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Repubcof the Phiippines DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND HIGHWAYS Region x} Name of Hardware/Supplier/Distributor : DAYADGOLDEN HARDHANE NC, ‘Authorized Representative + Venue ngmauaaTEZ Construction Matertals Price Surveyor Date of Survey Bho ORO, f GR DIANNE. GANA TW Signature Contact Numbar + ee (MATERIAL ID DESCRIPTION OF WORK Pree ‘Aiileabliky elus/iMd Remarks unttot vn rice Meaaure | ae {fii002 000 [Pm & rintares jana ‘t002. 0008 41002.0007 13002.0008 sat002.0009 141002.0010 ¥41002,0021 a1002.0012 1430020018, tt002.0014 tar002 0018 ‘nr002.0016 ‘t002.0017 ratoo2.0018, ‘as002.0019 ‘002.0020 tatoozo02 ns002.0022 ‘ns002.0023 002.0028 nat002.0025 nt0n2.0026 ‘w1002.0027| 11002.0028, ‘91002.0028, 1002.0030 002.0093, 002.0032 ‘002.0022 ‘002.0036 141002.0035 t3902.0038 ‘300.0097, 111002.0038 1092,0039 m1002.0040 ‘ws002.0001 ‘73002.0082 ea1002.0083 ik Pipes (2.7m Dor 7) Gk Pipes 19mm Dor 3/4") Gi, Pes 25.4mnm Dor 3") * | Tay 64. Pipes (Bmw B07 33/2") ‘i, Pipes (S0enm Dor 2") {61 Pipos (68am DoF 23/29) \ ‘Gi, Pipes (76mtn Dor 9") Gsm or asre 4 a Pipes (osm Dora") St) 1. coupling sibow 127mm Dor 2") CRAVUNG THUD ‘G4. Coupling elbow (13mm D or 8/2") 6, coupling Elbow 25 Ammm Bor) ‘6. coupling Elbo (28m O or 44/27) ‘GA Coupting Elbow (50mm D or 2") 1 6 Coupling Elbow (62mm 0 oF 2.8/2") Cocpling Elbow (rm D or") ‘i, Coupling Elbow (89mm D or 34/2") 44 Coupling Eo HOimm Dor tt} COUMYRG {WANVAND GLb Tee, Gended (2.7mm Dor 3/2) ANVAND ‘iL Tee, Bande {38mm Dot 3/6") Tee Bane (25mm Dor 3") iL Tee, Boned (38min Dor 4.4/2) 6. Te, Banded (50mm 0 oF 2") iL Tee, Banded (63mm D0F2 3/29) GL Tee, Banded (76mm Dor 5°) Gil Tee, Banded (todmum D oF 4") 6.4. Cap, Rented (227r0m DoF 32°) 61.095, and (29D or 3/84) ‘iL Caps, Banded (8.4rim DoF 3) (6, Cops, Bande (3am DoF 2.4/2") ‘al Cop, Banded {S0mIn Bor 2") Gps, ede mn B37) 64, caps, Bande (76mm DoF 3") ‘ul cops, Banded (ionim Dorey) Tt THRE DEO Pls (42.7mm Bor $72") Gi Plus (mm DoF 3/4") \ G1 Pogs (2.4mm Dor) (6 Plugs (38mm DoF 33/2) ‘2, Mags Emme Bor 2°) WALAND ‘Titer d FD i t L Fe BOT m6 es. Pe pe, HII nu L444 be Pes pe, fe Pe. ve. pe. be be. Pe, Pe. = Pe pe. pe. ve ve Pe Be Pe pe Be. Pe. pe, pe. pe. pe pe. pe. be. pe. FY WUT HITTITE Wag Poga2ot 6 Repub of the Philippines ‘DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND HIGHWAYS erlon xt ee Name of Hardware/Supplier/Distrbutor : DAYAOGOLDEN IAROWARE I. Distctet + _BAVAOGETY Authorized Representative + YERUSA YOR NRE Construction Materials Price + a0 Guneee Signature : ES Surveyor ENGR DANTE 8 GICANA Contact Number wa Aoorso Core Date of Survey 3 _ We Moat Unitot — SAATERIALD DESCRIPTION OF WORK. itet | uniearce | anteabiy | Remar adhas/KM, (iiiooz 0000 [pion @ Fires I 1 I I 1 MHROCEOOGS Gi, Ps (68mm 0 of RATE THUAN THREADED Pe 7 41002,0046 Gi, Pugs (76mm oF 3) be " ee ‘ioo2.0047 6: Plgs(20%mm Dor) ve Maouzcest Gunns at Set 22am Do /29 fe ppate M0020019 GL. Unlons, Fat Sea (28mm Dor 3/47) me x 10020050 6.4 Unions, at eat (25 Aram Br") Pe, 1Ma002.0051 Gi Ualons, Fla Seat (38mm DoF 14/2") pe. ‘MA002.0052 6. olons, Fat Sent GOmm DoF 2") Pe = {Mi002.0053 6. Unions, Flat Seat (63mm O 0723/2) ve. 1002.0054 Gh. Unions, Fat Seat (25mm DoF 3") ¥48002.0055 G4 Unions, Hat Seat (20immn Dor é") WHILANY tHeen DEO be : Mio. 0086 Gk Reducer (127mm Dor 3/2) HASHING WHAIDEO pe Nrdegee eee oo 10020057 — G.L Racer (19mm 0 oF 3/4") ve. Secrecy ‘M1002,0058 6. Reducer (254mm Dor 2) te : 10020058 G41 Reducr [3mm Dor 1.1/2) rm 141002.0060 i. Reducer (Sorin 0 or") ve. M1002.0061 6. Reducer (63mm or2 1/2") mS io0z.0062 Gi. Reducer (76mm 00° 3) po 11002.0063 GL Raduer(10HramDor4") iAH IMG “WHOA Pe. : M1002.006¢ PVE Phos {127mm DoF 12%) ne Bhs ‘002.0085 VE Phpes (39 0.0r9/8*) po. . 141002.0066 PVC Plpas (254mm Dor 3") pe Te ‘wt002.0067 PVC Ppes (8mm Dor 1/2") pe IMio02.0068 VE Pipes (50mm 0 or 2) po two02.0059 PVEPipes (63mm or24/2") pe. 1mi002.0073 ®YC Coupling (2.7mm Dor 3/2") vw © ft002.007% PVC Coupling (28mm Dor 3/4") pe f f11902,0075 PVC Coupling (25,4nm Bor 3°) pe 8 wa0020075 PYECoupling (38mm D or 3/2") me SE 11002.0077 PVC Coupling (0mm D er 2) re fa ‘002.0078 PE Coupling (2m 9 0123/2") pe SAO 11002:0079 PVC Coupling (76mm 0 oF 3°) re X ‘ws002.0082 PYCTee (12.7mm 9 or 4/2") pe aoe 1M1002,0083 PYETee (49mm Dor 3/4") ve VI ei002.0086 PYCTee(25.4mm Dor) pe et002,0085 PVETee (28mm Dor 43/2") we eee sm002.0086 PVE Tee (50mm D or 2") ve 14002.0087 WC Reducer (9mm x 127mm) GYPLING REOUCEL pe 1002,0088 PVC Reduce (25.4mrax 180m) pe eee ‘wiio02.0089 PVC Reducer (254mm x 2.70) \ pe 1M1002.0090 _PNC Reducer (38mm x25 Ara) pe ‘i002.0001 PNC Reducer (88m x29mtn) pe. a nitoo2.0092 PVE Reducer (Omn 254mm of 2*x1") CHRAPLNG REDUCER pe. 141002.0088 PVCS de (Sram Bend x 50mm oF 2) pe 4i002,0098 PVCS deg. (am Band 76x oF 3°) pe. fwt002.009 PVCAB de, (Baum Bend x 404mm or 4") be aton7.0098 FVC875 deg mm Bend x Sort oF 2") ve Pago 2016 ‘Republicof the Philippe DEPARTMENT QF PUBLIC WORKS AND HIGHWAYS Region XI "Name of Hardware/Supplter/Distributor + DAYKOGOLDER NARDITAE Wt ‘Authorized Reprasentative Yewsayoriuurauee Signature ‘Surveyor LEWGR. OWMINES, GICAWA, Contact Number + (a oa 7 Date of Survey 1 ee Wa Pee error ‘Unit of Pe bier tanreRALo j DESCRIPTION OF WORK, Aint | unites | applicblity| —Remarka ware Radlas/KM (rion 000 —[Pumbing Faroe T a | ‘002,097 PVC 87.5 deg. (6mm Bend x 76ram or 3") 1110020098 YET. de, (6mm Ben 10mm oF) 7 Peer (M2002,0099 PVC45 dag, Single Branch, Wye (SOmm x 80mm or 2° x 2") fwa002.0100 PVC4S deg. Single ranch, Wye (76mm SO of 312) eee M1002,0101 PVC-45 deg. Singte Branch, Wye (7émm x 76mm or 3° x 3") ‘to02.0102 PVCS de, Snee ranch, Wye (Okt xSOnvn or 4° x2") eeaneeeaeet ‘Mioo2.0108 PEAS eg. ingle ranch, Wye (LOAM x6 oF 43) oe (Mi002.0104 PVC 48 deg, Single Branch, Wye (102mm x 200mm oF 4"x 4") fiog2.0108 PVCS deg. shale Branch, Seep, Tee (tm xSOmm oF 22") (M1002.0106 —_ PVC87,5 dag, Single Branch, Seep, Tee {76mm x 0mm or 3° x2") ‘§M1002.0107 PVC 67,5 dog, Single Branch, Soop, Tee {76mm x 76mm or 3" x3") M1002,0108 PVC 87.5 deg, Single Branch, Seep, Tee (10imm x 50mm of 4" x 2") 1Mi002.0109 PACTS deg, Shgl Branch, Sep, Te (A0trm x Temi 7° 2") eee (M1002,0110 PVC 87.5 deg, Single Branch, Seep, Tee (L0imm x 100mm or 4" x4" Mio020111 PVE Doxbls ranch, Tee (On oF 2") ee Muooz0112 PVC Double rane, Tee (mm OF") Miog20118 PVC Double Brand, Tee (OL a") M1002.0114 PVE P-Trap w/ Plug & Sealing Ring (80mm or 2") 002.0115 PUCP-Trap w/ tug & ening ig [6mm or") ‘wioo20138 PYC-Tap W/ Plug & Sealing ing (COL or 4) 410020117 PUCCloan ut w Pug Sealing Ring (SO oF 2") ‘M1002.0116 PVC Clean-Out w/ Plug & Seal ing (76mm or 3°} 10020419 PVCCean-Out w Plug & Seating ing (101m 2) es 1Mi002.0120 PVC Concent shag Redcar (76mm xSOmm oF 3°x2") eet M1002.0121 PVE Concentric Bushing Reducer (202mm x 50mm oF 4" x2") 1M11002,0122 PVC Concentric Bushing Reducer (402mm x 76mm or 4° x3") tmi0020125 PVC Male Theaded Adopor (02.71 or 12") {Mi002.0124 EVE Malo Threaded Adaptor [smn or 3/4) 1Mi002.0125 VC Male Threaded Adaptor (5.4mm or") 1M002,0126 PVC Male Threaded Adaptor (38mm or 4 1/2") 10020127 PVC Male Threaded Adaptor (50mm.or2") (1002.0128 — PVC87.5 deg, Sanltery Tap Tee w/ Seal Rlog (SOrmm x 254nim or 2*x 1°) (1002.0129 PVC 87.5 deg, Sanitery Tap Toe w/ Seal tihng (50mm x 3Bmm or 2" x1 1/2") Mt002.0182 —_Cylncat Water Tnk (500 4a) Perec ‘10020128 Gato Veve 75mm dl, 10020140 _ Water Mater {sea00z.0000[etimbing & Fintan I c 1 ‘w1002,0141 — Solvent Mtonz0142 Teton Tape taiooz0t48 Gt tpnle 18mm dia, ‘epuble ofthe Philpptnes [DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND HIGHWAYS Region xt SURVEY FORM feslon : ii _ pai Autteed Representative Construction Materials Price: _ S@p Queer ‘Signature surveyor exon cea contac tuner Date of Survey 1 ave N09 arena : cesenmon oF won vate | atone [anny] acs Radius /Kin corr 2.005 GL. Pipe (12 an oTATS 20020027 GAL Pipes (19m 03/8") ta0n2008 61 Pipes 25mm 1") 002.0009 Gi. Pipes Bend O12") ‘Mioa20010 Giger (SOD or2") 1002.0011. Pipes (Gan or2 32") 193002.0012 61. Pes 76meD 3°) ua002.0013 GI. pes (BBD oF 817 1430020014 Mies ote 4) fatooa.001s i. cotine Elbow 2. 7ovm or 22" aeen.0016 cept 9mm D 07/4") 141002.0017 Coupling Elbow 28mm Dor) 002.0n18 Covance 6mm or 112") 002.0039 GI. colin Eb (sorb o2") Li RRERRER RRRE BER sian [sng ttre Din” HVE Ipu/ Pg ReaaTgTIAT HEMT AHO ee onzo1ss WC PAopw/ Plt Seating ag BHM OF 3) SD = oez.on26 PVC ATra9 wi Fh & Seal ing 101m or ve. HzO Peteoxt Pi ksla Ri Onn 29 AQ te 410020118 VCClean- Out Pg &Seang Rig (Perm o 3°) pe Iatowz.0139 PUCCHean-Out weg & Sel ng LOL oF) Pe IHxG0z.0120 PUC Concetce Boing Reducer (2ter Orie ce 2° 2) be winoemigt PAC Concentric fishing Reduce (x04 xSGinm cr 2°) 6 nsi0a2.0122 PVC Concent isha Reducer (A9 x ram or 4X3") be arsanc.or2a PMC Hae Tented bear (12.798 12") te Aiooz 0124 FUCA Trended phon S0f 3/8") We se1002.0525 PYCHleThrended Adsptor(25.6m00 01") = taomr.0s26 PUCK ineaded Adaptor (9Bnvs oF 14/29 Ps. WOOL? PVC Mal thread Adeptor Gomi or24} ve 10020136 Gate Vato Zin db. be teson2.0188 Ucn Penentee Naa di, Be wasonacna Watertaeter Gah. we pmoo20ss1 Sotvot OOK om | : waacnz0142_Yelion Tope sl Repub of the pptner DEPARTRAENTE OF PUBLIC WORKS AND HIGHWAYS ‘gion Xt Region Distt 2 banger ‘Construction Materials Price _ to, Wnt, é surveyor Tach DINED CICA ‘Date of Survey oe zi ‘Authorized Representative Signature Conte Number DESCRIPTION oF WORK. — Prleo ‘ple acl Teiuising 8 rue ‘i oupling Elow (@Sini Bor ZF {i Coupling Emo (76mm DoF 3°). GL ceupling bow (1621 Bor 4") ‘Ten, Gated (22.70mm Dor $24) {Gt Tee, Bade (191019 O 274") Teo, Hdd (25.Anin Dor 1) ik Te, faded {8erin Doe 3/2) i tan, fetid (Smm.0 ot), Banded (Grin Dar 4 3. Tee, Banded (03m Dor {6 Cops, Bode (2,7 DF 1/2) {4 Cop, Banded (Sr D 0134") ‘cop, Banded (25 Ar DoF 1) cas, ane (8 DoF E572) tajoon.cn38 4 Caps, Henge BaD oY 002.0037 — Gi; cop, Banded (68min oF 23/2) 02.0938 Gi Caps Banded (76mm Do {10020039 GL caps Banded (204mm Dor) yi002.000° Gi pags {2.7mm Do 3/21 ing2.0041 GA Bugs A001 AA, 10020082 6 Pugs 25.4n0 Dor 3) 11092, 0042 6, Pu tr Oot 3.124 {100.0084 i Fuge [Se DF 2) (02.9085 6. Pgs Baum Dar 212 020048 a Mugen Dor) {002087 Gray ttm Dos) fen02003 alos lt Seat (Thm De 1/247 ion. 0049. ts, at Seat (Sr Da 14%) NMiG020050. Unis, latex (26m Det 2) ai0020054. Go Unlne Hat eat (ram Dor 1472) il0c2.0052. Gl Unions Hat sect fmm Dot 2" poaoao0s3) GL Unions Pat eat (644 OF 23/29) ‘0020084, ning, at eat (em Oc.) ‘Mf002 0055 Gol Unions, ht Seat (20. Dora) 100.0055. ch eda (27m Dit 12] 092.0057. G4 Hedace (81a Oot 2/4) fyso02.0088 Gi Reaver Sanam oe) Heapo20se i Reduce (98nin0 0" 23/2) 0020080 Gl-Redacer {3 oF 2% fx00200 Gi, Recn {6inO os 2522 tao0n.0082 Resse rim Dor 24 Navona Reuss onan 0 or") fyaoon.oost AVE Pee Fe Do 3/2"). Naoozonse PVC DpE(xomm Det 3/4) Neoozcoee PMC pes (254mm BOF) pala ee tae i Page 3066 Repiubtcof the Philippines DEPARTHIENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND HHGIAWANS ‘elon xt Maraiyate/supmler Dilber So “heen 7 ‘Name-of Hardware/Stippliee/Dlstribitor + Dayo mANCNONARATIAL ouPpLt Distro 4 _DAWKO CY. ‘Authorized Nepresentative 188 Constivetlon Mateials Price: iW Ginna Signature : Surveyor Chon BIMGIED. CICA | Contact Number ; Date of Survey. dove M262, suanenaia bxscarion or oni 2021 | anes | epee] nores nr, Radias/ikt (nto. 9506 [Maing Focures ee Lo I a] (Ni7002.0020: ~ Gi. Coupling Eibow (3mm 0 oF 2 172%) ve. Glo E-POl ‘f41002,0021, G1, Couplig Elbow {76min D or 2°). po. CHAR PH +11002,0028... G.4, Coupitng Elbow (494inr0 B or 4"). Pe Ge rao ¢ (1002,0024 - G.L Tex, Banded {12,7rmm D or 4/2") Pe ‘td07.0025 - G1. Te, Banded 19min D or 3/44) Pe “a Mao. 0026 G6 Tes Banded 25 an Bo (141002.0027 Gil. Toe, Baated (38mm D of 11/2") Bes. fyanoznoes ten Sand (Some 0 a2 be taipozo0® Gite, donded (8mm or 2.2") ve ‘WA8002,0030 Gil. Teo, Randel {74iritn Oot 3) Pe ‘Waomno8t GL Te, Danes Od Dore) te tri0029082 i. cps, Budo 2 fe D 324 a IMiona0028 6), Cap, arden Do 3/4) be ML002,0034 | Gl. Cops, Banded (28/trum D or 1") Pe 643002.0035 - G.i, Caps, Bandas (26yam 0 oF t 172") per ‘aaonn902% 6. Cape Banded nD O92") Be ‘ysn02s0s7 cops, ested (Gta Dor 25/2) . 42002.0038 . "GJ, Caps, Banded {?6nmn B or 2°) pe ‘M41002.0039 G.I. Caps, Banded (LOtnam Dor 4") Bee 'M2002,0040 Gil, Pluge (12/2rumn O or 3/2") ee ‘wsotzoDH1 G1 Fags mm 0 2) oe fmanoisege Gk Pugs (a8aia Dot es MionzO0Ha Gi re ear 3/2") ie 020088 Gag (Sdn D912) te ‘Wi1002.0085 . G.I. Pigs (63mm Dor? 1/2) pe io020046 a ogee 0 943°) . 'Wi0020047 © 01. Pgs kaw Dor 4) a. usozs. 04 los Fat Sot 12.nim Do a3) be ‘02.0049 tons Ft Set ssn 12 er ‘Mtd020060 i. Ualon, lt oat [2.Anee Dot 1) be i002 9051. Unions, Plat eat (Sqm Bor £472) . Maodz0052 GL Unons tt Sn (Sim Dor 2) te ‘ya027g059 Gi Unto Fat Set (ari 062372 ms 42002,0084. GJ, Unlang, Flat Soat.(26rem.0 ar. 2°) Ph, Nfor20055 GL Unlonn Faber osm bora yw te Naon2055 i eeoee (2.7049 Dov 2) wey Pr ‘M30920057 6, Heducer (91 Do 3/8) S94 me necesita (Samm Der (ly te Ya002.089 6. Redes Sonm O or 3721 Text m ya00z 060 OL. Resucer [sts Dor 2") re M1002.0061 Gil. Redticer (63mm D or 24/2") Pe fyso0n 0082 9. Reyer (7 Dor") ¥ ‘uon2.0003 Gt Redes (Jot Do) re ‘Ma002.0058 WE Piper (12.71m B03) be Noms PVC ipo tnm Dor 2/4) te Micondons... Perper mm Bor} m. Pope 3066 pub f the Pitppliog LDEPANTIAENTE OF PUBLIC Won AO HNSHWANS * Region x SURVEY FORM. fee nphanapting 6a z ‘Region + : Nate of Hordware/Suppller/Dilstitbutor 7 AWA oasoenauRteuLUrtLy District DINO cre Authoriaed Representative Construction Materials Price 7 ach. Gute |) Signature, anna Onin rn Contac Number sens Date of Survey sine WR ee MATERIAL 10° DESCRIPTION OF WORK Linitot | unicerce | Appleabtity} . Remi : Sritsie Radiun/ Mh {ritoca.0000 Jehimaing & Fbtures a NHREROSY ~ PUCTipes Gn Dar SWAT te Mab620068 We ines oma Dar 2) re Maom0069 | pvCPies nm Der 21/2) re Ain6z,0070 | pUC Pies sme Der) Ms ao030674 - PYCFes baa Dor 8 Me) 2s tioozas72 PYCHes Lote Dore es = ionzam3 PUCcoupng(2.20mD.9/2% te -$91N02,9074, PV Coupllng (29mmn.0 oF AYA"), fmyo03.0073 WE coupe (5A Dar) ‘inn a076 eA coin oF 3724 (Mi002.0077 PYC Coupling (SOhim Bor 2%) 412002.0076 PVC Coupling (63inm O oF 2 4/2") uiooz0079 PvE cenping (erin Dor") ‘tloozooaiPvCcouping sm Bor 11902,0082° PUCTee {12.7mHMn D'or 1/2") eee ‘¥3002.0083._ PVE Te Sim Dor 2) ‘Mab02 0004. PC Te (5 mB oF) ‘Mao02c085 Wo Tee (3mm 0 oe 1/2) 30020086 PVC Tee (sam D 02) rMvonzanet VCR mtn 208) ‘M1002.0088, PVC Reducer {2.4mm x Ain), ‘i0020009 VE Redue 254mm 27) i lcozans0 PC Reve sn x23 Ame). 10029093 YE Rese 8 Ena) 5 {hi002.0092 - PVC Redie Sd 75. tn oF 2%) (Wionen9s, PVCS dx, rm ends Sout oF?) ona dnse PVCS deg (sm Bend Fon 03 ~. |Mi902.0085. NC AS deg. (pin Gand 10hn oe) ‘Wlonzanie PAG halon Band Sdnm or 2 — 1Mi0020097 — FVC87.5 der nm Bend 7m 4 if "Wi00.0088 PVCS deg Bay nor te. ST io020098 "_FYCAS der snl one, Wye ey x Sonor x2") tant s#i00z0i00 F¥GAS We Sel Breck He (PHNM X30 Or8° AE) S—IOOD re Nat0n.0101 VES te, Site ranch, Wye (76m x Tommoe a x3") 40D ie iot.oio2 - PVCAS dg snl rch Whe (UStma xO oF 4832) > [OND 6 = HMton2. 0b PyCAS dee he anc, vo (Lim Ee ae A ENT C= 1OOD. te = Mi0020iN} — FYC4S dex Sint Brae We {JOKA x 1ODIN OF "x4" ~ 1D i Iwton2.08 PCR? t.ho ranch, Seb, Tom x Sim or 2x71 6 = (00 Hs fa on2si06, PVE ea shel ranch Sep Ton Pom 60mm oF 3°27 d= 10. me ae 'i902,9107. . PYCA7. deg, Single Branch, Sep, Tee (2m x Zona ar 3°39") f 1OUD be thionz 0108 FYC57S dea shal rnc Sep, Te ism x Sn 0 4°22 000 me ‘M1002.0109 - PUC B7.5 dog. Single Branch, Soep, Tee (LOLrimx 76mm oF 4* x3") S--1090 Pe * patooz.9ii0 .£¥C 675 dog. Stale Branch, Seep, Jee (LOimm x 600mm or 4°34"). 1000 be = IMioworit P¥Cbeubia Bane Tee EGmer2") §- (000, te a Miowzo112 PVC Dose tere Tee animar) {= (ven, fe fionz0135. P¥Coautn ane, tee som er Spy te Powe dot ‘Rebun the Piipines DDEPARTENCT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND AIGHWAYS, ‘gion Sunvey corm Ty ae rr fe ippbr/Disnaiitor oe ameéot Hardurire/Supplier/Ofstributor > Rumaniee-cwotoe District Davao COTY aE ‘Authorized Representative 1 sor. iq Constiuétion Materials Price: 9 Queso Signatuce : Surveyor _ EGR, DINE B GICAL Contact Number Date of Survey gunk Ni 707) iad Pie aTenALIO DescntTioN oF WORK ARIE | pe | avlabnny| Remark at Redlus/KNs (en.000- [owing BFintucen I 412.0006 Gi Pies (32.7m 0. HEY 410020097 6 pe (19mm 0 0F5/8°) Mumm ODIs Gl loge Cee oc 1° 111902.0008 4 pes (8mm Dar 13/29 ‘io2.6610 Gi pes Soni DoF 2") ‘aaoo2.bit 0 Paes Cam oF 32) ‘yi0020012 Gl. ges mmm 09 3") faato2 ante 9}. rye (totmin Bw 44) 002.0018. coupling how 32. er 472") ‘ai00H.0n19 Gk coupling Elbow smn 0 or 007) 10020017. 61, Covlig be (2.4mm 0 2) ‘Maow.c038, GL Couping Elbow stmn 64.2% ‘i0n2.6048° couling hv Som D oF 2) ‘Mto02 0020. conpling Eon eine Dor 2372" fmnv2008 Gi coupng how Yémew 9 3) 02.0023. Coupling bow Ot OF) ‘410070008 Te, Banded 12.7am 0 6:32") Miooz.aG#s Gf, Te, Doded (ta Dor 3") ‘10020076 Fe, Gand 5 Amnw0.02") faiog20m7 at Te, bended ote 142") 10020018 GL Te,danded Sten 1072" g02.9029-” GL Tee, banded (baum 9 oF2 4/7) 002000 GLTae, Bande (ern 0 or) 410020091. GA. Tea, ended (ost Bor) ‘stooa0682 Gil cops, andor tan DoF 12 Dao0z.tss GL cat, anded (nian Dor 3/4) tyso02.0028 Gl.cap tanded (5.4m Oar) 0070035 6. cop and (2m Doe 13/29 002.098. cap, Badd 1 0 or 2) ti09,0087 Gi Caps, Uanded [68mm 0 023/29) (10020036 GCap, Bande (¥6mn10 oF") 102.0939, 6. caps Buta (40tmm 9 oe 4%) ‘62.0080 "6 is (22m Dor 12") ‘410020085 6s. Pogs 19m Bor 3/8") 1mio092.0012 6. Plge(5AnniD oF) 002.0088 6, Pues BBMM Da £24 Ma9200K Gh lugs SOnerDor 2 {uiom2004s i Pugs @Bmm wat 23/27) 0020016 Gl sags 76mm Der 3) MIO020087 G1, us Otay Oe ‘Munm0ot8 01. Usoas, lt seat 22.740 Woe 3/2") aga at Repl of the Fhitpplnes OBPARTIENT OF PUBKE WORKS AND-NIGHWVAYS ‘edfon xt SURVEY FonM feglon a istet AMO ETI ‘utholeed Representative Construction Materials Price! Bay BETH ‘Signature Surveyor isk DINED. Sica: | Contact Number Date of Survey inte He 22d Nari of Hardwave/Supplien/lctributon > pLaMBen’e ches: is ise inven Discneni oF warn beet | tees fates nema aula [Wasm0060 —[rtnitig a rons =T Tet ‘MiO02O018 6 Uatons, At eo {stam Dor IR) cs {4390.0080° Gi Ula, a8 Sea (25.dnn or 2) 6 ‘Mapn2.00s1 ition, et oa (3a 4/29) ne BS 1¥1002.052 GA nln, tea (50mm Bo: 29 me 5) 119020053.“ Valo, Ht eat (63men 9 a 23/29) ve 1200 11002-0054 Gatos, Tt Sent 6m 0 073) be ‘alon.0085" GJ,Unis Hat Saat (20am. ac). its ne ce ‘Mi4002.0056 Gy, Reducer (12.7mm Der 1/2") e. + 1M13002.0057 -_ G.l. 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PVC de, nls Bnet We SO SO or 2" 2) ps ‘utaozoiod WC4S de, Sale Bai, Wye (2mm xSoni rx 2) pe twionz 010 9vC45 dg. Stile Bene ie vm «76min er 985°) a ‘ManO2.0102. "PVC AS. dee, Single Granch, Nya (ALi x-SOH0D.€ 4 x2") B- ‘MI002.0103 PVC 45 deg Single Branch, Wye (2OLmmn x 76mm or 4° x3") Pee, ‘Ma002.0108 PVC AS og. ig rane, Wye {40k 00mm oF 4d we Sep MADO2,O105_ UC 87.5 dig. Single Branch, Seep, Tee (GOmm x SOran or 2" 2") pe Be ‘wia020106 PVC 67.5 de, Snale Branch, Seep, Tee Sin Senn er 32") ms ge ‘002.0107. C875 te, Single Brch, Seep Yee (Zam x ria or 3x3") e E uscAo108. VC7.9te.SigleBraach, Saxp TeodtOSnyo-x Som or A*x2") me See {Mioozt09 PVC87.9 de. Saale Beach, Seep, Yee (Km x 76m or 443°) pe IPS ftato02.9140 PVGH7.5 dog, Single Branch, Seup; Tee (OUMNH x {00mm 04 wa) pee Ae M002OLKE _PVEP-ap 9/ Pug Seating (Onn 12) pe, 2 MX002.0145 PVC P-Trop w/ Phu & Sealing Ring (Fémm oF 3") pe Ter HMi002 0116 PVC E rep w/ Pug 8 Seda ng(Dltm a 4) we ge MioozoLt? 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