The Long Road South

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The Long Road South The Vietnam War

PLA Forces, Additional Information,
Revisions and Corrections

Chalfant Conley
Supplement for Seek Out, Close With, and Destroy

As part of the Disposable Heroes and Coffin for Seven Brothers System

Small Unit Skirmish Wargaming in 15mm-28mm

Copyright © 2009
All Rights Reserved Iron Ivan Games
Including Right of Reproduction in Whole of Part in any Form or Language
International Copyright Protected Under Berne, UCC Geneva, UCC Paris, and WTO Agreements

Design, Development, Layout, Editing, Research:

Chalfant Conley
PLA Platoons. 1
PAVN Additional Information 13
SV and US Additional Information 15
Corrections and Revisions 19

PLA Platoons.
PLA Introduction: The People’s Republic of China (PRC) had an enormous population from
which to pull recruits into its military forces. The tactical ability of Chinese troops from 1969 to 1979 varied
greatly, as did its equipment. Overall, though, the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) was seen as a major
force in the 1960s and 1970’s (and even more so today). If training and weapons were inadequate in some
areas, they were abundant and effective in others. The PLA could not be completely taken out of the
equations of Asian politics.
Originally fueled by its political zeal, and a desire to absorb the last remnant of Nationalist China
(Taiwan), the situation had changed for Communist China in the 1960’s and 1970’s. Cooling relations with
the Soviet Union heated up, and became armed conflict in 1969. Thankfully for both nations, this fighting
was of minor scale and was quickly ended.
Faced with the very real threat of a wider war with the Soviet Union, the PRC began to look for
ways to promote healthier relations with the West… and ways to protect its borders.
China saw the emergence of a united Vietnam under Soviet sway, and the unstable situations in
Cambodia and Laos, as both a threat and opportunity for itself. On one hand, the potential existed for pro-
Chinese governments along its southern border. On the other hand, the potential also existed for pro-Soviet
governments along is southern border.
The PRC did indeed live in interesting times during these decades.
Vietnam’s decision to intervene in Cambodia (which had a pro-Chinese government at the time)
after unification led to a Chinese invasion of northern Vietnam.
The nature of the both governments makes it difficult to ascertain exactly how many were killed in
this fighting, but the numbers of military casualties likely reached into the tens of thousands. The brunt of
the attacks fell on Vietnamese militia units… and they performed well under the circumstances. This was
evidently a shock to the Chinese who had expected a much easier time. The Vietnamese had historically
thought of their northern neighbor as an enemy, the terrain along the border suited the defender, and the
Vietnamese had several decades of unending combat experience in their favor. The conditions in that light
were not as bad as it would seem at first glance.
Ultimately, whether the PRC punitive invasion made the intended point or not, the PLA forces were
eventually withdrawn, and the Vietnamese operations in Cambodia continued. But, importantly for China’s
strategic situation, the Soviets did not intervene on behalf of their client state.
The following list will provide gamers with enough information to field PLA platoons to fight either
the 1969 conflict against the Soviets, or the 1979 conflict against the Vietnamese. It is not a complete roster
for every piece of military equipment fielded by the Chinese in the 1960’s and 1970’s, but should be
adequate for most gaming purposes.

Use The Long Road South: Some equipment used by the Chinese is not listed here as it is listed
already in the PAVN section of The Long Road South. A list of appropriate entries is provided in each
section. Only additional assets are included.

Notes on Type and Copies of Soviet Gear: Because of the Chinese tendency to declare all
items of military gear to be a “Type” associated with the year of their incorporation or introduction, you will
find a number of items sharing the same name. Type 56, for example, is a particularly widespread title for
various weapons. Pay attention to notes that help differentiate these similarly named items. Where
possible, a descriptive term such as “LMG” or “Carbine” has been included.
Also, many of the weapon systems employed by the PLA during this period are copies of Soviet
weapon systems. Where possible, the Soviet name I provided in parentheses. This is facilitate
identification, and make it easier for gamers to find miniatures to field their Chinese forces.

PLA Small Arms:
Name Type Range ROF AP MM Special
Type 64, Type 54 (TT-33) Pistol 10” 1 5 (+1) -
K-50 SMG 15” 3 5 - -
Type 56 (AK-47), Type 63 Assault 20” 3 7 - -
Type 56 Carbine (SKS) Semi-Auto 20” 2 7 - -
Type 53 (Mosin Nagant) Rifle 30” 1 8 - -
Type 58 (DP) LMG 48” 3 8 -2 -
Type 56 LMG (RPD) LMG 48” 4 8 -3 -
Type 67 LMG LMG 48” 4 8 -3 -
Type 57, Type 53 (SG) HMG 75” 5 8 -4 -
Type 67 HMG HMG 75” 6 8 -4 -
Type 54 (DsHK) HMG 75” 4 10 -5 Cov -1
Type 58 HMG (KPV) HMG 75” 3 11 -5 Cov -1
Type 53 Scoped Sniper Sniper Rifle 48” 1 8 -2 +2 ACC
57mm Type 36* AT 30” 1 (1) -1 Blast AP1, “R”
Type 56 (RPG-2) AT 24” 1 (2) -1 Blast AP2, “R”
Type 69 (RPG-7) AT 24” 1 (2) -2 Blast AP2, “R”
*Note: when deployed as a shoulder fired weapon. See artillery list for when deployed on tripod mount.
Type 56, Type 63, Type 58 Notes: The Type 56 Carbine is basically an SKS copy. The Type 56, despite having an
almost identical designation, is an AK-47 copy. The Type 63 by appearance looks much like an SKS, but works more like
a long barreled AK-47. For game purposes, the Type 63 has been treated as if it is a Type 56 (AK-47). The Type 56
LMG is an RPD copy. The Type 56 RPG is an RPG-2 copy. Type 58 is used to designate both the copies of the DP
LMG, and the KPV HMG.

PLA Infantry AT: Penetration:

Type DM 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+
Any Pistol, Any SMG -3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Any Rifle, Any LMG or HMG -3 1 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 12 13
Type 54 -3 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Type 58 -3 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30
57mm Type 36 -1 9 18 27 36 45 54 63 72 81 90
Type 56 (AT) +0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200
Type 69 (AT) +0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300

PLA Explosives Chart: Penetration:

Type Range DM 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+
Small Satchel Charge 8” -1 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30
Large Satchel Charge 2” +1 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64 72 80

PLA Infantry Platoon: Standard (Trained to Elite)
Competent and motivated regulars. PLA units can range anywhere from Trained to Elite. Standard as
shown seems the fitting description for the 1967 fighting and the 1979 invasion of Vietnam.

Force Rating: +0
Off-board CR: 1 Activation
Fire Doctrine: 7 (5-10)
Trained Observers: No
Jamming: 5

Platoon Organization: Below is shown the number and Type of units included in your platoon.
1 Platoon Command
2-4 Rifle Squads
0-3 Company Support Teams
0-2 Vehicles or Regimental Support Units (does not include vehicles purchased as transports)

Attrition: Remove 0-2 Type 56 armed models from any squad or team for –14 points each
Grenades: Offensive commonly used. Defensive rarely used.
Infantry Equipment: Usually, none.

PLA Platoon Command

Command Section: Leads the platoon in battle and coordinates the actions of the squads.
Soldier ACC CC Guts Weapon Points: 27
Lieutenant 5 6 9 Type 64 Pistol
Sr. Sergeant 5 6 8 Type 64 Pistol
Runner 5 6 5 Type 56

Add radio operator 5 6 6 Type 56 Carbine, Radio +9

Upgrade Sr. Sergeant to Type 56 +14

PLA Rifle Squad

1st Section: The maneuver element of the platoon.
Soldier ACC CC Guts Weapon Points: 176
Sergeant 5 6 7 Type 64 Pistol
Grenadier 5 6 5 Type 56
Privates (x4) 5 6 5 Type 56

2nd Section: The fire support element of the platoon.

Soldier ACC CC Guts Weapon
Corporal 5 6 6 Type 56
Gunner 5 6 5 Type 56 LMG
Privates (x4) 5 6 5 Type 56

Upgrade Sergeant to Type 56 +5

Upgrade Grenadier to Type 56 RPG (replaces Type 56) w/ AT and HE +18
Upgrade Grenadier to Type 69 RPG (replaces Type 56) W/AT and HE +36
Upgrade Grenadier to Type 69 RPG (replaces Type 56) W/HE only +18
Equip entire unit with Explosives as shown above +18

Note: Before the game starts, if the Grenadier has bee upgraded to any RPG, the Grenadier and a single
Private from the 2nd Section may detach as an independent RPG team for the duration of the game.

Note: Generally, there will be a mix of other small arms including Type 56 Carbines or Type 63 Rifles, but
the unit should be purchased and used as if the weapons are all Type 56 Rifles.

Company Support: Light Mortar Team (max 2 Teams)
60mm Type 31 or 63 Mortar: Provides the platoon with indirect fire support.
Soldier ACC CC Guts Weapon Points: 54
Corporal 5 6 6 Type 56 Carbine
Mortar Gunner 5 6 5 60mm Type 31 Mortar
Loaders (x2) 5 6 5 Type 56

Upgrade 60mm Type 31 Light Mortar to 82mm Type 67 Mortar +23

Company Support: Anti-Tank Team (max 2 Teams)

Anti-Tank Team: Provides the platoon with effective anti-vehicle support.
Soldier ACC CC Guts Weapon Points: 66
Corporal 5 6 6 Type 64 Pistol
Gunner 5 6 5 57mm Type 36 (Shoulder or Tripod fired)
Loaders (x2) 5 6 5 Type 56

Upgrade Type 36 to 75mm Type 52/56 +9

Upgrade Type 36 to 82mm Type 65 (B-10) +59

Regimental Support: Sniper (max 1 Team)

Sniper: Independent marksman seeking to eliminate enemy leadership.
Soldier ACC CC Guts Weapon Points: 18
Sniper 5 6 7 Type 53 Scoped Sniper

Regimental Support: HMG Team (max 2 Teams)

Type 57 HMG: Provides the platoon with sustained fire support.
Soldier ACC CC Guts Weapon Points: 68
Sergeant 5 6 7 Type 56
HMG Gunner 5 6 5 Type 57 HMG
Loader 5 6 5 Type 56 Carbine

Add Ammunition Bearer 5 6 5 Type 56 +18

Upgrade Type 57 HMG to Type 54 HMG +5

Upgrade Type 57 HMG to Type 67 HMG +9

Regimental Support: Super Heavy Mortar Team

120mm Type 55 Mortar: Provides the platoon with indirect fire support.
Soldier ACC CC Guts Weapon Points: 123
Sergeant 5 6 7 Type 56 Carbine
Mortar Gunner 5 6 5 120mm Mortar
Loaders (x3) 5 6 5 Type 64 Pistols
Gun Crew (x2) 5 6 5 Type 56

PLA Reserve Platoon: Trained (Trained to Veteran)
This list shows either an earlier infantry platoon, or a reserve platoon in later years. PLA Reserve units can
range anywhere from Trained to Veteran. Generally these have less options.

Force Rating: +0
Off-board CR: 1 Activation
Fire Doctrine: 6 (5-9)
Trained Observers: No
Jamming: 4

Platoon Organization: Below is shown the number and Type of units included in your platoon.
1 Platoon Command
2-4 Rifle Squads
0-3 Company Support Teams
0-2 Vehicles or Regimental Support Units (does not include vehicles purchased as transports)

Attrition: Remove 0-2 Type 56 Carbine armed models from any squad or team for –8 points each
Grenades: Offensive commonly used. Defensive rarely used.
Infantry Equipment: Usually, none.

PLA Reserve Platoon Command

Command Section: Leads the platoon in battle and coordinates the actions of the squads.
Soldier ACC CC Guts Weapon Points: 16
Lieutenant 5 6 8 Type 54 Pistol
Sr. Sergeant 5 6 7 Type 54 Pistol
Runner 5 6 4 Type 56 Carbine

Add radio operator 5 6 5 Type 56 Carbine, Radio +8

Upgrade Sr. Sergeant to Type 56 Carbine +4

PLA Rifle Squad

1st Section: The maneuver element of the platoon.
Soldier ACC CC Guts Weapon Points: 108
Sergeant 5 6 6 Type 54 Pistol
Grenadier 5 6 4 Type 56 Carbine
Privates (x4) 5 6 4 Type 56 Carbine

2nd Section: The fire support element of the platoon.

Soldier ACC CC Guts Weapon
Corporal 5 6 5 Type 56 Carbine
Gunner 5 6 4 Type 58 LMG
Privates (x4) 5 6 4 Type 56 Carbine

Upgrade Sergeant to Type 56 Carbine +4

Upgrade Sergeant to K-50 SMG +8
Upgrade Corporal to K-50 SMG +4
Upgrade Gunner to Type 56 LMG +8
Upgrade Grenadier to Type 56 RPG (replaces Type 56) w/ AT and HE +16
Equip entire unit with Explosives as shown above +16

Note: Before the game starts, if the Grenadier has been upgraded to an RPG, the Grenadier and a single
Private from the 2nd Section may detach as an independent RPG team for the duration of the game.

Company Support: Light Mortar Team (max 2 Teams)
60mm Type 31 or 63 Mortar: Provides the platoon with indirect fire support.
Soldier ACC CC Guts Weapon Points: 32
Corporal 5 6 5 Type 56 Carbine
Mortar Gunner 5 6 4 60mm Type 31 Mortar
Loaders (x2) 5 6 4 Type 56 Carbine

Upgrade 60mm Type 31 Light Mortar to 82mm Type 67 Mortar +21

Company Support: Anti-Tank Team (max 2 Teams)

Anti-Tank Team: Provides the platoon with effective anti-vehicle support.
Soldier ACC CC Guts Weapon Points: 66
Corporal 5 6 5 Type 54 Pistol
Gunner 5 6 4 57mm Type 36 (Shoulder or Tripod fired)
Loaders (x2) 5 6 4 Type 56 Carbine

Upgrade Type 36 to 75mm Type 52/56 +9

Upgrade Type 36 to 82mm Type 65 (B-10) +59

Regimental Support: HMG Team (max 2 Teams)

Type 57 HMG: Provides the platoon with sustained fire support.
Soldier ACC CC Guts Weapon Points: 52
Sergeant 5 6 6 Type 56 Carbine
HMG Gunner 5 6 4 Type 57 HMG
Loader 5 6 4 Type 56 Carbine

Add Ammunition Bearer 5 6 4 Type 56 Carbine +8

Upgrade Type 57 HMG to Type 54 HMG +5

Regimental Support: Super Heavy Mortar Team

120mm Type 55 Mortar: Provides the platoon with indirect fire support.
Soldier ACC CC Guts Weapon Points: 105
Sergeant 5 6 6 Type 56 Carbine
Mortar Gunner 5 6 4 120mm Mortar
Loaders (x3) 5 6 4 Type 54 Pistols
Gun Crew (x2) 5 6 4 Type 56 Carbine

Additional PLA Support: Artillery
PLA Artillery Notes: for the PLA, use the Long Road South entries under PAVN support for ZPU-4 (Type
56 AA), 37mm Model 39 (Type 55), 57mm S-60 (Type 59), 57mm Type 36, 75mm Type 52/55, and 122mm
(Type 60). As the Type 36, Type 52/56m and Type 65 (B-10) are included in the infantry list directly, their
entries have been repeated here.
1969 to 1979: All of the artillery listed can be used in both wars.

57mm Type 36 RR, Light Anti-Tank Gun Points 66

Assigned Crew Size: 3 (Minimum Crew needed to operate: 1)
Commander 2 pistols, 1 rifle
Gunner Weapon Type Range ROF AP MM DM Special
2 Gun Crew 57mm AT 48” 1 (1) -1 -1 “R”, Blast
Features: Basic Sights
Main Gun Penetration
D10 <2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+
57 “R” 9 18 27 36 45 54 63 72 81 90
Note: this AT Gun may not move and fire. It may not Indirectly. Apply all modifiers as normal. This weapon can either
be deployed as tripod mounted artillery, or as a shoulder fired infantry weapon. It can not switch roles during the game.

75mm Type 52/56 RR, Medium Anti-tank Gun Points 73

Assigned Crew Size: 3 (Minimum Crew needed to operate: 2)
Commander 2 pistols, 1 rifles
Gunner Weapon Type Range ROF AP MM DM Special
2 Gun Crew 75mm AT 48” 1 (2) -2 +0 “R”, Blast
Features: Basic Sights
Main Gun Penetration
D10 <2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+
75 “R” 11 23 34 46 57 68 80 91 103 114
Note: this AT Gun may not move and fire. It may not Fire indirectly. Apply all modifiers as normal.

82mm B10 RR, Heavy Anti-tank Gun Points 125

Assigned Crew Size: 5 (Minimum Crew needed to operate: 2)
Commander 3 pistols, 2 rifles
Gunner Weapon Type Range ROF AP MM DM Special
3 Gun Crew 82mm AT 48” 1 (3) -2 +1 “R”, Blast
Features: Basic Sights
Main Gun Penetration
D10 <2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+
82 “R” 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250
Note: this AT Gun may not move and fire. It may not Fire indirectly. Apply all modifiers as normal.

130mm Type 59, Super Heavy Field Gun Points 169

Assigned Crew Size: 8 (Minimum Crew needed to operate: 3)
Commander 4 pistols, 4 rifles
Gunner Weapon Type Range ROF AP MM DM Special
6 Gun Crew 130mm FG 48” 1 (5) -3 +3 Blast, “R”
Features: Basic Sights, Radio
Main Gun Penetration
D10 <2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+
130 “R” 11 22 33 44 55 66 77 88 99 110
Note: this Field Gun may not move and fire. It may Fire directly at ranges up to its 5 range increment (240), but must
Acquire and Fire as normal, with all normal modifiers. It may Fire Indirectly at ranges over 30” (Super Heavy MR). This
FG can be used as Off Board only, for 140 points.

152mm Type 66, Extra Heavy Field Gun Points 204
Assigned Crew Size: 8 (Minimum Crew needed to operate: 4)
Commander 4 pistols, 4 rifles
Gunner Weapon Type Range ROF AP MM DM Special
6 Gun Crew 152mm FG 48” 1 6 -4 +4 Indirect
Features Main Gun Penetration
Basic Sights D10 <2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+
- 152mm 12 24 36 48 60 72 84 96 108 120
Note: this Field Gun may not move and fire. It may Fire directly at ranges up to its 5 range increment (240), but must
Acquire and Fire as normal, with all normal modifiers. It may Fire Indirectly at ranges over 30” (Extra Heavy MR). This
FG can be used as Off Board only, for 170 points.

PLA Special Artillery:

Rocket Launchers (R)

Weapon Class Type Typical # ROF AP MM DM AoE Special
Type 63 Very Heavy R 12 any 4 -3 +2 2-9” Indirect
Type 70 Super Heavy R 19 any 5 -3 +3 3-12” Indirect
Note: the Type 70 was only available from the early 1970’s.

Additional PLA Support: Vehicles

PLA Vehicle Notes: For the PLA, use the Long Road South entries for the T-34/85, Type 63, Type 62, and
Type 59. Use the BTR-40 entry for the Chinese Type 55. Additional vehicles are included below.
Many other Chinese vehicles from the 1960s-1970s are not included here, just the most common to
be encountered. There were likely many WWII Soviet vehicles including T-34/85s and SU-100s, possibly
even US M4 Shermans (captured from the Nationalists), still in service.
1969-1979: All of the vehicles listed could be used for both the 1969 and 1979 wars, except it is unlikely the
Type 63 AA would have been available in 1969.
PLA Vehicle Crews: Consider all crews to be Guts 5, except Commanders Guts 7. Crew ACC can vary
from 4 to 5 as it serves your purpose. When in doubt, stick with ACC 5. Crews are armed with Type 54 or
64 pistols, some K-50 SMGs, and sometimes Type 56 rifles or Type 56 Carbines.

Jaifeng CA-30 Medium Truck Points 20

Light, Soft Skinned, Open Topped Transport DM: +2
Speed Location D10 Front D10 Side D10 Rear
Slow 7” Tire 1-2 9 AV 1-3 9 AV 1-2 9 AV
Medium 13” Lower Hull 3-6 9 AV 4-6 9 AV 3-6 9 AV
Fast 26” Upper Hull 7-10 5 AV 7-10 5 AV 7-10 5 AV
Hull Crew
Features: Basic Sights, Transport: 16 Infantry, or 1 Super Heavy artillery piece (or lighter) and crew

Jaifeng CA-10 Medium Truck Points 20

Light, Soft Skinned, Open Topped Transport DM: +2
Speed Location D10 Front D10 Side D10 Rear
Slow 6” Tire 1-2 9 AV 1-3 9 AV 1-2 9 AV
Medium 12” Lower Hull 3-6 9 AV 4-6 9 AV 3-6 9 AV
Fast 21” Upper Hull 7-10 5 AV 7-10 5 AV 7-10 5 AV
Hull Crew
Features: Basic Sights, Transport: 12 Infantry, or 1 Heavy artillery piece (or lighter) and crew

Type 56 (BTR-152) Points 50
Light Open Topped Transport DM: +1
Speed Location D10 Front D10 Side D10 Rear
Slow 7” Tires 1-2 16 AV 1-3 16 AV 1-2 16 AV
Medium 13” Lower Hull 3-6 18 AV 4-6 11 AV 3-6 10 AV
Fast 26” Upper Hull 7-10 12 AV 7-10 11 AV 7-10 10 AV
Hull Crew TOP 0 AV
Commander Weapon Location Range ROF AP MM DM Special
Driver 7.62mm PK Pintle 48” 5 8 -2 -3 AA: .50
Features: Basic Sights, Transport: 14 Infantry
Main Gun Penetration
D10 <2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+
7.62mm 1 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 12 13

Type 63 YW 531 Points 50

Light Open Topped Transport, Amphibious (2”) DM: +1
Speed Location D10 Front D10 Side D10 Rear
Slow 6” Track 1-2 20 AV 1-3 20 AV 1-2 20 AV
Medium 12” Lower Hull 3-6 20 AV 4-6 14 AV 3-6 12 AV
Fast 24” Upper Hull 7-10 16 AV 7-10 12 AV 7-10 12 AV
Hull Crew TOP 12 AV
Commander Weapon Location Range ROF AP MM DM Special
Driver Type 56 7.62 Pintle 48” 4 8 -2 -3 AA: .50
Features: Basic Sights, Transport: 10-13 Infantry.
Main Gun Penetration
D10 <2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+
7.62mm 3 5 8 10 13 15 18 20 23 25

Type 63A YW 531 Points 65

Light Open Topped Transport, Amphibious (2”) DM: +1
Speed Location D10 Front D10 Side D10 Rear
Slow 6” Track 1-2 20 AV 1-3 20 AV 1-2 20 AV
Medium 12” Lower Hull 3-6 20 AV 4-6 14 AV 3-6 12 AV
Fast 24” Upper Hull 7-10 16 AV 7-10 12 AV 7-10 12 AV
Hull Crew TOP 12 AV
Commander Weapon Location Range ROF AP MM DM Special
Driver Type 54 12.7 Pintle 75” 4 10 -5 -3 AA: .50
Features: Basic Sights, Transport: 10-13 Infantry.
Main Gun Penetration
D10 <2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+
12.7mm 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20

Type 63A 82mm Mortar Portee YW 304 Points 150

Light Open Topped Mortar Portee, Amphibious (2”) DM: +1
Speed Location D10 Front D10 Side D10 Rear
Slow 6” Track 1-2 20 AV 1-3 20 AV 1-2 20 AV
Medium 12” Lower Hull 3-6 20 AV 4-6 14 AV 3-6 12 AV
Fast 24” Upper Hull 7-10 16 AV 7-10 12 AV 7-10 12 AV
Hull Crew TOP 12 AV
Commander Weapon Location Range ROF AP MM DM Special
Driver Type 54 12.7 Pintle 75” 4 10 -5 -3 AA: .50
Gun Crew (x4) M37 82mm Hull (18”+) 1 (3) -2 +1 Indirect
Features: Basic Sights, Radio, .50: Cov -1.
82mm: Indirect Only, Min Range 18”, May Not Move and Fire, May Dismount and Fight as Infantry Mortar Team
Main Gun Penetration
D10 <2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+
12.7mm 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20

Type 63A 120mm Mortar Portee YW 381 Points 200
Light Open Topped Mortar Portee, Amphibious (2”) DM: +1
Speed Location D10 Front D10 Side D10 Rear
Slow 6” Track 1-2 20 AV 1-3 20 AV 1-2 20 AV
Medium 12” Lower Hull 3-6 20 AV 4-6 14 AV 3-6 12 AV
Fast 24” Upper Hull 7-10 16 AV 7-10 12 AV 7-10 12 AV
Hull Crew TOP 12 AV
Commander Weapon Location Range ROF AP MM DM Special
Driver Type 54 12.7 Pintle 75” 4 10 -5 -3 AA: .50
Gun Crew (x4) W86 120mm Hull (30”+) 1 (5) -3 +3 Indirect
Features: Basic Sights, Radio, .50: Cov -1.
120mm: Indirect Only, Min Range 30”, May Not Move and Fire, May Dismount and Fight as Infantry Mortar Team
Main Gun Penetration
D10 <2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+
12.7mm 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20

Type 63 AA (Converted T-34) Points 100

Medium Open Topped Anti-Aircraft Tank DM: +0
Speed Location D10 Front D10 Side D10 Rear
Slow 5” Track 1-2 25 AV 1-3 25 AV 1-2 25 AV
Medium 10” Lower Hull 3-6 81 AV 4-6 45 AV 3-6 68 AV
Fast 20” Upper Hull 7 81 AV 7 63 AV 7 65 AV
Turret Crew Turret 8-9 15 AV 8-10 15 AV 8-10 15 AV
Commander Mantle 10 15 AV - - TOP 0 AV
3 Gun Crew Weapon Location Range ROF AP MM DM Special
Hull Crew Twin 37mm Main Gun 48” 2 (1) -1 -1 AA: 2, Blast
Driver - - - - - - - -
Features: Basic Sights
Main Gun Penetration
D10 <2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+
37mm 7 14 21 28 35 42 49 56 63 70
Note: This vehicle may not move and fire.

PLA AA Weapons Summary: AA weapons shown above.

PLA AA Summary:
Name Type AA Rating Mount
Type 54, Type 58 (DsHK, KP) MG 0.50 Infantry
Type 56 AA (ZPU-4) AA/MG Gun 1 Fixed Position, Vehicle
Type 55 (37mm M1939) AA Gun 1 Fixed Position
Type 59 (57mm S-60) AA Gun 1 Fixed Position
Type 63 AA AA Gun 2 Vehicle

Additional PLA Support: Aircraft
PLA Aircraft Notes: The Chinese employed a number of aircraft during this time frame. Only a couple of
the most common (generally, copies or derivatives of Soviet types) have been included.
1969 to 1979: The Q-5 and J-7II would not have been available for the 1969 fighting.

J-5 or MiG-17 Fresco S W W D

Interceptor Aircraft AA Rating: 9 AA Modifier: +0
*Total ROF for AT strafing.
Payload Weapon Type Range ROF AP MM DM Special
1x 37mm N37 1x 37mm AT - 1* (1) -1 -1 Top
2x 23mm NR23 2x 23mm AT - 2* (1) -1 -2 Top
Features: None.
Weapon Penetration
D10 <2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+
37mm 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
23mm 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40
Note: J-5 in traditional Fighter role.

J-5 or MiG-17 Fresco S W W D

Ground Attack Aircraft AA Rating: 8 AA Modifier: +0
*Total ROF for AT strafing. **Choose A or B.
Payload** Weapon Type Range ROF AP MM DM Special
1x 37mm N37 1x 37mm AT - 1* (1) -1 -1 Top
2x 23mm NR23 2x 23mm AT - 2* (1) -1 -2 Top
A 64x 57mm Rkets Light Rockets R 48” Any (1) -1 -1 Blast
B 4xFAB 250kg Very Hvy Bombs Bomb - 1 (4) -3 +2 Blast
Features: None.
Weapon Penetration
D10 <2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+
37mm 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
23mm 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40
Note: J-5 in Close Support role.

J-7 or MiG-21 Fishbed S W W D

Interceptor Aircraft AA Rating: 10 AA Modifier: +0
*Total ROF for AT strafing.
Payload* Weapon Type Range ROF AP MM DM Special
2x 23mm GsH 2x 23mm AT - 2* (1) -1 -2 Top
Features: None.
Weapon Penetration
D10 <2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+
23mm 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40
Note: J-7 in Fighter role.

J-7 or MiG-21 Fishbed S W W D

Ground Attack Aircraft AA Rating: 9 AA Modifier: +0
*Total ROF for AT strafing. One of several armament configurations.
Payload* Weapon Type Range ROF AP MM DM Special
2x 23mm GsH 2x 23mm AT - 2* (1) -1 -2 Top
64x Light Rockets Light Rockets R 48” Any (1) -1 -1 Blast
2x FAB 500kg Bombs FAB 500 Spr Hvy Bomb - 1 (5) -3 +3 Blast
2x FAB 250kg Bombs FAB 250 Vry Hvy Bomb - 1 (4) -3 +2 Blast
Features: None.
Weapon Penetration
D10 <2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+
23mm 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40
Note: J-7 in Close Support role.

J-7 II S W W D
Interceptor Aircraft AA Rating: 10 AA Modifier: +0
*Total ROF for AT strafing.
Payload* Weapon Type Range ROF AP MM DM Special
2x 30mm Type 30 2x 30mm AT - 2* (1) -1 -2 Top
Features: None.
Weapon Penetration
D10 <2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+
30mm 5 9 14 18 23 27 32 36 41 45

Q-5 S W W D
Ground Attack Aircraft AA Rating: 10 AA Modifier: +0
*Total ROF for AT strafing. One of several armament configurations.
Payload* Weapon Type Range ROF AP MM DM Special
2x 23mm Type 23 2x 23mm AT - 2* (1) -1 -2 Top
38x Light Rockets Light Rockets R 48” Any (1) -1 -1 Blast
14x Heavy Rockets Heavy Rockets R 48” Any (3) -2 +1 Blast
4x FAB 250kg Bombs FAB 250 Vry Hvy Bomb - 1 (4) -3 +2 Blast
Features: None.
Weapon Penetration
D10 <2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+
23mm 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40

IL-28 Beagle S S W W D
Ground Attack Aircraft AA Rating: 1 AA Modifier: +0
Payload *Total ROF for AT strafing.
4x 23mm NR23 Weapon Type Range ROF AP MM DM Special
And choose A or B 4x 23mm NR23 AT - 4* (1) -1 -2 Top
A 4x FAB 500kg Sp Heavy Bombs Bomb - 1 (5) -3 +3 Blast
B 12x FAB 250kg Vy Heavy Bombs Bomb - 1 (4) -3 +2 Blast
Features: None.
Weapon Penetration
D10 <2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+
23mm 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40

PAVN Information.

Additional PAVN Support: Aircraft

PAVN Aircraft Notes: Generally, the PAVN did not launch much in the way of air support during its
campaigns against South Vietnam. Simply defending their own airspace was more than its air assets could
handle. However, they did employ aircraft in campaigns elsewhere. The following aircraft cards are for you
to use if you deem it appropriate… just limit their use accurately. Also, the T-37 attack aircraft is listed here
as captured T-37s were used extensively by the PAVN against the Chinese and in Laos and Cambodia.
Other captured US and SV aircraft were also utilized by the PAVN after the fall of the South, including
various helicopters.

MiG-17 Fresco S W W D
Interceptor Aircraft AA Rating: 9 AA Modifier: +0
*Total ROF for AT strafing.
Payload Weapon Type Range ROF AP MM DM Special
1x 37mm N37 1x 37mm AT - 1* (1) -1 -1 Top
2x 23mm NR23 2x 23mm AT - 2* (1) -1 -2 Top
Features: None.
Weapon Penetration
D10 <2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+
37mm 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
23mm 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40
Note: Mig-17 in traditional Fighter role.

MiG-17 Fresco S W W D
Ground Attack Aircraft AA Rating: 8 AA Modifier: +0
*Total ROF for AT strafing. **Choose A or B.
Payload** Weapon Type Range ROF AP MM DM Special
1x 37mm N37 1x 37mm AT - 1* (1) -1 -1 Top
2x 23mm NR23 2x 23mm AT - 2* (1) -1 -2 Top
A 64x 57mm Rkets Light Rockets R 48” Any (1) -1 -1 Blast
B 4xFAB 250kg Very Hvy Bombs Bomb - 1 (4) -3 +2 Blast
Features: None.
Weapon Penetration
D10 <2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+
37mm 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
23mm 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40
Note: Mig-17 in Close Support role.

MiG-21 Fishbed S W W D
Interceptor Aircraft AA Rating: 10 AA Modifier: +0
*Total ROF for AT strafing.
Payload* Weapon Type Range ROF AP MM DM Special
2x 23mm GsH 2x 23mm AT - 2* (1) -1 -2 Top
Features: None.
Weapon Penetration
D10 <2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+
23mm 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40
Note: Mig-21 in Fighter role.

MiG-21 Fishbed S W W D
Ground Attack Aircraft AA Rating: 9 AA Modifier: +0
*Total ROF for AT strafing. One of several armament configurations.
Payload* Weapon Type Range ROF AP MM DM Special
2x 23mm GsH 2x 23mm AT - 2* (1) -1 -2 Top
64x Light Rockets Light Rockets R 48” Any (1) -1 -1 Blast
2x FAB 500kg Bombs FAB 500 Spr Hvy Bomb - 1 (5) -3 +3 Blast
2x FAB 250kg Bombs FAB 250 Vry Hvy Bomb - 1 (4) -3 +2 Blast
Features: None.
Weapon Penetration
D10 <2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+
23mm 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40
Note: Mig-21 in Close Support role.

IL-28 Beagle S S W W D
Ground Attack Aircraft AA Rating: 1 AA Modifier: +0
Payload *Total ROF for AT strafing.
4x 23mm NR23 Weapon Type Range ROF AP MM DM Special
And choose A or B 4x 23mm NR23 AT - 4* (1) -1 -2 Top
A 4x FAB 500kg Sp Heavy Bombs Bomb - 1 (5) -3 +3 Blast
B 12x FAB 250kg Vy Heavy Bombs Bomb - 1 (4) -3 +2 Blast
Features: None.
Weapon Penetration
D10 <2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+
23mm 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40

A-37 Dragonfly ( Captured ) S S W D

Ground Attack Aircraft AA Rating: 4 AA Modifier: +1
Payload** *Total ROF MG strafing. **Choose either additional Bombs or Napalm.
2x GP 500/600 Weapon Type Range ROF AP MM DM Special
1x GAU 2B 7.62mm 1x GAU 2B HMG 48” 10* 8 -9 -3 Top
38x Medium Rockets Medium Rockets R 48” Any (2) -1 +0 Blast
2x GP 500/600 GP 500 Vry Hvy Bomb - 1 (4) -3 +2 Blast
2x Napalm Napalm Bomb - 1 (6) -6 +6 Blast
Features: None.
Weapon Penetration
D10 <2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+
7.62mm 1 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 12 13
Note: Some captured T-37s were used against South Vietnam shortly before the end of the war. T-37s were used
extensively against the Chinese in 1979, and in operations in Laos and Cambodia.

Additional SV
and US Information.

Additional US Support: Craft

US Riverine Craft: The Long Road South already contains the Monitor, PCF, and very important PBR, as
well as sampans and junks. The following additional Craft entries will help complete your Brown Water

Special Rule, Side Bars: As an optional rule, you may apply the Side Bar armor rule to your craft. For the
Tango, Charlie, and the Monitor in the main rules, these craft were normally fitted with Side Bar armor. This
is not accounted for directly in the entries. You may apply a further -2 DM to all Hull and Helm Sides for
penetrating hits from “R” class weapons only. Primarily this will be RPGs. PBRs, PCFs, and Alphas will
never be fitted with Side Bars.

“Alpha” Assault Support Patrol Boat ( ASPB ) No Points

Open Topped Landing Craft DM: -1
Water Speed Location D10 Front D10 Side D10 Rear
12” Hull 1-8 20 AV 1-9 20 AV 1-6 12 AV
Crew Helm 9-10 25 AV 10 25 AV 4-10 15 AV
6 Sailors **48” fired directly, no long range. 12”+ minimum range fired indirectly.
(1 minimum) Weapon Location Range ROF AP MM DM Special
- 20mm Turret Main 60” 2 12 (1) -4 -2 AA: 1
- Twin .50 Pintle 75” 6 10 -6 -3 -
- M2 .50* Pintle 75” 4 10 -5 -3 AA: (.50)
- 81mm Mortar* Pintle See** 1 (3) -2 +1 Blast AP3
Features: Basic Sights, Radio, Transports: 12 infantry, M2. 50 single and 81mm combined weapon.
Weapon Notes: Twin .50: Weapon gets “Co-axial” Bonus from itself up to 75” range, all 20mm and .50 Cov-1.
81mm mortar can be swiveled into indirect firing position, per Heavy Artillery, but the single .50 can then not be
Main Gun Penetration
D10 <2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+
20mm 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40
.50 3 5 8 10 13 15 18 20 23 25

“Tango” Armored Troop Carrier ( ATC ) – Early Generation / Program 4 No Points
Open Topped Landing Craft DM: -2
Water Speed Location D10 Front D10 Side D10 Rear
6” Hull 1-8 12 AV 1-9 25 AV 1-6 25 AV
Crew Helm 9-10 50 AV 10 50 AV 4-10 50 AV
7 Sailors
(3 minimum) Weapon Location Range ROF AP MM DM Special
- 20mm Turret Main 60” 2 12 (1) -4 -2 AA: 1
2x .50 Turret Main 60” 4 each 10 -5 -3 -
- Mk-18 40mm Pintle -R 30” 2 (1) -2 -1 Blast AP1
Mk-18 40mm Pintle -L 30” 2 (1) -2 -1 Blast AP1
- 2x 7.62 MG Pintle -R 48” 4 each 8 -3 -3 AA: (.20)
- 2x 7.62 MG Pintle -L 48” 4 each 8 -3 -3 AA: (.20)
Features: Basic Sights, Radio, Transport: 40 Infantry passengers, or 1 Tank, or any 1 artillery piece with crew.
Weapon Notes: All 20mm, .50 Cov-1. Note: There are not enough crew to man all weapons at once. Passengers may
be called to man the side pintle weapons if they are available.
ATC(H) Modification: some Tangos were converted with a landing platform for a single UH-1 helicopter.
Main Gun Penetration
D10 <2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+
Mk-18 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30
20mm 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40
.50 3 5 8 10 13 15 18 20 23 25
Note: Side pintle weapons may only fire in the side 180º arc they are assigned, which includes targets straight ahead or
directly behind.

“Tango” Armored Troop Carrier ( ATC ) – Late Generation / Program 5 No Points

Open Topped Landing Craft DM: -2
Water Speed Location D10 Front D10 Side D10 Rear
6” Hull 1-8 12 AV 1-9 25 AV 1-6 25 AV
Crew Helm 9-10 50 AV 10 50 AV 4-10 50 AV
7 Sailors *Central Turret is either Mk-19 40mm or M2 .50
(3 minimum) Weapon Location Range ROF AP MM DM Special
- 2x 20 Turret Main 60” 2 each 12 (1) -4 -2 AA: 1
- .50 Turret* Main 60” 4 each 10 -5 -3 -
- Mk-19 Turret* Main 30” 3 (1) -3 -1 Blast AP1
- .50 MG Pintle –R 75” 4 10 -5 -3 AA: (.50)
- .50 MG Pintle –L 75” 4 10 -5 -3 AA: (.50)
- 2x 7.62 MG Pintle -R 48” 4 each 8 -3 -3 AA: (.20)
- 2x 7.62 MG Pintle -L 48” 4 each 8 -3 -3 AA: (.20)
Features: Basic Sights, Radio, Transport: 40 Infantry passengers, or 1 Tank, or any 1 artillery piece with crew.
Weapon Notes: All 20mm, .50 Cov-1. Note: There are not enough crew to man all weapons at once. Passengers may
be called to man the side pintle weapons if they are available.
ATC(H) Modification: some Tangos were converted with a landing platform for a single UH-1 helicopter.
Main Gun Penetration
D10 <2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+
Mk-19 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30
20mm 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40
.50 3 5 8 10 13 15 18 20 23 25
Note: Side pintle weapons may only fire in the side 180º arc they are assigned, which includes targets straight ahead or
directly behind.

“Charlie” Command and Communications Boat (CCB) No Points
Open Topped Craft, FO Unit DM: -2
Water Speed Location D10 Front D10 Side D10 Rear
6” Hull 1-8 25 AV 1-9 25 AV 1-6 25 AV
Crew Helm 9-10 50 AV 10 50 AV 4-10 50 AV
11 Sailors *May be additional .50 or 7.62 MGs in pintle mounts.
(3 minimum) Weapon Location Range ROF AP MM DM Special
- 40mm Bofors Main Gun 60” 2 (1) -2 -1 Blast AP1
- 2x 20mm Main Gun 60” 2 ea 12 (1) -10 -2 AA: 1
- Mk-18 40mm Pintle 30” 2 (1) -2 -1 Blast AP1
- M2 .50* Pintle 75” 4 10 -5 -3 AA: (.50)
Features: Basic Sights, Radio. This craft acts as a Forward Observer.
Weapon Notes: All 20mm, .50 Cov-1.
Main Gun Penetration
D10 <2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+
40mm 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Mk-18 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30
20mm 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40
.50 3 5 8 10 13 15 18 20 23 25

Additional SV and US Support: Helicopters

SV and US Helos: The Long Road South already contains many common helicopters used in Vietnam.
These are an additional pair that might be seen in the earliest part of the conflict.

UH-19 Chickasaw S F D
Transport Helicopter Speed: Slow 18”, Fast 72” Force Down: 3 AA Modifier: +1
Unarmed Weapon Type Range ROF AP MM DM Special
- - - - - - - - -
Features: 1-2 Crew, Transports 8 Infantry (total of 10 men max)

CH-21 Shawnee S F D
Transport Helicopter Speed: Slow 20”, Fast 80” Force Down: 3 AA Modifier: +1
Payload *Sometimes deployed, this is a Door Gunner. Sometimes deployed as a twin mount (ROF 6).
1x M2 .50* Weapon Type Range ROF AP MM DM Special
- 1x M2 .50* HMG 48” 4(6) 10 -5 -3 Top
Features: 2-3 Crew, Transports 21-22 Infantry (total of 24 men max)
Weapon Penetration
D10 <2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+
M2 .50 3 5 8 10 13 15 18 20 23 25

Additional SV and US Support: Aircraft
SV and US Aircraft: The Long Road South already contains a few common aircraft used, though there are
many others that were employed. Not all of these will be provided. One plane in particular may be useful to
include. The A-37 is an important aircraft for its role in defending South Vietnam, and then again its role
fighting for the PAVN after many were captured.

A-37 Dragonfly S S W D
Ground Attack Aircraft AA Rating: 4 AA Modifier: +1
Payload** *Total ROF MG strafing. **Choose either additional Bombs or Napalm.
2x GP 500/600 Weapon Type Range ROF AP MM DM Special
1x GAU 2B 7.62mm 1x GAU 2B HMG 48” 10* 8 -9 -3 Top
38x Medium Rockets Medium Rockets R 48” Any (2) -1 +0 Blast
2x GP 500/600 GP 500 Vry Hvy Bomb - 1 (4) -3 +2 Blast
2x Napalm Napalm Bomb - 1 (6) -6 +6 Blast
Features: None.
Weapon Penetration
D10 <2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+
7.62mm 1 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 12 13

and Revisions.
Attrition Points: For some unknown reason, some attrition point adjustments are missing. Please use the
following points for attrition adjustments.

Pg 11, VC Main Force -14 points each

Pg 32, CIDG - 9 points each

Missing 40mm Grenade AT Penetration: There is no value given for the AT penetration of the 40mm
grenade launchers (M-79, M203, Mk-18).

40mm Grenade AT: Penetration:

Type DM 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+
M-79, M203, Mk 18 -1 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30

40mm Notes for Riverine Craft: Note that the 40mm grenade launchers are very different from the 40mm
cannons on some riverine craft. The riverine craft entries in the Long Road South show the penetration for
the 40mm cannon. He entries in this addendum are more clearly stated.

US M106: The points for the M106 4.2” mortar carrier are incorrect. The points value should be 170, not
150. This is a straight forward cut and paste error when I copied the M125 card.

PBR and PCF as Landing Craft: This may be unclear, but the shallow draft probably allowed the craft to
approach close enough to shorelines to facilitate disembarking infantry, though technically these are not
actual landing craft.

Additional References: I obtained some information on US riverine craft from a new purchase, and used
some information from an old possession for the Chinese Type 63 AA variant.

Osprey New Vanguard 128 Vietnam Riverine Craft 1962-1975, Gordon Rottman
Osprey New Vanguard 20 T-34/85 Medium Tank 1944-1994, Steven Zaloga and Jim Kinnear

Chalfant Conley: [email protected]
Keith Stine: [email protected]
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The Long Road South

Copyright Iron Ivan Games, 2007, 2008, 2009.


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