MARS Model of Individual Behavior and Performance
MARS Model of Individual Behavior and Performance
MARS Model of Individual Behavior and Performance
Another formula
Performance = ability X motivation
The skill-and-will model
AMO model
Limited interpretation of the situation
Four variables
Role perception
Situational factors
Employee motivation
Motivation: the forces within a person that affect his or her direction, intensity, and persistence of
voluntary behavior.
Direction refers to the path along which people steer their effort. Motivation is goal-directed.
Intensity is the amount of effort allocated with the goal.
Persistence refers to the length of time that the individual continues to exert effort toward an objective.
Employees sustain their effort until they reach their goal or give up beforehand.
The natural aptitudes and learned capabilities required to successfully complete a task.
Aptitudes are the natural talents.
Learned capabilities are the physical and mental skills and knowledge you have acquired. They tend to
wane over time when not used.
Aptitudes and learned capabilities are the main elements of competencies.
Role perceptions
The degree to which a person understands the job duties assigned to or expected of him or her.
Role clarity exists in three forms:
When employees understand the specific duties or consequences for which they are accountable.
When employees understand the priority of their various tasks and performance expectations.
Understanding the preferred behaviors or procedures for accomplishing tasks.
Situational factors
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Organizational citizenship
Organizational citizenship behaviors (OCB’s): various forms of cooperation and helpfulness to others that
support the organization’s social and psychological context.
Voluntary behaviors that have the potential to directly or indirectly harm the organization.
Organizations are more effective when employees perform their jobs at scheduled times.
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Personality in organizations
Personality determinants: nature versus nurture
Personality is shaped by both nature and nurture.
Organized, dependable, methodical, and industrious
Emotional stability
Openness to experience
Personality mainly affects behavior and performance through motivation, specifically by influencing
employees’ direction and intensity of effort.
All of the five-factor model dimensions predict one or more types of employee behavior and performance
to some extent.
The Big Five dimensions cluster several specific traits, each of which can predict employee
performance somewhat different from others in the same cluster
The relationship between a personality dimension or trait and performance may be nonlinear.
Conscientiousness traits of industriousness and dutifulness are the best predictors of proficient task
Extraversion is the second best overall personality predictor of proficient task performance.
Agreeableness does not predict proficient or proactive task performance very well, but it does predict an
individual’s performance as a team member as well as in customer service jobs.
Openness to experience is a weak predictor of proficient task performance.
Emotional stability is moderately associated with proficient task performance. One of the best personality
predictors of adaptive performance.
The Jungian personality theory is measured through the Myers-Briggs type indicator.
How people prefer to gather information occurs through two competing orientations:
Involves perceiving information directly through the five senses. It relies on an organized structure
to acquire factual and preferably quantitative details.
Insight and subjective experience to see relationships among variables.
o Feeling
o Judging
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Values in the workplace
Value system. People arrange their values into a hierarchy of preferences.
Each persons value system is developed and reinforced through socialization.
It is stable and long-lasting.
In reality, values exists only within individuals, they are personal values.
Groups of people might hold the same or similar values, these are shared values.
Organizational values: values shared by people throughout an organization.
Cultural values: values shared across a society.
Values and personality traits are related to each other, but differ in a few ways.
Values are evaluative and personality traits describe what we naturally tend to do.
Personality traits have minimal conflicts with each other
Both are partly determined by heredity, but this has a stronger influence on personality traits.
Types of values
Openness to change
Values directly motivate our actions by shaping the relative attractiveness (valence) of the choices
Values frame our perceptions of reality
We are motivated to act consistently with our self-concept and public self-presentation
The situation
We don’t actively think about them much of the time
Values congruence
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The only moral obligation is to seek the greatest good for the greatest number of people.
Individual rights
Everyone has the same set of natural rights.
Distributive justice
The benefits and burdens of similar individuals should be the same, otherwise they should be
Moral intensity
Moral sensitivity
A person’s ability to recognize the presence of an ethical issue and determine its relative importance.
Includes cognitive and emotional level awareness that something is or could be morally wrong.
Situational factors
Most large and medium-sized organizations maintain or improve ethical conduct through systematic
Individualism: a cross-cultural value describing the degree to which people in a culture emphasize
independence and personal uniqueness.
Collectivism: a cross-cultural value describing the degree to which people in a culture empathize duty to
groups to which they belong ad to group harmony.
Power distance
A cross-cultural value describing the degree to which people in a culture accept unequal distribution of
power in society.
Those with high power distance value unequal power.
Uncertainty avoidance
The degree to which people tolerate ambiguity (low uncertainty avoidance) or feel threatened by ambiguity
and uncertainty.
High uncertain avoidance value structured situations in which rules of conduct and decisions making are
clearly documented.
Achievement-nurturing orientation
Organizational Behavior
Chapter 5
Foundations of employee motivation
Motivation: the forces within a person that affect his or her direction, intensity and persistence of voluntary
Employee engagement
Employee drives and needs
Expectancy theory of behavior
Organizational behavior modification and social cognitive theory
Goal setting and feedback
Organizational justice
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Employee engagement
Employee engagement: individual emotional and cognitive motivation, particularly a focused, intense,
persistent, and purposive effort toward work-related goals.
An emotional involvement in, commitment to, and satisfaction with the work.
Also high level of absorption in the work and self-efficacy.
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Self-concepts, social norms and past experience amplify or suppress emotions, thereby resulting in
stronger or weaker needs.
A motivation theory of needs arranged in a hierarchy, whereby people are motivated to fulfill a higher
need as a lower one becomes gratified.
Five categories, which Maslow called primary needs.
Organizational Behavior
Chapter 14
Organizational culture
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Values: stable, evaluative beliefs that guide our preferences for outcomes or courses of action in a variety
of situations. Conscious perceptions about what is good or bad, right or wrong.
Shared values: values that people within the organization or wok unit have in common and place neat the
top of their hierarchy of values.
Shared assumptions: nonconscious, taken-for-granted perceptions or ideal prototypes of behavior that are
considered the correct way to think and act toward problems and opportunities.
Espoused values: the values that corporate leaders hope will eventually become the organization’s culture,
or at least the values they want others to believe guide the organization’s decisions and actions.
Usually socially desirable.
Enacted values: when they actually guide and influence decisions and behavior. Values put into practice.
Organizational subcultures
When discussing organizational culture, we are really referring to the dominant culture.
Dominant culture: the values and assumptions shared most consistently and widely by the organization’s
Organizations are composed of subcultures, located throughout their various divisions, geographic regions,
and occupational groups.
Some subcultures enhance the dominant culture by espousing parallel assumptions and values.
Others differ from, but do not conflict the dominant culture.
Countercultures embrace values or assumptions that directly oppose
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Personal Values are “broad desirable goals that motivate people’s actions
and serve as guiding principles in their lives". [1] Everyone has values, but
each person has a different value set. These differences are affected by an
individual's culture, personal upbringing, life experiences, and a range of
other influences. [2]
A personal value is a broad concept and one particular value can be applied
to various situations [1]. For example, if an important value to you is loyalty
this could be applied to your family, friends or work environment.
the greatest challenges that face small business owners and managers. Few
failings must be addressed quickly and decisively lest they erode morale
wishful thought. When such traits are indulged, they just make things
multiple causes not easily discerned. The causes may be work or home
etc. For these very reasons, the small business owner or leading manager
will concern him- or herself initially, and always, with ensuring that
much less unethical behavior. In well run operations, broad policy and
bring closure.
crisp but friendly work environment helps instill the right expectation in
initiating employees by having them read and sign brief but complete
employment policies, and passing on the general "rules of the road." The
more explicit, clear, and rational these are—and the more they are
salesman) and arbitrary rather than scheduled events make it much more
difficult, later, suddenly to "wake up" to the need for discipline. Another
way experts put this is that difficult employees are often a product of
shoddily-run workplaces.
Management Style
Assuming that the policies are good and the work environment is
will be consistent, alert, but also flexibly sensitive. In effect this means
that that managers in charge of individuals will pay attention to those they
objective air. Good management style will always involve clear and
changes are positive. Good management will represent the next level up in
will be loyal to their employees and promptly go to bat for them. They will
avoid turf-oriented behavior and support collective goals—and will
Methods of Discipline
The emergence of a difficult employee will take place quite early in a
even surface because it will have been dealt with effectively in it nascent
will behave rationally rather than emotionally. It will briefly but fully
in full. The general rule—assuming, again, that good policies are in place
Management experts cite several steps that entrepreneurs and managers
meeting time should be scheduled so that both the supervisor and the
employee can focus on the issues at hand and speak without being
Hearing the Other Side. Small business owners often assume that
workers possess the same skills and knowledge that they do. But
the problem from your perspective. Establish the link between the
the owner is employees ally and should try to convince the employee
doesn't give a hoot about climbing the corporate ladder that he or she
Terminating Problem Employees. Some difficult employees will