Electrical and Computer Engineering: Graduate Studies and Research

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Electrical and Computer


Graduate Studies and Research

September, 2008
1. Message from the Chairman’s Office 2
2. Cleveland State University 3
3. The Fenn College of Engineering and the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering 3
4. The Degree of Master of Science in Electrical Engineering (MSEE) 3
5. The Degree of Master of Science in Software Engineering (MSSE) 5
6. Accelerated 5-year BS/MS Program 7
7. The Degree of Doctor of Engineering (DE) 7
8. Financial Aid 8
9. Application Information 8
10. Faculty and Staff 10
11. Electrical and Computer Engineering Graduate Courses 11
12. Instructional Laboratories 13
13. Research Laboratories 13
14. Research and Scholarly Projects 14
15. Recent Faculty Publications 23

News Release
Recent Grant Awards
1/23/08: Dr. Sridhar received a grant from the National Science Foundation for funding of the project titled
"CAREER: Improving the Productivity of the Sensor Network Programmer" in the amount of $450,000.
5/9/08: Dr. Sridhar received from the National Science Foundation a supplemental funding for support of
Research Experiences for Undergraduates in the same project in the amount of $12,000.

6/30/08: Drs. Zhao, Sridhar, Yu, and Fu received a grant from the National Science Foundation for the project
titled ―MRI: Acquisition of Equipment to Establish a Secure and Dependable Computing Infrastructure for
Research and Education at CSU‖ in the amount of $150,000.

7/17/08: Dr. Yau received a grant from the American Diabetes Association for the project titled ―Stabilization
of Immobilized Enzymes for Implantable Glucose Monitoring Devices‖ in the amount of $100,000 for Year
One of an anticipated three year award.

7/22/08: Dr. Simon received a grant from the National Science Foundation for the project titled
―Biogeography-based Optimization of Multiple Related Complex Systems‖ in the amount of $295,879.

8/21/08: Dr. Yu received a grant from the National Science Foundation for his project titled ―Collaborative
Research: NEDG: Exploring Data Access in Internet-based Wireless Mobile Networks‖ in the amount of

Spin-off Company
Dr. Gao has been working with Jim Dawson, a former student of his, on a CSU spin-off company, ADRC
Technologies. On 8/12/08, it has announced that it had received a $1,000,000 venture capital to license a
patent-pending control technology developed by Dr. Gao. Plain Dealer, Cleveland’s major news paper,
reported this company and Dr. Gao’s lab on September 2, 2008.

No person will be denied opportunity for employment or education or subjected to discrimination in any project, program, or activity
because of race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, national origin, ancestry, age, disability, or Vietnam veteran’s status. 93-0112
Message from Chairman’s Office

Since 1923 the Fenn College of Engineering has provided high quality
undergraduate and graduate engineering programs to students in Northeast Ohio
and beyond. Then in 1964 the College served as the nucleus around which the
State of Ohio established Cleveland State University with its six colleges.

Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) is the largest of Fenn College’s six
departments, and it offers two undergraduate degree programs (a BS in
Electrical Engineering and a BS in Computer Engineering), two master’s degree
programs (an MS in Electrical Engineering with an emphasis in either electrical
engineering or computer engineering, and an MS in Software Engineering), and
a Doctoral Degree program.

Besides teaching and conducting research in the more traditional areas of

communications, controls, power electronics, power systems, and digital systems, recent recruitment of faculty in
the areas of computer engineering, software engineering, MEMs, and sensors has greatly expanded ECE’s range
of courses, degrees, and research activities. In addition to its nine research laboratories, the Department’s faculty
play major roles as both leaders and researchers in the college-wide Center for Research in Electronics and
Aerospace Technology (CREATE), as well as in the state-funded multi-university and multi-business $23
million-dollar Wright Center for Sensor Systems Engineering.

Academic programs in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering emphasize a blend of practical
experience and academic achievement, and our students often have the opportunity to work on real problems in
industry, in academic research, and at the NASA Glenn Research Center.

ECE’s students come from within and beyond Northeast Ohio, and from many countries, thus collectively
representing a rich mixture of cultures and languages. Graduates of the ECE degree programs are frequently hired
by prominent companies and government agencies such as Rockwell Automation, GE, Motorola, Microsoft,
ABB, Qualcomm, and NASA.

If you have further questions, please contact the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at
216-687-2589 to schedule an appointment with our undergraduate or graduate academic advisors, or to talk to us
in general about our activities.

Fuqin Xiong, Ph.D.

Professor and Chair
[email protected]

faculty and students.
Cleveland State University
The department offers both undergraduate and graduate
Cleveland State University is a state-assisted, comprehensive, degrees, including Bachelor of Electrical Engineering (BEE),
metropolitan university. Cleveland State has about 16,000 Bachelor of Computer Engineering (BCE), Master of Science
students enrolled in 200 major fields of study at the in Electrical Engineering (MSEE, with emphasis in either
undergraduate and graduate levels as well as professional electrical engineering or computer engineering), Master of
certificate and continuing education programs. Science in Software Engineering (MSSE), and Doctor of
Engineering (DE).
By action of the Ohio General Assembly in 1964, Cleveland
State was created in 1965 to provide quality education at Our degree programs emphasize a blend of practical experience
reasonable cost to the citizens of northeast Ohio. Cleveland and academic achievement. Our programs are interdisciplinary
State was created out of the buildings, faculty, staff, and and closely related to advances in technology.
curriculum of the former Fenn College, a private institution of
2,500 students that was founded in 1923. Later, in 1969, the Faculty research is often sponsored by farsighted organizations
Cleveland-Marshall College of Law was merged into and industries seeking to explore technology challenges.
Cleveland State University. Since then, the university has Computer network security and privacy, high efficiency
developed into a comprehensive university with eight colleges: modulation and coding techniques, advanced control
the College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences, the College of algorithms and techniques, embedded systems, micro electrical
Science, the Nance College of Business Administration, the and mechanical systems (MEMS), biomedical sensors and
College of Education and Human Services, the Fenn College of wireless sensor networks are just a few of the areas recently
Engineering, the Maxine Goodman Levin College of Urban investigated. Students often have opportunity to work on real
Affairs, the Cleveland-Marshall College of Law, and the problems in industry and at the NASA Glenn Research Center,
College of Graduate Studies. through funded researches or internships.

Now CSU attracts students from many states in the nation and
many counties of the world.

Rhodes Tower at Cleveland State University The Fenn College of Engineering

The Fenn College of Engineering The Degree of Master of Science

and the Department of Electrical in Electrical Engineering
and Computer Engineering (MSEE)
Long before the founding of Cleveland State University, the Program
Fenn College of Engineering had established a reputation for
excellence as early as 1890 when the first engineering course The Master of Science in Electrical Engineering program
was offered by the forerunner of Fenn College. The college integrates theory and applications. Courses are typically
consists of six departments: Chemical and Biomedical scheduled in the late afternoon and early evening to serve the
Engineering, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Electrical needs of both full-time and part-time students. The program is
and Computer Engineering, Industrial and Manufacturing suitable for students planning to continue their studies at the
Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, and Engineering doctoral level, as well as those who do not plan formal studies
Technology. The Department of Electrical and Computer beyond the master’s degree. Each student plans a program of
Engineering is the largest of them, both in the numbers of study in consultation with an advisor appointed by the
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. The
program includes required courses and an integrated selection General Electronic Engineering
of courses in the student’s field of interest. The following Requirements Technology Graduates
areas of specialization are offered for graduate study and Bachelors (not Electrical
research: Graduates Engineering)
 Communication Systems ESC 250 ESC 250
 Computer Systems
EEC 310 & 311 EEC 311 EEC 311
 Control Systems
EEC 313 EEC 313
 Power Electronics and Power Systems
EEC 315 or 381 EEC 315 or 381
Admission Requirements EEC 361 EEC 361 EEC 361
EEC 380 EEC 380
Admission to the graduate program in electrical engineering is EEC 440, 450, 470 or EEC 440, 450, 470 EEC 440, 450, 470
open to qualified students with a baccalaureate degree in 480 or 480 or 480
engineering or science. A minimum baccalaureate grade-point
average of 3.0 is usually required. Applicants should make
arrangements to have official transcripts sent directly from their Prior to satisfactory completion of the entire Preparatory
undergraduate institutions to the Graduate Admissions Office. Program, no course may be taken toward the fulfillment of the
Two letters of recommendation from individuals familiar with graduate degree program unless authorized by the
the student's undergraduate or graduate work also are required. academic/research advisor.

The GRE general section is required if one or more of the

following conditions is true:

 The undergraduate degree was awarded by a college or

university outside of the United States or Canada, or by a
Canadian institution not accredited by the Canadian
Engineering Accreditation Board of the Canadian Council
of Professional Engineers.
 An unaccredited college or university awarded the
undergraduate degree.
 The undergraduate degree was in a discipline unrelated to
electrical or computer engineering.
 The student’s undergraduate cumulative grade-point
average is below 3.0.
 The year of the baccalaureate degree precedes the date of
application to the College of Graduate Studies by more Graduate students working in the Digital Communications
than six years. Research Laboratory
International students should refer to the section later in this
brochure for more information including testing requirements Degree Requirements
that demonstrate English-language proficiency. If the GRE is
required, a minimum score at the 80th percentile on the Students in the MS in Electrical Engineering program may elect
Quantitative section is normally required. a thesis option or a non-thesis option. All students, and
particularly those intending to pursue a doctoral degree, are
There is a preparatory program designed for students without a encouraged to elect the thesis option.
sufficient background in electrical engineering.
Each student in the program must meet all College of Graduate
Preparatory Program Studies requirements and the following department
Graduate students with undergraduate degrees not in
Electrical Engineering must complete the following list of Program Options
courses in addition to the requirements for the MSEE degree.
This program is intended to prepare students for graduate 1. All students:
courses in electrical engineering. Students who previously
took one or more equivalent courses can have the a. A maximum of eight credit hours of graduate course work
corresponding requirements waived with prior authorization outside of the department may be applied toward the degree
by the by the academic/research advisor. with advance approval from the student's advisor.
b. The seminar course EEC 601 and 400-level courses may not
List of Preparatory Courses be applied for credit toward the MSEE degree.
c. Students must take at least four course subjects from their EEC 644 Optimal Control Systems (4 credits)
area of specialization including its core courses (see below EEC 670 Power Systems Operation (4 credits)
―Areas of specialization and their core courses‖). EEC 671 Power Systems Control (4 credits)
d. Within the first four weeks of the first semester of his or her EEC 673 Power Electronics & Electric Machines (4 credits)
masters program of study, a student must submit a plan of
study that requires the approval of the advisor or program Computer Engineering
Core Courses
2. Thesis Option:
EEC 581 Computer Architecture (4 credits)
 Minimum of 30 total credit hours, including six credit EEC 584 Computer Networks (4 credits)
hours of thesis, and at least two 600-level EEC courses. Electives
 Completion and defense of a thesis. A graduate committee EEC 517 Embedded Systems ((4 credits)
guides the thesis work. EEC 580 Modern Digital Design (4 credits)
 Students must give an oral presentation of the thesis. EEC 587 Rapid Digital System Prototyping (4 credits)
EEC 680 High Performance Computer Architecture (4 credits)
3. Non-thesis Option: EEC 681 Distributed Computing Systems (4 credits)
EEC 683 Computer Networks II (4 credits)
 Minimum of 32 total credit hours, including at least three EEC 684 Parallel Processing Systems (4 credits)
600-level EEC courses. EEC 685 Modeling and Performance Evaluation of Computer
Areas of specialization and their core courses EEC 686 Advanced Digital Design (4 credits)
EEC 687 Mobile Computing (4 credits)
Communication Engineering EEC 688 Secure and Dependable Computing (4 credits)

Core Courses Exit Requirements

EEC 512 Probability and Stochastic Processes (4 credits)
EEC 651 Digital Communications (4 credits) Thesis students must follow the Thesis and Dissertation Format
Electives Guidelines, available on the College of Graduate Studies web
EEC 530 Digital Signal Processing (4 credits) page:
EEC 650 Signal Detection and Estimation (4 credits) http://www.csuohio.edu/gradcollege/students/thesis
EEC 652 Error Control Coding (4 credits)
EEC 653 Information Theory (4 credits) Acceptance of the thesis by the thesis committee and the
EEC 654 Mobile Communications (4 credits) passing of an oral defense of the thesis are required.
EEC 655 Satellite Communications (4 credits)
Non-thesis students must complete the course requirements.
Control Engineering
For further information about the MS in Electrical Engineering
Core Courses program, contact the department at (216) 687-2589.
EEC 510 Linear Systems (4 credits)
EEC 512 Probability and Stochastic Processes (4 credits) The Degree of Master of Science
EEC 640 Advanced Control System Design (4 credits)
EEC 641 Multivariable Control (4 credits) in Software Engineering (MSSE)
EEC 642 System Identification (4 credits)
EEC 643 Nonlinear Systems (4 credits)
EEC 644 Optimal Control Systems (4 credits)
EEC 645 Intelligent Control Systems (4 credits)
EEC 646 Dynamics and Controls of MEMS (4 credits) The Master of Science in Software Engineering (MSSE)
EEC 517 Embedded Systems (4 credits) program is the first of its kind in Ohio. It is a joint,
interdisciplinary program between the College of
Engineering’s Department of Electrical and Computer
Power System and Power Electronics Engineering
Engineering (ECE) and the College of Business
Administration’s Department of Computer and Information
Core Courses Science (CIS). The program is the successor to the Graduate
EEC 571 Power Systems (4 credits) Certificate Program in Software Engineering and is intended
EEC 574 Power Electronics II (4 credits) for both practicing professionals, as well as full-time students
Electives in the areas of software engineering, computer engineering,
EEC 510 Linear Systems (4 credits) electrical engineering, computer science, or information
EEC 640 Advanced Control System Design (4 credits) management. The program introduces students to current and
EEC 641 Multivariable Control (4 credits) best practices in the engineering of software systems. A
EEC 643 Nonlinear Systems (4 credits)
distinguishing feature is its emphasis on the architecture, must demonstrate prerequisite knowledge in the following
design, quality, management, and economic aspects of software areas:
engineering. Students take a project from start to completion,  Data structures and algorithms
learning the requirements of specific deliverables and the  Programming languages
development life cycle. Critical management issues, such as  Discrete mathematics
risk assessment, project planning, and market analysis, are also  Probability and statistics
covered. The program exposes students to new technological  Organization
developments in an advancing field and how to apply their  Computer networks
knowledge in the workplace. Graduates meet the demands of
 Operating systems
industry and address the needs of information technology
professionals, in general, and software engineers, in particular.
Applicants in related fields will also be considered for
admission, but they may be required to take additional
The Electrical and Computer Engineering Department recently
prerequisite courses. Credits earned for prerequisite courses
commissioned a new state-of-the-art Software Engineering
cannot be used to meet the MSSE requirements.
instructional laboratory, fully equipped with hardware and
software required to meet the needs of all courses in the
curriculum. The department also maintains the Software
Engineering Research Laboratory to support research. The lab
is equipped with desktop computers and servers connected via a
LAN. Students have the opportunity to work on cutting-edge
research in Software Engineering.

Two major computer facilities are used by the Department of

Computer and Information Science to support teaching and
research: a networked laboratory of basic and advanced
personal computers; and clusters of UNIX workstations,
including HP Itanium, Sun Sparc/Ultra, SGI Indy/O2, IBM
RS/6000, and Dell Linux workstations. These machines are
connected to Fast Ethernet, ATM, and/or FDDI LANs. All
laboratories are available to students for both course work and
research. The networks are connected to the University fiber
backbone which, in turn, is linked to national networks.
Graduate students working in the Software Engineering
Admission Requirements Research Laboratory

Admission to the program requires a minimum undergraduate Degree Requirements

cumulative grade-point average of 3.0. The Graduate Record
Examination (GRE) and the Test of English as a Foreign Students in the MSSE program may elect a thesis option or a
Language (TOEFL) are required for all international students. non-thesis option. All students, and particularly those
The GRE is also required if one or more of the following intending to pursue a doctoral degree, are encouraged to select
conditions is true: the thesis option.
 The undergraduate degree was awarded by a college or
university outside of the United States or Canada, or by a 1. All students
Canadian institution not accredited by the Canadian The MSSE program is planned around a core of required
Engineering Accreditation Board of the Canadian Council topics and a number of technical electives. All students
of Professional Engineers. must complete the core courses listed below.
 An unaccredited college or university awarded the 2. Thesis option students
undergraduate degree. Students are required to take 28 credit hours of course
 The undergraduate degree was in a discipline unrelated to work and 6 hours of thesis, for a total of 34 credit hours.
software engineering, electrical engineering, computer 3. Non-thesis option students
engineering, computer science, or information Students are required to take 32 credit hours of course
management. work and 4 credit hours of Software Engineering Project
 The student’s undergraduate cumulative grade-point (EEC 626), for a total of 36 credit hours.
average is below 3.0.
 The year of the baccalaureate degree precedes the date of Core Courses
application to the College of Graduate Studies by more
than six years. EEC 521 Software Engineering (4 credits)
EEC 623 Software Quality Assurance (4 credits)
Applicants with a bachelor’s degree in computer science and CIS 634 Object-Oriented Software Engineering (4 credits)
computer engineering are encouraged to apply. All applicants CIS 635 Software Engineering Metrics, Economics, and
Management (4 credits)
The Degree of Doctor of
Elective Courses Engineering
CIS 650 Compiler Design (3 credits) Program
CSI 675 Information Security (3 credits)
EEC 517 Embedded Systems (4 credits) The Doctor of Engineering is a college-wide program
EEC 522 Modeling and Analysis in Software Systems (4 administrated by the College Doctoral Program Director and
credits) College Graduate Affairs Committee. The Doctor of
EEC 525 Data Mining (4 credits) Engineering degree is granted in recognition of high
EEC 530 Digital Signal Processing (4 credits) achievement in scholarship and an ability to apply engineering
EEC 581 Computer Architecture (4 credits) fundamentals to the solution of complex technical problems.
EEC 623 Software Quality Assurance (4 credits) Students are expected to pursue a broad program of study,
EEC 624 Software Testing (4 credits) pass all prescribed examinations, and submit an innovative,
EEC 625 Software Design and Architecture (4 credits) high-quality applied-engineering dissertation as described in
EEC 626 Software Engineering Project (4 credits) the section on Degree Requirements.
EEC 681 Distributed Computing Systems (4 credits)
EEC 684 Parallel Processing Systems (4 credits) Admission Requirements
EEC 687 Mobile Networks (4 credits)
EEC 692 Special Topics in Software Engineering (4 credits)
EEC 695 Individual Problems In Software Eng. (1-4 credits) The applicant must hold a master’s degree in engineering or in
EEC 699 Master’s Thesis (1-9 credits) a related science discipline. At least one degree (baccalaureate
or master’s) must be in engineering. A minimum master’s
grade-point average of 3.25 is required
Only one of the following courses is permitted to count towards
degree requirements for the MSSE program: The GRE General section is required if one or more of the
 CIS 620 Comparative Operating Systems Interfaces (4 following conditions pertains:
 CIS 630 Enterprise Application Development (4 credits)
 Student’s most recent engineering degree was awarded by
a college or university outside of the United States, or by a
Exit Requirements Canadian institution not accredited by the Canadian
Engineering Accreditation Board of the Canadian Council
For thesis option students, acceptance of the thesis by the thesis of Professional Engineers.
committee and passing an oral defense of the thesis are  Student’s graduate cumulative grade-point average is
required. Students must follow the Thesis and Dissertation below 3.25.
Format Guidelines, available from the College of Graduate  Year of the student’s master’s degree precedes the date of
Studies. application to the College of Graduate Studies by more
than six years.
For non-thesis option students, successful completion of EEC
626 Software Engineering Project is required. If the GRE is required, a minimum score at the 80th percentile
on the Quantitative section is usually required.

Accelerated 5-Year BS/MS International students should refer to the later section in this
brochure for information on testing requirements to
Program demonstrate English-language proficiency.
The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
offers an Accelerated Program that would enable students to a
Degree Requirements
earn a Bachelor of Electrical or Computer Engineering degree
as well as a Master of Science in Electrical Engineering in 5 The doctoral degree includes the following specific
years. Students are eligible to apply after they have completed requirements:
sixty credit hours in their undergraduate program, with at least 1. A minimum of sixty (60) credits beyond the master’s
30 credit hours earned at CSU. Once admitted to the combined degree. These credits must include:
program, the student may complete up to 12 credit hours of  A minimum of thirty (30) credits of course work, which
graduate courses while enrolled in the undergraduate program. should include minimum of six (6) credits of doctoral core
These 12 credit-hours count towards both the undergraduate courses (select two of the following):
degree and the graduate degree requirements, either as electives ESC 702 Applied Engineering Analysis I (4 credits)
or as requirements. For more details, please refer to the ESC 704 Applied Engineering Analysis II (4 credits)
department webpage http://www.csuohio.edu/ece/. ESC 706 Applied Engineering Analysis III (4 credits)
or, subject to prior approval by the Program (Graduate
Affairs Committee), ESC 794 Selected Topics in

Engineering Science (1 to 4 credits) further information, students should contact the respective
 A minimum of eight (8) credits of graduate department chairs.
non-engineering courses related to the student’s area of
study and approved by the advisory committee and All graduate teaching assistants who are international students
Engineering College Graduate Affairs Committee are required to pass an English Language Proficiency
(GAC) Examination, which is administered by the University Testing
 A minimum of twelve (12) credits of 700-level Center. Students are expected to work a maximum of twenty
engineering electives. hours per week on their assistantship assignments unless fewer
 Four (4) credits can be any graduate level course hours are specified under the terms of their contracts. A limited
approved by the advisor. number of graduate tuition grants also are available for which
 A minimum of thirty (30) dissertation credits. students are expected to work ten hours per week.
2. Satisfactory completion of the Qualifying Examination.
3. GAC approval of the Dissertation Proposal Approval Form
and satisfactory completion of the doctoral Candidacy Application Information
4. Completion of a doctoral Dissertation and successful final Domestic and Permanent Resident Students
oral Defense examination.
5. Compliance with all requirements of the College of A completed application should be submitted not less than six
Graduate Studies for regular graduate student status and weeks prior to the term of desired entrance. To facilitate the
graduation. admission process, it is strongly recommended that applicants
use the Apply NOW online application system at
For details of the degree requirements, refer to the web page: http://www.csuohio.edu/gradcollege/admissions/apply.html.
An application form may be downloaded from
www.csuohio.edu/gradcollege/. The processing time for paper
application forms is longer than that for online applications.

At the time of application, applicants should request that every

college or university previously attended send one official
transcript to the Office of Graduate Admissions (the Graduate
Admissions Office will obtain official Cleveland State
University transcripts).

The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

requires the applicant to submit two letters of recommendation.

The applicant needs to submit GRE scores if the undergraduate

GPA is less than 3.00.

A $30 non-refundable application fee is required.

Graduate degree-seeking applicants who are U.S. citizens and

A graduate student working in the Secure and Dependable permanent residents should submit all application materials and
Systems Laboratory a check or money order drawn on a U.S. bank for the graduate
admission application fee, directly to:
Financial Aid Office of Graduate Admissions
Parker Hannifin Hall, Room 227
Research assistantships are provided through sponsored Cleveland State University
research activities; the number available at a given time is 2121 Euclid Avenue
dependent on the research activity within the College. Cleveland, Ohio 44115-2214
Interested students are encouraged to discuss the availability of Telephone: (216) 687-5599
assistantships and potential research projects with the program Toll Free: 1-888-CSU-OHIO (ask for the Graduate Admissions
director, department chairs, and faculty as soon as possible. Office)
Fax: (216) 687-5400
Teaching assistantships are provided by individual departments E-mail: [email protected]
to provide assistance with classroom and laboratory courses.
Responsibilities can include conducting classroom recitation International Students
sessions, setting up laboratory experiments, tutoring students in
class work, grading, monitoring tests, and related activities. For An international student is an individual who holds a visa while

enrolled at Cleveland State University.
Center for International Services and Programs (CISP)
English Language Proficiency Cleveland State University, Keith Building, Room 1150
1621 Euclid Avenue
The University requires all non-native English speakers to Cleveland, Ohio 44115-2214 USA
demonstrate proof of English-language proficiency. Any Phone: (216) 687-3910
individual who has earned a bachelor’s (or higher) degree from FAX: (216) 687-3965
a U.S. institution, in which the primary language of instruction E-mail: [email protected]
is English, is not required to take an English language
proficiency examination. The options and minimum score Students are encouraged to apply online at:
requirements are as follows: http://www.csuohio.edu/offices/international/admissions/

1. TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) score of at An application form may be downloaded from
least 17 in Reading, Speaking, and Listening and a http://www.csuohio.edu/offices/international/admissions/form
minimum score of 14 in writing on the Internet-based s/form.pdf. The processing time for paper application forms is
TOEFL (iBT), or 197 for the computer-based TOEFL (525 longer than that for online applications.
on the paper-based test ). Please note that the Educational
Testing Service (ETS) will not provide test takers or third Financial Requirements
parties (including Cleveland State University) with
TOEFL reports for test scores that are over two years old. Living expenses in the U.S. are usually higher than
If required, the TOEFL must be taken again if the international students expect. Minimum total expenses for an
applicant's most recent scores are over two years old, OR academic year (fall and spring semester) are estimated to be
2. Pass the IELTS test (International English Language approximately $21,000-$25,000., of which $10,000 -$14,000
Testing System) with a minimum score of 6.0; OR are for tuition and fees and $11,000 for living expenses. For
3. Advanced level with a grade of B or better and a details refer to
COMPASS ESL score of 80 or higher; OR http://www.csuohio.edu/offices/international/admissions/expe
4. Pass the MELAB (Michigan English Language nses.html
Assessment Battery) with a minimum score of 77; OR
5. Achieve a score of C (Pass) or better on the A and O levels All international students must supply to the Center for
of the General Certificate of Education (GCE or GCSE ) International Services and Programs proof of adequate
Test; OR financial resources before I-20 (F-1) or IAP-66 (J-1) documents
6. Achieve a score of C (Pass) or better on the Cambridge can be issued to obtain the appropriate visa to enter the United
Certificate of Advanced English (CAE); OR States to study. For further details, contact the Center for
7. Complete English language studies (Level 112) from any International Services and Programs at (216) 687-3910 or go to
of the ELS Language Centers; OR its website at
8. Complete course work at a C or better level for the http://www.csuohio.edu/offices/international/admissions/finan
equivalent of the CSU freshman English requirements at a cial_requirements.html.
U.S. regionally accredited college or university, OR
9. Receive a Program Certificate of Completion from The only financial aid for which international students may
Cleveland State University’s Intensive English Language qualify are graduate assistantships and graduate tuition grants.
Program, indicating successful completion of the program. Students should contact the department directly for details.

Application Deadlines for International Students Health and Medical Requirements

Fall Semester—May 15 International students attending Cleveland State University are

Spring Semester—November 1 required to present results of a tuberculosis test before being
Summer Term—March 15 permitted to register at the University. All international
students on an F-1 or J-1 visa must show proof of adequate
International applicants must submit: health insurance before they are allowed to register. For further
details, please contact the Center for International Services and
1. Application form, Programs at (216) 687-3910 or visit its website at
2. All official original-language transcripts, http://www.csuohio.edu/offices/international/.
3. Official translation of non-English language transcripts,
4. Proof of all degrees earned (diplomas),
5. TOEFL or alternative English Language Proficiency test
score report,
6. Appropriate standardized admission examination,
7. Financial verification documentation, and
8. Application fee (non-refundable).

Submit all documents to:

Faculty and Staff
Associate Professors
Charles K. Alexander, Ph.D., IEEE Pong P. Chu, Ph.D.
Digital Systems, Computer
Software Environments, Digital Architecture and Computer Networks
System Design Using Register,
Transfer Languages, Nonlinear

Yongjian Fu, Ph.D.

Vijay K. Konangi, Ph.D.
Software Engineering, Data Mining
Digital Systems, Computer
Architecture and Computer Networks

Zhiqiang Gao, Ph.D.

Dan J. Simon, Ph.D., IEEE Senior
Member Systems and Control
Control Systems, Signal Processing,
Neural Networks, Fuzzy Logic

Murad Hizlan, Ph.D.

F. Eugenio Villaseca, Ph.D.
Robust Communications, Spread
High-Power Electronics, Power Spectrum, Multiple Access
Systems, Systems Control Communications

Ana Stankovic, Ph.D.

Fuqin Xiong, Ph.D., IEEE Senior
Member Electric Machines, Power Electronics,
Digital Control Systems
Digital Communications, Mobile
Communications, Satellite
Communications, Efficient
Modulation and Coding Schemes

Siu-Tung Yau, Ph.D. Ye Zhu, Ph.D.

Bioelectronics and Molecular Network Security and Privacy,

Electronics Computer Networking and
Distributed Systems, Pervasive

Chansu Yu, Ph.D.

Adjunct Professors
Mobile Computing, Mobile Ad Hoc
Networks and Embedded Systems Allen Morinec, Ph.D.
Affiliation: First Energy

Power systems

Assistant Professors
Lili Dong, Ph.D. Louis Nerone, Ph.D.
Affiliation: General Electric
Control Systems and MEMS
Power electronics

Robert R. Romanofsky, Ph.D.

Nigamanth Sridhar, Ph.D. IEEE Senior Member,
Affiliation: NASA Glenn Research
Software Engineering, Distributed Center
Systems, Component-oriented
Systems, Wireless Sensor Networks Phased Array Antennas, Microwave
Applications of Ferroelectric Films,
Superconductivity, Cryogenic
Electronics, Deployable Antennas

Wenbing Zhao, Ph.D. Secretary

Fault-Tolerant Computing, Computer Adrienne Fox

and Network Security, Peer-to-Peer
and Grid Computing, Performance Secretary for Graduate Student Affairs
Evaluation of Distributed Systems

Electrical and Computer EEC 650/750 Signal Detection and Estimation
Engineering Graduate Courses EEC 651/751 Digital Communications
EEC 510 Linear Systems EEC 652/752 Error Control Coding
EEC 512 Probability and Stochastic Processes EEC 653/753 Information Theory
EEC 517 Embedded Systems EEC 654/754 Mobile Communications
EEC 521 Software Engineering EEC 655/755 Satellite Communications
EEC 522 Software Systems Modeling and Analysis EEC 670/770 Power Systems Operation
EEC 525 Data Mining EEC 671/771 Power Systems Control
EEC 530 Digital Signal Processing EEC 673/773 Power Electronics and Electric Machines
EEC 561 Electromagnetic Compatibility EEC 680/780 High Performance Computer Architecture
EEC 571 Power Systems EEC 681/781 Distributed Computing Systems
EEC 574 Power Electronics II EEC 683/783 Computer Networks II
EEC 580 Modern Digital Design EEC 684/784 Parallel Processing Systems
EEC 581 Computer Architecture EEC 685/785 Modeling and Performance Evaluation of
Computer Systems
EEC 584 Computer Networks
EEC 686/786 Advanced Digital Design
EEC 587 Rapid Digital System Prototyping
EEC 687/787 Mobile Computing
EEC 592 Special Topics in Electrical Engineering
EEC 688/788 Secure and Dependable Computing
EEC 601 Graduate Seminar
EEC 692 Special Topics in Software Engineering
EEC 602 Electrical Engineering Internship
EEC 693 Special Topics in Electrical Engineering
EEC 621/721 Internet Software Systems
EEC 695 Individual Problems in Software Engineering
EEC 623 Software Quality Assurance
EEC 696 Individual Problems in Electrical Engineering
EEC 624 Software Testing
EEC 699 Master’s Thesis
EEC 625 Software Design and Architecture
EEC 701 Graduate Seminar
EEC 626 Software Engineering Project
EEC 723 Software Quality Assurance and Testing
EEC 640/740 Advanced Control System Design
EEC 782 Computer Networks I
EEC 641/741 Multivariable Control
EEC 783 Computer Networks II
EEC 642/742 System Identification
EEC 784 Parallel Processing Systems
EEC 643/743 Nonlinear Systems
EEC 785 Modeling and Performance Evaluation of Computer
EEC 644/744 Optimal Control Systems Systems
EEC 645/745 Intelligent Control Systems EEC 786 Advanced Digital Design
EEC 646/746 Dynamics and Control of MEMS
EEC 787 Mobile Computing 8. Digital Systems Laboratory— equipped with logic
analyzers, testing equipment, prototyping boards, and
EEC 788 Secure and Dependable Computing workstations running synthesis and simulation software. It
is used to conduct basic digital circuit experiments, as well
EEC 793 Special Topics in Electrical Engineering as to design, create prototypes, and test large systems.
9. Computer Networks Laboratory— equipped with
EEC 796 Independent Study in Electrical Engineering sixteen workstations and one server computer running the
Linux operating system, four Cisco routers, and numerous
EEC 802 Electrical Engineering Internship switches. This lab is used to conduct various computer
network experiments and projects, for example, ARP,
EEC 895 Doctoral Research DHCP, Internet routing, TCP performance evaluation, and
IP multicast. It is fully reconfigurable, a luxury that few
EEC 899 Doctoral Dissertation universities provide.
10. Software Engineering Laboratory— equipped with
sixteen workstations and one server. The workstations run
Instructional Laboratories both Windows XP and Ubuntu Linux operating systems.
The workstations run a variety of software program suites
The Electrical and Computer Engineering Department such as Microsoft Visual Studio, Rational Rose, and
maintains the following laboratories for instructional purposes: Eclipse that are used in a number of Software Engineering
1. Communications and Electronics Laboratory—fully courses.
equipped to conduct experiments in analog and digital 11. Communications Senior Design Laboratory—
electronics and analog and digital communications, such as Equipped with electronics and communications
analog modulation and demodulation (AM and FM), instruments (such as digital oscilloscopes, arbitrary
digital modulation and demodulation (ASK, PSK, FSK), waveform and signal generators, power supplies,
phase-locked loops, and baseband transmission. multimeters, spectrum analyzers, logic analyzers and
2. Power Electronics and Electric Machines power meters), personal computers, simulation software
Laboratory— equipped with line-frequency single- and packages, tools, protoboards and components, this
three-phase converters, and switch-mode converters, laboratory can accommodate up to five independent groups
which in combination with synchronous, induction, and working on a variety of senior design projects in
DC machines allow for the experimental study of communications.
feedback-controlled motor drives. 12. Network Security and Privacy Laboratory—
3. Embedded Systems Laboratory— equipped with PCs configured to emulate real network defense systems. The
for writing and implementing micro-controller-based lab can equip students with real world experience on
assembly code software, which allows for the experimental defending security attacks launched from networks and
study of real-time interrupt handling, analog-to-digital preserving privacy.
conversion, serial port reception/transmission, data
acquisition, communicating with external devices, and
other issues associated with embedded systems.
4. Control Systems Laboratory— equipped to conduct Research Laboratories
experiments and projects in real-time data acquisition and
control, including the capability for modeling and 1. Applied Control Research Laboratory— equipped to
computer control of electromechanical and liquid-level conduct joint research projects with industry, giving
systems. students the opportunity to apply state-of-the-art
5. Digital Signal Processing Laboratory— equipped to technology in real-world problem solving.
conduct experiments in real-time DSP, using A/Ds, D/As, 2. Biosensors and Bioelectronics Research Laboratory—
and DSP boards. equipped to conduct research projects in biosensors and
6. Distributed Computing Systems Laboratory— bioelectronics.
equipped with Pentium Xeon dual-processor servers, 3. Digital Communication Research
Pentium Dual-core workstations, and a number of laptops. Laboratory—equipped with electronics and
The research is focused on studying the security, communications instruments, high-speed workstations,
dependability, and concurrency of enterprise-distributed and computer-simulation packages (such as
computing systems and platforms, such as CORBA and Matlab-Simulink) to conduct research projects in digital
Web services. modulations, error-control codes, satellite
7. Mobile Computing Laboratory— equipped with a communications, mobile wireless communications, and
number of laptops, more than ten PDAs (iPAQs), a dozen spread-spectrum communications.
wireless sensor nodes, and high performance network 4. Digital Systems Research Laboratory— equipped with
simulators. Studies energy efficiency, capacity, mobility work-stations and testing equipment to do prototyping and
support, and interoperability issues in wireless networks, implement research projects.
such as mobile ad hoc networks, wireless sensor networks, 5. Embedded Control Systems Research Laboratory—
wireless mesh networks, and pervasive computing focuses on the theoretical development and real-time
systems. implementation of control and signal processing

algorithms. Theoretical directions that are of particular
interest include optimal control, Kalman filtering, Research and Scholarly Projects
H-infinity control and estimation, neural networks, and
fuzzy logic. Project Title: Design and Prototyping of High Performance
6. Power Electronics and Electric Machine Research Control Systems for MEMS Gyroscopes
Laboratory—funded by the National Science Foundation, Sponsor: Ohio ICE
the NASA Glenn research Center and the Fenn College of Research Team: Dr. Lili Dong (faculty; PI), David Avanesian
Engineering. It consists of seven state-of-the-art test (graduate student), Qing Zheng (doctoral student).
benches such as: Modular Lab-Volt Power Electronics and Project Description: MEMS gyroscopes are one of the most
Electric Machines Training System, DSPACE controller important types of silicon-based angular rate sensors on a
boards, PWM converters, transducers, sensors, induction, micrometer or millimeter scale with micro-resolution. The
synchronous and DC machines as well as instrumentation. higher performance requirements of the MEMS vibratory-rate
It is fully equipped to conduct research in the power area. gyroscopes in aerospace and military applications require the
7. Power Systems Research Laboratory— fully equipped development of advanced control technologies to achieve
to conduct research projects in power engineering, performance robustness against modeling uncertainties and
requiring personal computers, workstations, or mainframe disturbance attenuation. This project produced an advanced
computers. control strategy and theoretical proof of the controller on the
8. Mobile Computing Research Laboratory— fully MEMS gyroscope. The simulation results verified the
equipped with a variety of mobile systems including PDAs robustness and effectiveness of the controller.
(iPAQs), wireless sensor nodes, and software radio
platforms to conduct research on energy efficiency,
network capacity, mobility support, and interoperability
issues in mobile ad hoc networks, wireless sensor
networks, wireless mesh networks, and pervasive
computing systems.
9. Network Security and Privacy Research Laboratory—
equipped to conduct cutting-edge research in network
security and privacy–preserving systems in different
network settings including both wired networks and
wireless networks.
10. Secure and Dependable Systems Laboratory— the
mission of this laboratory is to advance the state of the art
of fault– and intrusion–tolerance techniques for the next
generation secure and dependable computer systems.
11. Advanced Engineering Research Laboratory— fully
equipped to conduct research in digital control,
communications, and power electronics applications.
12. Software Engineering Research Laboratory— this Dr. Dong (left) and graduate student David Avanesian
laboratory has the following equipment for conducting presented High Performance Control Systems for MEMS
research in Software Engineering and Sensor Networks: Gyroscopes at Rockwell Automation Fair in Chicago, Nov.
Six PCs (Pentium) running Windows and Linux connected 2007
by a private 100 megabit switched Ethernet, with a server
(Xeon) acting as NAT to the Internet via the University’s Project Title: Dynamics and Control of Flywheel Energy
network; Approximately forty Tmote Sky motes, ten Storage System
MicaZ motes, and a few Imote2 and Sun SPOT motes. In Sponsor: Department of Energy
addition, there are about twenty basic sensor boards Research Team: Dr. Lili Dong (faculty), Baixi Su-Alexander
suitable for prototyping. The lab also has several (graduate student), Rick Rarick (graduate student), Silu You
custom-built sensor boards for conversion to standard (graduate student)
serial-port devices, such as GPS or other data logging Project Description: A flywheel is an ideal electromechanical
units; A Pentium-class workstation hosts a research web energy storage device for its fast charging and discharging
server, which is suitable for distributing software, and capabilities, high-energy efficiencies, and relatively long life
disseminating research results. span. The key component of the flywheel system is a
13. Laboratories at the NASA Glenn Research Center for high-speed rotor that can transfer energy to and from an energy
students supported by NASA. source (such as solar array). However, the high speed is rarely
achieved because of potentially damaging rotor vibrations at
critical speeds. The objective of the project is to develop a
novel control strategy for effectively reducing the magnitude of
the vibration of the rotor, increasing the speed of the rotor
steadily, compensating all defects and perturbations that affect
the behavior of the flywheel system, and achieving a high
performance of the flywheel in a robust fashion.
Project Title: Implementation of an Active Disturbance modeling including simulation, optimization, and estimation.
Rejection Controller on MEMS Rate Sensors This project looks into issues related to the subject of using
Sponsor: University Research Development Fund and CSU other solvers in DS. More specifically, this project implements
Summer Undergraduate Research Grant an XML-based input generator for simulation.
Research Team: Dr. Lili Dong (faculty; PI), David Avanesian
(graduate student), Anthony Roberts (undergraduate student), Project Title: Active Disturbance Rejection Control
Harry Olar (undergraduate student) Sponsors: NASA, various industrial partners, and a venture
Project Description: This project addresses the issue of capital firm.
degraded performance of Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems Research Team: Zhiqiang Gao (faculty; PI), Anthony Roberts,
(MEMS) rate sensors (or gyroscopes) due to fabrication Qing Zheng and Gang Tian (graduate students), Dapeng Ye
imperfection and disturbances from a control perspective. By (Visiting Scholar)
implementing the Active Disturbance Rejection Control Project Description: The aim of our research in the last 15
(ADRC), a novel control strategy, in both analog and digital years has been to find solutions to real industrial control
circuits on the MEMS rate sensor, the project is focusing on problems, not just pure theory. These problems often have a
producing a prototype of a high-performance and large amount of unknown dynamics and they are in general
ready-to-be-packed control electronic system for the MEMS nonlinear and time varying, making them almost insolvable in
rate sensor. the existing model-based framework of modern control theory.
At the 2004 American Control Conference we organized a
Project Title: Load Frequency Control of a Multiple-area forum to discuss the big theory-practice gap. In simpler terms,
Power System our approach is to use a very simple model (say, a double
Sponsor: Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering integrator for 2nd order systems) for the controller design and
Research Team: Dr. Lili Dong (faculty), Yao Zhang (graduate treat any discrepancy between this model and the plant
student), Gagandeep Kataria (Undergraduate student in honor (unknown, nonlinear, and time-varying) as disturbance to be
program) estimated and rejected. The result is a high performance control
Project Description: This project focuses on the design of a system that is tuned by adjusting only one parameter: the loop
novel control system to reduce the area control error (the bandwidth. We have tested this algorithm on countless
weighted summation of load frequency error and power applications with great success. For more details, see
exchange error) to be zero for a multiple-area power system. http://academic.csuohio.edu/cact/publications_new.htm
The comparison study between the novel controller and
existing controllers (such as PID) is also developed during the

Project Title: Dynamics and Control of Micro-accelerometers

and Electrostatic Actuators
Sponsor: Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Research Team: Dr. Lili Dong (faculty), Edward Jason
(graduate student), Kai Zhang (graduate student)
Project Description: The project is focusing on the design of
an advanced controller to greatly increase the operating range
of the electrostatic actuator and to reduce the noise of the
micro-accelerometer (a MEMS inertial acceleration sensor)
while compensating the mechanical imperfections of the
actuator and sensor.

Project Title: Investigation of Alternative Solvers for

Dynamic Solutions
Sponsor: ABB, Inc.
Research Team: Yongjian Fu (faculty; PI), Ajitha Vemula
(graduate student)
Dr. Gao (second from left) and his team at the CACT (Center
Project Description: The Dynamic Solution (DS) system of
for Advanced Control Technologies)
ABB uses gPROMS as the only solver. In this project, we
investigate other solvers, specifically, DYMOLA.
Project Title: Correlation between Microscopic/Macroscopic
Project Title: XML Based Input Generator for Dynamic
Surface Errors with Antenna Gain for an Inflatable Antenna
Sponsor: NASA Glenn Research Center
Sponsor: ABB, Inc.
Research Team: Murad Hizlan (faculty), Bryan Welch
Research Team: Yongjian Fu (faculty; PI), Sridhar Ungarala
(graduate student)
(faculty, co-PI), Ajitha Vemula (graduate student), Aditya
Project Description: The research project investigates the
Akella (graduate student)
correlation between the antenna gain and the three types of
Project Description: Dynamic Solutions (DS) is a software
physical errors on the surface of an inflatable parabolic
system developed by ABB. DS’s main capability is process
antenna: the microscopic errors (bumps/dents on the antenna
surface), wrinkles that are present near the seams of the antenna surface) as they relate to the Ruze Equation.
antenna, and the Hencky curve (stretching of the antenna near
the rim). Project Title: Receiver Design and Development for NASA
GRC Quantum Communicator
Project Title: Optimization of the Level Sizes for Multi-Level Sponsor: NASA Glenn Research Center
Generalized Spread Spectrum Research Team: Murad Hizlan (faculty; PI), Binh Nguyen
Sponsor: Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (NASA colleague)
Research Team: Murad Hizlan (faculty; PI), Noah Deetz Project Description: This project accomplishes the design,
(graduate student) development and implementation of a receiver and
Project Description: Five-level generalized spread spectrum synchronization system for NASA GRC Quantum
utilizes the spreading sequence levels of −1, −a, 0, +a, and +1. Communicator through the use of FPGA technology.
The focus of this research project is to determine the optimum
value of a (between 0 and 1) for the lowest worst-case error Project Title: Approximation of the Complementary Error
probability. Function Q(X)
Sponsor: Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Project Title: Multiple Access Applications for Generalized Research Team: Murad Hizlan (faculty), Fady Alghusain
Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum (graduate student)
Sponsor: Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Project Description: This research project presents and
Research Team: Murad Hizlan (faculty; PI), Indrasena Reddy investigates a number of numerical approximations for the
(graduate student) Gaussian tail probability function Q(x) that are better than the
Project Description: Generalized spread spectrum has been existing approximations in the literature.
shown to be highly beneficial compared to ordinary spread
spectrum for robust communications where the worst-case Project Title: Performance Analysis and Synchronization of
performance is important. This project investigates the Low-Power Optical Communication Systems Using
possible advantages and disadvantages of using generalized quantum-entangled and time-coincident photons
spread spectrum for multiple access applications. Sponsor: NASA Glenn Research Center
Research Team: Murad Hizlan (faculty), John Lekki (NASA
Project Title: Coded Generalized Spread Spectrum Using colleague), Binh Nguyen (NASA colleague)
Convolutional Codes Project Description: This project is about experimental
Sponsor: Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering analysis of the error performance of NASA GRC Quantum
Research Team: Murad Hizlan (faculty; PI), Madan Venn Communicator under various conditions, and the investigation
(graduate student) of receiver synchronization techniques when the received
Project Description: It has been shown that generalized signal consists of only a few photons per transmitted symbol.
spread spectrum performs better than ordinary spread
spectrum, especially so when used with coding. This project Project Title: Generation of Generalized Signature Sequences
considers a number of convolutional codes and compares the Sponsor: Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
performance of ordinary and generalized spread spectrum as Research Team: Murad Hizlan (faculty; PI), Hariharan
various parameters such as code rate, constraint length, Ramaswamy (graduate student)
memory depth, interleaving depth, interleaving type, etc. are Project Description: The focus of this research project is the
varied. investigation of the theoretical properties and performance
analysis of generalized (multi-level) signature sequences, and
Project Title: Space Telecommunications Radio System their implementation using FPGA technology.
Waveform Development for TDRSS S-Band Single Access
Return Service Project Title: A Worst-Case Comparison of Generalized and
Sponsor: NASA Glenn Research Center Ordinary DSSS in a Multipath Environment
Research Team: Murad Hizlan (faculty; PI), Jennifer Nappier Sponsor: Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
(NASA colleague) Research Team: Murad Hizlan (faculty; PI), Konstantin
Project Description: The focus of this project is the Matheou (graduate student)
implementation of the TDRSS S-Band single access return Project Description: This research project focuses on the
radio service through the use of software defined radio worse-case performance of uncoded generalized spread
technology. spectrum compared with ordinary spread spectrum in multipath
Project Title: Application of the Ruze Equation For Inflatable
Aperture Antennas Project Title: Coded Generalized Direct Sequence Spread
Sponsor: NASA Glenn Research Center Spectrum with Specific Codes
Research Team: Murad Hizlan (faculty), Bryan Welch Sponsor: Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
(graduate student) Research Team: Murad Hizlan (faculty; PI), Manohar Vellala
Project Description: Inflatable parabolic antennas illustrate (graduate student)
three physical errors from the ideal paraboloidal shape. The Project Description: Theoretical benefits of coded
focus of this project is the investigation of the microscopic generalized spread spectrum over coded ordinary spread
errors (thought of as Gaussian shaped bumps/dents on the spectrum have been shown. The focus of this research is to
consider a number of specific block codes and compare the analogous to a habitable island, and a poor solution represents
worse-case performances of the two systems through the use of an island that is less friendly to life. Good solutions resist
simulations. change more than poor solutions, just as habitable islands resist
immigration due to their many species. Good solutions share
Project Title: An Asymptotic Analysis of the Worst-Case features with poor solutions, just as habitable islands share
Performance of Coded Generalized Direct Sequence Spread species with other islands via emigration. This means that poor
Spectrum solutions accept new features from good solutions. This
Sponsor: Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering addition of new features to poor solutions may raise the quality
Research Team: Murad Hizlan (faculty; PI), Sree Krishna of those solutions. This is the essence of BBO.
Upadhyayula (graduate student)
Project Description: This research project compares the Project Title: Robotic Swarms
worse-case performance of coded generalized and coded Sponsor: CSU Undergraduate research grant
ordinary spread spectrum from a theoretical viewpoint through Research Team: Dan Simon (faculty; PI), Rick Rarick
the derivation of asymptotic error exponents. (graduate student), Maria Baker (undergraduate student), Chris
Churavy (undergraduate student), Samarth Mehta
Project Title: Further Generalization of the Unique Spreading (undergraduate student), Ishu Pradhan (undergraduate student),
Sequence in Generalized Direct-Sequence Spread Spectrum Steven Shanfelt (undergraduate student), Nina Sheidegger
Sponsor: Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (undergraduate student)
Research Team: Murad Hizlan (faculty; PI), Ranga Project Description: This project focuses on map making. A
Kalakuntla (graduate student) group of robots are released into a building with a layout that is
Project Description: Three-level generalized spread spectrum unknown to the robots. The robots are equipped with various
has been shown to be superior to ordinary spread spectrum for sensors, including ultrasonic sensors for obstacle detection, a
robust communications. This research project investigates a camera, radio transceivers, wall-following sensors, a
further generalization of spread spectrum using five-level gyroscope, wheel encoders, and a LCD display. Each robot
signature sequences and shows additional performance gains. takes a different path through the building, communicating its
navigation information via radio link to a base station, which
Project Title: Performance Analysis of a Low-Power Optical consists of a PC. The base station fuses the data from the robots
Communication System Using Quantum-Entangled Photons in order to tell each individual robot how to proceed through the
Sponsor: NASA Glenn Research Center building. A map-building computer program is implemented on
Research Team: Murad Hizlan (faculty; PI), John Lekki the base station.
(NASA colleague), Binh Nguyen (NASA Colleague)
Project Description: This research project is about a Project Title: Sinusoid Motor Drive Compensation
theoretical study of the error performance of an extremely Sponsor: Arcus Technology
low-power optical communication system using Research Team: Dan Simon (faculty; PI), Dawei Du (graduate
quantum-entangled photons. student)
Project Description: Manufacturing errors in the construction
Project Title: Biogeography-based Optimization of Multiple of step motors cause their resolutions to be less than advertised,
Related Complex Systems and also leads to velocity ripple. A customized motor drive
Sponsor: National Science Foundation characterizes and corrects for these manufacturing errors to
Research Team: Dan Simon (faculty; PI), Jeffrey Abell result in more accurate stepping and smoother velocity.
(General Motors; co-PI), Mehmet Ergezer (graduate student),
other students TBD Project Title: A One-Dimensional Scanning Algorithm for
Project Description: The purpose of this collaboration is to Robotic Applications
develop a new population-based algorithm for the optimization Sponsor: Cleveland State University
of multiple related complex systems. The complex systems that Research Team: Dan Simon (faculty; PI), Chandresh
we optimize are sets of requirements that are specified for Chaudhari (graduate student)
multiple related product designs. The optimization algorithm Project Description: A new algorithm for pattern recognition
that we develop is biogeography-based optimization (BBO), is developed and implemented for a mobile robot. The project
which is based on the mathematics of biogeography. uses a PIC microcontroller to run a robot. A robot-mounted
Biogeography is the study of the distribution, migration, camera transmits video to a PC using wireless communication.
speciation, and extinction of biological species. Biogeography The pattern recognition algorithm runs on the PC to recognize
is nature’s way of distributing species, and is analogous to door numbers as the robot traverses a hallway.
general problem solutions. A good solution to some problem is

displays the cumulative calories expended during a riding
interval, without requiring attachments to the body of the
participant, or modification of the vehicle.

Project Title: Fuzzy Logic Control for an Autonomous Mobile

Sponsor: Cleveland State University
Research Team: Dan Simon (faculty; PI), Vamsi Mohan Peri
(graduate student)
Project Description: An autonomous wall-following robot is
designed. The wall-following controller is a two input, two
output system. The inputs are two proximity measurements to
the wall, and the outputs are the speeds of the two rear wheels.
For the embedded fuzzy logic controller, the behavior must be
approximately encoded for the target processor, and then
downloaded to the chip for execution. The target system is a
small mobile robot equipped with an embedded microcontroller
Dr. Simon (right) and his Robotic Swarms team based on a Microchip microcontroller. The robot is driven by
two independent servo motors. Three ultrasonic range sensors
Project Title: Optimal Robot Trajectory Planning Using are used by the robot: two on one side (the controller inputs)
Evolutionary Algorithms and one in the front (for emergency stop in case of an obstacle).
Sponsor: Cleveland State University Since all the control circuitry and computation are embedded in
Research Team: Dan Simon (faculty; PI), Bhanu Gouda the robot, it is self contained and travels without the need for
(graduate student) any data link to external processors such as a PC. The detection
Project Description: An optimal trajectory planning approach of a wall by the sensors activates the controller which attempts
using evolutionary methods is developed for an industrial to align the robot with the wall at a specified reference distance.
manipulator. Minimum energy consumption is used as a Once aligned, the robot follows the wall and attempts to
criterion for trajectory generation, and is achieved using genetic maintain alignment by compensating for lateral drift.
algorithms as an optimization tool. Cubic splines are used to
generate the trajectory between the intermediate points of the Project Title: Health Parameter Estimation of Turbofan
path. The effectiveness of the proposed method is verified Aircraft Engine
through simulations. Sponsor: NASA
Research Team: Dan Simon (faculty; PI), Srikiran Kosanam
Project Title: Optimal Filtering for Stream Flow Forecasting (graduate student)
Sponsor: Cleveland State University Project Description: Aircraft health monitoring has been a
Research Team: Dan Simon (faculty; PI), Vinay Kantamneni challenging task for over decades. In turbofan jet engines the
(graduate student) parameters which describe the health of the engine cannot be
Project Description: Streamflow forecasting models are measured explicitly. One possible solution to this problem is
developed and optimal filtering techniques are applied to Kalman filter. The traditional Kalman filter is optimal as long
update soil moisture values and to improve streamflow as the modeling of the plant is accurate. We show a way of
predictions. Kalman and H-infinity filters are used to update linearizing the jet engine model so that theoretically proven
daily estimates of soil water content. Updated soil moisture estimation techniques can be applied to this problem. We
storages are then used to predict daily streamflow. The output present the application of Kalman filter to health parameter
from the estimators is compared with the model output without monitoring of the gas turbine engine. It is shown that the
state updating, the simulation results from the National standard Kalman filter will not be robust enough if there are
Weather Service, and the observed streamflow. It is seen that uncertainties in the modeling of the plant. A new filter is
Kalman and H-infinity filtering provide improved streamflow developed which addresses the uncertainties in the process
forecasting compared with existing methods. noise and measurement noise covariances. A hybrid gradient
descent algorithm is used to tune the new filter gain. This filter
Project Title: A Microcomputer-Controlled Calorie Monitor is then implemented for the health parameter estimation. The
for Human Powered Vehicles results show significant decrease in the estimation error
Sponsor: Cleveland State University covariance. It is shown that advanced search algorithms like
Research Team: Dan Simon (faculty; PI), Gary Siegmund genetic algorithms prove to be superior to hybrid gradient
(graduate student) descent in searching for better minima.
Project Description: The amount of calories expended during
an exercise interval is a primary indication of training intensity Project Title: Input Output Harmonic Elimination of the
and effectiveness. If the exercise apparatus is a human powered PWM Boost Type Rectifier under Unbalanced Operating
vehicle, the potential exists for effectively measuring several Condition
parameters of the training session. Unfortunately, existing Sponsor: Cleveland State University
monitoring systems are either invasive or inaccurate. This work Research Team: Ana V. Stankovic (faculty), Ke Chen
describes the design of an energy monitoring system that (graduate student)
Project Description: This project focuses on the power quality Cancellation Technique for Electronic Ballasts
issues related to the input output harmonic elimination of the Sponsor: General Electric Lighting
front end rectifier under severe unbalanced operating Research Team: Ana V. Stankovic (faculty; PI), Marius
conditions. Control algorithm for harmonic elimination has Marita (graduate student)
been implemented by using DSPACE development system in Project Description This project focuses on the analysis and
the NSF funded Power Electronics and Electric Machines design of a universal input 150-Watt Boost Power Factor
Laboratory at Cleveland State University. Correction Converter with the Ripple Current Cancellation
Circuit. An EMI Filter designed for the 150-Watt Boost PFC
circuit with the Ripple Current Cancellation is designed to
satisfy the Federal Communication Commission (FCC)
regulations. Experimental work has been done in GE laboratory
in Nela Park.

Project Title: Analysis and Implementation of a Synchronous

Buck Converter Used As an Intermediate Stage for HID Ballast
Sponsor: General Electric Lighting
Research Team: Ana V. Stankovic (faculty; PI) Sergey
Vernyuk (graduate student)
Project Description: This project focuses on the analysis of a
Synchronous Buck Converter, used as a second stage (which
controls the current through the lamp, and consequently, the
lamp power) in three-stage High-Intensity Discharge (HID)
ballast. This new application of the Synchronous Buck
converter for a medium-power lighting ballasts improves
efficiency of HID ballasts by operating the converter in a
modified critical-conduction mode. Simulation has been done
Dr. Stankovic working in her NSF funded state-of-the-art in General Electric Lighting.
Power Electronics and Electric Machine Research Laboratory
Project Title: Analysis and Design of the Complementary
Project Title: Discrete Dimming Ballast for Linear Class D Self-Oscillating Inverter for Compact Fluorescent
Fluorescent Lamps Lamps
Sponsor: General Electric Lighting Sponsor: General Electric Lighting
Research Team: Ana V. Stankovic (faculty; PI), Haiyan Wang Research Team: Ana V. Stankovic (faculty; PI) Wei Xiong
(graduate student), (graduate student)
Project Description: This project focuses on development Project Description: This project focuses on a detailed
of discrete dimming ballast for linear fluorescent lamps. A analysis of L-Complementary output voltage clamping
novel dimming control circuit is combined with a ballast self-oscillating class D inverter. Accurate time domain models
module for multiple lamps to realize three discrete lighting in the steady state and during starting have to be obtained to
levels. The newly proposed ballast is more efficient, more improve the design process. Experimental work has been done
flexible and more reliable compared with conventional step in GE Lighting.
dimming or on/off control methods. Experimental work has
been done in General Electric laboratory in Nela Park. Project Title: Predictable Monitoring for Networked
Embedded Computing
Project Title: Analysis and Implementation of a Dimmable Sponsor: Ohio ICE ($24,062)
Low Frequency Electronic HID Ballast Research Team: Nigamanth Sridhar (faculty; PI), Hamza A.
Sponsor: General Electric Lighting Zia (graduate student)
Research Team: Ana V. Stankovic (faculty; PI), Prerana Project Description: Networks of embedded sensors and
Kulkarni (graduate student) actuators need to function and provide service to users even in
Project Description: This project focuses on the analysis, the presence of failures. This project produced software failure
design and implementation of dimmable low frequency detectors for enabling such fault-tolerant execution.
electronic High-Intensity-Discharge (HID) ballast, using the
variable dc link voltage with constant switching frequency Project Title: Open Middleware Architecture for
technique. Where previously this dimming technique was used Sense-and-Respond Systems
for high frequency ballasts, in this application, the technique is Sponsor: Wright Center for Sensor Systems Engineering
applied to low frequency square wave electronic HID ballast, to Research Team: Nigamanth Sridhar (faculty; PI), Trisul
dim high pressure sodium (HPS) lamp. Low frequency Kanipakam (graduate student), Manohar Bathula (graduate
operation ensures an acoustic resonance free operation, low student), Dheeraj Bheemidi (graduate student)
switching losses, better efficiency and thus low cost. Project Description: Wireless sensor networks are typically
Experimental work has been done in General Electric Lighting. built on a ―per-application‖ basis. However, some aspects of
application design transcend application boundaries. This
Project Title: Analysis and Implementation of Ripple Current project is focused on the design of reusable, generic
middleware systems for networked sense-and-respond systems. result, time-domain channel estimation and equalization
methods are proposed for MASK-OFDM and their performance
Project Title: Improving the Productivity of the Sensor is compared with the frequency-domain methods of
Network Programmer QAM-ODFDM.
Sponsor: National Science Foundation
Research Team: Nigamanth Sridhar (faculty; PI), William P. Project Title: Carrier Frequency Synchronizer Design and
McCartney (graduate student), Adam Dutko (graduate student), Evaluation for MASK-OFDM System
Trisul Kanipakam (graduate student) Sponsor: Cleveland State University
Project Description: Wireless sensor networks (sensornets) Research Team: Fuqin Xiong (faculty; PI), Ying Yang,
have the potential to enable an unprecedented amount of
(graduate student, 2005)
visibility and control over the world around us. There are major
Project Description: In this work, then investigation is focused
obstacles to realizing this potential, however: the methods and
on the design of the carrier frequency synchronizer and its
tools available for constructing sensornet software are too performance for MASK-OFDM system. Two efficient carrier
brittle, and require specialized training to use effectively. This frequency synchronization algorithms have been proposed by
CAREER project is investigating ways to overcome these Shi & Serpedin and Morelli & Mengali used for general OFDM
obstacles. In particular, this project involves creating
system that is based on IFFT/FFT pair. We modified these two
programming and middleware artifacts, specification and algorithms to suit to our system. Especially, we improved the
reasoning techniques, and toolsets that can be easily used by first algorithm to extend the frequency acquisition range. These
―non-programmer‖ specialists -- researchers outside of the field two schemes are based on the transmission of a training symbol
of computing. composed of L identical parts in the frequency domain.
Frequency estimation performance and comparison of these
Project Title: Improving Work Zone Safety using Sensor two proposed methods are presented in an additive white
Networks Gaussian noise (AWGN) and multipath COST-207 and Jakes
Sponsor: CSU Undergraduate research grant frequency-selective channel.
Research Team: Nigamanth Sridhar (faculty; PI), Wenbing
Zhao (faculty; co-PI), Ishu Pradhan (undergraduate student),
Project Title: Symbol Timing Synchronizer for ASK-OFDM in
Mehrdad Ramazanali (undergraduate student), Lawrence Edem
AWGN and Fading Channels
(undergraduate student), Joe Gotschall (undergraduate
student), Nilesh Patel (undergraduate student) Sponsor: Cleveland State University
Project Description: The focus of this research is to Research Team: Fuqin Xiong (faculty; PI), Sai Mantripragada,
investigate novel uses for wireless sensor network systems as (graduate student, 2005)
enablers for improving safety for motorists and workers in Project Description: This research focused on the
temporary construction work zones. The main goal of the synchronization for newly proposed ASK-OFDM. The existing
research is to study the causes of crashes in and near Schmidl-Cox, Coulson, Menn Zeng Bhargava, algorithms have
construction work zones. been implemented for the ASK-OFDM system. Shi-Serpedin
algorithm has been justified for ASK-OFDM system to
Project Title: The Modulation Study for Self-Modulating withstand very low SNRs in AWGN, Rician, Rayleigh and
Phased Array Antenna Multi-path fading (COST207 model) channels.
Sponsor: NASA Glenn Research Center
Research Team: Fuqin Xiong (faculty; PI), Robert Project Title: OFDM Modem Design and Evaluation for MSL
Romanofsky (adjunct faculty, collaborator at NASA GRC), Extension Channel
Huaihai Guo (graduate student), Sponsor: Cleveland State University
Project Description: The modulation study for Research Team: Fuqin Xiong (faculty; PI), Huaihai Guo
self-modulating phased array antenna studied the performance (graduate student, 2005)
of incorporating modulator onto a phased array antenna so that Project Description: In this project, DCT-Based
the satellite transceiver mass can be reduced. The results will be MASK-OFDM (Discrete Cosine Transform-based M-ary
very useful in NASA GRC’s endeavor to reduce the Amplitude Shift Keying Orthogonal Frequency Division
transceivers on all types of the spacecrafts. Multiplexing) and MC-CDMA (Multi-Carrier Code Division
Multiple Access) for future MLS (Microwave Landing System)
Project Title: Channel Estimation and Equalization Techniques extension band communication system are modeled and
for MASK-OFDM in Fading Channels evaluated.
Sponsor: Cleveland State University
Research Team: Fuqin Xiong (faculty; PI), Vijay Nomula Project Title: Coding for Coherent ASK-OFSM Systems
(graduate student, 2006) Sponsor: Cleveland State University
Project Description: This research deals with channel Research Team: Fuqin Xiong (faculty; PI), Mukul V. Gandhi
estimation and equalization for the newly proposed (graduate student, 2004)
MASK-OFDM. The existing frequency-domain channel Project Description: The purpose of this research is to analyze
estimation and equalization methods for QAM-OFDM are performances of convolutional encoding with hard-decision
analyzed and investigated for their applicability in the case of Viterbi decoding or soft-decision Viterbi symbol decoding and
MASK-OFDM. It turns out that these frequency-domain TCM to ASK-OFDM, particularly soft-decision Viterbi symbol
techniques are not applicable to the case of MASK-OFDM. As a
encoding, their metrics and constellation design in TCM. So the sensors. With this kind of sensor, we have demonstrated direct
etrics electrochemical amperometric detection of different forms of
Project Title: Stabilization of Immobilized Enzymes for sugar (glucose, fructose and lactose), dopamine, hydrogen
Implantable Glucose Monitoring Devices peroxide and phenol. In the sensing of glucose, the sensor
Sponsor: American Diabetes Association showed exclusive detection of glucose in the presence of
Research Team: Siu-Tung Yau (faculty, PI), Research interfering species within the physiological concentration
assistant (TBD) ranges of these substances. The sensor also showed negligible
Project Description: In the USA, 20.8 million people have electrode poisoning and detection stability over a 14-week
diabetes. More than 200 000 Americans die from this chronic period of repeated use. A comparison between the glucose
disease annually. Effective treatment of diabetes requires detection characteristics of the nanoparticle-based sensor and
accurate monitoring of glucose in the patient’s blood. The those of the enzyme-based sensor shows an enhanced
approach of continuous-glucose-monitoring could provide amperometric response of the particle sensor. Our results reveal
diabetics with a complete glucose profile with instantaneous several advantages of using the silicon nanoparticle in
fluctuations throughout the day, allowing optimized insulin bioelectronics. This particle-based sensor is being developed
therapy and metabolic control, which drastically reduce the risk for applications in food processing, biomedicine and
of chronic complications. To implement this approach, the environmental monitoring.
glucose sensor needs to be implanted in the patient’s body to
facilitate periodic and frequent glucose measurement. One of Project Title: Biofuel Cells
the main obstacles for the development of implantable glucose Sponsor: Cleveland State University
biosensors is the inherent instability of the enzyme Research Team: Siu-Tung Yau (faculty, PI), Yongki Choi
immobilized on the electrodes of the sensors as the sensing (graduate student)
element. When immobilized on an electrode and subjected to Project Description: In this project, the two criteria that
in-vivo conditions, enzymes will become unstable and will lose determine the performance of a biofuel cell, namely, high
their sensing ability, making long-term implant tasks output current and enzyme stability are addressed. High current
unrealistic. This project is proposed to overcome this crucial density is obtained with enhanced electron transfer at the
obstacle using a spatial confinement approach. Enzymes will be enzyme-electrode interface using different immobilization
assembled into spatially confining fabricated on electrodes, techniques, which also enhance the stability of enzymes. We
which will increase the stability of the enzymes and enable have constructed double-compartment biofuel cell operating on
them to perform sensing tasks under long-term in-vivo ethanol and single-compartment (membrane-less) biofuel cell
conditions. Prototype glucose biosensors and glucose biofuel operating on glucose. The objective of this project is to realize
cells, which could be used as the power supply for implanted miniature biofuel cells that can be used as implantable power
sensors, will be constructed and tested under long-term in-vitro supplies.
condition. The successful completion of the project will be a
substantial advance toward making implantable
glucose-sensing devices, which can be further developed for
the artificial pancreas.
and constellation design in TCM.
Project Title: Enzyme-Based Electrochemical Biosensor
Sponsor: Cleveland State University
Research Team: Siu-Tung Yau (faculty, PI), Yongki Choi
(graduate student)
Project Description: In this project, redox enzymes are
immobilized on silicon wafers. Several immobilization
techniques are used to preserve the activities of the enzymes.
The enzyme-immobilized silicon wafer is used as the sensing
electrode in the construction of biosensors used to detect
chemical substances that are important in biomedicine, human
health, food processing, environment protection and national
security. A particularly emphasized study is the construction of
biosensors for implantable applications. Here, glucose oxidase,
Dr. Yau working in the Bio-sensor and Bio-electronics
the enzyme that is used as the sensing element in commercial
glucose sensors, is immobilized on silicon wafers, whose
performance as sensing electrode is tested under long-term in
Project Title: Functional Materials for Molecular Electronics
vivo conditions.
Sponsor: Cleveland State University
Research Team: Siu-Tung Yau (faculty, PI), Yongki Choi
Project Title: Nanoparticle-Based (Enzymeless) Sensors
(graduate student)
Sponsor: Cleveland State University
Project Description: Here, we prepare novel bulk electronic
Research Team: Siu-Tung Yau (faculty, PI), Yongki Choi
materials using nanoscale objects as active centers. Recently,
(graduate student)
we have prepared a two-phase composite material by mixing
Project Description: The newly-discovered colloidal silicon
the polymer Nafion with an electroactive molecule, potassium
nanoparticles are used as the sensing element for non-enzyme
ferricyanide. The current-voltage characteristic of the material
shows a metal-like electrical conduction about zero-bias. The construction work zones.
conductance is found to be proportional to the concentration of
the potassium ferricyanide molecule and temperature. A Project Title: Byzantine Fault Tolerance for Long Running,
conductance peak is present at a low bias voltage, providing a Non-deterministic Applications (from 9/1/2008)
region of negative differential resistance. Other nanoscale Sponsor: National Science Foundation, Major Research
objects such as semiconductor quantum dots and proteins are Instrumentation Grant
also used as active substances in our studies. Research Team: Wenbing Zhao, Honglei Zhang, Hua Chai
Project Description: In this project, we aim to develop
Project Title: Performability in Mobile Wireless Networks efficient techniques to ensure strong replica consistency and the
Sponsor: National Science Foundation long-term dependability of Web-based mission-critical systems,
(Program: MRI or Major Research Instrumentation, Project: including Web services and online database systems. In
Acquisition of Equipment to Establish a Secure and particular, we focus on three sub-projects: (1) We propose
Dependable Computing Infrastructure for Research and novel methods to reconcile the seemingly conflicting
Education at Cleveland State University) requirements of strong replica consistency and the
Research Team: Wenbing Zhao (faculty; PI), Chansu Yu independence of each individual replica in a Byzantine
(faculty; co-PI), Nigamanth Sridhar (faculty; co-PI), Saehoon fault-tolerant (BFT) system. For many applications, including
Kang (post-graduate researcher), Bogju Lee (post-graduate security services, it is ultimately important for each replica to
researcher) make decisions based on its own, possibly randomized, input.
Project Description: Mobile networks are vulnerable to the The method proposed in this project will be urgently needed for
presence of extreme conditions such as network partitions (due these types of applications to maintain strong replica
to high node speeds) and strong interference (in urban consistency while preserving their robustness. (2) We will
environments). As existing link and network layer solutions do investigate the possibility of using software transactional
not take these extreme conditions into consideration, it is memory (STM) as a way to ease the programming complexity
critically important to know whether a mobile network is still a and to increase the degree of concurrency obtainable for large
dependable subnet under such situations. The goal of this scale replicated distributed systems. (3) We propose a new
project is to investigate the performance of mobile wireless migration-based proactive recovery scheme that achieves a
networks in highly stressed environment and to seek novel very small vulnerability window, and hence, helps achieve
methods to survive the stress and achieve a reasonable long-term dependability of mission critical systems. To assess
performance. the practicality of our techniques, and to gain better insight on
the problems, we plan to build a prototype of a BFT
Project Title: Experimental Wireless Networking Using infrastructure and to perform empirical experimental study in
Software Radio Systems both local and wide area network environments.
Sponsor: Fenn College of Engineering (equipment support)
Research Team: Chansu Yu (faculty; PI), Saikrishna
Gumudavally (graduate student), Sachin Hirve (graduate
student), Robert Fiske (graduate student)
Project Description: Software radio (also known as software
defined radio or SDR) is a 21st century-version of the crystal
radio. It can tune to any frequency band including TV and
AM/FM broadcast, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth wireless
communication channels, and CDMA and GSM cellular
networks by running new software without requiring additional
hardware. This project uses USRP (Universal Software Radio
Platform) and GNU Radio software package to experiment and
explore design issues in future radio systems.

Project Title: Improving Work Zone Safety Using Sensor

Sponsor: CSU Undergraduate Research Grant
Research Team: Nigamanth Sridhar (faculty; PI), Wenbing
Zhao (faculty; co-PI), Chansu Yu (faculty; co-PI), Pong Chu Dr. Zhao (center) and his computer engineering research team
(faculty; co-PI), Yongjian Fu (faculty; co-PI), Ishu Pradhan
(undergraduate student), Mehrdad Ramazanali (undergraduate Project Title: Secure and Dependable Web Services (from
student), Lawrence Edem (undergraduate student), Joe 7/1/2006)
Gotschall (undergraduate student), Nilesh Patel (undergraduate Sponsor: Cleveland State University, Faculty Research
student) Development Award
Project Description: The focus of this research is to Research Team: Wenbing Zhao, Honglei Zhang, Hua Chai,
investigate novel uses for wireless sensor network systems as Bo Chen, and Srikanth Dropati
enablers for improving safety for motorists and workers in Project Description: The Web services platform has been
temporary construction work zones. The main goal of the adopted by virtually all businesses and government
research is to study the causes of crashes in and near organizations as the distributed computing platform of choice

due to its strong interoperability, loose-coupling, and
extensibility design. In this project, we focus on developing Recent Faculty Publications
fault and intrusion tolerance frameworks that have the
following characteristics: (1) the design of the dependability 1. C. Alexander and Matthew Sadiku, Fundamentals of
mechanisms are conformant to the design principles of Web Electric Circuits, Second Edition, McGraw-Hill, January
services; (2) the mechanisms are backward compatible with 2003.
WS-standards; (3) the frameworks incur minimum overhead 2. C. Alexander and Donald Christiansen, Standard
and require minimum changes to the application programs. The Handbook of Electronic Engineering, Fifth Edition,
frameworks support both generic Web services and specific McGraw-Hill, 2005.
Web services applications such as transactional applications 3. C. Alexander and Matthew Sadiku, Problem Solving
and wireless Web services applications. Made Almost Easy, McGraw-Hill, March 2000.
4. C. Alexander and Matthew Sadiku, Fundamentals of
Project Title: A Reservation-Based Extended Transaction Electric Circuits, Third Edition, McGraw-Hill, December
Protocol (completed) 2005.
Sponsor: Cleveland State University, Faculty Startup Award 5. J. Watson, A. Brush, L. Penkowski, and C. Alexander ,
Research Team: Wenbing Zhao (in collaboration with Dr. ―Teaching the Communication Aspects of KCIDE
Louise Moser and Dr. P. Michael Melliar-Smith at UCSB) (Knowledge Capturing Integrated Design Environment),‖
Project Description: Existing extended transaction protocols The Conference Proceedings of International Professional
typically rely on compensating transactions to handle Communication Conference, Limerick, Ireland, July 2005
exceptional conditions. In this project, we identified a number 6. J. Watson and C. Alexander , ―Communication Aspects of
of issues with compensation-based extended transaction ProSkills: A Non-Technical Skill Development and
protocols, and proposed a reservation-based extended Enhancement Program For Engineers,‖ The Conference
transaction protocol that addresses those issues. Moreover, we Proceedings of International Professional Communication
introduced a set of properties, analogous to the ACID Conference, Limerick, Ireland, July 2005
properties of traditional transactions that are more appropriate 7. Y. Fu, D. Simon, and C. Alexander , ―A Knowledge
for business activities that span multiple enterprises. In addition, Capturing Integrated Design Environment For A Course In
we compared our reservation protocol with other extended Electrical Circuits,‖ Proceedings of the 2005 American
transaction protocols for coordinating business activities, and Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference &
carried performance analyses. Exposition, Portland, June 2005.
8. P. Chu, RTL Hardware Design Using VHDL: Coding for
Project Title: Performance Evaluation of Reliable Multicast Efficiency, Portability, and Scalability, Wiley-IEEE Press,
Strategies in 802.11 Networks (completed) 2006.
Sponsor: Cleveland State University, Faculty Startup Award 9. P. Chu, FPGA Prototyping by VHDL Examples: Xilinx
Research Team: Wenbing Zhao and Maulik Bhatt Spartan-3 Version, John Wiley, 2008.
Project Description: 802.11 networks have many differences 10. P. Chu, FPGA Prototyping by Verilog Examples: Xilinx
comparing with wired Ethernet-based networks. Many group Spartan-3 Version, John Wiley, 2008.
communication systems, which provide both reliable and 11. L. Dong, Q. Zheng, and Z. Gao, ―The Design and
ordered multicast, have been designed and optimized for the Implementation of a Novel Control System for the
Ethernet-based networks. We investigated the performance of Conventional Mode of Operation of Vibrational
these systems in 802.11 networks to see which strategy works Gyroscopes‖, to be published in IEEE Sensors Journal,
best in this new environment. 2008.
12. Q. Zheng, L. Dong, D. LEE, and Z. Gao, ―Active
Project Title: Traffic Analysis and its Countermeasure Disturbance Rejection Control for MEMS Gyroscopes‖, to
Sponsor: CSU Faculty Development Grant be published in IEEE Transaction on Control Systems
Research Team: Ye Zhu (faculty; PI), Anil Vikram (graduate Technology, 2008.
student), Yuanchao Lv (graduate student) 13. B. Su-Alexander, R. Rarick, W. Zhao, and L. Dong, ―A
Project Description: In this project, we will study timing Novel Application of An Extended State Observer for
analysis methodologies and develop a framework for the High Performance Control of NASA’s HSS Flywheel‖, to
systematic assessment of countermeasures against traffic be published in International Journal of Engineering
analysis attacks. Simulation, 2008.
14. Q. Zheng and L. Dong, ―A Disturbance Rejection Based
Project Title: Application of Wireless Sensor Networks Control System Design for Z-Axis Vibratory Rate
Sponsor: Cleveland State University Gyroscopes‖, Journal of Systems and Control Engineering,
Research Team: Ye Zhu (faculty; PI), Anil Vikram (graduate Vol. 222, No.1, p. 23-30, 2008.
student) 15. Q. Zheng, L. Dong, and Z. Gao, ―A Novel Control System
Project Description: In this project, we will study applications Design for Vibrational MEMS Gyroscopes,‖ Sensors &
of wireless sensor networks in environment monitoring and Transducers Journal, Vol. 78, No. 4, pp. 1073-1082, 2007.
optimal deploytment and packet routing in wireless sensor 16. B. Su-Alexander, R. Rarick, and L. Dong, ―Application of
networks to support these applications. Active Disturbance Rejection Control to Self-Sensing
Magnetic Bearings‖, International Journal of Engineering
Simulation, Vol. 8, No. 2, p. 10-16, July 2007.
17. B. Su-Alexander, R. Rarick, and L. Dong, ―A Novel Problems‖, International Journal of Adaptive Control and
Application of An Extended State Observer for High Signal Processing, Volume 22, Issue 4, Date: May 2008,
Performance Control of NASA’s HSS Flywheel‖, to be Pages:388-401
published in Proceedings of American Control Conference, 32. Z. Chen, Q. Zheng, and Z. Gao, ―Active Disturbance
Seattle, Washington, USA on June 11-13, 2008. Rejection Control of Chemical Processes‖, Proceedings of
18. L. Dong, Q. Zheng, and D. Avanesov, ―The Design and the 2007 IEEE Multi-conference on Systems and Control,
Implementation of Driving Mode Control for Vibrational Singapore, October 1-3, 2007.
Gyroscopes‖, to be published in Proceedings of American 33. W. Zhou and Z. Gao, ―An Active Disturbance Rejection
Control Conference, Seattle, Washington, USA on June Approach to Tension and Velocity Regulations in Web
11-13, 2008. Processing Lines‖, Proceedings of the 2007 IEEE
19. Q. Zeng, L. Dong, D. H. LEE, and Z. Gao, ―Active Multi-conference on Systems and Control, Singapore,
Disturbance Rejection Control for MEMS Gyroscopes‖, to October 1-3, 2007.
be published in Proceedings of American Control 34. Q. Zheng, L. GAO, and Z. Gao, ―On Estimation of Plant
Conference, Seattle, Washington, USA on June 11-13, Dynamics and Disturbance from Input-Output Data in Real
2008. Time‖, Proceedings of the 2007 IEEE Multi-conference on
20. L. Dong, Q. Zheng, and Z. Gao, ―A Novel Oscillation Systems and Control, Singapore, October 1-3, 2007.
Controller for Vibrational MEMS Gyroscopes‖, in 35. G. Tian, Z. Gao, ―Frequency Response Analysis of Active
Proceedings of American Control Conference, NYC, NY, Disturbance Rejection Based Control System‖,
July11-13, 2007. Proceedings of the 2007 IEEE Multi-conference on
21. B. Su-Alexander, R. Rarick, and L. Dong, ―Application of Systems and Control, Singapore, October 1-3, 2007.
Active Disturbance Rejection Control to Self-Sensing 36. D. Yoo, S. Yau, and Z. Gao, ―Optimal Fast Tracking
Magnetic Bearings‖, in Proceedings of American Control Observer Bandwidth of the Linear Extended State
Conference, NYC, NY, July11-13, 2007. Observer‖, International Journal of Control, Volume 80,
22. Q. Zheng, L. Dong, and Z. Gao, ―Control and Number 1/January 2007, pp. 102-111.
Time-Varying Rotation Rate Estimation of Vibrational 37. Q. Zheng, Z. Chen, and Z. Gao, ―A Disturbance Rejection
MEMS Gyroscopes,‖ in Proceedings of IEEE Based Dynamic Decoupling Control Approach‖,
Multi-Conference on Systems & Control, Singapore, Proceedings of the 2007 American Control Conference,
October, 2007. July 11-13, 2007.
23. Q. Zheng and L. Dong, ―A Disturbance Rejection Based 38. J. Lekki, Q. Nguyen, T. Bizon, B. Nguyen, J. Kojima and
Control System Design for Z-Axis Vibratory Rate M. Hizlan, ―An extremely low power quantum optical
Gyroscopes‖, in Proceedings of IEEE proceedings of communication link for miniature planetary sensor
International Conference on Control and Automation, stations,‖ Journal of Aerospace Computing, Information,
Guangzhou, China, May 2007. and Communication. (Accepted for publication, 4/2008)
24. L. Dong, ―Adaptive Estimation and Control of a Z-axis 39. M. Hizlan, ―Spread Spectrum,‖ The Handbook of
MEMS Gyroscope with Time-varying Rotation Rates‖, in Computer Networks, H. Bidgoli, Ed. Wiley, New York
IEEE proceedings of International Conference on 2007.
Autonomic and Autonomous Systems, Silicon Valley, CA, 40. M. Hizlan, ―Space Telecommunications Radio System
July 19-July 21, 2006, pp.18-pp.23. Waveform Development for TDRSS S-Band Single
25. L. Dong and R. P. Leland, ―The Adaptive Control System Access Return Service.‖ Prepared for NASA Summer
of a MEMS Gyroscope with Time-varying Rotation Rate‖, Faculty Fellowship Program 2007, NASA Glenn Research
in Proceedings of American Control Conference, Portland, Center, Cleveland, OH, July 2007.
Oregon, June 2005, pp. 3592-3597. 41. M. Hizlan, ―Glenn Research Center Quantum
26. Y. Zhu, Y. Fu, and H. Fu, ―On Privacy in Time Series Data Communicator Receiver Design and Development.‖
Mining,‖ PAKDD, Osaka, Japan, May 2008. Prepared for NASA Summer Faculty Fellowship Program
27. Y. Fu, H. Paul, and N. Shetty, ―Improving Mobile Web 2006, NASA Glenn Research Center, Cleveland, OH,
Navigation Using N-grams Prediction Models,‖ August 2006.
International Journal of Intelligent Information 42. J. Lekki, Q. Nguyen, B. Nguyen and M. Hizlan,,
Technologies, Vol. 3, No. 2, 2007. ―Quantum Optical Communication for Micro Robotic
28. S. R. Subramanya, J. Teng, and Y. Fu, ―Study of Relative Explorers,‖ AIAA Conference Infotech@Aerospace 2005,
Effectiveness of Features in Content-Based Image September 26-29, 2005, Arlington, VA. AIAA
Retrievals,‖ International Journal of Computers and Their 2005-7118.
Applications, Vol. 13, No. 1, March, 2006. 43. M. Hizlan, ―GRC Quantum Communicator Experimental
29. Y. Fu, ―Web Usage Mining and Its Applications,‖ in J. Analysis.‖ Prepared for NASA Summer Faculty Fellowship
Wang (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Data Warehousing and Program 2005, NASA Glenn Research Center, Cleveland,
Mining, Information Science Publishing, 2005. OH, August 2005.
30. Y. Fu, H. Paul, and N. Shetty, ―Using N-Grams Prediction 44. M. Hizlan, ―Quantum Communications System
Models to Improve Web Navigation for Wireless Users,‖ Analysis.‖ Prepared for NASA Summer Faculty Fellowship
International Conference on Data Mining, Las Vegas, Program 2004, NASA Glenn Research Center, Cleveland,
2005. OH, August 2004.
31. S. Hu and Z. Gao, ―A Two-Degree-of-Freedom 45. D. Simon, Optimal State Estimation, John Wiley and Sons,
Time-Optimal Solution for Hard Disk Drive Servo 2006
46. D. Simon, ―A Comparison of Filtering Approaches for 62. H. Y. Wang, A. Stankovic, D. Kachmarik and L. Nerone,
Aircraft Engine Health Estimation,‖ Aerospace Science ―A Novel Discrete Dimming Ballast for Linear Fluorescent
and Technology, vol. 12, no. 4, pp. 276-284, June 2008 Lamps‖, Conference Proceedings of 35th IEEE Power
47. D. Simon, ―Reduced Order Kalman Filtering without Electronics Specialists Conference PESC 2004, Aachen,
Model Reduction,‖ Control and Intelligent Systems, vol. Germany, June 20 - 25, 2004, pp.815-820.
35, no. 2, pp. 169-174, April 2007 63. A. Stankovic, A. G. Birchenough, B. Kenny, G. Kimnach,
48. D. Simon and D. L. Simon, ―Kalman Filter Constraint ―Modeling of an AC Power System for High Power
Switching for Turbofan Engine Health Estimation,‖ Spacecraft‖, Conference Proceedings of Space Technology
European Journal of Control, vol. 12, no. 3, pp. 331-343, and Applications International Forum-STAIF 2004, pp
May 2006 598- 605.
49. D. Simon and D. L. Simon, ―Kalman Filtering with 64. A. Stankovic, D. Uppala, D. Kachmarik, M.C Cosby Jr.
Inequality Constraints for Turbofan Engine Health and L. Nerone, ―Design, Analysis and Optimization of a
Estimation,‖ IEE Proceedings – Control Theory and Universal Power Factor Correction Circuit for Linear
Applications, vol. 153, no. 3, pp. 371-378, May 2006 Fluorescent Lamps‖, Conference Proceedings of the
50. D. Simon, ―A Game Theory Approach to Constrained IESNA, pp. 73-101, 2003.
Minimax State Estimation,‖ IEEE Transactions on Signal 65. A. Stankovic, ―Trends in developing State of the Art
Processing, vol. 54, no. 2, pp. 405-412, February 2006 laboratories for Teaching Power Electronics and Electric
51. T. Chia, D. Simon, and H. Chizeck, ―Kalman Filtering Machines‖, ETRAN 2008, Palic, Serbia.
with Statistical State Constraints,‖ Control and Intelligent 66. A. Arora, M. Gouda, J. Hallstrom, T. Herman, W. Leal,
Systems, vol. 34, no. 1, pp. 73-79, January 2006 and N. Sridhar, ―A state-based language for
52. D. Simon, ―H-infinity Estimation for Fuzzy Membership sensor-actuator networks,‖ SIGBED Review, 4(3), July
Function Optimization,‖ International Journal of 2007. Special Issues on the Workshop on Wireless Sensor
Approximate Reasoning, vol. 40, no. 3, pp. 224-242, Network Architecture (April 2007).
November 2005 67. N. Sridhar. Serfs: Dynamically-bound parameterized
53. D. Simon and D. L. Simon, ―Aircraft Turbofan Engine components. Journal of Systems and Software, 80(5):
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55. D. Simon, ―Data Smoothing and Interpolation Using 69. A.. Dalton, W. McCartney, K. Ghosh-Dastidar, J.
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57. N. Sayed, A. Stankovic, L. Nerone, ― A New 70. W. McCartney and N. Sridhar, ―Getting TinyOS and
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58. A. Stankovic, E. Benedict, V. John and T. A. Lipo, ―A Pages 88–92.
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60. N. Sayeed, A. Stankovic and L. Nerone, ―A Low Cost Networked Sensor Systems (SenSys 2006), Boulder, CO,
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75. N. Sridhar, ―Decentralized Local Failure Detection in 91. G. Wang and S.-T. Yau, ―Preserved enzymatic activity of
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81. F. Xiong and R. Romanofsky, ―Study of Behavior of 98. Feeling-Taylor, S.-T. Yau, D. Petsev, R. Nagel, R. E.
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102. S. Moh, C. Yu, B. Lee, and H. Y. Youn, ―Energy Efficient
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87. G. Wang and S.-T. Yau “Spatial confinement induced 104. Lee, C. Yu, and S. Moh, ―Issues in Scalable Clustered
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88. G. Wang, N. M. Thai and S.-T. Yau ―Preserved enzymatic 105. Yu, B. Lee, S. Kalubandi and M. Kim, ―Medium Access
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89. Y. Choi, G. Wang and S.-T. Yau, "An electronic composite ―Uncertainty-Aware Wireless Sensor Networks,‖
material with room-temperature negative differential International Journal of Mobile Communications (IJMC,
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90. G. Wang, K. Mantey, M. Nayfeh and S.-T. Yau, 107. L. Song and C. Yu, ―Minimizing Spatial and Time
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108. S. Moh, S. J. Lee, and C. Yu, ―Adaptive Multicast on 122. L. Song and C. Yu, ―Improving Spatial Reuse with
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109. C. Yu, K. G. Shin, and L. Song, ―Maximizing 123. C. Yu, K. G. Shin, B. Lee, S. Park, and H. Kim, ―Node
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110. K Lee, M. Kim, C. Yu, B. Lee and S Hong, ―Selective 124. C. Yu, K. G. Shin, and L. Song, ―Link-Layer Salvaging for
Advance Reservations Based on Host Movement Making Routing Progress in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks,‖
Detection and Resource-aware Handoff,‖ International The Sixth ACM International Symposium on Mobile Ad
Journal of Communication Systems, Vol. 19, Issue 2, pp. Hoc Networking and Computing (MobiHoc 2005),
163-184, Mar. 2006. pp.242-253, 2005.
111. Lee, E. Nurvitadhi, R. Dixit, C. Yu, and M. Kim, 125. S. Lim, C. Yu and C. Das, ―Rcast: A Randomized
―Dynamic Voltage Scaling Techniques for Power Efficient Communication Scheme for Improving Energy Efficiency
Video Decoding,‖ Journal of Systems Architecture, Vol. in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks,‖ The 25th International
41, Issues 10-11, pp. 633-652, Oct.-Nov. 2005. Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS
112. Nurvitadhi, B. Lee, C. Yu, and M. Kim, ―Adaptive 2005), 2005.
Semi-Soft Handoff for Cellular IP Networks,‖ 126. C. Yu, S. Park, and H. Kim, ―Every Node is Born Equal:
International Journal of Wireless and Mobile Computing, Attacking Preferential Attachment in Peer-to-Peer Mobile
Special Issue on Media Streaming Over Wireless and Multihop Networks‖ IEEE Percom Workshop on Mobile
Mobile Networks, Vol. 1, Issue 4, 2005. Peer-to-Peer Computing (MP2P’05), pp. 70-74, 2005.
113. Won, B. Lee, C. Yu, S. Moh, K. Park, M.-J. Kim, ―A 127. W. Kim, M. Kim, K. Lee, C. Yu, B. Lee, ―Link Layer
detailed performance analysis of UDP/IP, TCP/IP, and Assisted Mobility Support Using SIP for Real-time
M-VIA network protocols using Linux/SimOS,‖ The Multimedia Communications,‖ ACM International
Journal of High Speed Networks, Vol. 13 No. 3, pp. Workshop on Mobility Management and Wireless Access
169-182, 2004. (MobiWac 04), Sep. 2004.
114. Yu, K. G. Shin, and B. Lee, ―Power-Stepped Protocol: 128. S. Mehra and C. Yu, ―Enhancing the Performance of
Enhancing Spatial Utilization in a Clustered Mobile Ad Mobile Ad Hoc Networks with the Aid of Internet
Hoc Network,‖ IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Gateways,‖ Proceedings of the International Conference
Communications (J-SAC), Vol. 22, No. 7, pp. 1322-1334, on Wireless Networks (ICWN’04), Vol. I, pp. 22-26, 2004.
Sep. 2004. 129. M. Lim and C. Yu, ―Does Cluster Architecture Enhance
115. C Yu, B. Lee, and H. Y. Youn, ―Energy Efficient Routing Performance Scalability of Clustered Mobile Ad Hoc
Protocols for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks,‖ Wireless Networks?‖ Proceedings of the International Conference
Communications and Mobile Computing, Vol. 3, Issue 8, on Wireless Networks (ICWN’04), Vol. I, pp. 71-77, 2004.
pp. 959-973, Dec. 2003. 130. S. Moh, C. Yu, and D. Han, ―Design and Experiment of a
116. Lee, D. Nam, H.Y. Youn, and C. Yu, ―OCI-based Group Communication-Aware Parallel Quicksort with Weighted
Communication Support in CORBA,‖ IEEE Transactions Partition of Processors,‖ International Conference on
on Parallel and Distributed Systems, Vol. 14, No. 11, pp. Computational Science and Its Applications (ICCSA-2004),
1126-1139, Nov. 2003. pp. 97~105, Assisi, Italy, May 14~17, 2004.
117. M. Kang, C. Yu, H. Y. Youn, B. Lee and M. Kim, 131. E. Nurvitadhi, B. Lee, C. Yu, and M. Kim, ―A
―Isomorphic Strategies for Processor Allocation in k-ary Comparative Study of Dynamic Voltage Scaling
n-cube Systems,‖ IEEE Transactions on Computers, Vol. Techniques for Low-Power Video Decoding,‖ 2003
52, No.5, pp. 645-657, May 2003. International Conference on Embedded Systems and
118. K. Lee, M. Kim, S. T. Chanson, C. Yu and J. Lee, ―CORP Applications (ESA ’03), 2003.
- A Method of Concatenation and Optimization for 132. J. H. Lee, H. Y. Youn, C. Yu, and D. Lee, ―Efficient
Resource Reservation Path in Mobile Internet,‖ IEICE Power-aware Hybrid Routing Using Zoning for Ad Hoc
Transactions on Communications, Vol. E86-B, No. 2, Feb. Network,‖ ISCA 18th Int’l Conf. on Computers and Their
2003. Applications, Mar. 2003.
119. S. Moh, C. Yu, S.-M. Park, and H.-N. Kim, ―CD-MAC: 133. W. Zhao, L. E. Moser and P. M. Melliar-Smith, ―A
Cooperative Diversity MAC for Robust Communication in Reservation-Based Extended Transaction Protocol,‖ IEEE
Wireless Ad Hoc Networks,‖ IEEE International Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, vol. 19,
Conference on Communications (ICC), 2007. no. 2, pp. 188-203.
120. S. Lim, C. Yu and C. Das, ―Clustered Mobility Model for 134. W. Zhao, F. Kart, L. E. Moser and P. M. Melliar-Smith,
Scale-Free Wireless Networks,‖ IEEE 31st Conference on ―A Reservation-Based Extended Transaction Protocol for
Local Computer Networks (LCN), 2006. Coordination of Web Services,‖ to appear in International
121. S. Moh, S. J. Lee, and C. Yu, ―Tree-Based Multicast Journal of Web Services Research.
Meshes with Variable Density of Redundant Paths on 135. W. Zhao, ―A Game Theoretical View of Byzantine Fault
MANETs: Tradeoffs between Tree and Flooding,‖ The Tolerance Design,‖ International Journal of
Performability Engineering, Short Communications, vol. 3, 150. W. Zhao, L. E. Moser and P. M. Melliar-Smith, ―High
no. 4, October 2007, pp. 498-500. Availability and Data Consistency for Three-Tier
136. W. Zhao, L. E. Moser and P. M. Melliar-Smith, Enterprise Applications,‖ Encyclopedia of E-Commerce,
―Unification of Transactions and Replication in Three-Tier E-Government and Mobile Commerce, Idea Group
Architectures Based on CORBA,‖ IEEE Transactions on Publishing, March 2006, pp. 552-558.
Dependable and Secure Computing, vol. 2, no. 1, 2005, pp. 151. W. Zhao and H. Zhang, ―Byzantine Fault Tolerant
20-33. Coordination for Web Services Business Activities,‖ in
137. W. Zhao, L. E. Moser and P. M. Melliar-Smith, Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on
―End-to-End Latency of a Fault-Tolerant CORBA Services Computing, Honolulu, Hawaii, July 8-11 2008
System,‖ Performance Evaluation, vol.63, no. 4-5, (18% acceptance rate).
pp.341-363. 152. W. Zhao and E. Villaseca, ―Byzantine Fault Tolerance for
138. W. Zhao, L. E. Moser and P. M. Melliar-Smith, ―Design Electric Power Grid Monitoring and Control,‖ in
and Implementation of a Consistent Time Service for Proceedings of the International Conference on Embedded
Fault-Tolerant Distributed Systems,‖ Computer Systems Software and Systems, Chengdu, Sichuan, China, July
Science and Engineering, vol.19 no. 5, 2004, pp. 315-323. 29-31 2008 (16% acceptance rate).
139. L. E. Moser, P. M. Melliar-Smith and W. Zhao, ―Building 153. W. Zhao, ―BFT-WS: A Byzantine Fault Tolerance
Dependable and Secure Web Services,‖ Framework for Web Services,‖ Proceedings of the
Journal of Software, Academy Publisher, vol. 2, no. 1, Middleware for Web Services Workshop, Annapolis, MD,
February 2007, pp. 14-26. October 2007. (Won Best Paper Award)
140. W. Zhao, L. E. Moser and P. M. Melliar-Smith, ―Design 154. W. Zhao, ―A Lightweight Fault Tolerance Framework for
and Implementation of a Pluggable Fault Tolerant CORBA Web Services,‖ Proceedings of the IEEE/WIC/ACM
Infrastructure,‖ Cluster Computing: The Journal of International Conference on Web Intelligence, Silicon
Networks, Software Tools and Applications, Special issue Valley, CA, November 2007, pp. 542-548. (16%
on Dependable Distributed Systems, vol. 7, no. 4, 2004, pp. acceptance rate)
317-330. 155. W. Zhao, ―Byzantine Fault Tolerant Coordination for
141. B. X. S. Alexander, Richard Rarick, W. Zhao, Lili Dong, Web Services Atomic Transactions,‖ Proceedings of the
―Simulation and Analysis of an Extended State Observer 5th International Conference on Service-Oriented
for Levitation Control of a Rotor-Bearing System,‖ To Computing, Vienna, Austria, September 2007, Lecture
appear in International Journal of Engineering and Notes in Computer Science, vol. 4749, pp. 307-318. (21%
Simulation. acceptance rate)
142. B. Chen and W. Zhao, ―Building Secure and Dependable 156. W. Zhao, ―A Byzantine Fault Tolerant Distributed
Online Gaming Applications,‖ to appear in Encyclopedia Commit Protocol,‖ Proceedings of the 3rd IEEE
of Information Science and Technology, 2nd Edition, Idea International Symposium on Dependable, Autonomic and
Group Publishing. Secure Computing, Loyola College Graduate Center,
143. H. Zhang and W. Zhao, ―Web Services Coordination for Columbia, MD, USA, September 2007, pp. 37-44.
Business Transactions,‖ to appear Encyclopedia of 157. W. Zhao, ―Byzantine Fault Tolerance for
Information Science and Technology, 2nd Edition, Idea Nondeterministic Applications,‖ Proceedings of the 3rd
Group Publishing. IEEE International Symposium on Dependable,
144. W. Zhao, ―Intrusion Tolerance in Information Systems,‖ Autonomic and Secure Computing, Loyola College
to appear in Encyclopedia of Information Science and Graduate Center, Columbia, MD, USA, September 2007,
Technology, 2nd Edition, Idea Group Publishing. pp. 108-115.
145. W. Zhao, ―Highly Available Database Management 158. L. E. Moser, P. Melliar-Smith and W. Zhao, Making Web
Systems,‖ to appear in Encyclopedia of Information Services Dependable, Proceedings of the First
Science and Technology, 2nd Edition, Idea Group International Conference on Availability, Reliability and
Publishing. Security, the International Dependability Conference
146. W. Zhao, ―Concurrency Control in Real-Time Bridging Theory and Practice, Vienna University of
E-Collaboration Systems,‖ Encyclopedia of Technology, Austria, April 2006, pp. 440-448.
E-Collaboration, Idea Group Publishing, 2008, pp. 159. W. Zhao, L. E. Moser and P. M. Melliar-Smith, A
95-101. Reservation-Based Coordination Protocol for Web
147. W. Zhao, ―Anonymous Peer-to-Peer Systems,‖ Services, Proceedings of the IEEE International
Encyclopedia of Information Ethics and Security, Idea Conference on Web Services, Orlando, Florida, July 2005,
Group Publishing, 2007, pp. 23-29. pp. 49-56. (17% acceptance rate)
148. W. Zhao, ―Building Secure and Dependable Information 160. W. Zhao, L. Moser and P. M. Melliar-Smith,
Systems,‖ Encyclopedia of Information Ethics and Deterministic Scheduling for Multithreaded Replicas,
Security, Idea Group Publishing, 2007, pp. 62-67. Proceedings of the IEEE International Workshop on
149. W. Zhao, L. E. Moser and P. M. Melliar-Smith, Object-oriented Real-time Dependable Systems, Sedona,
―Transparent Fault Tolerance for Distributed and Arizona, February 2005, pp. 74-81.
Networked Applications,‖ Encyclopedia of Information 161. Y. Zhu and R. Bettati, ―Information Leakage as a Model
Science and Technology, Idea Group Publishing, January for Quality of Anonymity Networks‖, accepted by IEEE
2005, pp. 1190-1197. Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems.
162. Y. Zhu, X. Fu, R. Bettati, and W. Zhao, ―Analysis of
Flow-Correlation Attacks in Anonymity Network,‖ Channels to Evaluate the Effectiveness of Flow
International Journal of Security and Networks (IJSN) Confidentiality Measures,‖ in Proceedings of the 11th
Special Issue on "Computer & Network Security", Vol. 2, International Conference on Parallel and Distributed
No.1/2, pp. 137-153, 2007. Systems(ICPADS), Fukuoka, Japan, June 2005.
163. X. Fu, Y. Zhu, B. Graham, R. Bettati and W. Zhao, ―On 176. Y. Zhu, X. Fu, B. Graham, R. Bettati and W. Zhao, ―On
Flow Marking Attacks in Wireless Anonymous Flow Correlation Attacks and Countermeasures in Mix
Communication Networks,‖ Journal of Ubiquitous Networks,‖ in Proceedings of Workshop on Privacy
Computing and Intelligence, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 42-53, April Enhancing Technologies (PET), Toronto, Canada, May
2007. 2004.
164. Y. Zhu, X. Fu and R. Bettati, ―On the Effectiveness of
Continuous-Time Mixes under Flow-Correlation Based
Anonymity Attacks,‖ International Journal of Network
Security (IJNS), Vol. 7, No. 2, pp. 136-146, 2008.
165. D. Xuan, S. Wang, Y. Zhu, R. Bettati and W. Zhao, ―A
Gateway-based Defense System for Distributed
Denial-of-Service Attacks in High-Speed Networks,‖
IEEE Transactions on System, Man, and Cybernetics, in
166. Y. Zhu, Y. Fu and R. Fu ―On Privacy in Time Series Data
Mining,‖ Accepted by the 12th Pacific-Asia Conference on
Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (PAKDD 2008).
167. Y. Zhu, ―Optimizing RED Control to Maximize Utility‖,
Accepted by 2008 Third International Conference on
Communications and Networking in China.
168. Y. Zhu and R. Bettati, ―Compromising Confidentiality in
Wireless Network using Cheap Sensors,‖ Accepted by the
27th International Conference on Distributed Computing
Systems (ICDCS 2007).
169. Y. Zhu and R. Bettati , ―Anonymity vs. Information
Leakage in Anonymity Systems,‖ in Proceedings of the
25th International Conference on Distributed Computing
Systems (ICDCS), Columbus, Ohio, June 2005.
170. X. Fu, Y. Zhu, B. Graham, R. Bettati and W. Zhao, ―On
Flow Marking Attacks in Wireless Anonymous
Communication Networks,‖ in Proceedings of the 25th
International Conference on Distributed Computing
Systems (ICDCS), Columbus, Ohio, June 2005.
171. Y. Zhu and R. Bettati, ―Un-mixing Mix Traffic,‖ in
Proceedings of Workshop on Privacy Enhancing
Technologies, Dubrovnik, Croatia, May 2005.
172. Y. Zhu, X. Fu, B. Graham, R. Bettati and W. Zhao,
―Anonymity Analysis of Mix Networks against
Flow-Correlation Attacks,‖ in Proceedings of the 48th
IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference, Computer
& Network Security Track (GLOBECOM), St. Louis, MO,
November 2005
173. H. Xu, X. Fu, Y. Zhu, R. Bettati, J. Chen, and W. Zhao,
―SAS: A Scalar Anonymity Anonymous Communication
System,‖ in Proceedings of the International Conference
on Computer Networks and Mobile Computing (ICCNMC),
Zhangjiajie, China, August 2005.
174. Y. Zhu, X. Fu and R. Bettati, ―On the Effectiveness of
Continuous-Time Mixes under Flow-Correlation Based
Anonymity Attacks,‖ in Proceedings of the 4th IEEE
International Symposium on Network Computing and
Applications (NCA), Cambridge, MA, July 2005.
175. B. Graham, Y. Zhu, X. Fu and R. Bettati, ―Using Covert


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