Law in Canadian News Assignment

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Date Assigned: December 10, 2021 Name:____________________________________ CLU3M

Law in Canadian News Assignment

Objective: Apply knowledge of categories of law, conduct research, analyze finding, create inquiry based
questions for further examination, and familiarize yourself with current legal issues in Canada.

Each student will collect three (3) articles based on the theme of Law in Canadian News. You are
expected to have a variety of articles on Criminal Law a variety of news websites and over a period of
time. Use the rubric below to see how you will be evaluated.

Each article should be followed by a legal review which includes the following:
a) Article title, source, date, and author
b) Parties involved
c) Summary of article (5 sentence goal)
d) Identify and explain how it relates to a criminal law, specific criminal offences, parties to an offence,
and your understanding of the law.

Final Write Up:

When you have completed your 3 reviews answer the following question: “What role does law play in
our society. Use examples from your articles to support your ideas.”

Format for submission:

Report. Organize your work as follows: Rubric. Points A-D, repeat x3. Conclude with your response
to the application/communication question.

Reviews - KU, CO, TI
Final response- AP, CO (max 1 page double-spaced, typed 12 point Times Roman)

Law News Review Rubric

Content u/s Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
-Knowledge/ -Student -shows a very shows some shows a good shows an
Understanding shows no limited understanding understanding exceptional
understandin understanding of of understanding
/10 g of events/ of events/article events/article of
article content events/article content content events/article
content content

Thinking Inquiry -not -only one or some of the -most of the -All of the
(variety of types of completed two types are different types different types different types of
represented of law are of law are law are
law) /20 represented represented represented

-Application - Response -not -very limited -some ideas -considerable -thorough and
completed ideas with with some and good ideas well supported
or no little support support
/20 support

Communication -not -many major -minor mistakes -minor -almost no

-sentence form completed mistakes and and some major mistakes but mistakes made
and clarity of convoluted ideas mistakes. the overall and the clarity of
ideas Overall ideas clarity of ideas writing is well
are comes done to superb
somewhat clear through well

Due Date: December 15th, 2021

News Story 1 2 News Story 2 3

Full Title of Paper
a) Article title, source, date, and author a) Article title, source, date, and author
First Name Last Name b) Parties involved b) Parties involved
Holy Trinity Catholic Secondary School c) Summary of article (5 sentence c) Summary of article (5 sentence
CLU3M goal) goal)
Instructor’s Name d) Identify and explain how it relates d) Identify and explain how it relates
December 15, 2021 to a criminal law, specific criminal to a criminal law, specific criminal
offences, parties to an offence, and offences, parties to an offence, and
your understanding of the law. your understanding of the law.

News Story 3 4 5 References 7

“What role does law play
a) Article title, source, date, and author in our society. Use Internet Youtube
b) Parties involved
c) Summary of article (5 sentence
examples from your RCMP confirm arrest of wanted
goal) articles to support your bell island man. (2021, December
d) Identify and explain how it relates 21). VOCM.
ideas.” www.
to a criminal law, specific criminal
offences, parties to an offence, and 0/rcmp-arrest
your understanding of the law.

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