Cagayan State University: Republic of The Philippines

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Republic of the Philippines

Cagayan State University



Lesson 1: Origin and Development of Volleyball

Enrichment Activity 1

Directions: Identify and answer correctly the corresponding questions.

1. What sports did Morgan got the idea inorder to create the game volleyball?
Morgan blend elements of basketball, baseball, tennis, and handball to create the game of
2. How was the game called volleyball? Why?
During a demonstration game, Alfred Halsted remarked to Morgan that the players seemed to be
volleying the ball back and forth over the net , and perhaps “volleyball” would be a more
descriptive name for the sport.

3. What is the objective of the game?

The objective of the game is to send the ball regularly over the net to the opposing team
in an effort to ground the ball on their side of the court.

4. Where and when was the creation of the game volleyball?

The creation of the game volleyball happened in 1895 when William G. Morgan was an instructor at
the Young Men’s Christian Association (YMCA) in Holyoke, Massachusettes.

5. One reason why volleyball was created?

One reason why volleyball was created was for Morgan’s classes of businessmen which would
demand less physical contact than basketball.

6. How was the game played after the invention/creation?

The game was played originally as-- a team could have as few as one player on a side to an
unlimited number of players. The players volleyed the ball back and forth across the net until
one team missed and a point scored. The first team to score 21 was declared winner.

7. What is AVP stands for?

AVP stands for Association of Volleyball Professionals.
Republic of the Philippines
Cagayan State University

Activity 2
Match column A with column B and put the correct answer/letter before each number.


__j___1. The Federation Internationale De Volley-Ball (FIVB) was founded. a. 1989

___g____2. Back row attack rules were instituted. b. 1964

___b____3. Introducing volleyball in Tokyo, Japan Olympic Games c. 1934

___h____4. Recognition of U.S.V.A. as National Governing Body of U.S. d. 1922

___f____5. First volleyball game played in Springfield College. e. 1916

___e____6. Offensive style was introduced in the Philippines. f. 1896

___c____7. Recognition of National Volleyball Referees. g. 1920

___d____8. National championships held in Brooklyn, NY. wherein 27 teams h. 1937

from 11 states were represented.

___a____9. Creation of Sports Aid Program. i. 1910

___i____10. Introducing of volleyball in the Philippines. j. 1947

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