Geneva 06
Geneva 06
Geneva 06
Final Acts
of the Regional Radiocommunication Conference
for planning of the digital terrestrial broadcasting
service in parts of Regions 1 and 3, in the frequency
bands 174-230 MHz and 470-862 MHz (RRC-06)
*29307* International
Te l e c o m m u n i c a t i o n
Printed in Switzerland Union
Geneva, 2006
ISBN 92-61-11711-2
Photo credits: ITU Photo Library
I n t e r n a t i o n a l T e l e c o m m u n i c a t i o n U n i o n
Final Acts
of the Regional Radiocommunication Conference
for planning of the digital terrestrial broadcasting
service in parts of Regions 1 and 3, in the frequency
bands 174-230 MHz and 470-862 MHz (RRC-06)
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, by any means whatsoever, without the prior written
permission of ITU.
Preamble................................................................................................................................... V
PREAMBLE ............................................................................................................................ 1
ARTICLE 1 – Definitions.................................................................................................. 5
ARTICLE 4 – Procedure for modifications to the Plans and procedure for coordi-
nation of other primary terrestrial services ................................................ 7
ARTICLE 12 – Entry into force, duration and provisional application of the Agreement.. 20
ANNEX 1 – Frequency Plans ................................................................................................ 61
ANNEX 2 – Technical elements and criteria used in the development of the Plan and the
implementation of the Agreement..................................................................... 69
CHAPTER 1 – Definitions................................................................................ 71
CHAPTER 3 – Technical basis for the terrestrial broadcasting service ........... 189
ANNEX 4 – Section I – Limits and methodology for determining when agreement with
another administration is required..................................................................... 285
Section II – Examination of conformity with the digital Plan entry ................. 304
RESOLUTION 1 (RRC-06) – Broadcasting-satellite service in the band 620-790 MHz ....... 323
The First Session of the Regional Radiocommunication Conference for planning of the digital
terrestrial broadcasting service in parts of Regions 1 and 3, in the frequency bands 174-230 MHz
and 470-862 MHz (Geneva, 10-28 May 2004) adopted Resolution COM5/2 (RRC-04), by which it
recommended to the Council to modify Resolution 1185 (modified, 2003) with a view to convening
the second session of RRC.
At its 2004 session, the Council resolved, by its Resolution 1224, that the Second Session of the
RRC be convened in Geneva from 15 May to 16 June 2006, and established its agenda. The agenda,
dates and place of the Conference were approved by the required majority of the Member States of
the International Telecommunication Union from the Planning Area.
The RRC-06 met in Geneva for the stipulated period and worked on the basis of the agenda
approved by the Council. It adopted the Regional Agreement relating to the planning of the digital
terrestrial broadcasting service in Region 1 (parts of Region 1 situated to the west of meridian
170° E and to the north of parallel 40° S, except the territory of Mongolia) and in the Islamic
Republic of Iran, in the frequency bands 174-230 MHz and 470-862 MHz (Geneva, 2006), as well
as associated Resolutions as contained in these Final Acts.
The delegates signing these Final Acts, which are subject to approval by their competent authorities,
declare that, should a Member State of the Union make reservations concerning the application of
one or more of the provisions of the Regional Agreement, no other Member State shall be obliged
to observe that provision or those provisions in its relations with that particular Member State.
The undersigned delegates of the following Member States of the International Telecommunication
Republic of Albania, People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria, Federal Republic of Germany,
Principality of Andorra, Republic of Angola, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Republic of Armenia,
Austria, Azerbaijani Republic, Kingdom of Bahrain, Republic of Belarus, Belgium, Bosnia and
Herzegovina, Republic of Botswana, Republic of Bulgaria, Burkina Faso, Republic of
Burundi, Republic of Cameroon, Republic of Cape Verde, Republic of Cyprus, Vatican City
State, Republic of the Congo, Republic of Côte d'Ivoire, Republic of Croatia, Denmark,
Republic of Djibouti, Arab Republic of Egypt, United Arab Emirates, Spain, Republic of
Estonia, Federation of Russia, Finland, France, Gabonese Republic, Republic of Gambia,
Georgia, Ghana, Greece, Republic of Guinea, Republic of Hungary, Islamic Republic of Iran,
Republic of Iraq, Ireland, State of Israel, Italy, Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, Republic of
Kazakhstan, Republic of Kenya, State of Kuwait, Kingdom of Lesotho, Republic of Latvia,
Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Lebanon, Principality of Liechtenstein, Republic of
Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malawi, Republic of Mali, Malta, Kingdom of Morocco, Islamic
Republic of Mauritania, Republic of Moldova, Principality of Monaco, Republic of
Mozambique, Republic of Namibia, Republic of Niger, Federal Republic of Nigeria, Norway,
Sultanate of Oman, Republic of Uganda, Republic of Uzbekistan, Kingdom of Netherlands,
Republic of Poland, Portugal, State of Qatar, Syrian Arab Republic, Kyrgyz Republic, Slovak
Republic, Czech Republic, Romania, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,
Republic of Rwanda, Republic of San Marino, Republic of Senegal, Republic of Serbia,
Republic of Slovenia, Republic of the Soudan, Republic of South Africa, Sweden, Confederation
of Switzerland, Kingdom of Swaziland, Republic of Tajikistan, United Republic of Tanzania,
Republic of Chad, Togolese Republic, Tunisia, Turkey, Ukraine, Republic of Yemen, Republic
of Zambia, Republic of Zimbabwe,
* The provisions of this Agreement shall apply mutatis mutandis, to Palestine as referred to in
Resolution 99 (Minneapolis, 1998) subject to Palestine notifying the ITU Secretary-General that it accepts
the rights and commits to observe the obligations arising therefrom.
meeting in Geneva from 15 May to 16 June 2006 for a Regional Radiocommunication Conference
convened under the terms of the ITU Constitution and the ITU Convention, as referred to in
Article 1 of this Agreement, have adopted, subject to approval by their competent authorities, the
following provisions concerning the terrestrial broadcasting service in the frequency bands
174-230 MHz1 and 470-862 MHz, together with provisions for other primary terrestrial services,
as defined in Article 1 of this Agreement, in Region 1 (parts of Region 1 situated to the west of
meridian 170° E and to the north of parallel 40° S, except the territory of Mongolia) and in the
Islamic Republic of Iran.
1 For Morocco, the analogue Plan covers the band 170-230 MHz.
1 For the purposes of this Agreement, the following terms shall have the meanings
defined below:
1.1 Union: The International Telecommunication Union.
1.2 Secretary-General: The Secretary-General of the Union.
1.3 Bureau: The Radiocommunication Bureau.
1.4 Constitution: The Constitution of the Union.
1.5 Convention: The Convention of the Union.
1.6 Radio Regulations: The Radio Regulations as referred to in No. 31 of the Constitution.
1.7 Conference: The Regional Radiocommunication Conference 2006 for the planning of the
digital terrestrial broadcasting service in Region 1 (parts of Region 1 situated to the west
of meridian 170° E and to the north of parallel 40° S, except the territories of Mongolia)
and in the Islamic Republic of Iran, in the frequency bands 174-230 MHz and
470-862 MHz (Geneva, 2006) (RRC-06)1.
1.8 Planning Area: Region 1 (those parts of Region 1, as defined in No. 5.3 of the Radio
Regulations, situated to the west of meridian 170° E and to the north of parallel 40° S,
except the territories of Mongolia) and the Islamic Republic of Iran.
1.9 Agreement: The Regional Agreement and its Annexes together with its associated Plans as
drawn up by the Conference.
1.10 Plans: The analogue Plan and the digital Plan as specified in § 3.1 of Article 3 of this
Agreement and as subsequently updated through the successful application of the
procedure of § 4.1 of Article 4 of this Agreement.
1.11 Contracting Member: Any Member State from the Planning Area which has approved or
acceded to the Agreement.
1.12 Administration: Unless otherwise indicated, the term Administration designates the
Administration, as defined in No. 1002 of the Constitution, of a Contracting Member.
1.13 MIFR: Master International Frequency Register.
1.14 Other primary terrestrial services: The primary terrestrial services other than the
broadcasting service, and the primary radio astronomy service, to which the frequency
bands 174-230 MHz and/or 470-862 MHz are allocated in the Planning Area in
accordance with Article 5 of the Radio Regulations.
1 This Conference was held in two sessions:
– the first session, responsible for preparing a report to the second session, was held in Geneva from
10 to 28 May 2004;
– the second session, responsible for drawing up an Agreement and associated Plans, was held in
Geneva from 15 May to 16 June 2006.
1.15 Existing assignments to other primary terrestrial services (referred to in short as the
“List”): Assignments to other primary terrestrial services contained in Annex 5 to the
Agreement, as established by the Conference, and assignments to other primary
terrestrial services for which the procedure of § 4.2 of Article 4 of this Agreement has
been successfully applied.
1.16 Transition period: The period following the Conference during which the assignments
in the analogue Plan (as specified in § 3.1.2 of Article 3 of this Agreement) shall be
protected (see also Article 12 of this Agreement).
1.17 BR IFIC: Radiocommunication Bureau International Frequency Information Circular.
2.1 The Contracting Members shall adopt the characteristics specified in the Plans for their
broadcasting stations in the Planning Area operating in the frequency bands referred to in Article 3
of this Agreement.
2.2 The Contracting Members shall not modify these characteristics or establish stations,
except under the relevant provisions of Articles 4 and 5 of this Agreement.
2.3 The Contracting Members shall undertake to apply the relevant provisions of Articles 4
and 5 of this Agreement for the other primary terrestrial services to which these bands are also
2 After the expiry of the Transition period, the Plans will only contain the digital Plan.
3 For Morocco, the analogue Plan covers the band 170-230 MHz.
4 If the intention is not to include the assignments into the digital Plan, administrations should directly
apply Article 5.
b) assignments to other primary terrestrial services for which the procedure for
coordination with the broadcasting service under § 4.2 has been initiated, i.e. for which
the complete information referred to in § has been received by the Bureau. The agreement referred to in § is not required if:
a) none of the corresponding limits in Section I of Annex 4 referred to in § and
§ are exceeded; or
b) the proposed modification relates to changes in the technical characteristics which do
not increase the existing level of interference and do not increase the existing level of
protection required. An administration proposing to modify the Plans shall communicate to the Bureau the
relevant characteristics listed in Annex 3, in electronic form, and shall also indicate, if appropriate,
the names of any administrations which have already agreed to the proposed modification on the
basis of the characteristics communicated to the Bureau.
This communication shall also be considered by the Bureau, if so requested, as a request to apply
the procedure contained in § in the following cases:
– no agreements are required under § and no administration’s name is included
under §; or
– all agreements have been received and no administration’s name is removed under
§ or included under § If the characteristics submitted under § are found to be incomplete, the Bureau
shall immediately seek from the administration proposing to modify the Plans any clarification
required and the information not provided. In application of § 4.1.1 c), if the Bureau finds that, in the case of a conversion of an
allotment into one or several assignments, the conditions in Section II of Annex 4 are met, the
provisions of § shall apply5. Otherwise, the Bureau shall request the administration
proposing the modification to the digital Plan to take appropriate action. The proposed modification
shall lapse if the administration does not modify within 30 days the characteristics so that they
comply with Section II of Annex 4. This 30-day period starts on the date of the dispatch of the
Bureau’s request. On receipt of the complete information referred to in § or §, as
appropriate, the Bureau shall, within 40 days:
a) identify the administrations considered to be affected, in accordance with § and
b) publish the characteristics received in the Special Section of the BR IFIC, together with
the names of the administrations identified, indicating those whose agreement has been
communicated under § by the administration proposing to modify the Plans, if
appropriate, and the corresponding assignments to the other primary terrestrial services
which are considered to be affected, if appropriate;
c) inform the administrations identified in a) above.
5 In the case of assignments stemming from an allotment in the digital Plan which bears remarks in the
“remarks” columns of the Plan, these remarks shall be extended to these assignments.
-9- An administration whose agreement has been communicated to the Bureau under
§, may, within 40 days from the date of the publication of the BR IFIC referred to in
§ b), request the Bureau to remove its name from the list of administrations having given
their agreement, as published under § b). A copy of this request shall be sent by the Bureau
to the administration proposing to modify the Plans. In the case of the removal of the name of an
administration from the list of administrations having given their agreement, as published under
§ b), the Bureau shall consider that the agreement with that administration has not been
obtained. Any administration which considers that it should have been included in the list of
administrations considered to be affected may, within 40 days from the date of publication of the
BR IFIC referred to in § b), request the Bureau to include its name in the list of
administrations considered to be affected, giving its reasons for doing so based on criteria in
Section I of Annex 4. On receipt of this request, the Bureau shall examine the matter and, if in accordance
with § and §, it finds that the name of the administration should have been included
in the list of administrations considered to be affected, it shall:
– inform immediately the administration proposing to modify the Plans and the
administration requesting to be included in the list of administrations considered to be
affected; and
– publish, within 30 days from the date of receipt of the request, the name of the
administration in an addendum to the Special Section of the BR IFIC referred to in
§ b), and the corresponding assignments to other primary terrestrial services, if
For the administration whose name has been published in the addendum, the overall period of
75 days specified in §,,,, and shall be counted from
the date of publication of the addendum to the Special Section of the BR IFIC referred to above.
If the Bureau finds that the name of the administration should not be included in the list of
administrations considered to be affected, it shall inform this administration. The administration proposing to modify the Plans shall seek the agreement of the
administrations whose agreement has not been obtained (see also § and which are listed in
the publication referred to in § b) or §, as appropriate, by applying the procedure
contained in § 4.1.4 below. If all agreements have been received and no administration’s name is removed under
§ and no administration’s name is included under §, the procedure contained in
§ applies.
4.1.4 Seeking agreement of the administrations which are considered to be affected and
whose agreement has yet to be obtained When seeking the agreement of another administration, the administration proposing to
modify the Plans may also communicate any additional information relating to proposed criteria to
be used as well as other details concerning the terrain data, particular propagation conditions, etc. On receipt of the Special Section of the BR IFIC referred to in § b) or §,
as appropriate, any administration listed therein shall examine the effect of the proposed
modification to the digital Plan or to the analogue Plan on its broadcasting service and on its
assignments to other primary terrestrial services, taking into account, as far as possible, the
additional information referred to in § An administration from which agreement is sought may request the Bureau to assist by
providing further information to enable the administration to assess the interference from the
proposed modification, using the method described in Section I of Annex 4. The Bureau shall send
this information by the most expeditious means. An administration from which agreement is sought may send its comments to the
administration proposing the modification to the Plans either directly or through the Bureau. In any
event, the Bureau shall be informed of these comments. An administration which is not in a position to give its agreement to the proposed
modification with respect to its broadcasting service shall give its decision, with reasons related to
its broadcasting service, within 75 days from the date of publication of the BR IFIC referred to in
§ b) or §, as appropriate. An administration which is not in a position to give its agreement to the proposed
modification with respect to its other primary terrestrial services shall give its reasons, based on its
own assignments as referred to in § a) and b), within 75 days from the date of publication of
the BR IFIC referred to in § b) or §, as appropriate. Fifty days after publication of the BR IFIC referred to in § b) or §, as
appropriate, the Bureau shall request any administration which has not yet given its decision on the
matter to do so. After an overall period of 75 days following the date of publication of the BR IFIC,
the Bureau shall immediately inform the administration proposing the modification to the Plans that
it has sent out the aforementioned requests and provide it with the names of the administrations
which have given their agreement and the name of the administrations which have not replied. When an administration has not replied within this 75-day period, it is deemed that this
administration has not agreed to the proposed modification to the Plans, unless the provisions of
§ and § are applied. After this 75-day period, the administration proposing to modify the Plans may request
the Bureau to assist by sending a reminder to the administration which has not replied, requesting a
decision. This request shall in no way extend the 24-month period mentioned in § If no decision is communicated to the Bureau within 40 days after the date of dispatch
of the reminder under §, it shall be deemed that the administration which has not given a
decision has agreed to the proposed modification to the Plans.
- 11 - If, at the end of the periods mentioned in § or § above, there is
continuing disagreement, the Bureau shall conduct any study that may be requested by either the
administration proposing the modification to the Plans or administrations from which agreement is
sought; within 40 days, it shall inform them of the result of the study and shall make such
recommendations as it may be able to offer for the solution of the problem. An administration may, before applying the procedures in § 4.1, or at any stage during
application of the procedure described therein, request the assistance of the Bureau without this
having any implication on the application of the above-mentioned periods. If, in seeking agreement, an administration modifies its initial proposal, it shall again
apply the provisions of § 4.1. When an administration has obtained the agreement of all the administrations whose
names were published in the BR IFIC referred to in § b) or §, as appropriate, it shall
inform the Bureau of the final agreed characteristics of the assignment/allotment together with the
names of the administrations with which agreement has been reached. If the administration
proposing the modification to the Plans does not inform the Bureau within 24 months after the
75-day period referred to in § to §, the proposed modification shall lapse. If the above-mentioned final agreed characteristics result in the identification of new
affected administrations, the administration proposing the modification to the Plans shall again
apply the provisions of § 4.1 with respect to these new administrations. From the receipt of the complete information referred to in §, the Bureau shall,
within 30 days, publish in the Special Section of the BR IFIC the characteristics of the
assignment/allotment together with the names of the administrations which have agreed to the
proposed modification to the Plans and include the new or modified assignment/allotment in the
Plans, as appropriate. With respect to Contracting Members, the assignment/allotment concerned
shall enjoy the same status as those appearing in the Plans. However, in the case of an assignment
in the Plan resulting from the conversion of an allotment, this assignment shall remain in
accordance with the allotment from which it stems and in conformity with Section II of Annex 4. The agreement of the administration(s) affected may also be obtained in accordance
with this Article for a specific period of time. The assignment or allotment, as appropriate, shall be
removed from the Plans and/or from the MIFR, as appropriate, by the Bureau at the end of this
period of time, after it has informed the administration.
When an assignment or an allotment in the Plans is cancelled either under § 4.1.1 d) or §,
the Bureau shall publish this information in a Special Section of the BR IFIC.
In the case of the cancellation of an allotment, the Bureau shall cancel all assignments stemming
from this allotment from the digital Plan and from the MIFR after having informed the
- 12 - An administration whose agreement has been communicated to the Bureau under
§ may, within 40 days from the date of the publication of the BR IFIC referred to in
§ b), request the Bureau to remove its name from the list of administrations having given
their agreement, as published under § b). A copy of this request shall be sent by the Bureau
to the administration seeking the agreement. In the case of the removal of a name of an
administration from the list of administrations having given their agreement, as published under
§ b), the Bureau shall consider that the agreement with that administration has not been
4.2.4 Seeking agreement of the administrations which are considered to be affected and
whose agreement has yet to be obtained The Special Section of the BR IFIC referred to in § b) or §, as
appropriate, constitutes the formal request for coordination addressed to those administrations
whose agreement has yet to be obtained. When seeking the agreement of another administration, the administration proposing the
new or modified assignment may also communicate any additional information relating to proposed
criteria to be used as well as other details concerning the terrain data, particular propagation
conditions, etc.
- 14 - On receipt of the Special Section of the BR IFIC referred to in § b) or §,
as appropriate, any administration listed therein shall examine the effect of the proposed new or
modified assignment on its broadcasting service, taking into account, as far as possible, the
additional information referred to in § An administration from which agreement is sought may request the Bureau to assist by
providing further information to enable the administration to assess the interference from the
proposed new or modified assignment, using the method described in Section I of Annex 4. The
Bureau shall send this information by the most expeditious means. An administration from which agreement is sought may send its comments to the
administration proposing the new or modified assignment, either directly or through the Bureau. In
any event, the Bureau shall be informed of these comments. An administration which is not in a position to give its agreement to the proposed new
or modified assignment shall give its decision, with reasons related to its broadcasting service,
within 75 days from the date of publication of the BR IFIC referred to in § b) or §, as
appropriate. Fifty days after publication of the BR IFIC referred to in § b) or §, as
appropriate, the Bureau shall request any administration which has not yet given its decision on the
matter to do so. After an overall period of 75 days following the date of publication of the BR IFIC,
the Bureau shall immediately inform the administration proposing the new or modified assignment
that it has sent out the aforementioned requests and provide it with the names of the administrations
which have given their agreement and the name of the administrations which have not replied. When an administration has not replied within this 75-day period, it is deemed that this
administration has not agreed to the proposed new or modified assignment, unless the provisions of
§ and § are applied. After the 75-day period, the administration proposing the new or modified assignment
may request the Bureau to assist by sending a reminder to the administration which has not replied,
requesting a decision. This request shall in no way extend the 24-month period mentioned in
§ If no decision is communicated to the Bureau within 40 days after the date of dispatch
of the reminder under §, it shall be deemed that the administration which has not given a
decision has agreed to the proposed new or modified assignment. If, at the end of the periods mentioned in § or § above, there is
continuing disagreement, the Bureau shall conduct any study that may be requested by either the
administration proposing the new or modified assignment or administrations from which agreement
is sought; within 40 days, it shall inform them of the result of the study and shall make such
recommendations as it may be able to offer for the solution of the problem. An administration may, before applying the procedures in § 4.2, or at any stage during
application of the procedure described therein, request the assistance of the Bureau without this
having any implication on the application of the above-mentioned periods. If, in seeking agreement, an administration modifies its initial proposal, it shall again
apply the provisions of § 4.2.
- 15 - When an administration has obtained the agreement of all the administrations whose
names were published in the BR IFIC referred to in § b) or §, as appropriate, it shall
inform the Bureau of the final agreed characteristics of the assignment together with the names of
the administrations with which agreement has been reached. If the administration proposing the new
or modified assignment does not inform the Bureau within 24 months after the 75-day period
referred to in § to, the proposed modification shall lapse. If the above-mentioned final agreed characteristics result in the identification of new
affected administrations, the administration proposing the new or modified assignment shall again
apply the provisions of § 4.2 with respect to these new administrations. From the receipt of the complete information referred to in §, the Bureau shall,
within 30 days, publish in the Special Section of the BR IFIC the characteristics of the assignment
together with the names of the administrations which have agreed to the proposed new or modified
assignment and include the new or modified assignment in the List. The proposed new or modified assignment shall lapse if it is not notified under Article 5
within 12 months after the publication referred to in § The agreement of the administration(s) affected may also be obtained in accordance
with this Article for a specific period of time. The assignment shall be removed from the List and/or
from the MIFR, as appropriate, by the Bureau at the end of this period of time, after it has informed
the administration.
The Bureau shall maintain and publish periodically an up-to-date master copy of the List, taking
account of any changes, additions and deletions made in accordance with the procedure of this
5.1.2 Under the examination by the Bureau of the assignment with respect to No. 11.34 of the
Radio Regulations, i.e. its conformity with the Plans and the associated provisions, the finding shall
be favourable if:
a) the assignment is contained in the Plans6 and not bearing any remark with respect to
assignments in the analogue Plan, to existing assignments to other primary terrestrial
services or to entries in the digital Plan, and the conditions of Section II of Annex 4 are
met; or
b) the assignment is contained in the digital Plan and bearing a remark with respect to:
– assignments in the analogue Plan or to existing assignments to other primary
terrestrial services, and all the necessary agreements have been obtained, and
the conditions of Section II of Annex 4 are met; and/or
– entries in the digital Plan, and the notifying administration states that all
conditions associated with the remark are fully met, and the conditions of
Section II of Annex 4 are met; or
c) in the case of an assignment stemming from an allotment in the digital Plan, which does
not bear any remark with respect to assignments in the analogue Plan, to existing
assignments to other primary terrestrial services, or to entries in the digital Plan, the
conditions of Section II of Annex 4 are met; or
d) in the case of an assignment stemming from an allotment in the digital Plan, which
bears a remark with respect to:
– assignments in the analogue Plan or to existing assignments to other primary
terrestrial services, all the necessary agreements have been obtained and the
conditions of Section II of Annex 4 are met; and/or
– entries in the digital Plan, the conditions of Section II of Annex 4 are met and
the notifying administration states that all conditions associated with the remark
are fully met; or
e) in the case of the use of an entry in the digital Plan, with different characteristics, within
the DVB-T or T-DAB systems, the conditions specified in Section II of Annex 4 are
5.1.3 A digital entry in the Plan may also be notified with characteristics different from those
appearing in the Plan, for transmissions in the broadcasting service or in other primary terrestrial
services operating in conformity with the Radio Regulations, provided that the peak power density
in any 4 kHz of the above-mentioned notified assignments shall not exceed the spectral power
density in the same 4 kHz of the digital entry in the Plan. Such use shall not claim more protection
than that afforded to the above-mentioned digital entry.
5.1.4 If the examination referred to in § 5.1.2, and § 5.1.3 where appropriate, leads to a
favourable finding, the assignment shall be recorded in the MIFR. In relations between Contracting
Members, all broadcasting frequency assignments recorded in the MIFR and in conformity with the
Agreement shall be considered to have the same status irrespective of the date of receipt of the
notices by the Bureau for such frequency assignments or of the date on which they are brought into
6 This provision shall not be applicable to the analogue Plan after the end of the Transition period.
- 17 -
5.1.6 If the administration resubmits the notice and the re-examination by the Bureau under
§ 5.1.2, and § 5.1.3 where appropriate, leads to a favourable finding, the assignment shall be
recorded in the MIFR.
5.1.7 If the re-examination under § 5.1.2 leads to an unfavourable finding, the assignment
shall be recorded with a favourable finding under No. 11.31, and with an unfavourable finding
under No. 11.34 together with the name(s) of the administration(s) with which there is continuing
disagreement, indicating that with respect to this (these) administration(s) the recorded assignment
shall be operated under the conditions of not causing unacceptable interference to, and not claiming
protection from, any station operating in conformity with the Agreement and its associated Plans.
5.1.8 The notice for resubmission shall also include a signed commitment by the notifying
administration, indicating that use of an assignment submitted for recording in the MIFR under
§ 5.1.7 shall not cause unacceptable interference to, nor claim protection from, any station of the
administration with which there is continuing disagreement operating in conformity with the
Agreement and its associated Plans and recorded in the MIFR with a favourable finding with
respect to Nos. 11.31 and 11.34.
5.1.9 Should unacceptable interference be caused by the use of this assignment to any
assignment of the administration with which there is continuing disagreement operating in
conformity with the Agreement and its associated Plans and recorded in the MIFR with a favourable
finding with respect to Nos. 11.31 and 11.34, the administration causing unacceptable interference
shall, upon receipt of advice thereof, immediately eliminate this interference.
5.2.1 When an administration proposes to bring into use an assignment to other primary
terrestrial services, it shall notify the assignment to the Bureau in accordance with the provisions of
Article 11 of the Radio Regulations.
5.2.2 Under the examination by the Bureau of conformity with the Agreement, the Bureau
shall examine the notice with respect to the successful application of the procedure contained in
§ 4.2 of the Agreement.
5.2.3 If the examination referred to in § 5.2.2 above leads to a favourable finding, the
assignment shall be recorded in the MIFR. Otherwise, the notice shall be returned to the notifying
administration with the reasons therefor.
5.2.4 If the administration resubmits the notice and the re-examination by the Bureau under
§ 5.2.2 above leads to a favourable finding, the assignment shall be recorded in the MIFR
5.2.5 If the re-examination under § 5.2.2 leads to an unfavourable finding, the assignment
shall be recorded with a favourable finding under No. 11.31, and with an unfavourable finding
under No. 11.34 together with the name(s) of the administration(s) with which there is continuing
disagreement, indicating that with respect to this (these) administration(s) the recorded assignment
shall be operated under the conditions of not causing unacceptable interference to, and not claiming
protection from, any station operating in conformity with the Agreement and its associated Plans.
- 18 -
5.2.6 The notice for resubmission shall also include a signed commitment by the notifying
administration, indicating that use of an assignment recorded in the MIFR under § 5.2.5 shall not
cause unacceptable interference to, nor claim protection from, any station of the administration with
which there is continuing disagreement operating in conformity with the Agreement and its
associated Plans and recorded in the MIFR with a favourable finding with respect to Nos. 11.31 and
5.2.7 Should unacceptable interference be caused by the use of this assignment to any
assignment of the administration with which there is continuing disagreement operating in
conformity with the Agreement and its associated Plans and recorded in the MIFR with a favourable
finding with respect to Nos. 11.31 and 11.34, the administration causing unacceptable interference
shall, upon receipt of advice thereof, immediately eliminate this interference.
Settlement of disputes
6.1 If, after application of the procedure described in the above articles, the administrations
concerned have been unable to reach agreement, they may resort to the procedure described in
Article 56 of the Constitution. They may also agree to apply the Optional Protocol on the
compulsory settlement of disputes relating to the ITU Constitution, the ITU Convention and to the
Administrative Regulations.
7.1 Any Member State in the Planning Area which has not signed the Agreement may at
any time deposit an instrument of accession with the Secretary-General, who shall immediately
inform the other Member States. Accession to the Agreement shall be made without reservations
and shall apply to the Plans as they stand at the time of accession.
7.2 Accession to the Agreement shall become effective on the date on which the instrument
of accession is received by the Secretary-General.
- 19 -
8.1 The Agreement shall bind Contracting Members in their relations with one another but
shall not bind those members in their relations with non-contracting members.
8.2 If a Contracting Member enters reservations with regard to the application of any
provision of the Agreement, other Contracting Members shall be free to disregard such provision in
their relations with the member which has made such reservations.
9.1 Member States signatories to the Agreement shall notify their approval of this
Agreement, as promptly as possible, to the Secretary-General, who shall at once inform the other
Member States.
10.1 Any Contracting Member may denounce the Agreement at any time by a notification
sent to the Secretary-General, who shall inform the other Member States.
10.2 Denunciation shall become effective one year after the date on which the
Secretary-General receives the notification of denunciation.
10.3 On the date on which the denunciation becomes effective, the Bureau shall delete from
the Plans the assignments and/or the allotments entered in the name of the Member State which has
denounced the Agreement.
12.1 The Agreement shall enter into force on 17 June 2007 at 0001 hours UTC.
12.2 The provisions of the Agreement shall be provisionally applicable as of 17 June 2006 at
0001 hours UTC.
12.3 As from the date mentioned in § 12.2 above, broadcasting stations in operation with
frequency assignments which do not appear in the Plans or which are not in conformity with the
Agreement and its associated Plans (see § 5.1.2 of Article 5) may continue to be operated under the
conditions of not causing unacceptable interference to, and not claiming protection from, any
assignments in conformity with the Agreement and its associated Plans.
12.4 The Agreement shall remain in force until it is revised in accordance with Article 11 of
the Agreement.
12.5 The Transition period shall commence on 17 June 2006 at 0001 hours UTC. During the
Transition period, assignments in the analogue Plan (as specified in § 3.1.2 of Article 3) shall be
12.6 The Transition period shall end on 17 June 2015 at 0001 hours UTC. However, for the
countries listed in footnote below7, for the band 174-230 MHz8, the Transition period shall end on
17 June 2020 at 0001 hours UTC. After the end of the applicable Transition period, the
corresponding entries in the analogue Plan shall be cancelled by the Bureau, and
– the provisions of § 4.1 of Article 4 referring to the modification of the analogue Plan;
– remarks with respect to analogue assignments
shall cease to apply to the analogue assignments in the corresponding countries.
12.7 After the end of the above-mentioned Transition period, the Bureau shall review the
status of the assignments which were contained in the analogue Plan and recorded in the MIFR and
invite the administrations to cancel the corresponding entries in the MIFR.
7 List of the countries: Algeria (People's Democratic Republic of), Burkina Faso, Cameroon (Republic of),
Congo (Republic of the), Côte d'Ivoire (Republic of), Egypt (Arab Republic of), Gabonese Republic, Ghana,
Guinea (Republic of), Iran (Islamic Republic of), Jordan (Hashemite Kingdom of), Mali (Republic of),
Morocco (Kingdom of), Mauritania (Islamic Republic of), Nigeria (Federal Republic of), Syrian Arab
Republic, Sudan (Republic of the), Chad (Republic of), Togolese Republic, Tunisia, Yemen (Republic of).
For the following administrations which were not present at RRC-06, namely Benin (Republic of), Central
African Republic, Eritrea, Ethiopia (Federal Democratic Republic of), Guinea-Bissau (Republic of),
Equatorial Guinea (Republic of), Liberia (Republic of), Madagascar (Republic of), Niger (Republic of the),
Democratic Republic of the Congo, Sao Tome and Principe (Democratic Republic of), Sierra Leone and
Somali Democratic Republic, the date of the end of the transition period in the VHF band (174-230 MHz) is
17 June 2020 at 0001 hours UTC, unless any of the aforementioned administrations communicates to the
Bureau during the 90-day period from the end of RRC-06 that it selects 17 June 2015 at 0001 hours UTC.
8 170-230 MHz for Morocco.
- 21 -
12.8 Following the action of the Bureau under § 12.7 above, administrations may request the
Bureau to cancel the corresponding assignments, or continue to operate them, under the conditions
that these analogue assignments:
a) were contained in the Plan and already brought into use, and
b) shall not cause unacceptable interference to, and shall not claim protection from, any
assignments in conformity with the Agreement and its associated Plans (see § 5.1.2 of
Article 5).
12.9 The Bureau shall update the MIFR accordingly.
- 22 -
For the Syrian Arab Republic: For the Republic of South Africa:
For Tunisia:
Mohammed BONGUI
- 27 -
List of countries in alphabetical order giving the number(s) of their Declarations and Reservations:
Algeria (People’s Democratic Republic of) (37, 42)
Andorra (Principality of) (42, 44)
Angola (Republic of) (24)
Armenia (Republic of) (33)
Austria (8, 42, 44)
Azerbaijani Republic (33, 46)
Bahrain (Kingdom of) (22, 37)
Belarus (Republic of) (33)
Belgium (8, 42, 44)
Bosnia and Herzegovina (42)
Botswana (Republic of) (5)
Bulgaria (Republic of) (8, 42, 44)
Burkina Faso (7, 42)
Burundi (Republic of) (42)
Cameroon (Republic of) (41, 42)
Cape Verde (Republic of) (42)
Chad (Republic of) (42, 58)
Côte d'Ivoire (Republic of) (9, 42, 52)
Croatia (Republic of) (42, 44, 63)
Cyprus (Republic of) (8, 10, 42, 44, 61)
Czech Republic (8, 42, 44)
Denmark (8, 42, 44)
Egypt (Arab Republic of) (48)
Estonia (Republic of) (8, 42, 44, 57)
* Note by the Secretary-General: The texts of the Declarations and Reservations are shown in the
chronological order of their deposit.
- 28 -
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (8, 42, 44)
At the time of signing the Final Acts of the Regional Radiocommunication Conference for the
planning of the digital terrestrial broadcasting service in Region 1 (parts of Region 1 situated to the
west of meridian 170° E and to the north of parallel 40° S, except the territory of Mongolia) and in
the Islamic Republic of Iran, in the frequency bands 174-230 MHz and 470-862 MHz
(Geneva, 2006) (RRC-06), the undersigned delegates take note of the following Declarations and
Reservations made by signatory delegations:
Original: French
For the Confederation of Switzerland:
The Swiss delegation reserves for the Government of the Confederation of Switzerland the right to
take any measures it deems appropriate to safeguard its interests in respect of the broadcasting
service and other radiocommunication services should a Contracting Member fail in its obligations
resulting from the provisions of this Agreement or should reservations or actions by a State
jeopardize the smooth operation of the aforementioned services in Switzerland.
Not Used
Original: English
For Malta:
In signing the Final Acts of the Regional Radiocommunication Conference (Geneva, 2006), the
delegation of Malta declares:
1 that it reserves for its Government the right to take any action it considers necessary to
safeguard its interests, should any Member State of the International
Telecommunication Union fail in any way to comply with or execute the provisions of
the Geneva 2006 (RRC-06) Agreement and its Annexes, the Radio Regulations or the
Constitution and Convention of the International Telecommunication Union;
2 that it further reserves the right for its Government to take any action and preservation
measures it deems necessary should the consequences of reservations by any Member
State jeopardize Malta’s radiocommunication services or affects its sovereignty;
3 to express additional declarations or reservations with respect to the Final Acts of the
Geneva 2006 (RRC-06) at the time of deposit of the corresponding instrument of
ratification with the International Telecommunication Union.
- 32 -
Original: French
For the Republic of Mali:
In signing the Final Acts of the Regional Radiocommunication Conference for the planning of the
digital terrestrial broadcasting service in Region 1 (parts of Region 1 situated to the west of
meridian 170° E and to the north of parallel 40° S, except the territory of Mongolia) and in the
Islamic Republic of Iran, in the frequency bands 174-230 MHz and 470-862 MHz, the delegation of
the Republic of Mali reserves for its Government the right to take any measures it may deem
appropriate to safeguard its interests should Members fail to respect the provisions of these Final
Acts and the Annexes thereto, or should reservations entered by other countries cause harmful
interference and jeopardize the smooth operation of its telecommunication services, in particular
Original: English
For the Republic of Botswana:
In signing the Final Acts of the Regional Radiocommunication Conference for the Planning of the
Digital Terrestrial Broadcasting Services in Parts of Regions 1 and 3, in the frequency bands
174-230 MHz and 470-862 MHz (Geneva, 2006), the delegation of the Republic of Botswana
declares that its administration will comply with the provisions of the Final Acts without prejudice
to the Republic of Botswana’s sovereign right to take any measures that the Government of
Botswana deems necessary to safeguard its broadcasting services in the event of harmful
interference caused to the said services by any Member of the Union failing to comply with the
provisions of the Agreement adopted by this conference.
The delegation of Botswana further declares that it reserves for its Government the right to make
any statements or reservations when depositing its instruments of ratification of the Final Acts of
the Regional Radiocommunication Conference (Geneva, 2006).
Original: English
For the Republic of Sudan:
The Sudan delegation expresses that the map used in the planning for digital broadcasting, in the
frequency band 174-230 MHz and 470-862 MHz, is not correct. As a result, there are some
assignments, assigned for other administration inside Sudan territory.
In signing the Final Acts of this Conference (RRC-06), the Sudan delegation does not recognize any
assignments or allotments given to any other administration in the Sudan territory and reserves the
right for the Sudan Government to recorrect its map with BR and to recorrect any assignments or
allotments given to any other administration inside the Sudan territory.
- 33 -
Original: French
In signing the Final Acts of the Regional Radiocommunication Conference (RRC-06) for the
planning of digital terrestrial broadcasting services in parts of Regions 1 and 3, in the frequency
bands 174-230 MHz and 470-862 MHz, the Delegation of Burkina Faso declares on behalf of the
Government of its country that Burkina Faso reserves the right to take any measures it may deem
appropriate to safeguard its own interests should Members of the International Telecommunication
Union (ITU) fail to respect the provisions of these Final Acts and the Annexes and/or Protocols
Original: English/French/
For the Federal Republic of Germany, Austria, Belgium, the Republic of Bulgaria, the Republic of
Cyprus, Denmark, Spain, the Republic of Estonia, Finland, France, Greece, the Republic of
Hungary, Ireland, Italy, the Republic of Latvia, the Republic of Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the
Kingdom of the Netherlands, the Republic of Poland, Portugal, the Slovak Republic, the Czech
Republic, Romania, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the Republic of
Slovenia and Sweden:
The delegations of the Member States of the European Union and of the Countries which have
signed an Accession Treaty with the European Union declare that the Member States of the
European Union as well as the Countries which have signed the Accession Treaty with the
European Union will apply the provisions of the Final Acts of the Regional Radiocommunication
Conference 2006 (RRC-06) as adopted by this Conference in accordance with their obligations
under the EC Treaty.
Original: French
In signing the Final Acts of the Regional Radiocommunication Conference for the planning of the
digital terrestrial broadcasting service in parts of Regions 1 and 3, in the frequency bands
174-230 MHz and 470-862 MHz, the delegation of the Republic of Côte d’Ivoire declares that it
reserves for its Government the right to approve the said Final Acts in accordance with its national
laws and to take all necessary measures to safeguard its national interests, should countries which
are “parties” to the Regional Agreement or merely signatories fail or refuse to comply with it.
- 34 -
Original: English
The Republic of Cyprus notes that in considering the Final Acts of the Regional
Radiocommunication Conference (Geneva, 2006) (RRC-06), may find it necessary to make
additional declarations or reservations. Accordingly, the Republic of Cyprus reserves the right to
make additional declarations or reservations at the time of deposit of its instruments of ratification
of the Final Acts of RRC-06. The Republic of Cyprus shall not be deemed to have consented to be
bound by revisions to the Regional Radiocommunication Conference (RRC-06) without specific
notification to the International Telecommunication Union by the Republic of Cyprus of its consent
to be bound.
Furthermore the Republic of Cyprus declares its right under the Constitution and Convention of
a) to take any action it deems necessary to protect its interests and to safeguard the
operation of its radiocommunication services, should they be affected by the decisions
or Resolutions of this Conference or by the reservations made by other Member States,
b) to take any action to safeguard its interests should any Member state fail to comply with
the Articles and Annexes and Protocols attached thereto; or should reservations made by
other Member States appear to be detrimental to the operation of its
radiocommunication services, and
c) to take any measures it deems necessary in case that any harmful interference is
received by radiocommunication stations transmitting from Turkey and that in
implementing its digital broadcasting networks, it shall not offer any protection to
Turkey’s assignments in the framework of RRC-06, due to the fact that during the
RRC-06 proceedings, Turkey refused to engage in any technical coordination with the
Republic of Cyprus.
Original: English
The Government of the Republic of Zambia, as a sovereign State, reserves the right to take any
steps necessary to protect its broadcasting service and indeed any other services if any Contracting
Member State to the Agreement, contravenes any term or condition of the Agreement either in
whole or in part.
- 35 -
Original: English
For the Kingdom of Lesotho:
The delegation of the Kingdom of Lesotho reserves the right of its Government to take any steps
necessary to protect its broadcasting service and indeed any other services if any Contracting
Member State to the Agreement, contravenes any terms or provision of the Agreement either in
whole or in part.
Original: English
For the Republic of Yemen:
In signing the Final Acts of RRC-06 (GE06), the Republic of Yemen delegation reserves for its
Government the right to take such measures and actions as it might deem necessary to safeguard its
interests should any Member State or States of the ITU fail in any way to respect or comply with
the conditions and provisions specified in the Final Acts, or should reservations by other countries
jeopardize broadcasting services and primary services in the Republic of Yemen.
Original: English
For the Republic of Uganda:
The Government of the Republic of Uganda, as a sovereign State and aware of the importance of
the GE06 Agreement in whole, reserves its right by all means, to protect its broadcasting services in
the frequency bands 174-230 MHz and 470-862 MHz if any Contracting Member to the Agreement
contravenes any provisions of the Agreement either in part or in whole. The Government further
observes that use of these bands by other terrestrial services by any administration can only be
tolerated on a non-interference basis to the broadcasting services as provided in the Plan.
Original: English
For the Republic of Namibia:
The Government of the Republic of Namibia, as a sovereign State, reserves the right to take any
action it deems necessary to safeguard its interest in the event of Members failing in any way to
comply with the provisions of the Agreement (GE06) of the Regional Radiocommunication
Conference (RRC-06) for dealing with frequency allocations in certain parts of the spectrum or
should reservations by other countries jeopardize its broadcasting or telecommunication services.
- 36 -
Original: English
For the Republic of Mozambique:
The Government of the Republic of Mozambique, as a sovereign State, reserves the right to take
any steps necessary to protect its broadcasting services and indeed any other services if any
Contracting Member State to the Agreement, contravenes any term or condition of the Agreement
either in whole or in part.
Original: French
For the Gabonese Republic:
In signing the Final Acts of the Regional Radiocommunication Conference charged for the planning
of terrestrial broadcasting frequencies in the Bands III (174-230 MHz), IV and V (470-862 MHz) in
Region 1 and part of Region 3, held in Geneva (Switzerland) from 15 May to 16 June 2006, the
delegation of the Gabonese Republic reserves for its Government the right:
1 to take any necessary measures to safeguard its interests should any Member States fail,
in any way, to respect the provisions of the Agreement adopted by this Regional
Radiocommunication Conference or of the Radio Regulations of the International
Telecommunication Union, or should reservations entered by other Member States
during this Conference be such as to jeopardize the proper functioning of its
telecommunication services;
2 to accept or not any financial consequences that might arise from such reservations;
3 to enter any additional reservations it may deem necessary until such time as the
instruments of ratification are deposited.
Original: English
For the United Arab Emirates:
1 The United Arab Emirates position from the digital broadcasting planning related to the
The Administration of the United Arab Emirates reserves its Government’s right to take such steps
as it may deem necessary to protect its national interests should Abu Musa Island be shown or
claimed to be territory other than ours, and rejects any assignments entered by other than our
Administration on this Island or any part of the United Arab Emirates territory as shown in the Final
Acts, its Annexes or Protocols.
- 37 -
2 The United Arab Emirates position from the digital broadcasting planning related to the
The Administration of the United Arab Emirates reserve its Government’s right to take any steps it
may consider necessary to safeguard the interests of the television broadcasting and other
telecommunication services, should any Member fail to comply with the relevant provisions of this
Agreement or through reservations or other measures that jeopardize the satisfactory operation of
the television and telecommunication services of the United Arab Emirates.
Original: English
For Turkey:
Resolves 2.1.1 b) of Resolution 1224 indicates that the Regional Radiocommunication Conference
will facilitate the establishment of a new digital terrestrial broadcasting Plan and ultimately
preparation of a new regional Agreement on digital broadcasting with due regard to the protection
of the existing assignments. There is no doubt that for the success of the planning process, which
will have an impact on future generations, in our work we should be guided by technical and
humanitarian considerations rather than political ones.
The delegation of the Republic of Turkey would like to underline that the frequency requirements
submitted by the Greek Cypriot side have been determined in a manner overlooking the frequency
requirements of Northern Cyprus by ignoring the present situation on the island – namely the
geopolitical reality of bi-zonality.
It is regrettable that efforts made with a view to having the two sides on the Island, discuss and
reach an understanding on their frequency requirements, as they had successfully done during the
process of the preparation of the Annan Plan, have failed due to the intransigence of the Greek
Cypriot side.
Since it was not possible to coordinate and achieve an arrangement which would respect equitable
access to the radio-frequency resources, the frequency requirements submitted by the Greek Cypriot
Administration are tantamount to depriving the Turkish Cypriot people of their fundamental rights
of communication and access to information.
Turkey does not consider that the Greek Cypriot representatives have the right to submit frequency
requirements for the island of Cyprus as a whole. The Republic of Cyprus which the Greek Cypriot
representatives purport to represent, is not the original partnership State established in 1960.
Turkey, therefore, will continue to regard the Greek Cypriot authorities as exercising authority,
control and jurisdiction only in the territory south of the UN-controlled buffer zone, as is currently
the case, and as not representing the Turkish Cypriot people and will treat the acts performed by
them accordingly.
Finally, we wish to put on record that from the standpoint of Turkey, the signature, ratification and
implementation of the Regional Agreement will neither amount to any form of recognition by
Turkey of the “Republic of Cyprus” referred to in the text of the Agreement, nor prejudice Turkey’s
rights and obligations emanating from the 1960 international treaties on Cyprus.
We would like this declaration to be put on record ad verbatim and be reflected in pertinent
Conference documents.
- 38 -
Original: English
The Government of Zimbabwe commits itself to observe the provisions of this Agreement and
reserves its sovereign right to take any measures it deems necessary to protect the development of
Zimbabwe’s broadcasting systems and services within its territory.
Original: Arabic
In signing the Final Acts of the Second Session of the Regional Radiocommunication Conference
for the planning of the digital terrestrial broadcasting service in the frequency bands 174-230 MHz
and 470-862 MHz (RRC-06), the delegation of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia declares, on behalf of
its Government, that it reserves its full right to take any action it deems necessary to safeguard its
interests should any Member State of the International Telecommunication Union fail to comply
with the provisions of the Final Acts of the Conference and associated Agreement and Plans thereto,
or should the reservations and declarations made now or in the future by other Members jeopardize
the satisfactory operation of the broadcasting service and telecommunication services in the
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
Original: English
Original: English
For Georgia:
In signing the final acts of the Regional Radiocommunication Conference (Geneva, 2006)
(RRC-06), the Administration of Georgia would like to contribute comments regarding this
Agreement. Namely to the issue regarding consideration of Georgian analogue TV broadcasting
stations during the transition period.
The Administration of Georgia has successfully carried out coordination of frequency assignments
to analogue TV broadcasting stations of Georgia with Member Administrations of RRC and a total
amount of 418 TV notices have been included in the RCC List of analogue TV assignments in the
extended planning area of RRC-06.
Unfortunately coordination of some TV stations were not completed and accordingly these stations
were not entered in Reference situation for analogue TV stations and demand protection in the
transition period.
In view of the above mentioned, the Administration of Georgia doesn’t agree with the reference
situation for analogue TV broadcasting stations and will reserve the right to protect its existing
assignments of TV broadcasting stations.
Original: English
For the Republic of Angola:
The Government of the Republic of Angola, as a sovereign State, reserves the right to take any
steps necessary to protect its broadcasting services and indeed any other services if any Contracting
Member State to the Agreement, contravenes any term or condition of the Agreement either in
whole or in part.
Original: English
For the Republic of Kenya:
In signing the Final Acts, the delegation of the Republic of Kenya to the Regional
Radiocommunication Conference for the planning of the digital terrestrial broadcasting service in
the frequency bands 174-230 MHz and 470-862 MHz in Region 1 and parts of Region 3 (RRC-06)
reserves the right of the Government of the Republic of Kenya to take any action it deems necessary
to safeguard its interests in the event of any Member country failing, in any way, to comply with the
provisions, Resolutions or Recommendations contained in the Final Acts of this Conference or in
the event of any reservations made by other countries jeopardizing the implementation or operation
of radiocommunication services in Kenya.
The delegation of the Republic of Kenya further reserves the right of its Government to adhere to
all or some of the provisions contained in the Final Acts and any Annexes thereto of the Regional
Radiocommunication Conference for the planning of the digital terrestrial broadcasting service in
Region 1 and parts of Region 3 (RRC-06).
- 40 -
Original: English
For Ghana:
In signing the Final Agreement of the Second Session of the Regional Radiocommunication
Conference (RRC Geneva-06), held in Geneva, Switzerland from 15 May to 16 June 2006, the
delegation of Ghana declares that:
1 The Government of Ghana reserves the right to take any such action it may consider
necessary to safeguard its interests, should any Member of the Union fail to comply
with any of the provisions of the Constitution and the Convention of the International
Telecommunication Union, the Radio Regulations of the ITU and the Final Agreement
of RRC Geneva-06.
2 The Government of Ghana further reserves the right to express reservations on any
provisions of the Final Agreement deemed to be incompatible with the Constitution,
Laws, International Agreements and Regulations of the country.
Original: English
In signing this Regional Agreement (Geneva, 2006), the delegation of the Islamic Republic of Iran
reserves for its Government the right:
a) should any Member fail in any way to comply with the provisions of this
Agreement or its Annexes or the Protocol attached thereto;
3 not to accept arbitration as a means of settling disputes with respect to all cases related
to this Agreement or its Annexes or the Protocol attached thereto;
4 to reject any dispute that has been or may be raised at any time by any Member of the
Agreement concerning the territorial integrity and national sovereignty of the Islamic
Republic of Iran over its national territory as a whole.
- 41 -
Original: English
For the State of Qatar:
The delegation of the State of Qatar to the Regional Radiocommunication Conference (RRC-06) for
the planning of the digital terrestrial broadcasting service in Region 1 (parts of Region 1 situated to
the west of meridian 170° E and to the north of parallel 40° S, except the territory of Mongolia) and
in the Islamic Republic of Iran, in the frequency bands 174-230 MHz and 470-862 MHz reserves
the right of the Government of the State of Qatar to take any action it deems to be necessary to
safeguard its interests in the event of any Member country failing, in any way, to comply with the
Provisions, Resolutions or Recommendations contained in the Final Acts of this Conference or in
the event of any reservations made by other countries jeopardizing the implementation or operation
of the provisions contained therein.
Original: English
For the Sultanate of Oman:
In signing the Final Acts, the delegation of the Sultanate of Oman to the Regional
Radiocommunication Conference (RRC-06) for the planning of digital terrestrial broadcasting
service in Region 1 (parts of Region 1 situated to the west of meridian 170° E and to the north of
parallel 40° S, except Mongolia) and in the Islamic Republic of Iran, in the frequency bands
174-230 MHz and 470-862 MHz reserves the right of the Government of the Sultanate of Oman to
take any action it deems necessary to safeguard its interests in the event of any Member country
failing, in any way, to comply with the provisions, Resolutions or Recommendations contained in
the Final Acts of this Conference or in the event of any reservations made by other countries
jeopardizing the implementation or operation of the provisions contained therein.
The delegation of the Sultanate of Oman further reserves the right of its Government to adhere to all
or some of the provisions contained in the Final Acts and any Annexes thereto of the Regional
Administrative Conference for the planning of the frequency bands 174-230 MHz and
470-862 MHz.
Original: English
For the State of Kuwait:
The delegation of the Administration of the State of Kuwait to the Regional Radiocommunication
Conference (RRC-06) for the planning of the digital terrestrial broadcasting service, reserves the
State of Kuwait’s right to take any action it may deem necessary to safeguard the interests of the
terrestrial broadcasting services and other telecommunication services in the State of Kuwait,
should any Member fail to comply with the relevant provisions of this Final Act of the Plan or
through reservations made or other measures that jeopardize the satisfactory operation of the
television and telecommunication services of the State of Kuwait.
- 42 -
Original: English
The Government of the United Republic of Tanzania, as a sovereign State and being aware of the
importance of the GE06 Agreement in whole, reserves its right by all means, and herewith declares
to protect its broadcasting services in the frequency bands 174-230 MHz and 470-862 MHz. If any
Contracting Member to the Agreement contravenes any provisions of the Agreement either in part
or in whole, necessary steps shall be taken in accordance with the Plan.
Further it reserves that use of these bands by other terrestrial services by any Administration can
only be tolerated on a non-interference basis to the broadcasting services as provided in the Plan.
Original: Russian
The Delegation of the Republic of Moldova reserves for its Government the right to take any
measures it may consider necessary to safeguard its interests should any Member of the Union fail
to comply with the provisions of the Final Acts of the Regional Radiocommunication Conference
(RRC-06), or should reservations made upon signing the Final Acts, or other measures taken by any
Member of the Union, jeopardize the normal operation of the Republic of Moldova’s
telecommunication services.
Original: Russian
For the Republic of Armenia, the Azerbaijani Republic, the Republic of Belarus, the Russian
Federation, Georgia, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Kyrgyz Republic,
the Republic of Tajikistan and Ukraine:
The delegations of the above-mentioned countries reserve for their respective Governments the
right to take any action they may consider necessary to protect their interests should any Member of
the Union fail to comply with the provisions of the Final Acts of this Conference or the bilateral and
multilateral coordination agreements on the use of frequencies, signed during the preparation and
proceedings of RRC-06, or should reservations made upon signing the Final Acts, or other measures
taken by any Member of the Union, jeopardize the normal operation of those countries’
telecommunication services.
- 43 -
Original: Arabic
For the Syrian Arab Republic:
In signing the Final Acts of this Regional Radiocommunication Conference (RRC-06), the
delegation of the Syrian Arab Republic reserves for its country and its Government the following
rights at the time of its ratification of these Acts:
1 to confirm all written and oral statements made by this delegation, individually or
jointly with other Arab Delegations participating in the Conference, and its right to
make additional reservations;
2 to take any measures it deems necessary to safeguard its interests, and particularly its
sovereign right to protect its wireless stations within its territories from harmful
3 to refuse to register any assignment allocated by this Conference to any non-Syrian
broadcasting station in occupied territories of the Syrian Arab Republic, and in
particular the station that has the following geographic coordinates:
35E 39' 00"
32N 48' 21"
4 the signing of these Final Acts shall be effective only in respect of Member States of the
Union recognized by the Syrian Arab Republic.
Original: English
For the Federal Republic of Nigeria:
In signing the Final Acts of the Regional Radiocommunication Conference (RRC-06) held in
Geneva from 15 May to 16 June 2006, the delegation, on behalf of the Administration of the
Federal Republic of Nigeria, declares as follows:
a) that, it acknowledges the need for the development of radiocommunications worldwide
as a means of enhancing sustainable development in the interest of humanity and the
b) that, however, the Administration of the Federal Republic of Nigeria reserves the right
to take any action it considers necessary to safeguard its interest and in particular to
protect its existing and planned broadcasting service, telecommunications systems and
services, should a Member of the Union not comply with the provisions of these Acts in
such a way that affects the proper functioning of the broadcasting stations,
telecommunication network systems and services;
c) further, the Administration of the Federal Republic of Nigeria reserves the right to make
additional declarations and reservations at the time of its notification to the ITU of its
ratification of these Final Acts.
- 44 -
Original: Arabic
For the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia:
The delegation of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to the Regional Radiocommunication Conference
for planning of the terrestrial digital broadcasting service in the frequency bands 174-230 MHz and
470-862 MHz (RRC-06) declare that the only authorized definitions of the geographical Zones C
and D are as follows:
Zone C: is the maritime zone of the Arabian Gulf within the area extending from Shatt-Al-Arab
up to and including the Gulf of Oman.
Zone D: is the coastal land area of the Arabian Gulf surrounding Zone C defined above.
Original: English
For the People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the Kingdom of
Bahrain, the United Arab Emirates, the Islamic Republic of Iran, the State of Kuwait, Lebanon, the
State of Qatar, the Syrian Arab Republic and the Republic of the Sudan:
The delegations of the above-mentioned countries to the Regional Radio Conference (Geneva,
2006) (RRC-06), declare that the signature and possible approval by their respective Governments
of the Final Acts resulting from this Conference, shall not be valid for the ITU Member under the
name of “Israel”, and in no way whatsoever imply its recognition by these Governments.
Original: English
For the Republic of South Africa:
The delegation of the Republic of South Africa, in signing the Final Acts of RRC-06, reserves its
Government’s right to take any such action as it may consider necessary:
1 to safeguard its interests should any Member of the Union, in any way, fail to comply
with the provisions of the Constitution and Convention of the International
Telecommunication Union, the Radio Regulations of the ITU and the Final Acts of the
Regional Radiocommunication Conference (Geneva, 2006);
2 should any reservation by a Member of the Union, directly or indirectly, affect the
operation of its broadcasting and/or other services;
3 to protect its broadcasting service and/or any other services, if any Contracting Member
State to the Agreement contravenes any term or condition of the Agreement either in
whole or in part;
4 to make any such additional declarations and reservations as may be necessary up to,
and including, the time of ratification of the Final Acts of the Regional
Radiocommunication Conference (Geneva, 2006).
- 45 -
Original: English
For the Republic of Lithuania:
At the time of signing of the Final Acts of the Regional Radiocommunication Conference for the
planning of the digital terrestrial broadcasting service in parts of Regions 1 and 3, in the frequency
bands 174-230 MHz and 470-862 MHz (Geneva, 2006), the delegation of the Republic of Lithuania
formally reserves its position regarding Article 12, § 12.3 in the Final Acts. As long as analogue
assignments in neighbouring countries are used on television channels assigned in the digital Plan to
the Republic of Lithuania thus preventing the implementation of digital assignments and allotments
on these channels, the Republic of Lithuania is forced to use digital assignments, coordinated with
those neighbouring countries under the conditions set by the Stockholm Agreement 1961 and
registered in the updated Plan associated with that Agreement.
Original: French
For the Kingdom of Morocco:
Declaration 1:
In signing the Final Acts of the 2006 Regional Radiocommunication Conference for the planning of
digital broadcasting, the delegation of the Kingdom of Morocco reserves for its Government the
right to take any measure deemed necessary to safeguard its interests should any Member of the
Union fail, in any way, to respect the provisions of this Agreement and the associated Plans.
Declaration 2:
The towns of Sebta (Ceuta) and Melillia (Melilla), together with their areas, are an integral part of
the territory of the Kingdom of Morocco. Consequently, the Moroccan Administration enters
reservations with respect to the entry of broadcasting assignments in the aforementioned territories
on behalf of Spain in the Plans of the 2006 Regional Radiocommunication Conference. The
signature of the Final Acts of this Conference in no way implies recognition of Spanish sovereignty
over those territories.
Original: French
For the Republic of Cameroon:
In signing the Final Acts of the Regional Radiocommunication Conference (RRC-06) for the
planning of the digital terrestrial broadcasting service in parts of Regions 1 and 3, in the frequency
bands 174-230 MHz and 470-862 MHz (Geneva, 2006), the Cameroonian delegation, following the
policy of its Government, which is to contribute fully to the development of the information society
and of international cooperation, in a spirit of peace and mutual respect, undertakes to fulfil its
commitments under these Final Acts.
- 46 -
It reserves for its Government the right to approve these Final Acts and to take any measures it may
deem necessary to safeguard national interests should any member fail in any way to respect the
provisions of the Agreement and the associated Plans contained in these Final Acts.
Original: English/Spanish/
For the People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria, the Federal Republic of Germany, the
Principality of Andorra, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Republic of Bulgaria,
Burkina Faso, the Republic of Burundi, the Republic of Cameroon, the Republic of Cape Verde, the
Republic of Cyprus, the Vatican City State, the Republic of Côte d’Ivoire, the Republic of Croatia,
Denmark, Spain, the Republic of Estonia, Finland, France, the Gabonese Republic, Greece, the
Republic of Hungary, Ireland, Italy, the Republic of Latvia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of
Macedonia, the Principality of Liechtenstein, the Republic of Lithuania, Luxembourg, the Republic
of Mali, Malta, the Kingdom of Morocco, the Principality of Monaco, Norway, the Kingdom of the
Netherlands, the Republic of Poland, Portugal, the Slovak Republic, the Czech Republic, Romania,
the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the Republic of San Marino, the
Republic of Senegal, Serbia, the Republic of Slovenia, Sweden, the Confederation of Switzerland,
the Republic of Chad, the Togolese Republic, Tunisia, Turkey and Ukraine:
At the time of signing the Final Acts of the Regional Radiocommunication Conference for planning
of the digital terrestrial broadcasting service in parts of Regions 1 and 3, in the frequency bands
174-230 MHz and 470-862 MHz (Geneva, 2006), the delegations of the above-mentioned countries
formally declare that their Administrations may use their digital Plan entries for broadcasting or
other terrestrial applications with characteristics that may be different from those appearing in the
Plan within the envelope of their digital Plan entries under the provisions of the GE06 Agreement
and the Radio Regulations, and that their administrations agree that any such use will be afforded
protection to the levels defined by the interfering field strengths as arising from their digital Plan
entries, taking into account any relevant bilateral agreements.
Original: English
For the State of Israel:
1 The Government of the State of Israel hereby declares its right to take any action it
deems necessary, subject to the Constitution and the Convention of the ITU, as amended from time
to time, in order to protect its interests and to safeguard the operation of its telecommunication
services, should they be adversely affected by a Member State of the ITU failing to comply with the
Constitution and Convention, the Radio Regulations or the Final Acts of RRC-06 or should they be
adversely affected as a result of a declaration or reservation to the Final Acts made by another
Member State.
- 47 -
2 The Government of the State of Israel refers to the footnote to the title of the Agreement
as found in the Final Acts (notably: “The provisions of this Agreement shall apply mutatis
mutandis, to Palestine as referred to in Resolution 99 (Minneapolis, 1998) subject to Palestine
notifying the ITU Secretary-General that it accepts the rights and commits to observe the
obligations arising therefrom.”) and states its position in respect thereof as follows:
3 With reference to the notification of stations in the Golan Heights by the Syrian
Administration and the inclusion of such stations in the Plan as found in the Final Acts: Israel notes
that this area is not administered by Syria, nor are the said stations administered or operated by
Syria. Therefore, the notification and registration of the said stations contravene Resolution 1
(Rev.WRC-97) and the RRB Rule of Procedure relating thereto entitled “Rules concerning
Resolution 1 (Rev.WRC-97) - Notification of frequency assignments” in respect of “Terrestrial
services” therein, and such registrations are devoid of legal validity. The State of Israel will proceed
on the assumption that the registrations have no bearing whatsoever with respect to the rights and
duties of any Member State of the ITU and reserves its right to take any action it deems necessary
to protect its interests and to safeguard the operation of its telecommunication services.
4 The Government of the State of Israel notes that: The great majority of stations situated
in the West Bank and operated by the Palestinian observer, which the Palestinian observer
submitted to RRC-06 for inclusion in the Plan, have been registered therein. On the other hand, only
2 stations operated by Israel in the West Bank, which Israel submitted to RRC-06 for inclusion in
the Plan, have been registered therein. Israel protests this disparity, which is likewise inconsistent
with Resolution 1 (Rev.WRC-97) and the RRB Rule of Procedure relating thereto, and refers in this
context to § 2a) above.
Israel notes and protests the fact that the above-mentioned stations registered by the Palestinian
observer were registered according to administration code PSE, while the above-mentioned stations
registered by Israel were registered according to administration code XYZ and not code ISR. In the
light of the use of code XYZ, and given the applicability of Resolution 1 (Rev.WRC-97) and the
RRB Rule of Procedure relating thereto in this situation, Israel reserves its right to relate to the
former stations according to a code other than PSE.
5 The Government of the State of Israel reserves the right to amend the foregoing
reservations and declarations and to make any further reservations and declarations it may consider
necessary up to the time of depositing its instrument of ratification of the Final Acts of RRC-06.
- 48 -
Original: English/Spanish/
For the Federal Republic of Germany, the Principality of Andorra, Austria, Belgium, the Republic
of Bulgaria, the Republic of Cyprus, the Vatican City State, the Republic of Croatia, Denmark,
Spain, the Republic of Estonia, Finland, France, Greece, the Republic of Hungary, Ireland, Italy,
the Republic of Latvia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, the Principality of
Liechtenstein, the Republic of Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Republic of Moldova, the
Principality of Monaco, Norway, the Kingdom of the Netherlands, the Republic of Poland,
Portugal, the Slovak Republic, the Czech Republic, Romania, the United Kingdom of Great Britain
and Northern Ireland, Serbia, the Republic of Slovenia, Sweden, the Confederation of Switzerland
and Turkey:
At the time of signing the Final Acts of the Regional Radiocommunication Conference for planning
of the digital terrestrial broadcasting service in parts of Regions 1 and 3, in the frequency bands
174-230 MHz and 470-862 MHz (Geneva, 2006), the delegations of the above-mentioned countries
formally declare that they maintain the declarations and reservations made by their countries when
signing the Final Acts of previous treaty-making conferences of the Union as if they were made in
full at this Regional Radiocommunication Conference.
Original: English
For Italy:
The Italian delegation, in signing the Final Acts of the Regional Radiocommunication Conference
(Geneva, 2006), reserves for its Government the right to provide further declarations or
reservations, at any time it considers proper between the date of the signature and the date of
depositing instrument of ratification or approval, that may be required or to take any action
consistent with its national and international law that it may consider or deem necessary or useful to
protect and safeguard its sovereign and inalienable rights and legitimate interests, should any
Member of the International Telecommunication Union fail in any way to comply with or apply this
Agreement, or should the acts of other entities or third parties affect its national sovereignty or the
proper operation of its electronic communication services, or should possible reservations made by
other countries jeopardize the efficient operation of its electronic communication services.
The Italian delegation considers also necessary to inform the other Contracting Administrations that
in Italy, because of the geographical particularities of the country, it has been necessary to set up
broadcasting networks which consist of a high number of stations to cover the entire territory with
intense use of the spectrum and changes in the characteristics of broadcasting stations already in use
would be a matter of serious technical difficulty.
- 49 -
Original: English
For the Azerbaijani Republic:
The Communications Administration of the Republic of Azerbaijan does not agree with the
reference situation and reserves the right to protect its existing assignments of TV broadcasting and
other primary services (which have been registered in the MIFR) and to resolve outstanding issues
on the basis of bilateral and multilateral agreements and protocols.
- 50 -
Original: Spanish
For Spain:
With respect to Declaration 40-2 entered by the Kingdom of Morocco, which makes reference to
the Autonomous Cities of Ceuta and Melilla, the Spanish Government affirms that they are an
integral part of the territory of the Kingdom of Spain, which exercises its full and complete
sovereignty over those territories. Accordingly, the Kingdom of Spain, in the exercise of its
legitimate rights, reiterates that broadcasting assignments in the territories of Ceuta and Melilla
must continue to be entered on behalf of Spain in the Plans of the 2006 Regional
Radiocommunication Conference.
Original: English
For the Arab Republic of Egypt:
The Egyptian delegation refuses the incorrect declaration mentioned in Document 174(Rev.1) dated
15 June 2006 by the Sudan delegation.
Furthermore, the Egyptian delegation would like to emphasis the following facts:
1 The triangle of Halayeb is a part of the Egyptian territory and is always under the
sovereignty of Egypt and it has never been other than that.
2 The Egyptian delegation reserves their rights towards their assigned channels in the
triangle of Halayeb, knowing that the (IDWM) has been approved as it exists now since
May 2005.
3 Bearing in mind that Egypt has analogue assignments recorded in the Plan GE89 inside
the triangle of Halayeb (Halayeb site and Marsa Shaab site).
4 Since 1989 and until now, Egypt has TV transmitters operating on air in Halayeb site.
5 There are declarations between Egypt and Sudan (All to All) for the four iterations of
the Conference RRC-06 in the period 15 May 2006 to 16 June 2006.
Furthermore after reviewing other declarations contained in Document 174(Rev.1), the Egyptian
Administration reserves the right to take any steps necessary to protect its broadcasting service and
indeed any other services if any Contracting Member State to the Agreement, contravenes any term
or condition of the Agreement either in whole or in part.
The Egyptian delegation insists that this additional declaration appears in the Final Acts of RRC-06.
- 51 -
Original: English
For Turkey:
In reviewing the declarations contained in Document 174(Rev.1):
1 The delegation of the Republic of Turkey declares its right to make further declarations
or reservations at the time of the deposit of its instruments of ratification of the Final
Acts of RRC-06.
2 Furthermore, the delegation of the Republic of Turkey reserves the right for its
Government under the Constitution and Convention of ITU, to take any action it deems
necessary, to protect its interests and to safeguard the operation of its
telecommunication services, should a member of the ITU fail to respect or comply with
the Constitution and Convention of the ITU, the Radio Regulations or the Final Acts of
RRC-06 or should a declaration or reservation to the Final Acts of RRC-06 or any
action of another Member jeopardize the smooth operation of the telecommunication
services in Turkey.
Original: French
For the Republic of Senegal:
Taking note of the declarations contained in Document 174(Rev.1), the delegation of the Republic
of Senegal, in signing the Final Acts of the Regional Radiocommunication Conference for the
planning of the digital terrestrial broadcasting service in parts of Regions 1 and 3, in the frequency
bands 174-230 MHz and 470-862 MHz (Geneva, 2006), declares that it reserves for its Government
the right to approve them in accordance with the domestic laws in force, and to take all necessary
measures to safeguard its national interests should any country fail or refuse to comply with them.
Not Used
- 52 -
Original: French
The delegation of the Republic of Côte d’Ivoire further declares that it reserves for its Government
the right:
– to take any measures necessary to safeguard its national interests should any State that is
party to the Agreement or merely a signatory neglect or fail to respect the provisions of
these Final Acts or to comply with them, or should reservations entered by any other
country jeopardize the smooth operation of its telecommunication services.
Original: English
The delegation of the Islamic Republic of Iran to the Regional Radiocommunication Conference for
the planning of the digital terrestrial broadcasting service in Region 1 (parts of Region 1 situated to
the west of meridian 170º E and to the north of parallel 40º S, except the territory of Mongolia) and
in the Islamic Republic of Iran, in the frequency bands 174-230 MHz and 470-862 MHz
(Geneva, RRC-06), having noted the declaration made by the delegation of the Kingdom of the
Saudi Arabia as mentioned in No. 36, declares the following:
2 Accordingly, the maritime zone referred to as Zone C in § 2.2.2 of the Chapter 2 of the
Agreement, shall be termed as Persian Gulf and the land strip referred to as Zone D in
the same section, shall be termed as Persian Gulf Coast Line.
- 53 -
Original: English
For the Islamic Republic of Iran:
In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful.
At the time of signing the Final Acts of the Regional Radiocommunication Conference for the
planning of the digital terrestrial broadcasting service in Region 1 (parts of Region 1 situated to the
west of meridian 170º E and to the north of parallel 40º S, except the territory of Mongolia) and in
the Islamic Republic of Iran, in the frequency bands 174-230 MHz and 470-862 MHz
(RRC-06, Geneva), the delegation of the Islamic Republic of Iran having noted the declaration
made by some delegations as mentioned in No. 42, declares that the above-mentioned declaration is
in contradiction with the provision 5.1.7 of Article 5 of the Agreement and is not therefore
acceptable to this Administration. This Administration further declares that any bilateral or
multilateral agreement concluded between any administrations shall, in no way, have any impact,
whatsoever, on any other administration which is not party to that bilateral or multilateral
Original: English
For the Islamic Republic of Iran:
In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful.
The delegation of the Islamic Republic of Iran to the Regional Radiocommunication Conference for
the planning of the digital terrestrial broadcasting service in Region 1 (parts of Region 1 situated to
the west of meridian 170º E and to the north of parallel 40º S, except the territory of Mongolia) and
in the Islamic Republic of Iran, in the frequency bands 174-230 MHz and 470-862 MHz
(RRC-06, Geneva), having noted the declaration made by one delegation as mentioned in No. 18,
declares that Abu Musa Island in the Persian Gulf Region is an integral part of the territory of the
Islamic Republic of Iran. It is, therefore, the sovereign right of the Islamic Republic of Iran to
establish any telecommunication and broadcasting services, as deemed necessary, for its nationals
within the above-mentioned Island. No reservation in this regard is therefore acceptable.
Original: English
For the Republic of Slovenia:
Referring to the declarations and reservations presented in Document 174(Rev.1) the Slovenian
delegation declares the following statement:
The Slovenian delegation reserves for the Government of the Republic of Slovenia the right to take
any measures it deems appropriate to safeguard its interests in respect of the broadcasting service
and other radiocommunication services should a Contracting Member fail in its obligations
resulting from the provisions of the Geneva 2006 (RRC-06) Agreement and its Annexes, the Radio
Regulations or the Constitution and Convention of the International Telecommunication Union, or
should reservations or actions by a State jeopardize the satisfactory operation of the broadcasting
service and other telecommunication services in Slovenia.
- 54 -
Original: English
For the Republic of Estonia:
In response to declarations and reservations made at the signing of the Final Acts of the Regional
Radiocommunication Conference (Geneva, 2006), the delegation of the Republic of Estonia
reserves for the Government of the Republic of Estonia the right to take any action they may
consider necessary to protect their interests should any member of the Union fail to comply with the
provisions of the Final Acts of this Conference or the bilateral and multilateral coordination
agreements on the use of frequencies, signed during the preparation and proceedings of RRC-06, or
should reservations made upon signing the Final Acts, or other measures taken by any Member of
the Union, jeopardize the normal operation of those countries’ telecommunication services.
Original: French
For the Republic of Chad:
In examining Document 174(Rev.1) of the Regional Radiocommunication Conference (RRC-06)
for the planning of the digital terrestrial broadcasting service in parts of Regions 1 and 3, in the
frequency bands 174-230 MHz and 470-862 MHz (Geneva, 2006), the delegation of Chad,
following the policy of its Government, which is to contribute fully to the development of
information and communication technology, undertakes to fulfil its commitments under these Final
It reserves for its Government the right to take any measures it may deem appropriate to safeguard
its interests should any Members fail to respect the provisions of these Final Acts and the Annexes
thereto, or should the reservations entered by other countries cause harmful interference or
jeopardize the smooth operation of its telecommunication services, particularly its broadcasting
Original: English
For the Islamic Republic of Iran:
In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful.
At the time of signing the Final Acts of the Regional Radiocommunication Conference for the
planning of the digital terrestrial broadcasting service in Region 1 (parts of Region 1 situated to the
west of meridian 170° E and to the north of parallel 40° S, except the territory of Mongolia) and in
the Islamic Republic of Iran, in the frequency bands 174-230 MHz and 470-862 MHz (RRC-06,
Geneva), the delegation of the Islamic Republic of Iran having noted Declaration/Reservation 46,
declares that:
1 The RRC-06 conference established on the basis of the criteria as contained in § 1.7 of
the Report of the First Session, the “Reference situation” of assignments to analogue
television stations and assignments to other primary terrestrial services and approved
- 55 -
2 All four planning iterations carried out by the Conference were based on that approved
“Reference situation”.
Original: French
For Tunisia:
Taking note of the declarations contained in Document 174(Rev.1) of the GE06 Agreement, the
delegation of Tunisia, in signing the Final Acts of the Regional Radiocommunication Conference
for the planning of the digital terrestrial broadcasting service in parts of Regions 1 and 3, in the
frequency bands 174-230 MHz and 470-862 MHz (Geneva, 2006), declares:
1 that it reserves the right to enter additional declarations or reservations at the time of
depositing the instrument of ratification of this Agreement;
2 that it reserves fully for its Government the right to take all measures that it might deem
necessary to safeguard its interests:
– should the consequences of existing or future reservations by any other Member State
jeopardize the smooth operation of its radiocommunication and telecommunication
services, or threaten its sovereignty.
- 56 -
Original: English
The EU in which Cyprus is a Member States and Turkey aspires to become a member, calls on
Turkey to fulfill its obligations to all EU Member States under Turkey’s association agreement, and
take concrete steps for the normalization of bilateral relations between Turkey and all EU Member
States, including the Republic of Cyprus, as soon as possible.
It is therefore necessary for Turkey to start cooperating with the Republic of Cyprus in the frame of
the Constitution and Convention of the ITU.
Original: English
In making reference to Declaration 42, contained in Document 174(Rev.1), the delegation of the
Administration of the Republic of Iraq to the Regional Radiocommunication Conference (RRC-06)
for the planning of the digital terrestrial broadcasting service, reserves the Republic of Iraq’s right
to take any action it may deem necessary to safeguard the interests of the terrestrial broadcasting
services and other telecommunication services in the Republic of Iraq should any member fail to
comply with the relevant provisions of this Final Acts of the Plan or through reservations made or
other measures that jeopardize the satisfactory operation of the television and telecommunication
services of the Republic of Iraq.
- 57 -
Original: English
In reviewing the declarations and reservations made by Member States and contained in
Document 174(Rev.1), the delegation of Croatia on behalf of its Government declares the additional
declaration as follows:
The delegation of Croatia reserves for its Government the right to enter further declarations or
reservations upon depositing its instruments of ratification of this Agreement.
In signing the Final Acts of the Regional Radiocommunication Conference for the planning of the
digital terrestrial broadcasting service in parts of Regions 1 and 3, in the frequency bands
174-230 MHz and 470-862 MHz (Geneva, 2006), the Croatian delegation assumes that all
co-signatory delegations and their Governments will comply with this Agreement and
corresponding Plans, regardless of their national specific situations.
In signing the Final Acts of the Regional Radiocommunication Conference (RRC-06) the Croatian
delegation reserves for the Government of the Republic of Croatia the right to take any steps it may
consider necessary to safeguard the interests of its broadcasting and other electronic communication
services, should any Member fail to comply with the relevant provisions of this Agreement or
should reservations or measures by other countries jeopardize the satisfactory operation of the
electronic communication services of Croatia.
Original: English
1 Declaration 34, made by the Syrian Arab Republic and Declaration 37 made by certain
additional Member States in respect of the Final Acts, contravene the principles and purposes of
ITU and the work of RRC-06, and are therefore devoid of legal validity. Israel rejects the aforesaid
declarations, which politicize and undermine the work of ITU and will assume that they have no
bearing whatsoever with respect to the rights and duties of any Member State of ITU.
2 Should any of the Member States that have made the foregoing declarations violate
Israel’s right as a Member State of ITU, or breach such Member State’s obligations towards Israel
as such, Israel reserves the right to act toward such Member State in a reciprocal fashion and to take
any action it deems necessary to protect its interests and to safeguard the operation of its
telecommunication services.
3 Israel protests the relatively low number of digital TV stations it is assigned in the Plan
because of the refusal of the Syrian Arab Republic, Lebanon and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to
conduct technical coordination with it.
- 58 -
4 The State of Israel reiterates its unreserved right to protect its wireless stations and
telecommunication services from harmful interference.
5 Israel refers to Declaration 34 made by the Syrian Arab Republic: the station cited
(geographic coordinates: WGS84: 35E 39' 00", 32N 48' 21" is registered within the territory of the
State of Israel and Israel reiterates the Declaration, which it has made in respect of the Final Acts, in
respect of the said station.
Original: English
In reviewing Document 174(Rev.1) and in signing the Final Acts of the Regional
Radiocommunication Conference for the planning of the digital terrestrial broadcasting service in
the bands 174-230 MHz and 470-862 MHz (Geneva, 2006):
The Jordan delegation reserves for the Government of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan the right
to take any measures it deems appropriate to safeguard its interests in respect of the broadcasting
service and other primary services, in case a Contracting Member fails in its obligations resulting
from the provisions of this Agreement or a reservation or actions taken by a State jeopardize the
smooth operation of the aforementioned services in Jordan. Moreover, the delegation of Jordan
reserves for its Government the right to enter further declarations or reservations upon depositing its
instruments for ratification for this Agreement.
- 61 -
Frequency Plans
Note – The analogue television broadcasting plan is published in electronic format in the CD-ROM attached
to these Final Acts. The recapitulative list of the number of analogue television assignments, per
administration, is provided in Table 1-1.
- 66 -
Recapitulative list of number of analogue television assignments as they appear in the Frequency Assignment
Plan for Analogue Television Broadcasting in the frequency bands 174-230 MHz (for Morocco 170-230 MHz)
and 470-862 MHz in the transition period (see Article 12 of the Agreement)
Note by the Secretariat: This table reflects the partition of the analogue assignments of the former ITU Member
State “Serbia and Montenegro” to the two independent States, namely the Republic of Serbia as continuator of
“Serbia and Montenegro” and the Republic of Montenegro, using the geographical principles, as decided by
- 69 -
1.1 Digital terrestrial broadcasting systems..................................................... 72
1.1.1 Digital terrestrial television broadcasting (DTTB).................................... 72
1.1.2 Digital terrestrial sound broadcasting (DTSB).......................................... 72
1.2 Frequency management ............................................................................ 72
1.2.1 Frequency bands........................................................................................ 72
1.2.2 Coverage area ............................................................................................ 72
1.2.3 Service area ............................................................................................... 73
1.3 Network planning ...................................................................................... 73
1.3.1 Allotment planning.................................................................................... 73
1.3.2 Assignment planning ................................................................................. 73
1.3.3 Test points ................................................................................................. 73
1.3.4 Nuisance field strength .............................................................................. 73
1.3.5 Minimum usable field strength/minimum field strength to be protected .. 73
1.3.6 Usable field strength.................................................................................. 73
1.3.7 Reference field strength............................................................................. 74
1.3.8 Minimum power flux-density ϕmin (dB(W/m2)) ........................................ 74
1.3.9 Minimum median field strength Emed (dB(μV/m)).................................... 74
1.3.10 Coordination trigger field strength ............................................................ 74
1.3.11 Fixed reception .......................................................................................... 74
1.3.12 Portable reception...................................................................................... 75
1.3.13 Mobile reception........................................................................................ 75
1.3.14 Multifrequency network (MFN)................................................................ 75
1.3.15 Single frequency network (SFN)............................................................... 75
1.3.16 Reference planning configuration (RPC) .................................................. 75
1.3.17 Reference network (RN) ........................................................................... 76
1.3.18 Digital Plan entry....................................................................................... 76
Appendix 1.1 – Definitions given in the Radio Regulations (RR) (Edition of 2004)
and complemented by explanations in some relevant ITU-R
Recommendations.......................................................................................... 77
- 72 -
Band III
Frequency range: 174-230 MHz.
Band IV
Frequency range: 470-582 MHz.
Band V
Frequency range: 582-862 MHz.
The area within which the administration has the right to demand that the agreed protection
conditions be provided.
A test point is a geographically defined location at which specified calculations are carried out.
The nuisance field strength (En), expressed in dB(μV/m), is the field strength, for 50% of locations
and for a given percentage of the time, of an unwanted signal from any potential interfering source,
to which has been added the relevant protection ratio in decibels.
NOTE 1 – Where relevant, the appropriate value in decibels of receiving antenna directivity or polarization
discrimination must be taken into account.
NOTE 2 – Where there are several unwanted signals, a method for combination of individual nuisance field
strengths shall be applied, such as the power sum method or some other appropriate method for signal
summation, in order to obtain the resultant nuisance field strength.
Minimum value of the field strength necessary to permit a desired reception quality, under specified
receiving conditions, in the presence of natural and man-made noise, but in the absence of
interference from other transmitters.
NOTE 1 – The term “minimum usable field strength” corresponds to the term “minimum field strength to be
protected” which appears in many ITU texts and it also corresponds to the term “minimum median field
strength”, which appears in § 1.3.9 to this Chapter as Emed used for coverage by a single transmitter only.
Minimum value of the field strength necessary to permit a desired reception quality, under specified
receiving conditions, in the presence of natural and man-made noise and of interference, either in an
existing situation or as determined by agreements or frequency plans.
- 74 -
NOTE 1 – The term “usable field strength” corresponds to the term “necessary field strength” which appears
in many ITU texts.
NOTE 2 – The usable field strength is calculated by combining the individual nuisance field strengths (En)
and the combined location correction factor. One of the individual nuisance field-strength contributions is the
minimum median field strength (Emed), which represents the noise level.
– class A (outdoor), which means reception where a portable receiver with an attached or
built-in antenna is used outdoors at no less than 1.5 m above ground level;
– class B (ground floor, indoor), which means reception where a portable receiver with an
attached or built-in antenna is used indoors at no less than 1.5 m above floor level in
rooms with the following characteristics:
Portable indoor reception on the higher floors will be regarded as class B reception with signal level
corrections applied, although indoor ground floor reception is likely to be the most common case.
– optimal receiving conditions will be found by moving the antenna up to 0.5 m in any
– the portable receiver is not moved during reception and large objects near the receiver
are also not moved;
Mobile reception is defined as reception by a receiver in motion with an antenna situated at no less
than 1.5 m above ground level. This could for example be a car receiver or handheld equipment.
The dominant factor with regard to local reception effects is thought to be due to fading in a
Rayleigh channel. Fade margins are intended to offset these effects. Fade margins depend on the
frequency and the velocity.
A network of synchronized transmitting stations radiating identical signals in the same RF channel.
A representative combination of criteria and parameters to be used for frequency planning purposes.
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Propagation information
2.1 Overview
Recommendation ITU-R P.1546-2 forms the basis of a field-strength prediction method applicable
for the broadcasting, land mobile, maritime mobile and certain fixed services (e.g. those using
point-to-multipoint systems). The complete description of the prediction method is provided in
Appendix 2.1 to this Chapter. The method can be applied using either graphical or automated
(computer) procedures.
For the latter, tabulated values of the field-strength curves are provided in Appendix 2.2 to this
Chapter, along with detailed instructions for interpolation and extrapolation. Field-strength curves
associated with these tabulated values are provided in Appendix 2.3 to this Chapter.
Predictions can be made within the frequency range of the Plan for the following parameter ranges:
path distance of 1 to 1 000 km; percentage of time of 1 to 50%; and for various transmitting antenna
heights. The method draws a distinction between paths over land, cold seas and warm seas, makes
due allowance for location variability for land area-service predictions and takes account of local
clutter surrounding the receiving location. It also provides procedures for handling negative
effective transmitting antenna heights and mixed-path propagation (i.e. with combinations of land
and sea). The predictions are also used for calculating interference from mobile services where the
term “base station” is used.
The method can be used with or without a terrain height database, although increased prediction
accuracy would be expected when such data are available. However, terrain data were not used in
the planning process.
For bilateral or multilateral coordinations, more path-specific propagation prediction methods can
be used, for example using terrain height and/or ground cover data to achieve increased prediction
accuracy with the prediction method described in Appendix 2.1 to this Chapter, and by calculating
corrections for the terrain clearance angle.
For airborne stations of the aeronautical radionavigation service, free-space propagation should be
used if there is a line-of-sight path instead of the method in Appendix 2.1 to this Chapter; otherwise,
it is assumed that there is no signal. This is because, in general, the exact location of the aircraft is
not known.
The source Recommendation ITU-R P.1546-2 applies to antenna heights up to 3 000 m only. For
RRC-06 purposes, it is considered that terrestrial transmitter antenna heights greater than 3 000 m
are erroneous.
The tabulated values of field strength versus distance in Appendix 2.2 to this Chapter give the
predicted field-strength value as a function of frequency and effective antenna height, exceeded for
50% of locations for time percentages of 50%, 10% and 1%. The field-strength values are expressed
in decibels relative to 1 μV/m (dB(μV/m)) for an e.r.p. of 1 kW in the direction of the reception
- 81 -
Effective transmitting antenna height values should be provided by administrations. Terrain data
information could be used to provide a set of effective height values for cases where the relevant
administration is not able to supply such information and requests assistance in determining these
values. For calculation work in the ITU process, no terrain data is used.
The tabulated data are given for various types of areas and climates, namely, land, cold sea and
warm sea, and the method includes a procedure for extrapolating the data to areas subject to
extreme superrefractivity. Because of the very significant differences in propagation conditions for
land and sea paths, a coastline must be included in the propagation prediction calculations to permit
account to be taken of these differences in the calculation of interference levels.
Information on the type of propagation path, such as land, sea or mixed land-sea paths should be
derived from digital maps indicating the coastlines, such as the ITU digitized world map (IDWM)
available from BR. Information on cold sea/warm sea divisions and geographic data for other
propagation areas and path types is given in § 2.2.2 to this Chapter.
The following sections contain a general description of the main aspects of the methodology in
Appendix 2.1 to this Chapter and the use of the data in Appendices 2.2 and 2.3 to this Chapter.
The propagation curves represented in the figures in Appendix 2.3 to this Chapter (and the
corresponding tabulated values in Appendix 2.2 to this Chapter) establish the relationship between
the field strength and the path length. The curves give the values of the field strength exceeded at
50% of locations and each figure corresponds to time percentages of 50%, 10% and 1% for one of
the geographical zones defined below and shown on the map in Fig. 2.2-1.
The set of curves in each figure provide field-strength values for nominal values of the frequency,
effective transmitting/base antenna heights and distance. For other values,
interpolation/extrapolation formulas are provided in Appendix 2.1 to this Chapter.
All of the curves are given for field-strength values corresponding to a receiving/mobile antenna
height of 10 m over neighbouring ground in open area. For other values and other environments, a
correction factor is specified in Appendix 2.1 to this Chapter.
The propagation data used for the propagation prediction method are based on different geographic
regions and climates, namely land, cold sea, warm sea and geographic regions subject to extreme
Information on the type of propagation path, such as land, sea or mixed land-sea paths should be
derived from digital maps indicating the coastlines, such as the IDWM available from BR. The
definitions of the cold sea/warm sea divisions and geographic regions are shown below.
TABLE 2.2-1
Parameters used when deriving curves in Appendix 2.3 to this Chapter
During the planning and coordination processes, it is necessary to predict the level of interfering
field strength produced in the service area of a assignment/allotment by another
assignment/allotment. When calculating the level of interfering field strength, the time percentage
curves in Appendix 2.3 to this Chapter for the service area and propagation zone concerned should
be used. For interfering field strengths, the percentage of time the field strength is exceeded is
normally 1%. However, for specific cases (in particular for other services), other values may be
Ideally, the calculation should be made for points defining the service area of the
assignment/allotment to be protected. However, in some circumstances, this may not be possible or
necessary. The two following cases can be distinguished.
In some cases it may not be possible or necessary to define the service area in the manner described
in the preceding paragraph, e.g. a radionavigation land station where the interference would be
measured at the radar antenna. An example of this would be where the station to be protected is a
broadcasting station with a service area of very small radius. To define the service area and
calculate interference levels at many points would involve unnecessary computation. In this case,
the location of the transmitting station can be taken as representative of the service area to be
protected, and the prediction of interfering field strength can be made for that point.
The accuracy of the propagation prediction model can be improved by the application of a number
of correction factors. The requirement for these correction factors and when they are used is
explained below.
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For a negative effective transmitting antenna height, for a land or mixed land-sea path, a correction
factor must be applied which is a function of the terrain clearance angle (see § A. to this
When the ground cover at the receiver location is not known (for example, during the planning), a
receiving antenna at a height of 10 m in open or suburban areas is assumed. To correct the predicted
values for different receiving antenna heights above ground level, a correction factor is applied
using the method described in § A.2.1.9 to this Chapter.
If greater precision is required for coordination purposes (and the data are available) for predicting
the field strength for reception conditions in specific areas, a correction for terrain clearance angle is
applied over land paths, or on a land section of a mixed path (see Appendix 2.1 to this Chapter).
Within a small area of 100 m × 100 m to 200 m × 200 m, there will be a random variation of field
strength with location, which is due to local terrain irregularities and reflection from objects near
the receiving location. The statistics of this type of variation may be characterized by a log-normal
distribution of the field strengths. Recent measurements for digital signals have shown that for
outdoor paths the standard deviation will be about 5.5 dB, depending to some extent on the
environment surrounding the receiving location. Any values related to outdoor service in the
remainder of this Chapter will be based on a standard deviation of 5.5 dB. For indoor reception, the
standard deviation will be larger (see also Chapter 3 to Annex 2 of the Agreement, §
Different percentages of locations can be calculated using the relevant multipliers given in
Table A.2.1-2 of Appendix 2.1 to this Chapter. For example, the difference for 50% and 95% of
outdoor locations is taken to be 9 dB for cases where the standard deviation is 5.5 dB. This value
takes no account of the inherent inaccuracies of any propagation prediction method.
In the case that the wanted signal is composed of several signals from different transmitters, the
resulting standard deviation becomes variable, depending on the individual signal strengths. As a
consequence, the difference between wanted signals for 50% and 70% or 95% of locations becomes
variable. However, it always will be smaller than that of an individual signal.
2.3.1 Compatibility between the broadcasting service and other primary terrestrial
In the case of interference to or from the broadcasting service, the propagation prediction method
and the procedure described in Appendix 2.1 to this Chapter are to be used, taking into account the
relevant information on the interfering or affected stations in the other primary terrestrial services.
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2.3.2 Compatibility between the broadcasting service and airborne stations in the
aeronautical services
In the case of interference to or from airborne stations in the aeronautical mobile or aeronautical
radionavigation services:
– the free-space propagation prediction model should be used in cases where there is a
line-of-sight path between the transmitting and receiving antennas; and
– zero interference should be assumed in the case where there is no line-of-sight.
The free-space field strength relative to a half-wave dipole for 1 kW e.r.p. is given by:
E = 106.9 – 20 log d
E: free-space field strength (dB(μV/m))
d: distance (km) between transmitting and receiving antenna.
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A.2.1.1 Introduction
This Appendix describes separate stages of the calculation. A step-by-step description of the
procedure to be followed for the overall method is given in § A.2.1.15 to this Chapter.
hsup: 1 200 m if h1 > 1 200 m, otherwise the nearest nominal effective height
above h1
Einf: field-strength value for hinf at the required distance (dB(μV/m))
Esup: field-strength value for hsup at the required distance (dB(μV/m)).
The field strength resulting from extrapolation for h1 > 1 200 m shall be limited, if necessary, such
that it does not exceed the maximum defined in § A.2.1.2 to this Chapter.
This propagation prediction method shall not be used for h1 > 3 000 m.
E = E10 (d H (10)) + E10 (d ) − E10 (d H (h1 )) dB(μV/m) for d < dH (h1) (7a)
If, in equation (7b), dH (10) + d − dH (h1) exceeds 1 000 km, even though d ≤ 1 000 km, E shall be
found from linear extrapolation for log (distance) of the curve, given by:
E = Einf + (Esup − Einf) log (d / Dinf) / log (Dsup / Dinf) dB(μV/m) (7c)
Dinf: penultimate tabulation distance (km)
Dsup: final tabulation distance (km)
Einf: field strength at penultimate tabulation distance (dB(μV/m))
Esup: field strength at final tabulation distance (dB(μV/m)).
Note that this propagation prediction method is not to be used for distances greater than 1 000 km.
Equation (7c) shall be used only for extrapolating for h1 < 10 m.
- 90 -
E = E Dh + (ED20 − E Dh ) × log(d / Dh1) / log(D20 / Dh1) dB(μV/m) for Dh1 < d < D20 (9b)
1 1
terrain clearance angle correction method given in § A.2.1.10 to this Chapter to obtain a
correction, Ca, which is added to the field strength obtained for h1 = 0. It should be
noted that using this method can result in a discontinuity in field strength at the
transition around h1 = 0.
b) In cases where a terrain database is not available, the (positive) effective terrain
clearance angle, θeff, may be estimated assuming an obstruction of height h1, calculated
as in § A. to this Chapter, at a distance of 9 km from the transmitting/base
antenna. Note that this is used for all path lengths, even when less than 9 km. That is,
the irregular ground over the range 3 km to 15 km from the transmitting/base antenna, is
approximated by a regular slope whose height at 9 km is |h1|, as indicated in
Fig. A.2.1-1. The value of θeff shall be used instead of θtca in equation (23f) in the terrain
clearance angle-correction method given in § A.2.1.10 to this Chapter to obtain a
correction, Ca, which is added to the field strength obtained for h1 = 0. This correction is
only to be applied if it results in a reduction of the field strength.
The effect of tropospheric loss can be taken into account by a correction, Ct, given by:
Ct = max[Ca, Ctropo] (10a)
⎡ θe ⎤
Ctropo = 30 log ⎢ ⎥ (10b)
⎣ θe + θtca ⎦
θe = degrees (10c)
- 92 -
d: path length (km)
a: 6 370 km, radius of the Earth
k: 4/3, effective Earth radius factor for median refractivity conditions.
It is assumed that θtca has the value of 0.0 for an effective height of 0 m.
TABLE A.2.1-1
Em,t = ∑ i Εi,t (14)
i Τ
- 94 -
Em, t : field strength for mixed path for t% of the time (dB(μV/m))
Ei,t: field strength for path in zone i equal in length to the mixed path for t% of the
time (dB(μV/m))
d i : length of path in zone i (km)
dT : length of total path (km);
b) for all frequencies and all percentages of time and for those combinations of
propagation zone which involve only a single land propagation category and a single
sea or coastal land propagation category, the following procedure for calculating the
field strength shall be used:
Em, t : field strength for mixed path for t% of the time (dB(μV/m))
El , t : field strength for land path equal in length to the mixed path for t% of the time
Es , t : field strength for sea or coastal land path equal in length to the mixed path for
t% of the time (dB(μV/m))
A : interpolation factor as given in § A. to this Chapter;
c) for all frequencies and all percentages of time and for those combinations of three or
more propagation zones which involve at least one land/sea or land/coastal land
boundary, the following procedure for calculating the field strength shall be used:
nl ns
∑ di Eli,t ∑ d j Esj,t
j =1
Em,t = {1− A}⋅ i =1 + A⋅ (15b)*
dlT d sT
Em, t : field strength for mixed path for t% of the time (dB(μV/m))
Eli,t: field strength for land path i equal in length to the mixed path for t% of the
time, i = 1, ..., nl; nl is the number of land zones traversed (dB(μV/m))
Esj,t: field strength for sea or coastal land path j equal in length to the mixed path for
t% of the time, j = 1, ..., ns, where ns is the total number of sea and coastal land
zones traversed (dB(μV/m))
* Note that equation (15b) reduces to equation (15a) in the case of mixed propagation paths which involve
only a single land propagation category and a single sea or coastal land propagation category.
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dsT: length of total sea and coastal land path = ∑ d j (km)
j =1
d sT = ∑ d sn total length of sea and coastal land paths traversed (16a)
d lT = ∑ d lm total length of land paths traversed (16b)
Esn(dT): field-strength value dB(μV/m) for distance dT, assumed to be all of sea or
coastal-land zone type n
Elm(dT): field-strength value dB(μV/m) for distance dT, assumed to be all of land zone
type m.
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The fraction of path over the sea, Fs, used in Fig. A.2.1-2 is given by:
Fs = sT (18)
1 The interpolation factor is applied to all frequencies and to all time percentages. It must be noted that the
interpolation is only applied to:
– land-sea paths
– land-coastal land paths
– land-(sea and coastal land) paths
and not to:
– land-land paths
– or any combination of sea and/or coastal-land paths.
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⎡ Δ ⎤
V = max ⎢1.0,1.0 + (19)
⎣ 40.0 ⎥⎦
Ns l M
d d
Δ = ∑ Esn (dT ) sn − ∑ Elm (dT ) lm (20)
d sT m=1 d lT
Figure A.2.1-2 shows A0 (Fs), which is applicable for all time percentages.
hdif = R′ − h2 m (22d)
θclut = arctan (hdif / 27) degrees (22e)
K h2 = 3.2 + 6.2 log ( f ) (22f)
Where the receiving/mobile antenna is on land in a rural or open environment, the correction is
given by equation (22b) for all values of h2.
Where the site of the receiving/mobile antenna is on the sea, for h2 ≥ 10 m, the correction shall be
calculated using equation (22b), with R′ set to 10 m.
Where the site of the receiving/mobile antenna is on the sea, for h2 < 10 m, an alternative method
shall be used, based upon the path lengths at which 0.6 of the radius of the first Fresnel zone is clear
of obstruction by the sea surface. An approximate method for calculating this distance is given in
§ A.2.1.14 to this Chapter.
The distance d10 at which the path would have 0.6 Fresnel clearance for the required value of h1 and
for h2 = 10 m shall be calculated as D06( f, h1, 10) in § A.2.1.14 to this Chapter.
If the required distance is equal to or greater than d10, then again the correction for the required
value of h2 shall be calculated using equation (22b), with R′ set to 10 m.
If the required distance is less than d10, then the correction to be added to the field strength E shall
be calculated using:
C10: correction for the required value of h2 at distance d10 using equation (22b)
with R′ set to 10 m
d10: distance at which the path has 0.6 Fresnel clearance for h2 = 10 m calculated as
D06( f, h1, 10) as given in § A.2.1.14 to this Chapter
d h2 : distance at which the path has 0.6 Fresnel clearance for the required value of
h2 calculated as D06( f, h1, h2) as given in § A.2.1.14 to this Chapter.
This correction shall not be used for receiving/mobile antenna heights h2 less than 1 m when the
receiving site is on land or less than 3 m when on the sea.
For land paths, and when the receiving/mobile antenna is on a land section of a mixed path, if
greater precision is required for predicting the field strength for reception conditions in specific
areas, e.g. in a small reception area a correction may be made based on a terrain clearance angle.
The terrain clearance angle, θtca, is given by:
where θ is measured relative to the line from the receiving/mobile antenna which just clears all
terrain obstructions in the direction of the transmitter/base antenna over a distance of up to 16 km
but not going beyond the transmitting/base antenna. It is measured relative to the horizontal at the
receiving/mobile antenna, being positive if the clearance line is above the horizontal. This is shown
in Fig. A.2.1-3.
- 99 -
⎛ h −h ⎞
θr = arctan ⎜⎜ 1s 2 s ⎟⎟ degrees (23b)
⎝ 1 000d ⎠
where h1s and h2s are the height of the transmitting/base and receiving/mobile antennas above sea
level, respectively.
Where the relevant terrain clearance angle information is available, the correction to be added to the
field strength is calculated using:
Correction = J( ν′ ) – J(ν ) dB (23c)
where J(ν) is given by:
⎡ ⎤
J (ν) = ⎢6.9 + 20 log⎛⎜ ν − 0.1 + (ν − 0.1) 2 + 1 ⎞⎟⎥ (23d)
⎣ ⎝ ⎠⎦
ν′ = 0.036 f (23e)
The correction is valid for clearance angle, θtca, in the range +0.55° to +40°.
The correction for θtca < +0.55° is the same as for θtca = +0.55°.
The correction for θtca > +40° is the same as for θtca = +40°.
It should be noted that the land field-strength curves take account of losses due to typical shielding
of the receiving/mobile antenna by gently rolling terrain. Thus, the terrain clearance angle
corrections are zero at a small positive angle typical of receiving/mobile antenna positions.
Figure A.2.1-4 illustrates the terrain clearance angle correction for the nominal frequencies.
For receiving/mobile antenna locations on land, the field strength E which will be exceeded for q%
of locations is given by:
Qi (x): inverse complementary cumulative normal distribution as a function of
σL: standard deviation of the Gaussian distribution of the local mean in the study
- 101 -
Values of standard deviation for digital systems having a bandwidth less than 1 MHz and for
analogue systems are given as a function of frequency by:
K = 2.1 for mobile systems in urban locations
= 3.8 for mobile systems in suburban locations or amongst rolling hills
= 5.1 for analogue broadcasting systems
f: required frequency (MHz).
For digital systems having a bandwidth of 1 MHz or greater, a standard deviation of 5.5 dB shall be
used at all frequencies.
The percentage of locations q can vary between 1% and 99%. This propagation prediction method
shall not be used for percentage locations less than 1% or greater than 99%.
The location variability correction is not to be applied when the receiver/mobile location is on the
ξ( x) =
[(C 2 ⋅ T ( x ) + C1 ) ⋅ T ( x ) ] + C 0 (26d)
[( D3 ⋅ T ( x ) + D 2 ) ⋅ T ( x ) + D1 ] ⋅ T ( x ) + 1
C0 = 2.515517
C1 = 0.802853
C2 = 0.010328
D1 = 1.432788
D2 = 0.189269
D3 = 0.001308
- 102 -
TABLE A.2.1-2
Approximate inverse complementary cumulative
normal distribution values
The path length which achieves a clearance of 0.6 of the radius of the first Fresnel zone over a
smooth curved Earth, for a given frequency and antenna heights h1 and h2, is given approximately
D f ⋅ Dh
D06 (f, h1, h2) = km (28)
D f + Dh
Df: frequency-dependent term
= 0.0000389 f h 1 h 2 km (28a)
= 4.1( h1 + h 2 ) km (28b)
In the above equations, the value of h1 must be limited, if necessary, such that it is not less than
zero. Moreover, the resulting value of D06 must be limited, if necessary, such that it is not less than
0.001 km.
The step-by-step procedure given below is intended to be applied to values derived from the field
strength versus distance tables (see Appendix 2.2 to this Chapter). It may, however, also be applied
to values obtained from the curves, in which case the distance interpolation procedure of Step 8.1.5
is not needed.
Step 1: Determine the type of the propagation path as land, cold sea or warm sea. If the path is
mixed, then determine two path types which are regarded as first and second propagation types. If
the path can be represented by a single type, then this is regarded as the first propagation type and
the mixed-path method given in Step 11 is not required.
Step 2: For any given percentage of time (in the range 1% to 50%), determine two nominal time
percentages as follows:
– if the required percentage of the time is > 1% and < 10%, the lower and higher nominal
percentages are 1% and 10%, respectively;
– if the required percentage of the time > 10% and < 50%, the lower and higher nominal
percentages are 10% and 50%, respectively.
If the required percentage of time is equal to 1% or 10% or 50%, this value shall be regarded as the
lower nominal percentage time and the interpolation process of Step 10 is not required.
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Step 3: For any required frequency between 174 and 862 MHz, determine two nominal frequencies
as follows:
– where the required frequency < 600 MHz, the lower and higher nominal frequencies are
100 and 600 MHz, respectively;
– where the required frequency > 600 MHz, the lower and higher nominal frequencies are
600 and 2 000 MHz, respectively.
If the required frequency equals 100 or 600 MHz, this value shall be regarded as the lower nominal
frequency and the interpolation process of Step 9 is not required.
Step 4: Determine the lower and higher nominal distances from Table A.2.1-1 closest to the
required distance. If the required distance coincides with a value in Table A.2.1-1, this shall be
regarded as the lower nominal distance and the interpolation process of Step 8.1.5 is not required.
Step 8: Obtain the field strength exceeded at 50% locations for a receiving/mobile antenna at the
height above ground, R, representative of the surrounding terrain clutter, for the required distance
and transmitting/base antenna height, as follows:
Step 8.1: For a transmitting/base antenna height h1 equal to or greater than 10 m, follow
Steps 8.1.1 to 8.1.5:
Step 8.1.1: Determine the lower and higher nominal h1 values using the method given in
§ A. to this Chapter. If h1 coincides with one of the nominal values 10, 20, 37.5,
75, 150, 300, 600 or 1 200 m, this shall be regarded as the lower nominal value of h1
and the interpolation process of Step 8.1.6 is not required.
Step 8.1.2: For the lower nominal value of h1, follow Steps 8.1.3 to 8.1.5.
Step 8.1.3: For the lower nominal value of distance, follow Step 8.1.4.
Step 8.1.4: Obtain the field strength exceeded at 50% locations for a receiving/mobile
antenna at height, R, representative of the surrounding terrain clutter, for the required
values of distance, d, and transmitting/base antenna height, h1.
Step 8.1.5: If the required distance does not coincide with the lower nominal distance,
repeat Step 8.1.4 for the higher nominal distance and interpolate the two field strengths
for the required distance using the method given in § A.2.1.5 to this Chapter.
Step 8.1.6: If the required transmitting/base antenna height, h1, does not coincide with
one of the nominal values, repeat Steps 8.1.3 to 8.1.5 and interpolate/extrapolate for h1
using the method given in § A. to this Chapter. If necessary, limit the result to the
maximum value given in § A.2.1.2 to this Chapter.
Step 8.2: For a transmitting/base antenna height h1 less than 10 m, determine the field
strength for the required height and distance using the method given in § A. to
this Chapter. If h1 is less than zero, the method given in § A. to this Chapter shall
also be used.
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Step 9: If the required frequency does not coincide with the lower nominal frequency, repeat Step 8
for the higher nominal frequency and interpolate the two field strengths using the method given in
§ A.2.1.6 to this Chapter. If necessary, limit the result to the maximum field strength as given in
§ A.2.1.2 to this Chapter.
Step 10: If the required percentage of time does not coincide with the lower nominal time
percentage, repeat Steps 7 to 9 for the higher nominal percentage of time and interpolate the two
field strengths using the method given in § A.2.1.7 to this Chapter.
Step 11: If the prediction is for a mixed path, follow the procedure given in § A.2.1.8 to this
Step 12: Correct the field strength for receiving/mobile antenna height h2 using the method given in
§ A.2.1.9 to this Chapter.
Step 13: If information on the terrain clearance angle at a receiving/mobile antenna location on land
is available, correct the field strength for the terrain clearance angle at the receiver/mobile using the
method given in § A.2.1.10 to this Chapter.
Step 14: If it is necessary to know the field strength at a receiving/mobile antenna location on land
that is exceeded at a percentage of locations other than 50%, correct the field strength for the
required percentage of locations using the method given in § A.2.1.11 to this Chapter.
Step 15: If necessary, limit the resulting field strength to the maximum given in § A.2.1.2 to this
Step 16: If required, convert field strength to equivalent basic transmission loss for the path using
the method given in § A.2.1.13 to this Chapter.
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Values of field strength (dB(μV/m)) against distance (km), corresponding to the family of
propagation curves given in Appendix 2.3 to this Chapter, are provided in the following tables:
Table A.2.2.2
The detailed instructions for interpolation of these tabulated values are provided in § A.2.1.5,
A.2.1.6 and A.2.1.7 of Appendix 2.1 to this Chapter.
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Propagation curves
The propagation curves shown in the figures are used, together with the map shown in § 2.2.2 of
Chapter 2 to Annex 2 of the Agreement, for the planning of the broadcasting service. They give, on
the basis of statistics derived from measurement results, and also of theoretical considerations, the
field-strength value exceeded for 50% of locations for time percentages of 50%, 10% and 1%.
The values obtained correspond to a receiving antenna height of 10 m over neighbouring ground in
open area. The values are expressed in decibels relative to 1 μV/m (dB(μV/m)) for an e.r.p. of 1 kW
in the direction of the reception point. The curves give the values of the field strength exceeded at
50% of locations and each figure corresponds to time percentages of 50%, 10% and 1% for each of
the geographical zones.
The data are given for various types of areas and climates (see § 2.2.2 of Chapter 2 to Annex 2 of
the Agreement).
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3.1 Terrestrial broadcasting systems, frequency bands, channel spacing and channel
The digital Plan contains T-DAB and DVB-T entries defined by the set of characteristics listed in
Annex 1 to the Agreement.
Band III contains plan entries for DVB-T, for T-DAB and for analogue television assignments to be
protected during the transition period.
Bands IV and V contain plan entries for DVB-T and for analogue television assignments to be
protected during the transition period.
Recommendations ITU-R BT.1306-3 and ITU-R BT.1368-6 contain detailed technical information
on DVB-T. Table A.3.1-1 in Appendix 3.1 to this Chapter gives information about the designators
and net bit rates associated with the DVB-T system variants.
Recommendations ITU-R BS.1114-5 and ITU-R BS.1660-2 contain detailed technical information
on T-DAB.
The values and parameters given in this Chapter have been used in the development of the Plan and
shall be used for its modification.
In Band III, different television channel spacings are used across the planning area. The
relationships between the channel spacing and the channel distribution for DVB-T for the
administrations from the planning area are contained in the Tables A.3.1-3 to A.3.1-5 of
Appendix 3.1 to this Chapter.
In Bands IV and V, a single channel spacing of 8 MHz, with the upper and lower edges of each
channel being the same for all countries in the planning area, is used.
In Bands IV and V, the same channel spacing and channel distribution is used for digital and
analogue television. For digital television, the assigned frequency is given as the centre frequency.
Table A.3.1-2 contains the relevant channel information.
Information on channel spacing and channel distribution for analogue television systems with
respect to vision carrier and sound carrier is given in the Tables A.3.1-6 to A.3.1-14 of
Appendix 3.1 to this Chapter.
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For T-DAB in Band III, all administrations of the planning area use the same frequency blocks and
block distribution. The assigned frequencies and block bandwidth in Band III for T-DAB are given
in Table A.3.1-15 of Appendix 3.1 to this Chapter.
DVB-T was planned for a number of different reception modes, namely, fixed reception, portable
(outdoor and indoor) reception and mobile reception, using a number of appropriate system variants
and location probabilities.
T-DAB was planned for mobile reception and portable indoor reception.
The reference receiving antenna height considered to be representative in calculating the field
strength for fixed reception is 10 m above ground level. In order to derive the minimum median
field-strength levels for Bands III, IV and V, the receiving antenna gain and feeder-loss values are
given in § and to this Chapter for reference frequencies. Minimum median field-
strength levels for other frequencies are derived by interpolation as described in Appendix 3.3 to
this Chapter.
Standard radiation patterns for receiving antennas for Bands III, IV and V are given in
Recommendation ITU-R BT.419-3 (see Fig. 3-1).
- 191 -
Antenna gain (relative to a half-wave dipole) in Bands III, IV and V
Feeder loss in Bands III, IV and V
Band III (VHF) –2
Band IV (UHF) 0
Band V (UHF) 0
Antenna gain (dBd) for mobile reception
Band III (VHF) –2
Band IV (UHF) 0
Band V (UHF) 0
Aspects of DVB-T planning configurations
Aspect Element
Reception mode Fixed
Portable outdoor
Portable indoor
Coverage quality 70%
(in terms of percentage of locations) 95%
Network structure MFN (single transmitter)
Dense SFN
DVB-T system variant From QPSK 1/2
to 64-QAM 7/8
Frequency band Band III
Band IV
Band V
Further information on reference planning configurations is given in Appendix 3.5 to this Chapter.
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A receiver noise figure of 7 dB shall be used for both DVB-T and T-DAB.
For the development of the Plan in Bands III, IV and V, the following planning criteria have been
used; they shall also be used for the modification of the Plan:
– minimum median field strengths;
– nuisance field strengths;
based on:
– C/N values;
– protection ratios;
– building entry loss for indoor reception;
– location correction factors and the percentage time;
– possibly, the constraints of the spectrum mask applied to a digital transmission.
For DVB-T, the C/N values are based on current DVB-T receivers in non-hierarchical modes. These
C/N values, for different DVB-T system variants and for different reception conditions, are
indicated in Table A.3.2-1 in Appendix 3.2 to this Chapter.
The C/N values given for the Ricean channel shall be used for the fixed reception case, and those
for the Rayleigh channel shall be used for the portable and mobile reception cases.
In addition, the reference C/N values for the three DVB-T reference planning configurations (RPCs)
are found in Table A.3.5-1 in Appendix 3.5 to this Chapter.
In the case of T-DAB, portable indoor and mobile reception modes are relevant for planning
purposes. A unique reference C/N value of 15 dB is considered for both T-DAB reception modes, as
indicated in Table A.3.5-2 in Appendix 3.5 to this Chapter for the RPCs.
The protection ratios are summarized in the tables in Appendix 3.3 to this Chapter.
For DVB-T (vis-à-vis DVB-T, T-DAB and analogue television, and conversely), the protection
ratios given in Appendix 3.3 to this Chapter are based on those developed in Recommendation
ITU-R BT.1368-6, especially Annex 2 thereto – Planning criteria for DVB-T digital television
system in the VHF/UHF bands.
In cases of a partial overlap between T-DAB and DVB-T (8 MHz), the protection ratio of complete
overlap shall be used.
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For T-DAB interfered with by DVB-T or analogue television, the protection ratios in Appendix 3.3
to this Chapter shall be used. These protection ratios are based on Recommendation
ITU-R BS.1660-2.
For analogue television interfered with by T-DAB or analogue television, the protection ratios in
Recommendation ITU-R BT.655-7 shall be used.
For the different reception modes, the field strengths required to provide the desired location
probability for reception of the wanted signal can best be compared by using a reference receiving
antenna height, location probability and percentage time, as follows:
The field strengths corresponding to these conditions are termed the “minimum median field
strengths”, referred to as Emed in Appendices 3.2, 3.4 and 3.5 to this Chapter. These field strengths
correspond to the minimum signal levels needed to overcome natural and man-made noise (in the
absence of interference from other transmitters) known also as the “minimum usable field
For analogue TV, the minimum field strength and the reference parameters for field-strength
representation in Recommendation ITU-R BT.417-5 shall be used.
Due to the sharp degradation of quality that occurs when the required carrier-to-interference ratio or
the required carrier-to-noise ratio is not attained, a higher percentage of location probability is
required for the wanted field strengths (and lower percentage for the interfering signals). Therefore,
a correction to the value derived from the tables and curves in Chapter 2 to Annex 2 of the
Agreement is required, termed location correction factor.
Compatibility calculations for the digital broadcasting systems are based on propagation curves for
50% time for the wanted field strength, and 1% for the unwanted field strength, as given in
Chapter 2 of Annex 2 of the Agreement.
Compatibility calculations for analogue television systems are based on propagation curves as given
in Chapter 2 of Annex 2 of the Agreement. Tropospheric or continuous interference is treated as
described in Annex 2 to Recommendation ITU-R BT.655-7.
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CF = μ σ 2w + σ 2n dB
σw: standard deviation of location variation for the wanted signal (dB)
σn: standard deviation of location variation for the nuisance signal (dB)
μ: distribution factor being 0.52 for 70% locations, 1.64 for 95% locations and
2.33 for 99% locations and can be calculated as follows:
μ = Qi(1 – x/100)
The power sum is the logarithmic value of the sum of the individual field strengths expressed as
arithmetic powers:
⎛ Ei
Sum = 10 log⎜⎜ ∑10 10 ⎟⎟
⎝ ⎠
For modifications to the Plan, a spectrum mask with a performance at least equivalent to that of the
non-critical mask for both T-DAB and DVB-T shall be used.
The spectrum masks for sensitive cases may be used to facilitate coordination between
The out-of-band radiated signal spectrum in any 4 kHz band shall be constrained by one of the
masks defined in Fig. 3-2 and the associated Table 3-10.
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TABLE 3-10
Out-of-band spectrum table for a T-DAB transmission signal
Frequency relative
to the centre of the Relative level
1.54 MHz channel (dB)
Spectrum mask for T-DAB transmitters operating ± 0.97 –26
in non-critical cases
± 0.97 –56
± 3.0 –106
Spectrum mask for T-DAB transmitters operating ± 0.77 –26
in sensitive cases
± 0.97 –71
± 1.75 –106
± 3.0 –106
Spectrum mask for T-DAB transmitters operating ± 0.77 –26
in sensitive cases in certain areas where frequency
± 0.97 –78
block 12D is used
± 2.2 –126
± 3.0 –126
The dashed line defines the spectrum mask for T-DAB transmitters operating in non-critical cases
(spectrum mask 1). The solid line defines the spectrum mask for T-DAB transmitters operating in
sensitive cases (spectrum mask 2) and the dotted line mask defines the spectrum mask for T-DAB
transmitters operating in sensitive cases in certain areas where frequency block 12D is used
(spectrum mask 3)2.
3.6.2 Spectrum mask for DVB-T in 8 MHz and 7 MHz channels
Two spectrum masks are specified in Fig. 3-3 and the associated Table 3-11. The upper curve
defines the spectrum mask for the non-critical cases and the lower curve defines the spectrum mask
for the sensitive cases.
2 This mask may be used for other frequency blocks, where there is a bilateral/multilateral agreement to do
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Symmetrical spectrum masks for non-critical and sensitive cases
TABLE 3-11
Symmetrical spectrum masks for non-critical and sensitive cases
8 MHz channels 7 MHz channels
Non-critical Sensitive cases Non-critical Sensitive cases
cases cases
Relative Relative level Relative level Relative Relative level Relative level
frequency (dB) (dB) frequency (dB) (dB)
(MHz) (MHz)
–12 –110 –120 –10.5 –110 –120
–6 –85 –95 –5.25 –85 –95
–4.2 –73 –83 –3.7 –73 –83
–3.9 –32.8 –32.8 –3.35 –32.8 –32.8
+3.9 –32.8 –32.8 +3.35 –32.8 –32.8
+4.2 –73 –83 +3.7 –73 –83
+6 –85 –95 +5.25 –85 –95
+12 –110 –120 +10.5 –110 –120
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TABLE A.3.1-1
DVB-T system variants and net bit rate values (Mbit/s)
System Modulation Code Net bit rate (Mbit/s)
variant rate For different guard intervals (GI)
GI = 1/4 GI = 1/8 GI = 1/16 GI = 1/32
8 MHz variants
A1 QPSK 1/2 4.98 5.53 5.85 6.03
A2 QPSK 2/3 6.64 7.37 7.81 8.04
A3 QPSK 3/4 7.46 8.29 8.78 9.05
A5 QPSK 5/6 8.29 9.22 9.76 10.05
A7 QPSK 7/8 8.71 9.68 10.25 10.56
B1 16-QAM 1/2 9.95 11.06 11.71 12.06
B2 16-QAM 2/3 13.27 14.75 15.61 16.09
B3 16-QAM 3/4 14.93 16.59 17.56 18.10
B5 16-QAM 5/6 16.59 18.43 19.52 20.11
B7 16-QAM 7/8 17.42 19.35 20.49 21.11
C1 64-QAM 1/2 14.93 16.59 17.56 18.10
C2 64-QAM 2/3 19.91 22.12 23.42 24.13
C3 64-QAM 3/4 22.39 24.88 26.35 27.14
C5 64-QAM 5/6 24.88 27.65 29.27 30.16
C7 64-QAM 7/8 26.13 29.03 30.74 31.67
7 MHz variants
D1 QPSK 1/2 4.35 4.84 5.12 5.28
D2 QPSK 2/3 5.81 6.45 6.83 7.04
D3 QPSK 3/4 6.53 7.26 7.68 7.92
D5 QPSK 5/6 7.26 8.06 8.54 8.80
D7 QPSK 7/8 7.62 8.47 8.97 9.24
E1 16-QAM 1/2 8.71 9.68 10.25 10.56
E2 16-QAM 2/3 11.61 12.90 13.66 14.08
E3 16-QAM 3/4 13.06 14.52 15.37 15.83
E5 16-QAM 5/6 14.52 16.13 17.08 17.59
E7 16-QAM 7/8 15.24 16.93 17.93 18.47
F1 64-QAM 1/2 13.06 14.51 15.37 15.83
F2 64-QAM 2/3 17.42 19.35 20.49 21.11
F3 64-QAM 3/4 19.60 21.77 23.05 23.75
F5 64-QAM 5/6 21.77 24.19 25.61 26.39
F7 64-QAM 7/8 22.86 25.40 26.90 27.71
- 202 -
TABLE A.3.1-2
DVB-T channel arrangement in Bands IV and V
TABLE A.3.1-3
DVB-T channel arrangement in Band III
(Applicable for the following geographical areas: ALB, ALG, AND, ARS, AUT, BEL, BHR, BIH, BUL, CME,
TABLE A.3.1-4
DVB-T channel arrangement in Band III
(Applicable for the following geographical areas: ARM, AZE, BLR, GEO, KAZ, KGZ,
TABLE A.3.1-5
DVB-T channel arrangement in Band III
(Applicable for the following geographical areas: BDI, BEN, BFA, CAF, COD, COG, COM,
(Applicable for the following geographical areas: AFS, AGL, ASC, BOT, G, GMB, LSO,
(Applicable for the following geographical areas: MOZ, SWZ, ZWE)
Channel number Channel number* Channel boundaries Assigned
(MHz) frequency
5 4 174 182 178
6 5 182 190 186
7 6 190 198 194
8 7 198 206 202
9 8 206 214 210
10 9 214 222 218
11 10 222 230 226
* In MYT and REU.
TABLE A.3.1-6
Analogue TV System B in Band III
Used in the following geographical areas:
Channel Channel boundaries Assigned Vision Sound Dual FM NICAM
number (MHz) frequency carrier carrier second sound carrier
(MHz) (MHz) (MHz) carrier (MHz)
5 174 181 177.50 175.25 180.75 180.99 181.1
6 181 188 184.50 182.25 187.75 187.99 188.1
7 188 195 191.50 189.25 194.75 194.99 195.1
8 195 202 198.50 196.25 201.75 201.99 202.1
9 202 209 205.50 203.25 208.75 208.99 209.1
10 209 216 212.50 210.25 215.75 215.99 216.1
11 216 223 219.50 217.25 222.75 222.99 223.1
12 223 230 226.50 224.25 229.75 229.99 230.1
13* 230 237 233.50 231.25 236.75 236.99 237.1
14* 246.18 253.18 249.68 247.43 252.63 252.87 252.98
TABLE A.3.1-7
Analogue TV System B in Band III
Used in the following geographical areas:
TABLE A.3.1-8
Analogue TV System B in Band III
Used in the following geographical area:
TABLE A.3.1-9
Analogue TV System B1 in Band III
Used in the following geographical areas:
TABLE A.3.1-10
Analogue TV System D in Band III
Used in the following geographical areas:
Analogue TV System D1 in Band III
Used in the following geographical areas:
Analogue TV System K1 in Band III
Used in the following geographical areas:
* System D only.
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TABLE A.3.1-11
Analogue TV System I in Band III
Used in the following geographical areas:
* Used in AFS, BOT, MWI, NMB only (outside the planned bands for RRC-06).
TABLE A.3.1-12
Analogue TV System L in Band III
Used in the following geographical area:
TABLE A.3.1-13
Analogue TV System G in Band III
Used in the following geographical areas:
Channel number Channel boundaries Assigned frequency Vision carrier Sound carrier
(MHz) (MHz) (MHz) (MHz)
5 174.00 182.00 178.00 175.25 180.75
6 182.00 190.00 186.00 183.25 188.75
7 190.00 198.00 194.00 191.25 196.75
8 198.00 206.00 202.00 199.25 204.75
9 206.00 214.00 210.00 207.25 212.75
10 214.00 222.00 218.00 215.25 220.75
11 222.00 230.00 226.00 223.25 228.75
12* 230.00 238.00 234.00 231.25 236.75
13* 246.18 254.18 250.18 247.43 252.93
* Used in MOZ and ZWE only (outside the planned bands for RRC-06).
TABLE A.3.1-14
Analogue TV Systems D1, G, H, I, I1, K, K1 and L in Bands IV and V
TABLE A.3.1-15
T-DAB frequency blocks in Band III
TABLE A.3.2-1
C/N (dB) values of different DVB-T system variants for the Gaussian, Ricean and Rayleigh channels and the
corresponding values for the case of fixed reception (FX), portable outdoor reception (PO), portable indoor
reception (PI) and mobile reception (MO)
System Code
Modulation Gauss Rice Rayleigh
variants rate
A1, D1 QPSK 1/2 4.9 5.9 8.1 8.1 11.1
A2, D2 QPSK 2/3 6.8 7.9 10.2 10.2 13.2
A3, D3 QPSK 3/4 7.9 9.1 11.5 11.5 14.5
A5, D5 QPSK 5/6 9.0 10.3 12.8 12.8 15.8
A7, D7 QPSK 7/8 9.9 11.3 13.9 13.9 16.9
B1, E1 16-QAM 1/2 10.6 11.6 13.8 13.8 16.8
B2, E2 16-QAM 2/3 13.0 14.1 16.4 16.4 19.4
B3, E3 16-QAM 3/4 14.5 15.7 18.1 18.1 21.1
B5, E5 16-QAM 5/6 15.6 16.9 19.4 19.4 22.4
B7, E7 16-QAM 7/8 16.1 17.5 20.1 20.1 23.1
C1, F1 64-QAM 1/2 16.2 17.2 19.4 19.4 22.4
C2, F2 64-QAM 2/3 18.4 19.5 21.8 21.8 24.8
C3, F3 64-QAM 3/4 20.0 21.2 23.6 23.6 26.6
C5, F5 64-QAM 5/6 21.4 22.7 25.2 25.2 28.2
C7, F7 64-QAM 7/8 22.3 23.7 26.3 26.3 29.3
- 213 -
TABLE A.3.2-2
Minimum median field-strength values (dB(μV/m)) of different DVB-T system variants for the case of fixed
reception (FX), portable outdoor reception (PO), portable indoor reception (PI) and mobile reception (MO)
for two reference frequencies, 200 MHz and 500 MHz
The minimum median field strengths in Table A.3.2-2 are given for 200 MHz (Band III) and
500 MHz (Bands IV/V). For other frequencies the following interpolation rule shall be used:
– Emed(f) = Emed(fr) + Corr;
– for fixed reception, Corr = 20 log10 (f/fr), where f is the actual frequency and fr the
reference frequency of the relevant band quoted above;
– for portable reception and mobile reception, Corr = 30 log10 (f/fr) where f is the actual
frequency and fr the reference frequency of the relevant band quoted above.
- 214 -
TABLE A.3.3-1
Co-channel protection ratios (dB) for a DVB-T signal interfered with by a DVB-T signal for different DVB-T
variants for the case of fixed reception (FX), portable outdoor reception (PO), portable indoor reception (PI)
and mobile reception (MO)
The treatment of overlapping and adjacent channel cases (DVB-T vis-à-vis DVB-T) is described in
Recommendation ITU-R BT.1368-6. The protection ratios for the adjacent channels in
Table A.3.3-2 shall be used.
TABLE A.3.3-2
Protection ratios (dB) for a DVB-T signal interfered with by a DVB-T signal
in the lower (N – 1) and upper (N + 1) adjacent channels
TABLE A.3.3-3
Co-channel protection ratios (dB) for DVB-T signals interfered with by analogue television signals
TABLE A.3.3-4
Protection ratios (dB) for lower adjacent channel (N – 1) interference for DVB-T signals
interfered with by analogue television signals including sound
TABLE A.3.3-5
Protection ratios (dB) for upper adjacent channel (N + 1) interference for DVB-T signals
interfered with by analogue television signals including sound
TABLE A.3.3-6
Protection ratios (dB) for a DVB-T 8 MHz signal interfered with by an overlapping
7 MHz analogue television signal including sound for
∆f = 0.75 MHz
TABLE A.3.3-7
Protection ratios (dB) for a DVB-T 7 MHz signal interfered with by an overlapping
7 MHz analogue television signal including sound for
∆f = 0 MHz
TABLE A.3.3-8
Protection ratios (dB) for a DVB-T 8 MHz signal interfered with by an overlapping
8 MHz analogue television signal including sound for
∆f = 0 MHz
TABLE A.3.3-9
Protection ratios (dB) for a DVB-T 7 MHz signal interfered with by an overlapping
8 MHz analogue television signal including sound for
∆f = 0 MHz
TABLE A.3.3-10
Co-channel protection ratios (dB) for a DVB-T signal interfered with by a T-DAB signal for different DVB-T
variants for the case of fixed reception (FX), portable outdoor reception (PO), portable indoor reception (PI)
and mobile reception (MO)
For a compatibility analysis, protection ratios for the reference planning configurations are also
needed. Since the RPCs represent artificial configurations, no measurements exist for the
appropriate protection ratios. The following values shall be used:
– for RPC 1, protection ratio values for DVB-T variant 64-QAM 3/4 – fixed
reception, to be found in Tables A.3.3-3 to A.3.3-9;
– for RPC 2, protection ratio values for DVB-T variant 16-QAM 3/4 – portable
outdoor reception, to be found in Tables A.3.3-3 to A.3.3-9;
– for RPC 3, protection ratio values for DVB-T variant 16-QAM 2/3 – portable
indoor reception, to be found in Tables A.3.3-3 to A.3.3-9.
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TABLE A.3.3-11
Co-channel protection ratios (dB) for a DVB-T signal interfered with
by a DVB-T signal for the RPCs
RPC 1 21
RPC 2 19
RPC 3 17
TABLE A.3.3-12
Co-channel protection ratios (dB) for a DVB-T signal interfered with
by a T-DAB signal for the RPCs
RPC 1 27.2
RPC 2 23.6
RPC 3 21.4
TABLE A.3.3-13
Protection ratios for T-DAB interfered with by a DVB-T 8 MHz system
TABLE A.3.3-14
Protection ratios for T-DAB interfered with by a DVB-T 7 MHz system
Δf (1) (MHz) −4.5 −3.7 −3.5 −2.5 0 2.5 3.5 3.7 4.5
PR (dB) mobile and
portable reception −42 7 8 9 9 9 8 7 −42
PR (dB) Gaussian
channel −49 0 1 2 2 2 1 0 −49
(1) Δf : Centre frequency of the DVB-T signal minus centre frequency of the T-DAB signal.
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A. Protection ratios for T-DAB interfered with by analogue television signals
Protection ratios for T-DAB interfered with by analogue terrestrial television in Tables A.3.3-15 to
A.3.3-22 shall be used.
TABLE A.3.3-15
Protection ratios for T-DAB interfered with by analogue television system I/PAL (Band III)
TABLE A.3.3-16
Protection ratios for T-DAB interfered with by analogue television system B/PAL (Band III)
TABLE A.3.3-17
Protection ratios for T-DAB interfered with by analogue television system D/SECAM (Band III)
TABLE A.3.3-18
Protection ratios for T-DAB interfered with by analogue television system L/SECAM (Band III)
TABLE A.3.3-19
Protection ratios for T-DAB interfered with by analogue television systems B/SECAM, B/PAL (T2) (Band III)
TABLE A.3.3-20
Protection ratios for T-DAB interfered with by analogue television system D/PAL (Band III)
TABLE A.3.3-21
Protection ratios for T-DAB interfered with by analogue television system G/PAL (Band III)
TABLE A.3.3-22
Protection ratios for T-DAB interfered with by analogue television system K1/SECAM (Band III)
A. Protection ratios for analogue television signals interfered with by DVB-T
a) The co-channel protection ratio values for all analogue terrestrial television systems
interfered with by digital television are assumed to be the same. However, the protection ratio
values differ by 1 dB depending on whether the unwanted signal is 8 MHz DVB-T or 7 MHz
DVB-T. The protection ratios in Table A.3.3-23 shall be used.
TABLE A.3.3-23
Co-channel protection ratios (dB) for a analogue terrestrial television signal interfered with
by co-channel DVB-T signal
Tropospheric Continuous
interference interference
DVB-T 8 MHz (UHF) 34 40
DVB-T 7 MHz (VHF) 35 41
- 227 -
b) The protection ratios in Tables A.3.3-24 and A.3.3-25 shall be used for overlapping
channel cases.
TABLE A.3.3-24
Protection ratios (dB) for analogue B, D, D1, G, H, K/PAL vision signals
interfered with by a DVB-T 7 MHz signal
(overlapping channels)
TABLE A.3.3-25
A. Protection ratios for analogue television signals interfered with by T-DAB and
analogue television signals
For analogue television interfered with by T-DAB and interfered with by analogue television, the
protection ratios in Recommendation ITU-R BT.655-7 shall be used.
- 229 -
The minimum median field-strength values shall be calculated using the following formulas:
Pn = F + 10 log10 (k T0 B)
Ps min = C/N + Pn
Aa = G + 10 log10 (1.64λ2/4π)
φmin = Ps min – Aa + Lf
Emin = φmin + 120 + 10 log10 (120π)
= φmin + 145.8
Emed = Emin + Pmmn + Cl for fixed reception
Emed = Emin + Pmmn + Cl + Lh for portable outdoor and mobile reception
Emed = Emin + Pmmn + Cl + Lh + Lb for portable indoor reception
Cl = μ*σc
σc = σb2 + σ 2m
Pn : receiver noise input power (dBW)
F : receiver noise figure (dB)
k : Boltzmann’s constant (k = 1.38 × 10–23 J/K)
T0 : absolute temperature (T0 = 290 K)
B : receiver noise bandwidth
(6.66 × 106 Hz for a 7 MHz DVB-T channel,
7.61 × 106 Hz for a 8 MHz DVB-T channel and
1.54 × 106 Hz for a T-DAB frequency block)
Ps min : minimum receiver input power (dBW)
C/N : RF signal-to-noise ratio at the receiver input required by the system (dB)
Aa : effective antenna aperture (dBm2)
G : antenna gain related to half dipole (dBd)
λ : wavelength of the signal (m)
φmin : minimum power flux-density at receiving place (dB(W/m2))
Lf : feeder loss (dB)
- 230 -
Emin : minimum field strength at the location of the receiving antenna (dB(μV/m))
Emed : minimum median field strength (dB(μV/m))
Pmmn : allowance for man-made noise (dB)
Lh : height loss correction factor (location of the receiving antenna at 1.5 m above
ground level) (dB)
Lb : mean building entry loss (dB)
Cl : location correction factor (dB)
σc : combined standard deviation (dB)
σm : standard deviation macro-scale (dB) (σm = 5.5 dB)
σb : standard deviation building entry loss (dB)
μ: distribution factor (0.52 for 70%, 1.64 for 95% and 2.33 for 99%).
- 231 -
TABLE A.3.5-1
RPCs for DVB-T
For other frequencies, the reference field-strength values in Table A.3.5-1 shall be adjusted by
adding the correction factor defined according to the following rule:
– (Emed)ref(f) = (Emed)ref(fr) + Corr;
– for fixed reception, Corr = 20 log10 (f/fr), where f is the actual frequency and fr the
reference frequency of the relevant band quoted in Table A.3.5-1;
- 232 -
– for portable reception and mobile reception, Corr = 30 log10 (f/fr) where f is the actual
frequency and fr the reference frequency of the relevant band quoted in Table A.3.5-1.
The reference parameters of the RPC that are given in Table A.3.5-1 (location probability, C/N,
minimum median field strength) are not associated with a particular DVB-T system variant or a real
DVB-T network implementation; rather, they stand for a large number of different real
implementations. For instance, a DVB-T service for mobile reception might use as real
implementation parameters a location probability of 99% and a rugged DVB-T variant with a C/N
of 14 dB. Nevertheless, this service will be represented by RPC 2 with a reference location
probability of 95% and a reference C/N of 19 dB without restricting the possibilities for the
implementation of the “real” service for mobile DVB-T reception.
The standard deviation used for the calculation of the location correction factor (see § 3.4.5 of this
Chapter) of each RPC shall be as follows:
– for RPC 1 and RPC 2: 5.5 dB in VHF and UHF,
– for RPC 3: 6.3 dB in VHF and 7.8 dB in UHF.
Protection ratios for the RPCs provided in Appendix 3.3 to this Chapter shall be used.
A.3.5.2 Reference planning configurations for T-DAB
The two RPCs defined in Table A.3.5-2 for T-DAB in Band III shall be used:
TABLE A.3.5-2
Reference planning
Location probability 99% 95%
Reference C/N (dB) 15 15
Reference (Emed)ref (dB(μV/m))
60 66
at fr = 200 MHz
(Emed)ref: Reference value for minimum median field strength
RPC 4: RPC for mobile reception
RPC 5: RPC for portable indoor reception
For other frequencies, the reference field-strength values in Table A.3.5-2 shall be adjusted by
adding the correction factor defined according to the following rule:
– (Emed)ref(f) = (Emed)ref(fr) + Corr;
– Corr = 30 log10 (f/fr) where f is the actual frequency and fr the reference frequency of the
relevant band quoted in Table A.3.5-2.
The relevant protection ratios for compatibility calculations in Appendix 3.3 to this Chapter shall be
- 233 -
Reference networks
TABLE A.3.6-1
The e.r.p. is given for 200 MHz in Band III and 650 MHz in Bands IV/V; for other frequencies (f in MHz) the
frequency correction factor to be added is: 20 log10 (f/200 or f/650) for RPC 1 and 30 log10 (f/200 or f/650) for
RPC 2 and RPC 3.
* The e.r.p. values indicated in this table incorporate an additional power margin of 3 dB.
- 235 -
For the guard interval length, the maximum value 1/4 Tu of the 8k FFT mode is assumed. The
distance between transmitters in an SFN should not significantly exceed the distance equivalent to
the guard interval duration. In this case, the guard interval duration is 224 µs, which corresponds to
a distance of 67 km. The distance between transmitters for RPC 1 is taken as 70 km. For RPC 2 and
RPC 3, 70 km is too large a distance from a power budget point of view. Therefore, smaller values
for the distance between transmitters have been selected, 50 km for RPC 2 and 40 km for RPC 3.
The parameters and the power budgets of RN 1 given in Table A.3.6-1 shall be used.
The network consists of three transmitters situated at the vertices of an equilateral triangle. An open
network type has been chosen, i.e. the transmitters have non-directional antenna patterns. The
service area is assumed to be hexagonal, as indicated in Fig. A.3.6-2.
This reference network (RN 2) is applied to different cases: fixed (RPC 1), outdoor/mobile (RPC 2)
and indoor (RPC 3) reception, for both Band III and Bands IV/V.
RN 2 is intended for small service area SFN coverage. Transmitter sites with appropriate effective
antenna heights are assumed to be available for this type of network and self-interference
restrictions are expected to be small. Typical service area diameters may be from 30 to 50 km.
It is also possible to cover large service areas with this kind of dense SFN. However, a very large
number of transmitters is then necessary. It therefore seems reasonable to have large service areas
being represented by RN 1, even if a dense network structure is envisaged.
- 236 -
The parameters and the power budgets of the RN 2 given in Table A.3.6-2 shall be used.
TABLE A.3.6-2
The e.r.p. is given for 200 MHz in Band III and 650 MHz in Bands IV/V; for other frequencies (f in MHz) the
frequency correction factor to be added is: 20 log10 (f/200 or f/650) for RPC 1 and 30 log10 (f/200 or f/650) for
RPC 2 and RPC 3.
* The e.r.p. values indicated in this table incorporate an additional power margin of 3 dB.
A. Reference network 3 (small service area SFN for urban environment)
The geometry of the transmitter lattice of reference network 3 (RN 3) and the service area are
identical to those of RN 2. (See Fig. A.3.6-2.)
RN 3 is applied to different cases: fixed (RPC 1), outdoor/mobile (RPC 2) and indoor (RPC 3)
reception, for both Band III and Bands IV/V.
RN 3 is intended for small service area SFN coverage in an urban environment. It is identical to
RN 2, apart from the fact that urban-type height loss figures are used. This increases the required
power of the SFN transmitters by about 5 dB for RPC 2 and RPC 3.
The parameters and the power budgets of the RN 3 given in Table A.3.6-3 shall be used.
- 237 -
TABLE A.3.6-3
The e.r.p. is given for 200 MHz in Band III and 650 MHz in Bands IV/V; for other frequencies (f in MHz) the
frequency correction factor to be added is: 20 log10 (f/200 or f/650) for RPC 1 and 30 log10 (f/200 or f/650) for
RPC 2 and RPC 3.
* The e.r.p. values indicated in this table incorporate an additional power margin of 3 dB.
This reference network (RN 4) is intended for cases in which increased implementation efforts
regarding transmitter locations and antenna patterns are undertaken in order to reduce the outgoing
interference of the network.
The geometry for RN 4 is identical to that for RN 2, except for the antenna patterns of the
transmitters, which have a reduction of the outgoing field strength of 6 dB over 240° (i.e. it is a
semi-closed RN). The service area of this RN is shown in Fig. A.3.6-3. A sharp transition from
0 dB to 6 dB reduction is assumed at the indicated bearings.
RN 4 is applied to different cases: fixed (RPC 1), outdoor/mobile (RPC 2) and indoor (RPC 3)
reception, for both Band III and Bands IV/V.
- 238 -
TABLE A.3.6-4
Parameters of RN 4 (semi-closed small service area SFN)
The e.r.p. is given for 200 MHz in Band III and 650 MHz in Bands IV/V; for other frequencies (f in MHz) the
frequency correction factor to be added is: 20 log10 (f/200 or f/650) for RPC 1 and 30 log10 (f/200 or f/650) for
RPC 2 and RPC 3.
* The e.r.p. values indicated in this table incorporate an additional power margin of 3 dB.
- 239 -
TABLE A.3.6-5
Parameters of RN 5 for RPC 4 and RN 6 for RPC 5
For RPC 5, the portable indoor reception case, the same reference network characteristics are used
as for RPC 4, apart from the transmitter powers which are increased by 9 dB, corresponding to the
higher minimum field strength needed for this reception mode.
The parameters and the power budgets of the RN 5 for RPC 4 and RN 6 for RPC 5 given in
Table A.3.6-5 shall be used. Fig. A.3.6-4 shows the geometry of the RNs.
- 241 -
The interference for single-frequency networks (SFNs) and allotments is aggregated, in order to
ensure equitable treatment between the different combinations of allotment and assignments. The
following calculation methods shall be used by BR and by the administrations unless otherwise
mutually agreed by the concerned administrations for the different cases of allotment and
assignments as shown in the table below.
4 Introduction
This Chapter contains technical parameters and protection criteria for the compatibility analysis of
other primary services with broadcasting services, which were used in the development of the Plan
and shall be used for its implementation.
These technical parameters and protection criteria could be used during the coordination process in
respect to the new or modified assignments/allotments, if no other mutual Agreements covering this
issue between administrations concerned exists.
Additional technical parameters and protection criteria, which were not used in the development of
the Plan, are also contained in appendices to this Chapter. These technical parameters and
protection criteria may be used during the coordination process in respect to the new or modified
assignments/allotments, if no other mutual Agreements covering this issue between administrations
concerned exist.
With regard to other services, the GE06 Agreement only deals with other primary terrestrial
services. Sharing between broadcasting and space services is subject to the relevant provisions of
the Radio Regulations (RR).
4.1 Compatibility with other primary terrestrial services in the planned bands
4.1.1 Other primary services and sharing situations in the bands 174-230 MHz and
470-862 MHz
Most countries from the planning area use the broadcasting service in the bands 174-230 MHz and
470-862 MHz; however, the broadcasting service does not have exclusive access to these bands. At
the time when this Agreement was prepared the following sharing situations exist.
– the mobile service in the Islamic Republic of Iran, in the band 470-862 MHz;
– the mobile, except aeronautical mobile, service in the band 790-862 MHz, allocated
to the countries of Region 1 listed in RR No. 5.316. Protection is required only between
countries mentioned in that provision;
– the radionavigation service in the Islamic Republic of Iran, in the band 585-610 MHz;
– the radio astronomy service, which could be used in the whole of the African
Broadcasting Area, in the band 606-614 MHz, according to RR No. 5.304. Protection criteria for other primary services interfered with by digital terrestrial
Protection criteria for other primary services are given in Appendices 4.1 and 4.2 to this Chapter.
This includes some generic information as well as default values for field strengths to be protected,
protection ratios (PR) as a function of frequency separation, and receiving antenna heights for some
typical systems.
Appendix 4.1 to this Chapter supplies protection criteria for other primary services interfered with
by digital terrestrial sound broadcasting (T-DAB), and Appendix 4.2 to this Chapter supplies
protection criteria for other primary services interfered with by digital terrestrial television
broadcasting (DVB-T). Calculations required to protect other primary terrestrial services from digital
terrestrial broadcasting
When preparing the Plan, a calculation was made for all fixed locations and all test points defining
the boundary of the service area of the other primary service using the following steps:
Calculate the interfering field strength (50% of the location value and the appropriate percentage
time value) caused by the digital terrestrial broadcasting assignment or allotment, taking into
account the directivity of the transmitting antenna if relevant.
Calculate from this the nuisance field strength caused by the digital terrestrial broadcasting
assignment or allotment, taking into account the protection ratio and, if relevant, receiving antenna
discrimination (directivity, polarization).
Subtract the nuisance field strength (caused by the broadcasting assignment or allotment) and the
combined location correction factor from the minimum field strength (50% of the location value), to
give the protection margin which was used for the coordination process.
Information on the propagation models used for the calculations can be found in Chapter 2 of
Annex 2 of the Agreement.
- 245 -
Additional assumptions concerning other services, e.g. antenna heights, which have been used in
the calculations are provided in Appendix 4.5 to this Chapter.
An allowance has been made for interference in the preparation of the Plan. For this purpose a
concept of limiting margin has been introduced. The term “limiting margin” is to be interpreted in
the sense that any calculated margin which is less than the relevant limiting margin indicates a
compatible situation. For the development of the Plan in the case of wanted other primary terrestrial
assignments, the limiting value of the margin has been taken to be 1.0 dB. This 1 dB limiting
margin will result in a 6 dB difference between the minimum median field strength and the nuisance
field strength.
However, in many cases administrative declarations allowing a higher level of interference have
been agreed during the development of the Plan. Protection criteria for digital terrestrial broadcasting interfered with by other
primary terrestrial services
In Appendices 4.3 and 4.4 to this Chapter, protection criteria for digital terrestrial broadcasting are
given, such as minimum field strength to be protected and protection ratios as a function of
frequency separation.
Appendix 4.3 to this Chapter supplies protection criteria for T-DAB interfered with by other
primary services, and Appendix 4.4 to this Chapter supplies protection criteria for DVB-T
interfered with by other primary services.
terrestrial broadcasting, the limiting value of the margin has been taken to be 1.25 dB. The value of
1.25 dB is based on the assumption that there can be six separate interfering sources, each
producing the same value of nuisance field strength. This 1.25 dB limiting margin will result in
4.771 dB more stringent criteria for the single-entry interference.
However, in many cases administrative declarations allowing a higher level of interference have
been agreed during the development of the Plan, as well as for the case of planning between
broadcasting applications.
4.2 Sharing situations with primary space services
In the UHF band there are primary allocations to the mobile-satellite service (MSS) and the
broadcasting-satellite service (BSS):
– the broadcasting-satellite service in the band 620-790 MHz (see RR No. 5.311*
– the mobile-satellite, except aeronautical mobile-satellite (R), service in the bands
806-840 MHz (Earth-to-space) and 856-862 MHz (space-to-Earth) used only by
countries listed in RR No. 5.319.
Relationships between broadcasting and space services are subject to the relevant provisions of the
Note to Appendices 4.1-4.5 to this Chapter – The term “system type code” corresponds to the term
“service type code” used for other primary services in the development of the digital Plan.
* See also Resolution 1 (RRC-06).
- 247 -
Values for field strength to be protected for other primary services interfered with by T-DAB are
provided in Table A.4.1-1, and the related protection ratio tables for these other services are
provided in Tables A.4.1-2 to A.4.1-12.
TABLE A.4.1-1
TABLE A.4.1-2
Δf (MHz) –10.000 –9.000 –0.800 –0.600 –0.400 –0.200 0.000 0.200 0.400 0.600 0.800
PR 1% (dB) –66.0 –6.6 –6.6 2.7 3.2 4.1 6.5 4.1 3.2 2.7 –6.6
Δf (MHz) 9.000 10.000
PR 1% (dB) –6.6 –66.0
TABLE A.4.1-3
TABLE A.4.1-4
TABLE A.4.1-5
CA, M1, M2, RA1, RA2, XA
Δf (MHz) –0.920 –0.870 –0.820 –0.795 –0.782 –0.770 0.00 0.770 0.782 0.795 0.820 0.870 0.920
PR 1% (dB) –58.0 –49.0 –41.0 –37.0 –34.0 –14.0 –12.0 –14.0 –34.0 –37.0 –41.0 –49.0 –58.0
TABLE A.4.1-6
TABLE A.4.1-7
MU, R3, R4
TABLE A.4.1-8
TABLE A.4.1-9
TABLE A.4.1-10
TABLE A.4.1-11
TABLE A.4.1-12
This Appendix contains system-specific protection criteria for certain systems of other primary
services operating in the bands 174-230 MHz and 470-862 MHz as well as generic protection
criteria for the fixed and mobile services operating in the bands 174-230 MHz and 470-862 MHz.
The systems for which protection criteria are provided are listed in Table A.4.2-1.
TABLE A.4.2-1
Secondary Field
System code strength Receiver
type implemented Type of system to be height
ratio table
code in the planning protected (m)
software (dB(μV/m))
Secondary Field
System code strength Receiver
type implemented Type of system to be height
ratio table
code in the planning protected (m)
software (dB(μV/m))
BC BC8N Aeronautical radionavigation system BC8N 73.0 10 000.0 A.4.2-18
(RLS 2 Type 2, ground transmission, 3 MHz)
BC BC8C Aeronautical radionavigation system BC8C 73.0 10 000.0 A.4.2-19
(RLS 2 Type 2, ground transmission, 3 MHz)
BD BD8N Aeronautical radionavigation system BD8N 52.0 10 000.0 A.4.2-20
(RLS 2 Type 1, ground transmission, 4 MHz)
BD BD8C Aeronautical radionavigation system BD8C 52.0 10 000.0 A.4.2-21
(RLS 2 Type 1, ground transmission, 4 MHz)
FF FF7 Fixed system FF7 (transportable, 7 MHz) 35.0 10.0 A.4.2-2
FF FF8 Fixed system FF8 (transportable, 8 MHz) 35.0 10.0 A.4.2-3
FH FH8 Fixed system FH8 (P-MP) 18.0 10.0 A.4.2-4
FK7 FK7N Generic fixed non-critical mask – 10.0 (See Note)
FK7 FK7C Generic fixed sensitive mask – 10.0 (See Note)
FK8 FK8N Generic fixed non-critical mask – 10.0 (See Note)
FK8 FK8C Generic fixed sensitive mask – 10.0 (See Note)
NX NX8 Land mobile system NX8 27.0 20.0 A.4.2-7
NR** NR7 Land mobile system NR7 (radio microphone, 68.0 1.5 A.4.2-8
7 MHz)
NR** NR8 Land mobile system NR8 (radio microphone, 68.0 1.5 A.4.2-9
8 MHz)
NS** NS7 Mobile system NS7 (OB link, stereo, 86.0 10.0 A.4.2-10
NS** NS8 Mobile system NS8 (OB link, stereo, 86.0 10.0 A.4.2-11
NT** NT7 Mobile system NT7 (talkback, 31.0 1.5 A.4.2-12
NT** NT8 Mobile system NT8 (talkback, 31.0 1.5 A.4.2-13
NA NA8N Digital land mobile system NA8N 13.0 20.0 A.4.2-14
NA NA8C Digital land mobile system NA8C (sensitive) 13.0 20.0 A.4.2-15
The protection criteria for this system were not used during the development of the Plan due to the
absence of corresponding assignments in the reference situation (see also the introduction to this Chapter).
- 252 -
Secondary Field
System code strength Receiver
type implemented Type of system to be height
ratio table
code in the planning protected (m)
software (dB(μV/m))
NB NB7N Generic mobile non-critical mask – 10.0 (See Note)
NB NB7C Generic mobile sensitive mask – 10.0 (See Note)
NB NB8N Generic mobile non-critical mask – 10.0 (See Note)
NB NB8C Generic mobile sensitive mask – 10.0 (See Note)
XG XG8 Aeronautical radionavigation system XG8 –12.0 7.0 A.4.2-25
(on channel 36, 4 MHz airport radars, UK)
PL PL8 Aeronautical radionavigation system PL8 0.0 1.5 A.4.2-25
(radars, artificial values)
NY X7N Land mobile system X7N (VHF) 28.0 1.5 A.4.2-26
NY X7C Land mobile system X7C (VHF) 28.0 1.5 A.4.2-27
NY X8N Land mobile system X8N (VHF) 28.0 1.5 A.4.2-28
NY X8C Land mobile system X8C (VHF) 28.0 1.5 A.4.2-29
NY Y8N Land mobile system Y8N at 480 MHz 31.0 1.5 A.4.2-28
NY Y8C Land mobile system Y8C at 480 MHz 31.0 1.5 A.4.2-29
NY Z8N Land mobile system Z8C at 620 MHz 33.0 1.5 A.4.2-28
NY Z8C Land mobile system Z8C at 620 MHz 33.0 1.5 A.4.2-29
XA8 ZA8C Radio astronomy single dish telescope –39.0 50.0 A.4.2-5
sensitive DVB-T mask
XA8** ZA8N Radio astronomy single dish telescope –39.0 50.0 A.4.2-6
non-critical DVB-T mask
XB8** ZB8C Radio astronomy VLBI sensitive DVB-T 2.0 50.0 A.4.2-5
XB8** ZB8N Radio astronomy VLBI non-critical DVB-T 2.0 50.0 A.4.2-6
ZC8C** Radio astronomy interferometry sensitive –22.0 50.0 A.4.2-5
DVB-T mask
ZC8N** Radio astronomy interferometry non-critical –22.0 50.0 A.4.2-6
DVB-T mask
The protection criteria for this system were not used during the development of the Plan due to the
absence of corresponding assignments in the reference situation (see also the introduction to this Chapter).
Note to Table A.4.2-1 – See the Attachment to this Appendix for calculations of the field strength (dB(μV/m)) of
the allowed interfering television signal for generic cases of the fixed and the mobile services.
- 253 -
TABLE A.4.2-2
Transportable 7 MHz system in Netherlands FF7
TABLE A.4.2-3
Transportable 8 MHz system in Netherlands FF8
Δf (MHz) –6 –5 –4 0 4 5 6
PR (dB) –46 –39 7 11 7 –39 –46
TABLE A.4.2-4
P-MP system in Ukraine FH8
Δf (MHz) –6.0 –4.2 –3.9 –3.4 0.0 3.4 3.9 4.2 6.0
PR (dB) –65.0 –54.0 –4.0 –1.0 –1.0 –1.0 –4.0 –54.0 –65.0
TABLE A.4.2-5
Radio astronomy sensitive DVB-T mask ZA8C, ZB8C, ZC8C
Abs(Δf) (MHz) 9.0 8.0 7.0 6.0 5.0 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 0.0
PR (dB) –71.0 –66.0 –41.0 –9.0 –6.0 –4.0 –3.0 –2.0 –1.0 –1.0
TABLE A.4.2-6
Radio astronomy non-critical DVB-T mask ZA8N, ZB8N, ZC8N
Abs(Δf) (MHz) 9.0 8.0 7.0 6.0 5.0 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 0.0
PR (dB) –61.0 –56.0 –37.0 –9.0 –6.0 –4.0 –3.0 –2.0 –1.0 –1.0
TABLE A.4.2-7
Land mobile systems – NX8
Abs(Δf) (MHz) 10.0 9.0 8.0 7.0 6.0 5.0 4.0 3.9 3.8 3.7 3.0 1.0 0.0
PR (dB) –70.5 –67.9 –65.8 –64.3 –63.0 –61.8 –61.2 –52.3 –24.0 –23.2 –23.2 –23.2 –23.2
TABLE A.4.2-8
Radio microphone – NR7
Abs(Δf) (MHz) 10.5 8.8 7.0 5.2 3.7 3.3 3.2 0.0
PR (dB) –49.0 –49.0 –44.0 –39.0 –34.0 8.0 13.0 13.0
- 254 -
TABLE A.4.2-9
Radio microphone – NR8
Abs(Δf) (MHz) 12.0 10.0 8.0 6.0 4.2 3.8 3.6 0.0
PR (dB) –50.0 –50.0 –45.0 –40.0 –35.0 7.0 12.0 12.0
TABLE A.4.2-10
OB link (stereo, non-companded) – NS7
Abs(Δf) (MHz) 10.5 8.8 7.0 5.2 3.7 3.3 3.2 0.0
PR (dB) –17.0 –16.0 –11.0 –8.0 –4.0 37.0 44.0 44.0
TABLE A.4.2-11
OB link (stereo, non-companded) – NS8
Abs(Δf) (MHz) 12.0 10.0 8.0 6.0 4.2 3.8 3.6 0.0
PR (dB) –18.0 –17.0 –12.0 –9.0 –5.0 36.0 43.0 43.0
TABLE A.4.2-12
Talkback – NT7
Abs(Δf) (MHz) 10.5 8.8 7.0 5.2 3.7 3.3 3.2 0.0
PR (dB) –96.0 –91.0 –84.0 –79.0 –69.0 –19.0 –13.0 –13.0
TABLE A.4.2-13
Talkback – NT8
Abs(Δf) (MHz) 12.0 10.0 8.0 6.0 4.2 3.8 3.6 0.0
PR (dB) –97.0 –92.0 –85.0 –80.0 –70.0 –20.0 –14.0 –14.0
TABLE A.4.2-14
Digital land mobile NA8N (non-critical)
TABLE A.4.2-15
Digital land mobile NA8C (sensitive)
TABLE A.4.2-16
RLS 1 Type 1 AB8N (non-critical)
TABLE A.4.2-17
RLS 1 Type 1 AB8C (sensitive)
TABLE A.4.2-18
RLS 1 Type 2 AC8N (non-critical)
RLS 2 Type 2 BC8N (non-critical)
TABLE A.4.2-19
RLS 1 Type 2 AC8C (sensitive)
RLS 2 Type 2 BC8C (sensitive)
TABLE A.4.2-20
RLS 2 Type 1 BA8N (non-critical)
RLS 2 Type 1 BD8N (non-critical)
PR 10% (dB) –81.3 –66.4 –44.1 –34 –12 –9 –5.9 –3.5 –2.8
- 256 -
TABLE A.4.2-21
RLS 2 Type 1 BA8C (sensitive)
RLS 2 Type 1 BD8C (sensitive)
TABLE A.4.2-22
RLS 2 Type 2 BB8N (non-critical)
PR 10% (dB) –79.4 –61.2 –46.3 –43.2 –43 –19.9 –8.7 –2.9 0
TABLE A.4.2-23
RLS 2 Type 2 BB8C (sensitive)
PR 10% (dB) –89.4 –61.3 –46.5 –43.4 –43 –20.2 –8.7 –2.9 0
TABLE A.4.2-24
Aeronautical navigation RSBN BL8
Aeronautical navigation RSBN BN8
Aeronautical navigation RSBN BY8
Aeronautical navigation RSBN BX8
TABLE A.4.2-25
CH36 airport radars (UK) XG8
Radars (POL) artificial values PL8
TABLE A.4.2-26
Land mobile at VHF X7N
TABLE A.4.2-27
Land mobile at VHF X7C
TABLE A.4.2-28
Land mobile at VHF X8N
Land mobile at 480 MHz Y8N
Land mobile at 620 MHz Z8N
TABLE A.4.2-29
Land mobile at VHF X8C
Land mobile at 480 MHz Y8C
Land mobile at 620 MHz Z8C
The field strength, E, of the allowed interfering television signal for generic cases of the fixed and
the mobile services is calculated using the formula:
F: receiver noise figure land mobile service (LMS) base or mobile station receivers
Bi: the bandwidth of the terrestrial broadcasting station (MHz)
Gi: the receiver antenna gain (dBi)
LF: antenna cable feeder loss (dB)
f: centre frequency of the interfering station (MHz)
Po: man-made noise (dB) (typical value is 1 dB for VHF band and 0 dB for UHF band)
K: overlap correction factor (in DVB-T) given in the Tables AT.4.2-4 and AT.4.2-5
below (dB).
For the generic case of the fixed service, based on the information in Recommendations
ITU-R F.758-4, ITU-R F.1670-1 and ITU-R SM.851-1, the following values of F, Gi , LF and Po
were used:
TABLE AT.4.2-1
In the UHF band, the variation of (F – G + LF + Po) with frequency relative to the value at 500 MHz
is given by using the formula: 10 log (f/500).
- 259 -
For the generic case of the land mobile service (base stations), the following values of F, Gi, LF and
Po were used:
TABLE AT.4.2-2
For the generic case of the land mobile service (mobile stations), the following values of F, Gi, LF
and Po were used:
TABLE AT.4.2-3
The overlap correction factor is K (dB). When calculating interference with the victim receiver this
factor must be added in equation (1).
Bv: the bandwidth of the victim receiver
Bi: the bandwidth of the interfering signal
Δf: the difference between the centre frequency of the fixed service system and the
centre frequency of the interfering (DVB-T) signal.
- 260 -
TABLE AT.4.2-4
TABLE AT.4.2-5
It should be noted that the overlapping factor, K, is calculated taking into account the break points
of the DVB-T mask as defined in Chapter 3 of Annex 2 to this Agreement.
It is assumed that:
Bv = 0.2 MHz
Bi = 8 MHz
Interpolation example
F = 4.8 MHz from example above
Offset = –Bo = 0.7 MHz
From non-critical Table AT.4.2-4:
0.5 MHz –40 dB
1 MHz –45 dB
K = ((0.7 – 0.5)/(1.0 – 0.5))*(–45 – (–40)) – 40
K = –42 dB
- 262 -
Protection ratios for T-DAB interfered with by the other primary services listed in Table A.4.3-1 are
available in Tables A.4.3-2 to A.4.3-5 of this Appendix and have been derived from
Recommendation ITU-R BS.1660-2 – Technical basis for planning of terrestrial digital sound
broadcasting in the VHF band (§ 3.5 of Appendix 1 to Annex 1 to the Recommendation, T-DAB
interfered with by services other than broadcasting).
The field strength to be protected for T-DAB in Band III is 58 dB(μV/m). Additional information
on minimum field strength for T-DAB can be found in Chapter 3.
TABLE A.4.3-1**
System type code Type of system
ratio table
TABLE A.4.3-2
Δf (MHz) –0.9 –0.8 –0.6 –0.4 –0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 0.9
PR 1% (dB) –66 –6.6 2.7 3.2 4.1 6.5 4.1 3.2 2.7 –6.6 –66
TABLE A.4.3-3
CA, DB, IA, MA, MT, M1, M2, RA1, RA2, R3, R4, XA, XB, XE, XM
Δf (MHz) –0.9 –0.8 –0.6 –0.4 –0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 0.9
PR 1% (dB) –60 –6.6 2.7 3.2 4.1 6.5 4.1 3.2 2.7 –6.6 –60
TABLE A.4.3-4
Δf (MHz) –2.0 –1.9 –1.8 –1.7 –1.6 –1.5 –1.4 –1.3 –1.2 –1.1
PR 1% (dB) –48.0 –47.9 –47.1 –46.7 –46.4 –46.0 –45.4 –45.1 –43.9 –38.4
Δf (MHz) –1.0 –0.9 –0.8 –0.8 –0.7 –0.6 –0.5 –0.4 –0.3 –0.2 –0.1
PR 1% (dB) –37.5 –28.9 –12.9 –4.9 –1.0 2.1 3.5 4.3 4.1 4.4 4.1
Δf (MHz) 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.8 0.9
PR 1% (dB) 4.0 4.1 4.4 4.1 4.3 3.5 2.1 –1.0 –4.9 –12.9 –28.9
Δf (MHz) 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2.0
PR 1% (dB) –37.5 –38.4 –43.9 –45.1 –45.4 –46.0 –46.4 –46.7 –47.1 –47.9 –48.0
TABLE A.4.3-5
Protection ratios for DVB-T (64-QAM 2/3 Gaussian channel) interfered with by the other primary
services listed in Table A.4.4-1 are available in Tables A.4.4-2 to A.4.4-14 of this Appendix. They
have been derived from Recommendation ITU-R BT.1368-6 (Planning criteria for digital terrestrial
television services in the VHF/UHF bands). Information about the values for field strength to be
protected for the different DVB-T variants can be found in the above-mentioned Recommendation.
In addition, information about values for field strength to be protected and C/N for the different
DVB-T variants and reception modes can be found in Chapter 3.
Table A.4.4-15 provides correction factors for different DVB-T system variants and reception
modes relative to a DVB-T 64-QAM 2/3 Gaussian channel. The values provided in Table A.4.4-15
are to be added to the protection ratios for a DVB-T 64-QAM 2/3 Gaussian channel.
TABLE A.4.4-1
Protection ratio for
System 64-QAM 2/3 DVB-T
type code Type of system Gaussian channel
in the
(STC) signal:
AA2 BB Aeronautical radionavigation system BB (RLS 2, Type 2, A.4.4-5
airborne transmission, 8 MHz)
AA8 BL Aeronautical radionavigation system BL (RSBN, ground A.4.4-6
transmission, 0.7 or 0.8 MHz)
AA8 BN Aeronautical radionavigation system BN (RSBN, A.4.4-3
airborne transmission, 3 MHz)
AA8 BX Aeronautical radionavigation system BX (RSBN, ground A.4.4-3
transmission, 3 MHz)
AA8 BY Aeronautical radionavigation system BY (RSBN, A.4.4-6
airborne transmission, 0.7 MHz)
AB AB Aeronautical radionavigation system AB (RLS 1, Type 1 A.4.4-2
ground transmission, 6 MHz)
AB AC Aeronautical radionavigation system AC (RLS 1, Type 2 A.4.4-3
ground transmission, 3 MHz)
BA BA Aeronautical radionavigation system BA (RLS 2, Type 1 A.4.4-4
airborne transmission, 4 MHz)
BC BC Aeronautical radionavigation system BC (RLS 2, Type 2 A.4.4-3
ground transmission, 3 MHz)
- 265 -
Protection ratio for
System 64-QAM 2/3 DVB-T
type code Type of system Gaussian channel
in the
(STC) signal:
BD BD Aeronautical radionavigation system BD (RLS 2, Type 1 A.4.4-4
ground transmission, 4 MHz)
FF FF Fixed system FF (transportable, 1.2 MHz) A.4.4-9
FI FI Fixed system FI (transportable, 2 MHz) A.4.4-7
FH FH Fixed system FH (bandwidth more than 250 kHz) A.4.4-8, A.4.4-9
FH FJ Fixed system FJ (bandwidth up to 250 kHz) A.4.4-11, A.4.4-12
FK FK Generic fixed system FK (bandwidth more than 250 kHz) A.4.4-8, A.4.4-9
FK FL Generic fixed system FL (bandwidth up to 250 kHz) A.4.4-11, A.4.4-12
NA NA Land mobile system NA (digital, 3 MHz) A.4.4-3
NA NC Land mobile system NC (digital, 5 MHz) A.4.4-10
NB NB Generic mobile system NB A.4.4-11,A.4.4- 12
NY OX Land mobile system OX in VHF band A.4.4-11, A.4.4-12
NY OY Land mobile system OY at 480 MHz A.4.4-12
NY OZ Land mobile system OZ at 620 MHz A.4.4-12
XG XG Aeronautical radionavigation system XG (on channel 36, A.4.4-4
4 MHz Airport Radars, UK)
– – Land mobile system (CDMA-1X) A.4.4-13
– – Land mobile system (CDMA-3X) A.4.4-14
TABLE A.4.4-2
Protection ratios for DVB-T 8 MHz 64-QAM code rate 2/3 Gaussian channel signal
interfered with by AB system
TABLE A.4.4-3
Protection ratios for DVB-T 8 MHz 64-QAM code rate 2/3 Gaussian channel signal
interfered with by AC, BC, BN, BX and NA systems
TABLE A.4.4-4
Protection ratios for DVB-T 8 MHz 64-QAM code rate 2/3 Gaussian channel signal
interfered with by BA, BD and XG systems
TABLE A.4.4-5
Protection ratios for DVB-T 8 MHz 64-QAM code rate 2/3 Gaussian channel signal
interfered with by BB system
TABLE A.4.4-6
Protection ratios for DVB-T 8 MHz 64-QAM code rate 2/3 Gaussian channel signal
interfered with by BL and BY systems
TABLE A.4.4-7
Protection ratios for DVB-T 8 MHz 64-QAM code rate 2/3 Gaussian channel signal
interfered with by FI system
TABLE A.4.4-8
Protection ratios for DVB-T 7 MHz 64-QAM code rate 2/3 Gaussian channel signal
interfered with by FH and FK systems
TABLE A.4.4-9
Protection ratios for DVB-T 8 MHz 64-QAM code rate 2/3 Gaussian channel signal
interfered with by FF, FH and FK systems
TABLE A.4.4-10
Protection ratios for DVB-T 8 MHz 64-QAM code rate 2/3 Gaussian channel signal
interfered with by NC system
TABLE A.4.4-11
Protection ratios for DVB-T 7 MHz 64-QAM code rate 2/3 Gaussian channel signal
interfered with by OX, FJ, FL and NB systems
TABLE A.4.4-12
Protection ratios for DVB-T 8 MHz 64-QAM code rate 2/3 Gaussian channel signal
interfered with by OX, OY, OZ, FJ, FL and NB systems
TABLE A.4.4-13
Protection ratios for DVB-T 8 MHz 64-QAM code rate 2/3 Gaussian channel signal
interfered with by emissions of CDMA-1X (measured)
TABLE A.4.4-14
Protection ratios for DVB-T 8 MHz 64-QAM code rate 2/3 Gaussian channel signal
interfered with by emissions of CDMA-3X (measured)
Modulation: QPSK
TABLE A.4.4-15
Correction factors for protection ratios (dB) for different system variants
relative to 64-QAM 2/3 DVB-T signal and for different
reception conditions interfered with by other primary services
Portable Portable
DVB-T system Gaussian Fixed Mobile
outdoor indoor
variant channel reception reception
reception reception
QPSK 1/2 −13.5 −12.5 −10.3 −10.3 −7.3
QPSK 2/3 −11.6 −10.5 −8.2 −8.2 −5.2
QPSK 3/4 −10.5 −9.3 −6.9 −6.9 −3.9
QPSK 5/6 −9.4 −8.1 −5.6 −5.6 −2.6
QPSK 7/8 −8.5 −7.1 −4.5 −4.5 −1.5
16-QAM 1/2 −7.8 −6.8 −3.6 −3.6 −1.6
16-QAM 2/3 −5.4 −4.3 −2.0 −2.0 1.0
16-QAM 3/4 −3.9 −2.7 −0.3 −0.3 2.7
16-QAM 5/6 −2.8 −1.5 1.0 1.0 4.0
16-QAM 7/8 −2.3 −0.9 1.7 1.7 4.7
64-QAM 1/2 −2.2 −1.2 1.0 1.0 4.0
64-QAM 2/3 0.0 1.1 3.4 3.4 6.4
64-QAM 3/4 1.6 2.8 5.2 5.2 8.2
64-QAM 5/6 3.0 4.3 6.8 6.8 9.8
64-QAM 7/8 3.9 5.3 7.9 7.9 10.9
- 269 -
This Appendix is a collection of the working assumptions which were used in the establishment of
the GE06 digital Plan.
The following assumptions were used during the establishment of the digital Plan:
1 For planning purposes, it was assumed that transmitting and receiving sites for the
aeronautical radionavigation system used in the United Kingdom in the band 590-598 MHz are
co-sited, their antennas are non-directional and the receiving antenna is at 7 m above ground.
2 In the absence of notified values of the height above ground level, the following values
were assumed as default effective antenna heights for transmitting stations in other primary
− aircraft station in the aeronautical radionavigation service: 10 000 m;
− land station in the aeronautical radionavigation service: 37.5 m;
− station in the fixed service: 37.5 m;
− base station in the land mobile service: 37.5 m.
3 In the absence of values in the RRC-04 Report, the following default receiving antenna
heights were assumed for stations in other primary services:
− aircraft station in the aeronautical radionavigation service: 10 000 m;
− station in the fixed service: 10 m;
− base station in the mobile service: 20 m;
− mobile station in the mobile service: 1.5 m;
− receiving ground stations in the aeronautical radionavigation service: 10 m.
4 In the absence of notified values of the effective radiated power, the e.r.p. values were
calculated as the sum of the power delivered to the antenna and the antenna gain.
5 Since the Master International Frequency Register (MIFR) does not contain information
about the receiving antenna directivity for other primary services and the RRC-04 Report did not
contain any information in this respect, it was assumed that no directivity discrimination was
obtained in the case of receiving antennas, for any angle.
6 When the notified beamwidth was narrower than the calculated beamwidth by more
than 10°, then the calculated beamwidth was used.
7 When the notified azimuth of the maximum radiation was different from the calculated
azimuth by more than 3°, then the calculated azimuth was used.
8 An antenna was considered as non-directional if the antenna gain was less than 3.7 dB.
9 Polarization “U” (unspecified) was used if no polarization was given.
- 270 -
10 Since typical transmitting stations (using a T14 notice) did not contain information on
their associated receivers, no calculation of interference from digital broadcasting requirements into
the assignments notified in the form of typical stations and included in the reference situation were
performed during the establishment of the Plan.
11 When MIFR did not contain information on the system type codes, a generic system
type code was used for such assignments.
12 When the notified service area of a transmitting or a receiving station of other primary
services overlapped with the territory of a neighbouring country, the service area of such stations
was limited to the national border of the administrations responsible for the considered station.
- 271 -
X Mandatory information
+ Mandatory under the conditions specified in column 2
O Optional information
C Mandatory if used as a basis to effect coordination with another administration
1 If any data item has a condition attached to it, then it has a “+”.
2 Data items grouped under a common subheading that limits the range of procedures,
services or frequency bands have an “X” as the conditional nature is shown in the subheading title.
* Once the contents of this Annex is incorporated in Appendix 4 of the Radio Regulations, administrations
shall use that Appendix when applying the relevant parts of the Agreement in lieu of Annex 3 (see
Resolution 2 (RRC-06)).
- 272 -
Data for a digital broadcasting assignment or allotment
DVB-T assignment
DVB-T assignment
T-DAB assignment
T-DAB assignment
T-DAB allotment
DVB-T allotment
Article 4
Article 4
Article 5
Article 4
Article 4
Article 5
TABLE 1 (continued)
DVB-T assignment
DVB-T assignment
T-DAB assignment
T-DAB assignment
T-DAB allotment
DVB-T allotment
Article 4
Article 4
Article 5
Article 4
Article 4
Article 5
If the centre frequency of the emission is offset from the assigned frequency, the frequency
1.10 + + + + + +
offset (kHz)
Date (actual or foreseen, as appropriate) of bringing the frequency assignment (new or
1.11 C X C X
modified) into use
1.12 If the assignment or allotment is subject to § of Article 4, the expiry date of that period + + + + + +
2.1 Name of the location of the transmitting station X X X X
2.2 Digital broadcasting allotment name X X
2.3 Symbol for the country or geographical area (see the Preface) X X X X X X
2.4 Geographical coordinates of the transmitting antenna in:
2.4.1 latitude (±DDMMSS) X X X X
2.4.2 longitude (±DDDMMSS) X X X X
2.5 For an allotment:
If all the test points are on the country or geographical area boundary for this allotment, the
2.5.1 + +
symbol for the country or geographical area
If not all the test points for the allotment are on the country or geographical area boundary, the
2.5.2 number (up to 9) of sub-areas within this allotment (if there is no subdivision, enter 1 for the + +
unique contour number)
- 274 -
TABLE 1 (continued)
DVB-T assignment
DVB-T assignment
T-DAB assignment
T-DAB assignment
T-DAB allotment
DVB-T allotment
Article 4
Article 4
Article 5
Article 4
Article 4
Article 5
TABLE 1 (continued)
DVB-T assignment
DVB-T assignment
T-DAB assignment
T-DAB assignment
T-DAB allotment
DVB-T allotment
Article 4
Article 4
Article 5
Article 4
Article 4
Article 5
If the polarization is horizontal or mixed, the maximum effective radiated power of the
3.6 + + + +
horizontally polarized component in the horizontal plane (dBW)
If the polarization is vertical or mixed, the maximum effective radiated power of the vertically
3.7 + + + +
polarized component in the horizontal plane (dBW)
3.8 Maximum effective radiated power in the plane defined by the beam tilt angle (dBW) O O
4.1 Antenna directivity (directional (D) or non-directional (ND)) X X X X
Polarization (H – horizontal, or V – vertical, or M – mixed), or U – unspecified, for
4.2 X X X X X X
allotments only
4.3 Height of transmitting antenna above ground level (m) X X X X
4.4 Altitude of the site above sea level (m) measured at the base of the transmitting antenna X X X X
4.5 Maximum effective antenna height (m) X X X X
(1) Unspecified – This can be horizontal (H), or vertical (V), or mixed (M). At all times during assessment for the RPC and RN, all the power in the horizontal
polarization, or all the power in the vertical polarization, or in the case of mixed polarization the power sum of the horizontal and vertical components, shall remain
constant. For the reference network, the same pattern shall be used for both polarizations.
- 276 -
TABLE 1 (continued)
DVB-T assignment
DVB-T assignment
T-DAB assignment
T-DAB assignment
T-DAB allotment
DVB-T allotment
Article 4
Article 4
Article 5
Article 4
Article 4
Article 5
Effective antenna height (m) at 36 different azimuths in 10° intervals, measured in the
4.6 X X X X
horizontal plane from True North in a clockwise direction
If the polarization is horizontal or mixed, the value of the antenna attenuation (dB) of the
4.7 horizontally polarized component, normalized to 0 dB, at 36 different azimuths in 10° + + + +
intervals, measured in the horizontal plane from True North in a clockwise direction
If the polarization is vertical or mixed, the value of the antenna attenuation (dB) of the
4.8 vertically polarized component, normalized to 0 dB, at 36 different azimuths in 10° intervals, + + + +
measured in the horizontal plane from True North in a clockwise direction
4.9 Beam tilt angle (degrees) O O
5.1 Regular hours (UTC) of operation of the frequency assignment:
5.1.1 start time X X
5.1.2 stop time X X
6.1 If coordination is necessary and agreement has been obtained:
6.1.1 the ITU symbol of the administration with which coordination has been effected + + + + + +
- 277 -
TABLE 1 (end)
DVB-T assignment
DVB-T assignment
T-DAB assignment
T-DAB assignment
T-DAB allotment
DVB-T allotment
Article 4
Article 4
Article 5
Article 4
Article 4
Article 5
the provision (No. of the Radio Regulations, regional agreement or other arrangement)
6.1.2 + + + + + +
requiring such coordination
If the assignment is subject to § 5.1.2 of Article 5, a declaration by the notifying
6.2 administration that all conditions associated with the remark are fully met for the submitted + +
assignment for recording in the MIFR
If the assignment is subject to § 5.1.8 of Article 5, a signed commitment from the notifying
6.3 administration that the submitted assignment for recording in the MIFR shall not cause + +
unacceptable interference and shall not claim protection
7.1 Symbol for the operating agency (see the Preface) O O
Symbol for the address of the administration (see the Preface) responsible for the station and
to which communication should be sent on urgent matters regarding interference, quality of
7.2 X X
emissions and questions referring to the technical operation of the circuit (see Article 15 of
the RR)
8.1 Any comment designed to assist the Bureau in processing the notice O O O O O O
- 278 -
Data for a VHF/UHF analogue television broadcasting assignment
(to be used during the transition period)
TABLE 2 (continued)
TABLE 2 (end)
Data for assignments to stations of other primary terrestrial service
App. 4 RR
Article 4
Article 5
TABLE 3 (continued)
App. 4 RR
Article 4
Article 5
2.2.2 If the symbol of a country or geographical area is not provided, the nominal radius (km) of the circular area 4D + +
2.2.3 If geographical coordinates and a nominal radius are not provided, the ITU symbol of the country or geographical area 4E + +
3.1 For a specific receiving station operating at a single fixed location:
3.1.1 Name of the location of the receiving station 5A X X
3.1.2 ITU symbol of the country or geographical area 5B X X
3.1.3 Geographical coordinates of the receiving antenna: 5C latitude (±DDMMSS) X X longitude (±DDDMMSS) X X
3.2 For a defined area of reception associated with a specific transmitting station:
3.2.1 If a circular receiving area is not provided, the ITU symbol of the country or geographical area of reception 5D + +
3.2.2 If a geographical area is not provided, the geographical coordinates of the centre of the circular receiving area in: 5E latitude (±DDMMSS) + + longitude (±DDDMMSS) + +
3.2.3 If a geographical area is not provided, the nominal radius (km) of the circular receiving area 5F + +
If a receiving station in the fixed service and the characteristics under 3.1 above are not provided, the geographical coordinates
3.2.4 5C
(between 3 and 6 sets) defining the area in which the receiving stations are located in: latitude (±DDMMSS) + + longitude (±DDDMMSS) + +
4.1 Class of station, using the symbols from the Preface 6A X X
4.2 Nature of service performed, using the symbols from the Preface 6B X X
5.1 Class of emission, in accordance with Article 2 and Appendix 1 of the RR 7A X X
- 283 -
TABLE 3 (continued)
App. 4 RR
Article 4
Article 5
TABLE 3 (end)
App. 4 RR
Article 4
Article 5
Section I
of Annex 4
1 Introduction
The methodology defines an area within which a trigger field-strength value is exceeded. By
selecting the appropriate trigger field-strength value in the attached appendices, it is possible to
identify the total area within which the relevant trigger field strength is exceeded for a range of
services, and hence determine the administration(s) with which coordination is required.
The total area within which the relevant trigger field strength is exceeded is determined on the basis
of known characteristics for the proposed modification. However, the details of operation of the
potentially affected stations are unknown, and hence it is necessary to assume worst-case
parameters for the propagation path and for the system parameters of the unknown receiving
Although the determination of the area within which coordination is required is based on technical
criteria, it is important to note that it represents a regulatory concept, for the purpose of identifying
the area within which detailed evaluations of the interference potential needs to be performed.
Hence, the coordination area is not an exclusion zone within which the sharing of frequencies is
prohibited, but a means for determining the area within which more detailed calculations need to be
- 286 -
In most cases, a more detailed analysis will show that sharing within the coordination area is
possible, since the procedure for the determination of the coordination area is based on
unfavourable assumptions with regard to the interference potential.
The methodology allows for the determination of the distance for each azimuth around the proposed
new or modified station, or the area within which the station is located, beyond which the
interfering field strength is expected to be less than a specific value for all but a specified
percentage of the time. When this distance is determined for each azimuth, it defines a field-
strength contour, called the coordination contour, which encloses the coordination area. Separate
coordination contours are produced for each trigger field strength required.
The determination of the field strength is based on the propagation model in Chapter 2 of Annex 2
to the Agreement. This propagation model is not valid beyond 1 000 km, and therefore the
calculation of interference from any transmitter is limited to the 1 000 km maximum distance of the
propagation model.
For an intended modification to the Plan, the characteristics of the assignment or allotment are
known. In particular, the geographical coordinates defining the allotment area or the location of the
transmitter(s) are given. Based on this information, a list of countries within 1 000 km of the
allotment area or the transmitter site under consideration is drawn up. This list can be developed by
intersecting a corresponding contour with the national boundaries of administrations as given by the
The method for identifying potentially affected administrations consists of the five following steps:
In order to identify any potentially affected service, all countries whose boundaries lie inside or are
intersected by the 1 000 km contour are taken into consideration.
A contour is developed, for each frequency range, based on the trigger coordination value
corresponding to the type of broadcasting service modifying the Plan, as specified in Table A.1.1 of
Appendix 1 to this Section and following the procedure developed in § 3 of this Section.
In this step, assignments in other primary services are selected, based on the following criteria:
The coordination contour is calculated for each radial by starting at a distance of 1 000 km from the
location of the station or the boundary of the area where it is located as defined in § 4 of this
Section for each coordination scenario. Calculation is then performed by moving along the radial
towards the reference point in 10 km steps.
In this Annex, the procedures determine for each one degree step in azimuth around the
coordinating broadcasting station or station in another terrestrial service, the distance at which the
trigger field strength is reached and hence the distance used to create the coordination contour. All
field-strength calculations are based on the propagation model described in Chapter 2 of Annex 2 to
this Agreement.
However, if the trigger field strength has not been reached at the 1 000 km limit of the propagation
model, the coordination contour on that radial/azimuth should have a distance of 1 000 km from the
location of the station or the boundary of the area where it is located.
The resulting coordination contours may be drawn on a map in order to facilitate the coordination
The coordination scenarios and the various procedures contained in this Annex are based on
different assumptions. Hence, the size of the coordination contours will depend on the coordination
scenario. Separate coordination contours are therefore required for each sharing scenario described
in § 4 of this Section. Furthermore, the coordination contour developed for one coordination
scenario cannot be used to determine the extent of any impact on the radiocommunication services
covered by a different coordination scenario.
In addition to the coordination contour, administrations may draw additional contours to facilitate
more detailed coordination discussions. These additional contours may be based on less onerous
sharing criteria (e.g. the inclusion of polarization, antenna discrimination at the affected receiver)
than that used for developing the coordination area. These additional contours may be developed by
the same method used to determine the coordination contour, or by other methods as agreed on a
bilateral basis between administrations.
The following subsections describe the basic assumptions made about interference assessment and
the location of the point of reference to be used for the construction of the coordination contours for
the various frequency sharing scenarios.
For a broadcasting station or a station in another primary terrestrial service operating from a fixed
location, the coordination contours are calculated in all directions of azimuth from the geographical
location of the transmitting or receiving antenna and taking into consideration any variation in the
antenna gain (if available).
- 289 -
4.2 Typical transmitting stations operating from a fixed location within a specified
service area
For typical transmitting stations, the point of reference is the centre of gravity of the specified
service area confined to the national territory, if it is located within this service area. If that is not
the case, the point of reference is taken at the closest point from the centre of gravity that will be
included in the service area. The coordination contour is constructed around the boundaries of the
specified service area within which the typical stations are operating.
For a broadcasting station operating in a single-frequency network (SFN), coordination contours are
calculated by using as point of reference, the centre of gravity of the geographical coordinates of all
transmitter locations in the SFN. The individual field-strength contributions of the transmitters are
combined by means of the power sum method (see Chapter 3 of Annex 2 to the Agreement).
In the case of an allotment, the point of reference is the centre of gravity of the allotment area if it is
located within this area. If that is not the case, the point of reference is taken at the point closest to
the centre of gravity that will be included in the allotment area. The characteristics of the associated
reference network (RN) and reference planning configuration (RPC) are used as the source of the
interfering field strength. Each boundary test point of the allotment will be considered as a source of
potential interference of the allotment (see Appendix 3 to this Section for detailed description). The
largest field strength obtained, at each calculation point under consideration, from each allotment
boundary test point is taken as the value of field strength to be used.
In the case of an allotment with linked assignments and a SFN identifier, the two calculations
described below shall be performed.
– In the first calculation the characteristic properties of the associated reference network
and reference planning configuration are used as the source of potential interference as
described above.
– In the second calculation the characteristic properties of each of the linked assignments
are used to calculate the power sum of the interference potential at the calculation point.
The higher field strength from the two calculations above is taken as the relevant field strength.
For an assignment linked to an allotment with no SFN identifier, the characteristic properties of the
assignment will be used to calculate the field strength as described in § 4.1 of this Section.
For a mobile (except aeronautical mobile) station, the point of reference is the centre of gravity of
the specified service area and the coordination contour is constructed around the boundaries of the
- 290 -
specified service area, within which the mobile (except aeronautical mobile) stations are operating.
In addition, the specified area in which the mobile station operates should be confined to the
national territory. No allowance is made for antenna discrimination.
For ground-based aeronautical radionavigation stations, the point of reference is the geographical
location of the station.
For air-based aeronautical radionavigation stations, the point of reference is the centre of gravity of
the specified service area within which the aeronautical radionavigation stations operates if it is
located within this service area. If that is not the case, the point of reference is taken at the point
closest to the centre of gravity that will be included in the service area. For the air-based station, no
allowance is made for antenna discrimination.
For air-based stations, the specified service area should be confined to the national territory.
The construction of coordination contours and calculation of the interfering field strength are based
on the propagation model described in the Chapter 2 of Annex 2 to the Agreement. The following
characteristics for the determination of interference into the broadcasting receiver are used:
– notified values of the radiated power and the effective antenna height;
– coordination trigger field-strength values in Table A.1.1 of Appendix 1 to this Section;
– the propagation curves for the tropospheric case (i.e. 1% time and 50% locations);
The construction of coordination contours is based on the propagation prediction method included
in the Chapter 2 of Annex 2 to the Agreement.
For ground-to-ground calculations, propagation curves for 10% of the time and 50% of locations
are used.
For ground-to-air calculations, the free-space model should be used. The coordination contour is
limited to a line-of-sight distance of 420 km.
The field strength is calculated for the receiving antenna heights provided in the relevant Tables in
§ A.2, A.3 or A.4 of Appendix 1 to this Section.
For systems of other primary services the coordination trigger field-strength values are given in
Tables A.1.2 to A.1.8 of Appendix 1 to this Section.
- 291 -
Construction of coordination contours and calculation of the interfering field strength are based on
the propagation model described in Chapter 2 of Annex 2 to the Agreement.
For ground-to-ground calculations, the propagation curves for 1% of the time and for 50% of
locations should be used.
For air-to-ground, the free-space model should be used. The coordination contour is limited to a
line-of-sight distance of 420 km.
In the case of aeronautical services for airborne stations the height of the transmitting antenna above
the ground is 10 000 m.
For the protection of the Plan, the coordination trigger field-strength values are given in
Table A.1.10 of Appendix 1 to this Section.
For the coordination of an assignment to a receiving station, it is necessary to assume the following
figures for the operation of a broadcasting station:
If the use of these assumed figures does not result in the identification of an administration
operating, or planning to operate, a station that exceeds these values then the administration
responsible for the receiving station agrees that there will be no claim for protection from the
administration responsible for the broadcasting station, unless otherwise agreed in the coordination
The maximum coordination distance for aircraft receivers is set at 500 km.
For the construction of the coordination contours under § 5 of this Section, the point of reference for
the construction of the equally-spaced radials is the location of the receiving station or the centre of
gravity of the area where the receiving stations operate. The coordination contour is calculated for
each radial by placing the broadcasting station referred to above at a distance of 1 000 km from the
reference point and determining the field strength at the reference point. If the field strength is
below the required threshold for the receiving station, the potential broadcasting station is moved
along the radial towards the reference point in 10 km steps until the required threshold value is
reached. The distance at which the threshold value is reached is determined for each radial and
these distances are joined together to form the coordination contour.
- 292 -
Appendix 1
to Section I
A.1 Coordination trigger field strengths for the identification of administrations for
the protection of the broadcasting service from modifications to the Plan
This Agreement deals with various broadcasting systems. Therefore, different trigger field-strength
values have to be taken into account.
The basis for the determination of these values are given in Appendix 2 to Section I.
Table A.1.1 shows the proposed coordination trigger field strengths to be used for the identification
of affected administrations for the protection of broadcasting from modifications of the Plan.
A.2 Coordination trigger field strengths to protect the mobile service in the bands
174-230 MHz and 470-862 MHz
The trigger field-strength levels to protect systems in the mobile service from T-DAB and DVB-T
systems are provided in Tables A.1.2 and A.1.3 respectively, with their corresponding system type
- 293 -
Coordination trigger field-strength values to protect systems of the mobile service from DVB-T
type code Height of the
System to be Trigger field strength
(see Frequency range receiving antenna
protected (dB(μV/m))(1)
Annex 2, (m)
Chapter 4)
Analogue private NV Band III 30 (base stations) 20 (base station)
mobile radio, 38 (mobile stations) 1.5 (mobile station)
12.5 kHz
Land mobile NR 790-862 MHz/Band III 58 (UHF)/50 (VHF) 1.5
system NR (radio
Mobile system NS 790-862 MHz/Band III 45 (UHF)/37 (VHF) 10
NS (OB link,
Mobile system NT 790-862 MHz/Band III 47 (UHF)/39 (VHF) 1.5
NT (Talk-back)
- 294 -
type code Height of the
System to be Trigger field strength
(see Frequency range receiving antenna
protected (dB(μV/m))(1)
Annex 2, (m)
Chapter 4)
Digital land NA 470-862 in Region 3, 18 (base station) 20 (base station)
mobile system 790-862 MHz in
NA (e.g. CDMA) accordance with RR
No. 5.316
Generic mobile NB 174-230 MHz/ See equation (A.1.1) and 20.0 (base station)
system NB 470-862 MHz Table A.1.4 (base station)
For the generic case (type code NB) in the mobile service, i.e. when there is no value of protection
ratio available, the following equation must be used:
F: receiver noise figure of the mobile service base or mobile station
receivers (dB)
Bi: the bandwidth of the terrestrial broadcasting station (MHz)
Gi: the receiver antenna gain of the station in the mobile service (dBi)
LF: antenna cable feeder loss (dB)
f: centre frequency of the interfering station (MHz)
Po: man-made noise (dB) (typical value is 1 dB for the VHF band and 0 dB for the
UHF band)
I/N: interference to noise ratio, which must not exceed the threshold (margin)
applicable when developing the Plan (I/N = –6 dB).
- 295 -
For the generic case of the land mobile service, the following typical values of F, Gi, LF and Po to
be used (see Recommendation ITU-R M.1767 as an informative source) are provided in
Tables A.1.4 and A.1.5 for the base stations and mobile stations respectively:
Typical values of the parameters when applying equation (A.1.1) to derive coordination trigger field-strength
values to protect the base stations for the generic case (type code NB)
of the mobile service from DVB-T
F (dB) 8 8 4 3 3
Gi (dBi) 6 8 12 17 17
LF (dB) 2 2 2 4 4
Po (dB) 1 1 0 0 0
F – Gi + LF + Po 5 3 –6 –10 –10
Typical values of the parameters when applying equation (A.1.1) to derive coordination trigger field-strength
values to protect the mobile stations for the generic case (type code NB)
of the mobile service from DVB-T
F (dB) 11 11 7 7 7
Gi (dBi) 0 0 0 0 0
LF (dB) 0 0 0 0 0
Po (dB) 1 1 0 0 0
F – Gi + LF + Po 12 12 7 7 7
A.3 Coordination trigger field strengths for the aeronautical radionavigation service in
the bands 223-230 MHz, 590-598 MHz and 645-862 MHz and the radionavigation
service in the band 585-610 MHz
No assignments to stations of the aeronautical radionavigation service operating in the band
223-230 MHz in Region 3 and in some countries of Region 1 in accordance with RR No. 5.247
have been notified to ITU. Therefore, there are no trigger values in that situation.
The trigger field-strength levels to protect the aeronautical radionavigation and the radionavigation
services from DVB-T are provided in Table A.1.6.
For the coordination trigger field-strength value to protect the aeronautical radionavigation service
in the band 223-230 MHz from T-DAB and DVB-T, the recent ITU-R Recommendations, or values
mutually agreed by the administrations concerned, are to be used.
- 296 -
A.4 Coordination trigger field strengths for the fixed service in the bands 174-230 MHz
and 470-862 MHz
The trigger field-strength levels to protect systems in the fixed service from T-DAB and DVB-T are
provided in Table A.1.7 with their corresponding service type codes.
Coordination trigger field-strength values to protect systems of the fixed service from T-DAB and DVB-T
System type
Trigger field Height of the
Service, system to be code Frequency range
strength receiving antenna
protected (see Annex 2, (MHz)
(dB(μV/m)) (m)
Chapter 4)
Fixed system FF FF 790-862 24(1) 37.5
1.2 MHz)
Fixed system FH FH 790-862 13(1) 37.5
Generic fixed FK 174-230 and See equation (A.1.2) 37.5
system FK 470-862 and Table A.1.8
The trigger field-strength values are related to the DVB-T bandwidth.
For the generic case (type code FK), i.e. when there is no value of protection ratio available, the
following equation should be used:
F: receiver noise figure of the FS station receiver (dB)
Bi: the bandwidth of the terrestrial broadcasting station (MHz)
Gi: the FS station receiver antenna gain (dBi)
LF: antenna cable feeder loss (dB)
f: centre frequency of the interfering broadcasting station (MHz)
Po: man-made noise (dB) (typical value is 1 dB for VHF band and 0 dB for UHF
I/N: interference to noise ratio, which must not exceed the threshold (margin)
applicable when developing the plan (I/N = –6 dB).
Based on the information in Recommendations ITU-R F.758-4, ITU-R F.1670-1 and
ITU-R SM.851-1, the following typical values of F, Gi, LF and Po to be used are provided in
Table A.1.8:
Typical values of the parameters when applying equation (A.1.2) to derive trigger field-strength values
to protect the stations for the generic case (type code FK) of the fixed service from DVB-T
For other frequencies in the UHF band, the interpolation should be made by applying a correction
of 10 log (f/500).
B Coordination trigger field strengths for the protection of the Plan from
stations of other primary terrestrial services
B.1 Representative broadcasting systems
See Appendix 2 to Section I for the broadcasting system variants.
No detailed studies on analogue television interfered with by all systems with which sharing occurs,
i.e. ARNS, mobile service, fixed service have been made. Therefore, it is suggested to use the same
trigger criteria for analogue television interfered with by terrestrial broadcasting for this purpose.
B.3 Coordination trigger field strengths for the protection of the Plan from stations of
other primary terrestrial services
Table A.1.9 gives the trigger field strengths for the representative broadcasting systems as described
in Appendix 2 to Section I for the frequencies 200 MHz and 650 MHz.
It is proposed to take the most critical case for the wanted systems, since it is a priori not known
which system may be used by the affected administration. However, analogue television is expected
to be switched off after a transition period. Therefore, probably two sets of values need to be kept.
Table A.1.10 gives the final result of the proposed trigger field strengths to be used in coordination.
TABLE A.1.10
Coordination trigger field strengths for the protection of the Plan from other primary terrestrial services
Appendix 2
to Section I
The purpose of this Appendix is to provide background information on the derivation of the trigger
coordination field strengths to protect the broadcasting service.
– for portable reception and mobile reception, fcorr = 30 log10 (f/fr) where f is the actual
frequency and fr the reference frequency of the relevant band quoted above.
Coordination trigger field strengths(1) for representative broadcasting systems at 200 MHz
Coordination trigger field strengths(1) for representative broadcasting systems at 650 MHz
It is proposed to distinguish between the analogue and digital broadcasting systems that are to be
coordinated but to take the most critical case for the wanted systems, since it is a priori not known
which system may be used by the affected administration.
- 302 -
Appendix 3
to Section I
For the calculation of the outgoing interference of the reference network each boundary test point of
the allotment is regarded as a source of outgoing interference. For this calculation it is necessary to
know how the reference network is positioned and oriented with regard to the boundary test point.
All reference networks can be characterized by hexagons. One edge (the “starting edge”) of the
hexagon is set perpendicular to a line between the boundary test point and the calculation point. The
centre of the starting edge is then positioned at the boundary test point.
In this position the other vertices and the centre of the hexagon are further away from the
calculation point than the vertices of the starting edge. This fixes the position of the reference
network and its transmitters. The field strength is then determined.
The reference network is then moved around the allotment boundary to the next test point, where
the field strength is again determined for the same calculation point. This procedure is repeated until
the reference network is back in the starting position.
The field strength at the calculation point is evaluated separately for each transmitter of the
reference network using the characteristics of the associated reference planning configuration. For
this purpose, the e.r.p. for the DVB-T reference networks should include a power margin of 3 dB.
The resulting interfering sum field strength is evaluated by applying the power sum method. Mixed
land-sea path propagation is calculated on the basis of Chapter 2 of Annex 2 to the Agreement.
In the case of a 3-transmitter hexagon, the transmitter closest to the boundary test point lies on the
right-hand side, looking from the boundary test point to the calculation point.
A sketch of the situation is given for both possible reference network configurations (3 transmitters
and 7 transmitters) in Figs A.3-1 and A.3-2.
Due to the movement of a notional hexagon around a national border, it is possible that one or more
transmitters of the reference network could lie outside the territory of the administration for whose
allotment the calculation is performed.
- 303 -
3-transmitter hexagon RN
7-transmitter hexagon RN
- 304 -
Section II
of Annex 4
1 Introduction
This Section describes the method to be used by the Bureau in the application of Articles 4 and 5 of
this Agreement.
– when one or more assignments are derived from the conversion of a digital Plan entry
comprising an allotment or from the conversion of a digital Plan entry comprising an
allotment with linked assignments as in § of Article 4 of the Agreement;
– when a digital Plan entry is modified without increasing the level of interference of the
digital Plan entry as in § b) of Article 4 of the Agreement; and
– when one or several assignments are notified under Article 5 for recording in the MIFR.
The main terms used in this Annex are explained in Appendix 4 to this Section.
2 General principles
a) verification that the channel or block of the digital Plan entry implementation is the
same as that of the associated digital Plan entry and that the geographical location of the
digital Plan entry implementation is within the set limits; and
b) comparison of the interference envelope arising from the digital Plan entry with the
aggregate interference from the digital Plan entry implementation. The area within
which this comparison is performed is bounded by a cut-off field-strength contour on
which a final comparison of the total interfering field strengths is performed.
- 305 -
The digital Plan entry implementation is in conformity with the Plan when verification by the
Bureau under a) is confirmed and when under b) the interference of the digital Plan entry
implementation does not exceed the interference envelope derived from the characteristics of the
digital Plan entry at any relevant calculation point.
The cut-off field-strength contour provides the mechanism that scales the number of calculation
points in the conformity examination to the values of the effective radiated power and trigger field-
strength values. The cut-off criterion is the relevant trigger field-strength value under Section I of
Annex 4 of the Agreement.
If the proposed assignments are in a frequency band where there is no assignment of another
primary terrestrial service within 1 000 km which is recorded in the List or for which the procedure
of Article 4 of this Agreement has been initiated, and the cut-off field-strength contour based on the
broadcasting trigger field strengths does not extend beyond the national boundary of the notifying
administration, the conformity examination is favourable.
If the proposed assignments are in a frequency band where there are assignments of another primary
terrestrial service within 1 000 km which are recorded in the List or for which the procedure of
Article 4 of this Agreement has been initiated, and the cut-off field-strength contour based on the
broadcasting trigger field strengths does not extend beyond the national boundary of the notifying
administration, the cut-off field-strength contour is redrawn using the appropriate trigger value field
strengths for the assignments of other primary terrestrial services to be protected over the range of
azimuths corresponding to the direction of the potentially affected service area, restricted to the
national territory of the administration whose other primary terrestrial services may be affected. If
the cut-off field-strength contours resulting from this process still do not extend beyond the national
boundary of the notifying administration, the conformity examination is favourable.
If the cut-off field-strength contours exceed the limits of the territory of the notifying administration
at any location, a series of geometrical contours are created. These contours are created for the
purpose of verifying that, at each of their points, the aggregate interference field strength from the
proposed conversion of a digital entry in the Plan, and from the assignments in the MIFR (including
the linked assignments) which are associated to the digital entry in the Plan, where applicable, does
not exceed the interference envelope of the digital entry in the Plan.
On these contours, calculation points are located at 1° steps along the geometrical contours
surrounding the allotment area or the assignment(s). Not all points are taken into account: only
those calculation points lying outside the territory of the notifying administration and inside the cut-
off field-strength contour(s) around the allotment or assignment(s) are used.
A digital Plan entry implementation is in conformity when at every calculation point the
interference of the digital Plan entry implementation does not exceed the interference envelope
derived from the characteristics of the digital Plan entry.
- 306 -
The field-strength calculations are based on the propagation model in Chapter 2 of Annex 2 of the
Agreement (propagation curves for the tropospheric case, i.e. 1% of time and 50% of locations,
shall be used). The calculation of interference from any transmitter is limited to 1 000 km. The
calculated values are rounded to the first decimal place.
In case the field strengths from several signal sources need to be aggregated the power sum method
is used. The individual field strengths obtained at the calculation points from all transmitting
stations of an allotment are processed in decreasing order. The power sum is obtained as follows:
– starting from the highest, the power values equivalent to the interfering field strengths
are added, one after the other;
– at each summation, the result is compared to the previous one;
– if the increase in power is greater than or equal to 0.5 dB, the summation process
– if the increase in power would be less than 0.5 dB, the summation process is stopped
and 0.5 dB is added, giving the result of the power sum.
The geometrical contours are at distances of 60, 100, 200, 300, 500, 750 and 1 000 km from the
location of the station(s) or the boundary of the digital Plan entry.
The construction of the geometrical contours depends on the type of digital Plan entry.
For each type of digital Plan entry a point of reference is defined. From this point of reference
360 radials are developed at 1° steps starting from True North. The point where the radial crosses
the cut-off field-strength contour and any geometrical contours lying outside the national boundary
of the notifying administration is the location of the calculation points.
This digital Plan entry is characterized by an allotment boundary, an assigned frequency, a type of
reference network (RN) and a reference planning configuration (RPC).
4.1.1 Location of the assignments derived from the digital Plan entry
Such assignments must be located inside the allotment area or not more than 20 km outside the
allotment boundary. These locations shall be within the territory of the notifying administration,
unless otherwise agreed by the administration concerned (see RR No. 18.2).
- 307 -
a) Application of Article 4
In the case of the conversion of an allotment Plan entry into an assignment where it is intended to
include that assignment in the Plan, the aggregate interference is calculated using the power sum
method, as described in § 3.1 above, of the interference contributions from:
– assignments already included in the Plan as a result of the conversion of the allotment;
– the new assignment(s) resulting from the conversion of the allotment and submitted
under Article 4 for inclusion in the Plan.
b) Application of Article 5
In the case of the conversion of an allotment Plan entry into an assignment where it is intended to
record that assignment in the MIFR, the aggregate interference is calculated using the power sum
method, as described in § 3.1 above, of the interference contributions from:
– assignments already recorded in the MIFR as a result of the conversion of the allotment;
– the new assignment(s) resulting from the conversion of the allotment and submitted
under Article 5 for recording in the MIFR.
The location of the transmitting antenna must not be more than 20 km from the geographical
location specified in the corresponding digital Plan entry. This location shall be within the territory
of the notifying administration, unless otherwise agreed by the administration concerned (see
RR No. 18.2).
The point of reference is the geographical location of the transmitting antenna as recorded in the
Plan, and the geometrical contours consist of concentric circles, centred around that point.
The characteristics of the assignment, as listed in the Plan, are used to calculate the digital Plan
entry interference envelope.
In the application of Article 5, the interference field strength from the digital Plan entry
implementation is that produced by the notified assignment.
The reference point for construction of the cut-off field-strength contour is the geographical
location of the transmitting antenna as recorded in the Plan, and the method for the construction of
the contour is described in Appendix 3 to this Section.
The digital Plan entry consists of an allotment and a set of linked assignments. The allotment is
characterized by an allotment boundary, an assigned frequency, a type of RN and either an RPC or
a system variant together with a reception mode. Each of the linked assignments is characterized by
the required set of technical characteristics described in Annex 1 of the Agreement, and the link
between the allotment and the assignments is established by the assignments having the same
allotment and SFN identifier as the allotment.
The assignments converted from the allotment must be located inside the allotment area or not more
than 20 km outside the allotment area boundary. The location of the transmitting antenna for a
linked assignment must not be more than 20 km from the geographical location specified in the
digital Plan entry for the corresponding assignment.
These locations shall be within the territory of the notifying administration, unless otherwise agreed
by the administration concerned (see RR No. 18.2).
The point of reference is the centre of gravity of the allotment polygon, and the construction of the
geometrical contours is described in Appendix 1 to this Section.
- 309 -
1 Inclusion of the assignment in the calculation of interference does not imply recognition or that any
protection will be afforded to this assignment.
- 310 -
2 Inclusion of the assignment in the calculation of interference does not imply recognition or that any
protection will be afforded to this assignment.
- 311 -
4.4.5 Cut-off contour for a set of assignments with common SFN identifier
The reference point for the construction of the cut-off field-strength contour is the centre of gravity
of the geographical coordinates of all the locations of the individual transmitting antennas, and the
method for the construction of the cut-off field-strength contour is described in Appendix 3 to this
4.5 Digital Plan entry comprising an assignment linked to an allotment with no SFN
The digital Plan entry consists of an allotment with one linked assignment but no SFN identifier. In
that case the only source of interference is that from the assignment, and the allotment boundary
only defines the area to be protected in the planning during RRC-06. For the latter, either an RPC is
specified, or a system variant together with a reception mode. The assignment is characterized by
the required set of technical characteristics described in Annex 1 of the Agreement.
It is not possible to convert the allotment into assignment(s) unless this digital Plan entry type is
replaced by another type of digital Plan entry. The conversion into assignment(s) would require the
allotment to have an SFN identifier, i.e. the assignment linked to an allotment with no SFN
identifier digital Plan entry would have to be replaced by an allotment digital Plan entry.
In the case that the characteristics of the digital Plan entry implementation are identical to those of
the digital Plan entry, the assignment is automatically considered to be in conformity with the
digital Plan entry, and therefore it is not necessary to perform the conformity examination.
The method for the examination of conformity of the notified assignment corresponding to the
assignment in the assignment linked to an allotment with no SFN identifier digital Plan entry is the
same as the method described under § 4.2 above.
- 312 -
Appendix 1
to Section II
The method to construct a set of geometrical contours for a given closed area requires the area to be
defined as a set of boundary points, i.e. a polygon.
The first step of the geometrical contour construction is to sort the boundary points in a counter
clockwise manner. Duplicated boundary points, i.e. boundary points connected by edges of length
zero are eliminated. If two adjacent edges have the same direction, then the shared point is omitted.
In the next step the new edges are created which are separated by the distance given in § 3.2 of
Annex 4, Section II from the polygon under consideration. These new “edges” are parallel lines and
arcs, when convex boundary points are encountered. In the latter case the original boundary points
act as centres for the arcs.
The resulting lines and arcs are connected together by calculating the intersection points of two
consecutive lines or arcs. The intersection points make part of the set of vertices defining the
geometrical contours. Along the remaining arcs additional points have to be located in order to
appropriately approximate the arc by a polygon. Figure A.1-1 below shows the result.
Following this procedure it is possible to develop geometrical contours for any shape of allotment
area, including those showing significant indentations. The indentations or concave sections of the
polygon will be enclosed so that from any point on the allotment boundary the distance to the
contour is equal to one of the required distances given in § 3.2 of Annex 4, Section II.
The above procedure allows the boundary points of the geometrical contour to be identified.
- 314 -
Appendix 2
to Section II
For the calculation of the outgoing interference of the reference network each boundary test point of
the allotment is regarded as a source of outgoing interference. For this calculation it is necessary to
know how the reference network is positioned and oriented with regard to the boundary point.
All reference networks can be characterized by hexagons. One edge (the “starting edge”) of the
hexagon is set perpendicular to a line between the boundary point and the calculation point. The
centre of the starting edge is then positioned at the boundary point.
In this position the other boundary points and the centre of the hexagon are further away from the
calculation point than the boundary points of the starting edge. This fixes the position of the
reference network and its transmitters. The field strength is then determined.
The reference network is then moved around the allotment boundary to the next boundary point,
where the field strength is again determined for the same calculation point. This procedure is
repeated until the reference network is back in the starting position.
The field strength at the calculation point is evaluated separately for each transmitter of the
reference network using the characteristics of the associated reference planning configuration. For
this purpose, the e.r.p. for the DVB-T reference networks includes a power margin of 3 dB.
The resulting interfering sum field strength is evaluated by applying the ordinary power sum
method. Mixed land-sea path propagation is calculated on the basis of Chapter 2 of Annex 2 to this
In the case of a 3-transmitter hexagon the closest transmitter to the boundary point lies on the right
hand side looking from the boundary point to the calculation point.
A sketch of the situation is given for both possible reference network configurations (3 transmitters
and 7 transmitters) in Figs A.2-1 and A.2-2 below.
Due to the movement of a notional hexagon around a national border, it is possible that one or more
transmitters of the reference network could lie outside the territory of the administration for whose
allotment the calculation is performed.
- 315 -
3-transmitter hexagon RN
7-transmitter hexagon RN
- 316 -
Appendix 3
to Section II
The cut-off field-strength values are the minimum trigger field-strength values in Annex 4,
Section I of this Agreement.
The cut-off field-strength contour is developed using equally spaced radials 1° apart, over 360°
centred on a single reference point, the location of which is defined for each type of digital Plan
entry in § 4 of Annex 4, Section II.
Along these radials the aggregated field strength of the digital Plan entry implementation is
calculated as described in § 3.1 of Annex 4, Section II (using values for 1% of time) by starting at a
distance of 1 000 km, measured from the nearest transmitter of the digital Plan entry
implementation or the allotment boundary, and moving towards the reference point until the cut-off
field strength is reached.
Joining together the points on each radial where the cut-off field strength is reached forms the cut-
off field-strength contour.
In some cases (e.g. areas of anomalous propagation, higher powered transmitters, sensitive
coordination trigger value) it is possible that the cut-off field strength may be exceeded at the
maximum distance of 1 000 km. In this case the point at 1 000 km will be the position of the cut-off
field-strength contour on that radial.
- 317 -
Appendix 4
to Section II
Geometrical contour: A line at a constant distance from the digital Plan entry.
Cut-off field-strength contour: A line where the field-strength produced by a digital Plan entry
implementation is equal to a specified value.
Digital Plan entry interference envelope: The aggregate field-strength level, at a calculation point,
calculated based on the digital Plan entry characteristics.
Assignment derived (or converted) from an allotment: An assignment, recorded in the digital
Plan and/or in the MIFR, that does not change the interference envelope of the associated digital
Plan entry.
Linked assignment(s): One or several assignments, associated with an allotment, which appear in
the digital Plan and may increase the overall interference envelope of the digital Plan entry beyond
that caused by the reference network.
In the application of Article 4, designates all assignments corresponding to the digital Plan entry
which are already included in the Plan or proposed for inclusion in the Plan;
In the application of Article 5, designates all assignments corresponding to the digital Plan entry
which are already recorded in the MIFR, or proposed for recording in the MIFR.
- 319 -
No. Description
1 ITU serial number
2 ITU symbol for the notifying administration
3 Unique identification code given by the administration for the assignment (AdminRefId)
4 Assigned frequency (MHz)
5 Reference frequency (MHz)
6 Date of entry into the List
7 Name of the location of the transmitting/receiving station
8 ITU symbol of the country or geographical area
9 Geographical coordinates of the site of the transmitting/receiving station:
9a latitude (±DDMMSS)
9b longitude (±DDDMMSS)
10 Nominal radius (km) of the circular transmission area
11 ITU symbol of the country or geographical area where transmitting stations are located
12 ITU symbol of the country or geographical area where receiving stations are located
13 Geographical coordinates of the centre of the circular receiving area:
13a latitude (±DDMMSS)
13b longitude (±DDDMMSS)
14 Nominal radius (km) of the circular receiving area
15 Class of station
16 Class of emission, in accordance with Article 2 and Appendix 1
17 Necessary bandwidth, in accordance with Article 2 and Appendix 1
18 System type code (see Annex 2, Chapter 4 of this Agreement)
19 Type of power (X, Y or Z)
20 Transmitter output power (dBW)
21 Maximum power density (dB(W/Hz)) averaged over the worst 4 kHz band supplied to the antenna
transmission line
22 Maximum effective radiated power (dBW)
23 Antenna directivity (D or ND)
1 A listing of the relevant characteristics for radio astronomy stations is not provided, as currently there are
no radio astronomy stations recorded in the List. However, if in the future a radio astronomy station is
entered into the List, the listing of characteristics will be based on parameters contained in Appendix 4 to the
Radio Regulations.
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No. Description
24 Azimuth of maximum radiation of the transmitting antenna (degrees) clockwise from True North
25 Azimuthal sector for the antenna’s main beam axis measured (degrees) clockwise from True North:
25a Start azimuth
25b Stop azimuth
26 Polarization
27 Height of antenna above ground level (m)
28 Altitude of site above sea level (m)
29 Maximum effective height of the antenna (m)
30 Effective antenna height (m) at 36 different azimuths in 10° intervals, measured in the horizontal plane
from True North in a clockwise direction
31 Maximum antenna gain relative to a half-wave dipole
32 Symbol(s) of the administration with which coordination has been effected
33 Remarks
Note by the Secretariat: This list and its shortend version are included in the CD-ROM attached to these
Final Acts. The CD-ROM represents an integral part of the Final Acts. A recapitulative summary of the
number of assignments included in this List, per administration, is provided in Table 5-1.
Recapitulative summary of the number of assignments to other primary terrestrial services as they appear in the
List in the frequency bands 174-230 MHz and 470-862 MHz
The Regional Radiocommunication Conference for the planning of the digital terrestrial
broadcasting service in Region 1 (parts of Region 1 situated to the west of meridian 170° E and to
the north of parallel 40° S, except the territory of Mongolia) and in the Islamic Republic of Iran, in
the frequency bands 174-230 MHz and 470-862 MHz (Geneva, 2006) (RRC-06),
a) that the first session of the Conference adopted Resolution COM4/1 (RRC-04);
b) that it is necessary to effectively protect, inter alia, the terrestrial television broadcasting
systems in this band;
d) that the impact of these GSO BSS networks and non-GSO BSS networks or systems on
digital and analogue television broadcasting systems has yet to be examined and that the sharing
criteria, including the pfd limits required to protect the terrestrial services in this frequency band,
are not known and depend on a possible decision of the 2007 World Radiocommunication
Conference (WRC-07);
e) that many administrations have extensive infrastructure for the transmission and
reception of analogue and digital television signals between 620 MHz and 790 MHz;
f) that this Conference has adopted an Agreement and associated Plans for digital
terrestrial broadcasting, inter alia, in the band 620-790 MHz, and that it is necessary to effectively
protect these Plans,
a) that No. 5.311 of the Radio Regulations specifies the conditions under which the band
620-790 MHz may be used for assignments to television stations using frequency modulation in the
b) that use of the band 620-790 MHz by GSO and non-GSO BSS networks has been
suspended by Resolution 545 (WRC-03) pending a decision by WRC-07,
further recognizing
a) that pursuant to resolves 3 of Resolution 545 (WRC-03), GSO BSS networks and non-
GSO BSS networks or systems in the band 620-790 MHz other than those notified, brought into use
and with a date of bringing into use confirmed before the end of the World Radiocommunication
Conference (Geneva, 2003) (WRC-03), shall not be brought into use before the end of WRC-07;
- 324 -
b) that pursuant to resolves 5 of Resolution 545 (WRC-03), the BSS systems referred to in
resolves 1 of that Resolution shall not be taken into account in the application of resolves 3.4 of
Council Resolution 1185 (modified, 2003)1,
resolves to invite the 2007 World Radiocommunication Conference
1 to take appropriate and necessary measures to effectively protect the broadcasting Plans
adopted by this Conference and their subsequent evolution from the GSO-BSS and/or non-GSO
BSS networks/systems which were not brought into use prior to 5 July 2003;
2 to take appropriate and necessary measures in order that the ground terminals of
GSO and/or non-GSO BSS networks/systems which were not brought into use prior to 5 July 2003
shall not claim protection from the Plans adopted by this Conference and their subsequent
evolution, nor put any constraint on the operation of the assignments of the Plans and their
subsequent evolution,
instructs the Secretary-General
to bring this Resolution to the attention of the 2007 World Radiocommunication Conference.
1 Resolution 1185 has been abrogated and superseded by Resolution 1224 adopted by the Council at its
2004 session, whose resolves 2.1.2 concerns the sharing with other primary services.
- 325 -
The Regional Radiocommunication Conference for the planning of the digital terrestrial
broadcasting service in Region 1 (parts of Region 1 situated to the west of meridian 170° E and to
the north of parallel 40° S, except the territory of Mongolia) and in the Islamic Republic of Iran, in
the frequency bands 174-230 MHz and 470-862 MHz (Geneva, 2006) (RRC-06),
that this Conference has adopted the Regional Agreement (Geneva, 2006), which contains
procedures for the coordination and notification of assignments to the broadcasting service and
other primary terrestrial services, and whose Annex 3 contains characteristics to be submitted for
the application of these procedures,
that it may be desirable that all characteristics to be submitted to the Radiocommunication Bureau
for the coordination and notification of assignments be included in Appendix 4 of the Radio
resolves to invite the 2007 World Radiocommunication Conference
to review, as appropriate, Appendix 4 of the Radio Regulations with a view to incorporating the
characteristics of Annex 3 of the Regional Agreement (Geneva 2006),
instructs the Secretary-General
to bring this Resolution to the attention of the 2007 World Radiocommunication Conference.
I n t e r n a t i o n a l Te l e c o m m u n i c a t i o n U n i o n
Final Acts
of the Regional Radiocommunication Conference
for planning of the digital terrestrial broadcasting
service in parts of Regions 1 and 3, in the frequency
bands 174-230 MHz and 470-862 MHz (RRC-06)
*29307* International
Te l e c o m m u n i c a t i o n
Printed in Switzerland Union
Geneva, 2006
ISBN 92-61-11711-2
Photo credits: ITU Photo Library