The Cognitive Neuroscience of Apraxia: Glossary
The Cognitive Neuroscience of Apraxia: Glossary
The Cognitive Neuroscience of Apraxia: Glossary
Claudia C Schmidta and Peter H Weissa,b, a Cognitive Neuroscience, Institute of Neuroscience and Medicine (INM-3), Research
Centre Juelich, Juelich, Germany; and b Department of Neurology, Faculty of Medicine and University Hospital Cologne, University of
Cologne, Cologne, Germany
© 2022 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Dorso-dorsal processing stream Neural pathway that projects from visual areas to regions within the intraparietal sulcus (IPS)
and superior parietal lobule (SPL), and eventually to the dorsal premotor cortex. Functionally, the dorso-dorsal stream is
considered to process structural features of objects and representations of body parts to mediate online sensorimotor control of
ongoing actions.
Function knowledge Conceptual representations of the prototypical function of a tool or an object (i.e., what an object is for).
Function-based actions Skilled movements for the functional use of a tool or an object that rely on semantic knowledge,
a given context and/or mechanical problem solving.
Intransitive gestures Symbolic/communicative or abstract/meaningless gestures that are not related to a tool or an external
Manipulation knowledge Action representations of the prototypical manipulation of a tool or an object (i.e., how an object is
Structure-based actions Prehensile movements that are mainly afforded by the structural properties of a tool or an object (e.g.,
shape, size, position), for the purpose of reaching or grasping (to pick-up or move) this tool or object.
Transitive gestures Meaningful gestures related to the (actual or pretended) use of a tool and its target object (recipient), for
example, the production of pantomimes of tool/object use.
Ventral processing stream Neural pathway that traverses from visual areas in the ventral occipito-temporal cortex through
regions mainly located in the anterior temporal lobe (ATL) and from there to the inferior frontal gyrus (IFG). The functional
role of the ventral stream is thought to account for visual object recognition and retrieval of semantic properties of objects.
Ventro-dorsal processing stream Neural pathway that consists of projections from visual areas to the supramarginal gyrus
(SMG) of the inferior parietal lobule (IPL), and eventually projects to the ventral premotor cortex. Functionally, the ventro-
dorsal stream is considered to mediate skilled actions for manipulating objects and functionally using tools.
AG Angular gyrus
ATL Anterior temporal lobe
DLPFC Dorsolateral prefrontal cortex
IFG Inferior frontal gyrus
IPL Inferior parietal lobule
IPS Intraparietal sulcus
MTG Middle temporal gyrus
SMG Supramarginal gyrus
Apraxia refers to a set of disorders of higher (cognitive) motor abilities leading to impaired performance of specific, goal-directed,
skilled and/or learned actions that cannot be (fully) accounted for by elementary sensory or motor deficits (e.g., impaired visual
recognition, ataxia, dyskinesia, paresis), disturbances in language comprehension or communicative skills (e.g., aphasia), general
cognitive impairments (e.g., inattention, dementia), or uncooperativeness (Cubelli, 2017).
A variety of different clinical subtypes of apraxia have been described in the literature and diverse schemas exist to classify them.
Specifically, there are classifications of apraxias that characterize the praxis disorders based upon deficits in the execution/produc-
tion of (lower-level) motor programs (e.g., limb-kinetic apraxia, apraxia of speech), in modality-specific sensorimotor control (e.g.,
tactile apraxia, visuo-motor/optic apraxia), or in the cognitive mechanisms of action control (e.g., ideational apraxia, ideo-motor
apraxia (Binkofski and Fink, 2005)). The terms ideational apraxia and ideo-motor apraxia were elaborated by Hugo Liepmann
(Goldenberg, 2003) to refer to deficits in planning an action (i.e., in the generation of the concept of gestures or actions) and
the accurate motor execution of an action plan (i.e., its conversion into motor commands), respectively (De Renzi et al., 1980;
Poeck, 1983). However, these terms have been also used by various research groups to indicate impairments in performing commu-
nicative, tool-related and/or imitative actions (ideo-motor apraxia) or sequences of actions using (various) objects/tools (ideational
apraxia (Buxbaum, 2001)) leading to inconsistencies in terminology, whichdin turndhinder a clear distinction between these
apraxia subtypes (Buxbaum and Randerath, 2018; Hanna-Pladdy and Rothi, 2001).
Other forms of apraxic disorders are labeled according to the specific task (e.g., apraxia of eyelid opening, dressing apraxia) or
function involved (e.g., apraxia of gait, apraxic agraphia (Cubelli, 2017). However, it has been questioned whether these subtypes
truly represent disorders of higher motor functions and hence constitute variants of apraxia (Poeck, 1986; Tate and McDonald,
Furthermore, a more descriptive taxonomy has been established determining praxis deficits with respect to the body part affected
(i.e., limb apraxia, bucco-facial apraxia) and/or the disturbed (main) action domain (i.e., imitation, pantomime, actual tool use
(Cubelli, 2017)). The latter description of apraxia in relation to the various clinical motor deficits that may pertain to different
body parts has been suggested to be particularly appropriate to clinically assess patients with assumed praxis deficits as well as
to unveil the putative cognitive motor mechanisms underlying these apraxic deficits (Goldenberg, 2014b).
The current article focuses on (upper) limb apraxia referring to a bilateral impairment of purposeful, skilled movements of the
hand and/or arm, including deficits in gesture imitation, pantomime of object use and actual object/tool use. Furthermore, despite
the association between apraxia and various neurological disorders ((Johnen et al., 2016; Stamenova et al., 2011); see also the
article “Clinical Aspects of Apraxia” in this volume), the following sections will focus on post-stroke limb apraxia for which the
majority of research into the cognitive and neurofunctional mechanisms underlying apraxia has been conducted.
Limb apraxia is commonly associated with lesions to a left hemispheric large-scale praxis network, including parietal, temporal,
frontal, and subcortical regions (Sperber et al., 2019), with differing extent and localization of the critical structures associated
with particular praxis deficits (for example (Dressing et al., 2018; Hanna-Pladdy et al., 2001b; Hoeren et al., 2014; Martin et al.,
2016a; Randerath et al., 2010; Salazar-López et al., 2016)). Specifically, behavioral associations and dissociations between deficits
in imitation, pantomime and actual tool use are (partly) reflected in the differential roles of critical regions in the praxis networks
within the motor-dominant, left hemisphere (Goldenberg, 2017). A schematic representation of the left hemispheric core regions
associated with limb apraxia, along with the main praxis functions to which they have been found to contribute, is shown in Fig. 1.
However, manifestations of apraxia have also been observed after damage to the right hemisphere. In particular, stroke patients
with right hemisphere lesions appear to be predominantly impaired on imitating finger (compared to hand (Goldenberg, 1999;
Goldenberg and Strauss, 2002)) and transitive (i.e., tool-related compared to non-tool-related/intransitive (Hanna-Pladdy et al.,
2001a; Stamenova et al., 2010)) gestures as well as facial movements (Bizzozero et al., 2000; Della Sala et al., 2006). Besides,
the right hemisphere appears to be critically involved in performing multi-step actions including the use of different objects during
naturalistic tasks (Hartmann et al., 2005; Schwartz et al., 1999), which may reflect an important role of the right hemisphere in
actions that put great demands on (spatial) attention and (visuo-spatial) working memory (Flores-Medina et al., 2014; Goldenberg,
Patients with right hemisphere stroke are often considered to be less severely affected by apraxia than patients suffering from left
hemisphere stroke (Buchmann et al., 2020). However, some studies report a comparable frequency and severity of praxis
670 The Cognitive Neuroscience of Apraxia
Fig. 1 Schematic representation of the left hemispheric core regions associated with limb apraxia. For each of the regions, the main praxis
functions that have been commonly found to be impaired after damage to these regions, as evidenced by lesion studies in left hemisphere stroke
patients (1–12), are provided. AG: angular gyrus; ATL: anterior temporal lobe; IFG: inferior frontal gyrus; IPL: inferior parietal lobule; IPS: intraparietal
sulcus; pMTG: posterior middle temporal gyrus; SMG: supramarginal gyrus; SPL: superior parietal lobule; STG: superior temporal sulcus. 1: Achilles
et al. (2019); 2: Buxbaum et al. (2014); 3: Finkel et al. (2018); 4: Goldenberg et al. (2007b); 5: Goldenberg and Randerath (2015); 6: Goldenberg and
Spatt (2009); 7: Hoeren et al. (2014); 8: Martin et al. (2016a); 9: Mengotti et al. (2013); 10: Randerath et al. (2010); 11: Salazar-López et al. (2016);
12: Weiss et al. (2016).
impairments (i.e., imitation and pantomime deficits) following left and right hemisphere stroke (Civelek et al., 2015; Heath et al.,
2001; Roy et al., 2000), pointing to a (partially) bi-hemispheric representation of praxis abilities.
Several cognitive and neuroanatomical models of action processing have been proposed to explain the (dissociating) patterns of
apraxic deficits, mostly following left hemisphere stroke. The current section provides a selective overview of current theoretical
models and their putative neural correlates, which is followed by summarizing the evidence from neuropsychological and lesion
studies in stroke patients in favor of these models.
vision-for-action (Goodale and Milner, 1992). Both neural pathways are assumed to arise from early visual regions within the occip-
ital lobe, and then either traverse across the posterior parietal lobe to frontal areas (premotor cortex; dorsal stream) or project to the
anterior temporal lobe (ATL; and eventually to inferior frontal regions; ventral stream). In this vein, the dorsal stream was presumed
to mediate the visual control of skilled actions on a moment-to-moment basis, while the ventral stream was suggested to account for
visual object recognition and retrieval of semantic properties of objects (Milner and Goodale, 2008). More recently, a reconsidera-
tion of previous functional imaging and lesion studies implied a further anatomical and functional subdivision of the dorsal
pathway into a dorsal component with involvement of the posterior intraparietal sulcus (IPS) and superior parietal lobule (SPL;
i.e., a dorso-dorsal substream) and a ventral component with core regions in the inferior parietal lobule (IPL; i.e., a ventro-
dorsal substream (Rizzolatti and Matelli, 2003)). Within the context of tool/object use, the dorso-dorsal stream has been considered
to process structural features of objects supporting online sensorimotor control of ongoing actions, e.g., for the purpose of grasping
an object (“grasp system”), whereas the ventro-dorsal stream has been linked to skilled actions needed for the proper manipulation
and functional use of objects and tools (“use system” (Binkofski and Buxbaum, 2013; Buxbaum and Kalénine, 2010)).
Recent research attempting to relate the cognitive dual-route model of gesture production to accounts of multiple neural action
streams has further contributed to a better understanding of the distinct clinical patterns of apraxia.
correlates in the left IPL and lateral temporal lobe (Dressing et al., 2018). Thus, these recent clinical findings suggest that (at least
partially) separate regions of the ventro-dorsal and ventral streams support the processing of tool-related (pantomimes) and
communicative gestures, respectively.
On the other hand, however, pantomime of tool use has been commonly found to be affected by lesions in areas belonging to
both the ventro-dorsal and ventral streams (e.g., the IFG, posterior MTG, STG, and anterior IPL/SMG (Buxbaum et al., 2014;
Goldenberg et al., 2007b; Hoeren et al., 2014; Niessen et al., 2014)). In particular, impairments in processing the semantic char-
acteristics of tool use pantomimes have been associated with more ventral fronto-temporal lesions (IFG, ATL). Conversely, deficient
motor features of pantomimed tool use actions (i.e., pretended grip and movement) were related to lesions in more dorsal
temporo-parietal brain regions (MTG, SMG/IPL) in the ventro-dorsal processing stream (Finkel et al., 2018).
While communicative (intransitive) gestures are certainly meaningful and habitually used, pantomimes of transitive (i.e., tool-
related) actionsdalthough carrying meaningdare relatively unfamiliar and not commonly used in daily life (Bartolo and Cubelli,
2014). Moreover, pantomimed actions are only partially produced by replicating the motor programs of actual tool-/object-related
actions, but are rather based on modified spatial and kinematic movement characteristics (Hermsdörfer et al., 2012). Furthermore,
unlike other meaningful (intransitive) gestures, pantomimes of object use pose additional demands on (domain-general) working
memory, in which knowledge about tool use (retrieved from action semantics) has to be converted into new motor programs
(Bartolo et al., 2003). Therefore, pantomimes could be considered an intermediate gesture type in-between the classical meaningful
and meaningless gestures.
Intriguingly, the (visual) processing of structural object properties (mediated by the “grasp system”) has been suggested to pose
an advantage on the subsequent use of an object, presumably by facilitating the activation of (components of) associated action
representations (Ellis and Tucker, 2000; Schubotz et al., 2014). However, it has been shown that single (familiar) objects can
also evoke more than one associated action representation (i.e., a structure-based action for grasping versus a function-based action
for skillful use), and that both representations may interfere with one another. For example, a calculator may be associated with
a structural “clench” gesture for grasping (to pick-up or move) and a functional “poking” gesture for skillful use (to achieve a func-
tional goal), which might compete during the production of use hand postures (Jax and Buxbaum, 2010). Moreover, patients with
apraxia were found to present with increased response interference between the structural and functional object-related actions
compared to left hemisphere stroke patients without apraxia or healthy control subjects (Jax and Buxbaum, 2013). In recent
VLSM studies in apraxic patients, the SMG (and to a lesser extend the IFG) were identified as crucial brain regions for resolving inter-
ference between multiple tool-based action alternatives, that is for selecting an appropriate tool-use hand gesture in the presence of
conflicting tool-grasp options (Garcea et al., 2019; Watson and Buxbaum, 2015). These findings further support the proposed two
action systems (i.e., the structure/dorso-dorsal and function/ventro-dorsal systems) that might mediate (partially) independent
tool-directed actions (i.e., “grasp” versus “use” actions).
et al., 2003; Motomura and Yamadori, 1994; Westwood et al., 2001), when assuming that the pantomime of object use involves the
ability to perform technical reasoning on mental images of a tool and recipient object (Lesourd et al., 2017; Osiurak et al., 2009).
Accordingly, further and/or additional (cognitive) processes underlying the actual use of tools and objects have been proposed,
including the visual and haptic/kinesthetic processing of object properties as well as executive functions. Recently, disturbances
in some of these processes have been discussed in relation to (limb) apraxia following left hemisphere stroke (e.g., (Barde et al.,
2007; Pellicano et al., 2017; Pizzamiglio et al., 2020)).
Given the finding that both manipulation knowledge and the ability to perform technical reasoning/solve mechanical problems
were found to (independently) account for aspects of actual tool use (Goldenberg and Hagmann, 1998; Jarry et al., 2013) and to be
associated with the IPL (Goldenberg and Spatt, 2009; Martin et al., 2016a), further research on a cognitive framework that might
integrate both approaches is warranted. For detailed discussions on the technical reasoning versus manipulation knowledge
hypothesis, the reader is referred to Osiurak and Badets (2016) and Buxbaum (2017).
In contrast to the large number of lesion mapping studies in apraxic patients, there is currently little research investigating the neural
correlates of cognitive motor processes related to (limb) apraxia in stroke patients using functional neuroimaging. Early single-case
reports using positron emission tomography showed hypometabolism in the left IPS and SPL in patients with multiple apraxic defi-
cits, including gesture imitation (Peigneux et al., 2000), gesture production on command, and object use (Kareken et al., 1998).
More recently, exploring the functional activation patterns that were associated with better imitative abilities (obtained outside
the scanner) following left hemisphere stroke revealed a region within the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC), while (off-
line) tool-related skills (here: a composite score for actual tool use, pantomime and imitation of transitive gestures) were correlated
with activity in the right premotor, right inferior frontal, and left anterior temporal areas (Martin et al., 2016b). Notably, these
regions were mainly located outside the core areas of the left parieto-frontal praxis networks, commonly suggested to support cogni-
tive motor functions as documented by functional imaging studies in healthy subjects as well as structural lesion findings (Niessen
et al., 2014). Thus, these functional imaging findings in left hemisphere stroke patients highlight the functional relevance of addi-
tional ipsi- and contralateral brain regions for the recovery from apraxic (imitation and tool-related) deficits. Moreover, they might
help to explain variability in the severity of apraxic deficits across patients with similar lesion sites within the left hemisphere
(Martin et al., 2016b).
Later, the same research group identified network effects of apraxia by showing deficit-specific changes in the activation patterns
within task-specific (here: praxis) as well as domain-general (here: cognitive control) functional networks during the observation of
tool-related actions. Moreover, the altered pattern of (task-based) activation in post-stroke apraxic patients was further modulated
by the specific lesion location within the praxis networks (i.e., frontal versus parietal regions), indicating the differential impact of
structural lesions to distinct critical hubs and connecting fiber tracts on functional network activity (Dressing et al., 2019).
In a similar vein, a study by Watson et al. (2019) emphasized the relevance of both the specific lesion location within the left
hemisphere and the connectivity pattern between functional brain networks in both hemispheres for apraxic deficits following
stroke. More specifically, by combining information about a patient’s lesion location and functional connectivity, two specific
patterns were found to contribute to deficits in tool use pantomimes. On the one hand, lesions within the left posterior MTG
and the thalamus along with weakened functional connectivity between these areas and a bilateral set of regions in the DLPFC
and medial prefrontal cortex were associated with impairments in pantomiming tool use. In addition, functional connectivity
between the left superior parietal cortex and (mainly) bilateral frontal (e.g., postcentral gyrus, premotor cortex) and parietal
(SMG) brain regions was found to be related to pantomime accuracy (independent of the lesion location (Watson et al., 2019)).
In conclusion, these functional neuroimaging findings contribute to an understanding of altered (ipsi- and contralateral) acti-
vation patterns and disrupted (intra- and interhemispheric) functional connectivity states characterizing (stroke) patients suffering
from apraxia. Furthermore, they reflect the impact of disrupted communication with brain regions remote from a given lesion on
the occurrence of apraxic deficits, which still warrants further investigations.
Open Questions
What is the role of (deficient) cognitive control mechanisms in the occurrence of limb apraxic deficits following stroke? Recent
studies have already proposed that impairments in executive functions contribute to (at least some types of) apraxia. In this regard,
action competition when multiple action possibilities are afforded (Rounis and Humphreys, 2015; Watson and Buxbaum, 2015) or
when incompatible neighboring actions are present (Garcea et al., 2019; Pizzamiglio et al., 2020) have been discussed as potential
sources of action errors in apraxic patients. Further research into these mechanisms may prove useful in understanding apraxic defi-
cits particularly in complex naturalistic tasks entailing multi-object use.
Deficits in language (i.e., aphasia) and visuospatial attention (i.e., neglect) have been associated with apraxia following left and
right hemisphere stroke affecting the left and right posterior parietal cortex, respectively. Another cognitive process that has been
linked to the parietal cortex is agency. A sense of agency is defined as the experience of controlling one’s own motor actions
(Haggard, 2017). It is currently under debate whether a loss of agency might be associated or even contribute to some aspects of
The Cognitive Neuroscience of Apraxia 675
apraxic deficits (Osiurak et al., 2019; Pazzaglia and Galli, 2014). Neuropsychological and lesion mapping studies assessing agency
in the context of apraxia are needed to investigate this hypothesis further.
In summary, limb apraxia refers to various disorders of higher motor functions that are characterized by deficits in gesture imita-
tion, pantomime of object use and actual object/tool use. Apraxia is primarily caused by damage to left hemisphere parieto-frontal
praxis networks, involving a dorso-dorsal, ventro-dorsal, and ventral processing stream. Neuropsychological and lesion studies have
contributed to relating dissociable forms of apraxia to these neural processing streams, which in turn are thought to mediate
different (cognitive) routes for gesture production. In addition, several further accounts (e.g., deficits in technical reasoning or exec-
utive functions) have been proposed to explain apraxic deficits, which may provide further research avenues for studying this
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