September 11 and The Bush Administration Compelling Evidence For Complicity
September 11 and The Bush Administration Compelling Evidence For Complicity
September 11 and The Bush Administration Compelling Evidence For Complicity
Newspapers across the country call for an investigation into Bush’s lies
about the reasons for war on Iraq. Many people may accept the fact of
Bush’s false pretext for a war on Arab people in a distant place,
especially after the fact. However, few people will be as accepting if it is
shown that this Administration was complicit in acts of atrocities against
its own people.
The magnitude of the crisis is readily apparent by noting that 9/11 serves
as a pretext for a never-ending war against the world, including
preemptive strikes against defenseless, but resource rich countries. It
also serves as a pretext for draconian measures of repression at home,
including the cabinet level Department of Homeland Security and Patriot
Act I, and its sequel. September 11 th has become the cause for
numerous other acts from massive increases in military spending and to
a Fast Track Trade Agreement for the President.
To date, investigations stop far too short, the public is left in the dark on
too many questions easily answered, and no one in the Bush
Administration has been held accountable for any actions surrounding
the attacks of September 11, 2001. The National Commission on
Terrorists Attacks Upon the United States, which was formed at the
insistence of the family of some of the victims, is continuing to hold
hearings and a final report is expected by May, 2004. It remains to be
seen if, after a two-year lapse, they can come closer to the truth about
September 11th. I believe that this would only happen if public pressure
were brought to bear and accountability demanded from the Bush
Administration. Accountability for any atrocity should attract the attention
of serious investigative reporters, media critics and even news
commentators. That is their chosen responsibility. Who is to raise the
question of why journalists and others in the mass media are failing the
people of the U.S. and the world?
Here is the official story: On the morning of September 11, 2001 four
Boeing passenger jets were hijacked within an hour by nineteen Arab
terrorists armed with boxcutters. Pilots among these terrorists took
control of the commercial planes and changed course toward targets in
New York City and Washington D.C. Two of the planes were deliberately
crashed into the Twin Towers, causing fires within the towers, which
melted the steel support structures, thereby causing the buildings to
collapse completely. A third plane was deliberately crashed into the
Pentagon. Passengers on the fourth plane overpowered the hijackers
and caused the plane to crash in Pennsylvania. This was an attack on
America planned and directed by Osama bin Laden as the leader of Al-
Qaeda, a previously obscure anti-U.S. international terrorist organization
composed mainly of Arabs. This story cries out for further explanations,
but nothing official is forthcoming. People are simply expected to believe
the official version without question.
Seven to eight weeks prior to September 11 th, all internal U.S. security
agencies were warned of the impending Al-Qaeda attacks. The Federal
Aviation Administration (FAA) was warned of the attack but did nothing
to beef up security. At least two weeks prior to September 11 th the FBI
agents again confirmed that an attack on lower Manhattan was
imminent. However, the FBI agents were commanded to cut short their
investigations into the attacks and those involved. Agents were
threatened with prosecution under the National Security Act if they
publicized information pertaining to their investigations. Some field
agents predicted, almost precisely, what happened on September 11 th.
As early as 1997, Russia, France, Israel, the Philippines and Egypt all
warned the U.S. of the possibility of the attack. Warning also came from
came from several others sources as well. Recently (May 25, 2002),
CBS revealed that President Bush had been warned in an intelligence
briefing on August 6, 2001that bin Laden might be planning to hijack
commercial planes for a domestic attack in the U.S.
8:46 a.m.: American Airlines Flight 11 from Boston smashed into the
north tower of the WTC. The tower collapses at 10:28 a.m.
9:03 a.m.: United Airlines Flight 175 from Boston smashed into the south
tower. It completely collapses at 9:59am.
3) Neither the Joint Chief of Staff, the Secretary of Defense nor the
President of the United States acted according to well established
emergency protocols. Acting Joint Chief of Staff General Richard B.
Myers stated that he saw a TV report about a plane hitting the WTC but
thought it was a small plane. So he went ahead with his meeting. By the
time he came out of the meeting the Pentagon had been hit. Whose
responsibility was it to relay this emergency to the Joint Chief of Staff?
The Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld was at his desk when AA77
crashed into the Pentagon. How is it possible that the National Military
Command Center, located in the Pentagon and in contact with law
enforcement and air traffic controllers from 8:46 a.m., did not
communicate to the Secretary of Defense, also at the Pentagon, about
the other hijacked planes especially the one headed to Washington?
After he was notified, why did he go to the war room?
The actions of the President, while the attacks were occurring, indicate
that he deliberately avoided doing anything reasonably expected of a
President wanting to protect American citizens and property. Why didn't
the Secret Service inform him of this national emergency? When is a
President supposed to be notified of everything the agencies know?
Why was the President permitted by the Secret Service to remain in the
Sarasota elementary school? At 9.05, nineteen minutes after the first
attack and two minutes after the second attack on the WTC, Andrew
Card, the presidential chief of staff, whispered something in President
Bush’s ear. The president did not react as if he was interested in trying
to do something about the situation. He did not leave the school,
convene an emergency meeting, consult with anybody, or intervene in
any way, to ensure that the Air Force completed it’s job. He did not even
mention the extraordinary events occurring in New York, but simply
continued with the reading class. His own explanations of his actions
that day contradict known facts.
advisors to insure that these top officials are among the first to be
informed, not the last. Where were these individuals who did not properly
inform the top officials?
In short, the CIA, the DCI, the State Department, the President, and key
figures around him in the White House, were ultimately responsible for
doing nothing in the face of the mounting evidence of an impending
threat to U.S. national security. Incompetence is a highly improbable