Carnes, Todd - 2009 - How To Use An Ephemeris
Carnes, Todd - 2009 - How To Use An Ephemeris
Carnes, Todd - 2009 - How To Use An Ephemeris
Todd Carnes
When I first began studying astrology there really wasn’t such a thing as
”home computers”. Yes, there were some people with a lot of money who
had them, but by and large the only places you saw computers was in
schools, big businesses, etc.
How did astrologers create charts before there were astrology programs?
The answer - with pencil, paper and their brains (usually with a little help
from various tables and reference books ).
I’m going to show you how to make a chart - old school. In this article we’re
going to concentrate on finding the planetary positions. As an example,
we’ll use my son’s birth data, because I know for a fact it’s correct. I was
there and timed it myself.
Before you start, you’ll need pencil, paper and an ephemeris. An ephemeris
is a list of planetary locations set for either Ephemeris Time or Universal
Time. I have provided an 2005 ephemeris in the download area, so that
you can print it out and follow along.
There are two basic kinds of ephemerides - midnight and noon ephemerides.
We will be using a midnight ephemeris provided free of charge from Astro-
dienst. They provide ephemerides for any year from 3000 BC to 3000 AD
here. All that means is that the ephemeris we are using will give us the
planetary positions for midnight each day.
How It’s Done
Step 1: Convert local civil time to Universal Time1 . Though not ’strictly’
correct2 , for our purposes we’re going to say that
If you’re correcting for a site that is west of Greenwich, you should add
the time zone correction (in this case 4 hours). Otherwise, you should
subtract the correction from the birth time.
12 : 46 + 4 = 16 : 46
Step 2: Now to make future calculations easier, convert the birth time to it’s
decimal equivalent.
M inutes
DecimalHours = Hours +
= 16 +
= 16 + 0.7666667
= 16.7666667
Step 3: Next, get out the ephemeris page for September 2005 that you
printed and look down the Day column until you find the row for Sun-
day the 11th. Copy the Sun’s position onto your paper.
Step 4: Under that write down the time for the chart you’re interested in
Step 5: Then find the Sun’s position on the next day and write it down as
Using the 24-hour clock will make your calculations easier.
We should be converting from local time to Local Mean Time to Sidreal Time then adding
a ∆T correction factor in order to get Universal Time
11 September 2005 @ 00:00 UT = 18°21’46” ♍
11 September 2005 @ 16:46 UT = ?
12 September 2005 @ 00:00 UT = 19°20’07” ♍
Now we have all the information we need to interpolate the Sun’s po-
sition in our chart. Don’t let the word, interpolate, scare you. All we’re
really doing is working out a simple proportion.
19°20’07” ♍
18°21’46” ♍
00°58’21” = 58.35’
Step 7: Now set up the proportion and solve for how much the Sun has
moved between 11 September at 00:00 UT and 11 September at
A = Time Since 00:00 UT
B = Sun’s change by 16:46
C = 24 hours
D = Sun’s rate of movement
16.7666667 ∗ 58.35
= 40.76395833
= 00°40′ 46′′
Step 8: Now add the change to the Sun’s original position to find out where
it was at on 11 September 2005 at 16:46 UT.
18°21’07” ♍
19°02’33” ♍
Step 9: Repeat steps 3 through 8 for the other planets. You should end up
with the following planetary positions for 11 September 2005 @ 16:46
Today’s astrologer is used to using computer programs that spit out plane-
tary positions down to the micro-arcsecond of “accuracy”, but, quite frankly,
if you’re trying to use positions down to more than minute accuracy, you’re
really wasting your time. Astronomers are constantly trying to increase the
accuracy. However, our current orbital theory just isn’t that good, especially
for the Moon.
Planet Our Positions Swiss Ephemeris JPL Position
☉ 19°02’33” ♍ 19°02’32” ♍ 18°52’56” ♍
☽ 21°07’44” ♐ 21°47’17” ♐ 19°45’23” ♐
☿ 13°12’20” ♍ 13°12’24” ♍ 12°53’35” ♍
♀ 00°01’54” ♏ 00°01’33” ♏ 29°50’04” ♎
♂ 20°33’11” ♉ 20°32’31” ♉ 20°29’42” ♉
♃ 20°35’23” ♎ 20°35’07” ♎ 20°33’09” ♎
♄ 07°01’12” ♌ 07°01’25” ♌ 7°00’21” ♌
Not bad at all, really. (Note that both we and Swiss Ephemeris got the Moon
wrong by about 1/2° to 1° and we both got the wrong Sign for Venus.)
For those of you who are mathematically inclined and just think there should
be a way to squeeze even better accuracy out, I will present another How To
article that explains an analytical (lots of formulæ) solution to the problem
that does very well indeed. However, for now, this is plenty good enough
and my next How To will be “How To: Calculate the Houses with a Table of