Ambarish Horoscope
Ambarish Horoscope
Ambarish Horoscope
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Hi there, here is the interpretation of the astrological chart that you asked for. Also attached is a .GIF graphic file which depicts your chart wheel. Thank you for
visiting the Astrolabe WEB site at This report has been created especially for you. It represents your Unique picture at the time you were born
and at the place you were born. If you are unsure of the exact time of day of your birth (or the date or the place), the reading will probably not seem as accurate
as it could be in certain places, but other parts will seem to be very appropriate. You will notice at certain places in the reading that contradictory information
seems to be given. This is to be expected, because the personality of most people is extremely complex. For example, at times we are quite shy and at other times
we are very aggressive, and so forth. You will also notice that, at certain points in the reading, certain patterns may be repeated over and over, especially in a
longer more detailed report than this one. This is also to be expected. This simply means that your horoscope has an extremely strong focus on this particular
pattern and that you should pay extra close attention to what is said about it. Now, on with your Report!
Name: ambarish
January 20 1977
10:04 AM Time Zone is IST
New Delhi, INDIA
1 of 2 1/7/2011 5:19 AM
Astrolabe Free Chart from
mold. You are a true democrat -- you are not a follower, but you enjoy being with those who are like-minded. You appreciate emotional self-control -- you
practice it yourself and you look for it in others. You solve problems, including emotional ones, with your brains and intellect, not your feelings. Try to be
tolerant of those who have powerful and obvious emotional responses -- not everyone is as objective, cool, dispassionate and detached as you are.
If you would like a detailed (approx 30 page) interpretation of your astrological profile which includes your houses, aspects, and major trends in your chart - or
if you would like other reports or readings that depict your life and the influences that you are under for any specific dates - See our chart service offerings at or contact us at 1-800-THE-NOVA for prices and information.
Also, see our Chart Service pages for information on many other full length reports that you can order.
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