The Book of Salawats
The Book of Salawats
The Book of Salawats
28 April 2019 | AP-Rev0
Table of Contents
Salawat Nuraniyyah / Salawat Badawi Kubra ..................................................................... 3
Salawat Al-Fatih / The Salutation of the Victor.................................................................... 4
Salatu Munajiyyah ............................................................................................................... 4
Salawaat of Sayyidina Ali ..................................................................................................... 5
Sayyid as-Salawaat (The Master of Salawaats) ................................................................... 6
Salaat al-`Aali al-Qadr .......................................................................................................... 7
Jawharat al-Kamal (The Jewel of Perfection) (7 times daily) ............................................... 8
As-Salatun-Naariyah (As-Salat u'l Tafreejiyyah) ................................................................ 10
Salawat Imam Shafi`i ......................................................................................................... 10
Grand Shaykh `Abdullah Daghestani's Salawat (100 times daily) ...................................... 11
Salawat al-Askandari ......................................................................................................... 11
As-Salat al-Kaamil (Between Maghrib and `Isha especially to remove forgetfulness and
strengthen the memory) .................................................................................................... 12
Darood Shifaa to See Prophet in a Dream (recite until you fall asleep) ............................. 13
Salawat Dhatiyyah ............................................................................................................. 14
Salaatu Ulu'l 'Azm .............................................................................................................. 15
Salawat Kamaaliya ............................................................................................................ 15
Salawat to see Prophet in a Dream (71 times) ................................................................... 16
Salawat that Equals 100,000 Salawat (1 time daily) .......................................................... 17
Erase 100,000 Grand Sins with One Salawat ...................................................................... 17
To See Your Lord in the Dream (1000 times on Jumu`ah) ................................................... 18
The Salawat in at-Tahiyyat ................................................................................................ 19
Salawaat as-Sa`adah ......................................................................................................... 19
Salat-i Tibbiyya................................................................................................................... 20
Salawat for Shifaa/Healing (3 times at Fajr) ...................................................................... 20
Salawat to Remove Difficulties and Sicknesses .................................................................. 21
Salawat Taj - Invocation of the Crown ............................................................................... 21
Salawat Nuraniyyah / Salawat Badawi Kubra
O Allah! Exalt, greet and bless our master and liege lord Muhammad,
the Tree of Original Light, the Sparkle of the Handful of Divine Mercy,
the Best of All Humankind, the Noblest of Physical Frames, the Vessel
of the Lord’s Secrets and Storehouse of the Sciences of the Elect, the
Possessor of the Original Divine Grasp, Resplendent Grace, and
Uppermost Rank, under whose flag line up all the prophets, so that they
are from him and point to him. Bless, greet and sanctify him and his
Family and Companions, to the number of all that You have ever
created, sustained, caused to die, and caused to live again, to the Day
You resurrect those You reduced to dust, and greet him with an
abundant and endless greeting. Glory and praise belong to Allah, the
Lord of the Worlds!
Scholars have said if you recite this once, it is as if you recited Dala`il al-
Khayrat 600,000 times! Another says if you recite salawaat on the
number of human beings from the time of Sayyidina Adam (a) until
Judgment Day, that is the value of Salaat al-Faatih!
O Allah, bless our Master Muhammad, who opened what was closed
and sealed what was before. He makes the truth victorious by the truth
and he is the guide to Your Straight Path. And bless his Household as it
befits his immense stature and splendor.
Salatu Munajiyyah
ْ َن جَِميعِ ْاالْ الًة تُنْجِينَا بَِها ِم
َ َحَّمدٍ ص
َ َالَّلُهمَّ صَِّل عََلى سيدنا ُم
ِن جَِميعْ ت وَتُطَِّهرُنَا بَِها ِم
ِ ن جَِميعَ اْلحَاجَا ْ ت وَتَقْضِى َلنَا بَِهاِم
ِ وَْاآلفَا
وَتُبَِّلُغنَا بَِها َاقْصَى.ت
ِ ك َاعَْلى الدَّرَجَاَ َت وَتَرْفَُعنَا بَِها عِنْدِ سيِّئَا
َّ ال
ِ ت وَبَْعدَ املََما ِ ت فِى اْلحَيَا ِ ن جَِميعِ اْلخَيْرَا ْ ت ِمِ اْلَغايَا
Allahumma salli `ala sayyidina Muhammadin salaatan tunjinaa
bihaa min jamee`i ’l ahwaali wa’l-aafaat, wa taqdee lanaa bihaa min
jamee`i ’l-haajaat, wa tutahhirunaa bihaa min jamee`i ’s-sayyi’aat,
wa tarfa`unaa bihaa `indaka `alaa ’d-darajaat, wa tuballighunaa
bihaa aqsaa ’l-ghaayaat min jamee‘i ’l-khayraati fi ’l-hayaat wa ba`d
O Allah! Exalt Muhammad with blessings that deliver us from every fear,
and by means of them fulfill our every need, and purify us by means of
them from every sin, and by means of them raise us to the highest
stations, and by means of them make us attain the furthest degrees in
all that is good in this life and in the life after death.
َ جميعِ خَْلقِهِ على ُم َ سِلهِ وُ َت اهللِ تعالى وَمالئَِكتِهِ وأنبيائه ور
ُ صََلوا
.ُحَمةُ اهللِ تَعالى وبَرَكاتُه
ْ َسالمُ ور
َّ عليه وعليهمُ ال،ٍحَّمد
َ وعلى آِل ُم
Salawaatu 'Llaahi ta`ala wa malaa’ikatihi wa anbiyaaihi wa rusulihi
wa jami`ee khalqihi `alaa Muhammadin wa `alaa aali Muhammad
`alayhi wa `alayhimu ‘s-salaam wa rahmatullaahi ta`ala wa
Sayyidina `Ali said, “If you read this salawat three times daily and a
hundred times on Jumu`ah, it will be as if you have read the salawat of
all Creation, including ins, jinn, angels, and anything that makes salawat
on Sayyidina Muhammad , and the Prophet will take you by the hand to
Muhammad; may the Peace and Mercy of Allah Almighty and His
Blessings be upon upon him and upon them.
arwaahahumu ’z-zakiyya, wa nawwarr Allaahu ta`alaa adrihatamu
’l-mubaaraka, wa `adallaahu ta`alaa `alaynaa min barakaatihim wa
fuyoodatihim daa’iman wa ‘l-hamdulillaahi rabbi ‘l-`alameen.
ِ ي اْلحَبِي
ِّ حَّمدٍ النَّبِيِّ األُِّم
َ سيِّدِنَا ُم
َ ك عََلى
َ ِسِّلمْ وَبَار
َ َالَّلُهمَّ صَِّل و
َ َآِلهِ وَصَحْبِهِ و.اْلَعاِلي اْلقَدْرِ اْلَعظِيمِ اْلجَاِه وَعََلى
Allahumma salli wa sallim wa barik `alaa Sayyidina Muhammad an-
Nabiyyi 'l-Umiyy al-Habeebi 'l-`alil-qadri 'l-`azheemi 'l-jaahi wa `alaa
aalihi wa sahbihi wa sallim.
As mentioned by Shaykh Muhammad Hisham Kabbani (qs) and many
other awliyaullah, from the Sharh Salawat ad-Dardir al-`allamah as-
Saawi, reciting this salawat will eliminate claustrophobia and bring ease
to you in the grave. It will also remove the fear of the interrogating
angels, Munkar and Nakir. It is mentioned that whoever recites this
salawat once every Friday, upon his death Prophet will go with him to
his burial and bury him with his own blessed hands!
O Allah exalt and greet and bless our master Muhammad the Unlettered
Prophet, the Beloved of Highest Value, Possessing Immense Status and
on his family and companions and send them peace.
َ ك ِإَليْــَ ك ِمنْـ
َ سِّلـمْ عََلى طَْلَعةِ الحَـقِّ بَالحَـقِّ الَكـنْزِ األَعْـظَمِ ِإفَـاضَتِـ َ َو
الًة تَُعرِّفُنَـا
َ صَـ،ِســمِ صََّلـى اهللُ عََليْـهِ وَعَـَلى آِلـه َ حـاطَـةِ النُّـورِ املُطَــْل َ ِإ
بِـَها ِإيَّـــاُه
Allahumma salli wa sallim `alaa `ayni 'r-rahmati 'r-rabbaaniyati wa 'l
yaaqootati 'l-mutahaqqiqati 'l-haaitati bi-markazi 'l-fuhoomi wa 'l-
ma`anee. Wa noori 'l-akwaani 'l-mutakawwinati 'l-aadami sahibil
haqqir-rabbani al barqil asta'i bi muzoonil arbahil maliati li kulli
muta'arridhin min al-buhoori wa 'l-awaani. Wa noorika 'l-laami`u
'Lladhee malaata bihi kawnaka 'l-haa'iti bi-amkinati 'l-makaani.
As-Salatun-Naariyah (As-Salat u'l Tafreejiyyah)
حَّمدٍ اَّلذِي
َ سيِّدِنَا ُم
َ المًا تَاًّما عََلى َ سَ ْسِّلمَ َالًة كَاِمَلةً و َ َالَّلُهمَّ صَِّل ص
ِج وَتُنَاُل بِه
ُ ِب وَتُقْضَى بِهِ اْلحََوائ ُ َج بِهِ اْلُكر
ُ ِتَنْحَُّل بِهِ اْلُعقَدُ وَتَنْفَر
ِسقَى اْلَغَمامُ بَِوجِْههِ اْلَكرِيمِ وَعَلى آِله ْ َستْ ُن اْلخََواتِمِ وَي ُ سْ ُب و َحُ ِالرَّغَائ
َ وَصَحْبِهِ فِي كُِّل ملْحَةٍ وَنَفَسٍ بَِعدَدِ كُِّل َمْعُلومٍ َل
Allahuma salli salaatan kaamilatan wa sallim salaaman taaman
`alaa Sayyidina Muhammadi 'Lladhee tanhallu bihi 'l-`uqadu wa
tanfariju bihi 'l-kurub wa tuqda bihi 'l-hawaa'iju wa tunaalu biihi'-r-
raghaa'ib wa husunu 'l-khawaatim wa yustasqaa 'l-ghamaa'im bi-
wajhihi'l-kareem wa `alaa aalihi wa sahbihi fee kulli lamhatin wa
nafasin bi-`adadi kulli m`aloomin laka.
This salawat is from the Kanzu 'l-Asraar and it opens the seven heavens
and it was been tested by great awliya like Imam Sanusi, Sidi Omar
Mukhtar, Sidi ibn Hajar al-Asqalani and Imam al-Qurtubi. It used very
much in Morocco. And if a calamity, distress or danger manifests
usually the Sufis and the Ahlu khayr (the people of goodness),gather
together and read it 4,444 times after which they do tawwasul through
the Prophet (saws) and by Allah's Will, safety will come.
ن ذِكْرِِه
ْ َن وَغَفََل ع
َ حَّمدٍ عَدَدَ َما ذَكَرَُه الذَّاكِرُو
َ الَّلُهمَّ صََّلى عََلى ُم
َ اْلَغافِلو
Allahumma salli `ala Muhammadin `adada maa dhakarahu ‘dh-
dhaakiroon wa ghafala `an dhikrihi ‘l-ghaafiloon.
decorations for her husband. They showered me with angels and
heavenly ornaments like they throw (rose petals) over the bride and
groom in dunya.” I asked him, “How did you attain this level, what did
you do?” He said, “Someone told me to recite a specific salawat, which
I did.” Recite this salawat to enter Paradise without questioning:
َ َحَّمدٍ و
َ حَّمدٍ وَعََلى آِل ُم
َ َالَّلُهمَّ صَِّل عََلى ُم
Allahumma salli `ala Muhammadin wa `ala aali Muhammadin wa
Grandshaykh قدس سرّهsaid that if you are unable to recite Dala’il al-
Khayrat as part of your daily wird, then recite this salawat 100 times,
which is the easiest and simplest form of salawat on the Prophet (s), as
it shows the humility of the Prophet towards His Lord.
O Allah! Send blessings and peace upon Muhammad and the Family of
Salawat al-Askandari
َ سابِقِ ِلْلخَْلقِ نُورُُه وَرَحَْمةً ِلْلَعاملَّ حَّمدٍ ال َ سيِّدِنَا ُم
َ الَّلُهمَّ صَِّل عََلى
ْ سِعدَ ِمنُْهم وََمَ ن ْ ن بَقِيَ وََم ْ ك وََم َ ِن خَْلق ْ ن َمضَى ِم ْ ظُُهورُُه عَدَدَ َم
ستَْغرِقُ اْلَعدَّ وَتُحِيطُ بِاْلحَدِّ صَالًة ال غَايَةَ َلَها وَال إنْتَِهاء ْ َشقِيَ صَالًة ت َ
ِك باقية ببقائك وَعََلى آِله َ وال أمد لها وَال انْقِضَاَء صَالًة دَائَِمةً بِدَوَاِم
َ سِليًما ِمثَْل ذَِل ْ َسِّلمْ ت
َ َوَصَحْبِهِ و
ْ هَو َأُ حَّمدًا عَنّا َما
َ حَّمدٍ وَاجْزِ ُمَ حَّمدٍ وَعََلى آِل ُمَ الَّلُهمَّ صَِّل عََلى ُم
تو َ ت وَزِنَةَ َما عَِلْم
َ حَّمدٍ عَدَدَ َما عَِلْمَ حَّمدٍ وَعََلى آِل ُمَ ُالَّلُهمَّ صَِّل عََلى ُم
َحَّمدٍ وَ سيِّدِنَا وَ موالنَا ُم
َ سِّلم وَ بَارِك عََلى َ َت الَّلُهمَّ صَِّل و
َ َِمْلَء َما عَِلْم
عََلى كٌِل نَبِي وَ عََلى جِبرِيَل وَ عََلى كٌل َمَلك وَ عََلى ابي بكر وَ عََلى
.كٌل وَِلي
Allahumma salli `ala Sayyidina Muhammadini ’s-saabiqi li ’l-khalqihi
nooruhu wa rahmatan li ’l-`alameena zhuhooruhu `adada mam-
madaa min khalqika wa mam-baqiya wa man sa`ida minhum wa
man shaqiya salaatan tastaghriqu ’l-`adda wa tuheetu bi ’l-haddi
salaatan laa ghaayata lahaa wa laa muntahaa wa laa amadala wa
lanqidaa salaatan daa’imatan bi-dawaamika baaqiyatan bi-
baqaaika wa `ala aalihi wa sahbihi kadhaalik wa ‘l-hamdulillahi `ala
One day Jamal`uddin bin `Ali Askandari saw the Prophet in a dream who
said to him, “Yaa Muhammad Ibn `Ali al-Askandari! I will teach you
some words that if you read them, it will be as if you read the whole
wird with all its rewards! Repeat it ten times, it will be as if you have
recited your entire wird all day and all night, and you will get the
benefits of that reward in addition to the wird you are already doing.
Repeat after me,” and we are saying after the Prophet :
َحَّمدٍ وَعََلى آِلهِ كََما الَ نَِهايَة
َ سيِّدِنَا ُم
َ ك عََلى
ْ ِسِّلمْ وَبَار
َ ََالَّلُهمَّ صَِّل و
ِلَكَماِلك َوَعَدَدَ كََماِله
Allahumma salli wa sallim wa baarik `ala Sayyidina Muhammadin
wa `ala aalihi kamaa laa nihayata li-kamaalika wa `adada kamaalih.
The most honored salawat which awliyaullah said one recitation equals
70,000 salawat, and in the Shafi`i school of thought they say it is
“rewarded with no end,” as Allah's Perfection has no end! It is read
between Maghrib and `Isha, especially to remove forgetfulness and
strengthen the memory:
Darood Shifaa to See Prophet in a Dream (recite until you fall asleep)
سدِِه فِي
َ َح وَعََلى ج ِ حَّمدٍ فِي األَرْوَا
َ سيِّدِنَا ُم
َ ح
ِ الَّلُهمَّ صَِّل عََلى رُو
َ َسادِ وَعََلى قَبْرِِه فِي القُبُورِ وَعََلى آِلهِ وَصَحْبِهِ و
َ جْ َاأل
Allahumma salli `ala roohi Sayyidina Muhammad fi 'l-arwaahi wa
`ala jasadihi fi 'l-ajsaadi wa `ala qabrihi fi 'l-quboori wa `ala aalihi wa
sahbihi wa sallim.
Whoever makes salawat in this way will see me in the dream, whoever
sees me in the dream will see me in the Day of Judgment, whoever
sees me in the Day of Judgment I will intercede for him, whoever I
intercede for will drink from my basin, the Hawd al-Kawthar in Paradise,
and whoever drinks from al-Kawthar will be prohibited from entering
I said to myself, “I must recite this,” and I recited it before I slept and
kept reciting until I fell asleep. I looked at the moon and saw the
Prophet's honorable face, and I spoke with him. Then ghaba fi ‘l-qamar,
I felt he was in the moon until he disappeared. I asked Allah that for
sake of this salawat, give me all the favors He gives, not the normal
provision but the one He gave to His Beloved One, Sayyidina
Muhammad , that he promised to every mu’min, and I felt that I am
getting it. (Afdal as-Salawat, Page 58)
Salawat Dhatiyyah
ت اْلجََماِل ِ هو ُ َب املُطَْمطَمِ الِ ْسمِ وَْالَغيَ ت املُطَْل ِ الَّلُهمَّ صَِّل عَلى الذّا
ْن َلمْ شرِ َم ْ َى ن ِ ن ْاألزَِل ف ِ سا
َ ْني ِانِ َحقِّ كنزِ ع َّ ت ْالِوصَاِل طَْلَعةِ ْال ِ سو ُ َنَا
ِب الَّلُهمَّ صَِّل بِهِ ِمنْهُ فِيهِ عََليْه
ِ َت ْالِوصَاِل ْاالَقْر ِ سو ُ ب ن َا
َ ى قَ ا
ِ يَزَْل ف
َ َو
Allahumma salli `alaa ‘dh-dhaati 'l-mutalsam wa ‘l-ghaybi 'l-
mutamtam laahooti 'l-jamaali naasooti 'l-wisaal tal`ati ‘l-haqqi kanz
`ayn insaan al-azali fee nashri man lam yazal fee qaabi naasooti 'l-
wisaali 'l-aqrab. Allahumma salli bihi minhu feehi `alayhi wa sallim.
Who knows Arabic knows how profound this salaat is. Allahumma salli
`alaa ‘dh-dhaat al-mutalsam wa ‘l-ghayb al-mutamtami laahooti ’l-
jamaal. Here it expresses that there is no one more beautiful than
Prophet , he is the beauty of this universe and he is the beauty of
heavens and here Allah sends His prayers and praises on that Essence
that no one knows about, for it is hidden and you cannot penetrate its
realities without knowing the secret codes needed to open it and
decode them. For example, if you have a rough diamond it is a large
rock which you break down and break down until you reach the gem,
then you cut it nicely and then after that you have to polish it. He then
mentions the Dhaat al-Mutalsam, that essence that is covered and
which no one can open, and al-Ghayb al-Mutamtam, the unseen ghayb
that no one can reach or discuss. It then mentions al-Laahoot al-
Jamaal. “Laahoot” means that which belongs to earth and “Naasoot” is
the connection from earth to heavens, the appearance of Truth, which is
Sayyidina Muhammad , where Allah dressed him with the dresses of
Justice, Beauty and ...of human beings.
Insan al-azal fee maa nashari maa lam yazal, “the human being that is
living from azal to abad who will open from the secrets of heavenly
Names and Attributes." Fee qaabi naasoot al- wisaal al-aqrab. He
opens only to those who reached the connection between earthly life
and heavenly life, he opened to them as they are moving forward to
heavens. Yaa Allah salli bihi. Salli bihi is different than salli `alayh. It
means make the salaat through him. Salli bihi minhu. Make the salaat
from him to him from the Prophet to the Prophet and in him, wa sallim,
and give greetings of peace. Amin.
َ َح وٍ سيِّدِنَا نُو
َ َسيِّدِنَا آدَم و
َ َحَّمدٍ وَ سيِّدِنَا ُم
َ الَّلُهمَّ صَِّل عََلى
سى وََما بَيْنَُهمْ ِمن النَّبِيّني َ سيِّدِنَا عِي
َ َس ى و َ سيِّدِنَا ُمو َ َهيمَ وِ ِإبْرَا
َ جَمِع
ْ سالُمهُ عََليِهمْ َأ
َ َت اهللِ و ُ سِلني صََلَواَ ْوَاملُر
Allahumma salli `ala Sayyidina Muhammadin wa Adama wa Noohin
wa Ibraahima wa Moosa wa `Isaa wa maa baynahum min an-
nabiyyeena wa 'l-mursaleena salawaatullahi wa salaamuhu
`alayhim ajma`een.
Reciting this salawat three times is equal to reading the whole Dala’il ul-
Salawat Kamaaliya
حَّمدٍ وَعََلى آِلهِ عَدَدَ كََماِل اهلل
َ سيِّدِنَا ُم
َ ى
َ ك عَ ل
ْ ِسِّلمْ وَبَار
َ ََالَّلُهمَّ صَِّل و
ِوَكََما يَِليقُ بَِكَماِله
Allahumma salli wa sallim wa baarik `ala Sayyidina Muhammadin
wa `ala aalihi `adada kamaalillah wa kamaa yaleequ bi kamaalih.
O Allah! Bestow Your Blessings, Peace and Grace upon our Master,
Muhammad, and upon His Family according to the Perfection of Allah
and as befits his perfection!
Whoever likes to see the Prophet , let him recite this 71 times and you
will see the Prophet and smell his Holy Fragrance!
Salawat that Equals 100,000 Salawat (1x)
ّ ى األُِّم
ّ ِك النَب
َ سوِلُ َك و رَ ِّك ونَبِي
َ ِحّمدٍ عَبد
َ سيِّدِنَا ُم
َ الّلُهمَ صَِّل عََلى
ِ توٍ ك فِى كُِّل وَق َ ِبِقَدرِ عَظََمةِ ذَات.سِّلمْ تَسِليَمًا
َ َوعََلى آِلهِ وصَحْبِهِ و
Allahumma salli `alaa Sayyidina Muhammadin `abdika wa nabiyyika
wa rasoolika an-nabiyy al-ummiyy wa `alaa aalihi wa sahbihi wa
sallim tasleeman bi qadari `azhamati dhaatika fee kulli waqtin wa
َ ِحَمةً ِلْلَعامل
ْ َسابِقِ ِلْلخَْلقِ نُْورُُه رَّ حَّمدٍ ال َ سيِّدِنَا ُم
َ الَّلُهمَّ صَِّل عََلى
ْ سِعدَ ِمنُْهمْ وََم َ ن ْ ن بَقِيَ وََم ْ ك وََم َ ِن خَْلق ْ ن َمضَى ِم ْ ظُُهورُُه عَدَدَ َم
ستَْغرِقُ اْلَعدَّ وَتُحِيطُ بِاْلحَدِّ صَالًة ال غَايَةَ َلَها وَال ْ َشقِيَ صَالًة ت َ
ًك بَاقِيَة َ ك الرِّضا صَالًة دَائَِمةً بِدَوَاِم َ ُْمنْتََهى وَال انْقِضاَء تُنِيُلنَا بَِها ِمن
َ ن جَالِل ْ ت قَْلبَهُ ِم
َ أل
ْ حَّمدٍ الَّلذِي َم َ سيِّدِنَا ُمَ ك الَّلُهمَّ صَِّل عََلى َ ِبِبَقائ
ِح فَرِحًا ٌمَأيَّدًا َمنْصُورًا وَعََلى آِلهِ وَصَحْبِه َ َك فََأصْبَ وَعَيْنَهُ ِمن جََماِل
َ سِليمًا وَاْلحَْمدُ هللِ عََلى ذَِل ْ َسِّلمْ ت
َ َو
Allahumma salli `alaa Sayyidina Muhammadini ’s-saabiqi li ’l-
khalqihi nooruhu wa rahmatan li ’l-`alameena zhuhooruhu `adada
mam-madaa min khalqika wa mam-baqiya wa man sa`ida minhum
wa man shaqiya salaatan tastaghriqu ’l-`adda wa tuheetu bi ’l-haddi
salaatan laa ghaayata lahaa wa laa muntahaa wa lanqidaa wa
tuneelana biha minka ‘r-ridaa salaatan daa’imatan bi-dawaamika
baaqiyatan bi-baqaaika.
Allahumma salli `alaa Sayyidina Muhammadini ’Llalladhee mala'ta
qalbahu min jalaalika wa `aynahoo min jamaalika fa-asbaha farihan
mu’ayyadan mansooran wa `alaa aalihi wa sahbihi wa sallim
tasliman wa ‘l-hamdu lillahi `alaa dhaalik.
If you read this one time, Allah will waive 100,000 sins! Allah will forgive
100,000 big sins, min al-kabaair. With one recitation of this salawat
Allah takes away even 100,000 great sins and with two recitations,
200,000 great sins, and with three recitations, 300,000 great sins, and
with ten recitations, one-million great sins!
O Allah! Bless our Master Muhammad , whose heart is so full with Your
Glory, and whose eyes are so full of Your Beauty that he came to be
overjoyed, supported and victorious, and bless likewise his Family and
Companion and grant him and them abundant peace, and praise be to
Allah for all of that! (in first half of Dala’il al-Khayrat)
حَّمدً َّما
َ ي جَزَى اهللُ عَنَّا ُم
ِّ حَّمد النَّبِيِّ األُِّم
َ سيِّدِنَا ُم
َ الَّلُهمَّ صَِّل عََلى
ْ هَو َا
Allahumma salli `ala Muhammad an-nabiyy al-ummiyy jazAllahu
`anna Muhammadan maa huwa ahluh.
It is said, “Who recites this will see in dream his Lord, or an angel, or the
Prophet , or he can see his place in Paradise." Inshaa-Allah whoever
recites this salawat a thousand times on Jumu'ah, Allah will grant them
to see His Manifestations or His Prophet or your place in Paradise. If
you don't see it, continue to recite it for five weeks, and it was tried and
they were able to see.
The Prophet said that anyone who reads this salawat once every day
will not feel sakharaat al-mawt, the pain of death, and his soul will go
smoothly, as the hadith mentions that the soul of the mu`min will leave
the body like a hair being pulled from ghee, so easily. So recite the
above mentioned salawat together with the recitation of the Jawharat
al-Kamaal at least once daily.
Salawaat as-Sa`adah
O Allah! Exalt and send peace on our Leader and Master Muhammad
on the number of what exists in Allah’s Knowledge with ongoing
prayers as long as Allah’s Kingdom exists.
Salat-i Tibbiyya
َن و
ِ ب وَدَوَائَِها وَ عَافِيَةِ ْاالَبْدَا
ِ ب اْلقُُلو
ِّ ِحَّمدٍ ط
َ سيِّدِنَا ُم
َ َالَّلُهمَّ صَِّل عََلى
َ َشفَائَِها وَ نُورِْاالَبْصَارِ وَ ضِيَائَِها وَ عََلى َاِلهِ وَصَحْبِهِ و ِ
Allahumma Salli `ala Sayyidina Muhammadin Tibbil qulubi wa
dawaa’iha, Wa `afiyatil abdaani wa shifai’ha, Wa nuril absari wa
dhiya’iha, Wa `ala Aalihi wa Sahbihi wa Sallim.
Also known as Durood Shifaa i Qulub, this Salawat is a cure for Spiritual
and Physical illnesses and protects against the whispering of the
accursed shaytan and the interference of the nafs in good works.
in this form before illnesses burst into new forms in your body. Reciting
this salawaat will take away all the rust from our hearts and give
provision for the soul.
ْ َحَّمدٍ قَدْ ضَاق
َ سيِّدِنَا ُم
َ حَّمدٍ وَ عََلى آٍل
َ سيِّدِنَا ُم
َ الَّلُهمَّ صَِّل عََلى
سوَل اهللُ َحِيَلتِي َأدْرِكْنِي يَا ر
Allahuma Salli A'la Sayyidina Muhammad Wa A'la Aali Sayyidina
Muhammad Qad Dh'aqat Heelati Adrikni Ya Rasul Allah
O Allah, raise our Master Muhammad and His Family. (O Allah!) I can't
find my way out of this most terrible situation, get me out! Adriknee,
reach me, ya Rasul Allah!
wa qaba qawsayni matlubuhu
wal-matlubu maqsuduhu wal-maqsudu mawjuduhu
sayyid al-mursalin khatim al-nabiyyin
shafi` al-mudhnibin anis al-gharibin
rahmatun li al-`alamin
rahat al-`ashiqin murad al-mushtaqin
shams al-`arifin siraj al-salikin misbah al-muqarrabin
muhibb al-fuqara' wal-masakin
sayyid al-thaqalayn
nabiyy al-haramayn
imam al-qiblatayn
wasilatina fi al-darayn
sahibi qaba qawsayn
mahbub rabbi al-mashriqayni wal-maghribayn
jadd al-hasani wal-husayn
mawlana wa mawla al-thaqalayn
Abi al-Qasimi MUHAMMAD Ibni `Abdillah
nurin min nurillah
ya ayyuha al-mushtaquna bi nuri jamalihi
sallu `alayhi wa alihi wa sallimu taslima
Allahumma salli `ala Muhammadin wa `ala ali Muhammadin wa sallim
O Allah, send blessings and Peace upon our Master and Patron Muhammad,
The Owner of the Crown and the Ascent and the Buraq and the Standard,
The Repeller of Affliction and Disease and Drought and Illness and Pain.
His name is written on high, served and engraved in the Tablet and the Pen,
The Leader of All, Arabs and non-Arabs,
Whose body is sanctified, fragrant, and pure,
Illumined in the House and the Haram,
The Sun of Brightness, the Full Moon in Darkness,
The Foremost One in the Highest Fields, the Light of Guidance,
The Cave of Refuge for Mortals, the Lamp That Dispels the Night,
The Best-Natured One, The Intercessor of Nations,
The Owner of Munificence and Generosity.
Allah is his Protector, Gabriel is his servant.
The Buraq is his mount, the Ascent is his voyage,
The Lote-Tree of the Furthermost Boundary is his station,
Two Bow-Lengths or Nearer is his desire,
His desire is his goal, and he has found his goal,
The Master of the Messengers, the Seal of the Prophets,
The intercessor of sinners, the friend of the strangers,
The Mercy for the Worlds,
The rest of those who burn with love, the goal of those who yearn,
The sun of knowers, the lamp of travellers,
The light of Those Brought Near,
The friend of the poor and destitute,
The master of Humans and Jinn,
The Prophet of the Two Sanctuaries,
The Imam of the Two Qiblas,
Our Means in the Two Abodes,
The Owner of Qaba Qawsayn,
The Beloved of the Lord of the Two Easts and the Two Wests,
The grandfather of al-Hasan and al-Husayn,
Our patron and the patron of Humans and Jinn:
Abu al-Qasim MUHAMMAD Son of `Abd Allah,
A light from the light of Allah.
O you who yearn for the light of his beauty,
Send blessings and utmost greetings of peace
Upon him and upon his Family.