CTM 027

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DRAFT - 8/14/97



Conditional Test Method (CTM-027)

This method has been validated at a coal-fired boiler at a

power plant (call Rima Howell at (919) 541-0443 if you’d like a copy
of the validation report) using the procedures in Test Method 301 (40
CFR Part 63, Appendix A). Use of this method at other sources is not
recommended without proper validation.


1.1 Sampling Train

A Method 17 sampling train is required to collect the ammonia

samples. This system is described in 40 CFR Part 60, Appendix A, and
in the EPA Quality Assurance Handbook for Air Pollution Measurement
Systems, Volume III - Stationary Source Specific Methods, Section
3.11, January, 1982 (EPA-600/4-77-027b). Figure 17-3 of 40 CFR 60,
Appendix A, may be modified for use as a data sheet. Method 17 train
components specified for collection and measurement of ammonia are as

1.1.1 Probe Liner - Use borosilicate or quartz glass tubing,

enclosed in a stainless steel sheath.

1.1.2 Probe Nozzle - Use a borosilicate or quartz glass nozzle.

The design should have a sharp, tapered edge, and be formed in a
button-hook or elbow configuration. Since isokinetic sampling is
required, a range of interior diameter nozzles should be available to
accommodate various stack flows.

1.1.3 Pitot Tube - Use a type S design, meeting the requirements

of EPA Method 2 (40 CFR Part 60, Appendix A).

1.1.4 Differential Pressure Gauge - Use an inclined manometer or

an equivalent device. Two are required, one to monitor stack
pressure, and the other to monitor the orifice pressure differential.

1.1.5 In-Stack Filter Holder and Filter - A filter holder made

of borosilicate glass or Teflon, a filter support (with a selection
of gaskets such as silicone rubber, Teflon, or Viton, each capable of
withstanding stack gas temperature), and a glass fiber filter are


1.1.7 Impingers - Two Greenburg-Smith (G-S) impingers and two

impingers with the tips removed are required. They are connected in
series and all are immersed in an ice bath. The first G-S impinger
assembly downstream of the filter holder is charged with 100 mL of
0.1N sulfuric acid (H2SO4) solution; the second G-S assembly also
contains 100 mL of 0.1N sulfuric acid (H2SO4) solution; the third
impinger has the tip removed and the container is either empty or
contains 100 mL 0.1N H2SO4 (depending on the need to prevent
breakthrough due to high ammonia concentrations and/or high flowrate
requirement); and the fourth assembly, also with the impinger tip cut
off, contains a pre-weighed amount (200 to 300 g) of indicating
silica gel.

1.1.8 Metering System - The metering system is composed of a

vacuum gauge, vacuum pump, thermometers accurate to ±3°C from 0 to
90°C (±6°F from 32 to 194°F) to measure gas temperatures entering and
exiting the dry gas meter, a dry gas meter (accurate to 2 percent),
and related tubing, fittings, and gauges. When used with a pitot
tube, the metering system should allow verification that sampling is
isokinetic and be adjustable to maintain isokinetic conditions.

1.2 Sample Recovery Apparatus

1.2.1 Wash Bottles - Two polyethylene wash bottles are needed.

One contains deionized water for rinsing out droplets of impinger
solution that adhere to impinger vessels and their connecting
glassware after the solution has been poured into sample bottles. It
is also used to rinse the interiors of the probe and the filter
holder at the end of a sampling session. The second bottle contains
reagent-grade acetone to rinse and speed the air drying of the water-
rinsed components. NOTE: Do not add the acetone to the water
rinses. Do not store acetone in plastic bottles; keep it in a glass
container and transfer it to the plastic wash bottle when needed.

1.2.2 Graduated Cylinders - Glass or high-density polyethylene

(HDPE) graduated cylinders to measure the volumes of the impinger
solutions after a run to determine moisture content of stack or vent.

1.2.3 Sample Storage Containers - Clean HDPE bottles of 250 or

500-mL capacity are used to store the 0.1N H2SO4 impinger solutions
and rinses for later ion chromatographic analysis. The spent silica
gel is also stored in bottles for weighing. These bottles should
have wide mouths and provide airtight seals.

1.3 Reagents and Other Supplies

1.3.1 Filters - Glass fiber filters without organic binders must

be used. They should have a collection efficiency of at least 99.95
percent for 0.3-:m-diameter particles.

1.3.2 Silica Gel - Indicator type, mesh size 6-16.

1.3.3 Water - Deionized water that has been blank-checked for

ammonium ion and other constituents of interest. The conductivity
should be 5 :S/cm or lower.

1.3.4 0.1N Sulfuric Acid Solution - Obtain by purchase of

reagent grade 0.1N acid or by volumetric dilution of higher
concentrations of reagent grade acid by pouring the acid into
deionized water.

1.3.5 Other Supplies - Stopwatch, pocket barometer, plastic

cooler to store sample bottles, polyethylene bags and labels for
storage and labeling of sample bottles, and crushed ice are needed.
Plastic gloves and/or plastic forceps are needed to handle the


2.1 Sample Train Assembly

Figure 17-1 (40 CFR Part 60, Appendix A) illustrates the

arrangement of equipment at the source location. The calibration of
the heater settings and the sample metering system should be
completed in the laboratory before transferring the equipment to the

2.1.1 Filter Holder and Probe - Place a glass fiber filter on

the filter support of the filter holder. Use plastic gloves or
plastic forceps to handle the filter. Avoid contact with the hands.
Assemble the filter holder and attach it to the end of the probe.
Attach the probe nozzle to the entrance of the filter holder. Insert
the probe, with nozzle attached, into a port of the source vent or

2.1.2 Impinger Train - Prepare the four impingers as follows.

First G-S impinger: 100 mL of 0.1N sulfuric acid. Second G-S
impinger: 100 mL of 0.1N sulfuric acid. Third impinger: empty or
contains 100 mL 0.1N H2SO4 (depending on the need to prevent

breakthrough due to high ammonia concentrations and/or high flowrate
requirement). Fourth impinger: a known, preweighed amount (200-300
g) of indicating silica gel, 6-16 mesh. Connect the first impinger
to the exit of the glassware union joined to the probe liner exit.
Connect the four impingers to each other. Connect the fourth
impinger to the inlet of the sample meter system. Add crushed ice
and cold water to the container that holds all impingers. Immerse
the impingers to a point at least 10 cm above the level of the
impinger liquid level. Allow the impingers to cool for 10 minutes
before beginning to sample.


3.1 Sampling Procedure

Follow the isokinetic sampling procedure outlined in Section

4.1, Method 17.

3.2 Set Temperatures

Determine the temperature of the stack gas. Preheat the in-

stack filter, the probe and the heated area just prior to the
entrance to the first impinger to a temperature at or slightly above
the stack gas temperature.

3.3 Activate the Sample Train

Leak-check the sample train following the procedures in Section

4.1.4 of Method 17. Record the start point reading of the dry gas
During the sampling period, make several readings of the
thermometers at the inlet and outlet wells of the dry gas meter.
Record and average these readings. Periodically check the volume of
liquid in the first impinger. Very moist stack gas samples could
cause the impinger to overflow. If this is about to happen,
discontinue sampling and record the time and volume sampled.
At the end of the sampling period, turn off the sampling
system. Record the final volume indicated by the dry gas meter.
Calculate the total volume sampled.

3.4 Remove and Package Samples

Remove the glass fiber filter and store it in a labeled and

pre-weighed petri dish; put the dish in a plastic bag. Save the
filter should it be needed for later extraction and analysis. NOTE:
Analysis of filter catch is not required for the purposes of this

method. After cleaning and drying the filter holder, install a new
Determine the volume of liquid in each of impingers 1, 2, and 3
by pouring their contents into individual clean graduated cylinders.
Record the volume on the data sheet. Pour the contents of each
graduated cylinder into individual 250- or 500-mL HDPE bottle. Next,
use the deionized water wash bottle to rinse out all interior
surfaces of impingers 1, 2, and 3 and the corresponding graduated
cylinders. Add the rinse water to the respective bottles for
impingers 1, 2, and 3. Rinse the glassware between the filter holder
and the first impinger. This rinse may be stored in a small HDPE
bottle for separate analysis or it may be combined with the liquid
from impinger 1. Limit the volume of rinse water so that the total
volume of each impinger plus its rinses is no more than 230 mL. This
will allow 20 mL of rinse water to be used in the laboratory to
transfer the sample to a 250-mL volumetric flask. In general, do not
rinse glassware with acetone to dry it. If acetone must be used to
dry the glassware, do not combine the acetone rinse with any sample.
Discard the acetone rinses in a proper manner.
Tighten the cap securely and place each bottle in a plastic bag
and record a sample number and identifying information on the bag
with an indelible marker or securely affix a prepared label. Labels
can be made up in advance. Place the sample bottles in an ice
cooler. Once in the laboratory, store the bottles in a refrigerator
at 4°C (39°F) and analyze the samples by ion chromatography within 2
weeks after collection. Store the filters, in their petri dishes, in
a cool, dry location. A summary of the workup and packaging
procedures suggested for the method is given in Table A-1.

3.5 Conduct Additional Runs

Conduct 2 additional runs in order to complete 3 runs for each

test site. Follow the procedures described in Sections 3.1, 3.2, 3.3
and 3.4.
When a sampling session at a testing location is complete,
disassemble and clean the interiors of the nozzle, the probe liner,
the filter holder, the filter support, the impingers, and all
supporting glassware.

3.6 Quality Control and Quality Assurance

Designate a sample of the 0.1N sulfuric acid impinger solution

as the field blank by placing it in an impinger vessel for an hour
but collect no sample. Package the field blank as described for
samples. Analyze the collection solution for ammonium to ensure that
the background due to onsite handling and exposure is negligible

compared to the ammonium content of samples.


4.1 Sample Preparation

Analyze samples within 2 weeks after their collection in the

field. Keep samples refrigerated (not frozen) at 4°C (39°F) and
allowed them to slowly warm to laboratory temperature before

Table A-1. List of Samples from Method 17 Train for Ammonia

Component Workup Procedure Packaging

In-stack filter Remove filter from holder with 50 mm
(47 mm glass tweezers; place in pre-labeled, plastic Petri
fiber)(Optional) pre-weighed plastic Petri dish dish.
In-stack filter Brush adhering particles into Same as
housing (front Petri dish with artist's brush. above.
half)(Optional) Clean with water; wipe dry with
lab tissue.
In-stack filter Visually examine for particles. 250 mL poly.
housing (back There should be none. Note this.bottle.
half) and union Rinse with three, 10-mL portions
connecting it to of 0.1N H2SO4 from squeeze
probe liner bottle; rinse into plastic
funnel atop 250 mL poly. bottle.
Rinse filter housing, union, and
funnel 3 times with water;
discard rinses. Dry housing and
funnel with lab tissue.
Glass probe Visually examine for particles. Same bottle
liner and There should be none. Note as above.
glassware this. Rinse interiors with
connecting it to three, 10-mL portions of 0.1N
Impinger # 1. H2SO4 into plastic funnel atop
same 250 mL poly. bottle used
above. Rinse probe liner and
glassware 3 times with water;
discard rinses.

Impinger # 1 Pour impinger solution into Use a
(stem and body). clean, dry graduated poly. separate 250
Impinger liquid. cylinder and record volume. mL poly.
Then pour solution into a 250 mLbottle for
Repeat this poly. bottle. Rinse each each
procedure for impinger stem, impinger body, impinger.
Impinger # 2 and and graduated cylinder with
Impinger # 3. three, 5-mL portions of water
and transfer these rinses to the
250 mL bottle. Drain water from
each impinger stem and body.
Shake graduated cylinder and
plastic funnel until near
Impinger # 4. Weigh tared impinger body plus 250 mL poly.
Silica gel. used silica gel to determine bottle.
weight gain. Transfer silica
gel to a 250 mL poly. bottle via
funnel. Scrape out any
remaining particles with a metal
spatula. Remove dust from
ground glass surfaces with lab

4.1.1 Impinger Solutions - Pour the solutions from impingers 1

and 2 (and possibly 3) from their HDPE sampling bottles into separate
250-mL volumetric flasks. Rinse out the interior walls of the
bottles several times with approximately 10-mL portions of deionized
water. Add each rinse to the applicable 250-mL volumetric flask
until the total volume reaches the mark. Do not prepare the solution
in impinger 3 for analysis unless analysis of the contents of
impingers 1 and 2 indicates breakthrough of ammonia has occurred (the
general rule for whether breakthrough has occured is when the
concentration of impinger 2 is greater than 10 percent of the
concentration of impinger 1). This process of rinsing and diluting
takes the 0.1N H2SO4 impinger solution to an approximately 0.04N H2SO4
solution, making it compatible with the 0.04N H2SO4 solutions used
for setup and calibration of the ion chromatograph.

4.1.2 Silica Gel - Determine the weight of the used silica gel
and compare this to its initial, unexposed weight. Record the net
weight of water absorbed by the silica gel.

4.2 Sample Analysis

An ion chromatograph equipped with a conductivity detector is
used for ammonium ion separation and quantitation.

4.2.1 Ion Chromatography Conditions - The conditions found to be

suitable for analysis of a sample containing 1 ppmV ammonium in 0.4N
sulfuric acid collection media are (Mention of trade names in this
case does not constitute endorsement by the Agency; model names and
numbers are mentioned in order to provide guidance to the user):

Dionex Model 2120i
Separator Column:
Dionex HPIC-CS1
Suppressor Column: Dionex Cation Micromembrane
0.005 N hydrochloric acid
Eluent flow rate:
2.3 mL/min
Regenerant: 0.1 M tetrabutylammonium
Sample loop volume: 100 :L.

4.2.2 Calibration - Prepare a calibration curve each analysis

day using at least six standards that bracket the expected range of
sample concentrations. This is usually from 0.1 to 10.0 :g of NH4+
per mL of sample. If an electronic integrator is available, use the
signal's peak area for calibration and data reduction rather than the
peak height. Calibration standards are prepared in 0.04N H2SO4, the
same concentration of acid as in the diluted samples.

4.2.3 Quality Control and Quality Assurance - Aqueous samples

containing known amounts of ammonium ion are available from the U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), National Institute of
Standards and Technology (NIST), and other sources. Use these for
quality assurance audits of the analytical process. Conduct quality
control checks by periodically analyzing a solution that has an
ammonium ion concentration in the range of the calibration standards
but that has been prepared independently using a different bottle of
ammonium salt than that used to prepare the calibration standards.
Make periodic blank checks of reagents.

4.3 Calculations

4.3.1 Determine the total volume of dry gas sampled by subtracting

the initial reading of the dry gas meter (DGM) from its final
reading. Correct this sample volume to standard conditions (20 °C,

760 mm Hg or 68 °F, 29.92 in. Hg) using the following equation.


Vm(std) = Volume of gas sample measured
by the DGM, corrected to
standard conditions
Vm = Volume of gas sample as
measured by DGM
Y = DGM calibration factor
Tstd = Standard absolute temperature,
293 K
Tm = Absolute average DGM
temperature, K
Pbar = Barometric pressure at the
sampling site, mm Hg
Pstd = Standard absolute pressure, 760
mm Hg
)H = Average pressure differential
across the orifice meter, mm H2O
13.6 = Specific gravity of mercury.

Express Vm(std) in liters. One cubic ft. = 28.316 L.

4.3.2 Determine the concentration of ammonium ion (NH4+) in the

diluted impinger solution by application of the ion chromatography
(IC) calibration equation. Express this in milligrams NH4+ per liter
of solution.

4.3.3 Calculate the volume of ammonia gas present in the sample.


Va = Volume of ammonia gas in the
sample of gas taken from the
N = Sum of concentrations of
ammonium ion, mg/L, in all
impinger solutions (and in the
probe rinse, if applicable)

0.25 = Conversion factor, assuming sample in impinger was
diluted to 0.25 L (250 mL)
24.04 = Liters of ideal gas per mole of
1/1000 = Factor to convert mg/L to g/L
18 = Formula weight of ammonium ion.

4.3.4 Calculate the ppmV of ammonia present in the stack gas sample:

. (3)


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