Lecture Notes ON Satellite Communication: Final Year B. Tech
Lecture Notes ON Satellite Communication: Final Year B. Tech
Lecture Notes ON Satellite Communication: Final Year B. Tech
Course Objectives:
The student should be able to:
Describe the fundamental concept in the field of satellite communication.
Know how to place satellite in orbit.
Design the satellite power budget.
Understand and evaluate satellite subsystem which used in Space segment.
Unit I
Basic Principles: General features, frequency allocation for satellite
services, basic concept of satellite communication
Earth Station: Introduction, earth station subsystem, different types of earth
Unit II
Satellite Orbits: Orbital Mechanics, Look angle determination, Orbital
perturbation, Orbital determination, Launchers and Launch vehicles, Orbital
effects in communication system performance.
Unit III
Satellite Subsystem (Space Segment):Satellite Subsystem, Attitude
and control system(AOCS), Telemetry, Tracking, Command and Monitoring,
Power systems, Communication subsystem, Satellite antennas, Equipment
reliability and space qualification.
Unit IV
Satellite Links : Introduction, general link design equation, system noise
temperature, uplink design, downlink design, complete link design, Design of
specified C/N: Combining C/N and C/I value in Satellite Links.
Unit V
Satellite Networks: Reference architecture for satellite networks, basic
characteristics of satellite networks, Onboard connectivity with transparent
processing, analogue transparent switching, Frame organization, Window
organization, On board connectivity with beam scanning
Unit VI
The Role and Application of Satellite Communication
C-Band and Ku- Band Home satellite TV, Digital DBS TV, Satellite Radio
Broadcasting, Radio and Satellite Navigation, GPS Position Location
Principles, GPS Receivers and codes.
Text Books
The outer space has always fascinated people on the earth and communication
through space evolved as an offshoot of ideas for space travel. The earliest
idea of using artificial satellites for communications is found in a science
fiction Brick Moon by Edward Evert Hale, published in 1869-70.
While the early fictional accounts of satellite and space communications bear
little resemblance to the technology as it exists today, they are of significance
since they represent the origins of the idea from which the technology
eventually evolved.
In the area of satellite communications, the technology has been responsive to
the imaginative dreams. Hence it is also expected that technological
innovations will lead the evolution of satellite communications towards the
visions of today
It carried two radio transmitters at 20.005 MHz and 40.002 MHz. However
this space craft was far more than a scientific and technical achievement as it
had a tremendous psychological and political impact particularly on United
States resulting in a technological competition between United States and
Russia, long term planning in Space Research and establishment of NASA.
To implement this frequency planning, the world is divided into three regions:
Region1: Europe, Africa and Mongolia
Region 2: North and South America and Greenland
Region 3: Asia (excluding region 1 areas), Australia and south-west Pacific.
Band Total Bandwidth General Application
L 1 to 2 GHz 1 GHz Mobile satellite service(MSS)
S 2 to 4 GHz 2 GHz MSS, NASA, deep space search
C 4 to 8 GHz 4 GHz Fixed Satellite Service(FSS)
X 8 to 12.5 GHz 4.5 GHz FSS Military, terrestrial earth
exploration and metrological
Ku 12.5 to 18 GHz 5.5 GHz FSS, Broadcast satellite service
K 18 to 26.5 GHz 8.5 GHz BSS,FSS
Ka 26.5 to 40 GHz 13.5 GHz FSS
Frequency Bands:
L-band (1–2 GHz)
Global Positioning System (GPS) carriers and also satellite mobile phones, such
as Iridium; Inmarsat providing communications at sea, land and air; WorldSpace satellite
S-band (2–4 GHz)
Weather radar, surface ship radar, and some communications satellites, especially those
of NASA for communication with ISS and Space Shuttle.
In May 2009, Inmarsat and Solaris mobile (a joint venture between Eutelsat and Astra)
were awarded each a 2×15 MHz portion of the S-band by the European Commission.
Communications satellites, uplink in either the 27.5 GHz and 31 GHz bands, and
high-resolution, close-range targeting radars on military aircraft. Disadvantages:
Requirement of larger and powerful rockets to launch heavier satellites in
Requirement of on-board power supply.
Interruption of service due to failure of electronics components.
The signal which user wants to send is called as Baseband Signal. It is feed to
Intermediate Frequency (IF) Modulator who converts baseband frequency to
intermediate frequency through different types of modulation process like ASK, FSK
and, PSK according to the requirement. The output IF is passed through a Band Pass
Filter (BPF) for cutting off unnecessary frequency components. The IF is sent to UP-
Converter where IF range (MHz) is increased to Radio Frequency (RF) range (GHz)
with the help of Mixer & Uplink Frequency Microwave Generator. Here, Radio
Frequency (RF) = (LO + IF) and Intermediate Frequency (IF) = (LO – RF). Here, LO
is Local Oscillator Frequency. There is another BPF for the RF signal to become
more accurate uplink frequency. Finally, the RF is passed through a High Power
Amplifier (HPA) for gaining enough strength to travel a long distance before it is
radiated through transmission (Tx) antenna.
The transmitted frequency from the transponder and received frequency at the
receiving antenna are the same. A Band Pass Filter (BPF) cuts off the unnecessary
frequency components.
Then the RF signal is sent to the Low Noise Amplifier (LNA) for amplification.
Then the RF signal is feed to Down-Converter where RF range (GHz) is decreased to
IF range (MHz) with the help of Mixer & Downlink Frequency Microwave
Generator. Intermediate Frequency (IF) Demodulator converts intermediate frequency
to baseband frequency. This baseband signal is the signal which was sent via
transponder by the user from the uplink section.
Tracking is essential when the satellite drift, as seen by an earth station antenna
is significant fraction of an earth station’s antenna beam width.
Feed System
Antenna Reflector
Cassegrain :
Many dishes have the waves make more than one bounce .This is
generally called as folded systems. The advantage is that the whole dish
and feed system is more compact. There are several folded configurations,
but all have at least one secondary reflector also called a sub reflector,
located out in front of the dish to redirect the waves.
This system has a concave secondary reflector located just beyond the
primary focus. This also bounces the waves back toward the dish.
ii)Asymmetric Configuration
Mostly parabolic reflectors are used as the main antenna for the earth stations
because of the high gain available from the reflector and the ability of focusing a
parallel beam into a point at the focus where the feed,i.e., the receiving/radiating
element is located .For large antenna system more than one reflector surfaces may
be used in as in the cassegrain antenna system.
Earth stations are also classified on the basis of services for example:
1.Two way TV ,Telephony and data
2. Two way TV
3.TV receive only and two way telephony and data
4.Two way data
From the classifications it is obvious that the technology of earth station will vary
considerably on the performance and the service requirements of earth station
It consists of a horizontal primary axis (X-axis) and a secondary axis (Yaxis) and
at right angles to it. Movement around these axes provides necessary steering.
Tracking is essential when the satellite drift, as seen by an earth station antenna is
a significant fraction of an earth station’s antenna beam width. An earth station’s
tracking system is required to perform some of the
functions such as
i)Satellite acquisition
ii)Automatic tracking
iii)Manual tracking
iv)Program tracking.
2. Justify satellite over Terrestrial Networks along with their advantages and
7. Which frequency ranges are currently allocated for future services from high
altitude platforms?
8. Outline the mission of the ITU-R. How often does the World Radio Conference
9. What are the major regions are classified the world for frequency planning?
10. How many broadcasting services provided in satellite? what is frequency band
allocated for that?
11. Discuss briefly the development of INTELSAT starting from the 1960s through
the Present.
13. Explain about antenna look angles and polar mount antenna.
14. Analyse the functioning of transmit and receive earth station. With a block
diagram explain how the redundant earth station function.