Analysis of Road Infrastructural Audits Along Jalan Batu Pahat-Kluang Malaysia: A Case Study

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Mohd Idrus Mohd Masirin Nur Athirah Mohamad

Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia Universiti Teknologi Malaysia


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VOL. 11, NO. 24, DECEMBER 2016 ISSN 1819-6608
ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences
©2006-2016 Asian Research Publishing Network (ARPN). All rights reserved.


Mohd Idrus Bin Hj. Masirin, Nur Athirah Binti Mohamad and Norshakina Binti Samsuddin
Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, Parit Raja Batu Pahat, Johor, Malaysia
E-Mail: [email protected]

Road infrastructure is one of the main factors determining the level of safety road transport system. Installation of
good and complete infrastructure components along the road would reduce the rate of accidents from happening. Accidents
are the most undesirable things happen, but no doubt every year, millions of road users were killed and injured due to road
accidents. Therefore, the authorities should take steps to create a program that will periodically monitor, restore and also do
the improvement on road infrastructure to ensure that the road infrastructure is able to function properly, thus helping to
reduce the rate of accidents in Malaysia. The main goal of this study was to analyze the audit road infrastructural along
F050 route which is from KM 7 to KM 28 based on Road Safety Audit. Several methods were used to obtain data such as
observations and research, accident statistics and simple statistics. Through these methods, the data were analysed by using
average index, HIRARC and simple statistics. From the analysis, it was found that the road infrastructure level in the study
area was less satisfying. Besides that, research results show that the level of risk due to road infrastructure gradually
increases at certain places. Hence, the authority should be play more important roles to conduct maintenance and
improvement on road infrastructures that poses high risk of accidents to ensure the safety of road users. It is hoped that
through continuously this research it will provide sufficient information to public and researches to curb with the ever
growing road accidents

Keywords: road infrastructure, accident statistic, road safety audit.

INTRODUCTION Therefore, the road infrastructures should be designed and

Road transport is the main infrastructure in maintained in accordance with the standards and
developing countries like Malaysia. Roads that specifications that be determined by the Jabatan Kerja
complemented by impeccable road infrastructure are able Raya (JKR). By this, the analyses of road infrastructural
to function well and provide guarantee safety of road audit along Jalan Batu Pahat - Kluang were implemented
users. Road infrastructure can be defined as the basic to assist in producing a better road infrastructure and safe
facilities, services and installations needed for the for road users. To answer and prove that the problem at
functioning of transport on highway, roads, and streets [1]. FT050 route could be solved, several objectives have been
Even, the elements of road infrastructure was built and determined as follow:
equipped along the Route FT050 a question still be arise
whether it was constructed according to the standard that a) To identify the types of road infrastructure
be determined by the Jabatan Kerja Raya (JKR) which constructed along Jalan Batu Pahat - Kluang.
able to function properly or not. Referring to this issue; the b) To determine and critically analyse the road
main thing that will be linked when the road infrastructure infrastructural audit findings along Jalan Batu
does not capable to serve well is the safety of road users. c) To conduct correlations between different types of
As commonly known, accident became a major concern to road infrastructures, road accident statistics and
road users on Route FT050 because the percent of community surveys.
mortality and serious injury was increased from year to
year [2]. Where, road accidents have been listed as the The scope research is along the route FT050
ninth most common cause of death in 1990 and are where is focused on KM 10 to KM 24 which is from
estimated to be the third most common cause of death by Kawasan Perindustrian, Sri Gading to Parit Haji Ali, Parit
2020 [3]. Raja. The audit level of infrastructure that be done refer to
However, many lives could be saved and many the Road Safety Audit (RSA) and Arahan Teknik Jalan
accidents avoided if the existing road infrastructure was (ATJ). Methods used in conducting this study are research
managed according to the best practice of safety and observations, questionnaires and interviews. The
engineering. For instance mentioned in the Inland implementation period of this study will be carried out
Transportation Service consultation paper, appropriate within 10 months.
new signals at junctions can reduce the risk of fatal side According the some literature reviews being
impacts by up to 75%; pedestrian crossings at dangerous conduct, road safety audit can be defined as a formal
junctions can be lead to a potential reduction of the risk of examination of road safety in the planning, design and
collisions with vulnerable users by up to 85% [4]. construction of road projects, as well as the features and
Regarding to this problem, desirable for a developing operation of the existing road by independent and
country as in Malaysia to react quickly in ensuring the qualified examiners, to identify any potential features not
safety of road users are in a comfortable situation.

VOL. 11, NO. 24, DECEMBER 2016 ISSN 1819-6608
ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences
©2006-2016 Asian Research Publishing Network (ARPN). All rights reserved.

safe or operating settings that can affect the safety of any c) Pavement marking: Road markings serve a very
road user [5]. Figure-1 briefly describes each stage of the important function in conveying to road users
road safety audit in Malaysia. information and requirements which might not be
possible using upright signs. Several criteria must be
taken into consideration in audit the road surface
markings such as illumination, colours and
dimension as mentioned in ATJ 2D/85 [7].
d) Street lighting: Major factor installations of street
lighting are to improve safety of road users at night.
Several factors should be considered in the auditing
of existing street lights such as light pole location,
rate of lighting and design of the lighting system as
described in the Road Safety Audit (RSA).
e) Width and road shoulder: Condition of the road
width affects the vehicle speed limit in certain area
[2]. Road width should be in line with the appropriate
speed limit in an area. Road shoulder width generally
is 3 meters for all structures road design. However,
for certain situations there is a wide shoulder of the
road classification outlined by Jabatan Kerja Raya
(JKR) and REAM.
f) Road barries: Usually the specifications for road
barrier systems are classified into three categories:
permanent barriers, semi-permanent barriers and
flexible barriers. Road barrier should have a height
that is optimal for proper functioning refers to ATJ
1/85 [7].
g) Traffic signal: Traffic signals are a device that
controls the movement of vehicles and pedestrian
traffic. A few things in the installation of traffic
control signals should be taken into consideration to
ensure the efficiency of operations such as signal
Figure-1. Road safety audits stage in Malaysia.
phasing, signal faces, appropriate signal installation
and signal hardware as explain in the [5].
Some elements of road infrastructure audit are
studies on good road conditions can be specified when a
road is designed according to the standards set by the
The methodology of this study describes briefly
relevant authorities. Road design standards made with
the overview of the process and workflow involved in the
regard to five main aspects namely functionality,
study. To carry out the analysis of road infrastructure
economy, safety, comfort and aesthetic [6]. Construction
audits, several planning and statistics of the study were set
and maintenance of a road should be guided by the
as shown in Figure-2. Methods of data collection used in
standards provided by the Jabatan Kerja Raya (JKR) as
the execution of the study are observations, questionnaires
examples road safety audit. Road infrastructure elements
and interviews. The analyses involved in this study are the
that are audited as follows:
average index analysis, statistical tools and HIRARC
a) Geometry of road: Road geometry are including of
access control, horizontal alignment, vertical
alignment, visibility, cross section and intersection
[2]. Each element of road geometry was designed in
accordance with the requirements of traffic based on
specific standards recommended by JKR and
b) Traffic signs: The purpose of traffic signs is to help
ensure the safe and informed operation of every road
user on the highway. Traffic sign comprising three
(3) categories which are guide signs, warning signs
and regulatory signs. General design consideration
on traffic signs are colours, letterings and borders,
symbols, post and mounting and materials used as
mentioned in ATJ 2E/87 [7].

VOL. 11, NO. 24, DECEMBER 2016 ISSN 1819-6608
ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences
©2006-2016 Asian Research Publishing Network (ARPN). All rights reserved.

Average index method: Average Index Method was

calculated to analysis survey data by using equation 1,
where ai is a constant that represents the weight of N, xi is
a variable that represents the frequency of respondents N
and N is a total respondents; 0, 1, 2, 3, 4. [8]

Average Index, X i 
 aixi (1)
Statistic method: Statistic methods were used to produce
a pai chart, bar chart, graph and table to illustrate the
results of the analysis of research more clearly and
HIRARC method: Hazard Identification, Risk
assessment and risk controls are commonly known as
HIRARC which this method enables an organization to
manage the inherent hazards of their workplace more
effectively [9]. However, other country also applied this
guideline to analyze the factors of the accident on the road
based on safety audit data [2].
Figure-2. Workflow process.
METHOD OF DATA COLLECTION Result from the analysis audit of road
Data collection is the primary data obtained in infrastructural, accident data and questionnaires along
this research, which is collected directly from the KM10 to KM25 will be presented through tables, charts,
individual and experienced researchers in the research graphs and diagrams. Through the analysis of survey
topic. Data collection was conducted using observations results for the overall function of each type of road
and research methods on the location of studies, infrastructure it can be stated that the majority of the 375
questionnaires and interviews. respondents less agreed with the function of road
infrastructure along the Batu Pahat-Kluang.
a) Research and observation: Research and
observation were implemented to observe the state of ANALYSIS OF AUDIT OUTCOME
weakness and lack of road infrastructure with the Based on this research an observation, HIRARC
reference guided manual of the Road Safety Audit analysis was conducted to identify risks at every
(RSA), Arahan Teknik Jalan (ATJ) and Geometric kilometers and every type of road infrastructure. This risk
Design Guide Road. is assessed by considering the possibility of danger at
b) Questinnare: A questionnaire was used intended to every type of infrastructure available at KM10 to KM24.
obtain the practical data of real environment in the Figure-3 shows the results of a risk analysis for each
study location. A questionnaire method selected is a kilometer while Figure 3 shows the results of a risk
closed form. Questionnaires forms were distributed analysis for each type of road infrastructure involved.
to 375 respondents based on resident population of
Pt. Raja and Sri Gading which consists of road users 300 256
along the FT050. 250 184 205
Total Risk

c) Interview: An interview were conducted to 200 137157 115
150 81 93 96 92
organizations or individuals that is knowledgeable in 100 56 70 59
the analysis of road infrastructure audits and road 50
traffic accidents such as the Jabatan Kerja Raya 0

(JKR), Polis Diraja Malaysia (PDRM) and the

Jabatan Keselamatan Jalan Raya (JKJR). The
purpose of this technique was carried out to obtain Location, KM
the views of the legal aspects, standards and road
conditions along the route FT050. Figure-3. Total risk based on the location.


The methods chosen in this study to analyse data
is by used the average index method, statistical methods
and HIRARC analysis methods which appropriate to the
objectives and scope of the study.

VOL. 11, NO. 24, DECEMBER 2016 ISSN 1819-6608
ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences
©2006-2016 Asian Research Publishing Network (ARPN). All rights reserved.

be concluded that the factors of road infrastructure can
Total Risk

334 336 324 also be a cause of the accident.

250 202
138 127
0 Road Pavement U turn Sign Board Road Side Road Road Street Pedestrian
Surface Marking Barrier divider Lighting Traffic

Figure-5. Graph of total road infrastructure risk

Road Infrastructure
against accidents.
Figure-4. Total risk based on the types of road
As a conclusion, the entire objective of this study
Once the risks were identified, the risk was achieved. Based on the results of the study it can be
classification was performed to give priority in order to concluded that the level of road infrastructure along the
take action and control measures appropriate to address Batu Pahat-Kluang route is still very risky and could
the hazards that exist throughout the study area. Table-1 contribute to accidents. Some measures should be taken so
shows the classification of the level of risk priority based that the road infrastructure can be maintained at good
on the location and Table-2 shows the classification of the condition so that rate of accidents can be reduced.
level of risk based on the type of infrastructure priorities. Therefore, the authorities should play an important role in
the improvement and maintenance of proper infrastructure
Table-1. Classification level of risk priority based and to produce the perfect road system. Audit of the
on location. existing road infrastructure is an important aspect of
ensuring a safe and comfortable road usage. Through the
Risk classification research conducted some recommendation can be listed as
No. Location follows;
Low Medium High
1 KM17 a) Several recommendation had been proposed to
KM 10, 13- improvement road infrastructure along Jalan Batu
2 16,18- Pahat-Kluang such as extended the road shoulder
20,23,24 width for the provision of bike paths, performing
KM11,12,21,2 periodic maintenance of road infrastructure,
3 examines back the location of the pedestrian bridge
and signal, ensure the street lights a fully functioning
Table-2. Classification level of risk priority based on type and make checking on the road barrier height.
of infrastructure. b) In future, the research can be improved by extending
its research scope by taking into consideration human
Type of Risk classification behavioral factors when auditing road safety. Besides
infrastructure Low Medium High that, the audit elements can be expanded by
Road surface, conducting a more precise audit on horizontal and
vertical alignment, corner deflection rate, safe road
widths, access control and U-turn curves.
Marking, U
Turn, Road
Barrier and REFERENCES
Street Lighting
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Road Side, Accident Statistics Concerning Road Vehicles and
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THE CORRELATION BETWEEN ACCIDENTS Batu Pahat - Ayer Hitam (F050)”, Universiti Tun
AND INFRASTRUCTURE Hussein Onn Malaysia, Master’s Thesis, 2013.
Figure-4 shows that the risk of road infrastructure
and the number of accidents along KM10 to KM24 is
directly proportional. Based on the analysis of the road
infrastructure risk graph against the accidents rates, it can

VOL. 11, NO. 24, DECEMBER 2016 ISSN 1819-6608
ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences
©2006-2016 Asian Research Publishing Network (ARPN). All rights reserved.

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[4] Inland Transportation Service,“Road Infrastructure

Safety Management On The Trans-European
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[5] Jabatan Kerja Raya, “Road Safety Audit- Guidlines

for the Safety Audit Of Road and Road Projects in
Malaysia”, Jabatan Kerja Raya, Malaysia, 2002.

[6] Sanusi,M., “Audit Keselamatan Jalan Raya Dalam

Kampus Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Skudai”,
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Tesis Ijazah Sarjana
Muda, 2006.

[7] Jabatan Kerja Raya, “Arahan Teknik Jalan”, Kuala

Lumpur: Jabatan Kerja Raya. Malaysia, 2006.

[8] Abdullah,N.H, “Pengurusan Trafik Dalam Pembinaan

Jalanraya”, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. Tesis
Ijazah Sarjana Muda, 2010.

[9] Department of Occupational Safety and Health,

“Guidelines for Hazard Identification, Risk
Assessment and Risk Control (HIRARC)”, Ministry
of Human Resources, Malaysia, 2008.


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