Check Valves (Amendments/Supplements To Bs 1868) : Technical Specification
Check Valves (Amendments/Supplements To Bs 1868) : Technical Specification
Check Valves (Amendments/Supplements To Bs 1868) : Technical Specification
February 2017
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MESC SPE 77/104
February 2017
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MESC SPE 77/104
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PART I INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................... 4
1.1 SCOPE ..................................................................................................................... 4
1.3 DEFINITIONS ........................................................................................................... 4
1.4 ABBREVIATIONS ..................................................................................................... 4
1.5 CHANGES SINCE PREVIOUS EDITION ................................................................. 4
1.6 COMMENTS ON THIS MESC SPE .......................................................................... 5
PART II AMENDMENTS/SUPPLEMENTS TO BS 1868:1975 ............................................... 6
PART III REFERENCES ....................................................................................................... 10
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This MESC SPE specifies requirements for check valves.
This specification shall apply in addition to the applicable MESC Buying Description,
purchase order or requisition sheet.
The requirements for operation and maintenance of check valves are outside the scope of
this MESC SPE.
This specification is written as amendments and supplements to BS 1868:1975, which are
covered in Part II of this MESC SPE. The clause numbering of BS 1868:1975 has been
retained and any amendments are identified as ‘Add’, ‘Modify to read’ or ‘Delete’. Any
clauses of BS 1868:1975 that are not amended or supplemented by this MESC SPE, shall
apply as written.
The Contractor is the party that carries out all or part of the design, engineering,
procurement, construction, commissioning or management of a project, or operation or
maintenance of a facility. The Principal may undertake all or part of the duties of the
The Manufacturer/Supplier is the party that manufactures or supplies equipment and
services to perform the duties specified by the Contractor.
The Principal is the party that initiates the project and ultimately pays for its design and
construction. The Principal will generally specify the technical requirements. The Principal
may also include an agent or consultant authorised to act for, and on behalf of, the
The word shall indicates a requirement.
The word should indicates a recommendation.
MMMF Man Made Mineral Fibre
2 Add:
Wherever referred to in BS 1868:1975, the following replacements shall apply:
- BS 1560-2 has been withdrawn and is superseded by BS 1560-3.2.
- BS 2080 has been withdrawn and is superseded by EN 12672 and EN 558-1
and EN 558-2.
- BS 3351 has been withdrawn and is superseded by ISO 9606-1, ISO 15607,
ISO 15609-1, ISO 15610, ISO 15614-1 and ISO 15614-2.
- BS 6755-1 has been withdrawn and is superseded by EN 12266-1 and
EN 12266-2.
5 Add:
For non-metallic materials other than graphite, the rated pressure at the upper and
lower design temperatures shall be specified on the general arrangement drawing.
8.6 Add:
The following tolerances shall apply:
- The maximum allowed lateral misalignment for valves is 2 mm (0.08 in).
- For the angular flange misalignment (parallelism of aligned flange faces), the
maximum measured difference between flange faces shall be not greater than
2.5 mm/m (0.03 in/ft).
8.7 Add:
The end flanges of steam jacketed valves shall be oversized in order to achieve a
full jacket. Flange sizes shall be :-
Valve Size DN Flange Size DN
25 50
50 80
80 100
100 150
150 200
200 250
250 300
300 400
Jacket connections for the inlet, outlet and drain shall be DN 15 up to valve size
DN 80 and DN 25 for larger valves.
Pipe schedule shall be Sch 80.
Belongs in SPE
Modify to read:
- End flanges shall comply with ASME B16.5.
- The surface plane of the nut bearing area at the backside of flanged valves
shall be parallel to the machined flange face within 1°.
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8.11 Add:
c) Body seats shall not be rolled-in.
d) Separate removable body seats shall be positively secured against loosening.
Separate seat ring material shall be the same material composition as either the
trim or the body.
8.12 Add If specified, the valve shall be equipped with oversized flanges and a full jacket.
8.13 Add The anti blow-out stem retention configuration shall be located internally in
the valve to ensure stem ejection is impossible when external non-
body/bonnet fasteners are removed.
9.3 Add Ring-joint gaskets shall have a hardness equal to or less than that shown ASME
B16.20, Table 1. In addition, the difference in hardness between the ring-joint
gasket and the body/bonnet groove shall be at least 30 Brinell (HBW).
9.4 Modify final sentence to read:
Flanges shall be spot-faced or back-faced in accordance with ASME B16.5.
The surface plane of the nut bearing area at the backside of flanged valves shall be
parallel to the machined flange face within 1°.
Flange sealing faces shall have a circular shape and shall have a Flange Facing
Finish in accordance with ASME B16.5.
10.1.2 Delete from 1st sentence:
rolled in
The disk shall be positively secured against loosening. Acceptable methods are by
applying a retaining tab or by tack welding. Unacceptable methods are the
application of spring tension, split or cotter pins, without additional tack welding of
the retaining nut to the disc thread.
10.2.1 Add The obturator of a piston type check valve shall be designed such that in all
positions, there is free communication between the downstream side of the body
and the bonnet cavity.
12.3 Add:
If a hinge pin retaining plug is installed, the thread of the plug shall be protected
against exposure to the medium. The graphite gasket shall have a stainless steel
316L back-up ring.
If a hinge pin retaining plug is installed, a locking ring is required for the hinge pin
12.4 Add:
Emission class A(HS) valves shall be of the retainerless design where :
- The hinge bracket is internally assembled or
The hinge is hung from the cover.
13.1 Add:
Non-return valves with external shafts, outside lever and counter weights shall be
designed with a blowout-resistant shaft.
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29 Add:
Year of manufacture.
Both metric and USC units.
31.1 Modify to read:
The heat number is required on all body and cover forgings and castings.
35.1 Add:
d) Year of manufacture.
These markings shall then be shown on the identification plate or on a durable
metal tag securely attached to the valve.
36 Modify to read:
Each valve shall be given a shell pressure test and a seat tightness test in
accordance with ISO 5208.
Soft seated valves shall be subjected to a low pressure air test seat test, seat
leakage shall be rate A.
When specified that metal seated valves shall be subjected to a low pressure air
test seat test, seat leakage shall not exceed rate EE.
Test fluid shall be fresh water containing a corrosion inhibitor.
The chloride content of test water in contact with austenitic and duplex stainless
steel wetted components of valves shall not exceed 30 μg/g (30 ppm by mass).
The minimum test duration shall be 60 s, which shall commence after the test
pressure has stabilised.
37 Modify first sentence to read :
Prior to dispatch the valve internals shall be thoroughly cleaned and dried and the
surfaces shall be free from test fluids, cleaning agents, loose particles and organic
38.1 Add:
Unless otherwise specified, corrosion-resistant alloy steel valves shall not be
painted or coated.
38.2 Add:
These protectors shall be properly preserved, fitted with end caps or flange
protectors, placed on an adequate surface and packaged to ensure protection
against damage, ingress of moisture, rainfall and dirt during outdoor storage for at
least one year. Flange protectors in direct contact with flange faces shall not be of a
porous (e.g., wood) material
40 Add new clause: CERTIFICATION
In addition to the certification requirements specified in MESC SPE 77/302, the
finished valve shall have a certificate in accordance with ISO 10474, type 2.1 or EN
10204 type 2.1, demonstrating that it complies with all requirements of API 594.
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Graphite to ASTM F 2168 MESC SPE 85/203
Specification for fire test for valves API 6FA
Check Valves: Flanged, Lug, Wafer, and Butt-welding API 594
Issued by:
American Petroleum Institute
Publications and Distribution Section
1220 L Street Northwest
Washington DC 20005
Steel pipe flanges and flanged fittings (nominal sizes half BS 1560-3.2
an inch to 24 inch) for the petroleum industry – Part 3:
Steel, cast iron and copper alloy flanges – Section 3.2:
Cast iron flanges
Steel check valves (flanged and butt-welding ends) for the BS 1868:1975
petroleum, petrochemical and allied industries
Testing of valves – Part 2: Specification for fire type BS 6755-2
testing requirements
Issued by:
British Standards Institution
389 Chiswick High Road
London W4 4AL
Industrial Valves – Face-to-face and centre-to-face EN 558-1
dimensions of metal valves for use in flanged pipe
systems – Part 1: PN-designated valves
Industrial Valves – Face-to-face and centre-to-face EN 558-2
dimensions of metal valves for use in flanged piping
systems – Part 2: Class-designated valves
MESC SPE 77/104
February 2017
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Industrial valves – Pressure testing of valves ISO 5208
Approval testing of welders – Fusion welding – Part 1: ISO 9606-1
Testing of valves – Fire type testing requirements ISO 10497
Specification and qualification of welding procedures for ISO 15607
metallic materials – General rules
Specification and qualification of welding procedures for ISO 15609-1
metallic materials – Welding procedure specification –
Part 1: Arc welding
Specification and qualification of welding procedures for ISO 15610
metallic materials – Qualification based on tested welding
Specification and qualification of welding procedures for ISO 15614-1
metallic materials - Welding procedure test – Part 1: Arc
and gas welding of steels and arc welding of nickel and
nickel alloys
Specification and qualification of welding procedures for ISO 15614-2
metallic materials – Welding procedure test – Part 2: Arc
welding of aluminium and its alloys
Issued by:
ISO Central Secretariat
1, ch. de la Voie-Creuse
Case postale 56
CH-1211 Genève 20
Copies can also be obtained from national standards