaten between
meals. Snacks come in a variety of forms including packaged snack
foods and other processed foods, as well as items made from fresh
ingredients at home.

A snack eaten shortly before going to bed or during the night

may be called a "bedtime snack", "late night snack", or "midnight


1. Batter and dough-based

Dishes that are prepared by cooking batter and deep
frying dough in many various forms.
2. Confectionary
Confectionery is related to food items that are rich
in sugar and often referred to

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as confections. Confectionery refers to the art of creating sugar

based dessert forms,), often with pastillage.

3. Cookies, Cakes, Pastries

Cookies are also known as biscuits that have sugar .
Cake/pastries is a form of sweet dessert that is typically baked.
In their oldest forms, cakes were modifications of breads,

Graham crackers
Snacks cakes, cake with icing

4. Drinks

A drink (or beverage) is a liquid intended

for human consumption. In addition to their basic function of
satisfying thirst, drinks play important roles in human culture.

Energy Drinks
Flavored Drinks

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5. Frozen
Freeze sweet foods.

6. Natural snacks

These snacks can be natural or healthy snacks that is

nutrious like fruits and vegetables, seeds, nuts and legumes.
Fruits( apple, ccumber, banana, kiwi, watermelon etc.)
Dried fruits
Seeds( almonds)
Nuts (cashew nuts, peanuts, popcorn, pumpkin seeds ,
soy nuts etc)

7. Savory snacks
Food has a salty or spicy flavour rather than a sweet one.
Onion rings

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Dessert is the sweet course eaten at the end of a meal. The
term “dessert” can apply to many confections, such as cakes,
tarts, cookies, biscuits, gelatins, pastries, ice creams, pies, puddings,
custards, and sweet soups. Fruit is also commonly found in dessert
courses because of its naturally occurring sweetness. The word
“dessert” originated from the French word desservir, meaning “to
clear the table”.

Dessert – a final course. It is a course servd at the end of the



Candies – fruit with peel in heavy syrup which are drained and dry
until plump and transparent.
Fruit dessert – fruits used as dessert.
Gelatin Dessert – maybe obtained in pulverized or granular forms. It
swells in cold water and dispenses in hot water. Gelatine is treated
when added in cold water and disperse in hot water. It is treated
when added in proper proportion to other liquid, causes them to
solidify upon cooling.

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Custard – true custards are combination of milk and eggs,

sweetened, salted and flavored.
a. Soft custard – are cooked in a double boiler and stirred
while cooking.
b. Firm custard – maybe either steamed or baked.
Puddings – usually contains flour, cornstarch, bread, or some other
starch thickening agent. It maybe boiled or steamed and baked. It
may be boiled, steamed or baked.
Variety of bake goods or dessert – with a biscuit foundation like
short cakes. These consist of rich, usually sweetened biscuit mixture.
Fritters – sweet fritters may be serve as dessert. Vegetable fritters as
vegetables, other fritters may be made of meat, fish, and vegetables
and served as an entry of accompaniments. They are consists of
purely large pieces of food, dip into and then drop butter and cooked
in deep fat, or smaller pieces may be stirred into batter then is
dropped by a spoonful into hot fat.
Frozen Dessert – require more flavoring than the usual dessert as
taste is less acute when the mouth is chilled. Frozen candies are
crystalline in nature, the crystal formed is sugar particles but in frozen
dessert the crystal are iced.


1. Ices – a diluted fruit juice, sweetened and frozen. They are
water sugar syrup with fruit juices added.
2. Fraffle – an ice frozen to a mushy consistency.
3. Sherbet – an ice to which egg white or gelatin has been
4. Ice cream – the most popular among the frozen desserts
because of tis pleasing flavor and texture. Flavour and body

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texture are important element in the quality of ice cream. The

flavor of the ice cream depends first of all in the creams which
forms basis of the mixture. There should be enough fat to give
the expected body texture.
5. Parfait – consists of whole beaten eggs or egg whites
cooked by pouring hot syrup then, with whipped cream added
and the combination frozen.
6. Mousses – consists of whipped cream, sweetened flavored


Candy with primarily contain sugar are valuable energy foods.
Gelatin is not a complete protein. It lacks two amino acids and 20 are
present in smaller amount that are necessary for tisse building. The
food value of gelatin dishes depends largely upon the added

Food Selection and Preparation

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