Tips For Helping Others Find Courage
Tips For Helping Others Find Courage
Tips For Helping Others Find Courage
There are times in everyone�s life when they need to be a motivating factor for
someone else. This is a good opportunity for you to build your own courage too.
When you speak positively to others, it rubs off on you in many ways. People will
want to talk to you more, will seek you out more, and want the best for you because
of how you behave.
* Listen to People � When you let people talk, don�t just stand there or let your
attention go elsewhere. Actively listen. When you listen actively, you ask
appropriate questions that move the conversation forward, and you don�t challenge
what they are saying until they are done.
* Acknowledge Their Fear (and Yours) � Everyone is afraid but so many times we tend
to hide it, especially from other people. However, if you really want to help
someone gain courage, you have to demonstrate it by letting them know about what
you are fearful of and how you overcame it.
* Be Thoughtful with Your Words � When you speak to someone about anything, it�s
important to be very thoughtful, especially if you need to tell them something
negative. You never know how your words can affect someone for years to come. You
don�t want to be the cause of someone else�s limiting belief. Let this roll over to
how you talk to yourself too, and you�ll also gain the benefits of acceptance.
* Compliment People � Be very generous with your compliments of people you deal
with regularly (or even if you only see them once). The positivity of compliments
that are real and honest will again rub off on to you because the more you
compliment others, the more others will do the same with you.
* Add Humor � No one is perfect, so if you can act with humor when mistakes are
made (especially if they�re not catastrophic), it actually will build up the
confidence of the person who made a mistake so that they can look at a way to not
repeat their mistake. People who can laugh at themselves are also well-liked and
sought-after leaders.
* Love Deeply � The main thing that builds courage in people is love. Love can make
people feel confident, healthy, active, and all the good emotions possible that can
propel someone forward in life. If you love people just for being people, it shows.
When you help inspire courage in others, it�s not without benefits to you too.
Talking to others in a positive way about how courageous they are, finding ways
they can demonstrate their courage, and loving your fellow humans, also helps you
step forward in your own courage.