Atomic Tarot Guide Book
Atomic Tarot Guide Book
Atomic Tarot Guide Book
2022 - 2ND EDITION
THE FOOL // 06
DEATH // 19
THE STAR // 23
THE MOON // 24
THE SUN // 25
COURT// 50
Atomic Tarot
be divided. Each category is distinguished by their
similar properties or characteristics. The cards of
the Major Arcana, the Minor Arcana, and the Court
are designed to depict many aspects of life;
THE BUILDING BLOCKS creation, destruction, the fantastic, the mundane
OF EVERYTHING and everything in between.
Altogether, there are 78 cards that complete the Much like a deck of playing cards, the Minor
Atomic Tarot. This book hopes to serve as a sort of Arcana is divided into four major suits, with
companion and guideline. An insight into our numbered cards and a court. A more traditional
interpretation, an acknowledgement of our tarot deck calls these suits Wands(Fire),
inspiration, and what we intended each card to Pentacles(Earth), Cups(Water) and Swords(Air), but
mean. You will find that most of the cards are in our deck these suits are known as Elements,
inspired and influenced by more traditional tarot Bees, Tides, and Stars.
decks, such as the Rider-Waite-Smith and many
others, but we also took some liberties to make Of course, there is no strict rule to any
this deck our own kind of magic, while still interpretation. Our hope is that you will look at
following the familiar. A few cards have titles that these cards and see in them what you need to see.
are unique to the Atomic Tarot, but their meanings Magic has always been more about intuition than
will hopefully ring true. it is about cold hard facts and just as with life,
there is far more than just one meaning.
The first 22 cards of the tarot deck represent
major events and influences of life and are known We hope this deck helps you along your journey,
as the Major Arcana. They symbolize the paths we and we’re glad to have met you along the way.
might take on our search for greater meaning;
forks in the road, chance meetings, upheavals and
good fortunes of the universe. We made these
Atomic Pixies
cards visually easy to distinguish from the rest of
the deck by their darker borders and larger spaces
devoted to the characters.
Tides = Cups | Hearts | Water
Stars = Swords | Spades | Air
Atomic Tarot
Element: Air
Ruling Planet: Mercury
The Magician
The Priestess
Element: Water
A beautiful guardian of knowledge and power, the
Priestess is a being of both patience and instinct. Ruling Planet: Moon
One who processes information before she acts,
but is able to do so with such grace and fluidity,
it’s as if it were a supernatural ability.
A beautiful queen, enjoying the fruits of her own Ruling Planet: Venus
labor, The Empress is a symbol of fertility and
creation. She bears a fragile garden inside herself,
safe where it can grow without harm. She knows
that to truly protect what she holds dear, she must
be strong and she must provide. What grows
inside her may not be life, but an idea, a dream or
an emotion. None of which are always easily
brought to fruition, and down her arm trickles a
thin line of blood that proves her hardship. But
The Empress has the strength to protect and
provide for her joy. And with her caring, nurturing
demeanor, it becomes something that can spread;
something that can make the whole world grow.
The Priest
Reversed: Abuse of Position, Breakdown, Poor
Another card of many that was inspired by a real- Counsel, Rejection of Values
world person, the Priest of the Atomic Tarot is an
homage to the great Carl Sagan. The card of the Element: Earth
Priest is less about religion than its title presents,
but more about connection and the belief that we Ruling Planet: Venus
are all a part of a much greater whole. Although he
was not a personal fan of things like divination and
the occult, he was definitely a champion of higher
knowledge for the benefit of us all.
Love comes in many shapes and forms, has many Element: Air
different faces, and can come for us at any time,
even when we aren’t looking. It touches us far past Ruling Planet: Mercury
the skins we wear; changes us into something new
at our very core. But on some level, it can be
explained as simply as a chemical reaction; the
release of enzymes and hormones in the brain
that stimulate our pleasure sensors. This is why
the constellations of the stars behind them are
not the familiar shapes in our own night sky, but
take the form of oxytocin; the chemical associated
with love.
Element: Water
The Chariot
Element: Fire
Strength Ruling Planet: Sun
In the wastes of an old world, the land has gone Upright: Introspection, Meditation, Self-Reflection,
barren and dry. The only color left seems to Solitude, Soul-Searching, Selfless Acts
belong to that of the sky, as the constellation Virgo
shines bright in the violet, empty night. But even in Reversed: Exile, Loneliness, Misfit, Sadness,
the wastelands, hope can be found, as a Withdrawn Behavior
wandering stranger stoops to care for a small but
thriving plant. Its life-giving light is rare and Element: Earth
precious. A simple thing of impossibly great value,
and this man knows that if it is left on its own, Ruling Planet: Mercury
without protection and care, it may wither and die.
In the sky there is the Milky Way and the light of Reversed: Bad Luck, Disappointment, Misfortune,
three billion stars. And on the slopes of an old hill, Mishap, Unforeseen Setback
a traveler has made their camp amidst the metal
skeletons of world-changing machines. Old Element: Fire
windmills used to grind wheat into flour. Modern
turbines used to convert motion into energy. All Ruling Planet: Jupiter
around her, young and old coexist. New grass and
old rock. Even her fire that burns bright in her
eyes is infinitesimally young in comparison to the
burning hearts of stars that faintly touch her with
their ancient light.
Element: Earth
The Devil
Element: Fire
The Tower
Element: Air
The Star
Element: Water
The Moon
Element: Fire
The Sun
Element: Fire
Element: Earth
The World
Atomic Tarot
action, ambition and drive; something that burns
hot within you. Something that can be so small it’s
practically invisible yet capable of being essential
beyond words. This suit is distinguishable by its and flow in the mirror of the path of the moon.
energetic green and magenta and the atomic Swelling tides and deep waters are the metaphors
symbol at their center. Black hole geometry and of emotion and there is something charming,
electromagnetic waves also decorate the faces of mysterious and romantic about the call of the sea.
the Elemental Suit, keeping in line with their Rhythmic and ever in motion, the Tides are fluid
scientific inspiration. You will even find behind the and fluctuating in their being, just as people can
cards of the court, maps of particle collision. be. The faces of this suit feature jellyfish amidst a
sea of bubbles that actually appear to be planets
The Suit of Bees (also known as Pentacles, Earth, at a closer inspection. Real-world litmus tests for
Diamonds) is identifiable in honeyed gold and the health of the oceans, jellyfish are organic
purple, covered with clean honeycombs and a reflections of their environment and that felt like
queen. Bees are an essential part of our natural an appropriate image for the Tides.
earth-bound world. Tangible, touchable, material
things, the very existence of these wonderful little Almost unfathomably large in scale in comparison
pollinators allow us to have the fruits and flowers to the bodies of ourselves, the Suit of Stars (also
of Earth today. A few steps up in the scale of the known as Swords, Air, Spades) are found among
universe from the elemental atoms, bees are a the largest solitary objects in the known universe.
practical, purposeful part of our daily existence. The highest suit that deals with the highest
They are resourceful, natural builders with direct concepts; knowledge and the sharp and muddled
ties to health and reproduction, and are natural tricks of the mind. The Suit of Stars feature a
symbols of productivity and hard work. The Bees golden sunburst centering the face of this suit with
of the Atomic Tarot are a bit more fantastical than Fibonacci spirals and a golden window and
their Earth-bond cousins, as they take their work surrounding. A combination of fact and theory,
to the stars. logic and interpretation, the Suit of Stars shines
light on reason, illuminates truths and brightens
The Suit of Tides (also known as Cups, Water, the shadows of doubt.
Hearts) is found by sliding the scale of the
universe a little higher. Tides affect the world on a
literal, global scale as the oceans of our world ebb
Bee .005 meters
Ocean 15,500,000 meters
Sun 1,400,000,000 meters
Ace of Elements
Two of Elements
Starting the journey can often be the hardest part, but once you
begin, the challenges do not vanish. You must maintain focus ,
sharpen your attention and realize that there are times when
some things need to take a back seat to the main focus. It doesn’t
mean anything superfluous must leave you, or is somehow
unimportant. But to go boldly forth, you need to focus all your
energy into your goal, not divide it over unnecessary distractions.
Three of Elements
Four of Elements
The first success is always such a sweet joy. You know you’re
fighting the good fight. You have already laid the groundwork and
feel like you are finally ready to throw your full self into things.
There's exhilaration when that weight lifts off, after you have been
put to the test and actually pass it. Like Beryllium (Be) you are light
and strong, ready to throw yourself into the next step, whatever it
may be.
Five of Elements
Six of Elements
Strong and versatile, Carbon (C) is literally the building block of life.
It’s an essential element, most especially to all those strange
carbon-based lifeforms who require it for their very existence.
Here on Earth, Carbon has proven to be a very adaptable and
resilient element.
Seven of Elements
Eight of Elements
Just like there are periods of waiting, there are also periods of
quick motion, explosions of activity. They can be overwhelming, but
if you grab on and hold tight you can ride them out to victory.
Oxygen helps us soar, fueling our transportation and our bodies. It
keeps the fire burning fast and hot, but too much can blow up your
face if you aren’t careful.
Nine of Elements
When the going gets tough, you need to stand your ground and
fight for the things that you need. Especially as you near the end
of your journey, the challenges will come at you fast and hard, and
when they come you need to be ready. Fluorine (F) is a highly
reactive substance, but when combined with other elements such
as in fluorite or teflon, it becomes strong and stable. For all the
energy it releases, it must meet something just as reactive to tear
it apart, and there isn’t much of that out there. Wrap that strength
around you, and you will be safe for the battles you need to fight.
Ten of Elements
Ace of Bees
A single bee and a single flower appear on the Ace of Bees. This is
the start of a journey as the first spring flower spills out stardust
that will soon become sweet and delicious honey. Although there
may be no product yet, and there is still quite a lot of work to go,
this is the first step in getting there, and the first step is always the
most important. You can never finish what you never begin, so
spread your wings and take flight. The flowers are in bloom and
there’s no better time than right now to start.
Two of Bees
Honey is not made from the pollen of a single flower. It takes many
visits to many flowers to even begin to gather up enough. But you
cannot take on everything all at once, and the Two of Bees carries
with it the implication of choice. Two beautiful flowers and only a
single bee. It cannot possibly land on both of them at once, but
there is no reason that it cannot land on one and then the other. It
will simply need to decide on where it wants to focus its attention,
and there will be benefits all around. After all, the bee also helps
the flowers by moving its pollen around. It is a partnership that
benefits us all.
Three of Bees
Some jobs are not meant to be done alone, and bees understand
teamwork like few other species in this world. There is no
weakness in sharing a heavy load and sometimes the company is
its own reward. There isn’t a single person alive who has all the
answers figured out. But you have skills worth sharing, and there
are people who need your strength, expertise and knowledge, just
as you may need the investment, advice and perspectives of
others to achieve your final goal.
Four of Bees
A single bee could never keep up a hive on its own. The success of
a hive takes the contribution of thousands working together to
keep the colony successful, healthy and strong. Taking on more
than you can handle is not just harmful to yourself, it can harm
what you are pouring your time and energy into. Holding on too
tightly or burning yourself out can destroy your values just as
easily as neglect. Take care of yourself; of your health, your mind
and body. Perhaps you need to take a step back to see that things
can be done a different way.
Five of Bees
Six of Bees
When bees find pollen, they return to their hive to tell all the
others where to find good stuff by using a communication
technique called the waggle dance. Certain movements signify
distance, while others show the direction. In the Six of Bees, this
bee is showing us where some choice flowers might be because
bees would never keep such valuable information to themselves.
They share it freely with the others so that the whole community
can prosper. So share your knowledge, share your time, share your
wealth and the whole world will be richer for it.
Seven of Bees
Any large task is rarely done quickly. It takes time, planning and
lots of careful work before the project is through. There may be
times that are harder than others, some things that may be more
exciting, some that might be exhausting to the point where you
want to give up. But as you labor over your projects, you will come
to a point when you can start to see it bloom and take shape. The
Seven of Bees takes leisurely stock of their progression. A stellar
nursery in a golden honeycomb, they’ve created a whole new part
of the universe that is now starting to take on its shining form. But
it's still not complete. They keep careful watch over its health and
its changes so that they can be prepared for the next stage to
Eight of Bees
Eventually, hard work pays off. In the end, you will have your
rewards. Things can come together smoothly, and you’ll have
something worthwhile to hold on to, whether it is physical or not.
Inside this jar of honey is the constellation Virgo; observant,
reliable and precise. This little bee is one of it’s many creators, and
it has come to place the final seal on the lid. The last little touch
before the honey goes on the shelf, the Eight of Bees is the final,
finishing twist. That extra something special that can only come
after a job well done. You’ve completed a task, but you have also
gained wisdom and knowledge and you’re excited to pass it all
Nine of Bees
The benefits of your hard labor are not all in the end result. The
work you did to get there helped you along the way and the
lessons you learned are now things that can never fade. The fields
of stars you found, the connections you made, all the little pieces
that will continue to help you even after the task is complete, will
contribute to your happiness and stability for the rest of your life.
The Nine of Bees is as much about self-reliance as it is about the
end result. You’ve come so far and learned so much. It’s a
wonderful feeling to know that you have the power to stand on
your own.
Ten of Bees
In the Ten of Bees we see a whole family in flight as ten fat glowing
bees lift into a twilight night, all on a path to their next destination.
Each one is its own glowing light, they are so much more together
than they would be by themselves. When you have created a
better world not only for yourself, but for those who will come
after you, the world becomes a better, safer and easier place. Your
children and their children will be able to not only reap the
benefits of your contribution, but be in a position to do more and
better than they could have ever done before. Invest yourself in
others and indulge in the brilliance of the next generation’s light.
Ace of Tides
It could be said that all of the Aces carry the sense of a new start.
The first in its suit, the Ace of Tides represents an awakening
emotions and the understanding of your own heart. Intimate,
emotional and loving, the Ace tenderly embraces a new and fragile
feeling, wanting to keep it close and warm and safe. Everything
begins with a feeling, a notion you have deep down in your gut.
And we can only understand something if we accept and come to
know it. The Ace of Tides invites you to embrace it; the beginning
can be a wonderful place to start.
Two of Tides
Three of Tides
Four of Tides
Five of Tides
Six of Tides
Seven of Tides
The world is full of beauty and potential, but you don’t need to
imagine things to see it. Even when we're in our darkest moments
there is always a touch of beauty to be found. Something to ease
our days, even if it's just a daydream to tide us over. But like this
daydreamer’s aimless descent, if we don't reach out and find our
tether, everything will drift away.
Eight of Tides
Reaching out, especially when times are rough, is not always easy.
It can be a struggle to fight your way free of the crowd and find
your sense of peace. The Eight of Tides is not alone, but they are
not where they need to be. They are seeking something more,
something that better suits them. They feel an urge, a need to aim
themselves a little higher. They know the world will look much
different from above.
Nine of Tides
The end result may not always turn out exactly how you expect,
but eventually what you put out into the universe will return. A
beautiful gift from the world may be an unexpected sight when
you finally reach the surface, but it can sooth the heart and mind
and start healing the soul.
The Nine of Tides has made it all the way to the top. The hard part
is all behind you and it’s time to reap the rewards of a long and
sometimes difficult journey. They can now roll with the flow of the
tides. Their luck has finally come.
Ten of Elements
Everyone deserves their happy ending. After all our hard work it
seems only fair to be rewarded in the end. But the Ten of Tides
speaks of reward beyond anything physical or monetary. The
reward is that your legacy will live on and be remembered beyond
your time.
Our families extend past the lines drawn in blood. Those who are
our chosen beloveds are also our safe haven; be they a family
related by love, circumstance, blood, or patched together from
those found along the journey. Wherever it is that we find our
safety and happiness, the more love we let into our life, the more
love we will have to share.
Ace of Stars
On a bright clear day, a shuttle has just launched itself toward the
moon. A vessel of human creation that has the ability to break free
from the gravitational pull of our core, this shuttle is physical
proof that with a sharpened mind and a clear goal, you can be
unstoppable, and determination can get you to the stars. But
there is an exact science to success. All the right calculations must
be made and all the right pieces set. Clarity and reason have a
tendency to eliminate errors. A successful first stage of the
journey has now begun. A bright moment of clarity shows that you
can reach your destination if you calculate the course.
Two of Stars
Three of Stars
Four of Stars
The view outside the window might seem like the very world is
coming to an end. An apocalyptic barrage of comets, what might
be the four horsemen burn their way across the sky, so brightly
they are visible in the hot light of day. The Four of Stars suggests
that everything may not be going right.
Sometimes doom feels like it's right on the other side of the door.
But take note of the silhouette; the person standing in a great and
peaceful room. They stand at rest, observing safely from the other
side of a golden window. Removed, they are safe from harm.
Sometimes, it’s the simplest solutions that are best. If you are
burdened, take a rest. Clear your mind. Gather your thoughts. Take
a moment to realize that those comets are only shooting stars.
Five of Stars
Where this vessel has come from, how far it has traveled to get
here is not entirely known, but its intentions are menacingly clear.
You know trouble when you see it. Perhaps it’s wiser to keep out
of battles you cannot hope to win. Especially if not everyone is
playing fair.
Six of Stars
Far above the blue edge of the world, a fleet of starships break
free from the orbit of the Earth. Their departure is simultaneous,
scheduled and planned. Perhaps it is even necessary, and they are
prepared to leave it all behind. The ships themselves appear to be
quite advanced and their journey will take them to see the light of
new stars. New views beyond their wildest imaginings will bid to
them, "Explore. Escape. Find something better."
Seven of Stars
Eight of Stars
The Eight of Stars would be more complete, if all eight stars could
be together. But the blue star in isolation has closed itself off. It's
stuck there in the same place it was when it was new, unable to
grow and change.
The explosion will be painful, there’s no doubt about it. But it’s so
much easier if you have someone to share it with. Don’t close
yourself off. Speak your mind. Share your thoughts. It will all be
alright in the end.
Nine of Stars
Ten of Stars
Don’t let your burdens crush you. Sometimes, we dig our own
Atomic Tarot
reflections of believers and have things for which they are willing
to fight. Luminaires (Queen) offer guidance and
shine their light to clear the way. And then there
are Shepherds (King) who watch over and protect
that which is important in this world.
of Elements of Elements
The catalyst. The spark that gets everyone else Passionate and determined, the Champion of
going, the Heart of Elements is full of creative Elements has the spirit of a fighter inside her. She
energy that they radiate throughout the world. stands determined and ready, poised and prepared
Fueled by a natural love of learning, there is no end for her next move. No one has ever accused her of
to the Heart’s well of enthusiasm. They are being the quiet one. The world has taught her that
innovative, creative and passionate about their nothing can change if you never dare to speak up,
ideas. A natural motivator, the Heart of Elements is but has not yet tarnished her golden heart. No one
a driving force for many things that extend beyond who knows her will be surprised to hear The
oneself. Champion’s voice among the first to be raised when
someone needs to stand up for what’s right.
Quite often darting from place to place, they are
hard to pin down. But who would want to? She is a There's a charming sense of fearlessness about her
person who enjoys new experiences. Seeing new as she throws herself into things with a flourish and
places. Learning new things. Her experiences have dramatic flare as a reflection of her desire is to
made her friendly, encouraging and smart. The ignite the world. The Champion has never known
Heart is on a constant quest for discovery, unafraid how to shy away from a challenge or an adventure,
to ask the hard questions, unafraid to learn the and is forever on an aggressive pursuit of her goals.
hard lessons. She knows it is a quest she will be on Her passion may burn hot, but it is well fueled and
the whole of her life. Yet she faces ever forward steady. This is no tiny spark but a full blown, raging
with a smile on her face. She plans to get the most fire.
she can out of life.
of Elements of Elements
The Luminary of Elements is a stubborn little The Shepherd of Elements is a man who wants to
spitfire who will fight the good fight till it’s done. change the world. He is also exactly the man to do
She is the person who you want standing at your it. He’s never been one to walk the beaten path, but
side, but one you definitely do not want to cross. a trailblazer who forges his own unique way.
She is an intelligent woman with a silvery tongue. Challenging the norm has gathered his own truths
One who knows what she wants, and is determined and he has found both inspiration and compassion
to get it. Once her sights are set, she cannot be have taken him far. There’s so much that he has to
swayed and take pity on those who stand in her share with the world and so much more than he
way. wants to know.
A passionate and generally cheerful person who He believes there’s a chance for everyone to reach
enjoys the company of others, she is friendly and their full potential, but that progression can bring
has many friends but has always been independent. challenge and change. The Shepherd will charge
She’s a delightful entertainer. Someone who likes to forward and guide your forth. He’s an advocate for
perform for the love of the craft. Her enthusiasm bold ideas, unafraid to question and reevaluate old
can be infectious, and her restless desire to achieve and outdated ideas. He wants to fix our worldly
her goals will inspire you forward as well. woes, and to inspire others to follow his lead. His
goal is not to be a hero because it will take more
than one man to change the world, he wants to
Upright: Courage, Determination, Joy teach others to search for and stand up for the
Reversed: Selfishness, Jealousy, Insecurity things that matter.
of Bees of Bees
Patient, honorable and trustworthy, The Heart of The Champion of Bees is steady as a rock. They
Bees is someone you want in your corner. The sort know the path that will get them where they need
of friend you know you can trust with your most to go, and they will diligently follow it the whole
intimate secret and know they will never hold it way. They are hard working, realistic and tend to
over your head. A down-to-earth sort of person notice all the smaller details that pull the larger
whose natural age may not be reflective of their picture together. They may not care to answer the
soul, her maturity gives her an air of responsibility call of the spotlight, but that does not make them
beyond her years. She is practical and hard lonely. They’re just more comfortable behind the
working, and while she may not be the first to scenes than on the center stage. They understand
finish, her work is always flawless. And she that there is great value and importance in the
definitely likes to work with her hands. A craftsman things that might otherwise seem mundane.
with her fingertips, she is as industrious as she is
creative, able to take things into her own hands and The Champion is a person who wants to work with
make them greater. you, to help you along your path and keep track of
the details that might slip through your fingertips.
Open to new opinions and ideas, she is on a They’re a person who keeps you grounded, and
constant quest to better herself. Willing to grow. plans for the realistic, but only to help you keep
Willing to listen. She is someone who understands sight of your destination. They would never dare to
that you can have an effect on things if you dare to crush your dreams.
get your hands dirty. After all, the world is what you
make of it so why not make it a wonderful place? Upright: Grounded, Realistic, Supportive
Reversed: Obsessive, Overbearing, Controling
of Bees of Bees
The Luminary of Bees is the kind of person who The Shepherd who tends the lambs must also fight
makes you feel at home wherever they happen to off the wolf. To provide, they must be strong
be. They are the one that you can turn to when you enough to protect the things they have around
need the comfort of trust without doubt. Love with them. They are a person who has worked hard to
no strings attached. There’s a sense of security they be where they are and for everything they’ve got,
have about their presence, an emotional sense of and will proudly help you do the same. They are
stability. strong, steady and reliable, not just physically but
emotionally. And when they are with you, they are
Whether they agree with you or not, they will stand in it for the long haul.
beside you on your path, holding your hand while
you making dreams into reality. The Luminary of With them on your side, you know that you can win,
Bees might seem old-fashioned on the surface, but not through simple luck but through all their
when you dig a little deeper, you will find a wealth perseverance. They can be meticulous, and place
of knowledge and traditions that may bring a whole high values on security. But they’ll give everything
new light to your journey. they’ve got to help you get where you need to be.
Upright: Nurturing, Emotional Stability, Practical Upright: Protection, Reliable, Loyalty, Pride
Reversed: Self-Centered, Jealous, Possessive Reversed: Greed, Indulgence, Selfishness
of Tides of Tides
Of course The Heart is a romantic little thing. The most loyal and loving of all the Champions is
Someone unafraid to let their emotions show, they the Champion of Tides. They are a person who will
see the world in a light of beauty and wonder give themselves, unquestioningly, to the point
others may never understand. With their where they wear themselves thin. Though they may
invigorating and intuitive sense of romance and seem delicate on the surface and their heart can be
imagination, they tend to make friends and fall in easily bruised, their compassion and dedication
love easily. Perhaps it’s their strong sense of runs as thick as the blood within their veins.
empathy, or their loyal and poetic nature.
They tend to be a more introverted sort,
It’s always been as easy as breathing for them to introspective and refined. Not so much a shy violet
make new friends. They have a way of making as one who only likes speaking when they have
everyone feel special and included. Even now, they something they want to say. They appreciate the
are telling stories to their new friend. A believer, quieter, tender moments that bring out the peace
daydreamer and storyteller, they take everything to and beauty of life.
heart and hold it dear and close.
of Tides of Tides
If you want someone who will walk with you through Ever peaceful, tolerant and caring, the Shepherd of
your dreams, the Luminary of Tides will guide you. Tides is a wizened master of the world they have
They’re the sort of person who always seems to be worked hard to shape and form. They can be very
drifting, but in truth knows where they’re going far passionate in the things that matter to them, and
better than most. Mysterious and otherworldly, you will find that a great deal does. But they have
they’re the person who you’d want to have deep learned how to harness and temper that passion
meaningful conversations with more than you into the diplomatic empathy of a good leader. They
would want them to do your taxes. Their strengths are calm, careful and diplomatic, a classy and
lie in intuition, a spiritual and healing sort of socially responsible individual who has faced their
character, they are able to express themselves challenges with grace and humility.
quite easily through metaphor.
The Shepherd has learned their lessons of life by
A person who seems to understand the experiencing the world, seeing many things and
complexities of relationships better than others, touching many lives. But more than that, they have
they are a good source of counsel in the arenas of learned where to use that knowledge in becoming a
friendship and love. One who pulls others to them tolerant and wise ruler.
easily, their family is ever-growing. They will be your
guide with a gentle hand and a faraway gaze.
of Stars of Stars
Though the surface may seem artificial, the Heart of The Champion of Champions, this Star is too bright
Stars possesses a shining heart and brilliant mind. for their own good. She’s always been one to
Adaptable and full of potential, she’s always been a challenge the norm, to question old ideas and to
quick study, able to take on new knowledge and fight for things worth fighting for. Justice and
apply it almost effortlessly. Flexible to change she equality have always been part of her basic
knows the world is in constant motion and programming. Clever to the core, The Champion of
understands she needs to keep moving if she plans Stars may be bold and opinionated, but they
to keep up. possess the most noble heart of anyone you know.
Technologically adept, she is excited by the ideas of She can be stubborn and direct, especially when
expansion and freedoms brought by knowledge. there’s a chance she’s right. Unafraid to demand
She has high hopes for the future and wants the the truth of authoritative figures, she’ll never shy
world to be connected. away from a debate. Never turn her eyes from hard
knowledge. Ever moving forward, she moves to
Upright: Adept, Fast Learner, Curious, Expansive make this world a more illuminated place.
Reversed: Deceptive, Manipulative, Arrogant
of Stars of Stars
An honest and brilliant soul, the Luminary of Stars The Shepherd of Stars is a man who plans ahead. A
has lit the way for countless others that have strategist as much as a counselor, the Shepherd is
followed after her luminous glow. She is a woman a person who leads because others trust his
of both intuition and clear and mindful thoughts. judgment. He’s man of strong convictions and
Though she may use her heart to guide her, she follows a strong moral compass; the sort of level-
uses the facts to back it up. headed and compassionate person you want calling
the shots. His high ideals and objective reasoning
She is a problem solver and an insightful individual make him a fair and insightful being.
who has both experienced and perceived the world
as the challenge and wonderful gift that it is. A Dependable, reliable and designed to last, the
teacher and mentor, she encourages others to find Shepherd can be patient and has the drive to keep
their own truths that are out there and is happy to going. Quietly supportive and damn near
light their path along the way. incorruptible, he is often given the power of
command. People trust him to get the job done and
know that it will be done well.
Upright: Clear Minded, Logical, Perceptive, Guide
Reversed: Cold, Calculated, Authoritative Upright: Disciplined, Reliable, Incorruptible
Reversed: Manipulative, Cruel, Stubborn
“We want to express our deepest appreciation to all of those who contributed to and supported this
project. Without each and everyone of you this would have never have been possible and we thank
you with all our hearts.
When in doubt, put your faith in the heart
of the cards.” - Yugi Moto