Startypes Report For: Galka by Michael Erlewine: This Reading Compliments Of: Matrix Software Contact: 231-796-4163
Startypes Report For: Galka by Michael Erlewine: This Reading Compliments Of: Matrix Software Contact: 231-796-4163
Startypes Report For: Galka by Michael Erlewine: This Reading Compliments Of: Matrix Software Contact: 231-796-4163
by Michael Erlewine
"I have lectured, taught classes, and done private consultations for more years
than I want to think about. What I have found works best is a one-to-one
presentation of the astrological chart - your personal astrology. In the StarTypes
reports, I have tried to do just that: walk you through what is most important about
your astrology chart, step-by-step, just as I would if we sat down together for a
chart reading. StarTypes Reports are illustrated and easy to read. After all, they
are all about you!"
StarType analysis plots large-scale planetary patterns as seen from Earth and
compares those patterns to corresponding patterns astronomers see functioning
throughout our entire solar system. StarTypes charts not only the outer
circumstances of your birth (your personality and Karma), but also the internal
and spiritual qualities embedded in that same moment, your inner motivation,
what has been called your Dharma or Life Path. The result is an enhanced
perspective that in effect amounts to a stereo image of your birth moment and
chart, looking inside and out.
StarTypes analysis offers a very complete perspective on your birth moment, with
insights into what talents you naturally have, how those talents might be used, as
well as your relationship role with partners, romantic and otherwise. Check it out.
What follows is your own StarType report. I hope you enjoy it.
Your StarType is more than just your personality and the circumstances in which
you happen to find yourself in life. It also describes who you are at heart, the real
inner you behind all that is going on the outside, plus your possibilities - how you
look at and approach life. StarTypes reveal the 'you' as only your closest friends
know you, as you know yourself. What follows is a description of our StarType.
This StarType:
"For ideas must be made to matter." This might be the slogan for Galka, and of
this StarType, "The Entrepreneur," a type that is driven to react to any practical
contact with ways to improve the situation - always bringing new ideas into the
practical sphere.
For one, Galka naturally gets the big picture, just taking in any situation, and
grasping the overall gist of it. This is Galka. But coupled with this supervisor or
overseeing ability is something just a little rare and that is: a constant drive to
implement whatever she sees in her mind, as practical solutions in the day-to-
day world. She can't rest until the ideas that she sees in the overview of her mind
are implemented here on earth in a very practical way. Thus, the nickname: "The
Entrepreneur," for her natural drive finds her endlessly risking all to bring something
into reality that was only an idea before.
So don't feel bad about Galka not being particularly independent. She knows
well the meaning of loneliness and the last thing she needs is more distance. She
has that. Galka is distant and far-seeing and all that. And sensitive! she feels
every little change and thing that comes whistling past. What would help would
be to find a partner who can help bring her more down to earth, help to ground
her and bring experience.
Given grounding and experience, Galka's very fertile mind and imagination just
can't help but produce something real, something of value.
Galka, more than most StarTypes, could benefit from mixing it up with some of
the red-bordered StarTypes, like the T-Square (#1) and, of course, the Grand
Cross (#3). For her, all contact (meaning, touching, and physical contact) is just
grist for her mill, causing her strong mind to come to practical terms, to touch
down into the physical. She needs physical contact to balance out and these
other StarTypes can provide that.
As for the blue-bordered cards, keep in mind that they have the qualities of both
the red-bordered and the green-bordered cards within their makeup. When
relating to them, Galka will want to invoke the attention-demanding parts of them,
having them take on the role of the loved one - someone for her to look after.
The Lover
Things are not always what they seem, especially when meeting someone for the first time. How to those
around your see you? Are you a "What You See Is What You Get" type or are you a "What You See is Not What
You Get" type. Are you different once folks get to know you? StarTypes has way of measuring the difference.
On the following page is a comparison of the traditional astrology chart of the outer appearances of this
individual (personality), the way this person comes across AND the chart of their inner Self (Dharma chart),
the individual as they are when you come to know them better. This will give you an idea if what you see is in
fact what you get.
Above find your inner and outer StarType cards. Perhaps the more important of the two is the inner StarType,
the one on the left. This is what is called your Dharma of Life-Path Chart. It is who you are inside, as people
get to know you. This is your heart essence, how you function in this world.
On the right is the chart of how you appear to others, your personality, the way you come across upon first
contact - the initial impression. These two cards can be similar in type and function or very different. If the
border color of the cards is the same (green, red, blue, or rose), then you are more-or-less how you appear,
that is: what you see is what you get. If they are different, colors, then you may be quite different on first
impression than you are when people get to know you. In that case, what you see is not what you get.
StarType Appearances
There is no difference between how this person appears and how they are when
you get to know them. What you see is what you get. Galka is Caring, and kind,
perhaps a little shy or self-conscious. Not too social, but very skilled with words
and ideas. Always interested in other people, caring for them. An inner drive that
is apparent to all.
Appearances Page 6
Your Major Chart Patterns
Galka is high energy, ambitious, and pretty much driven to succeed. There is an
ability to grasp concepts, pick out patterns in the mind with ease, coupled with a
persistent drive to make these ideas manifest and happen in the world. Galka is
a dreamer, daring to see into the future and make it happen now, thus the title
"The Entrepreneur." She uses the mind extensively and is thoughtful, careful, and
She is not a people person, except perhaps in enthusing others about a
particular idea or project. She runs cool, not warm, so should stay away from
sales. She would probably not make a good group (hands-on) leader, but would
make a great advisor or consultant. Can be too much theory and not enough
The Witness
Another StarType pattern in effect at your birth is: "Big Mind," lots of vision, strong
mental and observational faculties are what is happening here. An interest in the
mind itself and how it works suggests that psychological areas are a natural for
Galka and can't be avoided. She takes to the psychological workings of the mind
like a fish to water. Psychic insight is perhaps indicated, as well.
In summary, she is taking it all in, recording it, "getting it" whole, with all its parts,
and their interaction. Galka is somewhat recursive mentally, tending perhaps to
In fact, if things are not on point for her, all of this mental striving can easily slip
into anxiety, making loops of worry or syndromes very possible. Galka very much
needs relationships, not just for entertainment but in a remedial way.
The Receptive
Another StarType pattern in effect at your birth is: Galka has the StarType of the
caregiver, caring for and serving others, perhaps given over to worry, but in the
purest form, just concern. She uses the mind to evaluate and minister to
everything and everybody worthy of care. She naturally is open, a listener, and
always receptive. Much more mental than physical, Galka probably has a career
in a service industry, something that involves thinking and using the mind.
The Psychologist
Another StarType pattern in effect at your birth is: Galka's mind and psychological
prowess is the key to understanding her StarType. It is ALL about mental processes
and mental states. She has a very strong mind and could be an expert
psychologist and, at any rate, cannot avoid learning about the mind in all of its
inner mechanisms and wanderings.
Naturally compassionate and responsive, Galka lives by her wits and intellectual
abilities, and not by her group or people skills. If anything, she runs to the cool
side. If there is any downside to all of this psychological prowess, it would be
perhaps a tendency to get a little lost in the mind and wake up locked into one
mental syndrome or another, some mental habit that is roaring like a freight train,
who knows where. So take note.
Another StarType pattern in effect at your birth is: This is a harmonic, a small
pattern that is not a standard StarType in itself. It could use interfacing with many
other StarTypes. While not a major StarType, this pattern that may appear and
accompany major patterns, lending them its flavor. In this pattern, there is a
sense of completion, getting things finalized or brought into shape or focus, so
that there is a sense of being finished or concluded, as in: complete. The cycle is
finished and returns to its starting point. The many are one.
The Caregiver
Another StarType pattern in effect at your birth is: Galka is hard-working and
always ready to pitch in and help out. Not particularly touchy-feely, she tends to
be more reserved, depending on using her mind and mental abilities in most
situations. She often does not assume folks can understand who she is until she
shows them what she can do or has done in the past.
Galka excels in situations that demand responsibility and thinking on the feet, in
particular when it comes to service-oriented concerns, matters that demand real
Another StarType pattern in effect at your birth is: This is not really a StarType, but
one of the patterns in many charts, part of Galka's toolkit. It has to do with
accomplishing something on the physical plane - actually doing it. When firmly
done, it is compact, exact, and not easily undone on the physical plane. It is very
strongly built.
Mental Work
Another StarType pattern in effect at your birth is: This is not a StarType, but rather
a part of your overall makeup. It refers to using the mind successfully, handling
detail work with ease, and being of service to yourself and others. This is a pattern
of organization and mental work.
Combination: Ve = Ju/Ur
On the plus side, this indicates a man with great endurance and self control.
Disciplined leader. Military or extreme sports figures. On the other hand, this could
suggest a weakening or blocking of energy, the force to accomplish things. the
vitality is threatened.
Combination: Su = Ma/Sa
Inspirational Speaker
Inspired speaker or writer. The ambition to write on spiritual topics. Making plans
and hopes based on peace and unity. In the worst case, making unrealistic
Combination: Me = Ma/Ne
Restraint in passion and/or energy; strict emotional control, perhaps a little hard-
hearted. Lack of enthusiasm or affection. Lack of pleasure and satisfaction. Not
Combination: Sa = Ve/Ma
Rebel. A man who acts for freedom and independence. The drive for change.
Unpredictable or sudden action.
Combination: Su = Ma/Ur
Love of Industry
The love of industry and a disciplined career -- the straight and narrow, perhaps
with the law and judicial system. An affinity for solving problems.
Combination: Ve = Ju/Sa
Combination: Ve = Su/Sa
Combination: Ur = Ve/Ma
New ideas about career or unusual career plans. Quick, but fair, decisions. Sharp
intellect. New approaches to solving problem. Education reform.
Combination: Ur = Me/Ju
Galka is (or can be) very sensitive, perhaps often somewhat shy, and even self-
effacing at times.
Galka is not private, but rather open, at least mentally and psychologically. No
Galka is naturally direct and straightforward. What you see is what you get.
Galka is always formally (and intellectually) friendly and collegial, but is not
naturally warm or very social, probably won't offer you the fraternity handshake.
Galka is intellectually confident, but may be socially less so.
Romantic Role:
Galka likes to take on the role of "lover" or caretaker in a relationship.
Office Role:
In an office environment, Galka prefers the role of supervisor or manager of some
Yes, in relationships.
Relationships Page 14
Business type:
Yes, very.
Management Skills:
Teamwork Skills:
Intellectual teamwork, yes.
Galka makes a good advisor.
Yes, the best.
Intuitively Creative:
Not naturally good.
Work Ethic:
Very responsible.
Anayltical Skills:
Organizational Skills:
Good organizational skills.
Detail Work:
Good at detail work.
Yes, very smart.
Interpersonal Skills:
Best at verbal and written.
Problem Solving:
Group Leader:
Probably not, or if so, then intellectually only.
However, don't mistake Galka's coolness for a lack of enthusiasm, for she is high
energy, ambitious, and pretty much driven to succeed. As noted, there is an
ability to grasp concepts, pick out patterns in the mind with ease, coupled with a
persistent drive to make these ideas manifest and happen in the world.Galka is a
bit of a dreamer, daring to see into the future and make it happen now, thus the
title "The Entrepreneur." She uses the mind extensively and is thoughtful, careful,
and meticulous.
Galka would benefit from having a practical team to help carry out what she so
clearly needs to do.Also noted above, she is not a people person, except
perhaps in enthusing others about a particular idea or project. Galka runs cool,
not warm, so she should stay away from sales-related efforts. She would probably
not make a good group (hands-on) leader, but would make a great advisor or
consultant. At times, she can be too much theory and not enough practice.
Summary Page 17
StarTypes analysis excels in vocational and relationship analysis and it can be
useful to know something about each of the four most common relationship roles
that StarType covers, these roles indicated by the red, green, blue, and rose-
colored borders of the StarType cards. Let's go over the basic relationship types.
First let's make sure that we are clear about what we mean by relationship, and
this holds true for all relationships: lovers, friends, not-so-friends, co-workers, and
even not-so-friends..
Any relationship of two persons, given time, usually resolves itself into one of four
main general styles or types, in which each partner in the relationship takes on a
particular role. Of course, the two classic roles are that of the "Lover" and the
"Loved One," as in Romeo is the lover and Juliet is the object of his love or loved
one. A more modern way of saying this might be that in most relationships,
someone picks up the dirty socks (lover or caretaking role) and someone lets the
socks lay there (loved one or taken-care-of role). StarType analysis is quite
accurate at showing you ahead of time who is likely to be the Lover and who the
Loved One. To make it easier, we use four colors to mark the four major types of
First let's make sure that we are clear about what we mean by relationship, and
this holds true for all relationships: lovers, friends, not-so-friends, co-workers, and
even not-so-friends..
Any relationship of two persons, given time, usually resolves itself into one of four
main general styles or types, in which each partner in the relationship takes on a
particular role. Of course, the two classic roles are that of the "Lover" and the
"Loved One," as in Romeo is the lover and Juliet is the object of his love or loved
one. A more modern way of saying this might be that in most relationships,
someone picks up the dirty socks (lover or caretaking role) and someone lets the
socks lay there (loved one or taken-care-of role). StarType analysis is quite
accurate at showing you ahead of time who is likely to be the Lover and who the
Loved One. To make it easier, we use four colors to mark the four major types of
GREEN: The green-bordered cards represent "The Lover" StarType family. They take
on the role of the lover, the observer and annotators, and the caretaker of the
RED: The red-bordered StarType cards are reserved for the "Loved One" family,
the ones who are watched, cared for, and observed. These are the StarTypes
with all the charisma. They like attention and usually take on the role of the
watched - the Loved One.
Examples of classic red-bordered cards include the T-Cross or T-Square (#1) and
the Grand Cross (#3).
Blue: Independent
RED: The red-bordered StarType cards are reserved for the "Loved One" family,
the ones who are watched, cared for, and observed. These are the StarTypes
with all the charisma. They like attention and usually take on the role of the
watched - the Loved One.
Examples of classic red-bordered cards include the T-Cross or T-Square (#1) and
the Grand Cross (#3).
BLUE: Some chart patterns have both roles in a single natal chart, the role of the
Lover and the Loved One. When both qualities ("Loved One" and "Lover") appear
in the same chart, these are the "Independent" StarTypes, and their borders are
blue. They can go both ways. In some relationships they take on the role of the
Lover, but in others they assume the role of the Loved One. They are somewhat
Examples of classic blue-bordered cards include T-Cross & Grand Trine (#7),
Grand Cross & Grand Trine (#12), T-Cross & Wedge (#10), and others.
Rose: Multi-relationship
ROSE: And last, there is a small group of StarTypes that demand a lot of contact
and relations, called appropriately the "Multi-" or Many-Relationships" StarTypes,
which have rose colored borders.