CSEC Food and Nutrition 2019 Paper 02

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r & test cone 01321020 FORM TP 2019071 MAY/JUNB 2019 6, CARIBBEAN EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL CARIBBEAN SECONDARY EDUCATION CERTIFICATE? EXAMINATION FOOD, NUTRITION AND HEALTH Paper 02 - Technical Proficiency 2 hours 30 minutes READ THE FOLLOWING INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY. ‘This paper consists of SIX questions. Answer ALL questions, Write your answers in the spaces provided in this answer booklet, Do NOT write in the margins, You are advised to take some time to read through the paper and plen your answers, If you need to rewrite any answer and there is not enough space to do so on the original page, you must use the extra Lined page(s) provided at the back of this baoklet, Remember to draw a line through your original answer. Ifyou use the extra page(s) you MUSY write the question number clearly in the box provided at the top of the extra page(s) and, where relevant, include the ‘question part beside the answer. Naparinia o.05 + bese DO NOL TURN THIS PAGE UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD TO DO 4 Loowarezomuesee 2009 AMIE Copyright €: 2018 Caribbean Kxaminations Couneit All rights reserved, Answer ALL questions, f Lo @ fi) Define the term ‘nutritional status". Ge imarks) Gi) State the FOUR types of assessment methods that are generally used to evaluate nutritional status, "(a marks) (b) Suggest THREE reasons why the effective management of diabetes mellitus is costly. S GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE ul _| (6 marks) (©) Outline TWO reasons why pregnant women are required to have an increased intake of iron in their diet Gd marks) Total 16 marks GOON TO THE NEXT PAGE | 41321020/MICSEC 2019 L iN 2. ta) State TWO functions of food. @ marks) (b) Samantha is 50 pounds overseiybt. In an attempt to tose the $0 pounds, she reduces het intake of carbohydrates. Discuss TWO effects of the inadequate consumption of carbohydrates on Samanthe's beatth. (6 marks) 01321020 M/CSEC 2019 GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE L nA me a abe Bed ai ei BerNOF. i 3 i 5 4 (po Ney Werte IN THIS ane, kG NOT WRIFE IN-THISARE®: EG IN PRES ARE SOR WRE S = DO NOT WRITE IN THIS AREA B r * 7 (©) Minerals, though required in small mounts, are essential for the normal functioning of the body. Explain TWO ways in which calcium is important to LACH of the following groups: (Adolescent females Gi) Babies (4 marks) GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGP. a 01321020/MNCSEC 2019 r * 7 (@) State TWO functions of water in the body and TWO sources of water in the diet, Functions, Sources, “(A murks) Total 16 marks GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 1321020/MICSEC 2019 L I r * 7 3.) @_ Define the term ‘brunch’, cs (ii) State TWO differences between “table d°héte’ and ‘A Ia carte’. “imarks) GO ON'TO THE NEXT PAGE Re _ 01321020/MI/CSEC 2019 L MMC r 1 6) i) Your class plans to hold a brunch to raise funds for its graduation ball. Plan the menu for the brunch. Fiend. eit TR SSA aa ora (4 marks) GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE, _l 01321020 MV/CSEC 2019 = i: ue 7] ‘You are reminded that the majority of students in the class are athletes. They focus on a ai healthy lifestyle which includes healthy cating. Complete the table below to identify and a = explain THREE factors to consider when planning the menu. The first factor has been 2 identified and explained fer you. z z FACTOR EXPLANATION = = Food should have a low cholesterol | Foods high in cholesterol may clog the arteries and content. gan cause cardiovascular diseases. S Le 3. . (6 marks) ‘Total 16 marks GO ON T0 THE NEXT PAGE. 01321020/MCSEC 2019 L r * 1 4. (e) State the name of TWO perishable and TWO non-perishable foods. 3 i ' i i a (4 marks) H (b) Define the term ‘food infection” te i marks) GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE, : O1S21020MIC: L gy |e r 7 (©) Complete the table below by suggesting ONF reason for EACH of the following steps in the production of cheese. STEP REASON Pasteurization of mitk ‘Addition of bacterial culture ‘Addition of rennet ‘Addition of salt to the curd (Gimarks) GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE | ene enna nn mam r “ 7 (6) Suggest TWO guidelines that should be followed for EACH of the following factors in order to prevent food coutamination daring the preparation and service of food, (i) Temperature (2 marks) (ii) Personal hygiene Gil) Kitchenfeod aygiene (2 marks) Total 16 marks GO ON TO THE NEXY PAGE 0152 L020/MICSEC 2019, hdd WIP WRTTICTN FAIS ABE fd NAS aioe IG MES £ 4 & 2 : 7 5. (@)_List THRED steps to be taken when removing a blockage from a clogged sink. rig aR oF ERY (@ marks) (6) Kazim sustained ¢ minor cut to his finger whilst slicing a cucumber. List THREE steps in the first-aid treatment of Kazim’s finger. “(3 marks) GO ON T0 THE NEXY PAGE 01321020/Ms'CSEC 2019 L RH A _t i q i i i — -16- 7 (s} Suggest ONE precaution that should be taken duriag EACIT of the following activities te prevent accicents from vecurring, (0) Lighting the oven of gas cooker with marches @ marks) {ii) Slicing or cutting root vegetables “@ marks) Git) Prying fish @ marks) GO ON 70 THE NEXT PAGE I 01321020) TACSEC 2019 PR PAS AREA -1T- ~] (@) Ramona is a cook for a caterer. She finds it dificult to prepare mesls on time. Suggest TWO ‘ways by which Ramona can achieve maximum efficiency when preparing meals, (4 marks) Total 16 marks GO ON 10 THE NEXT PAGE _—i 01321020/MICSEC 2019 L FOR A r 1 6 (a) Define the term “green consumer’ (@ marks) (b) State FOUR characteristics of fresh fish that should be considered when purchasing fish. oa marks) GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE, U1321020/MECSEC 2018 L LMP | DO NOP WRITELN THIS AREA. "pO. NOR WRIRE IN THTS AR) -DO'NOT WRITE IN THIS ARES, “w. 4 (i) Outline the preparation and service of # one-pot dish using any THREE of the following foods: Rice — Root vegetables = Meavipoultry and seafood = Vegetables (6 marks) GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE _ -20- 7 L Gi} Explain TWO seientifc principles that arc used during the process of steaming, DO. NOT WRITE INTIS AREA THISAREA “marks ‘Total 16 marks Soar eae tt | 3 De ¢ = 2 s £ 5 mz 3 ‘D OF TEST IF YOU FINISH BEFORE TIME IS CALLED, CHECK YOUR WORK ON THIS TEST. 01321020/M1/CSEC 2019 I

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