Interior Guard Duty - Final

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Camp Melchor F Dela Cruz (Annex) Soyung, Echague, Isabela


LESSON PLAN……………………………………………. A

LESSON OUTLINE………………………………….……. B


ADVANCE SHEET…………………………………. ……..D


QUESTIONAIRE……………… …………………………..F

ANSWER KEY …………………………………………….G



2. LESSON OBJECTIVE : To orient the students on the duties of interior guards.

Task : Discuss the duties of interior guards, procedures in challenging persons

during challenging hours and the porting and relieving of guards.

Condition : Lecture will be conducted in a classroom environment.

Standard : Acceptable performance is attained if the students had internalized the

duties and responsibilities of interior guards, the compositions of the interior guards
challenging of persons during challenging hours and the posting and relieving of


4. TIME ALLOTED : Four (4) Hours
8. ISSUE MATERIALS : Handout and related reference
9. ASSIGNMENT/REFERENCES: Comply with the requirements with the advance
a. Additional Personnel : None
b. Classroom Requirements : Blackboard/Chalk, Eraser, .
c. Instructional Aids : Visual Aids/Transparencies


II. INTRODUCTION : (5 minutes)
a. Greetings
b. Motivation : Students will participate in classroom discussion.
c. Scope of the Lesson
Definition of terms, Sequence of formal/informal guard mounting, 11 G.O
III. BODY / EXPLANATION ( 3 Hrs & 50 min )
1. Definition of Terms
2. Organization of Interior Guard
3. Duties and Responsibilities of Interior Guards
4. Types of Order for Interior Guard
5. The Eleven (11) General Orders
6. Guard Composition
7. Procedures for Challenging
8. Guard Mounting
a. informal
b. formal


a. Recapitulation
b. Ask Question, Classification of Doubts
c. Concluding Statement


II. INTRODUCTION : ( 5 min )

a. Greetings :
Ladies and Gentlemen, Good Day! Our subject matter for today is about
Interior Guard Duty. Before anything else, I would like to introduce myself. I am
____________, presently assigned with ___________stationed at ___________.

b. Motivation :
This particular subject is one of the most important part while we are in the
military service because any failure or a violation on the duties of interior guards
cause death to our fellow comrades in arms and to our countrymen.

So Ladies and Gentlemen, at the end of the lesson you must be able to :
1. To understand the duties of interior guards.
2. To understand procedures in challenging persons during challenging hours and
the posting and relieving of guards.
3. To know the basic concept of 11 General Orders.

c. Scope of the Lesson :

1. Definition of the Term
2. Organization of Interior Guard
3. Duties and Responsibilities of Interior Guards
4. Types of Order for Interior Guard
5. The Eleven (11) General Orders
6. Guard Composition
7. Procedures for Challenging
8. Guard Mounting
a. formal
b. informal

III. PRESENTATION : ( 2 Hrs & 50 min )

A. Definition of Terms: (Show Transparency)
B. The Organization of Interior Guards (Show Transparency)
C. Duties and Responsibilities of Interior Guard
1. Commanding Officer
2. Field Officer of the Day
3. Officer of the Day
4. Commander of the Relief
5. Sergeant of the Guard
6. Corporal of the Guard
7. Sentinels
D. Type of Orders for Interior Guard
1. General Orders – are orders applied to all sentries to the main and special
2.Special Orders – are orders promulgated by the Commanding Officer
prescribed the special duties for the main and special guards.

E. The Eleven (11) General Orders

F. Guard Composition
a. Interior Guard
The interior guards may consist of the following elements;
1. The main guard, which is a combination of patrols and fixed post
2. The Special Guard which are use to protect parks, trains, boats, aircraft and
other special purposes.
b. Exterior Guard
Procedures for Challenging and Reply with the Password
Challenging One Person
Person Challenged
Challenging a Group (Sentry Challenge to Group and Vise Versa)
H. Guard Mounting (Informal)
Inspection of Guards
Presenting the Guards to the Officer of the Day
I. Formal Guard Mounting
Assembly and Forming the Guard
Marching the Guard to the Parade Ground
Dressing of the Guard
Sergeant of the Guard
Sergeant Major’s Report

a. Recapitulation
b. Ask Question. Clear all doubtful points in the lesson.
c. Closure

Date Updated: August 2008

Reference: Spl Tx


II. LESSON OBJECTIVE : To orient the students on the duties of interior guards.

Task : Discuss the duties of interior guards, procedures in challenging persons

during challenging hours and the porting and relieving of guards.

Condition : Lecture will be conducted in a classroom environment.

Standard : Acceptable performance is attained if the students had internalized

the duties and responsibilities of interior guards, the compositions of the interior
guards challenging of persons during challenging hours and the posting and
relieving of guards.

III. ASSIGNMENT : Read student handouts for better understanding.


(Student Handout)

GUARD – A term used when referring to :
1. A special unit responsibilities to the Officer of the Day for the protection
and security of an installation or area.
2. An individual responsible to keep watch over, protect, shield, defend,
warn or any duties prescribed by general orders. Also referred to as Sentinel,
Sentry or lookout.
3. SENTRY – A guard Sentinel or Lookout.
4. SENTINEL – An individual of the guards whose duties are prescribed by
general or special orders. Also referred to as guard, sentry or lookout.
5. OFFICERS OF THE DAY – An Officer acting directly under the
commanding officer who is responsible on a given day for the execution of all
orders of the commanding officer relating to interior guard duty and other as
maybe assigned.
6. COMMANDER OF THE GUARD – The senior officer or non-
commissioned officer who is responsible for the instruction, discipline, and
performance of duty of the guard. He is the member of the guard next junior to the
Officer of the Day.
7. SERGEANT OF THE GUARD – The senior of non-commissioned officer
of guard. He supervise the enlisted members of the guard and responsible to the
Commander of the Guard for the execution of all orders relating to the guard
8. COMPANY – Includes battery, or any other similarly organized unit.
9. GUARD HOUSE – A building occupied by men detailed for interior guard
duty. It might guard tent or any other designated location for the headquarter for
the guard.
10. CHALLENGE – The command “HALT” WHO IS THERE? Is used to
cause an unidentified. If secret challenge is used, it follows the original challenge
and consists of a word of distinctive sound. Any process carries-out by one unit or
person with the objects of ascertaining the friendly or hostile character or identify
of another.
11. PASSWORD – A word, or distinctive sound, used to answer a
challenge identifies the person or party desiring to enter or pass and is always
12. COUNTERSIGN – A countersign consist of a secret challenge and
password. The words comprising the countersign are issued from the principal
headquarters of a command to aid guards and sentinels in their security of person
who apply to pass the lines.
13. FIXED POST – A specific post with defined limits.
14. SENTINEL POST – An area for which the sentinel is responsible.
Within his post, a sentinel performs the duties required by general and special
15. CONFINEMENT OFFICER – A Military police assigned to a stockade
and charge with the security, administration, care, and custody of all prison
confined in the local stockade or hospital prisoner ward.
16. RELIEF – Is the procedure whereby members of the post are relieved
and members are posted in place.
17. RELIEVED – Is to direct any members of the guard to cease
performance of duty.
18. SENTRY – Enlisted personnel assigned to duty as member of the
guard to keep watch, maintain order, protect property and given alarm of any
attack or disorder.
19. WATCH – Is a period of time during which member of the guard
performed the prescribed duties beginning when he is posted and terminated his
20. STOCKADE – A confinement facility under the jurisdiction of an
installation commander, used for the confinement of the military prisoners.

B. The Organization of Interior Guards

1. Officer of the Day (OD)
2. Commander of the Relief or Junior Officer of the Day (JOOD)
3. Sergeant of the Guard (SOG)
4. Corporal of the Guard (COG)
5. Sentries of the Sentinel
NOTE : The strength of the interior guard varies the number of the post at a
certain installation.
Arms And Equipment Varies According To Their Particular Duties
Rifles (M16)
Shot Gun
Motor Vehicles
C. Duties and Responsibilities of Interior Guard
Commanding Officer
1. Provide sentinel for security.
2. Prescribe regulation and special order of the guard.
3. Received the report of the Officer of the Day.
4. Supervise and inspect stockade prisoners.

Field Officer of the Day

1. Representative of the Commanding Office.
2. Supervise the Interior Guard duties.
3. Conduct inspection for details.
Officer of the Day
1. Responsible for the performance of the guard.
2. Protect life and properties in case of alarm.
3. Signature of the guard report.
4. Responsible for the guard.
Commander of the Relief
1. Responsible for instruction performance and discipline of the guard.
2. Prepares the daily report card.
3. Responsible for the posting of relief at the proper time.
4. Form the reserve in case of alarm.
Sergeant of the Guard
1. Supervise the non-commissioned officer of the guard.
2. Responsible for the cleanliness of the guard house and surroundings.
3. Responsible for the posting of relief at the proper time.
4. Form the guard in case of emergency.
Corporal of the Guard
1. Assigned members of the guard to their post.
2. Report to the Sergeant of the guard all violation of orders and unusual
3. Post him at the guardhouse.
4. Awaken the next relief on time of relieving.
5. Examine persons halted or determined by the sentinel.
1. Memorize, understand and complied with the general order.
2. Memorize, understand and complied with special orders.

D. Type of Orders for Interior Guard

1. General Orders – are orders applied to all sentries to the main and special
2.Special Orders – are orders promulgated by the Commanding Officer
prescribed the special duties for the main and special guards.

E. The Eleven (11) General Orders

1. To take charge of this post all government properties and view.
2. To walk my post in a military manner keeping always on alert and observing
everything that takes place within sight or hearing.
3. To report all violation of orders I am instructed to enforce.
4. To repeat all calls from post more distance from guardhouse then my own.
5. To quit my post only when properly relieved.
6. To receive, obey and pass on the sentinel who relieved me all order from the
Commanding Officer of the Day and non-commissioned Officer of the guard only.
7. To talk no one except in line of duty.
8. To give the alarm in case of fire or disorder.
9. To call the commander of the relief in any case not covered by instruction.
10. To salute all officers and all colors and standard not case.
11. To be specially watchful at night and during the time for challenge all
persons or near my post and to allow no one to pass without proper authority.
F. Guard Composition
a. Interior Guard – An interior guard is detailed by the commanders of the
military installation to preserve orders, protect property and enforce military
regulation. The installation commander is responsible for the interior guard of the
installation and he prescribed the composition of the guard. When brigade and
separate units are responsible for an interior guard with their own areas, their
composition, duties and responsibilities are similar to those outlined in this
manual, Commanders’ of Unit furnishing personnel for guards are responsible to
insure that these men are qualified or familiar with the weapons they use on
The interior guards may consist of the following elements;
1. The main guard, which is a combination of patrols and fixed post
2. The Special Guard which are use to protect parks, trains, boats, aircraft
and other special purposes.
b. Exterior Guard – Are those guards whose duties and responsibilities are
different from those set down for interior guard. Exterior guard is not as formal and
restricted as interior guard. Classified as exterior guards lookout, listening post
outpost specially designated patrols and other guard in combat zone. Field
training alerts, and guard outside the limits of military installation. The exterior
guard performs their duties as prescribed by special orders and instruction.

Procedures for Challenging and Reply with the Password

When you are posted as sentry, you should report the situation on your
post. When you are inspected by officers or non-commissioned officers of
the guard. Likewise, you should know the proper procedure or challenging
and reply for the password.
Reporting a sentry post – Report to your superior in this manner. “Sir,
private _________ report in post number ________ is secure (Or your report
anything that is not ordinary).

Challenging One Person

a. To a person about to enter his post: “HALT, WHO GOES THERE?”
b. The sentry orders the person forward: “ ADVANCED, LT ROMAN TO BE
c. When person are closed enough to be identified. The sentry commands:
“HALT” (He does not recognized LT ROMAN).
d. The sentry will give challenge in low voice: “PEPSI”
e. When the sentry has identified the person, he will permit him to proceed:“PASS
Person Challenged
a. Person halts immediately and answer: “LT ROMAN, THE OPERATION
b. The person will advance without giving any reply.
c. Person will halt on command and wait for further instructions.
d. The person challenge will give the reply in low voice: “SARSI”.
e. Person will proceed when told to proceed.
Challenging a Group

a. To a group of person about to enter his post, Group will immediately halt and
“HALT, WHO GOES THERE?” senior will answer “LT LUCERO
b. Sentry will order the senior forward Person will advance without any
c. Come forward to be recognized
RECOGNIZE” then, he will be directed to identify
other members of his group.
d. When LT LUCERO is close enough The Patrol will pass through post.
to be identified, sentry will command
e. The sentry will halt, identify or control
the patrol as the situation demand.
H. Guard Mounting (Informal)
A. The Sergeant of the Guard forms the guard by commanding HUMANAY.
The relief commander Falls in so that the guard is there steps in front and
centered on the sergeant of the guard. Each relief forms at normal interval to the
left of each respective commander, sentinels forms in the order of their assigned
post (one, two, three, etc.) the sergeant of the guard orders inspection of arms by
the commands SIYASAT TA, AGAP TA, BABA TA.
B. If an officer has been detailed as commander of the guard, the sergeant of
the guard faces about and reports “Nandito na pong lahat”. Salutes are exchange.
After completing the report, the sergeant of the guard faces about, faces half right
in marching a marches by the most direct route to position directly behind the
commander of their relief a normal distance.
C. If an officer has not been detailed as commander of the guard, the
sergeant of the guard takes three (3) steps forward and assumes the position of
the commander of the guard.
D. When the officer of the day arrives, the commander of the guard reports :
“Nandito na po lahat”. They exchange salutes.
E. Marching to center – The officer of the day commands PINUNO AT MGA
KAWAL PUMAGITNA NA, KAD. On the command PUMAGITNA the non-
commissioned Officers (NCO) farthest to the rear commands the other NCOs SA
KANANG BALIKAT, TA. On the command KAD the commander of the guard. The
NCO in the rear commands the other NCOs to halt and face to the right (at right
shoulder arms) when they are centered on the commander of the guard.
F. After the commander of the guard and the NCOs halt and are in position,
the officer of the day marches forward, halt at normal distance in front of the
commander of the guard and designate PINUNO NG TANOD. He then faces half
right in marching and marches around and to the near to the commander of the
guard. He halts at normal distance in front of the right flank NCO and designated
SARHENTO NG TANOD. He then faces half right in marching takes two-step,
halts, execute a left face, and designate PINUNO PANGALAWANG PAMALIT and
PINUNO UNANG PAMALIT. He then faces about, marches by most direct route to
his post halts and faces about again. If an officer is not present as commander of
the guard the officer of the day designates the right flank NCO, PINUNO NG
G. Return to post – the officer of the day commands SUMALUNAN. At this
command, the commander of the guard and NCO face about, march to their
designated post, and halt without command. The sergeant of the guard
commands the relief commander to BABA TA and HARAP SALIKOD, NA. if an
officer has not been detailed as commander of the guard the first relief
commander gives these commands.

Inspection of Guards
1. The Officer of the day commands HUMNDA SA PAGSISIYASAT. At this
command the commander of the guard without saluting faces about and
commands BUKANG TALUDTOD NA. Ranks are opened and dressed. When the
commander of the guard has taken his post, the officer of the day inspects the
2. The officer of the day orders sentinel who are not presentable for guard to
fall out and return to quarters, supernumeraries. If any, replace the men who have
fallen out.
3. After inspecting the guard, the officer of the day resumes his original
Salutes are exchange. The commander of the guard faces to the left and
commands LAPIT TALUDTOD, NA. He then moves to his position six steps in
front of and centered on the guard, faces the guard and commands HARAP SA
KANAN, NA; KANANG BALIKAT, TA. He positions himself at the head of the left
file at normal distance and marches the guard to the guardhouse.
4. Relieving the Old Guard – before the new guard arrives at the guardhouse,
the old guard is formed in a line formation with two or more relief. The commander
of the guard position himself six steps in front of center of the guard. When the
new guard six step from the left flank of the old guard the commander of the new
guard commands KANAN, TINGIN, TA. He faces back to the front and renders
proper salutes. When the new guard has cleared the right flank of the old guard,
the commander of the new guard commands, HANDA, HARAP. The commander
of the old guard faces about, commands BABA, TA and faces back to the front.
5. Formation of the Old Guard and New Guard at the Guardhouse – after the
new guard executes HANDA, HARAP, and the commander of the guard command
KANANG PANIG, NA. He position himself six steps in the rear of and centered on
his guard. He halts the new guard when it is on line with six steps to the right of
the old guard. Then he command BABA, TA; HARAP SALIKOD, NA. The left flank
man, first relief, verifies six steps interval; dress. He aligns his guard.
6. Presenting New and Old Guard – when the new guard is in position, the
commanders of both guards face about and command TANGHAL, TA. Then they
face each other and exchange salutes, face toward their respective guards,
command BABA, TA, and face back to the front.

Presenting the Guards to the Officer of the Day

1. After both officers of the day have faced their guards, the new officer of the
day commands ISALUNAN AND UNANG PAMALIT. The new commander salutes
the officer of the day, faces about and command TIWALAG. The guard reports to
the guardhouse and commander of the guard for instruction on posting his relief.
2. The old officer of the day commands TIWALAG AND MGA TANOD. The
commander salutes the old officer of the day. Faces about and commands
PAHINGA. He then contacts the new commander and conveys any instruction.
a) If the old guard was finished from one company, the commander of
the old guard marches the guard to the company area and dismisses it by
b) If the guard was finished from one company, the commander of the
old guard marches the guard detail to the company area and dismisses it, in
accordance with the above.
c) After relieving the third of the old guard, the commander of the relief
reports to commander of the guard. The commander of the new guard inspects
the relief order commander to march the relief to the company area and dismiss it.
Salutes are exchanged.

I. Formal Guard Mounting

A. Assembly of Band – the band takes its place on the parade ground at a
point where its left flanks is 12 steps to the right where of the guard will be. When
the adjutant is ensure that the guard is ready to march unto the parade ground, he
signals the band to sound the adjutant call.

Assembly and Forming the Guard

1) The guard detail are formed as prescribed of informal guard mounting.
When assembly sounds, each guard detail is marched to the point of assembly of
the parade ground and is reported to the Sergeant of the Guard.
The Guard Details are assembled and formed into a platoon. If there are
more than 14 men per rank the guard is divided into two platoons.
2) The assistant sergeant of the guard takes his post three steps and
centered on the second. The remaining NCOs if any, form on the left flank to
equalize the number of men in each rank. After the platoons are formed, the
sergeant of the guards faces the guard to the right.

Marching the Guard to the Parade Ground

1) Upon the Adjutant’s Call the band plays march music. The adjutant will the
Sergeant major on his, marches forward on the first note of the music.
2) The Sergeant of the Guard takes his post three steps to the left and
centered on the Guard. He commands KANANG BALIKAT, TA at the first note of
the Adjutant call and marches the guard in column unto the parade ground. He
approaches the parade ground from direction near to the final line, which the
guard will form. He halts the guard when the head of column is 12 steps from the
left flank of the band and centered on the Sergeant Major. At this time, the band
stop playing. The sergeant of the guard faces to the right and, if appropriate

Dressing of the Guard – The sergeant of the guard and the assistant of the
guard, if there are two platoons dress the guard.

Sergeant of the Guard

When the Sergeant of the Guard commands, HANDA, HARAP, the
commander of the guards takes a position six steps in the near inn the right flank
man of the rear flank. (if there are two platoons, the assistant commander of the
guard takes his post behind the second platoon in the same position as
prescribed for the commander of the guard). The Sergeant of the Guard faces
about and reports the Sergeant Major Lahat po, SUMALUNAN. The Sergeant of
the Guard faces about, faces half right in marching, and march to his post. He
halts at normal distance directly behind the commander of the relief. If an
assistant sergeant of the guard is presented, he executes the movements cited
above at the command SUMALUNAN and posts himself directly the commander
of the relief. The Sergeant of the Guard positions himself behind the assistant
sergeant of the guard at a normal distance.
Sergeant Major’s Report
1) After commanding SUMALUNAN, the Sergeant Major faces about and
reports to the Adjutant “Lahat Po’y narito” or ______________ and “wala”. They
exchange salutes. The Sergeant Major faces about marches to his post and halts
at normal interval to the left the left flank men of the first rank of the second
2) When the Sergeant Major has finished his report and has faced about, the
commander of the guard marches his position in the rear of the guard around its
right flank to his six steps in front of and centered on the guard. If there are two
platoons, the assistant commander of the guard if present takes his post in front of
the second platoon.
The Adjutant commands PINUNO (or) MGA PINUNO AT PINUNONG
HINDI HIRANG NA; The procedures for marching to center is the same as in
parade of informal Guard Mounting except that when there are two commanders
of the guard, the senior is designated “Punong Tanod” and the junior
“Pangalawang Tanod”.

Test I. True or False ( 10 x 2 = 20 pts )

Write the word TRUE if the statement is correct and the word FALSE if otherwise.
____________ 1. Officer of the Day is an officer acting directly under the
commanding officer who is responsible on a given day for the execution of all
____________ 2. Sentinel is an individual of the guards whose duties are
prescribed by general or special orders.
____________ 3. Sentry is a guard sentinel or lookout.
____________ 4. Sergeant of the guard is the senior of non-commissioned
officer of the guard.
____________ 5. Guardhouse is a building occupied by men detailed for
interior guard duty.
____________ 6. Password is a word or distinctive sound use to answer
____________ 7. Fixed post is a specific post with defined limits.
____________ 8. Relief is a period of time during which members of the guard
performed that prescribe duties.
____________ 9. Watch is the procedure whereby members of the guard are
relieved and members are posted in place.
____________ 10. Sentinel post an area for which the sentinel is responsible.

Test II. Multiple Response ( 20 x 2 = 40 pts ) Encircle the letter only.

1. The organization of Interior Guard
a. Officer of the day d. Sergeant of the Guard
b. Security e. Corporal of the Guard
c. Commander of the Relief f. Sentries of the Sentinel

2. Field Officer of the Day

a. Conduct inspection for details
b. Supervise the Interior Guard duties
c. Responsible for the Guard
d. Representative of the Commanding Officer
3. Officer of the Day
a. Responsible for the performance of the Guard
b. Protect life and properties
c. Signature of the guard report
d. Responsible for the Guard
4. Types of Orders for Interior Guard
a. General Orders
b. Special Order
c. Operation Order
d. Fragmentary Order
5. Arms and Equipment Varies According to their Particular Duties
a. Rifle (M16) e. Shotgun
b. Rifle (M14) f. Motor Vehicles
c. Carbines g. Caliber 30 (LMG)
d. Pistols

Test I. ( 20 pts ) Test II. ( 40 pts )

1. True 1. ( a, c, d, e, f )
2. True 2. ( a, b, d )
3. True 3. ( a, b, c, d )
4. True 4. (a, b)
5. True 5. ( a, c, d, e, f )
6. True
7. True
8. False
9. False

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