Focused High Frequency Ultrasonic Transducers For Minimally Invasive Imaging
Focused High Frequency Ultrasonic Transducers For Minimally Invasive Imaging
Focused High Frequency Ultrasonic Transducers For Minimally Invasive Imaging
Figure 2. Schematic of pressure jig used to fabricate Figure 5. Pulse power spectrum of the transducer
the ultrasonic transducers from Figure 4 showing a center frequency of ~32 MHz
and a 6 dB bandwidth of ~100%.
Amplitude (V)
isolating it from rest of the apparatus between pulses. 0.20
Transducer characterization experiments were performed
using the pulse echo mode, which is the standard
operational mode for ultrasonic imaging. In the pulse 0.10
echo mode, the transducer emits an ultrasonic pulse and 0.05
the same transducer is also used to detect the reflected
pulse. Different configurations of the amplification
circuitry were implemented as necessitated by the 5.40 5.50 5.60 5.70
Time (µ
corresponding characterization experiment.
Figure 7. Hilbert transform of pulse echo response
The transducers were excited by 40 MHz, 50Vpp with a value of 33ns at FWHM which gives value of
monocycle pulses at a 2 kHz repetition rate in a beaker of 50 µm axial resolution.
deionized (DI) water to obtain pulse echo responses. The
bottom of the glass beaker provided the reflecting surface. apertures and center deflections of 172, 123 and 102 µm,
No amplification circuitry was used to minimize parasitic respectively. These center deflections should result in f-
bandwidth components. A typical pulse echo response is numbers of 1.50, 2.00, and 2.45 respectively, which are in
shown in Figure 4. The pulse echo exhibits minimal good agreement with the values of 1.47, 2.08, and 2.41,
ringing, which indicates a relatively large bandwidth. The which are derived from the axial response measurements.
corresponding power spectrum obtained via FFT of the All subsequent characterization results are presented for
pulse echo response is shown in Figure 5. This transducer the transducer with the f-number of 2.08
has a center frequency of ~32 MHz and a 6 dB bandwidth
of ~100%. Other transducers that were fabricated using The axial resolution of the transducer can be determined
the same technique and material exhibited center from the full-width-at-half-maximum (FWHM) of the
frequencies of 30-45 MHz and 6 dB bandwidths of 80- pulse echo envelope, which is obtained via a Hilbert
110%. The variations in characteristics of the various transform of the pulse echo response as shown in Figure
transducers is attributed to non-uniformity in polymer 7. The FWHM has a value of 33 ns, which results in an
film thickness and epoxy curing. axial resolution of 50 µm, assuming sound velocity of
1500m/s in water. The lateral resolution of the transducer
The axial responses of the transducers were characterized can be estimated from the following expression [4]:
by exciting the transducers as described previously, but Resolution = λ(f number )
with an additional 30 dB of amplification in the circuit. where λ is the ultrasound wavelength relative to (2) the
The transducer was displaced relative to the bottom of the center frequency. The center frequency of the transducer
glass beaker and the peak-to-peak voltage of the is ~40 MHz, which results in a lateral resolution ~38 µm.
corresponding pulse echo response was recorded. Figure 6
shows the results for 3 transducers with 2 mm-diameter TISSUE IMAGING
Tissue is less echogenic than glass, and consequently,
additional amplification is required to obtain satisfactory
f = 1.47 f = 2.08 f = 2.41
images. The transducer was mounted onto a PC board
Normalized Amplitue
0 2 4 6 8
Distance (mm)
Figure 8. Front (a) and back view (b) of a transducer
mounted on a printed circuit board. The transducer is
Figure 6. Normalized axial responses of transducers the spherical shape in the center of the 1 cm-wide
showing that the focal points vary with f-number. square die shown in (a). The backside of the PC
Error bars at peaks indicate the predicted focal points board with the amplifier and associated biasing
based upon the measured center deflections and components is shown in (b).
associated error of ± 5 µm.
The authors would like to thank Dr. Geoffrey Vince and
Dr. Jim Talman of The Cleveland Clinic Foundation for
helpful discussions. This work was supported by the
Glennan Microsystems Initiative.