Life and Works of Rizal Midterm Module
Life and Works of Rizal Midterm Module
Life and Works of Rizal Midterm Module
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“A dead person cannot do anything about the life of the living, but the thoughts, ideals,
dreams, principles, or convictions that he left might be very influential to people’s life as a
basis of getting strength in their day to day existence. And that’s where the relevance of the
Rizal subject came in.”-Maribel G. Galindo
Studying and learning the experiences and events encountered by significant people is
motivating. In many instances, these people have contributed in the formation of the
country’s colorful and rich history.
Most students take Rizal course only because it is part of their subjects similar to that of
reading lots of Shakespearean literature just to pass any English course. If this is left
unchecked, Jose Rizal would just be a standing monument in every public plaza with no
other relevance other than being recognized in textbooks as the country’s national hero.
To appreciate the course, one must be able to learn more about Jose Rizal- not just on
his acts but the events behind those acts, the reasons, his works, as well as the situations
that are relevant to the present generation. One must study Rizal’s philosophical ideas as an
individual- his manifestation on religion, humanity, liberty, freedom, cowardice, love,
nationalism, patriotism, politics, and family. Other than those, one must also learn his
weaknesses- a womanizer and short-tempered which completes him as a human being. It is
only when we realize that he is like us, then we can truly appreciate his martyrdom and
Learning Objectives:
At the end of the chapter, the students will be able to:
Discuss the need to study Rizal’s life and works.
Examine the policy on the selection and proclamation of national heroes.
Develop their own concepts of heroism based on the readings and their own insights.
What is a Hero?
According to the dictionary:
- A hero is a man admired for his achievements and noble qualities and regarded as
ideal or a model.
- The central figure in an event, period, or movement, honored for outstanding
- He/She is someone who shows great courage in an important event.
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Posted on September 5, 2012
It is common for Filipinos to look for someone to idolize –saints, politicians, artists,
models, etc., somebody they will glorify and imitate. Since the time of the declaration of
Philippine independence, 109 years ago, many were acknowledged as Filipino heroes,
more so today, that every individual who become so popular or the main character in any
particular event is given the title “hero”. The essence of the word “hero” is past declining,
today one need not to die or do such gallant act to be given the noble title or that some
just won a boxing match. Time has really evolved and so does our standard in defining a
Filipino hero. Will our forefathers who gave their lives for freedom feel insulted for this?
Are these the Filipinos we’ll look up to for guidance through the times, aren’t our children
losing the true meaning of heroism by our doings? All these things we should ask
ourselves before giving the title “hero” to anyone.
But what does being a hero mean? Dr. Esteban de Ocampo, a known historian,
stated in his book about Rizal that a hero means a prominent or central personage taking
an admirable part in any remarkable action or event; a person of distinguished valor or
enterprise in danger, or fortitude in suffering; and a man honored after death by public
worship because of exceptional service to mankind.The true heroes of Philippine history
deserve to be called so for they didn’t have any idea that one day they will be measured
up, they just acted upon their principles. The concept of honoring heroes came only to the
Philippines in 1900, when the Philippine Commission (Pardo de Tavera, Legarda,
Luzurriaga (Filipino members) and headed by William Howard Taft) approved Act No. 137
combining the districts of Morong and Manila to be named as “Province of Rizal,” in honor
of the most illustrious Filipino. Actually, this Act was disputed by many but the basis of the
Commission was so strong that it has surpassed the public’s questions.
Since then, heroes were celebrated here and there, citing their names in every
politician’s speeches, declaring holidays, naming streets, constructing monuments, etc. in
their honor. Until one day, realizing that so many names were acknowledged as heroes,
need to evaluate the situation was proposed. During Marcos’ presidency, he tasked the
National Heroes Commission to come up with the criteria for national hero. On March 28,
1993, thru the President’s Executive Order No. 75, the National Heroes Committee was
created, commissioned to study, evaluate and recommend historical figures to be
declared as national heroes. The Committee composed of worthy members, with a series
of discussions came up with the new criteria.
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betterment of the country). Seventh is, heroes are those who contribute to the quality of
life and destiny of a nation. Eight, a hero is part of the people’s expression (the citizen
must have recognized and acknowledged the person as a hero). Ninth, a hero thinks of
the future, especially the future generations, his concern for the future generations must
be seen in his decisions and ideals). Lastly, the choice of a hero involves not only the
recounting of an episode or events in history, but of the entire process that made this
particular person a hero.
Filipino’s expectations of public figures are different now than it was more than a
hundred years ago, maybe because of the realization that no one is perfect. This is the
reason why today so many were acknowledged as heroes and many were voted in
important governing positions with flaws and questionable characters. Lucky are those
who aspire one day to be called a hero that the criteria was already set to pattern their
decisions with. I hope that the criteria for national heroes will not only be checked against
the historical figures but also with the politicians to whom we will entrust the power to
govern our country.
Largely because of the issue, the then senator Claro M. Recto—the main proponent
of the Rizal Bill—was even dubbed as a communist and an anti-Catholic. Catholic schools
threatened to stop operation if the bill was passed, though Recto calmly countered the
threat, stating that if that happened, then the schools would be nationalized. Afterward
threatened to be punished in future elections, Recto remained undeterred. The Rizal Bill
became Republic Act 1425.
Jose P. Laurel, then senator who co-wrote the law, explained that since Jose Rizal was
the founder of the country’s nationalism and had significantly contributed to the current
condition of the nation, it is only right that Filipinos, especially the youth, know about and
learn to imbibe the great ideals for which the hero died.
1. To rededicate the lives of youth to the ideals of freedom and nationalism, for which
our heroes lived and died
2. To pay tribute to our national hero for devoting his life and works in shaping the
Filipino character
3. To gain an inspiring source of patriotism through the study of Rizal’s life, works, and
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WHEREAS, today, more than any other period of our history, there is a need for a re-
dedication to the ideals of freedom and nationalism for which our heroes lived and died;
WHEREAS, it is meet that in honoring them, particularly the national hero and patriot,
Jose Rizal, we remember with special fondness and devotion their lives and works that
have shaped the national character;
WHEREAS, the life, works and writing of Jose Rizal, particularly his novels Noli Me
Tangere and El Filibusterismo, are a constant and inspiring source of patriotism with
which the minds of the youth, especially during their formative and decisive years in
school, should be suffused;
WHEREAS, all educational institutions are under the supervision of, and subject to
regulation by the State, and all schools are enjoined to develop moral character, personal
discipline, civic conscience and to teach the duties of citizenship; Now, therefore,
SECTION 1. Courses on the life, works and writings of Jose Rizal, particularly his novel
Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo, shall be included in the curricula of all schools,
colleges and universities, public or private: Provided, That in the collegiate courses, the
original or unexpurgated editions of the Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo or their
English translation shall be used as basic texts.
The Board of National Education is hereby authorized and directed to adopt forthwith
measures to implement and carry out the provisions of this Section, including the writing
and printing of appropriate primers, readers and textbooks. The Board shall, within sixty
(60) days from the effectivity of this Act, promulgate rules and regulations, including those
of a disciplinary nature, to carry out and enforce the provisions of this Act. The Board
shall promulgate rules and regulations providing for the exemption of students for reasons
of religious belief stated in a sworn written statement, from the requirement of the
provision contained in the second part of the first paragraph of this section; but not from
taking the course provided for in the first part of said paragraph. Said rules and
regulations shall take effect thirty (30) days after their publication in the Official Gazette.
SECTION 2. It shall be obligatory on all schools, colleges and universities to keep in their
libraries an adequate number of copies of the original and unexpurgated editions of the
Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo, as well as of Rizal’s other works and biography.
The said unexpurgated editions of the Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo or their
translations in English as well as other writings of Rizal shall be included in the list of
approved books for required reading in all public or private schools, colleges and
The Board of National Education shall determine the adequacy of the number of books,
depending upon the enrollment of the school, college or university.
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SECTION 3. The Board of National Education shall cause the translation of the Noli Me
Tangere and El Filibusterismo, as well as other writings of Jose Rizal into English,
Tagalog and the principal Philippine dialects; cause them to be printed in cheap, popular
editions; and cause them to be distributed, free of charge, to persons desiring to read
them, through the Purok organizations and Barrio Councils throughout the country.
Activity 1 (Chapter 1)
1. Is Rizal (including his life, works, and writings) relevant today? (5 pts)
2. Making a decision. Research the Republic Act 1425 and write a reaction paper
whether you agree or disagree if Jose Rizal deserves to be our national hero.
Take note that there was a strong debate that Andres Bonifacio should have
been our national hero and not Jose Rizal. (15pts)
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To fully comprehend the role of Dr. Jose Rizal in shaping Filipino nationalism, there is
a need to look into the developments in the 19th century. This is essential in understanding
his ideology and outlook as an individual. As the saying goes ““man is partly the product of
his time. His life and his message are affected by his environment and the events that take
place in the world he lives in.”
The 19th Century was the era of challenges and responses. It paved the way towards
industrialization. Industrialization changed the way people lived because it altered their way
of doing things from manual to technological advancement which ascends to the changes in
different human activities—sciences (inventions and explorations), philosophy (humanism),
economy (capitalism), politics (democracy) and social identity (nationalism).
As industrialization geared towards life improvement, it also posed a threat to other
parts of the world as powerful and developed nations were given the opportunity to expand
their colonies and explore other territories. Nations imposed their rules and directives to
newly acquired colonies even if it is not acceptable among the natives. Western imperialism
have given rise to the growth in nationalism and clamor for independence.
Learning Objectives:
At the end of the chapter, the students will be able to:
Trace the development of nationalism and liberalism in the Philippines.
Analyze the various social, political, economic, and cultural changes that occurred in
the 19th century.
Compare and contrast the situation of the Philippines in the 19th century and today.
Three Points of Nationalism (McKay et al, 1995 as cited by Garcia et al, 2015)
1. Nationalism has evolved from a real or imagined cultural unity, manifesting
itself in a common language, history, and territory.
2. Nationalists have usually sought to turn this cultural unity into political reality
so that the territory of each people coincides with its state boundaries.
3. Nationalists believed that every nation has the right to exist in freedom and
develop its character and spirit.
However, the ideas of national superiority and national mission have led to
aggressive crusades and counter-explorations as it stressed differences among people.
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Liberalism and Democracy: A Subsequent Effect of Western Imperialism
The rise and spread of liberalism and democracy was actually the consequence of
the growth and development of nationalism (Black, 1999). Liberalism demanded
representative government as opposed to absolute monarchy and equality before the law as
opposed to legal separate classes. This also meant specific individual freedoms such as
freedom of the press, of speech, of assembly and from arbitrary arrests.
Democracy became a way of life in many European countries. After the flowering of
imperialism, democracy was gradually established through the following means:
promulgation of laws that advanced democracy, abolition of slavery, adoption of liberal
constitution in colonized states, adoption of suffrage or the right to vote, providing citizens
the opportunity to propose laws and granting political, economic, and social rights to the
Filipinos who have observed and experienced the democratic system in European
countries have clamored for the same privilege to be given to the Filipinos. In the 19 th
century, democracy was nonexistent in the Philippines. Spanish authorities believed that if
the Filipinos will enjoy basic rights and freedom, they will be motivated to work for
independence and topple down the Spanish regime.
As industrialization hit majority of the European nations, they expand colonies in Asia
and Africa creating vast empires for economic interests and political influence. They mostly
relied on force to conquer and rule, treating non-Westerns as racial inferiors.
Consequently, native elites or those of the middle class like Rizal armed with
Western doctrines launched anti-imperialist struggle for dignity, genuine independence, and
modernization. The colonies assert their right to self-determination or the right to choose the
kind of government under which they would live.
B. England
- As one of the most powerful nations during the time, they targeted the African
continent and established British colonialism in India. Through the reign of Queen
Victoria, England also colonized China, Burma (now Myanmar), Australia and New
- Several reforms were enacted within the country such as—Reform Bill of 1867
wherein voting rights were extended to the laborers, Education Act of 1870 where
free education is catered to all British students, and in 1871, unions were organized
as part of the workers’ rights and privileges.
C. France
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- Conquered the weak countries in Southeast Asia—Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia;
and merged them into one federal colony and named it as French Indochina.
D. Latin America
-Latin America was controlled by the colonial giants Spain and Portugal in the 19 th
Century. However, they waged war against the European colonizers due to
underdevelopment, discrimination, slavery, and unequal treatment in terms of
administrative positions that eventually led to their independence.
- France also attempted to colonize Latin America but the region fought back led by
the newly elected native Zapotec president, Benito Suarez. The region acquired
support from the United States of America as they defeated the French invaders.
E. Asia
- Japan—isolated their country to the Europeans to avoid conversion of Japanese to
Christianity and the tendency to engage in unfair trading systems. Japan refused to
trade with Europeans except for a limited controlled trade with Holland. After 214
years of isolation, Japan was forced to trade with the Americans under the command
of Commodore Matthew C. Perry. The two countries signed the Treaty of Kanagawa
that provided an opening for Americans to be in contact and do trade with the
Japanese people.
- India—governed by the Mogul Empire wherein Sepoy soldiers staged a mutiny and
murdered some British Commanders of the army. With this particular event, the
British Authorities hired loyal Indian soldiers to disintegrate the Mogul Empire then re-
established British Colonialism in India.
- China—known to be one of the oldest trade partners of the Philippines. During the
time, China was ruled by the Manchu Dynasty. After the Taiping Rebellion between
1852 up to 1864, China was fragmented into pieces by the foreign powers
particularly managed in whole or in partial by Italy, France and Great Britain. The
Opium War (1856-1860) before Rizal was born in 1861 became one of the economic
and political turmoil that time wherein Hong Kong was surrendered under several
treaties and agreements.
- Singapore—known for its ports wherein merchant and passenger ships loaded and
unloaded goods from place to place. Its history was founded by British Sir Stamford
Raffles in the 1819 wherein they attained independence and establish the state after
the separation from Federation of Malaya in 1965.
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1867 Britain acquired Singapore.
1862 Napoleon III of the 2nd French Empire conquered Mexico.
1863 France acquired Cambodia
1859 Britain imposed her rule over the subcontinent of India.
1857 France conquered Vietnam.
1853 America re-opened Japan to the world, ending Japan’s 214 year of
isolation. This modernized the country by freely accepting Western
1842 British people acquired the island of Hong Kong.
Political Situation
In Spain, struggle between the forces of despotism (single entity rules with absolute
power) and liberalism caused political instability which affected Philippine affairs. The
instability has brought frequent periodic shift in colonial policies and officials.
Corrupt Officials
Government officials sent to the Philippines to manage the affairs of the colony have
enriched themselves and imposed stringent policies to extract more wealth from the people.
Criticisms against their abusive practices have resulted to death or persecution.
Gen. Rafael de Izquierdo executed Frs. Mariano Gomez, Jose Burgos, Jacinto Zamora
Gen. Fernando Primo de enriched himself by accepting bribes from gambling casinos in
Rivera Manila
Gen. Valeriano Weyler arrived in Manila a poor man and returned to Spain a
received huge bribes and gifts of diamonds from wealthy
Chinese who evaded the anti-Chinese law.
Gen. Camilo de Polavieja executed Rizal
1. To win the support of her overseas colonies during the Napoleonic Invasion, Spain
granted locals from their colonies representation in the Cortes. Thus, the
establishment of the Spanish parliamentary government.
2. The Philippines experienced the first period of representation in the Cortes from
1810-1813. However, the second (1820-23) and third (1834-37) periods were less
fruitful because the Philippine delegates were not energetic and devoted in
parliamentary work.
3. The representation of the overseas colonies (including the Philippines) was abolished
in 1837. Since then, the Philippine conditions worsened because there was no
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means by which the Filipino people could expose the anomalies perpetrated by the
colonial officials.
4. As a result, the propaganda movement was launched that led to the 1896 Philippine
Racial Discrimination
Spaniards called the brown-skinned and flat-nosed Filipinos “INDIOS” (Indians). They
were also dubbed by the Spaniards as “BANGUS” (Milkfish). A Spaniard, no matter how
stupid he was, always enjoyed political and social prestige and superiority. The Filipinos
priest, Father J. Burgos complained about the Spanish misconception that a man’s merit
depended on the pigment of his skin. He also complained of the lack of opportunities for
educated young Filipinos to rise in the service of God and country.
Religious Situation
Augustinians, Dominicans, Franciscans controlled the religious and educational life of
the Philippines: they acquire tremendous political power, influence, and riches. A friar’s
recommendation is heard by the governor general and provincial officials. He could send a
patriotic Filipino to jailor denounce him as a filibustero (traitor). These friars were portrayed
by Rizal in his novels as Padre Damaso and Padre Salvi.
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Economic Situation
Forced labor.
“POLO” or forced labor was imposed on the Filipinos in the construction of
infrastructures and public works as well as rendering of personal services to Spanish
officials. Filipinos who cannot perform polo are required to pay “Falla”. This is a sum of
money paid to the government to be exempted from the polo. As a result of Polo, the
common laborers were disturbed from their work in farms, shops, and other source of living.
Land Grabbing
Lands were taken from the rural folks. The Spanish friars became the richest
landlords for they owned the best haciendas (agricultural lands) in the Philippines. The
Filipinos became tenants. They resented the loss of their lands which belonged to their
ancestors since pre-Spanish times. The friars were recognized as legal owners of said lands
because they obtained royal titles of ownership from the Spanish Crown. Rizal, whose family
and relatives were tenants of a land, tried to initiate agrarian reform. This advocacy ignited
the wrath of the friars, who retaliated by raising rentals of the lands. Friar ownership of the
productive lands contributed to the economic stagnation of the Philippines.
The Social Structure of Filipino Society
At the top of the social pyramid were the peninsulares or the Spaniards born
in Spain who came to the Philippines. Below them were the insulares or Spaniards
but were born in the Philippines. At the middle were the Spanish and Chinese
mestizos who were born of mix Spanish, Chinese or Filipinos parents and the
prinicipalia or the ruling class of native elites composed of gobernadorcillio, cabeza
de barangay, landowners, merchants and wealthy native Filipino families. At the
bottom of the social pyramid were the ordinary brown skinned indios who composed
the majority.
Activity 2 (Chapter 2)
Scenario: We are now in a world where gender sensitivity and human rights
are hot issues. Women today are treated not the same of the past. They are now
empowered equitable to men. Unfortunately, due to lack of education and varied
cultural backgrounds, we still find a lot of women who are subject to the shadows
of the past. How would you help them to get out of themselves? Whether you are
male or female, defend your position citing important literatures or references. Put
your output in two to three paragraphs.
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Learning Objectives:
At the end of the chapter, the students will be able to:
Explain the role of Rizal’s family in the development of his thoughts and
Evaluate the events that contributed to the development of Rizal’s life
Critic one of Rizal’s childhood works
Jose – chosen by his mother who was a devotee of the Christian saint San Jose (St.
Protacio – from Gervacio P. which came from a Christian calendar.
Mercado – adopted in 1731 by Domingo Lamco (the paternal great-great grandfather of
Jose Rizal). The Spanish term “Mercado” means “market” in English.
Rizal – in Spanish means a field where wheat, cut while still green, sprouts again.
Y – and
Alonzo – old surname of his mother.
Realonda – used by Doña Teodora from the surname of her godmother.
Rizal’s Parents
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- Born on May 11, 1818.
- Born in Biñan, Laguna.
- Studied Latin and Philosophy at the College of San Jose in Manila.
- June 28, 1848 – he married Teodora.
- The youngest of the 13 children of Cirila Alejandro and Juan Mercado.
Teodora Alonzo Realonda
- Born on November 09, 1827.
- Educated at the College of Santa Rosa, a well-known college for girls.
- Died in Manila on August 16, 1911 at the age of 85.
Rizal’s Ancestry
Paternal Side
- Domingo Lamco – great-great grandfather of Rizal; a Chinese immigrant from
Changchow; he was married to a Chinese Christian girl of Manila named Ines de la
- 1731 – he adopt the name Mercado meaning Market
- Francisco Mercado – Domingo Lamco’s son; married Cirila Bernacha.
- Juan Mercado – Francisco’s son married to Cirila Alejandro.
- Francisco Mercado – youngest son of Juan Mercado; Rizal’s father.
Maternal Side
- Lakan Dula – descendant; last native king of Tondo.
- Eugenio Ursua – great-great grandfather of Rizal; Japanese married to a Filipina
named Benigna.
- Regina – daughter of Eugenio, married Manuel de Quintos (Filipino-Chinese lawyer).
- Brigida – daughter of Regina who married Lorenzo Alberto Alonso (Spanish-Filipino
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The Rizal Home
A 2-storey building, rectangular in shape, built of adobe stones and hardwoods, and
roofed with red tiles.
Behind the house were poultry yard full of turkeys and chickens, and a big garden of
tropical fruit trees (atis, balimbing, chico, macopa, papaya, santol, tampoy, etc.).
Natal town of Rizal.
Named after a big native jar.
Happiest period of Rizal’s life was spent in this lakeshore town, a worthy prelude to
his Hamlet-like tragic manhood.
Hacienda town which belonged to the Dominican Order.
Picturesque town nestling on a verdant plain covered with irrigated rice fields and
sugar lands.
A few kilometers to the south looms of the legendary Mt. Makiling and beyond this
mountain is the province of Batangas.
East of the town is the Laguna de Bay.
Un Recuerdo A Mi Pueblo (In Memory of My Town)
A poem written by Rizal in 1876 when he was 15 years old and a student of Ateneo
de Manila.
The first memory of Rizal, in his infancy, was his happy days in the family garden when
he was 3 years old. He was given the tenderest care by his parents because he was
frail, sickly, and undersized.
His father built a little nipa cottage in the garden for him to play in the daytime.
An aya (nurse maid), a kind old woman, was employed to look after him.
He watched from the cottage, the culiauan, maya, maria capra, & martin pitpit and other
birds and listened with “wonder and joy” to the twilight songs.
The daily Angelus prayer.
The happy moonlit nights at the azotea after the nightly Rosary.
The imaginary tales told by the aya aroused Rizal’s interest in legends and folklore.
The aya would threaten Rizal with asuang, nuno, tigbalang, or a terrible bearded and
turbaned Bombay would come to take him away if he would not eat his supper.
The nocturnal walk in the town esp. when there was a moon with his aya by the river.
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The Hero’s First Sorrow
Pilgrimage to Antipolo
June 06, 1868. Jose and his father left Calamba to go on a pilgrimage to Antipolo.
First trip of Jose across Laguna de Bay and his first pilgrimage to Antipolo. They rode in
a Casco (barge).
He was awed by “The magnificence of the water expanse and the silence of the night”.
After praying at the shrine of the Virgin of Antipolo, Jose and his father went to Manila
and visited Saturnina, who was then a boarding student at La Concordia College in
Santa Ana.
Artistic Talents
Age 5, started making sketches with his pencil and to mould in clay and wax objects
which attracted his fancy.
A religious banner was always used during fiesta and it was spoiled; Rizal painted in oil
colors a new banner that delighted the townfolks.
Jose had the soul of a genuine artist.
Age 6, his sisters laughed at him for spending so much time making those images rather
than participating in their games. He told them “All right laugh at me now! Someday
when I die, people will make monuments and images of me!”
Age 8, Rizal wrote his first poem in the native language entitled “Sa Aking Mga
Kababata” (To My Fellow Children). He wrote it in an appeal to our people to love our
national language.
To My Fellow Children
(Sa Aking Mga Kababata)
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Upon the people in the land where it holds sway;
In truth our human race resembles this way
The other living beings born in liberty.
Age 8, Rizal wrote his first dramatic work which was a Tagalog Comedy. It was staged in
a Calamba festival.
A gobernadorcillo from Paete purchased the manuscript for 2 pesos.
He learned various tricks such as making a coin appear and disappear in his fingers and
making a handkerchief vanish in thin air.
Entertained his town folks with magic-lantern exhibitions. This consisted of an ordinary
lamp casting its shadow on white screen.
Also gained skill in manipulating marionettes (puppet shows).
In Chapter XVII and XVIII of his second novel, El Filibusterismo (Treason), he revealed
his wide knowledge of magic.
Lakeshore Reveries
Rizal used to meditate at the shore of Laguna de Bay, accompanied by his pet dog, on
the sad conditions of his oppressed people.
He wrote to his friend, Mariano Ponce: “In view of these injustices and cruelties, although
yet a child, my imagination was awakened and I made a vow dedicating myself someday
to avenge the many victims. With this idea in my mind, I studied, and this is seen in all
my writings. Someday God will give me the opportunity to fulfill my promise.”
Hereditary Influence - inherent qualities which a person inherits from his ancestors and
- Malayan Ancestors - love for freedom, desire to travel, and indomitable courage.
- Chinese Ancestors - serious nature, frugality, patience, and love for children.
- Spanish Ancestors - elegance of bearing, sensitivity to insult, and gallantry to ladies.
- Father - sense of self-respect, love for work, and habit of independent thinking.
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- Mother - religious nature, spirit of self-sacrifice, passion for arts and literature.
Jose was sent to Manila four months after the Martyrdom of GomBurZa and with Doña
Teodora still in prison. He studied in the Ateneo Municipal, a college under the supervision of
the Spanish Jesuits.
Ateneo Municipal
June 10, 1872 – Jose, accompanied by Paciano, went to Manila to take the entrance
examinations on Christian Doctrine, arithmetic, and reading at College of San Juan de
Letran, and passed them. His father was the first one who wished him to study at Letran
but he changed his mind and decided to send Jose at Ateneo instead.
Father Magin Fernando – college registrar of Ateneo Municipal, refused to admit Jose
because: (1) he was late for registration and (2) he was sickly and undersized for his age
(11 years old).
Manuel Xerez Burgos – nephew of Father Burgos; upon his intercession, Jose Rizal was
admitted at Ateneo.
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Jose used Rizal instead of Mercado because the name “Mercado” had come under
suspicion of the Spanish authorities.
Boarded in a house on Caraballo Street, owned by Titay who owed Rizal family 300
Jesuit trained the character of the student by rigid discipline, humanities, and religious
The students heard Mass in the morning before the beginning of daily class.
Classes were opened and closed with prayers.
Students were divided into two groups: Roman Empire – consisting of the internos
(boarders) with red banners; and Carthaginian Empire – composed of the externos (non-
boarders) with blue banners.
Each of these empires had its rank. Students fought for positions. Any student could
challenge any officer in his “empire” to answer questions on the day’s lesson. With 3
mistakes, opponents could lose his position.
1st best: EMPEROR
2nd best: TRIBUNE
3rd best: DECURION
4th best: CENTURION
Ateneo students’ uniform is consisted of “hemp-fabric trousers” and “striped cotton coat”.
The coat was called rayadillo and was adopted as the uniform for Filipino troops during
the days of the First Philippine Republic.
Rizal lost the leadership but he repented and even studied harder, once more he
became emperor. He received excellent grades in all subjects and a gold medal.
He had 3 classmates from Biñan who had also been his classmates in the school of
Maestro Justiniano.
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Doña Teodora told her son of her dream the previous night. Rizal, interpreting the
dream, told her that she would be released from prison in 3 months time. It became true.
Doña Teodora likened his son to the youthful Joseph in the Bible in his ability to interpret
The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexander Dumas – Jose Rizal’s first favorite novel.
Also read non-fiction, Cesar Cantu’s historical work Universal History.
He also read Travels in the Philippines by Dr. Feodor Jagor, German who visited the
Philippines in 1859-1860. In this book, he foretold that someday Spain would lose the
Philippines and that America would come to succeed here as colonizer.
Shortly after the opening of classes, his mother was released from prison.
Rizal did not make an excellent showing in his studies.
He failed to win the medal in Spanish because his spoken was not fluently sonorous.
Extra-Curricular Activities
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Father Lleonart requested him to carve an image of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Ateneo
students placed the image on the door of the dormitory and remained there for many
Doña Teodora opposed the idea of sending Rizal to UST to pursue higher education
because she knew what happened to Gom-Bur-Za and the Spaniards might cut off his
head if he gets to know more. Rizal was surprised by his mother’s opposition, who was a
woman of education and culture. Despite his mother’s tears, Don Francisco told Paciano
to accompany Rizal to Manila.
While Rizal was studying at UST, he also studied in Ateneo. He took the vocational
course leading to the title of “perito agrimensor” (expert surveyor).
Colleges for boys in Manila offered vocational courses in agriculture, commerce,
mechanics, and surveying.
He excelled in all subjects in the surveying course obtaining gold medals in agriculture
and topography.
At the age of 17, he passed the final examination in the surveying course.
November 25, 1881 – he was granted the title as surveyor.
Because of his loyalty to Ateneo, he continued to participate actively in the Ateneo’s
extra-curricular activities.
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He was president of the Academy of Spanish Literature and secretary of the Academy of
Natural Sciences.
Miss L
- Fair with seductive and attractive eyes.
- Romance died a natural death.
- 2 Reasons for his change of heart: (1) the sweet memory of Segunda was still fresh
in his heart and (2) his father did not like the family of “Miss L”.
Leonor Valenzuela
- Daughter of the next-door neighbors of Doña Concha Leyva (her house is where
Rizal boarded).
- Tall girl with a regal bearing.
- Pet name: Orang.
- Rizal sent her love notes written in invisible ink. This ink consisted of common table
salt and water. He taught Orang the secret of reading any note written in the invisible
ink by heating it over a candle or lamp so that the words may appear.
Leonor Rivera
- Rizal’s cousin from Camiling.
- Born in Camiling, Tarlac on April 11, 1867.
- A student of La Concordia College where Rizal’s youngest sister, Soledad was then
- Frail, pretty girl “tender as a budding flower with kindly, wistful eyes”.
- They became engaged.
- In her letters to Rizal, Leonor signed her name as “Taimis”, in order to camouflage
their intimate relationship from their parents and friends.
- Rizal lived in: Casa Tomasina No. 6 Calle Santo Tomas, Intramuros Antonio Rivero –
Rizal’s landlord-uncle is the father of Leonor Rivera.
One dark night in Calamba, during the summer vacation in 1878, when Rizal was
walking in the street and dimly perceived the figure of a man while passing him. Not
knowing the person was a lieutenant of the Guardia Civil; he did not salute nor say
greetings. With a snarl, he turned upon Rizal, whipped out his sword and brutally slashed
his back.
Rizal reported the incident to General Primo de Rivera, the Spanish Governor General of
the Philippines at that time, but nothing came out because he was an Indio and the
accused was a Spaniard. Later in a letter to Blumentritt dated March 21, 1887, he
related, “I went to the Captain-General but I could not obtain justice; my wound lasted
two weeks.”
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Liceo Artisco-Literano (Artistic-Literary Lyceum) of Manila – society of literary men and
artists; held a literary contest.
At the age of 18, Rizal submitted his poem entitled A La Juventud Filipina (To the Filipino
The Board of Judges – composed of Spaniards; gave the first prize to Rizal which
consisted of a silver pen, feather-shaped and decorated with a gold ribbon.
Rizal beseeched the Filipino youth to rise from lethargy, to let their genius fly swifter than
the wind and descend with art and science to break the chains that have long bound the
spirit of people.
Reasons why Rizal’s poem was a classic in Philippine Literature: (1) it was the first great
poem in Spanish written by a Filipino, whose merit was recognized by Spanish literary
authorities and (2) it expressed for the first time the nationalistic concept that the
Filipinos were the “Fair hope of the Fatherland”.
Rizal was the champion of the Filipino students in their fights against the arrogant
Spanish students, who insultingly called their brown classmates “Indio, chongo!” In
retaliation, the Filipino students called them “Kastila, bangus!”.
In 1880 – Rizal founded a secret society of Filipino students in the University of Santo
Tomas called “Compaňerismo” (Comradeship), whose members were called
“Companions of Jehu,” after the valiant Hebrew general who fought the Armaeans.
Galicano Apacible – Rizal’s cousin from Batangas; secretary of Compañerismo.
Fierce encounter near the Escolta in Manila where Rizal was wounded on the head, and
tenderly washed and dressed by Leonor Rivera in his boarding house “Casa Tomasina”.
He was unhappy at this Dominican institution of higher learning because (1) the Dominican
professors were hostile to him; (2) the Filipino students were racially discriminated against
by the Spaniards, and (3) the method of instruction was obsolete and repressive.
Education in Europe
On May 3, 1882, he left for Spain and enrolled in Medicine and Philosophy and
Letters at the Universidad Central de Madrid on November 3. In some days of November
1884, Rizal was involved in the chaotic student demonstrations by the Central University
students in which many were wounded, hit by cane, arrested, and imprisoned. The protest
rallies started after Dr. Miguel Morayta had been excommunicated by bishops for
delivering a liberal speech, proclaiming the freedom of science and the teacher, at the
opening ceremony of the academic year. Incidentally, the street in Manila named after
Morayta (Nicanor Reyes Street today) has always been affected by, if not itself the venue
of, student demonstrations.
In June of 1884, Rizal received the degree of Licentiate in Medicine at the age of
23. His rating though was just ‘fair’ for it was affected by the ‘low’ grades he got from UST.
The next school year (1884-1885), he took and completed the three additional subjects
leading to the Doctor of Medicine degree. He was not awarded the Doctor’s diploma
though for failing to pay the fee and the required thesis.
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Exactly on his 24th birthday, the Madrid University awarded him the degree of
Licentiate in Philosophy and Letters with the grade of excellent (‘sobresaliente’). We can
thus argue that Rizal was better as a ‘philosopher’ than a physician.
Wanting to cure his mother's advancing blindness, Rizal went to Paris. He was said
to have attended medical lectures at the University of Paris. From November 1885 to
February 1886, he worked as an assistant to Dr. Louis de Weckert. Through this leading
French ophthalmologist, Rizal was thankful that he learned how to perform all the
ophthalmological operations.
In February 3, 1886, Rizal arrived in Heidelberg, Germany. He attended the lectures
of Dr. Otto Becker and Prof. Wilhelm Kuehne at the University of Heidelberg. He also
worked at the University Eye Hospital under the guidance of Dr. Becker. Under the
direction of this renowned German ophthalmologist, Rizal had learned to use the then
newly invented ophthalmoscope (invented by Hermann von Helmholtz) which he later
used to operate on his mother’s eye. In Heidelberg, the 25-year-old Rizal completed his
eye specialization.
Afterward, Rizal spent three months in the nearby village, Wilhemsfeld where he
wrote the last few chapters of ‘Noli Me Tangere’. He stayed at the pastoral house of a kind
Protestant pastor, Dr. Karl Ullmer, the whole family of whom became Rizal’s good friends.
In August 1886, he attended lectures on history and psychology at the University of
Leipzig. In November 1886, he reached Berlin, the famous city where he worked as an
assistant in Dr. Schweigger’s clinic and attended lectures in the University of Berlin.
In Berlin, he was inducted as a member of the Berlin’s ‘Ethnological Society’,
‘Anthropological Society’, and ‘Geographical Society’. In April 1887, he was invited to
deliver an address in German before the ‘Ethnographic Society’ of Berlin on the
orthography and structure of the Tagalog language.
In Germany, Rizal met and befriended the famous academicians and scholars at
the time. Among them were Prof. Friedrich Ratzel, German historian; Dr. Hanz Meyer,
German Anthropologist; Dr. Feodor Jagor, the author of ‘Travels in the Philippines’ which
Rizal had read as a student in Manila; Dr. Rudolf Virchow, German anthropologist; and
Rudolf’s son, Dr. Hans Virchow, Descriptive Anatomy professor.
Especially after the hero’s martyrdom, these people who were the renowned
personalities in the academe not only in Germany but also in Europe were so proud that
once in their life they had known the educated and great Filipino named Jose Rizal.
Rizal’s advice to his sister Trinidad: “Now that you are still young and you have time
to learn, it is necessary that you study by reading and reading attentively… It is enough to
form only the habit of study and later everything goes by itself.”
Rizal, the most brilliant graduate of Ateneo, failed to win high scholastic honors.
After finishing the fourth year of his medical course, Rizal decided to study in Spain. He
could no longer endure the rampant bigotry, discrimination, and hostility in the University
of Santo Tomas.
He did not seek his parent’s permission and blessings to go abroad; and even his
beloved Leonor.
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Activity 3 (Chapter 3)
I. The following character traits were acquired by Rizal from his ancestors. On a
personal basis, from which member of your family have you acquired these traits.
How can you apply these traits in your life as a student? (20 pts)
Traits Which member of your Application
family have you acquired
these traits?
Open Competition
Learning Objectives:
At the end of the chapter, the students will be able to:
Discuss the travels and immersions of Rizal in the different Eastern and Western
Identify the events that happened in Rizal’s travels that has a direct influence on
his character.
Value the importance of Rizal’s travel’s in the promotion of nationalism and
patriotism in the Philippines.
Spain (1882-1885)
On June 16, 1882, Rizal arrived in Barcelona and stayed for three months. In his
stay, he observed the customs of the people and spent most of his time in the library. It is
during this travel where he wrote his first nationalistic essay on foreign soil, “Amor Patrio” /
Love of Country using the penname Laong Laan. In this essay, he rendered that there was
no greater love than the love of country and there is no other place like home. The essay
was to his friend Basilio Teodoro Moran, the publisher of Diariong Tagalog, the first Manila
newspaper that published both Spanish and Tagalog. The Tagalog text was translated by
Marcelo H. del Pilar.
Reading: Part of the Essay “El Amor Patrio”/ Love of Country, published by the
National Historical Institute in 2002
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-(Garcia, 2015)
Love of Country
It has been said that love has always been the most powerful force behind the most
sublime actions. Well then, of all loves, that of country is the greatest, the most heroic and
the most disinterested. Read history, if not, the annals, the traditions. Go to the homes,
what sacrifices, self-denial, and ears are held on the sacred altar of the nation! From
Brutus, who condemned his sons charged with treason, to Guzman the Good who allowed
his son to die in order not to fail in his duty, what dramas, what tragedies, what martyrdom
have not been enacted for the welfare of that inexorable divinity who has not nothing to
give you in return for your children but gratitude and blessings! And notwithstanding, with
the pieces of their hearts they raise glorious monuments to their motherland; with the work
of their hands, with the sweat of their brow, they have sprinkled and made fruitful her
sacred tree, and neither have they expected nor received any reward………..
The motherland is in danger! Soldiers and leaders as if by charm, spring from the
ground. The father leaves his children, the sons leave their parents and all rush to defend
their common mother. They bid farewell to the quiet pleasures of home and hide under the
helmets the tears that tenderness draws. They all leave and die……..
Some have sacrificed for their youth, their pleasures; others have dedicated to her
the splendors of their genius; others shed their blood; all have died, bequeathing to their
motherland an immense fortune: LIBERTY and GLORY…….
Fair and grand is the Motherland when her children at the cry of the battle, get
ready to defend the ancient land of their ancestors; cruel and arrogant when she sees
from her throne the terrified foreigner flee before the invincible phalanx of her sons. But
when her sons, divided into rival factions, destroy one another; when anger and rancor
devastate the fields, towns, and cities; then ashamed, she tears away her robe and hurling
her scepter, she puts on mourning clothes for her dead sons.
Whatever our condition might be then, let us love her always and let us wish nothing
but her welfare. Then we shall labor in conformity with the purpose of humanity dictated by
God, which is the harmony and universal peace of his creatures. You have lost the ideals
of your souls, you, who with wounded hearts have seen your illusions disappear one by
one and like the trees in autumn you find yourselves without flowers and without leaves,
and desirous of loving, find no one worthy of you, there you have the Motherland: Love
You have lost a father, mother, brother, wife, child, in short, love, upon which you
have founded your dreams, and you find it yourselves a deep and horrible void. There you
have the Motherland: Love her.
Love her! Oh, yes! But not as they loved in other times by performing ferocious acts,
denied and condemned by true morals and mother nature; by making a display of
fanaticism, destruction and cruelty, no. A more promising dawn appears in the horizon—a
soft and gentle light, the messenger of life and peace—the dawn, in short, of true
Christianity, the prelude to happy and peaceful days.
It is our duty to follow the arid but peaceful and productive path of science, which
lead to progress, and thence to the unity desired and asked by Jesus Christ on the night
of his sorrow.
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Barcelona, June 1882
One November 3, 1882, Rizal went to Madrid as advised by his brother Paciano, for
more observations and other activities. He enrolled Medicine and Philosophy and Letters in
the University Of Central De Madrid. He also took lessons in languages (French, German,
English) under private instructors as well as lessons in painting and sculpture at the
Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando (Academy of Fine Arts of San Fernando)
During his free time, he read a lot of books in different academic disciplines. Among
which, the books “Uncle Tom’s Cabin” by Harriet Beecher Stowe and “The Wandering Jew”
by Eugene Sue had intensified his sympathy for the oppressed and the unfortunate. Since
then, he started to write his first novel, the Noli me Tangere.
In Madrid, he joined a society for Spaniards and Filipinos, the Circulo Hispano-
Filipino (Hispano-Philippine Circle). He wrote a poem and personally declaimed during the
New Year’s Eve reception last 1882 in Madrid. The poem entitled “Mi Piden Versos” (They
Ask Me for Verses) expressed his loneliness and sadness being alone in a foreign land as
well as his physical and emotional strains in his crusade from freedom.
They Ask Me for Verses (Mi Piden Versos)
-An Excerpt (Pangilinan, 2016)
While in Madrid, Rizal delivered a keynote speech called Brindis in the 1884 Madrid
Exposition where Filipinos Juan Luna and Felix R. Hidalgo emerged as winners. Luna was
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awarded a gold medal for his painting, the Spolarium while Hidalgo received a silver medal
for the painting, Christian Virgins Exposed to the Populace.
Rizal’s speech had stressed the idea that genius has no race. The speech also
condemned the bigotry and blindness of the friars to understand the universality of a genius.
However, the speech had reached the Philippines and his mother became ill. In
response, she sent a letter to Rizal asking him to refrain from writing articles that might
offend the friars and the Regime; and that he should not fail in his duties as a Christian.
Finally, she warned Rizal not to continue further studies since she had that fear that it could
cause him death later (Doña Teodora’s Letter to Rizal, December 11, 1884 as cited by
Garcia et al, 2015)
Rizal responded stressing the following points (Guerrero, 1998—cited by Garcia et al.
He will still have enemies, even if he puts an end to writing articles considered
anti-Spanish and anti-friars;
Life can’t be without any sorrow;
Misfortunes are welcome when they can avert debasement and degradation;
Conscience has to decide whether to submit or perish in the society where a
person is born;
People have to put their trust in God in the sincerity of their purpose;
The best legacy parents can give their children are upright judgment; generosity
in the exercise of rights; and perseverance in adversity;
A son can pay honor to his parents thru honesty and good name;
Religion is the holiest of things but a person can only believe by reasoning; and
Conscience can accept only what is compatible with reason.
Rizal had already visited Paris on June 17 to August 20, 1883 during a summer
vacation while in Madrid. He went to different churches, opera houses and many other
significant places to observe the people’s way of life. Attracted to the city, he returned
during the fall of 1885 to gain more knowledge in ophthalmology and practiced in the clinic of
Dr. Louis de Weckert (Cabauatan, 2016)
In his free times, he frequented the residences of other Filipinos like Felix R. Hidalgo
and Juan Luna. He posted as a model in Luna’s studio in two of the latter’s historical
canvasses: The Blood Compact where he posed as Sikatuna and The Death of Cleopatra as
the Egyptian priest. His frequent encounter has contributed to his ability to fluently speak
Germany (1886-1887)
Rizal left Paris due to the high cost of living and arrived at Heidelberg on February 3,
1886. He worked at the University Eye Hospital of the University of Heidelberg under the
directorship of Dr. Otto Becker.
Rizal visited scenic places while in Germany like that of the Necktar River where he
wrote his poem “A Las Flores de Heidelberg” (To the Flowers of Heidelberg) reminding him
of his hometown. During his stay, he made friends with a Protestant pastor, Dr. Karl Ullmer,
who taught him the German language. Rizal also started writing to ethnologist Ferdinand
Blumentritt who later became his friend.
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While in Germany, he also wrote a letter to his sisters about Germany and the
German women.
On August 9, 1886, he left Heidelberg for Leipzig and attended lectures on history
and psychology at the University of Leipzig. He translated Schiller’s “William Tell” for the
Filipinos to learn from the story of Swiss Independence and Hans Christian Andersen’s Fairy
Tale for his nephews and nieces (Cabauatan, 2016).
After two months, he moved to Dresden and met Dr. Adolf B. Meyer, the Director of
Anthropological and Ethnological Museum.
On November 1, 1886, he went to Berlin with the following reasons (Garcia et al,
To further enhance his knowledge of ophthalmology;
To supplement his studies of languages and sciences;
To study and observe the political and economic conditions of Germany;
To join the circle of famous German scientists and scholars; and
To complete and publish his novel, Noli Me Tangere.
In Berlin, he met Dr. Feogor Jagor, the author of the book “Travels in the Philippines”,
one of Rizal’s admired books when he was still a student at UST. His acquaintance with Dr.
Jagor, through a letter of introduction from Blumentritt, resulted into his friendship with
numerous German intellectuals which includes Dr. Rudolf Virchow, a German
anthropologist; Dr. Hans Virchow, a German professor of Descriptive Anatomy; Dr. W. Joest,
a famous German geographer; and Dr. Karl Ernest Schweigger, a noted German
ophthalmologist. He worked in the clinic of Dr. Schweigger.
However, Rizal’s health suffered because of lack of nourishment due to late arrival of
his allowance from the Philippines. Being penniless, he thought of burning the manuscript of
his first novel. Maximo Viola became his savior when he arrived before Christmas day. Viola
loaned some money for his expenses and agreed to finance the publication of his first novel,
the Noli Me Tangere. On March 21, 1887, the novel was published and in return, Rizal gave
the galley proof of the published novel to Maximo Viola.
After publishing the novel, Rizal and Viola toured around Europe to treat themselves.
All the alluring beauties of foreign countries and all the beautiful memories of his
sojourn in alien lands could not make Rizal turn his back to his own nationality. He studied
abroad, acquired the love and languages of foreign nations, and enjoyed the friendship of
many great men of the Western world; but he remained at heart a true Filipino with an
unquenchable love for the Philippines and an unshakable determination to die in the land of
his birth. Thus, after five years of memorable sojourn in Europe, he returned to the
Philippines in August 1887 and practiced medicine in Calamba. He lived the quite life of a
country doctor. But his enemies, who resented his Noli, persecuted him, even threatening to
kill him.
Because of the publication of the Noli Me Tangere and the uproar it caused among the
friars, Rizal was warned by Paciano (his brother), Silvestre Ubaldo (his brother-in-law),
Chengoy (Jose M. Cecilio), and other friends not to return home. But he did not heed their
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warnings. He was determined to return to the Philippines for the following reasons: (1) to
operates on his mother’s eye’s; (2) to serve his people who had long been oppressed by the
Spanish tyrants; (3) to find out for himself how the Noli and his other writings were affecting
the Filipinos and the Spaniards in the Philippines: and (4) to inquire why Leonor Rivera
remained silent.
In a letter to Blumentritt, written in Geneva on June 19, 1887, Rizal said: “Your advice
that I live in Madrid and continue to write from there is very benevolent but I cannot accept it.
I cannot endure the life in Madrid where everything is a voice in a wilderness. My parents
wants to see me, and I want to see them also. All my life I desire to live in my country by the
side of my family. Until now I am not Europeanized like the Filipinos of Madrid; I always like
to return to the country of my birth”.
In Rome, on June 29, 1887, Rizal wrote to his father, announcing his homecoming. “On
the 15th of July, at the latest”, he wrote, “I shall embark for our country, so that from 15 th to
the 30th of August, we shall see each other”.
Rizal left Rome by the train for Marseilles, a French port, which he researched without
mishap. On July 3, 1887, he boarded the streamer Djemnah, the same streamer which
brought him to Europe five years ago. There were about 50 passengers, including 4
Englishmen, 2 Germans, 3 Chinese, 2 Japanese, many Frenchmen, and 1 Filipino (Rizal).
Rizal was the only one among the passengers who could speak many languages, so that
he acted as interpreter for his companions.
The Streamer was enroute to the Orient via the Suez Canal. Rizal thus saw this historic
canal for the second time, the first time was when he sailed to Europe from Manila in 1882.
On board, he played chess with fellow passengers and engaged in lively conversation in
many languages. Some passengers sang: others played on the piano and accordion. After
leaving Aden, the weather became rough and some of Rizal’s books got wet. At Saigon, on
July 30, he transferred to another streamer Haiphong which was Manila-bound. On August
2, this streamer left Saigon to Manila.
Happy Homecoming
On August 8th, he returned to Calamba, His family welcomed him affectionately, with
plentiful tears of joy. Writing to Blumentritt of his homecoming, he said: “I had a pleasant
voyage. I found my family enjoying good health and our happiness was great in seeing each
other again. They shed tears of joy and I had to answer ten thousand questions at the same
When the rejoicings of Rizal’s return was over, his family became worried of his safety.
Paciano did not leave him the first day of his arrival to protect him from any enemy assault.
His own father would not let him go out alone, lest something might happen to him.
In Calamba, Rizal established a medical clinic, his first patient was his mother, who was
almost blind, and he treated her eyes, but could not perform any surgical operations
because her eye cataracts were not yet ripe. News of arrival of a great doctor from Germany
spread far and wide. Patients from Manila and the provinces flocked to Calamba. Rizal, who
came to be called “Doctor Uliman” because he came from Germany, treated their ailments
and soon he acquired a lucrative medical practice. His Professional fees were reasonable,
even gratis to the poor. Within a few months, he was able to earn P900 as a physician. By
February, 1888, he earned a total of P5, 000 from medical fees.
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Unlike many successful medical practitioners, Rizal did not selfishly devoted all his time
to enriching himself. He opened a gymnasium for young folks, where he introduced
European sports. He tried to interest his townmates in gymnastics, fencing and shooting so
as to discourage the cockfights and gambling.
Rizal suffered one failure during his six months of sojourn in Calamba – his failure to see
Leonor Rivera. He tried to go to Dagupan, but his parents absolutely forbade him to go
because Leonor’s mother did not like him for a son-in-law. With a heavy heart, Rizal bowed
to his parent’s wish. He was caught within the iron grip of the custom of his time that
marriages must be arranged by the parents of both groom and bride.
Meanwhile, as Rizal was peacefully living in Calamba, his enemies plotted his doom.
Aside from practicing medicine, attending to his gymnasium, which he established, and
taking part in the town’s civic affairs. He painted several beautiful landscapes and translated
the German poems of Von Wildernath into Tagalog.
A few weeks after his arrival, a storm broke over his novel. One day Rizal received a
letter from Governor General Emilio Terrero (1885-88) requesting him to go to Malacañang
Palace. Somebody had whispered to the governor’s ear that the Noli contained subversive
Rizal went to Manila and appeared at Malacañang. When he was informed by Governor
General Terrero of the charge, he denied it, explaining that he merely exposed the truth, but
he did not advocate subversive ideas. Pleased by his explanation and curious about the
controversial book, the governor general asked the author for a copy then because the only
copy he brought home was given to a friend. However, he promised to secure one for the
governor general.
Rizal Visited the Jesuit father to ask for the copy he sent them, but they would not part
with it. The Jesuits, especially his former professors – Fr. Francisco de Paula Sanchez, Fr.
Jose Bech, and Fr. Federico Faura, who ventured an opinion that “everything in it was the
truth”, but added: “You may lose your head for it”.
Fortunately, Rizal found a copy in the hands of a friend. He was able to get it and gave it
to Governor General Terrero. The governor general, who was a liberal-minded Spaniard,
knew that Rizal’s life is in jeopardy because the friars were powerful. For security measure,
he assigned a young Spanish lieutenant, Don Jose Taviel de Andrade, as bodyguard to
Rizal. This lieutenant belonged to a noble family. He was cultured and knew painting, and
could speak English, French, and Spanish.
Governor General Terrero read the Noli and found nothing wrong with in. But Rizal’s
enemies were powerful. The Archbishop of Manila, Msgr. Pedro Payo (a Dominican) sent a
copy of the Noli to Father Rector Gregorio Echavarria of the University of Santo Tomas for
examination by a committee of the faculty. The committee, which was composed of
Dominican professor’s, submitted its report to the Father Rector, who immediately
transmitted it to Archbishop Payo. The archbishop in turn, lost no time in forwarding it to the
governor general. This report of the faculty members of the University of Santo Tomas
stated that the Noli was “heretical, impious, and scandalous in the religios order, and anti-
patriotic, subversive of public order, injurious to the government of Spain and its function in
the Philippine Islands in the political order”.
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Governor General Terrero was dissatisfied with the report of the Dominicans, for he
knew of the Dominicans prejudice against Rizal. He sent the novel to the Permanent
Commission of Censorship which was composed of priests and laymen. The report of this
commission was drafted by its head, Fr. Salvador Font, Augustinian curaof Tondo, and
submitted to the governor general on December 29. It found the novel to contain subversive
ideas against the Church and Spain, and recommended “that the importation, reproduction
and circulation of this pernicious book in the islands be absolutely prohibited”.
When the newspapers published Font’s written report of the censorship commission,
Rizal and his friends became apprehensive and uneasy. The enemies of Rizal exulted in
unholy glee. The banning of the Noli only made it popular. Everybody wanted to read it.
News about the great book spread among the masses. What the hated Spanish masters did
not like was that the oppressed masses liked it very much. Despite the government’s
prohibition and the vigilance of the cruel Guardia Civil, many Filipinos were able to get hold
of copies of the Noli which they read at night behind closed doors.
The battle over the Noli took the form of a virulent war of words. Father Font printed his
report and distributed copies for it in order to discredit the controversial novel. Another
Augustinian, Fr. Jose Rodriguez, Prior of Guadalupe, published a series of eight pamphlets
under the general heading Cuestiones de Sumo Interes (Questions of Supreme Interes) to
blast the Noli and other anti-Spanish writings. These eight pamphlets were entitled as
Copies of these anti-Rizal pamphlets written by Fray Rodriguez were sold daily in the
churches after Mass. Many Filipinos were forced to buy them in order not to displease the
friars, but they did not believe what their author said with hysterical fervor.
Repercussions of the storm over the Noli reached Spain. It was fiercely attacked on the
session hall of the Senate of the Spanish Cortes by various senators, particularly General
Jose de Salamanca on April 1, 1888, General Luis M. de Pando on April 12, and Sr.
Fernando Vida on June 11. The Spanish academician of Madrid, Vicente Barrantes, who
formerly occupied high government positions in the Philippines, bitterly criticized the Noli in
the article published in La EsapañaModerna (a newspaper of Madrid) in January, 1890.
The much-maligned Noli had its gallant defenders who fearlessly came out to prove the
merits of the novel or to refute the arguments of the unkind attackers. Marcelo H. delPilar,
Dr. Antonio Ma. Regidor, Graciano Lopez Jaena, Mariano Ponce, and other Filipino reformist
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in foreign lands, of course, rushed to uphold the truths of the Noli. Father Sanchez, Rizal’s
favorite teacher at the Ateneo, defended and praised it in public. Don Segismundo Moret,
former Minister of the Crown; Dr. Miguel Morayta, historian and statesman; and Professor
Blumentritt, scholar and educator, read and liked the novel.
A brilliant defense of the Noli came from an unexpected source. It was by Rev. Vicente
Garcia, a Filipino Catholic priest-scholar, theologian of the Manila Cathedral, and a Tagalog
translator of the famous Imitation of Christ by Thomas a Kempis. Father Garcia, writing
under the penname Justo Desiderio Magalang, wrote a defense of the Noli which was
published in Singapore as an appendix to a pamphlet dated July 18, 1888. He blasted the
arguments of Fr. Rodriguez as follows:
2. Rizal does not attack the Church and Spain, as Fr. Rodriguez claimed, because
what Rizal attacked in the Noli were the bad Spanish officials and not Spain, and
the bad and corrupt friars and not the Church.
3. Father Rodriguez said that those who read the Noli commited a mortal sin; since
he (Rodriguez) had read the novel, therefore he also commits a mortal sin.
Later, when Rizal learned of the brilliant defense of Father Garcia of his novel, he cried
because his gratitude was over-whelming. Rizal, himself defended his novel against
Barrantes attack, in a letter written in Brussels, Belgium, in February, 1880. In this letter, he
exposed Barrantes’ ignorance of Philippine affairs and mental dishonesty which is unworthy
of an academician.
During the days when the Noli was the target of a heated controversy between the friars
(and their minions) and the friends of Rizal, all copies of it were sold out and the price per
copy soared to unprecedented level. Both friends and enemies of the Noli found it extremely
difficult to secure a copy. According to Rizal, in a letter to Fernando Canon from Geneva,
June 13, 1887, the price he set per copy was five pesetas (equivalent to one pese), but the
price later rose to fifty pesos per copy.
While the storm over the Noli was raging in fury, Rizal was not molested in Calamba.
This is due to Governor General Terrero’s generosity in assigning a bodyguard to him.
Between this Spanish bodyguard, Lt. Jose Taviel de Andrade, and Rizal, a beautiful
friendship bloomed.
Together, Rizal and Andrade, young, educated and cultured, made walking tours of the
verdant countrysides, discussed topics of common interest, and enjoyed fencing, shooting,
hunting, and painting. Lt. Andrade became a great admirer of the man he was ordered to
watch and protect. Years later, he wrote for Rizal: “Rizal was refined, educated and
gentlemanly. The hobbies that most interested him were hunting, fencing, shooting, painting
and hiking. . . I will remember our excursion to Mount Makiling, not so much for the beautiful
view . . . as for the rumors and pernicious effects that result from it. There was one who
believed and reported to Manila that Rizal and I at the top of the mountain hoisted the
German flag and proclaimed its sovereignty over the Philippines. I imagined that such
nonsense emanated from the friars of Calamba, but did not take the trouble to make
inquiries about the matter”.
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What marred Rizal’s happy days in Calamba with Lt. Andrade were (1) the death of his
older sister, Olimpia, and (2) the groundless tales circulated by his enemies that he was “a
German spy, an agent of Bismarck, a Protestant, a Mason, a witch, a soul beyong salvation,
Upon hearing of the investigation, the Calamba folks solicited Rizal’s help in gathering
the facts and listed their grievances against the hacienda management, so that the central
government might institute certain agrarian reforms.
After a thorough study of the conditions of Calamba, Rizal wrote down his findings which
tenants and three of the officials of the hacienda signed on January 8, 1888. These findings,
which were formally submitted to the government for action, were the following:
1. The hacienda of the Dominican Order comprised not only the lands around Calamba,
but also the town of Calamba.
2. The profits of the Dominican Order continually increased because of the arbitrary
increase of the rentals paid by the tenants.
3. The hacienda owner never contributed a single centavo for the celebration of the
town fiesta, for the education of the children, and for the improvement of agriculture.
4. Tenants who had spent much labor in clearing the lands were dispossessed of said
lands for flimsy reason.
5. High rates of interest were charged the tenants for delayed payment of rentals, and
when the rentals could not be paid, the hacienda management confiscated their
carabaos, tools and homes.
Farewell to Calamba
Rizal’s exposure of the deplorable conditions of tenancy in Calamba infuriated further his
enemies. The friars exerted pressure on Malacañan Palace to eliminate him. They asked
Governor General Terrero to deport him, but the latter refused because there was no valid
charge against Rizal in court. Anonymous threats against Rizal’s life were received by his
parents. The alarmed parents, relatives and friends (including Lt. Taviel de Andrade) advised
him to go away, for his life was in danger.
One day Governor General Terrero summoned Rizal and “advise” him to leave the
Philippines for his own good. He was giving Rizal a chance to escape the fury of the friar’s
This time Rizal had to go. He could not very well disobey the governor general’s veiled
orders. But he was not running like a coward from a fight. He was courageous, a fact which
his worst enemies could not deny. A valiant hero that he was, he was not afraid of any man
and neither was he afraid to die. He was compelled to leave Calamba for two reason: (1) his
presence in Calamba was jeopardizing the safety and happiness of his family and friends
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and (2) he could fight better his enemies and serve his country’s cause with greater efficacy
by writing in foreign countries.
Shortly before Rizal left Calamba in 1888, his friend from Lipa requested him to write a
poem in commemoration of the town’s elevation to a villa (city) by virtue of the Becerra Law
of 1888. Gladly, he wrote a poem dedicated to the industrious folks of Lipa. This was the
“Himno Al Trabajo” (Hymn to Labor). He finished it and sent it to Lipa before his departure
from Calamba.
Hounded by powerful enemies, Rizal was forced to leave his country for a second time in
February 1888. He was then a full-grown man of 27 years of age, a practicing physician, and
a recognized man-of-letters
February 3, 1888-Rizal left Manila for Hong Kong on board the Zafiro
February 7, 1888- Zafiro made a brief stopover at Amoy
Rizal did not get off his ship at Amoy for three reasons: (1) he was not feeling well (2) it
was raining hard (3) he heard that the city was dirty
February 8, 1888- Rizal arrived in Hong Kong
Victoria Hotel- place where Rizal stayed while in Hong Kong. He was welcomed by
Filipino residents, including Jose Maria Basa, Balbino Mauricio, and Manuel Yriarte (son
of Francisco Yriarte (son of Francisco Yriarte, alcalde mayor of Laguna)
Jose Sainz de Varanda - a Spaniard, who was a former secretary of Governor General
shadowed Rizal’s movement in Hong Kong it is believed that he was commissioned by
the Spanish authorities to spy on Rizal “Hong Kong”, wrote Rizal to Blumentritt on
February 16, 1888, “is a small, but very clean city.”
Visit to Macao
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Departure from Hong Kong
February 22, 1888- Rizal left Hong Kong on board the Oceanic, an American steamer,
his destination was Japan.
Rizal’s cabin mate was a British Protestant missionary who called Rizal “a good man”.
One of the happiest interludes in the life of Rizal was his sojourn in the Land of the
Cherry Blossoms for one month and a half (February 28-April 13, 1888).
February 28, 1888- early in the morning of Tuesday, Rizal arrived in Yokohama. He
registered at the Grand Hotel.
Tokyo Hotel- Rizal stayed here from March 2 to March 7.
Rizal wrote to Professor Blumentritt: “Tokyo is more expensive then Paris. The walls are
built in
cyclopean manner. The streets are large and wide.”
Juan Perez Caballero-secretary of the Spanish Legation, who visited Rizal at his hotel
invited him to live at the Spanish Legation.
Rizal accepted the invitation for two reasons: (1) he could economize his living expenses
by staying at the legation (2) he had nothing to hide from the prying eyes of the Spanish
March 7, 1888- Rizal checked out of Tokyo Hotel and lived at the Spanish Legation.
Rizal was favorably impressed by Japan. The things which favorably impressed Rizal in
Japan were: (1) the beauty of the country—its flowers, mountains, streams and scenic
panoramas, (2) the cleanliness, politeness, and industry of the Japanese people (3) the
picturesque dress and simple charm of the Japanese women (4) there were very few
thieves in Japan so that the houses remained open day and night, and in hotel room one
could safely leave money on the table (5) beggars were rarely seen in the city, streets,
unlike in Manila and other cities.
April 13, 1888-Rizal left Japan and boarded the Belgic, an English steamer, at
Yokohama, bound for the United States.
Tetcho Suehiro- a fighting Japanese journalist, novelist and champion of human rights,
who was forced by the Japanese government to leave the country; passenger which
Rizal befriended on board the Belgic.
April 13 to December 1, 1888- eight months of intimate acquaintanceship between Rizal
and Tetcho.
December 1, 1888- after a last warm handshake and bidding each other “goodbye”,
Rizal and Tetcho, parted ways—never to meet again.
April 28, 1888- the steamer Belgic, with Rizal on board, docked at San Francisco on
Saturday morning.
May 4, 1888- Friday afternoon - Rizal was permitted to go ashore.
Palace Hotel- Rizal registered here which was then considered a first-class hotel in the
Rizal stayed in San Francisco for two days—May 4 to 6, 1888.
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May 6, 1888-Sunday, 4:30PM, Rizal left San Francisco for Oakland.
May 13, 1888-Sunday morning, Rizal reached New York, thus ending his trip across the
American continent.
Rizal stayed three days in this city, which he called the “big town.”
May 16, 1888- Rizal left New York for Liverpool on board the City of Rome. According to
Rizal, this steamer was “the second largest ship in the world, the largest being the Great
Rizal had good and bad impressions of the United States. The good impressions were
(1) the material progress of the country as shown in the great cities, huge farms,
flourishing industries and busy factories (2) the drive and energy of the American people
(3) the natural beauty of the land (4) the high standard of living (5) the opportunities for
better life offered to poor immigrants.
One bad impression Rizal had of America was the lack of racial equality: “America is
the land par excellence of freedom but only for the whites”
May 25, 1888- a day after docking at Liverpool, Rizal went to London
Rizal stayed as guest at the home of Dr. Antonio Ma. Regidor, an exile of 1872 and
a practicing lawyer in London. By the end of May, Rizal found a modest boarding
place at No. 37 Chalcot Crescent, Primrose Hill
Dr. Reinhold Rozt- librarian of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and an authority on
Malayan languages and customs.
He was impressed by Rizal’s learning and character and he gladly recommended
him to the authorities of the British Museum. He called Rizal “a pearl of a man”
(una perla de hombre)
Both good and bad news from home reached Rizal in London. Of the bad news, were
the injustices committed by the Spanish authorities to the Filipino people and the
Rizal Family.
The greatest achievement of Rizal in London was the annotating of Morga’s book,
Sucesos de las Islas Filipinas (Historical Events of the Philippine Islands),
which was published in Mexico.
September 1888- Rizal visited Paris for a week in order to search for more historical
materials in the Bibliotheque Nationale
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Rizal was entertained in this gay French metropolis by Juan Luna and his wife (Pas
Pardo de Tavera) who proudly showed him their little son Andres (nickname Luling)
December 11, 1888-Rizal went to Spain, visiting Madrid and Barcelona
Rizal met, for the first time, Marcelo H. del Pilar and Mariano Ponce, two titans of the
Propaganda Movement
December 24, 1888-Rizal returned to London and spent Christmas and New Year’s
Day with the
Rizal sent as Christmas gift to Blumentritt a bust of Emperador Augustus and a bust
of Julius Caesar to another friend, Dr. Carlos Czepelak (Polish scholar)
February 15, 1889- Graciano Lopez Jaena founded the patriotic newspaper called
La Solidaridad in Barcelona
La Solidaridad-fortnightly periodical which served as the organ of the Propaganda
Its aims were as follows:
(1) to work peacefully for political and social reforms
(2) to portray the deplorable conditions of the Philippines so that Spain may remedy
(3) to oppose the evil forces of reaction and medievalism
(4) to advocate liberal ideas and progress
(5) to champion the legitimate aspirations of the Filipino people to life, democracy
and happiness
Los Agricultores Filipinos (The Filipino Farmers)- Rizal’s first article which
appeared in La
Solidaridad published on March 25, 1889, six days after he left London for Paris
- Rizal wrote articles for La Solidaridad in defense of his oppressed people
and to point out the evils of Spanish rule in the Philippines.
- Simultaneous with Rizal retirement from the Propaganda Movement, Rizal
ceased writing articles for La Solidaridad.
August 7, 1891- M.H. del Pilar wrote to Rizal begging forgiveness for any
resentment and requesting Rizal to resume writing for the La Solidaridad
Rizal stopped writing for La Solidaridad, it was because of several reasons: (1) Rizal
need to work on his book (2) He wanted other Filipinos to work also (3) Rizal
considered it very important to the party that there be unity in the work (4) Marcelo H.
del Pilar is already at the top and Rizal also have his own ideas, it is better to leave
del Pilar alone to direct the policy
While busy in research studies at the British Museum, Rizal received news on Fray
Rodriguez’ unabated attack on his Noli
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La Vision del Fray Rodriguez (The Vision of Fray Rodriguez)-pamphlet wrote by
Rizal which was published in Barcelona under his nom-de-plume Dimas Alang in
order to defense his novel.
-In La Vision del Fray Rodriguez, Rizal demonstrated two things: (1) his profound
knowledge of religion (2) his biting satire
Letter to the Young Women of Malolos- a famous letter wrote by Rizal on February
22, 1889 in
-this letter is to praise the young ladies of Malolos for their courage to establish a
school where they could learn Spanish, despite the opposition of Fr. Felipe Garcia, a
Spanish parish priest of Malolos
The main points of this letter were: (1) a Filipino mother should teach her children
love of God, fatherland, and mankind (2) the Filipino mother should be glad, like the
Spartan mother, to offer her sons in the defense of the fatherland (3) a Filipino
woman should know how to preserve her dignity and honor (4) a Filipino woman
should educate herself, aside from retaining her good racial virtues (5) Faith is not
merely reciting long prayers and wearing religious pictures, but rather it is living the
real Christian way, with good morals and good manners
March 19, 1889- Rizal bade goodbye to the kind Beckett Family and left London for
- March 19, 1889-the same day when he arrived in Paris from London, Rizal
organized his paisanos (compatriots) into a society called Kidlat Club simply
to bring together young Filipinos in the French capital so that they could
enjoy their sojourn in the city during the duration of the Universal Exposition
- replaced the ephemeral Kidlat Club. Its members pledged to excel in
intellectual and physical prowess in order to win the admiration of the foreigners.
- Sociedad R.D.L.M. (R.D.L.M Society)- a mysterious society founded by
Rizal in Paris during the Universal Exposition of 1889
- The aim of the secret society, as stated by Rizal, was “the propagation of all
useful knowledge—scientific,artistic, and literary, etc.—in the Philippines.
Evidently, there was another aim that is, the redemption of the Malay race.
- The Philippines Within a Century-article written by Rizal which he
expressed his views on the Spanish colonization in the Philippines and
predicted with amazing accuracy the tragic end of Spain’s sovereignty in
- The Indolence of the Filipinos- other essay of Rizal is also a prestigious
work of historical scholarship. It is an able defense of the alleged indolence
of the Filipinos
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Rizal was accompanied by Jose Albert when he moved to Brussels. They lived in a
modest boarding house on 38 Rue Philippe Champagne, which was run by two
Jacoby sisters (Suzanne and Marie). Later Albert, left the city and was replaced by
Jose Alejandro, an engineering student
On July 5, 1891, Rizal left Brussels for Ghent a famous university city in Belgium. He
stayed at Ghent because the cost of printing is cheaper. Rizal had limited funds and lived in
a cheap boarding house.
After his arrival, Rizal searched for the printing shop that could give him the lowest
quotation for the publication of his novel. He found out that F. Meyer-Van Loo Press was
willing to print his book on installment basis. He pawned all his jewels to pay the down
payment and early partial payments. He had received money from Basa and 200 pesos from
Arias for the copies of Morga’s Sucesos which were sold in Manila.
Ventura learned of Rizal’s predicament and immediately sent him the necessary
funds. With his financial aid, the printing of Fili was resumed. The El Filibusterismo was
dedicated to the martyrdom of the Gom-Bur-Za.
After the publication of El Filibusterismo, Rizal left Europe for Hong Kong. He lived
there from November, 1891 to June 1892. On October 18, 1891, Rizal boarded the steamer
Melbourne in Marseilles bound for Hong Kong. During the voyage he began writing his third
novel in Tagalog.
Makamisa, Dapitan, and another untitled novel were some of the unfinished novels of
Rizal. Rizal described his trip as “heavenly”. In the ship were over 80 passengers—mostly
Europeans, and two Spaniards who were going to Amoy. Rizal was the only Asian among
them, and amazed his fellow passengers with his knowledge of many languages.
Rizal arrived in Hong Kong on November 20, 1891. He was welcomed by Jose Basa
and lived at Number 5 D’ Aguilar Street where he also opened his medical clinic. Before the
Christmas of 1891, he was gladdened by the arrival of his father, brother and Silvestre
Ubaldo in Hong Kong. Not long afterwards, his mother and sisters Lucia, Josefa and
Trinidad also arrived. This Christmas was one of the happiest moments in Rizal’s life for he
had a happy family reunion.
Rizal also practiced his ophthalmology in Hong Kong. There he became a well-
known medical practitioner. While in Hong Kong, Rizal thought of establishing a Filipino
colony in North Borneo (now Sabah, Malaysia). This plan was associated in the present
condition of farmers in Calamba wherein they were dissociated from their farm lands.
However, it did not materialize as Governor-general Eulogio Despujol disapproved of the
Second Homecoming
In May, 1892, Rizal made up his mind to return to Manila. He gave two letters, which
were sealed and inscribed on it “to be opened after my death”, to his friend Dr. Marques for
safekeeping. At noon of June 26, 1892, Rizal and his sister Lucia arrived in Manila. He
stayed in Hotel de Oriente which was facing the church of Binondo.
On June 27, Rizal boarded a train in Tutuban Station and visited his friends. And on
Wednesday July 6, Rizal went to Malacañan Palace to resume his series of interviews. The
governor general then presented to him some printed leaflets (Pobres Frailes) which were
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allegedly found in Lucia’s pillow cases. Rizal denied having those leaflets because they were
thoroughly searched upon their arrival from Hong Kong and was found clean. Despite his
denial and insistent demand for investigation he was placed under arrest and escorted to
Fort Santiago.
July 15, 1892, Rizal was brought to the steamer Cebu which was sailing for Dapitan.
On the 17th of July, Rizal was handed over to Captain Ricardo Carnicero, the commandant
of Dapitan. His exile in Dapitan lasted until July 31, 1896, a period of four years.
Activity 4 (Chapter 4)
I. According to Rizal, what were the good qualities of the German women worth
emulating? 6 (pts)
Essays/Short Response:
1. Abeled, Alberto Jr. (2005) The National in Focus: Philippine History and
Government. St. Bernadette Publications Inc.
2. De Viana, Augusto V. (2014) Jose Rizal in our Times: A guide for the Better
Understanding of the Philippines Foremost National Hero, Book ATBP.,
Publishing Corp.
3. De Viana, Augusto V. et al (2011) Jose Rizal: Social Reformist and Patriot.
Rex Book Store
4. Garcia, Carlito D. et al (2011) Rizal and the Development of Filipino
Nationalism: A Textbook on the Life, Works and Writings of our National Hero,
Revised Edition, Book ATBP, Publishing Corp.
5. Garcia, Carlito D. et al (2005) Rizal and the Development of Filipino
Nationalism: A Textbook on the Life, Works and Writings of our National Hero,
Revised Edition, Book ATBP, Publishing Corp.
6. Halili, Maria Christine N. 2004. Philippine History. Rex Bookstore, Inc.
7. Pasiqui, Ronie E., etal. (2006) Jose Rizal: The Man and Hero (An Anthology
of Legacies and Controversies. C & E Publishing, Inc.
8. Purino, Anacoreta P. (2014) Rizal: The Greatest Filipino Hero, Rex Book
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9. Zaide, Gregorio and Sonia (2012) Jose Rizal: Life, Works and Writings of a
Genius, Writer, Scientist and National Hero. All Nations Publishing Co., Inc.
10. Zaide, Gregorio and Sonia (1999) Jose Rizal: Buhay, Mga Ginawa at Isinulat
ng isang Henyo, Manunulat, Siyentipiko, at Pambansang Bayani. All Nations
Publishing Co., In
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