Learning Styles in Modular Distance Lear
Learning Styles in Modular Distance Lear
Learning Styles in Modular Distance Lear
[email protected] 1
[email protected]
Antonino Elementary School, Dolores, Quezon, Philippines1
Laguna State Polytechnic University, San Pablo City, Laguna, Philippines2
Change in education brought by the pandemic situation is indeed quite a challenge for the learners
especially the educators. The use of Modular Distance Learning in delivering the lessons or topics clearly
to the learners is widely used especially in areas where online platform is not suitable. This study focused
in determining the relationship between the Learning Styles and English achievement of Grade V pupils
using the MDL. This study is a descriptive -correlational kind of research in which it uses a survey
questionnaire from a standardized VAK Learning Style Questionnaire and a modified-adopted English test.
There were sixty-one Grade V respondents from two chosen public elementary schools of Dolores District,
Division of Quezon where the researcher taught and was also conducted last March, 2021. Based on the
result of the perceived learning style of the respondents, most of the respondents are visual type of learner
as compared to auditory/aural and kinesthetic/tactile style. The result of their English test falls under
proficient level where it clearly indicates that whether the respondents is visual, aural or kinesthetic style
of learner, they are still proficient in English in terms of reading comprehension, vocabulary and grammar.
The visual learning style showed significant relationship between the English achievement in terms of
reading comprehension, vocabulary and grammar. However, in terms of auditory/aural learning style, only
vocabulary found to be significantly related. In spite of this result, as for the recommendations, teachers
and/or educators must be aware on the learning style preference of their students to provide activities,
topics or discussions that would suits best to the learning style needed by the learners and must be creative
and resourceful in crafting learning materials that would be distributed to learners. Be mindful on their
preferred learning style to help them improve their academic course and the future researchers may
conduct similar or more complex study in line with this.
Keywords: visual learning styles, auditory/aural learning styles, kinaesthetic/tactile learning styles, English