Donnarumma 2017 Action Perception As Hypothesis Testing

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Research report

Action perception as hypothesis testing

Francesco Donnarumma a, Marcello Costantini b,c,d, Ettore Ambrosini e,c,d,

Karl Friston f and Giovanni Pezzulo a,*
Institute of Cognitive Sciences and Technologies, National Research Council, Rome, Italy
Centre for Brain Science, Department of Psychology, University of Essex, Colchester, UK
Laboratory of Neuropsychology and Cognitive Neuroscience, Department of Neuroscience and Imaging, University
G. d'Annunzio, Chieti, Italy
Institute for Advanced Biomedical Technologies e ITAB, Foundation University G. d'Annunzio, Chieti, Italy
Department of Neuroscience, University of Padua, Padua, Italy
The Wellcome Trust Centre for Neuroimaging, UCL, London, UK

article info abstract

Article history: We present a novel computational model that describes action perception as an active
Received 30 May 2016 inferential process that combines motor prediction (the reuse of our own motor system to
Reviewed 12 September 2016 predict perceived movements) and hypothesis testing (the use of eye movements to
Revised 21 November 2016 disambiguate amongst hypotheses). The system uses a generative model of how (arm and
Accepted 18 January 2017 hand) actions are performed to generate hypothesis-specific visual predictions, and directs
Action editor Laurel Buxbaum saccades to the most informative places of the visual scene to test these predictions e and
Published online 31 January 2017 underlying hypotheses. We test the model using eye movement data from a human action
observation study. In both the human study and our model, saccades are proactive
Keywords: whenever context affords accurate action prediction; but uncertainty induces a more
Active inference reactive gaze strategy, via tracking the observed movements. Our model offers a novel
Action observation perspective on action observation that highlights its active nature based on prediction
Hypothesis testing dynamics and hypothesis testing.
Active perception © 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC
Motor prediction BY license (

and dynamical signatures of biological movement that permit

1. Introduction its fast recognition (Giese & Poggio, 2003; Puce & Perrett, 2003).
However, the neuronal and computational mechanisms
The ability to recognize the actions of others and understand
linking the visual analysis of movement kinematics and the
their underlying intentions is essential for adaptive success in
recognition of the underlying action goals are more
social environments e and we humans excel in this ability. It
has long been known that brain areas such as superior tem-
poral sulcus (STS) are particularly sensitive to the kinematic

* Corresponding author. Institute of Cognitive Sciences and Technologies, National Research Council, Via S. Martino della Battaglia, 44,
00185 Rome, Italy.
E-mail address: [email protected] (G. Pezzulo).
0010-9452/© 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.
46 c o r t e x 8 9 ( 2 0 1 7 ) 4 5 e6 0

In principle, the recognition of action goals might be understanding of these tasks (Gredeba € ck & Falck-Ytter, 2015;
implemented in perceptual and associative brain areas, Sailer, Flanagan, & Johansson, 2005).
similar to the way other events such as visual scenes are Here we describe and test a novel computational model of
(believed to be) recognized, predicted and understood action understanding and accompanying eye movements.
semantically. However, two decades of research on action The model elaborates the predictive coding framework of ac-
perception and mirror neurons have shown that parts of the tion observation (Friston et al., 2011; Kilner et al., 2007) but
motor system deputed to specific actions are also selectively significantly extends it by considering the specific role of
active during the observation of the same actions when others active information sampling. The model incorporates two
perform them. Based on this body of evidence, several re- main hypotheses. First, while most studies implicitly describe
searchers have proposed that the motor system might support action observation as a passive task, we cast it as an active,
e partially or totally e action understanding and other func- hypothesis testing process that uses a generative model of how
tions in social cognition (Kilner & Lemon, 2013; Rizzolatti & different actions are performed to generate hypothesis-
Craighero, 2004). Some theories propose an automatic mech- specific predictions, and directs saccades to the most infor-
anism of motor resonance, according to which the action goals mative (i.e., salient) parts of the visual scene e in order to test
of the performer are “mirrored” in the motor system of the these predictions and in turn disambiguate among the
perceiver, thus permitting an automatic understanding competing hypotheses (Friston, Adams, Perrinet, &
(Rizzolatti, Fadiga, Gallese, & Fogassi, 1996). Other theories Breakspear, 2012). Second, the generative model that drives
highlight the importance of (motor) prediction and the covert oculomotor plans across action performance and observation
reuse of our own motor repertoire and internal models in this is the same, which implies that the motor system drives
process. For example, one influential proposal is that STS, predictive eye movements in ways that are coherent with the
premotor and parietal areas are arranged hierarchically (in a unfolding of goal-directed action plans (Costantini,
so-called predictive coding architectural scheme) and form an Ambrosini, Cardellicchio, & Sinigaglia, 2014; Elsner,
internal generative model that predicts action patterns (at the D'Ausilio, Gredeba € ck, Falck-Ytter, & Fadiga, 2013).
lowest hierarchical level) as well as understanding action We tested our computational model against human data
goals (at the higher hierarchical level). These hierarchical on eye movement dynamics during an action observation task
processes interact continuously through reciprocal top-down (Ambrosini, Costantini, & Sinigaglia, 2011). In the action
and bottom-up exchanges between hierarchical levels, so that observation study, participants' eye movements were recor-
action understanding can be variously influenced by action ded while they viewed videos of an actor performing an un-
dynamics as well as various forms of prior knowledge; such as predictable goal-directed hand movement toward one of two
the context in which the action occurs (Friston, Mattout, & objects (targets) mandating two different kinds of grip (i.e., a
Kilner, 2011; Kilner, Friston, & Frith, 2007). Numerous other small object requiring a precision grip or a big object requiring
theories point to the importance of different mechanisms a power grasp). To counterbalance the hand trajectories and
besides mirroring and motor prediction, such as Hebbian ensure hand position was not informative about the actor's
plasticity or visual recognition (Fleischer, Caggiano, Thier, & goal, actions were recorded from the side using four different
Giese, 2013; Heyes, 2010; Keysers & Perrett, 2004), see Giese target layouts. Before the hand movement, lasting 1000 msec,
and Rizzolatti (2015) for a recent review. However, these the- the videos showed the actor's hand resting on a table (imme-
ories implicitly or explicitly consider action observation as a diately in front of his torso) with a fixation cross superimposed
rather passive task, disregarding its enactive aspects, such as on the hand (1000 msec). Participants were asked to fixate the
the role of active information sampling and proactive eye cross and to simply watch the videos without further in-
movements. structions. In half of the videos, the actor preformed a reach-
In everyday activities involving goal-directed arm move- to-grasp action during which the preshaping of the hand
ments, perception is an active and not a passive task (Ahissar (either a precision or a power grasp, depending on the target)
& Assa, 2016; Bajcsy, Aloimonos, & Tsotsos, 2016; O'Regan & was clearly visible as soon as the movement started (preshape
Noe, 2001); and eye movements are proactive, foraging for condition), whereas in the remaining half, the actor merely
information required in the near future. Indeed, eyes typically reached for e and touched e one of the objects with a closed
shift toward objects that will be eventually acted upon, while fist; that is, without preshaping his hand according to the
being rarely attracted to action irrelevant objects (Land, 2006; target features (no shape condition). Therefore, there were
Land, Mennie, & Rusted, 1999; Rothkopf, Ballard, & Hayhoe, four movement types, corresponding to the four conditions of
2007). A seminal study (Flanagan & Johansson, 2003) showed a two factor design (pre-shape and target size); namely, no
that when people observe object-related manual actions (e.g., shapeebig target, no shapeesmall target, pre-shapeebig
block-stacking actions), the coordination between their gaze target and pre-shapeesmall target. The four conditions were
and the actor's hand is very similar to the gaze-hand coordi- presented in random order so that the actor's movement and
nation when they perform those actions themselves. In both goal could not be anticipated. The main result of this study
cases, people proactively shift their gaze to the target sites, was that participants' gaze proactively reached the target ob-
thus anticipating the outcome of the actions. These findings ject significantly earlier when motor cues (i.e., the preshaping
suggest that oculomotor plans that support action perfor- hand) were available. In what follows, we offer a formal
mance can be reused for action observation (Flanagan & explanation of this anticipatory visual foraging in terms of
Johansson, 2003) and might also support learning and causal active inference.
c o r t e x 8 9 ( 2 0 1 7 ) 4 5 e6 0 47

action. In the context of the action observation paradigm

2. Methods studied above e unlike other visual search tasks e the task
requires an understanding of the action goal (e.g., ‘grasp the
Our computational model uses gaze and active salient infor-
big object’) e as opposed to just predicting a sequence of
mation sampling to resolve uncertainty about the action being
video frames. The intentionality inherent in this task can be
observed (Friston et al., 2012); i.e., a power grasp to a big object
inferred by engaging the same oculomotor plans (and asso-
or a precision grip to a small object. The basic idea behind
ciated generative models) that support the execution of one's
active information sampling rests on resolving uncertainty
own goal-directed actions; e.g., the plan to fixate and grasp a
about the causes of sensations: namely, the action (cause) that
big object (Flanagan & Johansson, 2003). The implicit gener-
explains the observed movements (sensations). In this setting,
ative or forward models influence what is salient and what is
salience scores the information gain (or resolution of uncer-
not salient in the visual scene. During action performance,
tainty) afforded by sampling information from a particular
the target location is salient because it affords goal-directed
domain; here, a location in the visual field. To evaluate the
action. Reusing oculomotor plans for action observation
salience (or epistemic value) of a putative saccade, it is
thus explains why the target location becomes salient when
necessary to predict what will be sampled from that location.
it is recognized as the goal of the action e even before the
In the active inference framework, predictions derive from
performer's hand reaches it. However, there is an important
internal generative models that essentially encode the probabi-
difference between using oculomotor plans during action
listic relations between causes (actions) and sensations (hand
execution and observation. During action execution, we
movements). Given a particular hypothesis (e.g., an actor
know the goal (e.g., big or small target). Hence, we know the
reaching for a big object), the generative model can then
target location and can saccade directly to it, without looking
predict the consequence of a saccade to a particular location
at our own hand. Conversely, during action observation, we
(e.g., that a hand should be configured in power grasp). The
need to infer which target the actor has in mind (e.g., the
resulting information gain, as measured by the reduction in
actor is reaching for the big target). To resolve uncertainty
posterior uncertainty under the expected outcome, then
about which target to look at, we can first look at the actor's
specifies the salience or epistemic value of the saccade e as a
hand to see whether it is configured to pick up a small or
saccade to the hand location can test the predictions gener-
large target. This means that the most salient location in the
ated under the competing hypotheses (e.g., seeing the hand is
visual field changes as sensory evidence becomes available
configured in a power grip provides evidence for the hypoth-
(as disclosed by the hand configuration and trajectory) e and
esis that the actor is reaching for a big object).
subsequent changes in the observer's beliefs or hypotheses.
In our simulations, we evaluate the salience (epistemic
Crucially, one would predict anticipatory saccade to the
value) of sampling every visual location under two competing
target object when, and only when, the actor's intentions or
hypotheses (the actor reaching for a big or a small object) and
goal are disclosed by the hand configuration.
then weight the ensuing saliency maps by the posterior
In summary, if the agent is confident about the goal, it
probability of each hypothesis. This corresponds to a Bayesian
should look at the target. However, if the agent is uncertain
model average of salience maps over hypotheses (Penny,
about the goal, it first needs to execute epistemic actions (i.e.,
Mattout, & Trujillo-Barreto, 2006). Crucially, in the action
collect evidence by looking at the actor's hand). This suggests
observation setup considered here, this is an on-going pro-
that the salience of different locations (hand or objects)
cess, because each new sensory sample changes posterior
changes dynamically as a function of the agent's beliefs e a
beliefs and therefore changes the (Bayesian model average)
phenomenon that has been observed empirically (see above)
saliency map. Action observation is thus a process that un-
and that we reproduce using simulations of active inference.
folds in time, guided by active sampling of information that is
The computational model is described in the next three
most relevant (salient) to adjudicate among competing
subsections. The first (architecture) rehearses active inference
and its essential variables, see Fig. 1A. The second (generative
Note that this definition of salience goes beyond (local)
models) describes the generative models of the two grasping
aspects of the visual input to consider goal-related informa-
actions (precision grip to a small object or power grasp to a big
tion. Usually, salience is defined on the basis of visual fea-
object) that predict the unfolding of hand movement kine-
tures. In contrast, in active inference, salience is an attribute
matics and updating the saliency map (Fig. 1B). The third
of a putative action; for example, where to look next. In this
(hypothesis testing) describes how the two competing percep-
setting, salience is defined as the information gain based
tual hypotheses (the actor reaching for a big or a small object,
upon the expected resolution of uncertainty about explana-
see Fig. 1C) are encoded and tested by saccadic sampling of the
tions for sensory input. Mathematically, this epistemic value is
most salient elements of the visual scene, and the saliency
equivalent to the mutual information between the hidden
map that underwrites this epistemic foraging.
causes (explanations) and their sensory consequences, ex-
pected under a particular action (Friston et al., 2015). In this
2.1. Architecture
sense, salience is only defined in relation to active sampling
of the environment, because it is a function of sensory
The architecture of the computational model is sketched in
samples conditioned upon an action. In our context, salience
Fig. 1. It follows the hierarchical form for generalized predic-
is brought further into the embodied or enactivist realm. This
tive coding (Friston, 2010), where state and error units (black
is because the hypotheses that need to be resolved through
and red units, respectively) are the variables of the systems
epistemic foraging are themselves contingent upon another's
and are partitioned into cause (v), hidden (x) and control (u)
48 c o r t e x 8 9 ( 2 0 1 7 ) 4 5 e6 0

Fig. 1 e Scheme of the computational model adopted in the study. The system implicitly encodes a (probabilistic) model of
which visual stimuli should be expected under the different perceptual hypotheses (e.g., if the action target is the big object,
when doing a saccade to the next hand position I should see a power grasp) and uses the saccades to check if these
expectations are correct e and in turn to revise the probability of the two hypotheses. Details of the procedure can be found
in the main text and in Friston et al. (2012). (B) The pulvinar saliency map receives as input the (expected) position of task-
relevant variables (e.g., expected hand position, to-be-grasped objects), weighted by their saliency, which in turn depends
on the probability of the two competing hypotheses. Neurophysiologically, we assume that a hierarchically organized
“action observation” brain network computes both the expected hand position (at lower hierarchical levels) and the
probability of the two competing hypotheses (at higher hierarchical levels). The inset shows a schematic of the functioning
of the action observation network according to predictive coding (Kilner et al., 2007). Here, action observation depends on
reciprocal message passing between areas that lie lower in the predictive coding hierarchy (STS) and areas higher areas
(parietal and prefrontal). The functioning of the action observation network is abstracted here using a Bayesian model
(Dindo et al., 2011), see the Methods section for details. (C) This panel represents graphically the two competing hypotheses
that are considered here. Note that here the hypotheses are not (only) about final states (hand on big vs small object) but
describe also how the action will unfold in time: they correspond to sequences of (superimposed) images of hand
trajectories (here we consider 6 time frames). As evident in the figure, the hypothesis that one is reaching for a small (or big)
object entails the hypothesis that the hand will be configured in a precision grip (or power grasp) during action execution e
and this hypothesis can be tested during action observation.

states; and the tilde notation m~ denotes variables in general- At the first hierarchical layer of the architecture, sensory
ized coordinates of motion ðm; m0 ; m ; …Þ (Friston, 2008). In the signals ðvð0Þ :¼ sÞ are generated in two modalities: proprio-
generative model, causal states link hierarchical levels (i.e., ception (p) and vision (q):
the output of one level provides input to the next); hidden
states encode dynamics over time; and hidden controls  Proprioceptive signals, encoded in sp 2ℝ2 , represent the
encode representations of actions that affect transitions be- centre of gaze and have an associated (precision-weighted)
tween hidden states. It is these control states from which prediction error xv;p ; i.e., the difference between condi-
actions (e.g., saccades) are sampled. tional expectations and predicted values.
c o r t e x 8 9 ( 2 0 1 7 ) 4 5 e6 0 49

 Visual signals, encoded in an array of sq 2ℝ256 , sample a sensorimotor brain regions that may support action under-
visual scene uniformly with a grid of 16  16 sensors, and standing via the simulation of one's own action (Dindo,
have an associated (precision-weighted) prediction error Zambuto, & Pezzulo, 2011; Friston et al., 2011; Grafton, 2009;
xv;q . Kilner et al., 2007; Pezzulo, 2013) and that includes both
cortical and subcortical structures (Bonini, 2016; Caligiore,
Pezzulo, Miall, & Baldassarre, 2013), see also Fig. 1B.
2.2. Hidden states include For simplicity, we implemented four generative sub-
models predicting the location and configuration of the hand
 Proprioceptive internal states, which encode an internal (preshape) under the two hypotheses (reaching for a big or
representation of the centre of oculomotor fixation. Their small object) separately. This allows the agent to accumulate
corresponding expectation (i.e., neuronal activity) is sensory evidence in two modalities (hand position and
denoted as m ~ x;p 2ℝ2 and their prediction error as xx;p . configuration) for each of the two hypotheses. Furthermore,
 Perceptual internal states, encoding the (logarithm of the) these sub-models provided predictions of hand position and
probability that each hypothesis is the cause of the visual configuration in the future, under the two hypotheses in
input. Their corresponding variational mode (i.e., neuronal question.
activity) is denoted as m ~ x;q 2ℝN and their prediction error as These four probabilistic sub-models were learned on the
xx;q . basis of hand movement data collected from six adult male
participants. Each participant executed 50 precision grip
Hidden controls u ~¼h ~u þ u ~ u are modelled as 2D points h ~u movements directed to a small object (the small ball) and 50
plus a Gaussian noise perturbation u ~ u , and determine the power grasp movements directed to a big object (the big ball),
location that attracts gaze. Their corresponding expectation is and data on finger and wrist angles were collected using a
denoted as m ~ u 2ℝ2 and their prediction error as xu . dataglove (HumanGlove e Humanware S.r.l., Pontedera, Pisa,
Action a is modelled as classical reflex arc suppressing Italy) endowed with 16 sensors (3 angles for each finger and 1
proprioceptive prediction errors and producing saccadic angle for the wrist). The four sub-models used in the simula-
vs~ ð1Þ
movements by solving the following equation: a_ ¼ va xv . tions were obtained by regressing the aforementioned data

Defining qðx~; v
~; u
~~mx ðt þ tÞ; m
~ v ðt þ tÞ; h
~j Þ as the conditional den- (300 trials for each sub-model), to obtain probability distribu-
sity over hidden controls, parameterized by hidden states and tions over the angles of the fingers and wrist, over time. To
causes in the future, salience S can be defined as the negen- regress each sub-model, we used a separate Echo State
tropy (inverse uncertainty) of the conditional density q: Gaussian Processes (ESGP) (Chatzis & Demiris, 2011): an algo-
  h   i rithm that produced a predictive distribution over trajectories
~j ¼ H q x~; v
S h ~m
~; u ~ x ðt þ tÞ; m
~ v ðt þ tÞ; h
~j of angles, under a particular sub-model, see Fig. 2A. The ESGP
sub-models were trained off-line to predict the content of the
Thus, the system aims to find the (eye) control that maxi-
next frame of the videos used in the experiments (6 frames)
mizes salience; i.e.,
and to map the angles of the fingers and wrist to the visual
  appearance (preshape) and position in space of the hand,
~u ¼ argmax S hej
h respectively.
After the off-line learning phase, the four forward sub-
Or, more intuitively, sampling the most informative loca- models generate a probabilistic prediction of the next hand
tions (given the current agent's belief state). preshape and position based on all previous sensory images.
This enables the probability of the two competing hypotheses
2.3. Generative models to be evaluated, using the method described in Dindo et al.
The computational scheme introduced so far is generic and More formally, the first two sub-models encode the tra-
implements active sampling of information in a variety of jectories traced by subjects' hands during the trials, thus
perceptual tasks (Friston et al., 2012). In this paper, we use it predicting the probability of the hand position in the image (as
for an action observation task (Ambrosini et al., 2011), in Gaussians) under the hypothesis of grasping a small object
which the agent (observer) has two hypotheses about the (SMALL):
hidden causes of visual input. These hypotheses correspond
to reaching for a big object (with a power grip) or reaching for a pSMALL ðhPosðtÞÞ ¼ pðhPosðtÞjhPosðt  1Þ; G ¼ SMALLÞ
smaller object in a nearby location (with a precision grip). To
and grasping a big object (BIG):
test these competing hypotheses, the architecture needs to
generate predictions about the current and future sensory pBIG ðhPosðtÞÞ ¼ pðhPosðtÞjhPosðt  1Þ; G ¼ BIGÞ
outcomes (i.e., observed hand movements and configura-
tions). These predictions are generated from a forward or
Analogously, the second two sub-models encode the
generative model of reach-to-grasp actions, enabling one to
probability of the hand configuration (preshape) in the image
accumulate evidence for different hypotheses e and to eval-
under the hypothesis of grasping a small object (SMALL):
uate a salience map for the next saccade (see below). In
keeping with embodied and motor cognition theories, we pSMALL ðhShapeðtÞÞ ¼ pðhShapeðtÞjhShapeðt  1Þ; G ¼ SMALLÞ
consider these generative models to be embodied in the so-
called action observation brain network, a network of and grasping a big object (BIG):
50 c o r t e x 8 9 ( 2 0 1 7 ) 4 5 e6 0

pBIG ðhShapeðtÞÞ ¼ pðhShapeðtÞjhShapeðt  1Þ; G ¼ BIGÞ

Similarly, we encode the positions of the two objects,

pSMALL ðgPosðtÞÞ ¼ pðgPosðtÞjgPosðt  1Þ; G ¼ SMALLÞ

and big:

pBIG ðgPosðtÞÞ ¼ pðgPosðtÞjgPosðt  1Þ; G ¼ BIGÞ

respectively. Note that for generality (and notational unifor-

mity) these are written as if they were a function of time.
However, objects have fixed positions during a trial; hence it is
not necessary to use an ESGP to calculate them.
In summary, we used a sophisticated (Echo-state Gaussian
process) model to generate predictions in two modalities and
thereby accumulate evidence for the two competing hypoth-
eses. The inversion of this forward model (or models) is
formally equivalent to Bayesian filtering or predictive coding,
but using a more flexible and bespoke generative model. In
turn, we will see below that the posterior beliefs (about loca-
tion and configuration of the hand and location of the target
object) are used to form Bayesian model averages of the
salience maps under competing hypotheses.

2.4. Hypothesis testing

Our action observation task can be described as a competition

between two alternative hypotheses (power grasp to the big
object vs precision grip to the small object). Importantly,
saccades are treated as “experiments” that gather evidence in
favour of each hypothesis e so that they can be disambigu-
ated. Given that this is a dynamic task and actions unfold in
time, the two competing hypotheses have to explain sequences
of images, and not a single frame; in other words, they have to
Fig. 2 e Graphical representation of how the (pulvinar)
explain the whole trajectory and not just the final hand po-
saliency map used for the simulations is computed. The
sition: see Fig. 1C. This calls for sequential hypothesis testing
map is the linear combination of four maps. (A) Each of the
as the observed action unfolds.
first two maps represents the (expected) hand position
The target of the next saccade is sampled from a saliency
under the two hypotheses (POW is power grasp, PRE is
map (see Fig. 1A), which evaluates the (epistemic and prag-
precision grip), and the corresponding saliency. In the
matic) value of sampling each location in the visual scene e
POW (or PRE) map, hand position is represented as a
and is continuously updated during action observation. The
Gaussian, whose centre is computed by a forward model of
salience map comprises the Bayesian model average of four
hand position, conditioned on the power grasp (or precision
component salience maps, based on local samples of the vi-
grip) hypothesis. The weight assigned to the POW (or PRE)
sual field (modelled with Gaussian windows): see Fig. 2. For
map in the computation of the saliency map (see below) is
the hand salience map (Fig. 2A), we used the Bayesian model
the probability of power grasp (or precision grip) as
average under the four sub-models generating position and
computed by a forward model of preshape information,
configuration, under reaching for big and small objects,
conditioned on the power grasp (or precision grip)
respectively. This captures the fact that the value of locations
hypothesis. (B) The second two maps represent the
where the agent expects to find a hand configured for a power
position and saliency of the two objects (BIG or SMALL),
grasp or precision grip increases in relation to the estimated
given the current belief state of the agent. The position of
probability of reaching the big or the small object. For the
the BIG (or SMALL) object is different but fixed for each trial.
It is represented as a Gaussian centred on the object
position. The weight assigned to the BIG (or SMALL) map in
The resulting saliency map is obtained as the weighted
the computation of the final saliency map (see below)
combination of the four aforementioned maps. This map is
depends on both the posterior probability that the BIG (or
filtered to be used by the system. (Note that the saliency
SMALL) object multiplied by a term that reflects the current
map shown here is an illustrative example, not a
distance between hand and BIG (or SMALL) position. (C)
superimposition of the four components).
c o r t e x 8 9 ( 2 0 1 7 ) 4 5 e6 0 51

object salience map (Fig. 2B), we used a Bayesian model power grasp), given the current observations. Specifically, it is
average of Gaussian windows centred on the object (which is calculated as the posterior probability of the small (or big)
fixed), weighted by the probability of reaching big or small object hypothesis multiplied by a Gaussian term N(hPos;
object and the relative hand-object distance. This captures the gPos,s) that essentially describes hand-object distance. The
fact that the identity of the target object resolves more un- Gaussian is centred on the object position (gPos) and hPos is
certainty about the intended movement when the hand is the hand position. The s of the Gaussian is the uncertainty
closer; i.e., approaching the object. Finally, the hand and ob- about the posterior probability of the small (or big) object
ject salience maps were combined and downsampled (using hypothesis. Overall, Rk represents a dynamic (and fading)
on-off centre-surround sampling) to obtain a smaller (16  16 snapshot of the current belief of the perceived action based on
grid) saliency map that is computationally more tractable the observation of the trajectories and preshape of the sub-
(Fig. 2C). Note that for clarity the combined map shown in jects' hands.
Fig. 2C is illustrative and it is not the true superimposition of The most salient zones of the saliency map of Fig. 2C
the four images above. represent the most informative locations of the visual scene;
In detail, we compute Sk ¼ Sð~ hu Þ  minðSð~
hu ÞÞ, the differ- i.e., those that are expected to disambiguate alternative hy-
ential salience for the kth saccade and enhance it by Rk , i.e., potheses. Therefore, the map does not simply include spatial
Sk ¼ Sk þ Rk with Rk corresponding to the map information (e.g., the expected position of the hand), but also
information about the (epistemic) value of the observations
  (e.g., a hand preshaped for power grasp) one can harvest by
Rk ¼ wj r Sk ; cj þ a$Rk1
looking at these positions, given the current belief state of the
agent. Hence, hypothesis testing e or the active sampling for
with a representing the weight of previous estimates, which is the most relevant information e corresponds to selecting the
set to 1/2 for coherence with (Friston et al., 2012). The ele- most salient location for the next saccade. Note that this is a
ments of the equation are computed on the basis of the pre- dynamical process: the saliency map is continuously updated
ceding ESGP models: reflecting the changing beliefs of the agent.

 r is a Gaussian function (with a standard deviation of 1/16 2.5. Modelling perceptual decisions in action observation
of the image size) of the distance from the points cj ;
 c1  pSMALL ðhPosðt þ 1ÞÞ and c2  pBIG ðhPosðt þ 1ÞÞ are pre- In the action observation paradigm we simulated, participants
dicted points of the position of the hand; were not explicitly asked to decide (between “small” or “big”
 c3  pSMALL ðgPosðt þ 1ÞÞ, c4  pBIG ðgPosðt þ 1ÞÞ are predicted hypotheses) but their “decision” was inferred by measuring
points of the goal position; their gaze behaviour; i.e., saccade towards one of the two
 w1 ¼pðG¼SMALLjhShapeð1:tÞÞ and w2 ¼pðG¼BIGjhShapeð1:tÞÞ objects, big or small (Ambrosini et al., 2011). In the same way,
are predictions of grasping action computed on the basis of in the computational model, updates of the agent's belief and
the hand preshape models; saliency map terminate when the (artificial) eye lands on one
 w3 ¼ pðG ¼ SMALLjOBSð1 : tÞÞ and w4 ¼ pðG ¼ BIGjOBSð1 : tÞÞ of the two objects e signalling the agent's decision. As we will
are beliefs about the currently performed grasping action. see, in both the human experiment and the model, with suf-
ficient information, saccades can be proactive rather than just
where OBSð1 : tÞ denotes the sequence of previous tracking the moving hand, and participants fixate the selected
observations. target before the action is completed.
The coefficients of the map and the relative salience of the Note that, in the model, the decision (i.e., the fixation to the
elements within it (hand and objects) depend on the outputs selected object) emerges naturally from saliency dynamics,
of the generative models described earlier. For the hand which in turn reflect belief updating during hypothesis
salience maps, the centre of Gaussians was based on the testing, without an explicit decision criterion (e.g., look at the
forward models of hand position under the precision grip (or big object when you are certain about it). This is because ac-
power grasp) hypothesis, while the “weight” of the map w1 (or tions are always sampled from the same salience map, which
w2 ) is calculated based on the forward model of preshape in- implicitly indicates whether the hand or one of the objects is
formation under the precision grip (or power grasp) hypoth- most contextually salient. In other words, the decision is
esis. In other words, salience of hand position expected under made when the target location becomes more salient than the
the precision grip (or power grasp) hypothesis is higher when other locations (e.g., the hand location), not when the agent
the hand is correctly configured for a precision grip (or power has reached a predefined criterion, e.g., a fixed confidence
grasp). This is because, in the empirical study we are model- level. This lack of a “threshold” or criterion for the decision
ling, only preshape depends on the performer's goal (while marks an important difference with common place models of
hand position is uninformative); however, the same model decision-making such as the drift diffusion model (Ratcliff,
can be readily expanded to integrate (in a Bayesian manner) 1978) and is a hallmark of embodied models of choice that
other sources of evidence; such as the actor's hand position consider action and perception as mutually interactive rather
and gaze (Ambrosini, Pezzulo, & Costantini, 2015). Further- than modularized systems (Lepora & Pezzulo, 2015).
more, the salience of the small (or the big) object, and the Key to this result e and the implicit shift from hand-
“weight” of the map w3 (or w4 ), corresponds to the probability tracking to the fixation of the selected object e is the fact
that the performer agent is executing a precision grip (or that the posterior probability that one of the two objects will
52 c o r t e x 8 9 ( 2 0 1 7 ) 4 5 e6 0

be grasped is continuously updated when new visual samples four (2  2) conditions, which derive from the combination of 2
are collected and can eventually become high enough to drive target conditions (big or small object) and 2 shape conditions
a saccade (i.e., one of the objects can assume more salience (pre-shape or no-shape). As a result, the four conditions
than the hand). This, in turn, depends on the fact that when correspond to four types of hand actions: “no-shapeebig
the probability of a power versus precision grip is updated target”, “no-shapeesmall target” (i.e., a hand movement with
(Fig. 2A) the probability of the big versus small object is also the fist closed to the big or small target, respectively), “pre-
updated (Fig. 2B), reflecting the implicit knowledge of the shapeebig target”, and “pre-shapeesmall target” (i.e., a hand
intentionality of the action (e.g., that big objects require a movement with a power grasp or a precision grip to grasp the
power grasp). In sum, if the agent does not know the goal, as in big or small object, respectively).
this perceptual paradigm, it has to accumulate evidence first To compare the results of the original study and the simu-
by looking at the hand, and then by looking at the target when lations, we calculated the arrival time for the simulated sac-
it has resolved its uncertainty. cades as the difference between the time when the hand (of the
As an illustrative example, Fig. 3 shows a sequence of actor) and the saccade (of the simulated agent) land on the
(unfiltered) saliency maps along the six time frames of a target object. Note that arrival time is negative when the eye
sample run. Here, the brighter areas correspond to the most lands on the object before the hand. Note also that our simu-
salient locations (recall that the most salient area is selected lations include one simplification: saccades have a fixed
for the next saccade). One can see a shift in the saliency map, duration (of 192 msec, which stems from the fact that before a
such that, by the third frame, the most salient object is the to- saccade the inference algorithm performs 16 iterations, each
be-grasped big object. Below we test the behaviour of the assumed to last 12 msec). These parameters were selected for
model by directly comparing it with human data. consistency with previous work using the saccadic eye move-
ment model (Friston et al., 2012) and to ensure that the simu-
lated saccadic duration is within the average range for humans
3. Results (Leigh & Zee, 2015). Given that both saccades and videos have
fixed duration, every trial comprises exactly 6 epochs.
We tested the computational model on the visual stimuli used The results of our simulations are remarkably similar to
by Ambrosini et al. (2011), which include action observation in those of the original study (Fig. 4). The key result is a

Fig. 3 e A sample saliency map, shown during 6 time frames. The figure shows how the saliency map (as in Fig. 2C) evolves
over time as the actors action unfolds. This map encodes perceptual aspects of the observed scene (e.g., hand position and
configuration) as well as the expected informational or epistemic value (salience) of the percept. Bright areas correspond to
high-saliency locations. Note that the saliency map is updated during action observation, reflecting the changing belief
state of the observer or agent. At the time frame T2, the most salient location is the big object. Since actions (gazes) are
sampled from the most salient locations in the saliency map, the agent is more likely in it a proactive saccade to the big
object, even if the hand has not yet reached it.
c o r t e x 8 9 ( 2 0 1 7 ) 4 5 e6 0 53

video; however, this first saccade was ignored in the analysis).

Heuristically, at the beginning of a trial, there is little infor-
mation in the position of the hand that can inform beliefs
about the target. Therefore, the most salient locations to
sample are the hand itself, in the hope that its configuration
will portend the ultimate movement. However, as time pro-
gresses and the hand approaches its target, the identity of the
nearest object resolves more uncertainty about the intended
movement. One would therefore anticipate saccades to the
object at later points in the trajectory, with an implicit
reporting of the final belief (or decision) by a saccade to the
target object. Clearly, the above strategy will only work when a
hand is pre-configured in an informative way. If the configu-
ration of the hand does not emerge (or emerges later) in the
trajectory, the hand should be tracked more closely e in
search (or anticipation) of an informative change in
Fig. 4 e Results of the simulations, arrival time. Every configuration.
iteration lasts 12 msec. For simplicity, saccades are This latter observation highlights the importance of
assumed to have a fixed duration of 16 £ 12 ¼ 192 msec. generative models in driving eye movements during action
Arrival time is calculated as the difference between the observation. If observed movements do not resolve uncer-
time when the hand (of the actor) and the eye (of the tainty about the performer's action goals, eye movements
participant) land on the object, as in the original study of cannot be proactive. The importance of generative models for
Ambrosini et al. (2011). It is negative when the eye lands proactive eye movements was highlighted in a study by
on the object before the hand. Note that arrival times for Costantini et al. (2014). The authors used repetitive trans-
the big object (power grasp) are more anticipatory than for cranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) to induce “virtual le-
the small object (precision grip). This phenomena was also sions” in participants that performed a task equivalent to the
observed in the simulations (compare Figs. 5 and 6). one described here. The results of the experiment show that
eye movements become reactive when the virtual lesion is
applied to the left ventral premotor cortex (PMv) e an area
significant advantage for the pre-shape over the no-shape thought to be part of a forward model for action execution.
condition, for both power grasp and precision grip. This The same study showed that virtual lesions to the posterior
result stems from the fact that in the pre-shape, information part of the STS do not produce equivalent impairments. In
about the actor's goal can be inferred from the hand move- predictive coding models of action observation and the mirror
ment kinematics, enabling an anticipatory saccade to the neuron system (MNS), STS is considered to lie at a low level of
target to confirm the agent's (or participant's) beliefs. the (putative) MNS hierarchy, possibly coding (highly pro-
This difference can be appreciated by looking at Figs. 5 and cessed) perceptual aspects of biological motion. This result is
6, which show sample simulations for each of the four thus compatible with the notion that it is specifically the
experimental conditions. Fig. 5 shows side-by-side exemplar motor-prediction aspect of the generative model that is
simulations of power grasp without preshape (left) and with crucial for hypothesis testing, not (high-order) visual pro-
preshape information (right). Fig. 6 shows side-by-side cessing; but this interpretation demands more scrutiny in
example simulations of precision grip without preshape future research.
(left) and with preshape information (right). Panels A of Figs. 5 Finally, in both the original study and our simulations, the
and 6 report the probability of the two competing hypotheses “big” hypothesis is discriminated faster than the “small” hy-
(here, big vs small, aka power grasp vs precision grip) during pothesis. This may be due to a greater salience of movement
observation. One can see that in the condition without pre- kinematics elicited in the context of the power grasp: the ESGP
shape, the probability of the two hypotheses only becomes model for power grasp has overall lower uncertainty than the
significantly different late in the trajectory. ESGP model for precision grip (compare Figs. 5F and 6F). In
Furthermore, we observe a significant difference between a other words, both human participants and our models may be
reactive hand-following gaze strategy, which emerges in the sensitive to subtle (and early) kinematic cues that emerge
no-shape condition, and an anticipatory gaze strategy, which earlier under power grasps. In the original report, it was sug-
emerges in the pre-shape condition, shortly after the begin- gested that this advantage may also have a perceptual nature,
ning of a trial. This difference is evident if one considers and participants may select the big object as their default
panels B and C of Figs. 5 and 6, which show the location of the option (perhaps because it is more perceptually salient). We
saccade in the video frame and the saliency map, respectively; tested this notion using a (small) prior probability for the big
and panels I of the same figures, which show the sequence of hypothesis (implemented via a Gaussian centred on .57 with
saccades during the experiment (note that the first saccade is variance .01). This did not influence our results; either in
always from the centre to the initial hand movement. This terms of discriminating the big target movements earlier or in
reflects the fact that in the human experiment, participants terms of the differences in action recognition with and
were asked to fixate on the actor's hand before watching the without preshape information.
54 c o r t e x 8 9 ( 2 0 1 7 ) 4 5 e6 0

Fig. 5 e Results of sample simulations of power grasp, without preshape (left) or with preshape (right). Panel A shows the
expected probability of the two competing hypotheses (here, big vs small) during an exemplar trial. Panels B and C show the
location of the saccade in the video frame and the saliency map, respectively. Panel D shows the hidden (oculomotor) states
as computed by the model. Panel E show the actual content of what is sampled by a saccade (in the filtered map). Panel F
shows the posterior beliefs about the ‘true’ hypothesis (expectations are in blue and associated uncertainty are in grey). The
posterior beliefs are plotted in terms of expected log probabilities and associated 90% confidence interval. A value of zero
corresponds to an expected probability of one. Increases in conditional confidence about the expected log probability
c o r t e x 8 9 ( 2 0 1 7 ) 4 5 e6 0 55

This latter point leads us to a second important aspect of

4. Discussion our proposal. Our account of action observation is in keeping
with embodied and motor cognition theories, especially if the
We have shown that the dynamics of eye movements
generative model used for hypothesis testing is used for per-
described by active inference e an extension of the predictive
forming goal-directed actions (Flanagan & Johansson, 2003). In
coding formalism to the domain of action e correctly repro-
the social domain, support for this view comes from a variety
duce human behaviour in a series of action observation tasks.
of sources, including studies of motor activation during action
This model rests on two intertwined notions. First, action
observation, or interference effects between observed and
observation can be described formally as hypothesis testing, or
performed actions (Aglioti, Cesari, Romani, & Urgesi, 2008;
the active sampling of salient information, as informed by the
Cross, Hamilton, & Grafton, 2006; Kilner, Paulignan, &
agent's predictions. Second, the process relies on an internal  et al., 2001), see Kilner and Lemon
Blakemore, 2003; Umilta
generative model that generates predictions of the next sensory
(2013) for a review. This sort of evidence has motivated a va-
sample (conditioned on the agent's competing perceptual
riety of theoretical and computational models of motor
hypotheses). These two components act synergistically: the
involvement in action observation (Demiris & Khadhouri,
predictions of the generative model are used to update a visual
2005; Friston et al., 2011; Ognibene & Demiris, 2013;
saliency map, which serves to direct saccades to the most
Ognibene, Chinellato, Sarabia, & Demiris, 2013; Wolpert
informative parts of the visual scene (active sampling). In
et al., 2003), see Giese and Rizzolatti (2015) for a review. Our
turn, active sampling provides evidential input to the gener-
model significantly advances the state of the art by assigning
ative model, which is used to update the predictions and the
the motor system a role in hypothesis testing during action
probability of competing hypotheses.
observation, too. Direct support for this idea, which is rarely
The first innovative aspect of our proposal entails casting
addressed in models of action observation, comes from
action observation as the inferential process of hypothesis
studies that show that saccades essentially cease to be pre-
testing and not (for example) as a classification or resonance
dictive and most often simply follow the moving hand in
mechanism, or one in which the observing agent passively
various conditions that prevent the recruitment of the motor
receives (rather than actively sampling) information. Our
system: when the motor system is compromised with TMS
hypothesis thus contrasts with models that describe action
(Costantini et al., 2014) or engaged in an interfering task
understanding as a resonance (Rizzolatti et al., 1996) or a
(Costantini, Ambrosini, & Sinigaglia, 2012), when hands are
Hebbian (Keysers & Perrett, 2004) mechanism. It also con-
tied (Ambrosini, Sinigaglia, & Costantini, 2012), or the
trasts with accounts of action observation as a purely visual
perceiver does not include the observed action in her reper-
recognition task (Fleischer et al., 2013). Our proposal is
toire (Ambrosini et al., 2013).
related to various models that include predictive mecha-
A third innovative aspect of our proposal is that it parsi-
nisms and forward models for action understanding
moniously explains eye movements dynamics as the emer-
(Demiris, 2007; Dindo et al., 2011; Donnarumma et al., 2017;
gent effect of using (and updating) a saliency map e that is, a
Wolpert, Doya, & Kawato, 2003) and concomitant atten-
domain-general mechanism that dispenses from any ad-hoc
tional allocation (Demiris & Khadhouri, 2005; Ognibene &
or task-specific criterion (e.g., a decision threshold or crite-
Demiris, 2013). However, our model significantly differs
rion). In this respect, it is important to emphasize that the
from all the aforementioned models, because, first, it uses
notion of a saliency map does not reduce to a series of filters
eye movements and hypothesis testing in the action under-
(or other mechanisms) that capture perceptual features in a
standing process, and second, it adopts an active inference
bottom-up way, as usually assumed in the literature. Rather,
scheme that dispenses with any form of inverse model
the contribution of top-down, hypothesis-driven predictions
(Friston, 2011). From a broader perspective, one can consider
is essential in updating the content of the map (e.g., which
the perceiver's actions to be essential for action under-
objects are expected and where) and the saliency assigned to
standing and, more generally, to cognitive processing at large
each location (e.g., how important is a saccade to each loca-
(Engel, Maye, Kurthen, & Ko € nig, 2013; Pezzulo, 2008, 2011;
tion for testing the current hypotheses) e which is in keeping
Pezzulo & Cisek, 2016). Here, two kinds of actions are
with theories that highlight top-down processes in visual
essential for action understanding: overt and covert. The
perception (Hayhoe & Ballard, 2005; Rothkopf et al., 2007;
former are the eye movements and the saccades that are
Tatler et al., 2013; see also Corbetta & Shulman, 2002). The
used as “experiments” that permit hypothesis testing; that is,
possibility to assign salience to locations that encode goals
active perception (Bajcsy et al., 2016; Gibson, 1966). The latter
(for action execution or observation) distinguishes this
are the covert reactivations of the sensorimotor system (and
approach from alternative proposals that focus on the infor-
its generative model) that permit generating predictions; that
mation gain afforded by low-level properties of the visual
is, motor cognition (Jeannerod, 2006; Pezzulo et al., 2011).
stimuli (Itti & Koch, 2000).

correspond to a shrinking of the confidence intervals. Panel G show the “percept” of the system e that is, the mixture of
hypotheses weighted by the posterior expectation, which in this study is represented with a superposition of all the frames
of the previous time steps. Panel H shows the sequence of saccades during the experiment (where the first saccade to the
hand depends on participants' instructions and can be ignored, see the main text). Note that in the (left) case without
preshape, gaze follows a reactive, hand-following strategy (panels G and H) and the action is disambiguated fairly late in the
trial (panels A and F). The scenario is different in the (right) case with preshape information.
56 c o r t e x 8 9 ( 2 0 1 7 ) 4 5 e6 0

Fig. 6 e Results of sample simulations of precision grip, without preshape (left) or with preshape (right). Labels as in Fig. 5.
Note that even in these sample simulations, the (right) scenario with preshape entails faster recognition and proactive
movements compared to the (left) scenario without preshape.

Furthermore, our approach entails a systems-level other neuron) operate within much larger brain networks for
perspective on action understanding. The importance of brain adaptive action and perception. This implies the necessity of a
mechanisms such as mirror neurons in action recognition has systems-level view of action recognition, which clearly rec-
been often recognized, but clearly these neurons (like any ognizes the role of large cortical areas and cortico-subcortical
c o r t e x 8 9 ( 2 0 1 7 ) 4 5 e6 0 57

loops (Bonini, 2016; Caligiore et al., 2013). The systems-level example was (the motor theory of) speech perception
architectural scheme of Fig. 1 e despite it is necessarily (Liberman & Mattingly, 1985; Liberman, Cooper, Shankweiler,
simplified and incomplete e represents a first step in this di- & Kennedy, 1967). Our proposal here is in accordance to one
rection. Addressing action understanding within a large-scale central claim of this and other motor theories of cognition
biological model like active inference permits to generate (Jeannerod, 2006), namely, that perceptual processing reuses
specific predictions on the role of different brain areas in this the generative or forward models implied in motor control. In
process. our study, however, the contribution of generative models
Finally, it is worth highlighting that we have tested the (and the motor system) is quite specific: guiding eye move-
validity of the model at the behavioural level, and its capacity ments and supporting active hypothesis testing. As our sim-
to explain different patterns of (proactive or reactive) eye ulations and the experimental data show, engaging the
movements by appealing to a single imperative of uncertainty generative models is not mandatory for action recognition,
(i.e., expected surprise or variational free energy) minimiza- but improves it by making eye movements more proactive. In
tion. Clearly, there are several other aspects of the proposal other words, our simulations show that one can assign sa-
that remain to be tested in more detail. One advantage of our liency to current stimuli (observed movements) and solve the
computational approach is that it enables the estimation of same task in various ways: reactively (by following the hand),
hidden variables from behavioural data. For example, panels D by extrapolating perceptual variables over time, or by
and F of Figs. 5 and 6 show the hidden (oculomotor) states and engaging the generative models (and the motor system).
the agent's current uncertainty, respectively. These measures However, reactive strategies may be limited and visual
(and others) are automatically inferred by the model and can extrapolation may fail to correctly represent sequential events
be used for model-based, trial-by-trial computational analysis that are generated by hidden causes (e.g., the dynamics of the
of neurobiological data, such as for example dynamical mea- motor system) and have an intrinsic intentionality; otherwise,
sures of brain activation such as EEG or MEG (Daw, 2011; the generative model underlying visual extrapolations would
Friston et al., 2014), thus productively linking various levels be essentially a duplicate of the generative model underlying
and timescales of action observation, behavioural and action execution. Another problem with a visual extrapolation
neuronal. This reflects the fact that the proposed model gen- explanation is that it is not immediately clear why eye
erates a variety of empirical predictions, concerning for movements should go proactively to the object (and not, for
example the ways action e or belief-related brain signals example, any future predicted location before the object)
(Panels D and F in Figs. 5 and 6) e change during trials with without a notion that grasping the object is the agent's goal.
high or low uncertainty, or when the motor system is While it may not be mandatory to engage the (generative
temporarily inactivated (Costantini et al., 2014), which can be model of the) motor system to solve this specific task, doing so
tested empirically. Another prediction is that, because action would automatically produce an advance understanding of
understanding is an active process, modulations of the hy- the situation that speaks to one's own action goals (“motor
pothesis testing mechanism would influence it; for example, understanding”); in turn, this may have additional benefits
that it would be possible to bias action understanding by such as segmenting action observation in meaningful ele-
restricting eye movements. ments (e.g., goal and subgoal-related ways, Donnarumma,
Compared to the original model of Friston et al. (2012), Maisto, & Pezzulo, 2016; Stoianov, Genovesio, & Pezzulo,
there are three main differences. The first difference is the fact 2015) and permitting fast planning of complementary or
that the perceptual stimulus is dynamical (a video and not an adversarial actions in social settings (Pezzulo, 2013; Pezzulo,
image), and for this, the two perceptual hypotheses corre- Iodice, Donnarumma, Dindo, & Knoblich, 2017).
spond to image sequences not images. The second difference In this illustration of epistemic foraging under active
lies in the way the saliency map is computed e here, it does inference, we have focused on information gain in the context
not depend on perceptual features of the to-be-recognized of action observation. On this view, salience becomes a sort of
objects but on motor predictions. The third important differ- “epistemic affordance”, where the affordance of different lo-
ence between the current scheme and that described by cations (hand or objects) changes dynamically as a function of
Friston and colleagues is that we eschew an ad hoc inhibition the agent's beliefs e and therefore becomes inherently context
of return e which they included because their generative sensitive. It is interesting to note that other studies using
model did not have any memory. This meant that the simu- active inference (but in simplified, Markovian or discrete time
lated agent forgot what it had learned from sampling a pre- scheme) appeal to exactly the same idea, but in the domain of
vious location and would keep on returning to the most goal-directed action, e.g., finding reward in a maze. In these
salient visual features in the absence of inhibition of return. studies, when agents are uncertain about reward locations,
Our more realistic setup precludes this because the model they first need to resolve their uncertainty through epistemic
generates trajectories that unfold over time. This means that action that entails information gain (e.g., they search for cues
what was salient on the previous saccade is usually less that disambiguate a reward location). Resolving this uncer-
salient on the subsequent saccade. This follows from the fact tainty is a prerequisite to successively execute a pragmatic
that our generative model encodes trajectories and therefore action (e.g., reaching the reward location). The resulting
has an implicit memory, in the sense that it can accumulate mixture of epistemic and pragmatic value turns out to be the
information over time about the underlying causes of sensory free energy expected under any sequence of actions or policy.
information. In short, the active inference we have demonstrated in this
The idea of a reuse of motor strategies to support percep- work has a construct validity in terms of recent work on more
tual functions has been raised in several domains. One early abstract formulations of exploration and exploitation (Friston
58 c o r t e x 8 9 ( 2 0 1 7 ) 4 5 e6 0

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