Di V V: Cardiomath Equations Info
Di V V: Cardiomath Equations Info
Di V V: Cardiomath Equations Info
Also known as the Doppler Velocity Index (DVI). It is a useful index for
assessing and following aortic prosthetic valve function. It is a ratio of the
subvalvular velocity obtained by pulsed-wave Doppler and the maximum
velocity obtained by continuous-wave Doppler across the prosthetic valve.
This formula allows for autocorrection for subvalvular velocity especially in
high flow state. It is useful as a screening test for valve obstruction
particularly when the valve size is not known. A ratio <0.23 indicates
significant prosthetic stenosis.
DI =
V1 Subvalvular velocity [m/s]
V2 Maximum velocity across the valve [m/s]
Grayburn PA, et al. Pivotal role of aortic valve area calculation by the
continuity equation for Doppler assessment of aortic stenosis in patients with
combined aortic stenosis and regurgitation. Am J. Cardiol 1988; 61:376-381.
Grayburn PA, et al. Pivotal role of aortic valve area calculation by the
continuity equation for Doppler assessment of aortic stenosis in patients with
combined aortic stenosis and regurgitation. Am J. Cardiol 1988; 61:376-381.
dP/dt = 32/T
Left atrial pressure (LAP) can be estimated by measuring the systolic blood
pressure and the maximum mitral regurgitation velocity by spectral Doppler
provided that there is no significant gradient across the aortic valve.
7. LV Ejection Fraction
The Left Ventricular Ejection Fraction (LV EF) can be determined without
planimetry by measuring 8 averaged LV internal dimensions at different
levels of the LV in the parasternal long-axis, apical 4 chamber, and long-
axis views at end-diastole (LVEDD) and end-systole (LVESD) adjusting
%"D =
LVEF = (%"D 2 ) + [(1# %"D 2 )(%"L)]
Simplified Method
8. LV Fractional Shortening
FS = *100%
LVEDD LV end-diastolic dimension [mm]
LVESD LV end-systolic dimension [mm]
Fractional Shortening [%]
Normal >25%
Left ventricular mass and left ventricular mass indexed to body surface
area estimated by LV cavity dimension and wall thickness at end-diastole.
Chi-Ming Chow MD www.CardioMath.com Page 6 of 35
LVEDD LV end-diastolic dimension [mm]
PWd Posterior wall thickness at end-diastole [mm]
IVSd Interventricular septal thickness at end-diastole [mm]
1.04 Specific gravity of the myocardium [g/cm3]
H Height
W Weight
Mitral valve area is inversely proportional to the pressure half time (PHT).
PHT is the time interval for the peak pressure gradient to reach its half level.
Underestimation occurs when PHT is shortened by concomitant
significant aortic insufficiency, decreased ventricular compliance,
immediately after mitral balloon valvuloplasty, and atrial septal defect.
PHT Pressure Half Time [ms]
Leaflet Mobility
1 Highly mobile
2 Reduced mobility
3 Basal leaflet motion only
4 Minimal motion
Valve thickening
1 Near normal (4-5mm)
2 Thickened tips
3 Entire leaflet thickened (5-8mm)
4 Marked leaflet thickening (>8-10 mm)
1 Single area of brightness
2 Scattered areas at leaflet margins
3 Brightness extends to mid leaflets
4 Extensive leaflet brightness
Subvalvular thickening
1 Minimal chordal thickening
2 Chordal thickening up to 1/3
3 Distal third of chordae thickening
4 Extensive thickening to pap muscle
Wilkins GT, Weyman AE, Abascal VM, Block PC, Palacios IF.
Percutaneous balloon dilatation of the mitral valve: analysis of
echocardiographic variables related to outcome and the mechanism of
dilatation. Br Heart J. 1988 Oct; 60(4):299-308.
Abascal VM, Wilkins GT, Choong CY, Thomas JD, Palacios IF, Block PC,
Weyman AE. Echocardiographic evaluation of mitral valve structure and
function in patients followed for at least 6 months after percutaneous
balloon mitral valvuloplasty. J Am Coll Cardiol 1988; 12:606-615
Tei C, Ling LH, Hodge DO, et al. New index of combined systolic and
diastolic myocardial performance: a simple and reproducible measure of
cardiac function - a study in normals and dilated cardiomyopathy. J
Cardiol 1995;26:357-366.
E/Ea ratio < 8 is very specific for a PCWP < 15mmHg while a ratio > 15
is very specific for elevated pressures > 15mmHg. Between 8 and15, there
is a gray zone with overlapping of values for PCWP.
E/Ea E/Ea ratio [no unit]
PCWP Mean pulmonary capillary wedge pressure [mmHg]
Nagueh SF, Middleton KJ, Kopelen HA, Zoghbi WA, Quinones MA: Doppler tissue
imaging: a noninvasive technique for evaluation of left ventricular relaxation and
estimation of filling pressures. J Am Coll Cardiol 1997;30:1527-1533
VFR = 2πr2 * Vr
RVol = ERO * VTI
Vr #o
MVA = 2"r * *
Vmax 180 0
2πr2 Proximal isovelocity hemispheric surface area at
a radial distance r from the orifice
Vr Aliasing velocity at the radial distance r [cm/s]
Vmax Peak mitral stenosis velocity by CW [m/s]
! α Angle between two mitral leaflets on the atrial side [degree]
Sanders SP, et al. Measurement of systemic and pulmonary blood flow and
Qp/Qs ratio using Doppler and two-dimensional echocardiography. Am J.
Cardiol, 51:952, 1983.
The Doppler VTI method in estimating stroke volume and cardiac output
correlates well with results of concurrent thermodilution cardiac output
determinations in patients without significant left-sided valvular
SV = π (LVOT/2) 2 *VTI1
CO = SV * HR / 1000
Converts between heart rate in beats per minute to cycle length in msec
and vice versa.
Cycle Length =
Heart Rate
Heart Rate[bpm]
Cycle Length[msec]
RR = Risk1 / Risk2
RRR = 1 - RR
ARR = Risk1 - Risk2
NTT = 1 / ARR
RR Relative Risk[%]
RRR Relative Risk Reduction[%]
ARR Absolute Risk Reduction[%]
NTT Numbers Needed to Treat[%]
2. Test Performance
Proportion of subjects with the disease who have a positive test.
Proportion of subjects without the disease who have a negative test.
TP True Positive
FP False Positive
FN False Negative
TN True Negative
Mark DB, Hlatky MA, Harrell FE, Lee KL, Califf RM, Pryor DB. Exercise treadmill
score for predicting prognosis in coronary artery disease. Ann Int Med 1987; 106:793-
Mark DB, Shaw L, Harrell FE Jr. et al. Prognostic value of a treadmill exercise score
in outpatients with suspected coronary artery disease. N Engl J Med 1991; 325:849-
Alexander KP, Shaw L, Delong ER, Mark DB, Peterson ED. Value of exercise
treadmill testing in women. J Am Coll Cardiol 1998; 32:1657-64.
100% * (220-Age)
85% * (220-Age)
100% * (220-Age)
85% * (220-Age)
Max HR Achieved
(220 " Age)
Age [Years]
Maximal HR Achieved [BPM]
% of MPHR
This calculator allows you to estimate the METs and VO2 given the
treadmill speed and the grade. It is useful for situations when you want to
use the non-standard treadmill protocol to find out exactly how much the
patient can do.
VO 2
METs =
Treadmill Speed [mph]
Treadmill Grade [%]
Hemodynamic RPP
High > 30,000
High Intermediate 25 - 30,000
Intermediate 20 - 25,000
Low Intermediate 15 - 20,000
Low 10 - 15,000
2. Anion Gap
Normal = 10-15
Gabow, PA. Disorders associated with an altered anion gap. Kidney Int
1985; 27:472.
A Body Mass Index between 25 and 29.9 is "overweight", greater than or equal to 30
is "obese" However, some very muscular people can have high Body Mass Indexes
and in adolescents, BMIs frequently result in overestimation of fatness. A better
classification of "overweight" is given in this table below.
Women Men
Underweight <19.1 <20.7
Ideal weight 19.1-25.8 20.7-26.4
Marginally overweight 25.8-27.3 26.4-27.8
Overweight 27.3-32.3 27.8-31.1
Very overweight or obese >32.3 >31.1
Ht [cm] * Wt [kg]
BSA [m2 ] =
The water deficit in the hypernatremic patient can be estimated by this formula.
This formula estimates the amount of positive water balance required to return
the plasma sodium concentration to 140 meq/L. Over rapid correction can lead to
cerebral edema which is potentially dangerous. In general plasma sodium
correction should be ≤ 0.5 meq/L per hour.
(140 " age) * (Wt)
CrCl = *1.23
N.B. Weight is in Kg
! Female:
Age [years]
Height [cm] or [inch]
Weight [kg] or [lb]
Serum Creatinine [µmol/L] or [mg/dL]
Pai MP et al. The origin of the “Ideal” body weight equations. Ann
Pharmacol 2000; 34:1066-69.
Refers to the weight of all the body’s organs, bone and muscles, without
fat. It is used in calculation for certain medication dosages. It can also be
used for calculating % fat composition of the body.
Lean Body Weight [kg] = (1.07 x Weight[kg]) - 148 ( Weight[kg]2/(100 x Height(m))2)
The Friedewald equation should not be used under the following circumstances:
1. When chylomicrons are present
2. When plasma triglyceride concentration exceeds 400 mg/dL (4.52 mmol/L)
3. In patients with dysbetalipoproteinemia (type III hyperlipoproteinemia)
SI Units
Serum Osmality[mmol/kg]= 2*(Na+ + K+) + BUN + Glu
US Units
Serum Osmality[mOsm/kg]= 2*(Na+ + K+) + BUN/2.8 + Glu/18
N = 280-300
44.3 * MVG
CO Cardiac Output [mL/min]
SEP Systolic Ejection Period [sec/beat]
HR Heart Rate [beats/min]
MVG Mean Valvular Gradient [mmHg]
AVA Aortic Valve Area [cm2]
Simplified formula for estimating the aortic valve area using peak-to-peak
gradient across the valve. If heart rate is above 90 per minute for AS then
divide the Hakki's equation by 1.35.
Transvalvular Flow
Valve Area(cm2 ) =
Peak - to - Peak Gradient
Aortic Valve Area(cm2 ) =
CO Cardiac Output [L/min]
LV SP Left Ventricular Systolic Pressure [mmHg]
Ao SP Aortic Systolic Pressure [mmHg]
AVA Aortic Valve Area [cm2]
Hakki AH, Iskandrian AS, Bemis CE, Kimbiris D, Mintz GS, Segal BL,
Brice C: A simplified valve formula for the calculation of stenotic cardiac
valve areas. Circulation 63:150-1055, 1981.
0.85 * 44.3 * MVG
CO Cardiac Output [mL/min]
DFP Diastolic Filling Period [s/beat]
HR Heart Rate [beats/min]
! MVG Mean Valvular Gradient [mmHg]
Simplified formula for estimating the mitral valve area using peak-to-peak
gradient across the valve. If heart rate was below 75 per minute for MS
then divide the Hakki's equation by 1.35
Transvalvular Flow
Valve Area(cm2 ) =
Peak - to - Peak Gradient
Mitral Valve Area(cm2 ) =
CO Cardiac Output [mL/min]
LV DP Left Ventricular Diastolic Pressure [mmHg]
LA MP Left atrial mean Pressure [mmHg]
MVA Mitral Valve Area [cm2]
Hakki AH, Iskandrian AS, Bemis CE, Kimbiris D, Mintz GS, Segal BL,
Brice C: A simplified valve formula for the calculation of stenotic cardiac
valve areas. Circulation 63:150-1055, 1981.
3*SVC O 2 + IVC O 2
MV O 2 =
SVC O2 SVC O2 Sat [%]
IVC O2 IVC O2 Sat [%]
In Wood Units:
In dyne-sec/cm5:
PVR = * 80
! Qp
MPAP Mean Pulmonary Arterial Pressure [mmHg]
PCWP Pulmonary Capillary Wedge Pressure [mmHg]
Qp Pulmonary Flow [L/min]
PVR Pulmonary Vascular Resistance [Wood Units] or [dyne-
In Wood Units:
In dyne-sec/cm5:
! SVR = * 80
MAP Mean arterial pressure [mmHg]
CVP Central Venous Pressure [mmHg]
! CO Cardiac Output [L/min]
US SI Conversion Factor
Length in cm 2.54
Weight lb kg 0.4545
Temperature F C (5/9)(X-32)