Way Ahead TB Sample Unit 1 Level 206
Way Ahead TB Sample Unit 1 Level 206
Way Ahead TB Sample Unit 1 Level 206
22 Unit 1 Lesson 1
Page 3 Revising the language focus
● Write these verb forms on the board: have been, went,
Verbs (1 Write the past participles …) flew, stayed, were, didn’t like, loved and teach any they
Answers: had, written, seen, been, received, eaten don’t know.
● Tell the children that the words are from an email they are
Verbs (2 Complete the sentences …) going to read. Can they guess what the email is about?
Answers: Have you ever seen a crocodile? ● Joe and Sally ● Write the word Disneyland on the board. Point to the
have never been to Australia. ● Joe’s key pal has not verbs again. Ask children to make sentences they think
emailed since last year. ● We have never had a visitor from might be in the email.
another country. ● Sally has just received an email from her
key pal. ● I have never eaten Indian food.
Page 5
Matching (3 Match the towns with their countries.) Reading (1 Read Sally’s email from Samia.)
Answers: Amman/Jordan; London/England; ● Children look at the email. Ask them to read it quickly and
Bejing/China; New York/America; Cairo/Egypt; find as many proper names as they can. Write them on the
Vancouver/Canada board.
● Children read the email again, silently, in their own time.
Writing (4 Complete the sentences as in the example.)
Answers: She is Jordanian. They are American. He is Speaking (2 Look, ask and answer.)
English. She is Chinese. I’m Egyptian.
● Ask children to cover the email and read the four
questions. Can they answer them without looking?
Lesson 2 Page 5 Page 4
● Set a time limit. How many other questions can children
write down about the email? Children write their questions
Language focus Present perfect and past simple on the board; other children answer.
● Ask children to think of a place to go or visit. Bring seven ● They can also start a new card for irregular verbs, to which
or eight children forward to stand in a circle. they add as they go through their Pupil’s Books.
Unit 1 Lesson 2 23
Page 4 Speaking (2 Talk about English and you.)
● Ask children to make sentences at random about their
Writing (1 Make questions as in the example.)
answers to the questionnaire.
Answers: Have you done your homework yet? Has Sally
● You may wish to collect the answers to the questionnaire
been to the shops yet? Has Joe found his key yet? Have your
on the board, writing the number of children under each
pen friends written to you yet? Have we had any letters yet?
column, e.g.
Verbs (2 Complete the conversations …) Never Sometimes Often
Answers: Have you ever been to America? Yes, we went read books 0 16 14
there last year. We flew from London to New York. Where watch TV 28 2 0
did you stay? We stayed in a big hotel near Central Park.
Listening – speaking (3 Listen and speak.)
I have never been to Australia but my cousins went there
● These examples demonstrate how a topic can be
three years ago. What did they see there? They saw
introduced using the present perfect. Play Tape 2.
kangaroos and koala bears. Did they like Australia? Yes,
Children listen and follow in their books.
they liked it very much. They did not want to leave.
Sally: Have you met the new boy?
Language focus Talking about frequency of English
Joe: No. What’s his name?
usage; introducing topics (conversation)
Sally: His name is James. He’s nice.
New language How often do you read English? Have B
you seen this video? Joe: Have you seen this video?
Sally: You mean the Lion King? Yes, I have.
New words sign (n.), met
Joe: Did you like it?
Preparation Bring in a small box. Sally: I loved it.
24 Unit 1 Lesson 3
Warm-up ● Play the tape again; children decide (or check) their
Play a quick quiz game with regular and irregular verbs. answers.
Divide the class into two teams, A and B. Make three Answers: Mark’s key pal is Bill from the USA; Amy’s key
columns on the board (1, 2 and 3) and write be, was and pal is Sami from Egypt.
been beneath. Then write received under was in column 2.
Team A now has to fill in one of the other columns (receive Speaking – writing (3 Find, say and write.)
or received) and Team B the remaining column. Write ● Children choose a key pal and make notes. Each child
another verb form (e.g. have in column 1) and continue. then describes his/her key pal. Can the others guess who
Score 1 point for each correct answer. it is?
● Each child writes a short description of his/her key pal.
Page 7
● Play the tape again; children listen and repeat. Pages 8, 9 7 Codes RFP tape
● Children close their books. Write the three key words on
Reading for pleasure
the board, numbered 1, 2 and 3; say one of the other
words. Children say which column it goes in. Messages and codes
Children should be familiar with scanning a text before
Listening (2 Listen and find.) reading it to help them predict what it is about. If you wish to
● Give children time to look at the pictures and read the revise prediction skills follow these steps
information under each one. 1 Give children a moment or two to read the title, look at the
● Play a quick word association game, first looking at their pictures and read the labels. (In this text the title and the
books and then with books closed, e.g. You say labels give a lot of information.)
Sami, children say Egypt ; USA/Bill, etc. 2 Ask what they expect to read about in the text. Write their
● Play Tape 4. Children listen and look at the pictures. ideas on the board.
3 Tell them to look at the text quickly for a moment, but not
Tape 4 to read every word.
4 Ask if they have noticed any words that give them more
Mark: My key pal is a boy. He’s thirteen and he has
accurate ideas of what they are going to read about. Write
brown curly hair. He likes football and so do I.
these up on the board
He is American. I’ve never been to the USA, but I
would like to go there some day. Can you guess ● Play the tape. Children listen and follow in their books.
who it is? Explain any new or unfamiliar words.
Amy: My key pal is is a girl. She’s very tall with ● With the class, look at the ideas on the board and ask how
brown hair. She lives in a hot country and she well they match the text they heard.
likes to go to the beach. She’s twelve years old. ● If the class needs practice in scanning, ask them to find
Do you know who it is? particular parts of the text, e.g. say Tell me about the
pigeon post/ hieroglyphs/ smoke signals, etc. Children