EFFI CYCLE 2011: SAE North India Section
EFFI CYCLE 2011: SAE North India Section
EFFI CYCLE 2011: SAE North India Section
Rules for
1. Overview ................................................................................................................................................... 5
1.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................................ 5
1.2 Purpose ............................................................................................................................................... 5
1.3 Competition Summary ........................................................................................................................ 5
1.4 Vehicle Design, Analysis, and Construction ........................................................................................ 5
2. Effi‐Cycle SAE INDIA Rules and Organizing Authority ............................................................................... 5
2.1 Authority of the Rules ......................................................................................................................... 5
2.2 Rules Validity ....................................................................................................................................... 6
2.3 Rules Compliance ................................................................................................................................ 6
2.4 Understanding the Rules ..................................................................................................................... 6
2.5 Participating in the Competition ......................................................................................................... 6
2.6 Violations on Intent ............................................................................................................................. 6
2.7 Right to Impound ................................................................................................................................ 6
2.8 General Authority ............................................................................................................................... 6
3. Eligibility .................................................................................................................................................... 6
3.1 Eligibility Limits ................................................................................................................................... 6
3.1.1 Student Status .............................................................................................................................. 7
3.1.2 SAE Membership .......................................................................................................................... 7
3.1.3 Age ............................................................................................................................................... 7
3.1.4 Driver’s License ............................................................................................................................ 7
3.1.5 Liability Waiver ............................................................................................................................. 7
3.1.6 Medical Insurance ........................................................................................................................ 7
3.1.7 Registration Procedure: ............................................................................................................... 7
3.2 Faculty Advisor .................................................................................................................................... 8
3.2.1 Status ........................................................................................................................................... 8
3.2.2 Responsibilities ............................................................................................................................ 8
3.2.3 Limitations .................................................................................................................................... 8
4. Vehicle Eligibility ....................................................................................................................................... 8
4.1 Student Developed Vehicle ................................................................................................................. 8
4.2 Information Sources ............................................................................................................................ 8
4.3 Professional Assistance ....................................................................................................................... 8
4.4 Kit Vehicles‐ Prohibited ....................................................................................................................... 8
4.5 Student Fabrication ............................................................................................................................. 8
4.6 Registration ......................................................................................................................................... 9
4.7 Maximum Entries per college ............................................................................................................. 9
4.8 Registration Fees* ............................................................................................................................... 9
5. Vehicle Requirements ............................................................................................................................... 9
5.1 Vehicle Configuration .......................................................................................................................... 9
5.2 Maximum vehicle dimension .............................................................................................................. 9
5.3 Power .................................................................................................................................................. 9
5.4 Kinetic Energy Storage Devices ......................................................................................................... 10
5.5 Brakes ................................................................................................................................................ 10
5.6 Vehicle Roll Over requirement .......................................................................................................... 10
5.7 Rollover protection ........................................................................................................................... 10
5.8 Control .............................................................................................................................................. 10
5.9 Vehicle Integrity ................................................................................................................................ 10
5.10 Drive Train ....................................................................................................................................... 10
5.11 Utility Requirement ......................................................................................................................... 11
5.12 Aerodynamic Modifications ............................................................................................................ 11
5.13 Cost ................................................................................................................................................. 11
6. Design Event ............................................................................................................................................ 11
6.1 Aim .................................................................................................................................................... 11
6.2 Design Report .................................................................................................................................... 11
6.2.1 Design Report Format ................................................................................................................ 12
6.2.2 Design Report‐ Page limit........................................................................................................... 12
6.2.3 Design Report Submission ......................................................................................................... 12
6.3 Design Presentation .......................................................................................................................... 12
7. Sprint Event ............................................................................................................................................. 12
7.1 Goal ................................................................................................................................................... 12
7.2 Time and Place .................................................................................................................................. 12
7.3 Sprint Course Description ................................................................................................................. 12
8. Maneuverability Event ............................................................................................................................ 13
8.1 Goal ................................................................................................................................................... 13
8.2 Time and Place .................................................................................................................................. 13
8.3 Description ........................................................................................................................................ 13
9. Circuit event ............................................................................................................................................ 13
9.1 Goal ................................................................................................................................................... 13
9.2 Time and Place .................................................................................................................................. 13
9.3 Circuit Course Description ................................................................................................................ 13
10. Rules for Dynamic Events ...................................................................................................................... 14
10.1 Timing Area ..................................................................................................................................... 14
10.2 Tally Board ...................................................................................................................................... 14
10.3 Drivers Training ............................................................................................................................... 14
10.4 Fairing .............................................................................................................................................. 14
10.5 Vehicle Identification ...................................................................................................................... 14
10.6 College Name .................................................................................................................................. 14
10.7 EFFI‐CYCLE SAE INDIA Logo ............................................................................................................. 15
10.8 Rider Clothing/safety ...................................................................................................................... 15
10.9 Rider Rules ...................................................................................................................................... 15
1. Overview
1.1 Introduction
Efficycle is an intercollegiate design competition for undergraduate and graduate students
where teams have to design and fabricate an energy efficient Hybrid human powered three‐
wheeled electric vehicle. The vehicle must be aerodynamic, highly engineered and
ergonomically designed. The design should be commercially viable as a product and should be
attractive to the consumers because of its visual appearance, performance, reliability and ease
of operation.
1.2 Purpose
Provide an opportunity for engineering students by setting up a trend of using eco‐friendly
vehicles in India and come up with some innovative designs. Students have to tackle real world
engineering problems, work in multidisciplinary teams, practice design for manufacturability
and manage a full product development cycle of life.
2.2 Rules Validity
The Efficycle SAE Rules posted on the SAE website and dated for the calendar year 2011 – 2012
of the competition are the rules in effect for the competition.
3. Eligibility
3.1.1 Student Status
Team members must be enrolled as degree seeking undergraduate or graduate students in a
college or university. Team members who have graduated during the seven (7) month period
prior to the competition remain eligible to participate.
3.1.2 SAE Membership
Team members, faculty advisor and other representative must be member of SAE INDIA, the
proof of which (such as Membership card) is required at the competition. In addition, the
participating college must have an active SAE Collegiate Club. If not, then the students are
advised to form an SAE Collegiate Club in their colleges. The students shall bring their proof of
active membership at the event, failing which they will not be registered for the event.
Note: More information regarding the SAE Membership and Collegiate Clubs can be found at www.saeindia.org
3.1.3 Age
Team members must be at least eighteen (18) years of age.
3.1.4 Driver’s License
Team members (at least 2) who will drive the vehicle at any time during the competition must
hold a valid, government issued driver’s license.
3.1.5 Liability Waiver
All on‐site participants, including students, faculty and volunteers, are required to sign a liability
waiver upon registering on‐site.
3.1.6 Medical Insurance
Individual medical insurance coverage is required and is the sole responsibility of the
participant. No medical Insurance will be provided by EffiCycle SAEINDIA.
3.1.7 Registration Procedure:
Teams are required to register online at the EffiCycle SAE INDIA website www.effi.saenis.org. A
Maximum of 8 members is allowed per team to participate in the competition. At the time of
on‐site registrations, all participants must provide the following documents –
9 A valid driving license issued by the Government as a photographic proof for the Drivers.
For non drivers, college ID or any other substitute alternate document for a
photographic identification.
9 Medical insurance (provider, policy/ID number, telephone number)
9 Emergency contact data (point of contact (parent/guardian, spouse), relationship, and
phone number).
3.2 Faculty Advisor
3.2.1 Status
Each team is supposed to have a Faculty Advisor appointed by the university. The Faculty
Advisor is required to accompany the team to the competition and will be considered by
competition officials to be the official university representative.
3.2.2 Responsibilities
Faculty Advisors may advise their teams on general engineering and engineering project
management theory and act as guide to them for this project.
3.2.3 Limitations
Faculty Advisors should not design any part of the vehicle nor directly participate in the
development of any documentation or presentation. Additionally, Faculty Advisors may not
fabricate nor assemble any components, nor assist in the preparation, maintenance, testing or
operation of the vehicle. In Brief – Faculty Advisors may not design, build or repair any part of
the car.
4. Vehicle Eligibility
4.6 Registration
The teams are required to register at the Efficycle SAE INDIA website: www.effi.saenis.org. All
updates would be put up on the website and it’s the responsibility of the teams to check for the
5. Vehicle Requirements
5.3 Power
Vehicles must be driven by human power and electric powered (Use of PMDC Motor ‐
Permanent Magnet DC motor is must and max power of motor should not be more than 400
watts). Teams can use a battery source of d12V‐48V and up to 35Am‐hr. Teams are not allowed
to use hub motor. Teams are free to use any kind of controlling devices (drive train, gear box,
CVT or any electronic devices) to control the speed of the PMDC motor. Power assist devices
installed may have the ability of charging itself while the vehicle is in motion. Prior to each
event, each team must be required to get their storage devices checked for the type and details
of the energy stored (chemical, electrical, kinetic, and potential or any other type of energy
stored at the start). Internal Combustion engines and solar cells are excluded from the
competition. During the safety inspection each team must be prepared to explain on the
features of safety of the storage device, especially in case of a high speed incident. Teams
whose vehicles present an unacceptable risk in the perception of the judges will not be allowed
to utilize the energy storage device in the competition.
5.4 Kinetic Energy Storage Devices
Teams are allowed to use only mechanical KERS systems in their vehicles. KERS is allowed to be
used only during the race and teams are not allowed to keep the system in a charged state
during start. Teams will be inspected at the start of event for checking the state of energy
storage system.
5.5 Brakes
All vehicles are required to have brakes on all wheels. Teams can use both hydraulic and non
hydraulic brakes that satisfy the minimum defined criteria of locking of brakes in a static
Brakes may be tested by pushing the vehicle in forward direction, by the volunteers. Drivers will
be asked to apply the brakes. All wheels are required to be locked during this test. Also, brakes
may be tested by allowing the vehicle to stop within the predefined distance after covering a
distance in set time.
5.8 Control
All vehicles must be controlled mechanically by the rider(s) and should have solid member /
guards protected for minor accident.
5.11 Utility Requirement
Vehicles participating in the main event should be capable of carrying a load of 50 kg. Vehicles
need to have a proper mounting system with a clamp to carry a sand bag of dimension 20
inches x 12 inches with thickness of 6 inches. The load should be properly clamped during
running condition and hung load would not be allowed.
5.13 Cost
The Overall cost of the vehicle shall not exceed by INR 20,000. Penalty in the form of points will
be imposed if the amount of the vehicle increases by INR 20,000.
6. Design Event
Marks/ Weightage (reports 60 pts + presentation 40 pts)
6.1 Aim
The aim of the Design Event is to present an opportunity for the engineering students to
develop an innovative human powered vehicle design, document it and present it to a panel of
judges who will evaluate the design.
Design assessment consists of two events: Design Report and Design Evaluation
6.2.1 Design Report Format
Design Report format will be made available online at the Efficycle SAE INDIA website and the
teams shall follow the specified format only.
6.2.2 Design Report‐ Page limit
The design report should not exceed 10 pages (excluding the cover page).
6.2.3 Design Report Submission
Reports should be submitted by the last date as given on the website. Each day in case of late
submission will carry a penalty of reduction in 10 % marks of total marks awarded.
7. Sprint Event
7.1 Goal
The goal of the Sprint Event is to provide engineering students a stage to demonstrate the
maximum speed capability of their human powered vehicles in a non race condition.
8. Maneuverability Event
8.1 Goal
The goal of the Maneuverability Event is to provide engineering students a stage to
demonstrate the maneuverability capability of their human powered vehicles in a non race
8.3 Description
The course will consist of a smooth, leveled and paved surface of suitable width and full of
obstacles. The time trap portion of the course shall be maneuverability track full of bends and
turns for approx. 200 meters in length. Starting line will mark the beginning of run up area
followed by a line marking the start to time trap zone. Teams will be asked to line up in an
order of their registration number sequence and will be allowed to move in course only when
allowed. The winner selection will be time‐based. The course shall be clearly marked to indicate
the following points.
• Starting line
• Beginning of time trap
• Maneuver path.
• Penalty cones.
• End of time trap
• End of course
9. Circuit event
9.1 Goal
The goal of the circuit Event is to provide engineering students a stage to demonstrate the
racing capability of their human powered vehicles and drivers in race condition.
The course shall be clearly marked to indicate the following points:
• Starting area
• 30 meters before turn
• Pit area
10.4 Fairing
All vehicles in all classes of the competition shall be equipped with a full or partial fairing to
improve the aerodynamics and/or provide weather protection. This fairing must cover
sufficient area on both sides and in front to provide adequate space for clearly displaying the
vehicle number, SAE logo, and college identification.
An Effi‐Cycle SAE logo must be displayed on both sides of the vehicle. This logo will also be
provided by SAE INDIA.